How to do a facial massage for wrinkles yourself at home

Your face is covered with wrinkles, and you are already mastering facetune in order to retouch and put “patches” on yourself – the most beautiful, but not so young?

No matter how old you are, you can turn back time. Even if your face is covered with wrinkles, they can be reduced and completely erased.

Look at your hands - these are the best beauty gadget in the world! Only they can help you become younger. Do special facial exercises and massage every day, and in 3 weeks the wrinkles will go away.

All the necessary information about self-massage of the face against wrinkles and video instructions are in this article.

How effective is facial massage for wrinkles?

To understand how facial massage works with wrinkles, you need to understand where they come from.

The first prerequisites for the appearance of grooves and folds are a slowdown in blood circulation and the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. Next, physiology is connected at the “skin-muscle-lymph” level:

  • the structure of the skin is disrupted (collagen and elastin fibers stretch, tear and are poorly renewed; there is less hyaluronic acid - moisture is poorly retained in the dermis),
  • spasticity of the facial muscles develops, that is, their tone increases to an unhealthy level,
  • Lymphatic drainage becomes difficult, and lymph stagnation (edema) occurs.

Fading, stretched skin + muscles shortened by spasms + severity of swelling = wrinkles.

The only option to effectively and safely fix the problem is to reverse the processes:

  • help blood flow faster, improve local metabolism,
  • disperse lymph, remove swelling,
  • relieve muscle spasms, restore their natural length and elasticity,
  • stimulate the production of new collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid in the dermis; thereby strengthening the turgor, increasing the firmness, elasticity, strength, and moisture of the skin.

Blood, lymph, muscles, skin - only massage works safely in all these areas. In comparison, invasive cosmetology is a dummy, and also harmful and dangerous. It does not affect the causes of wrinkles at all, it only creates the appearance.

For example, Botox injections. They seem to be aimed at relaxing muscles, but, in fact, the effect of botulinum toxin is pathological, it paralyzes the target muscle and creates an unbearable load on neighboring muscles.

Or fillers. What do cosmetologists say about their action? Do they improve the condition of the skin, moisturize it, activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin? Nothing like this. The filler settles in the dermis in the form of a gel for months, stretching it and drying it out from the depths.

Mesotherapy is also a fiction, a potato tuber in an expensive gift wrapping. The main effect of this technique is total injury to the skin due to its multiple punctures and the growth of an unhealthy fibrous “framework” at the site of injury. The meso cocktail itself is nothing compared to what your own blood gives you when it flows unhindered through the vessels and reaches every cell.

Only natural rejuvenation techniques (massage primarily) are able to restore physiological processes, the disruption of which has led to skin aging and wrinkles.

Means to enhance the effect of self-massage

To ensure a more intense effect on the skin, use special cosmetic products to perform self-massage.

The ARAVIA Professional series has products that will help make the procedure comfortable and effective.

Sculpting oil-concentrate for facial massage Massage Oil-Drops

Thanks to its special highly concentrated composition, massage oil for the face, neck and décolleté helps slow down the aging process, reduce wrinkles, reduce fat deposits in the chin area and model a clearer contour. Due to its light texture, the oil glides perfectly, allowing you to gently but effectively treat the underlying tissue.

Modelage Active Cream Massage Cream

Non-comedogenic massage cream provides easy glide during self-massage of the face, neck and décolleté. Cares for the skin, filling it with moisture, antioxidants, amino acids, oils and vitamins. The cream enhances the effect of massage in any technique - improves the oval of the face, restores the collagen framework and the protective lipid barrier of the skin.

Use the products individually or in combination to enhance their effect. Add a few drops of oil concentrate to a portion of the cream, rub the mixture in your palms and perform a massage using the chosen technique - this will improve the glide of your hands and get the maximum result from the procedure.

Perform self-massage of the face correctly and regularly, using effective cosmetics to achieve visible, lasting results.

Which facial massage to prefer: comparison of techniques

A facial massage can be done in a salon, or you can do it yourself. The effect at home will be no worse. On the contrary, you can perform the procedure every day, which cannot be said about the salon. If you master the right techniques, you will achieve amazing results. Of course, subject to systematic work, day after day.

