Mechanical facial cleansing: detailed description of the procedure

Facial cleansing - removal of excess accumulation of epidermis, sebum, milia, open and closed comedones. Eliminating these unsightly phenomena and deep cleansing the pores helps drain and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improve metabolic processes, and accelerate the supply of blood and oxygen to the skin. After the procedure, the skin looks smoother, firmer and healthier.

Everyone is more or less familiar with the cosmetic problems listed above. When microscopic particles of dust, decorative cosmetics, etc. get into the pores and mix with sebum, sebaceous plugs are formed. Blockage of the pores and excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands leads to disruption of the physiological processes in various layers of the dermis, tubercles, pimples, black spots appear on the skin, it looks unkempt and dirty. Therefore, professional facial cleansing is the most popular procedure in beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics.

Indications for facial cleansing

Professional facial cleansing is indicated for problems such as:

  • comedones (open and closed);
  • milia;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased skin oiliness.

At the ROSH clinic, deep therapeutic mechanical cleansing of the facial skin is carried out by experienced cosmetologists who are well-versed in the skills of performing the necessary manipulations. Particular attention is paid to the issues of asepsis and antiseptics, which completely eliminates the possibility of infection during the session. At all stages of the procedure, only prescription pharmaceutical products are used, the composition of which is selected individually taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

There are several types of facial cleansing. They differ in the technology of execution (manual, hardware, chemical), the tools and cosmetic compositions used, the effectiveness and duration of maintaining the achieved result. The different techniques are united by a similar protocol for the procedure, consisting of 4 stages:

  • thorough cleansing of the skin;
  • expansion of pores, softening of the stratum corneum of the dermis and sebum;
  • actual cleaning and removal of cosmetic defects;
  • skin treatment to tighten pores, disinfect and moisturize.

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Mechanical (manual, manual) skin cleaning

As the name suggests, this technique does not involve the use of special devices and other high-tech equipment. Removal of softened sebum, fat plugs, comedones, blackheads and milia is carried out manually using tools such as a Uno spoon, a loop and a Vidal needle. In some areas, the use of these devices may be ineffective; in this case, elimination of the defect is carried out with fingers wrapped in sterile material.

Before the procedure, the skin is steamed using a special device - a vaporizer - to maximize the opening of pores under the influence of warm steam. Compresses and masks are ineffective to achieve this goal.

It should be borne in mind that removing deep-seated dirt and sebaceous plugs may be accompanied by pain. As a rule, the degree of discomfort during manual skin cleansing is inversely proportional to the professionalism of the cosmetologist, his skills in quickly and accurately performing manipulations and the level of pain threshold in the patient. Therefore, the choice of a specialist must be approached very carefully.

Vacuum facial cleansing

When cleaning the skin using this method, a special device with a vacuum attachment is used to remove fat plugs, softened sebum, and keratinized epithelium. Under the influence of negative pressure inside the nozzle, the contents of the previously expanded pores and excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands are literally “pulled” out.

Vacuum facial cleansing is safe and is not accompanied by pain, but is less effective than mechanical skin cleansing. Usually, to achieve the desired result, one session is not enough; a course of several procedures is necessary. In addition, manipulations with a vacuum nozzle are contraindicated in the presence of inflammation on the face, in areas with rosacea and hemangiomas, and with increased fragility of blood vessels.

Effect after the procedure

The first days after the procedure, sebum secretion and peeling may increase. The cleaning effect can be assessed after 5 – 7 days:

  • cleaned pores become narrower;
  • the skin becomes smooth, elastic, radiant, matte;
  • microrelief is leveled;
  • greasy shine disappears;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • the face looks refreshed and rejuvenated.

Brushing (brossage)

Another type of hardware facial cleansing using rotating brushes made of natural bristles, followed by polishing the skin with pumice. The procedure is comfortable and painless, but provides only superficial cleansing. Carrying out brossage for deep cleansing of the skin and in the presence of serious cosmetic defects, such as acne, is impractical and even contraindicated. In addition, this technique is not used in the same cases as vacuum facial cleansing, or for sagging skin.

