Milk peeling: what does the face look like after milk peeling?

Stretch marks (striae) are an unpleasant cosmetic defect that plagues most women. Usually our skin is endowed with a certain margin of strength, which is quite enough to ensure that it remains smooth, even, elastic, and beautiful. But the female body often undergoes incredible stress, which leads to stretch marks on the body. First of all, these are pregnancy, childbirth and sudden fluctuations in body weight.

How to get rid of such an unpleasant defect? The most successful approach is comprehensive. The fact is that stretch marks are actually a rupture of the skin, in which the tissues atrophy, disrupting many internal processes. To restore the skin, a full study with the selection of individual therapy methods is required.


During treatment, one of three types of laser can be used:

• for tightening (laser lifting);

• erbium (CO2): gives the effect of smoothing out unevenness, after which the surface of the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

• factional. It is considered the most effective of the three types of laser. It selectively affects the skin, penetrating deep into the layers of the dermis. Performs safe laser resurfacing and activates the secretion (production) of collagen.

Quite often, laser stretch mark removal is combined with any injection treatment.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach after pregnancy

The birth of a child is the most important moment in the life of every woman. This is a long-awaited event that brings a lot of positive emotions, despite the fact that the young mother has to devote almost all her time to the baby.

However, pregnancy also brings troubles. What upsets women the most are changes in their bodies. You can lose extra pounds, you just need to reconsider your diet and engage in physical activity. But such a problem as stretch marks on the stomach drives women to despair.

The opinion that it is impossible to get rid of stretch marks is incorrect. Modern aesthetic medicine has long found a quick and effective way to completely remove or disguise unwanted marks on the body, be it tattoos, scars, scars or stretch marks.

What are striae

This is a skin defect, a rupture that occurs due to overstretching of its layers. During pregnancy, the expectant mother's belly increases rapidly. The skin on it does not have time to form new cells, and it simply stretches and tears. This happens in layers. Such tears appear as burgundy (fresh) or white (old) stripes. They are of different lengths and widths. They are usually located vertically from the navel to the genital pubis along the entire circumference of the abdomen. They can also be on the thighs, buttocks and chest.

Causes of stretch marks

It is logical to assume that stretch marks appear in all pregnant women. But that's not true. While one young mother may not have stretch marks even after three births, the second may develop them during her first pregnancy. What is this connected with? Let's figure it out.

The first reason is the most logical - natural stretching of the skin due to an enlarged abdomen . Throughout the 9 months, the fetus grows, and the uterus expands along with it. It puts pressure on the abdominal wall, and the stomach increases. However, the skin is not always elastic enough or able to grow as quickly. In its deep layers, ruptures occur. Stretch marks appear. At first they are red in color, then connective tissue forms and the stretch marks become whitish.

The second reason is weight gain. If a pregnant woman suddenly gains a large number of extra pounds, the skin breaks. It actually does not have time to react and form new cells.

Hormonal changes. The third reason is directly related to the first. Above we discussed the elasticity of the skin. If it is low, then there will be micro-tears in the epidermis. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a restructuring of the hormonal system. Cortisol is essential for the birth process itself. However, it reduces the production of elastin and collagen. The skin loses its ability to stretch well, which leads to stretch marks. All subsequent reasons will also be directly related to the elasticity of the dermis.

The fourth reason is age . The older a pregnant woman is, the more health problems she has, the worse her skin condition. Carrying a child is a big burden on the body. As a result, the elasticity of the skin decreases even more. A young mother may not develop stretch marks at all, but after 35-40 years the risk is enormous.

The fifth reason is a lack of vitamins and microelements . These substances are needed for all body systems. Skin is also an organ. She also needs vitamins. Pregnant women need additional substances in double volume - for both mother and baby. With their deficiency, the condition of the skin suffers, its turgor and elasticity decrease.

The last reason is related to heredity . The tendency to stretch marks can also be inherited from our ancestors. The condition of the skin also depends on genetics. If your grandmother or mother had stretch marks, then most likely you will have them too. However, this can be avoided by controlling weight gain during pregnancy and ensuring daily skin care throughout the body.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach

Aesthetic medicine has been successfully fighting stretch marks for a long time. Our “Cosmetology and Massage Center” offers you the following effective methods:

  1. Mesotherapy . Special cocktails are injected under the skin using microinjections. Each mixture is selected individually, the unique composition depends on the needs of the patient. The drug may contain vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronan, collagen and other substances that nourish the dermis. The skin is actively renewed and improves its elastic abilities.
  2. Laser resurfacing. The most effective method. Its main advantage is that it eliminates even old and voluminous stretch marks and scars. It lightens fresh tears, and they become invisible, and small ones disappear completely. Laser radiation darkens old whitish stretch marks, evening out the tone to match the color of the rest of the skin. The superficial epidermal layer evaporates, the scar is smoothed and regeneration is stimulated. Crusts form at the treatment sites. They disappear on their own within 2 weeks. The deeper and older the stretch marks, the more treatments will be required. However, impressive results are noticeable after the first session.
  3. Plasmolifting. The patient's blood plasma is injected under the skin. It fills micro-tears and activates collagen production. The method is effective in the fight against “young” stretch marks; it will only make “old” stretch marks less noticeable. Plasmolifting is more effective in combination with laser resurfacing. Cellular metabolism improves and skin recovery time is reduced.
  4. Chemical peeling. A special composition is applied to the problem area to help get rid of the stratum corneum. The skin becomes soft and tender, its relief is evened out. In response to such changes, the production of new collagen accelerates. The elasticity of the skin improves and its tone is restored. Regeneration is activated and stretch marks disappear.
  5. Diamond peeling. Hardware skin polishing using special attachments and vacuum suction. The essence of the procedure is the removal of the surface layer of the epidermis. An additional bonus is the vacuum massage. It improves cellular metabolism and blood circulation. The skin recovers faster and stretch marks are eliminated.
  6. Ozone therapy. A mixture containing oxygen is injected into the skin. It stimulates cell metabolism. The skin regenerates faster, and stretch marks become less visible. Ozone therapy is often used in combination with other methods of combating stretch marks.
  7. Wraps, application of mud, vacuum roller massage. Helps get rid of small and fresh stretch marks. The main mechanism of action is activation of skin regeneration. All these procedures are only an addition to other methods for eliminating stretch marks after pregnancy.


This is a natural biological method of getting rid of stretch marks. Consists of using platelet-rich plasma. After injection, it activates metabolic processes at the intracellular level. Stimulates the removal of excess fluid and toxins. Enhances cell regeneration. Improves the uniformity and color of the skin. Returns cells the ability to synthesize elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, causing fresh stretch marks to lighten and disappear, and old ones to gradually dissolve.

How to get rid of stretch marks and cellulite

Beautiful smooth skin, an ideal figure are the ultimate dreams of modern women.
It is difficult to meet a person without cosmetic defects. Stretch marks and cellulite (lipodystrophy) are at the top of the hit parade of flaws that every representative of the fair sex wants to get rid of. What is cellulite

Subcutaneous adipose tissue is the main depot of adipose tissue. It consists of a collection of fat cells called adipocytes. When the need arises, fat enters the circulatory system, providing an effective source of energy and nutrients. But, for a modern city dweller, increased consumption of fat reserves is nonsense. A high level of urbanization, urban and personal transport, sedentary work, eating food rich in fats and carbohydrates leads to excess fat accumulation. As a result, the size of fat cells increases, blood circulation and circulation of tissue fluid in the subcutaneous fat tissue are disrupted.

Impaired blood flow leads to edema and congestion. Nutrition deteriorates, and there is a lack of oxygen in the tissues. In response to hypoxia, connective tissue grows, forming cords and nodes, causing deformation of the skin and the formation of the “orange peel” effect. This condition is called liposclerosis.

Thus, cellulite is a degenerative phenomenon in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal disorders, and obesity contribute to the development of cellulite.

What are stretch marks

Striae (medical name) is a skin defect that looks like irregularly shaped stripes of various colors (from pale to bright red). The main reason for the appearance is a violation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin. These proteins form the reticular layer of the skin and look like a network of elastic fibers that give the skin elasticity and strength.

Decreased collagen production may occur due to hormonal imbalances. Thus, stretch marks often occur with endocrine pathology. In some cases, the occurrence of stretch marks occurs due to overstretching of the skin during pregnancy, intense weight gain (obesity, use of anabolic steroids). A sharp increase in volume leads to tearing of the mesh layer of the skin with the formation of stretch marks. For this reason, the defect is defined as a failure to the touch - in this area the skin is devoid of a framework of collagen and elastin fibers.

The color of the stripes depends on how long ago they appeared. At the beginning they may have a red or pink color due to the presence of a large number of blood vessels. Over time, the color intensity decreases. This takes from several weeks to a year.

Cellulite and stretch marks are cosmetic defects of the skin and are not considered a disease. But, sometimes, they can be a sign of a serious health problem. Favorite localizations are the skin of the abdomen, the inner and back surfaces of the thighs, buttocks, chest, and the inner surface of the shoulders.

