Your own cosmetologist: basic procedures at home

Read in this article:

  1. Advantages of home hardware cosmetology
  2. Contraindications to procedures
  3. Facial treatment at home
  4. Features of body care
  5. Hair beauty at home
  6. Home cosmetology for everyone

The modern beauty industry offers girls a variety of salon procedures to make their skin smooth and silky, their complexion healthy, and wrinkles invisible. But what about those who do not have enough time or financial resources to visit salons? The answer is simple: learn how to use hardware cosmetology at home.

Anti-aging techniques: general overview

The secret of eternal youth has always been of particular interest to humanity, so it is not surprising that in the history of research there are not only scientific, but also non-standard approaches. However, the times of alchemy and “magic” elixirs are a thing of the past. Today, when choosing which procedure is best for facial rejuvenation, it is enough to focus on clear and obvious factors.

Advantages of home hardware cosmetology

First, let's figure out what hardware cosmetology is. This concept includes procedures that are performed using special devices. Each of them provides a specific effect on the skin and gives one or another effect.

Initially, such devices were only in salons, but with the development of technology, compact models appeared that were easy to use at home. The devices quickly gained popularity due to several obvious advantages:

  • Saving time - no need to waste time traveling to the salon, adjusting your schedule to the master’s work schedule, or waiting for your turn;
  • Financial benefit - buying the right device is much more profitable than regularly spending money on salon procedures;
  • Comfort – you can create a suitable environment at home, for example, combine facial care with aromatherapy or other pleasant activity;
  • Simplicity - all devices are designed in such a way that you do not need special skills to use them; just read the instructions carefully;
  • The ability to customize the operation of the device for yourself, select the appropriate duration of the procedure, intensity of exposure and other parameters;
  • Efficiency - cosmetology at home gives very noticeable results if you follow basic rules.

To all this you can add a good mood, because it is so pleasant to take care of your appearance, especially if the effect exceeds expectations. Unlike many procedures in the salon, home appliances do not cause any discomfort or pain. Many devices are waterproof, so you can use them while taking a bath or shower, combining business with pleasure.

Main indications

According to research results, the manifestation of chronobiological skin aging becomes noticeable after 30-35 years. Before this, obvious signs are much less common and, as a rule, are caused by the influence of negative external conditions. It should be taken into account that provoking processes start much earlier. Starting from puberty, the human body loses about one percent of collagen every year, which ultimately leads to a negative effect expressed in the following forms:

  • loss of elasticity;
  • the appearance of wrinkles and facial folds;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • loss of clear contours;
  • distortion of the position of the corners of the lips and eyes.

It is not possible to notice the accumulating changes immediately, which makes timely correction difficult. If the reflection in the mirror has become less attractive, you should think about taking a rehabilitation course.

Contraindications to procedures

But before carrying out cosmetic procedures using special devices, it is worth studying the list of contraindications so as not to harm the skin and the body as a whole. Each device has its limitations, but most of them cannot be used if:

  • The presence of malignant neoplasms - hardware exposure can stimulate cell growth, and this can lead to a deterioration of the condition;
  • Exacerbation of herpes;
  • Scratches, wounds, abrasions and inflammation on the skin;
  • Fungal infection in areas that were planned to be treated;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Serious pathologies of internal organs, heart, blood vessels;
  • Using a pacemaker;
  • Taking certain medications.

Particular care should be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is better to consult a doctor about this or that procedure.

Ultrasonic lifting

Ultrasonic lifting is an alternative to a circular surgical facelift. Ultrasonic waves are applied to the skin. They penetrate to a depth of 4.5 mm and reach the muscle complex. Ultrasound stimulates the contraction of collagen fibers. Thanks to these contractions, support for the facial muscles is formed like a mesh.

Ultrasonic lifting can be done at any time of the year - exposure to the sun is not prohibited.

Compared to the long recovery period after a surgical lift, recovery comes quickly - there will be no redness on the skin, you can immediately return to normal life. The result lasts for 2-3 months or more.