Is there a difference in the techniques used in salons and at home?

Let's start with a classic massage - manual. It is available both at a cosmetologist and at home. His techniques are easy to learn on your own. The main thing is to choose the right ones.

Technically, another level is the use of massagers. Here, the traditional niche of cosmetologists is hardware massage, which is done using vacuum, ultrasound, and laser.

But even in this part, most of the techniques have already escaped the boundaries of beauty salons.

Many women perfectly erase wrinkles from their faces using vacuum cans, just in front of the mirror in their bathroom, without overpaying anyone for what they can do themselves.

Even ultrasound has already reached apartments. There are many offers of ultrasonic massagers for home use on the market.

True, it is more advisable to prefer mechanical massagers (vacuum cans, dry brush, gouache scraper) to ultrasound. So as not to doubt whether this or that radiation will harm you or not. Yes, there is now a popular opinion about the safety of ultrasound, but there is also a skeptical position about it. In addition, mechanical massagers are much cheaper.

What we categorically do not recommend is using needle facial massagers. Needles are a salvation for anything: back, shoulders, neck, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms. But not for the face.

Do you want to massage yourself, but have doubts? What if the cosmetologist gets better results?

To cast doubts aside, look at how the two most popular salon techniques work - vacuum and ultrasound. There's nothing special about them that you couldn't make at home.

How they do vacuum massage against wrinkles in beauty salons

Vacuum massage in the salon is a simple procedure. All that distinguishes it from home is the presence of a special apparatus. But the result from it is the same as from vacuum jars for home use.

The patient's facial skin is cleansed and treated with cream or oil. Then a special device is used. It creates a vacuum and sucks areas of skin into the holes of the handiple. Different nozzles are used. After this, the oil or cream is removed. They can also apply a mask. All. No special skills or secrets.

The procedure lasts 15-30 minutes. As a rule, the course consists of 10-15 procedures, which need to be done once every 2-3 days.

There are other options such as:

  • vacuum roller massage:
    vacuum alternates with the mechanical action of rollers with small protrusions that seem to roll out the skin,
  • laser-vacuum massage:
    the action of a vacuum (a nozzle in which the pressure is reduced by a vacuum) is supplemented by low-level laser irradiation.

Massage with a roller to combat a double chin

A massage roller, which is sold in any pharmacy and cosmetic store, does an excellent job of tightening the contours of the face and double chin. Before use, apply your favorite serum and distribute it with a roller. All movements go from bottom to top. It is recommended to massage every day during morning or evening care.

5 best paste recipes for sugaring at home

Ultrasonic massage

In its stages, ultrasonic massage is similar to vacuum massage.

The skin is cleansed and moisturized. Some special cosmetic or medicinal preparation may be applied so that ultrasound helps its penetration into the dermis.

The procedure is performed with a special apparatus from which high-frequency waves emanate. They are smoothly passed along the massage lines of the face for about 20 minutes.

After the procedure, the skin is nourished with cream.

Objects of ultrasound influence are blood, lymph, skin, sebaceous glands. Their functionality improves, which ultimately leads to a reduction in wrinkles.


History of massage

Classical massage is one of the oldest cosmetological procedures: even Diocles, a student of one of the most famous ancient Greek doctors and naturalists, Galen, prescribed hygienic baths, various oils and ointments to his patients to soften the skin during massage. The history of the origin of the term “massage” itself is interesting, which still causes scientific controversy. Some scholars believe that it comes from the Arabic mass (“to crush, squeeze with hands”) or from the Latin word massa (“sticks to the fingers”).

But one thing is certain - already in Homer’s poem it is said that women used oils and ointments to anoint and knead the bodies of heroes both before battles and to maintain their own radiant beauty. In the writings of Hippocrates, there is confirmation that massage is used for hygienic (that is, cosmetic) purposes: “Friction causes contraction or relaxation of tissues,” Hippocrates wrote, “leads to emaciation or fullness, dry and frequent friction tightens, and soft, gentle and moderate thickens the tissue."

In Greece and India, Turkey and medieval Europe, various types of massage, including cosmetic, enjoyed constant popularity, but until the nineteenth century the massage method was not scientifically substantiated. Only starting from the second half of the nineteenth century in Europe, and then in The first clinical and experimental work on classical cosmetic massage appeared in Russia.

