Simple and effective rejuvenation: self-massage of the face by Elena Zemskova

To rejuvenate or maintain their youth, women are ready to do a lot. The most radical solution in this matter is plastic surgery and braces. The disadvantage of this method is the long recovery process and the short duration of the effect. Other methods of skin rejuvenation take longer, but the effect when carried out regularly is much better. Natural rejuvenation with the help of facial gymnastics, masks, and wraps is now gaining popularity. Self-massage of the face plays an important role in environmentally friendly methods of rejuvenation.

Benefits of facial massage

The main benefit of facial massage is to relax the muscles, which are always tense while a person is awake. This type of massage can be performed not only in the salon, but also independently. You can do this at any time, anywhere, when you have a couple of free minutes.

The self-massage technique developed by Elena Zemskova is quite easy to perform and very effective.

Hemolymphatic drainage

In addition to chiromassage, Professor Enrique Castells Garcia refined the lymphatic drainage technique, based on the invention of the Vodder couple. Only, unlike the original source, the technique affects not only the lymphatic system, but also the venous system, as well as one of the most important fluids of the body - the interstitial (tissue, intercellular space). That is why she received the prefix “hemo”. Experts have proven that hemolymphatic drainage improves immunity, actively removes decay products, reduces swelling of various origins, eliminates congestion in tissues and muscles, activates redox processes in tissues, and also promotes the formation of histamine-like substances. When caring for the face, hemolymphatic drainage gives lasting results in the fight against rosacea, dry skin, early aging, and impaired drainage function of tissues and muscles.

Preparing for a massage

Preparatory procedures consist of several stages:

  1. Facial cleansing: removing makeup residue and toning the skin.
  2. Creating a comfortable environment in which you can easily relax and get ready to do the exercises. This includes lighting candles, incense, turning on your favorite relaxing music, etc.
  3. Choosing a comfortable position near the mirror (so that you can easily control your movements).

Preparatory exercises to increase the effectiveness of the procedure:

  1. Take several deep, slow breaths in and out through your folded palms near your face. Quantity - 5-10 times.
  2. Cover your face with your palms and relax your muscles. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds.
  3. Place your palms on both sides of your neck and hold them there for up to 20 seconds.

You should not start a massage with intense exercises without prior preparation, as this may cause side effects in the form of severe redness, itching or pain.

How to consolidate the result

You should start with short sessions. Just five minutes is enough in the initial stages. Over time, increase the duration of self-massage, but it is better not to do it for more than a quarter of an hour. The results are felt after the first manipulations, but they can be seen on the face no earlier than a week later.

You can increase the effectiveness of procedures by using professional preparations (cream, mask, lotions) or home procedures with self-prepared formulations. There are many recipes for home cosmetology using affordable simple products.

To complete the self-massage, use the following mask:

  1. Grate a small apple.
  2. Mix the fruit pulp with natural yogurt.
  3. Add a few drops of almond oil (for oily skin it is better to take jojoba).
  4. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face in an even layer.
  5. Remove with cool water after a quarter of an hour.

The mask has a rejuvenating effect, soothes, promotes the disappearance of defects in the form of sagging, refreshes and restores a healthy tone.

Massage technique

The initial stage of self-massage according to Zemskova is the effect on the nervous system, and only then on the vascular and muscular.

To perform this you will need an oil that has healing properties, preferably with a pleasant smell (almond, grape seed). If there is no such oil in the house, then you can use olive, pumpkin or even sunflower. When using any of them, my hands will easily glide over the surface of the skin without injuring it.

Self-massage of the face of Elena Zemskova consists of five main techniques:


Stroking has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms it and promotes skin regeneration.

At the first stage , the following manipulations should be performed:

  1. Using the back of your palms, without pressing, you need to stroke your face, starting from the neck, then moving to the cheeks and forehead, and after that - from the center of the face to the sides. Number of repetitions: 2-3 times.
  2. Then you need to repeat everything in the reverse order: forehead, cheeks, neck, etc. Slowly stroke the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulders, changing hands one by one, and then move to the side of the neck. Number of repetitions: 2-3 times.
  3. Separately work on the forehead and cheek areas.