Facial treatment at home

Various procedures can be performed at home, but facial devices are most often used. Their main functions are cleansing, fighting wrinkles, rejuvenating, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Suitable for these purposes:

  • Facial saunas are devices that apply steam to the skin, softening it and helping to remove impurities. Steaming activates blood flow and metabolism, reduces unevenness and improves the overall condition of the skin. Many models perform additional functions. Thus, the Beurer FS 50 sauna can be used for aromatherapy or inhalation, and FC 72 effectively softens the skin thanks to ionization;

  • Devices for microdermabrasion - gently and painlessly remove dead skin particles, stimulate its renewal, give the skin smoothness and a pleasant healthy color. Such devices help get rid of existing wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones, activate the production of collagen and elastin, and reduce age-related pigmentation. The Beurer FC 76 model is equipped with three different attachments and allows you to adjust the intensity of the impact; the Beurer FC 100 with a built-in mirror works using vacuum technology and performs acupressure;
  • Pore ​​cleanser - the device acts on the deep layers of the skin, effectively removes impurities from the pores, eliminates the causes of skin rashes and acne. The Beurer FC 40 device allows you to clean different areas of the skin with three different attachments and is battery operated;

Facial brushes - cleanse the skin, carefully remove dead skin particles from it, promote cell regeneration, activate blood circulation, and narrow pores. All this gives the face a healthy appearance, helps maintain youth and beauty. Models differ in the types and number of attachments. In addition, the Beurer FC65 Pureo Deep Clear brush operates in vibration and pulsation modes for gentle or thorough cleaning, the FC 96 Pureo Intense performs circular and oscillating rotation for different cleaning depths, the Beurer FC 49 with vibration technology, 15 intensity levels and silicone bristles is suitable even for sensitive skin.

After such procedures, cosmetics in the form of creams, serums, lotions are much more active, because on the surface of the skin there are no longer keratinized particles and impurities that prevent the penetration of beneficial substances. The effectiveness of such care is no lower than that of salon facial treatments.

Features of body care

You can also take care of your body at home, for example, using special brushes. The long handle, like the Beurer FC 25, allows you to cleanse the skin on your back, and the FC 55 Pureo Complete Cleansing brush comes with two attachments: a regular brush and an exfoliating brush.

Anti-cellulite massagers will help to significantly improve the condition of your skin. They effectively combat the appearance of “orange peel”, stimulate lymph flow and blood supply, accelerate cell regeneration and give skin elasticity. For this purpose, the Beurer CM 50 massagers with special rollers and adjustable massage speed, the Cellulite Releazer compact, which tightens deep tissues and promotes the breakdown of fat, as well as the MG17, a mini SPA massager with a peeling attachment that is convenient to take with you on trips, are suitable.

Foot baths

After a hard day at work and uncomfortable shoes, your feet deserve good care. Relaxing foot baths with sea salt can help them.

Natural food stores offer new products “Epsom Relax” and “Foot Pleasure”, which will help:

  • relieve stress and tension in the legs;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • neutralize sweating and unpleasant odor;
  • soften rough areas;
  • remove dead skin cells;
  • protect feet and nails from fungus.

Baths with natural Epsom salts are recommended to relieve leg pain caused by any injury or arthritis. Water procedures relieve muscle and mental tension, reduce stress and increase the activity of leukocytes, increasing immunity.

After the baths, it is advisable to massage your feet with olive oil or moisturizer. Foot baths should also be considered as a preventive measure. Procedures can be done 1-2 times a week, at the same time they have a calming and relaxing effect on the entire body.

Hair beauty at home

Salon hair care is also possible at home. Among the devices needed for such procedures, you can choose:

  • Hairdryer with diffuser, ionization, accelerated drying function and cold air supply for styling (Beurer HC 80);
  • Hair dryer brush for drying and styling with ceramic coating to protect hair from overheating (Beurer HT 80);
  • Brush for detangling, smoothing, combing hair with the function of strengthening it (Beurer HT 10);
  • Multi-styler for creating a wide variety of hairstyles without going to the hairdresser (Beurer HT 60);
  • Straightener with heat level control to protect hair from damage (Beurer HS 60).

All these devices are simple and easy to use, they allow you to achieve a good effect without extra effort, and spend the saved time on relaxation, hobbies and other pleasant things.

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