Immediately after the session, there is a noticeable improvement in skin texture and a reduction in the number of blackheads. This result lasts for a short time (up to 2 weeks); for a more lasting effect, a course of 8-10 procedures is necessary. Sometimes (according to individual indications) brossage is used as a preparatory step before performing deeper skin cleansing using other methods.

Benefits of facial cleansing at the ROSH clinic

  1. High professionalism of doctors. Our patients trust the clinic’s experienced specialists and are not afraid to undergo mechanical skin cleansing, because they know well that after a session at ROSH they can immediately “go out into the world”: to work, on a visit or to the theater. The face will not swell, the skin will not look irritated or painful, and a repeat procedure will not be required soon.
  2. Individual selection of products for the procedure for the patient At the ROSH clinic, products are individually selected to prepare the skin for manipulations for mechanical cleansing and for quickly narrowing pores before completing the treatment session. Correct implementation of all stages of the procedure is a guarantee of safe and high-quality deep mechanical cleansing of facial skin.
  3. Antiseptic treatment Our clinic pays special attention to antiseptic treatment, so the possibility of infection during the session is completely eliminated.

Hydration and nutrition

Many girls believe that moisturizing is only necessary for dry skin types. I hasten to refute this opinion. Every type needs hydration. Products for saturating the epithelium with moisture have different designs - creams, serums, fluids.

When choosing the right product, you should also consider the time of use. You should choose different products for morning and evening care. They contain different components that are needed at certain times of the day.

Also consider the time of year. In winter, gusts of cold wind and severe frosts have a negative impact. As a result, dryness, chapping and flaking appear. For winter, choose nutritional products containing vitamins A and E, which are important for regeneration.

In the summer, you can give preference to lighter textures - fluids. The weightless product is quickly absorbed without leaving any excess, so when sweating on a hot day you will not feel an unpleasant “soapy” sensation on your face. Don't forget about sun protection. Use creams with an SPF filter above 10 to preserve youth and protect it from photoaging.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

The most effective hardware method of facial cleansing. After softening the skin and comedones with special means—disincrustants—the problem areas are cleansed using an ultrasonic scrubber. The effect of high-frequency acoustic waves on the dermis provides vibration massage at the cellular level, which helps cleanse pores, eliminate acne, smooth out wrinkles, and remove dead skin particles.

The procedure does not cause discomfort; its implementation is important for eliminating impurities and fatty plugs localized only in the superficial layers of the skin. The use of this technique for deeper cleansing of the skin is not advisable.

Sometimes, after completing manipulations with an ultrasonic scrubber, manual mechanical cleaning of particularly difficult areas of the skin is performed, for example, in the area of ​​the wings of the nose. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to carry out a course of 3-8 sessions, and to maintain the effect, repeat the ultrasonic skin cleansing procedure after 6-8 months.

Benefits and Features

Mechanical cleansing helps fight excess sebum, blackheads and dead skin cells. This manipulation deeply cleanses the pores, gives the skin a matte appearance and makes it smoother. After the procedure, the complexion improves and the visibility of pores decreases. In addition, manual facial cleansing helps to increase the effectiveness of subsequent care several times.

The main feature of the procedure is the presence of characteristic redness and spots after removal of morphological elements, since during cleaning the specialist applies some force, literally squeezing out all the elements from the skin. Such redness is a normal reaction of the skin to mechanical stress and disappears within a few days without causing much discomfort to the patient.

Chemical cleaning of leather

This type of skin cleansing is very similar to chemical peeling, which you can read about in more detail in the article *Title - link*. However, these techniques differ both in the purpose of their implementation and in the composition and concentration of the substances used. Dry skin cleansing can be acidic, using oleic, malic, citric, lactic and glycolic acids, or enzymatic, using enzymes such as papain and bromelain.

Dry cleansing does not involve complete replacement of the old layer of skin with young cells, as with peeling. During the procedure, using special compounds, the skin is first heated and the contents of the pores and excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands are softened, then fat and other impurities are removed. Almost immediately after the session, the skin looks cleaner and healthier, but this effect does not last for a relatively long time - several weeks.