The domestic school of cosmetic massage has made a great contribution to the development of cosmetology as a medical science and is known all over the world thanks to a galaxy of brilliant scientists and practitioners - one only has to remember such names as A.I. Pospelov (author of one of the oldest Russian methods of cosmetic massage, developed back in 1886 .), M.A. Rozentul, A.I. Karamyshev, V.A. Arnold, V.K. Kramarenko, A.F. Verbov, E.S. Zalkind, A.F. Akhabadze, N.A. Belaya and many others.

Indications and contraindications

Cosmetic massage has an effective physiological effect on the skin, underlying tissue, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels of the face and neck and, as a result, is one of the most effective methods for preventing premature aging of the skin, preventing its sagging, the appearance of folds and wrinkles. Moreover, cosmetological massage is equally useful for dry, oily and problematic skin.

It is often prescribed to restore the oval of the face, reduce fat deposits in the chin area (double chin, fat folds on the neck, etc.), with excessive obesity, with a general weakening of the muscles of the face and neck, with pastiness and swelling of the facial skin caused by disorders water-salt metabolism (massage provokes the expansion of functioning capillaries and the opening of reserve capillaries, which improves tissue trophism, increases lymph circulation and outflow of venous blood).

Massage is recommended for sallow complexion, if the sebaceous glands are disrupted (dryness, flaking, or, conversely, increased greasiness of the skin); if there are scars of various origins on the skin of the face, especially fresh ones, or compactions after juvenile acne.

Massage improves the function of peripheral receptors, pathways that enhance reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles, blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, cosmetic massage can also be used as symptomatic therapy in premenopausal and climatic periods, with vegetative dystonia with a tendency to increase blood pressure, spondyloarthrosis of the cervical and thoracic regions. The advisability of prescribing a cosmetic massage is determined primarily by the condition of the skin, as well as the age of the client. Young people may need therapeutic massage if they have oily seborrhea of ​​the face with residual acne, the presence of infiltrates, or decreased tone of the facial muscles. And after 30 years, when the elasticity of the skin begins to noticeably decrease, massage to prevent premature skin aging is recommended for almost everyone.

But despite the undeniable benefits of cosmetic massage, there are also a number of contraindications.



  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Severe hypertension (stage III) and hypotension;
  • Acute inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Progressive tumor of the facial skin;
  • Severe somatic diseases;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin, abrasions or cracks on the face;
  • Pustular and other infectious diseases of the facial skin;
  • Acute skin diseases (dermatitis, rosacea, eczema, herpes);
  • Fungal diseases.

Cosmetic massage of the scalp has a beneficial effect on the hair and strengthens it, but despite this, if there is excessive hair loss, such a massage is contraindicated. It is also not recommended to perform cosmetic facial massage if the layer of subcutaneous fat is not sufficiently developed.

Preparing the client for the procedure

It is advisable to conduct the session in an isolated room, without extraneous sources of noise and bright directional light sources. The preferred temperature is +22-23 C. During the procedure, the client should be helped to sit comfortably in the cosmetology chair. Help him get rid of excessively constricting clothes and relax completely. Tuck his hair under a cosmetic cap; it is also advisable to free his chest from clothing and cover it with a disposable napkin or cape.

Before the session, it is necessary to additionally prepare the client’s facial skin, cleansing it of cosmetics and other contaminants. The skin must be cleansed with lotion, cosmetic milk or other special product depending on its type (the easiest way to cleanse is washing with a special foam).

When cleansing your skin with milk or lotion, remember the direction of the skin lines - they are also called lines of minimal skin stretch or massage lines. All massage techniques, as well as skin cleansing and the application of nourishing masks, are mainly carried out in the directions of these lines.