The essence of the second stage is the effect on the vascular system and lymph flow. To do this, it is necessary to perform stroking as in the first stage, making the movements more intense, but not so much that there is no displacement of the skin. The direction of movement is along the lymph.

Kneading with fingers

Kneading with your fingers has a positive effect on the condition of the nervous, lymphatic and venous systems. Thanks to this, the muscles become toned, and facial wrinkles become less noticeable.

This technique involves slow movements of the fingertips, moving from the center with minimal movement of the skin. The lifting effect is achieved from similar quick actions.

The final stage is stroking to soothe the skin and prevent pain. Such sensations often appear the next day if the rules of self-massage are not followed.

Kneading with phalanges of fingers

A profound effect on the muscular system is possible with this exercise. Elena recommends performing it with increasing intensity, like the previous manipulations. This is necessary so that the skin is prepared for intense exposure without being injured.

All actions using the phalanges of the fingers should be performed slowly, very carefully and without the slightest pressure. When applied correctly, the phalanges should be bent towards the little finger.

Areas where wrinkles are more pronounced can be treated more intensively by staying longer in this area. For example, you can correct the oval of your face by kneading the double chin area with your phalanges.

Finger shower

One of the final stages of self-massage of the face from Elena Zemskova is a finger shower. The technique is based on a tapping effect with the fingertips, carried out in the direction of the lines with the greatest tension in the muscle tissue, moving from the central part to the periphery. This exercise can improve muscle tone and skin elasticity.


Pinching also belongs to the final stage of self-massage, thanks to which a lifting effect is achieved. To do this, follow the basic rules:

  • Perform pinching along the tension lines of the facial muscles;
  • Pinch the fold of skin with the muscle between the thumb (fixed) and index finger, moving smoothly;
  • Increase the pace of execution by pinching small areas - this makes the lifting effect more pronounced;
  • Repeat the exercise 2-3 times, ending with stroking.

There should be no pain or severe discomfort when performing the exercises. The presence of unpleasant sensations may indicate mistakes made during the self-massage process; they need to be eliminated.

Completion of the massage

Proper completion of a self-massage session is the key to success. The procedure must be completed by completely relaxing the previously treated areas using light, barely perceptible touches with your palms. It is best to do this with your eyes closed.

After completing all the manipulations, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination of the face to determine the changes that have occurred, as well as their assessment.

What will happen at the seminar

Basic seminars on chiromassage of the face and body are the most important moment of training, because here the foundation of the future language is laid, massage techniques and methods of their implementation are studied, which are unique to this technique. This is important to understand, since many years of experience as a massage therapist does not help here. This is a new language. These are new words. Unique words. Alluring and mysterious.

Only by understanding massage techniques and their application will you be able to perform chiromassage professionally. Therefore, at the basic seminar we study basic and additional techniques and their combinations. The main techniques that affect muscles are kneading. Additional techniques: stroking, passes, percussion, vibration. Having completed a basic seminar on chiromassage of the face or body, you will already be able to perform massage using this technique, create individual massage regimens aimed at some specific client problems. But, to a greater extent, this opportunity will appear if you continue your training at subsequent seminars on chiromassage and expand your knowledge and skills with a large number of specialized and combined techniques that allow you to obtain a specific result and increase the effectiveness of the impact.

It is especially important to understand that the course provides not only technical techniques, but also studies working with one’s own body (the biomechanics of a massage therapist’s movements) and the understanding of massage as a creative act.

Once at a seminar, one of the students asked Professor Garcia a question: “Why so many things? It could be simpler..." To which the teacher replied: “Yes, of course you can. But then it will be “like everyone else,” “like everyone else,” and “as always.” The celebration of the triumph of admiring individuality will turn into the dull futility of everyday life. My technique is your signature style, your uniqueness, which your patients will never exchange for anything. Because you are complex and you are the best...”