What else you should know about how to maintain healthy skin

  • Don't forget that the foods you consume affect not only your body, but also your skin. Try to consume as little high-calorie and fatty foods as possible. Give up bad foods and habits - soda, fast food, chips, alcohol, smoking. Try to eat small meals and eat foods containing vitamins and other useful microelements.
  • Play sports or simply add physical activity into your life. If you have a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, try to diversify it. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator, walk instead of driving. Such activities have a positive effect on your body.
    • Do facial exercises and massage. Performing exercises helps accelerate microcirculation, and also makes the facial muscles more elastic and strong, which prevents the first signs of aging. Just a few simple exercises in the morning and evening, and you will notice how your skin tightens, its tone increases and its color improves.

    Benefits of mechanical facial cleansing

    Despite the apparent simplicity and even primitiveness of the technique, manual skin cleansing is the most effective and popular procedure. During mechanical cleansing of the face, not only the result of inflammatory processes in the dermis is eliminated, but also the causes of many cosmetic problems (milium capsules, pimple “rods”, etc.). When performed correctly and professionally, it allows you to thoroughly and deeply cleanse the skin and prevent the reappearance of aesthetic defects for a long time.

    Yes, during deep facial cleansing procedures the patient may experience discomfort and even minor pain, and at the end of the session the skin sometimes looks irritated. But with proper rehabilitation, the very next day the situation changes dramatically, and the result of just one procedure is often significantly better than after a course of skin cleansing using other methods.

    In addition to the fact that mechanical facial cleansing allows for truly deep cleansing of the pores and excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, this technique has other advantages:

    • suitable for any skin type, including flabby, dry, etc.;
    • safe when performed correctly;
    • To achieve the desired result, only one session is required;
    • the effect lasts for a long time;
    • Repeated cleanings are recommended no more than 2-4 times a year (depending on skin type and other individual characteristics);
    • loyal price with high efficiency;
    • a small number of contraindications.

    As for pain during the session, as mentioned above, their intensity largely depends on the experience and professionalism of the cosmetologist. Patients with very advanced problem skin and a large number of deeply localized foci of the inflammatory process most often complain about discomfort after the first procedure. As a rule, repeated mechanical facial cleansing is less painful.

    Some women should consider their menstrual schedule when choosing when to have the procedure. Performing deep mechanical facial cleansing may be more comfortable in the first two-thirds of the menstrual cycle, since in rare cases 10 days before the end and within 2-3 days after the end of menstruation (i.e. at the very beginning of the next cycle) pain sensitivity happens to be elevated.

    At the ROSH clinic, deep therapeutic mechanical cleansing of the facial skin is carried out by experienced cosmetologists who are well-versed in the skills of performing the necessary manipulations. Particular attention is paid to the issues of asepsis and antiseptics, which completely eliminates the possibility of infection during the session. At all stages of the procedure, only prescription pharmaceutical products are used, the composition of which is selected individually taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

    First, the facial skin is thoroughly cleansed and degreased. Perform superficial peeling and steaming of the skin to loosen the stratum corneum of the dermis and maximize the opening of the pores and excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. Then a thorough deep cleansing of the face is carried out using special tools such as:

    • a double-sided Uno spoon, at one end of which there is a “strainer” - a concave blade with several holes, and at the other a “funnel” - a concave blade with one hole;
    • Vidal loop - a metal rod with a metal loop at the end;
    • A Vidal needle is a metal rod with a pointed tip.

    Removal of sebum, keratinized scales and small comedones is carried out using a “strainer” of a Uno spoon. To eliminate large sebaceous plugs, blackheads and pimples, use the “funnel” of a Uno spoon or a Vidal loop. To remove thick secretions and capsules, milia are pierced with a Vidal needle. Sometimes, when foci of inflammation, sebaceous plugs and other contaminants are localized in the deep layers of the dermis, applying instruments is not enough. In this case, cleansing of the pores and skin channels is performed using the fingers.