Directions of the main massage (skin) lines:

  • From the center of the forehead to the temples (almost parallel to the eyebrows, slightly decreasing at the end of the lines);
  • Along the upper eyelid - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer;
  • Along the lower eyelid - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner;
  • From top to bottom along the protruding part of the nose;
  • From the middle of the protruding part of the nose obliquely to its wings;
  • From the wings of the nose and the center of the upper lip in an arc to the upper parts of the ears;
  • From the corners of the mouth to the tragus of the auricles;
  • From the center of the lower lip to the earlobes;
  • From bottom to top on the front surface of the neck;
  • From top to bottom along the sides of the neck;
  • On the back of the neck - from bottom to top.

After cleansing the skin, the remaining cosmetic products are removed from it. The skin can then be warmed to soothe and more deeply relax the facial muscles and dilate blood vessels. You can warm up your facial skin using either a hot, damp compress (applied for 2-3 minutes) or a steam bath for 5 minutes).

The technique of preliminary massage using warm “irons” similar to tablespoons is now very popular.

The technique of massage with “irons” was developed by cosmetologist Rene Koch. Moreover, the basis for his technique was his childhood experience: his mother, using a cold spoon, helped young Rene get rid of bruises and contusions.

For massage with “irons” (or spoons) in the absence of the necessary equipment, you can use simple tablespoons or teaspoons, heated (or cooled), lubricated with oil or cream. It is better to use silver or cupronickel spoons, but if they are unavailable, simple ones will do just fine.

The main movements of the massage therapist are circular rubbing with clockwise pressure, then light superficial rubbing counterclockwise, as well as spiral rubbing and ironing.

Ironing massage technique

  • Warm or lubricated spoons are applied to the base of the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose and in a circular motion lead along the forehead to the temples.
  • Using rotating movements, warm spoons lubricated with cream are carried out from the lips along the cheeks to the ears (along the massage lines!) This is done in several stages, starting from the upper lip.
  • A spoon, cooled under running water or in finely crushed ice, is applied to the eyelids. This helps eliminate puffy bags and dark circles under the eyes.
  • A warm oil spoon is carried out with rotational movements from the base of the neck to the chin - the movement goes along several lines, first in the middle (without affecting the thyroid gland area), then along the lateral surfaces of the neck.
  • In the initial position, warm oil spoons are placed in the hollow of the décolleté and guided in a circular motion to the armpits.

The entire procedure takes no more than 10 minutes and can be used as a separate massage session.

Before the procedure itself, massage cream, oil or talc can be applied to the client’s skin (along the massage lines), which will ensure easier sliding of the hands without displacing the skin. You can moisturize the palmar surface of the massage therapist’s hands with cream to ensure better gliding.

The massage therapist should take into account the specific constitution of the client. For example, people with a hypersthenic physique can tolerate a long and energetic procedure quite satisfactorily, while normosthenics and asthenics require a calmer and shorter session. Moreover, people under 30 years of age receive massage more energetically, while middle-aged and elderly people receive a massage more calmly.

The duration of the session can also be determined by the client's blood pressure readings. The usual duration of a facial massage ranges from 10 to 20 minutes. However, for those people who have low blood pressure, cosmetic massage is given in any case for no more than 10 minutes, since they often experience dizziness.

But in any case, the type and duration of cosmetic massage is determined individually, depending on the type of facial skin (dry, oily, normal or combination), the thickness of subcutaneous fat, skin turgor and muscle tone of the client.

As a rule, cosmetic facial massage is carried out in courses two to three times a year (each course includes 15-20 procedures). During the course, massage is prescribed 2-3 sessions per week.

Between courses, you can carry out maintenance massage procedures once every 7-10 days.

Key techniques of cosmetic massage

  • Kneading . Kneading is intended primarily to target muscles. Kneading is one of the most difficult massage techniques. This movement involves grasping soft tissues and alternately squeezing, squeezing and squeezing the tissues. By increasing blood supply to the massaged area, kneading improves tissue nutrition, increases tone and strengthens muscles, and also promotes regenerative processes. Kneading increases the elastic properties of muscle tissue. Therefore, “kneading is usually considered as passive gymnastics for muscle fibers” (I.M. Sarkizov-Serazini).
  • Effleurage . Reception is a special type of vibration. The essence of tapping is that the massage therapist’s hand alternately strikes, causing rhythmic contraction of the tissue. It is performed on the palmar surface of the nail phalanges of the fingers or with an open hand or fist. Active, energetic tapping has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, while light, weak tapping has a calming effect.
  • Chopping. A more active technique than effleurage, which is used for severe fat deposits. It is performed with the ulnar edge of the hand, which is held in the middle position between pronation and supination, the fingers are slightly apart and relaxed.
  • Vibration . Vibration refers to massage techniques that create oscillatory movements of varying speeds and amplitudes in the massaged tissues. A distinction is made between continuous and intermittent vibration. This technique helps improve tissue trophism, increases muscle contractility, and also activates regenerative processes. Remember that all movements are made strictly along the massage lines of the face.