Chiromassage is a manual massage. Massage performed with hands, as opposed to hardware, cupping, stone massage, massage with brooms, herbal bags and other attributes. It appeared and got its name thanks to Dr. Ferrandis, who lived and practiced in Barcelona at the beginning of the 20th century. It was a time of strict control by the Catholic Church regarding everything related to the body, body culture, physicality. Massage was perceived as a way to obtain pleasure, “carnal pleasures.” It was necessary to change attitudes and present massage as an important preventive, physiotherapeutic method. Dr. Ferrandis solved this problem very successfully and did not limit himself to its practical application, but opened a School for teaching chiromassage. Chiromassage received further development in the form of a harmonious system of a wide variety of techniques, with the ability to solve a number of problems, both therapeutic and aesthetic, thanks to Enrique Castells Garcia. He, being a brilliant massage therapist and a talented teacher, contributed to the dissemination of his original methods outside of Spain.

For twenty years, Enrique Castells Garcia has been developing and improving his original methods of holistic effects on the human body: chiromassage, hemolymphatic drainage and neurosedative massage. Today these are some of the most popular techniques in the world. They are distinguished by a wide variety of techniques that make it possible to fully influence the muscular, joint, vascular and nervous systems.

Duration and frequency of procedures

If you are unable to regularly visit a specialist in a beauty salon, you can take care of yourself at home, because this does not require a lot of time or money.

Elena Zemskova recommends doing facial massage in a course that includes 10 procedures, with a repetition frequency of 2 times every 7 days. The duration of one session is from 24 to 36 minutes. If you perform self-massage regularly and follow the proper technique, the result in the form of rejuvenated, tightened skin will not be long in coming.

After the first changes and in the absence of side effects, the frequency of sessions can be adjusted according to your own feelings after all the manipulations.

Who is it shown to?

Elena Zemskova assures that procedures can be performed at any age. For young girls, they will help refresh the skin tone, prevent the appearance of sagging, and get rid of some defects. With the help of the course, older women will be able to achieve the impossible - restore youth and get rid of obvious signs of aging.

Manipulations can be carried out with the following skin problems:

  • numerous small wrinkles;
  • swelling and loss of clear facial contours and neck;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • too obvious furrows;
  • rapid aging;
  • sagging in certain areas of the face;
  • tired, exhausted look.

The very first procedures will prove that it is quite possible to get rid of all these problems without resorting to salon procedures, for which some women do not have the time or opportunity. The main thing is to carefully study the features of the manipulations offered by Zemskova’s course.


After performing all the exercises for self-massage of the face, after the first week the following is observed:

  • Feeling of relaxation;
  • Improving skin color and condition;
  • Reduced swelling;
  • Smoothing out small facial wrinkles.

Reviews of self-massage of the face by Elena Zemskova say that the exercises help not only improve the color of the skin, but also increase their density and elasticity. It’s unlikely that you can deal with deep wrinkles using this method, but you can easily tighten them up, correct their contour, and give them radiance.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with another effective facial massage technique on and learn about Shiatsu points.


Elena Zemskova claims that only strict adherence to all rules and requirements will achieve positive results. A certain attitude and special preparation play an important role here. A prerequisite is that self-massage should be carried out in comfortable conditions. The first manipulations must be carried out in front of a mirror, in a sitting position. After all the movements are performed automatically, you can do them on a comfortable sofa or chair.

Before you begin health-improving self-massage, be sure to carry out simple preparation:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub.
  2. Wash with non-aggressive detergents.
  3. Steam your face - use a damp hot towel.
  4. Dry the skin, you can use a soothing agent - lotion, homemade herbal tonic.

When preparing, make sure that the skin is not irritated - this will negatively affect the procedure. If this happens, use products that can soothe the dermis, and only then begin manipulation.

Important! Before you start self-massage, you definitely need to relax - meditation will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure and prepare the skin. Hold your palms on different parts of your face for several minutes - this will saturate them with healing energy.


To get the maximum effect from Elena Zemskova’s self-massage, cosmetologists recommend:

  • Combine exercises with other cosmetic procedures (facial cryomassage, honey massage, etc.);
  • Regularly use face masks suitable for your skin type;
  • Do not neglect creams and serums that can consolidate the results of the massage.
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