Stretching differs from cellulite in the depth of the degenerative process. In the first case, the skin suffers, in the second, the subcutaneous fatty tissue. But, both here and here, a pronounced cosmetic defect arises.

How to get rid of stretch marks and cellulite?

Want to fix the problem? This requires nutritional correction (limit fats and carbohydrates in the diet, focus on healthy and simple foods, increase the proportion of fruits, herbs and vegetables in the menu). From now on, your lifestyle is active. Regular participation in accessible sports will prevent the formation of new defects. Solariums should be avoided - stretch marks are not exposed to tanning, which makes them more pronounced against the background of darker skin.

The use of special cosmetics that nourish the skin and improve blood microcirculation, together with cosmetic procedures, significantly reduces the severity of defects. Lymphatic drainage massage, wraps, laser therapy and other achievements of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine should be used after consultation with a specialist. But, do not forget, these problems are easier to prevent than to treat.

What causes stretch marks? Is it possible to remove them? How to prevent their occurrence?

What stretch marks look like

Stretch marks (scientifically called stretch marks) are jagged pink, red or purple stripes that appear on the skin of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and chest. They are frequent companions of pregnancy, however, their appearance is not uncommon in men. The presence of stretch marks is not a pathology, but, in some cases, they can be a separate symptom of a disease. Large stretch marks are often observed in people with diseases of the endocrine system and accompany treatment with hormonal drugs. Anatomically, striae are a linear rupture of the mesh layer of the skin, which is responsible for strength and elasticity (the ability to withstand loads). Collagen and elastin fibers in the area of ​​the defect are torn, as a result of which the skin loses strength and easily stretches - stretch marks appear. The fight against them is carried out using various methods - effective and not very effective. The color of stretch marks is due to the presence of a large number of capillaries in the area of ​​the rupture. Over time, they become empty, the defect turns pale, scars, but never completely disappears. Large stretch marks can take up a significant area of ​​the body. In this case, consultation with a doctor and a medical examination are required to promptly identify the cause of the formation of stretch marks.

Why stretch marks appear
There are several main reasons why stretch marks appear:

  • pregnancy - in 80% of women this is the main reason for the formation of stretch marks towards the end of pregnancy. In addition to hormonal changes, their appearance is provoked by purely physical factors such as skin stretching;
  • sudden weight gain – during periods of intense growth, stretch marks can be diagnosed in teenagers. Their appearance in obesity and excess weight is a matter of time;
  • pathology - ailments such as Marfan's or Cushing's disease are almost always accompanied by large stretch marks on the skin, including in unusual places - on the face, neck, back, legs, arms. Blood tests for hormones may be necessary to exclude or confirm the diagnosis;
  • medications - hormonal drugs, even in the form of lotions and ointments, weaken the structure of collagen and elastin fibers. When treating with corticosteroids, you should be aware of this and take appropriate measures to prevent stretch marks.

What makes stretch marks more noticeable?

Striae are poorly exposed to tanning. After sunbathing or visiting a solarium, they may stand out more against the background of tanned skin. Applying certain cosmetics or medications can also make stretch marks more noticeable. Moreover, the skin should be protected from direct sunlight, as its protection is reduced due to the defect.

Stretch marks and how to deal with them

Basically, stretch marks are purely a cosmetic defect of the skin.
Even without treatment, most of the defect becomes less noticeable over time. Unfortunately, most procedures and cosmetics against stretch marks do not have the effectiveness declared by the manufacturer. It is worth remembering this so as not to be disappointed with the results of the treatment. The easiest way to deal with fresh stretch marks. Of the local preparations, ointments containing tretinoin have the most pronounced effectiveness. This substance has a structure similar to vitamin A. The use of tretinoin stimulates collagen synthesis and promotes skin regeneration. However, its use requires medical supervision. On a note. Tretinoin is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug causes fetal malformations and termination of pregnancy. This is a prescription drug. Among the products available without a prescription, Contractubex ointment is often used, which has the ability to prevent the formation of rough scars, including stretch marks. Also, any woman can use a huge number of different cosmetics. But most find that the effect of their use is far from expected. Cosmetic procedures, massage, peeling and wraps for stretch marks can be effective, but require long-term use. The most effective method is laser resurfacing of the defect area. Laser radiation stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which makes stretch marks less noticeable. Older defects can be removed using more aggressive methods. For this purpose, microdermoabrasion and deep grinding with chemicals (trichloroacetic acid) are used. Whatever method the doctor decides to use, it is impossible to completely remove stretch marks. Effective prevention of stretch marks is a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and weight control. Losing weight is happiness for any woman.
However, the skin does not always have time to adapt to changes in body volume, it tears inside and does not heal fully (the tears are filled with connective tissue). And then we begin to look for a miracle cure for stretch marks: the forum will help you find out how others are struggling with them, books will tell you what doctors suggest. The latter, by the way, are sure that it will not be possible to hide stretch marks so easily without qualified medical care. Of course, some homemade folk remedies can make the process of fighting stretch marks somewhat easier if they are still fresh. But for old stretch marks you need to use more professional products. The doctor will tell you which ones exactly. We will make a short overview of common options.