What are the advantages of facial massage at home?

If funds and time allow, you can, of course, go to a cosmetologist. But it’s better to understand the mechanisms that happen inside you, learn to manage your youth and beauty.

No one can “blind” you a young face better than you.

Self-massage of the face for wrinkles is:

  1. Effectively
    If you do it daily, superficial wrinkles will be smoothed out, and deep ones will be reduced or even gone away completely. The results will be available in 2-3 weeks, and about the same amount of time will be needed to consolidate the achievements. After the course, it is necessary to maintain the result by doing self-massage at least 2-3 times a week.

    With self-massage you will not only smooth out wrinkles. A well-designed complex will also help:

    • remove creases, nasolabial lips, swelling, bags, jowls,
    • tighten the oval, cheeks, neck,

  2. raise the upper eyelids, the corners of the lips, the “pecking” tip of the nose,
  3. improve complexion.
  4. Safely
    Proper self-massage is designed to relieve muscle spasms, restore skin nutrition through the blood, and disperse lymph. All this is safe, but you need a competent selection of techniques. They should take into account massage lines, directions of lymph flow, structure of the muscle frame, etc.

    Be careful when choosing a set of exercises.

    Some techniques are designed to pump up facial muscles (face building), and this is absolutely unacceptable. Where to pump up the muscles that have already worked all their lives even more? Muscles need to be relaxed, their healthy tone restored, and not increased by spasms and wrinkles.

  5. Comfortable
    Self-massage is always at hand - literally and figuratively. You don’t need to depend on anyone or go anywhere. It can be done at any convenient time. The main thing is every day.

    For ordinary manual self-massage you don’t even need any equipment, the only tool is your hands.

    Using massagers - vacuum cans, dry brush, gouache scraper, amber stick - also does not cause any inconvenience. We use a jar and a brush at home in front of a mirror, and you can carry a scraper with a stick in your purse anywhere.

  6. Simple
    All self-massage techniques are simple. They are easy to learn. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice.
  7. For free
    Salon treatments are expensive. This option is suitable for women who do not count money and were able to somehow agree over time so that it becomes more (after all, you need to go somewhere to a cosmetologist, adjust to his schedule, break your own).

    You don’t need to pay yourself for self-massage. The only expense may be the purchase of an author's course or a marathon, but this is much cheaper than a cosmetologist.

Types of massage for wrinkles at home

What kind of facial massage can you do yourself at home:

  • manual,
  • vacuum (cans),
  • dry (drybrushing, performed with a dry brush),
  • roller (options of the material from which the rollers are made are metal, jade, quartz, obsidian; there are also needle rollers for the face - stay away from them),
  • ultrasonic,
  • gouache scraper
  • with an amber stick,
  • in other ways.

We'll tell you more about some of the most effective techniques.

Course “Self-facial massage: lifting and rejuvenation” from experts

Educational technologists have created a unique technique for performing self-massage of the face. Even if you have no experience, by completing the course you will learn how to do proper facial massage and independently maintain young and toned skin.

The training is conducted by practicing specialists who will share their knowledge and experience. The course program includes 40% theory and 60% practice. You will receive up-to-date information and immediately put it into practice - you will practice self-massage techniques under the supervision of a technologist-teacher.

Vacuum facial massage

Glass vacuum facial jars are great for home use.

What will you get?

  • The vacuum will increase blood flow, increase pressure in the dermal cells, which will improve metabolism and strengthen skin turgor.
  • All the main components of youthful skin (collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid) will begin to be more actively synthesized.
  • The facial and chewing muscles will relax and return to their natural length.
  • Lymph will begin to circulate more actively, swelling that aggravates wrinkles will go away.
  • The vacuum will cleanse the skin of deep impurities and also drive away toxins along with excess interstitial fluid.