    Facial skin cleansing is performed taking into account the direction of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands: on the forehead - from the eyebrows to the hairline; on the cheekbones - from the outer edge to the center; on the chin - from bottom to top; on the nose - from the wings of the nose to the back. To eliminate the possibility of secondary infection during the procedure, instruments are disinfected after each use.

    After cleaning the skin, it is treated with special medicinal prescription cosmetics for disinfection, narrowing pores, moisturizing and nourishing. At the end of the session, the cosmetologist will give detailed recommendations on proper facial care and select the necessary cosmetics for this.


    After therapeutic mechanical cleansing of the face, there is no need to carry out any special measures to restore the skin. Careful care is enough, preferably using cosmetics selected by a doctor, and following simple recommendations.

    In the first 12 hours after the session, you should not wet the skin in the correction area.

    Before going outside, you must apply sunscreen.

    If peeling or crusts appear in certain areas of the skin, they should not be removed; in a day or two these phenomena will go away on their own.


    Therapeutic mechanical cleansing of facial skin is not performed on patients if they have:

    • any skin inflammations,
    • eczema,
    • herpes,
    • furunculosis,
    • epilepsy,
    • allergies in the acute phase.

    Why you can’t do facial cleansing yourself at home

    There is an erroneous opinion about the possibility and even preference of performing deep cleansing of the skin on your own. At first glance, an almost free home procedure looks completely uncomplicated, more comfortable and even safe compared to professional skin cleansing - this is a deep misconception.

    Firstly, without being a specialist, a person with problem skin cannot independently assess the degree of the inflammatory process and the depth of localization of its source.

    Secondly, at home it is almost impossible to ensure the required level of sterility, and it is impossible to properly prepare the skin - a steam bath is not enough to properly open the pores, loosen the keratinized scales and sebaceous plugs. In such conditions, an attempt at deep cleansing will, at best, simply not be effective, and at worst, it will lead to worsening problems.

    If the pores and excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands are insufficiently opened, it will not be possible to completely remove the impurities, and after a few days the pores will become clogged again.

    Squeezing out inflamed acne can lead to infection with purulent exudate in the surrounding areas of the dermis and the spread of the inflammatory process. The area of ​​the nasolabial triangle on the face is especially dangerous: the ethmoid bone, which has a cellular structure, is located here, separating the nasal cavity from the cranial cavity, and active blood circulation can quickly spread infection to the brain, which is fraught with such a serious pathology as meningitis.

    The result of excessive “zeal” when trying to remove deep-seated sebaceous plugs or purulent capsules may result in the appearance of scars.

    But the effect of these manipulations, of course, will be: steaming the skin followed by active mechanical action on it will serve as a stimulus for the activation of biochemical processes, including inflammatory ones, in various layers of the dermis. That is, the risk of deterioration in the condition of facial skin and an increase in the number of cosmetic defects when attempting to deep cleanse the skin at home is much higher than the short-term positive result of such cleansing.

    Why regular facial cleansing doesn't solve acne problems

    Many owners of problematic acne-prone skin hope that regular professional facial cleansing and peeling will help them get rid of this cosmetic defect. And unscrupulous or incompetent cosmetologists support them in this dangerous delusion, offering their services again and again.

    But acne, which regularly appears on various parts of the face and chest, is a disease that was first described in the works of the ancient Greek aesculapian Aetius of Amida. And like any disease, acne must be treated: conduct a diagnostic examination to identify the cause and competent therapy to eliminate the internal problem, and not fight its external manifestation - inflammation on the skin.


    • For those with a dry skin type, cleansing products such as milk or foam are perfect. The products have a gentle cleansing effect while maintaining the necessary moisture balance.
    • For girls with a normal type, most cosmetic products presented in the beauty industry can be used. The main thing is to choose a product without fragrances and parabens.
    • Girls with combination and oily skin types can choose gels for cleansing. The texture of these products not only removes impurities, but also regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

    To achieve maximum effect, I advise you to use narrowly targeted products. Universal products for makeup removal and cleansing also perform their functions, but often have less positive impact. You should choose separate products for makeup removal and cleansing. Makeup remover products are aimed at removing decorative cosmetics, regardless of type. While care products effectively cleanse the skin of impurities and are aimed at solving specific types of cosmetic imperfections.

