Revi Mesopeptides 2% / Hyaluronic gel for mesotherapy

Biorevitalizants REVI (Revi) - developed by MKS-Laboratory (Moscow), part of the CLS International group of companies. The domestic origin of the line of drugs deserves respect. Only a few Russian cosmetic products have reached the same world level in quality as Revy biorevitalizants.

REVI brand fillers use a unique combination of unstabilized hyaluronic acid and antioxidant components: trehalose polysaccharide, quercetin, pterostilbene, which has no analogues on the injectable market:

  • The main active ingredient of biorevitalizants is hyaluronic gel, developed at the Kyoto Institute in Japan. It is created on the basis of hyaluronic acid, which is the same amorphous substance surrounding the interweaving of collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis. The reliability of fiber fixation also depends on its strength. When its natural production stops, the skin loses its elasticity and “floats”. Carrying out biorevitalization and bioreparation procedures fills this gap.
  • Trehalose, as part of the REVI drug, acts not only as a natural stabilizer of hyaluronic acid, but also acts as a powerful antioxidant. Together with hyaluronic acid, trehalose protects cell membranes from the aggressive effects of the external environment and participates in the process of starting the process of autophagy, the most important mechanism of cellular cleansing.
  • Quercetin protects hyaluronic acid from natural breakdown.
  • Pterostilbene prevents the accumulation of metabolic products in cells, cleansing them and speeding up the same metabolic processes. In other words, it is an anti-aging nutritional compound that kickstarts the skin's rejuvenation process.

What is biorevitalizant Revy?

The biorevitalization drug Revi is one of the active products in the Revi anti-aging system line.

Photo of biorevitalizant Revy and Revy Brilliance

  • Manufacturer: NMTC International (MKS-Laboratory LLC).
  • Country of issue: Russia.
  • Official website of the company:

NMTC International is a leader in the field of research into the properties of hyaluronic acid in the Russian Federation. The company produces high-quality products that can be used not only in cosmetology, but also in aesthetic surgery (plastics).

Biorevitalizant "Revi" has a rapid effect and gives results that last for more than 1.5 years.

Unlike other analogues, which require 6 injections for rejuvenation, Revi has a similar effect after only 2 injections.

Biorevitalizant "Revi" was highly appreciated by cosmetologists from different countries and has a European CE certificate.

A cosmetologist will tell you all the details about the biorevitalizant “Revi” in this video:

The Revy line of drugs consists of several types:

  • For mesotherapy - Revi Meso (Revi Meso), Revi Mesopeptides (Revi Mesopeptides - gel with peptides), Revi Meso Gold, Revi Meso Platinum.
  • For biorevitalization - Revi and Revi Brilliants.
  • In gynecology – Revi Reform.
  • In neurology - Revi Ods.
Hyaluronic acid content10 ml15 ml
Recommended age for usefrom 25 years oldfrom 25 years old
Injection frequencyOnce every 4-6 months.Once every 6-8 months.
Release formsyringe vol. 1 ml syringe vol. 2 ml

Areas of application: face, neck and décolleté, back of feet and palms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

Hyaluronic acid for the first time in Russia

The history of the Russian one, which focuses on preparations with hyaluronic acid, begins in 2005.

The company's technologists were tasked with creating a domestic biorevitalizant that would successfully compete with imported analogues in price, without being inferior to them in quality.

At that time, hyaluronic acid was just gaining popularity among domestic cosmetologists, and the attitude towards it was still wary.

For the company's biochemists, the choice in its favor was obvious. This glycosaminoglycan already had many fans in the international scientific community.

In addition, hyaluronic acid, as a substance that is a related component of skin and connective tissue, was supposed to replace polyacrylamide compounds, which caused unpleasant side effects and delayed negative consequences.

This is how the REVI line of biorevitalizants for use in cosmetology appeared.

The company's portfolio has expanded, and injectable drugs have appeared for various fields of medicine: dentistry (Revident), traumatology (Revisk), urology (Uro-hyal).

Another important step for the company was the recognition of product quality. In 2012, production was certified for compliance with the international standard EN ISO 13485 . This meant that a notified body from Europe carried out an annual audit of the quality management system and issued an opinion. The enterprise is equipped with the most modern equipment for the production of high-tech medical products. Raw materials and components from Europe, the USA and South Korea are used in the production of products.

This is how the research and production holding “CLS International” reached the modern level of development.

Composition of Revi

The main component in the biorevitalizants Revy and Revy Brilliance is a gel based on hyaluronic acid . Thanks to injections of these drugs, it is possible to replenish the lack of hyaluron in tissues, increasing its firmness and elasticity.

Biorevitalizant Revi Brilliants consists of the same ingredients as regular Revi, the only difference is that the concentration of hyaluronic acid in 1 ml of product is 1.5 ml.

Revy Diamonds gel also has a thicker structure, due to which it helps keep the skin toned for at least 6-8 months.

There are also other components in the product. Their goal is to neutralize free radicals that cause early appearance of wrinkles and dullness of the face.