The result is renewed skin. Clean, firm and smooth. She does not reach for spasmodic muscles (they are now in healthy tone) and does not stretch under the weight of lymph.

It is enough to work with banks 2-3 times a week. After the first applications, you will feel the result, and after half a month or a month, others will notice it.

How to do self-massage with vacuum cups?

  • Apply oil or squalane to a clean face so that the cups glide easily.
  • Suck the jar onto the wrinkle and move over it as if you were erasing it with an eraser.

Watch Annette do it and repeat:

The Beauty365 set of glass jars for the face of different diameters is perfect for the procedure. They can be purchased at Look there for Beauty365 squalane to apply before the procedure.

How to prepare for self-massage

The main rule of self-massage is to perform it in a comfortable, relaxed state. But first you need to prepare for the procedure.

Modelage Active Cream massage cream, 300 ml

Talc for facial massage Revita Massage Powder, 150 ml

Sculpting oil-concentrate for facial massage Massage Oil-Drops, 50 ml

The first stage is cleansing. Use delicate makeup remover and cleanser to cleanse your skin of makeup, sebum, and impurities. Afterwards, toning is necessary with products according to your skin type.

The next important point is hydration. It is strictly forbidden to perform facial massage on dry skin. This can be not only unpleasant, but also unsafe, since there is a high probability of stretching the skin and even damaging blood vessels.

Dry brush massage

Drybrushing, or dry brushing, is another effective rejuvenation technique that is great for the face.

The brush works at the same levels as the jar (blood, lymph, skin, muscles), only it completely removes dead epidermal cells, thereby stimulating regeneration.

It is enough to use the brush 2 times a week. It is ideal to alternate it with banks.

You can choose a Beauty365 dry face brush, which is made from boar bristles (sold at

Drybrushing on dry and clean facial skin, follow the massage lines (indicated on the Beauty365 facial brush packaging). After the procedure, nourish the skin with some natural remedy with an anti-aging effect: oil, squalane, balm. They can also be found in the Beauty365 assortment at

Common mistakes when doing self-massage

You will see the results of the massage after 3-5 sessions. If there is no effect, then check whether you are making the most common mistakes.

  • Insufficient cleansing. A procedure performed with dirty hands on skin with makeup residue and dirt will not be beneficial. Open pores become a gateway for infections, so the risk of infection is quite high. And if after the session rashes, redness, and pustules appear on your face, then be more attentive to cleansing.
  • Irregularity. Get a massage regularly without skipping sessions. 2-3 procedures per week are enough to maintain skin tone.
  • Wrong time. The human body loves systematicity. And if you do self-massage regularly at the same time, the result will be more noticeable.
  • Chaotic movements. You cannot spontaneously move your fingers and palm over your face. It is important to take into account the location of the massage lines, along which you need to keep the direction.

Massage with gua sha scraper

A gua sha scraper is a heart-shaped plate made of steel or natural stone. Self-massage is performed using the “gua sha” technique, which translated from Chinese means “scrape off all the bad things.” The shape of the scraper is ideal for working on the contour of the face, as well as other areas.

Place the scraper at a 45° angle to the skin, move it confidently, quickly and in short movements. Only along massage lines (from the center of the face to the periphery)!

Guasha reduces swelling, relaxes tense muscles, activates blood circulation, and stimulates collagen synthesis. The skin is rejuvenated, smoothed and tightened.

Go to and look for Beauty365 gouache massagers made of jewelry steel. They are presented in two forms - “Petal” and “Heart”.

The coolness of the steel from which Beauty365 gua sha massagers are made helps lymphatic drainage. But if you prefer warm material, just hold the scraper in your hands for a few seconds, it will quickly heat up.

Manual massage

The main thing you need to master is manual self-massage of the face. This is first aid for your face. It should become part of every woman's daily beauty ritual, especially if you are over 30.

This is the best prevention of wrinkles and the most effective way to combat age-related changes that have already appeared.

You can look at individual self-massage facial techniques from MelAnnett, which are aimed at eliminating certain wrinkles, in our special selection.