Mesotherapy for stretch marks: cosmetology to help

Cosmetology offers a fairly effective option. Instead of looking for pills for stretch marks or preparing grandmother's recipes that look and smell terrible, it is better to attend several mesotherapy sessions. An appropriate meso-cocktail will be selected individually for each patient, which will become the basis for microinjections.

This method is widely used to improve the appearance of the skin. These cocktails include not only vitamins for stretch marks, but also collagen, various beneficial enzymes and amino acids that smooth out wrinkles and eliminate cellulite. With this procedure, you can hide stretch marks for a long time, and if you carefully take care of yourself, they will not return at all.

Bepanten - emulsion for stretch marks: according to the latest science

The Bayer company, which produces drugs under the Bepanten brand, offers its own branded product. “Bepantol” for stretch marks, the price of which, although quite high, is justified, is a nourishing emulsion. Applying it to the skin provides it with the substances necessary to maintain elasticity and smoothness.

The central component of this drug is Asian centella extract. It stimulates the active production of collagen, thanks to which the skin is better restored, smoothed, and strengthened. And if you need to hide stretch marks, this is the main thing.

The emulsion should be applied with massaging movements twice a day. Its main advantage is the possibility of use by pregnant and lactating women.

Johnson Baby for stretch marks: the most delicate help

Another option that is suitable for pregnant women (and they are the ones who most often face problems with stretch marks) is offered by Johnson & Johnson. Its experts have always taken care to ensure the highest degree of safety and sensitivity of their products. Having achieved success in creating suitable products for little ones, they have also developed an oil for stretch marks that is suitable for expectant mothers. In fact, it is for children, but it has found wider use among pregnant women who want to prevent the manifestation of stretch marks.

After childbirth you can also use this remedy. If stretch marks have already appeared, you can move from a smoothing massage to a pinching massage to enhance the effect.

Creams can help hide stretch marks

Today's market offers a wide selection of creams that will help get rid of stretch marks. For example, Avent relieves stretch marks thanks to the content of sea lettuce and algae extract. The action of these components is aimed at increasing skin elasticity. Shea seed oil has a softening effect, and almond oil has a soothing effect that relieves itching. So after using Avent cream, there will be no stretch marks left.

Lierac cream works somewhat differently: it gets rid of stretch marks by fighting fat cells. Their size (and subsequently their number) decreases, the skin texture evens out, and stretch marks become smaller and smaller.

Weleda stretch mark cream can be used from the second trimester of pregnancy. This is a delicate product created specifically for expectant mothers who care about their skin. The cream is full of vitamins and also smells nice. "Weleda" for stretch marks will be a kind of prevention. By the way, you shouldn’t give it up in the first few months after giving birth either - in order to consolidate the effect.

Chicco stretch mark cream also has similar properties: it is also designed for pregnant women, which has been proven by various clinical trials. The product contains vitamins E and PP, as well as wheat oil, which moisturizes and softens the skin.

Mustela cream deserves special attention: it gets rid of stretch marks as part of a comprehensive effect on the skin. He is able to tidy up the skin of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and even chest in three months. With careful hygiene, it can be used even while breastfeeding

Another remedy for stretch marks is Vichy. It inspires confidence with its certificate of dermatological control, however, judging by the reviews, the ratio of its price and effect is not always justified. In fact, the problem lies in the longer course of using this cream. Depending on the characteristics of a particular woman’s skin, it can last up to six months. can also be a good prophylactic remedy, however, due to its high price, it is usually chosen only to get rid of existing stretch marks.

Other methods to help hide stretch marks

There are a huge number of different folk remedies – it’s impossible to list them all. Of course, a homemade mask for stretch marks can help, but there is no guarantee that a woman will not be allergic to one of its components. Therefore, it is still better to consult a specialist on this problem, especially if you are pregnant or a nursing mother. It is also advisable to collect more feedback on the effectiveness of a particular recipe.