    Comprehensive diagnostics and dermatological treatment of problem skin at the ROSH clinic

    Skin prone to excessive dryness or greasiness, the formation of acne, spider veins, etc., is considered problematic. The appearance of such cosmetic defects is associated not only with the influence of external unfavorable factors on the dermis or improper skin care, but is a manifestation of various pathological processes in the body. Therefore, before you begin to eliminate aesthetic problems, it is necessary to determine their causes.

    Comprehensive diagnostic examination and treatment of problem skin at the ROSH clinic is performed by experienced dermatologists. In particular, the treatment of such pathologies as acne is carried out using a unique technique developed by the chief physician of the clinic, Doctor of Medical Sciences L. A. Khachaturyan. For each patient, an individual diagnostic and therapy program is drawn up, including drug treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures, and diet correction.

    You can read more about the features and benefits of acne treatment at the ROSH clinic in the article by the author of a unique technique, MD. L. A. Khachaturyan

    Facial cleansing as part of comprehensive care for problem skin

    Therapeutic mechanical facial cleansing goes well with other therapeutic and cosmetic procedures. Often it is one of the stages of a set of measures to correct aesthetic defects in patients with problematic, oily or combination skin, for example, after therapy for the acute phase of acne, in preparation for eliminating cosmetic problems using various methods, as part of individual skin care programs, etc. . P.

    Sometimes deep cleansing of the face can also be indicated for patients with normal skin to activate physiological processes in various layers of the dermis, eliminate milia or a few comedones, and prevent the appearance of other cosmetic defects. In each specific case, the decision on the relevance of the procedure is made taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin.

    Also at the ROSH clinic, products are individually selected to prepare the skin for mechanical cleansing procedures and to quickly narrow pores before completing the treatment session. Correct implementation of all stages of the procedure is a guarantee of safe and high-quality deep mechanical cleansing of facial skin.

    Our patients trust the clinic’s experienced specialists and are not afraid to undergo mechanical skin cleansing, because they know well that after a session at ROSH they can immediately “go out into the world”: to work, on a visit or to the theater. The face will not swell, the skin will not look irritated or painful, and a repeat procedure will not be required soon. Sometimes, after an examination, the doctor may cancel mechanical cleaning and prescribe a lighter physical procedure for high-quality cleansing of the pores.

    An important component of the effectiveness of therapeutic mechanical facial cleansing is compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, regular and correct implementation of the self-care home skin care procedures prescribed by him.

    Preparation and carrying out the procedure

    The technique of manual facial cleansing includes the following steps:

    • Preparation. Before all manipulations, the face is cleansed of decorative cosmetics, dust, sebum and other contaminants. To do this, the cosmetologist uses professional products in the form of gels, foams, lotions, etc. If the skin is heavily soiled, an additional scrubbing procedure is performed. To open the pores as much as possible, the cosmetologist steams the skin using a vaporizer, paraffin mask or special thermogel.
    • Direct cleaning. At this stage, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of impurities, acne, blackheads, comedones, and sebaceous plugs. The specialist carefully examines each area of ​​the face. To remove impurities, he presses on the skin with his fingertips, which are tightly wrapped in sterile napkins. The cosmetologist also uses a special tool that captures even the deepest sebum plugs that hardware and laser procedures cannot handle.
    • Applying a soothing mask and moisturizer. After all the manipulations, the skin remains irritated and red. To relieve these symptoms, an anti-inflammatory, pigment-constricting mask is applied to the face. Then the face is treated with moisturizing cream.

    If the rashes on the face are profuse, additional sessions of mechanical cleansing will be required, because the cosmetologist will not remove all the impurities at one time. In addition, after the pores close, manipulation becomes painful. Therefore, the specialist prescribes a course of procedures aimed at gradually and painlessly getting rid of skin defects.

    In order for the injured skin to recover faster, a cosmetologist may advise resorting to the following physiotherapeutic measures:

    • darsonvalization;
    • iontophoresis;
    • cryomassage;
    • infrared radiation treatment.
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