Here is a list of excipients:

  • Quercetin is a protein with antioxidant effects. Helps in the fight against cancer, protects hyaluronic acid from decay and promotes its complete absorption by the body.
  • Trehalose – protects cells from destruction, renews cell membranes. Improves cellular metabolism, has an enveloping effect and protects cells from the effects of oxides. Thanks to trehalose, moisture in the dermis is better retained, prolonging its youth and beauty.
  • Pterostilbene also has antioxidant properties, slows down the aging process and rejuvenates.

These components have a complex effect on the skin, thanks to which, after biorevitalization of Revy, it is possible to obtain a lasting rejuvenation effect.

Click on the photo to enlarge it

Synergy of components

Trehalose, which is part of REVI biorevitalizants, also acts as a natural stabilizer of hyaluronic acid.

Due to its hydrophilicity, hyaluronic acid has a high ability to bind water. As a result of this binding, the intercellular substance acquires the character of a jelly-like matrix capable of “supporting” cells. By forming intercellular spaces, hyaluronic acid facilitates the supply of nutrients to cells and the removal of metabolic products, interacting with cell surface receptors, performs a regenerative function, stimulates fibroblast migration and cell proliferation.

The hyaluronic acid molecule contains a large number of nitrogen atoms, oxygen and OH groups, which allows it to form hydrogen bonds between several macromolecules, bonds within one macromolecule, bonds with trehalose and water molecules.

In the hyaluronic acid molecule, hydrogen bonds link parts of the same macromolecule, causing it to take on an ordered structure. Trehalose, being a disaccharide, contains in its molecule a sufficient number of OH groups to form hydrogen bonds.

Therefore, in fact, a helical structure is obtained (formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds), which holds a large number of water and trehalose molecules. In this case, intermolecular bonds are also formed with neighboring molecules of hyaluronic acid, which creates a more or less ordered gel structure.

In addition, due to intermolecular interaction, long linear molecules of hyaluronic acid in aqueous solutions are able to form a three-dimensional structure, which can act as a dense molecular “sieve”, thereby limiting the movement of pathogens.


  • The patient's age is under 18 years.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.
  • Not allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Allergy and individual intolerance to the components of the composition.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Inflammation.
  • Oncology.

This is what the face looks like immediately after biorevitalization (papular technique)
List of side effects:

  • Traces at injection sites.
  • Formation of papules.
  • Rash and redness in the injection area.
  • Itching.
  • Minor bruises.

Usually these complications go away on their own within 2-3 days and do not require any treatment.

Biorevitalizant price

Those who have seriously decided on the Revi or Revi Brilliant biorevitalization procedure should find out how much this product costs.

Nameprice, rub.
Revi 1 ml4500
Revi 2 ml5500
Diamonds 1 ml7500
Diamonds 2 ml9500

The cost of the procedure may be higher, because When setting prices for biorevitalization services, cosmetologists and doctors take into account not only the cost of the biorevitalizant, but also the cost of their work.

You can buy biorevitalizant Revi and other products from the Revi line on the manufacturer’s official website (listed at the beginning of the article).


The combination of hyaluronic acid and trehalose prevents premature aging of skin cells, fights the action of free radicals that accumulate in the skin due to exposure to reactive oxygen species and solar radiation, thus restoring the natural balance between aggressive oxygen species and the antioxidant system.

The REVI line of drugs provides even more opportunities for individual work with the patient.

Account of the company - manufacturer of REVI drugs (REVI, REVI STYLE, REVI SILK, REVI STRONG) - @cls_int, official page of REVI drugs @revi.rf

How is biorevitalization carried out?

This procedure can only be done in a cosmetology or clinic setting.

Duration of the procedure:

  • Face – 10-15 minutes.
  • Body – about 30 minutes.

Revi biorevitalization conditions:

  • Local anesthesia is applied.
  • The doctor must open the package in the presence of the patient, thereby checking its integrity.
  • The skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  • Next, the specialist injects the biorevitalizant into the required areas.
  • The injection area is treated with an antiseptic (usually chlorhexidine).
  • The final part is applying a cream or mask with a skin-soothing effect.

This video demonstrates the cannula mesotherapy technique with the drug Revy Meso 2%:

Result of application

The duration of the course for each patient is selected individually.

The standard course is 4 sessions with a frequency of 4-6 months.

biorevitalizant injections provide:

  • Skin moisturizing.
  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Formation of the oval face.
  • Reducing the number of acne.
  • Improved complexion.
  • Improving the condition of the epidermis after solarium and tanning.

Photo: before and after biorevitalization

Recovery after the procedure

To reduce the risk of negative consequences of Revy biorevitalization, follow the advice of cosmetologists:

  1. For 24 hours after the injections, avoid cosmetics and contact with the skin (including washing your face).
  2. 2 days after injections, you should lubricate the skin with antiseptic ointment or cream.
  3. You cannot go to the sauna or gym for two days after the session.
  4. Within 10-14 days you should avoid solariums and prolonged exposure to the sun.
  5. Peeling and plastic surgery in the treatment area cannot be performed for 1 week after the procedure.