The benefits of self-massage of the face

If performed regularly, self-massage has a positive effect on the skin in several ways:

  • activates blood flow and improves complexion;
  • accelerates metabolic processes and rejuvenates the skin;
  • stimulates lymph flow and eliminates swelling;
  • reduces the severity of wrinkles and post-acne;
  • has a lifting effect, tightening the oval of the face;
  • helps cope with redness and acne;
  • promotes deeper penetration of skincare cosmetics.

Of course, the results of self-massage will only be noticeable if you do it correctly.

Lymphatic drainage massage

And a few more words about lymphatic drainage. It also needs to be done regularly to maintain a youthful face.

Do you know how lymph stagnation affects your face? A couple of examples are enough to understand the scale of the disaster.

When the outflow of fluid in the area around the eyes is impaired, swelling, bags, crow's feet, and drooping eyelids appear.

If there are problems with the outflow of the lymphatic vessel, which runs along the contour of the lower jaw, this part of the face becomes large and shapeless, the oval “floats away”.

In general, lymph is the culprit of many of our age-related changes in appearance: the transformation of graceful noses into “potatoes”, the formation of wrinkles, swelling, nasolabial folds, bulldog cheeks, and a double chin.

What to do? Regular facial lymphatic drainage. We remove excess fluid from the intercellular space and transform before our eyes.

  • In a few minutes we remove morning swelling.
  • We take care of our face daily or at least 2-3 times a week - we remove everything unnecessary, which causes unevenness, sagging, looseness, folds, and wrinkles.

Do your own manual lymphatic drainage of the face, taking into account the lymph flow lines: “forehead → temples”, “bridge of the nose → outer edges of the eyebrows”, “chin → corners of the mouth → wings of the nose → cheekbones”, “chin → lower jaw → earlobes”.

What else do you need to know? To get rid of fluid from the face, it is not enough to work only on it. It is also necessary to massage areas of accumulation of lymph nodes, the blockage of which blocks the path of flowing fluid. These are points near the ears, under the jaw, armpits, collarbone.

The simplest techniques for beginners:

  • We massage the supraclavicular and subclavian lymph nodes and work the neck with hook fingers from the lower jaw to the collarbones.
  • We move with light pressure along the trajectory “the area behind the ears – the depression above the collarbones – the armpits,” lightly massaging each of these areas.

Do you want to learn how to do lymphatic drainage correctly? The best techniques are presented in the basic marathon “SmeloNET” from MelAnnett.

Indications and contraindications

Lifting massage has no age restrictions, but cosmetologists advise clients over 25 years old to resort to it. It is at this age that many people experience the first signs of skin aging, but lifting massage will help prevent their progression and the formation of new age-related defects.

Indications for the manual procedure are:

  • wrinkles and pronounced folds formed in different parts of the face;
  • blurry outline, double chin;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes, crow's feet in the outer corners;
  • sick complexion;
  • congestive spots, hyperpigmentation;
  • shallow scars, scars, post-acne.

Like any other cosmetic procedure, lifting massage has its contraindications. Therapeutic manipulations can be harmful to the health of patients diagnosed with the following pathologies:

  • neoplasms of a malignant nature;
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • exacerbation of viral skin diseases such as herpes, molluscum contagiosum, flat warts;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dermatitis;
  • rosacea;
  • endocrine or hormonal disorders;
  • violation of the integrity of the facial skin;
  • high body temperature, fever;
  • severe autoimmune disorders;
  • fragile vessels;
  • somatic and mental disorders.

How to prepare your skin for an anti-wrinkle massage

No special preparation is needed. Just make sure your face is clean. Remove makeup, as well as any dust, oil and sweat that has accumulated on it.

We recommend that instead of washing your face, wipe your face with natural hydrosol – plant distillate. It will carefully remove all excess and provide light hydration, sufficient for self-massage. Go to and, depending on your skin type, choose Beauty365 mint, lavender or sage hydrosol.

If you use cups, apply squalane or oil before the procedure for easy gliding. Choose a lighter product, for example, Beauty365 squalane from sugar cane (sold at

We work with clean hands. For convenience, we take away the hair.

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