Revi Mesopeptides 2% / Hyaluronic gel for mesotherapy

Detailed description


REVI Mesopeptides hyaluronic gel 2% is a ready-made cocktail designed for skin revitalization (biorevitalization).
REVI Mesopeptides 2% is effectively used to smooth the skin texture, reduce the clinical manifestations of acne, and normalize the function of the sebaceous glands. The use of the drug leads to a reduction in age spots on the skin and an improvement in complexion.

REVI Mesopeptides 2% has a bright lifting and toning effect; improves skin color and texture; has a powerful antioxidant effect; increases the resistance of skin cells to external irritants; protects skin from ultraviolet exposure; demonstrates a visible rejuvenating effect, activating cell regeneration, blood circulation and microcirculation; stimulates the biological synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid; improves cellular metabolism; has nutritional and reconstructive properties; restores skin after traumatic procedures; prevents the appearance of signs of skin aging; restores its hydrobalance; increases metabolism.


  • improving skin quality,
  • eliminating dark circles under the eyes,
  • even out skin tone,
  • increasing skin tone, elasticity and firmness,
  • slowing down the aging process,
  • inhibition of inflammatory and degenerative processes,
  • restoration of the water balance of the dermis,
  • narrowing of pores,
  • pronounced lifting effect,
  • reducing the severity of wrinkles and pigmentation,
  • reparation of the skin after traumatic procedures.


  • age-related skin changes;
  • dehydration of the dermis;
  • fine-wrinkled type of aging;
  • pronounced expression wrinkles;
  • skin with signs of photo- and chronoaging;
  • decreased turgor and elasticity;
  • aging skin of the face, neck and décolleté;
  • pigmentation;
  • dehydrated skin after sunbathing, solarium or exposure to low temperatures;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • clinical manifestations of acne; alopecia;
  • preparation for volumetric and contour plastic surgery;
  • preparation and rehabilitation for plastic surgeries and medium and deep peels.


  • HA concentration: 2% (20 mg/ml)
  • Trehalose concentration: 0.025%
  • Peptide complex: 0.15%
  • Endotoxins: <0.01IU/mg
  • Molecular weight: 1.5 million Daltons
  • Degree of transverse ligament: Unbound.


Face, neck, décolleté, scalp, lower leg, thigh, shoulder girdle, dorsum of hands and feet, anterior abdominal wall.


A standard course of mesotherapy involves 1-2 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. If necessary, the course can be extended to 5 procedures with an interval of 20-30 days. The maintenance treatment regimen is determined individually. This could be a preventive approach, consisting of one treatment every 6 months, 1-2 treatments after prolonged sun exposure, or after particularly “aggressive” treatments.

Mesotherapy program with hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic gel REVI MESO PLATINUM 2.0% is not recommended for use in complex therapy with other mesoproducts!!!


12 months at temperatures from +2 to +25 degrees

Registration Certificate Number : No. FSR 2010/08694

The entire range of Revi (Russia) >>>
Biorevitalizants Revi
Mesopreparations Revi

Reviews from cosmetologists

The opinions of cosmetologists about the biorevitalizant Revi Brilliants agree that it is a completely competitive domestic product that perfectly performs its functions and rejuvenates the skin efficiently.

Natalya, dermato-cosmetologist As a doctor who has extensive experience working with the Revi brilliants biorevitalizant, I can say that it gives noticeable results in patients with thin skin, in those with finely wrinkled faces, especially in the eye area and forehead. There are also patients who, after the biorevitalizant Revy Brilliance, do not want anything else.

Irina, cosmetologist I recommend Revy biorevitalization to people with dry skin, with fine wrinkles - with this type, this product does an excellent job and gives the desired effect. For a ptotic face, it is better to use Revy Brilliance 1.5% or try Renova Revital (3-4 sessions seasonally, it will cost about 12,000 rubles).

Albina, cosmetologist Revy Brilliance is a good biorevitalizant, I recommend it to patients over the age of 40. After just one procedure, improvements are visible - the dermis is more hydrated, radiant and renewed. The composition of Revi Brilliants literally works wonders, and this is provided that it is persistent - you will need to give injections almost once a year.

Clinical researches

The company conducted its own clinical trials of biorevitalizants, which showed that when objectively assessed by a doctor using the Heinitz scale, the drug reduced external signs of aging after treatment by 27% and after 3 months – by 40%; according to the Merz scale - by 32% and 44%, respectively, the MASI index - by 19% and 18%, respectively.

When subjectively assessed by the patient, overall appearance improved by 51% after treatment and by 42% after 3 months.

The drug changed the functional parameters of the skin: melanin content decreased by 7-12%, the severity of erythema - by 10-11%.

Melanin content and degree of erythema.

After three months, melanin levels decrease

After treatment, erythema decreases, after three months in the forehead and cheek area it continues to remain low

The drug also affected the elasticity of the skin, especially in the cheek area. The viscosity of the skin of the forehead and cheeks increased by 10-22%, elasticity indicators - by 9-21%.

Dynamics of functional parameters of the skin (elasticity R2, R5, R7).

Firmness increases in the forehead and cheek area after three months.

Ultrasound of the skin.

Based on the density and thickness of the dermis, the drug remains in the skin of the forehead and cheeks after three months.

Dermis density

Dermis thickness

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