Finally, the appearance of stretch marks can be prevented. To do this, you just need to accustom your skin to stretch gradually, without compromising its appearance. Yoga for stretching is the best method, which, by the way, will bring a lot of benefits to the whole body. After such exercises, the elasticity of not only the skin, but also the muscles will increase. This way you will take care of the beauty of your entire body.

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Stretch Mark Removal

Stretch marks or stretch marks are the same atrophic scars. That is, they are below the level of healthy tissue. Such “dips” are formed when the dermis is stretched, and collagen and elastin are not produced in the required volume. Thus, less connective tissue is synthesized than required.

The color of striae depends on their age. Young stretch marks, which are less than six months old, are pink or red in color, sometimes with a purple tint. With age, stretch marks discolor and become white or translucent.

The most common locations for stretch marks are the thighs and buttocks, abdomen, and chest.

Reasons for appearance

  • Drastic weight loss
  • Pregnancy
  • Puberty
  • Endocrine system diseases
  • Taking medications
  • Heredity
  • Hypercortisolism

Stretch marks are also common in athletes who quickly gain muscle mass. They develop stretch marks on their back, shoulders, and the inside of their arms and legs.

About the procedure

Although stretch marks do not cause any physical discomfort, they do not hurt or bleed, but they do not look aesthetically attractive. Such defects can also cause problems of a psychological nature, when a person begins to feel embarrassed about his body.

Going to the beach or pool becomes a challenge. Relationships in your personal life become more difficult. Complexes about one’s body should not be an obstacle to a person’s normal socialization. Therefore, we must fight them.

At Cleo Line you can remove stretch marks using the Fotona SP Dynamis device. With it, rehabilitation is faster compared to other laser devices. An erbium laser is used to treat stretch marks. It is well absorbed by water in tissues, while the skin does not heat up. Also, the erbium laser affects both the superficial layers of the skin and the deep ones. This allows you to work with stretch marks of any age and depth. For older stretch marks, of course, more procedures will be required. They are all painless.

An additional feature in Fotona SP Dynamis is VSP technology - variable square pulse technology. It allows you to control the pulse power to prevent tissue overheating. The treatment of stretch marks is very delicate, but no less effective.

Removal of stretch marks is carried out as part of fractional rejuvenation procedures and the use of combined rejuvenation technologies. In the latter case, the laser not only evaporates defective areas of the skin, but also stimulates the production of collagen and connective tissue so that instead of stretch marks, new healthy skin is formed.

To carry out the procedure, an anesthetic gel is applied. Redness and swelling will be observed for two days. You will be able to evaluate the first changes after the first procedure. However, the final result will require a course of treatment, which may take several months.

Stretch mark removal procedures at Cleo Line are carried out by cosmetologists, dermatologists and laser therapists.
All of them underwent additional training on the Fotona SP Dynamis device. They know what methods are best to work with this or that problem. At the discretion of the doctor, several techniques and several laser modes can be used in one session. Therefore, we develop an individual approach to each patient. Read more

Stretch marks (striae) are whitish scars that form after childbirth and sudden weight loss.

The mechanism of their formation is as follows: due to stretching of the skin, internal tears are formed, which are subsequently replaced by connective tissue. These scars completely lack melanin, so the skin over them does not tan, remaining white.

Eliminating stretch marks can be quite difficult. This will require serious cosmetic procedures affecting the deep layers of the skin.

Jessner chemical peel for stretch marks

You can find out more about the service and its cost here >>

Jessner peel, which contains resorcinol, salicylic acid and lactic acid, is very effective for removing stretch marks . This combination of substances is able to penetrate deep into the skin layers. After the tissue heals, the stretch marks will become less noticeable. The technique is selected individually for each patient, but in any case the effect will be quite strong.

To eliminate stretch marks, several layers of the reagent are applied to the abdomen at intervals of 5-7 minutes . Their number is selected individually for each patient. After peeling, the skin will become bright red and swollen. After a few days, an intensive exfoliation process will begin, which usually lasts about a week.

During regeneration, rapid renewal of epidermal and dermal tissues occurs. The skin takes up to three weeks to recover, but the effect will be amazing - stretch marks will disappear, and the stomach will become smooth and even.

To prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation, such peeling should be carried out in the cold season and it is better to stay at home until the tissues are completely healed.

Contraindications to deep peeling

Deep skin peeling is not recommended for people with dark skin. A chemical burn leads to disruption of the production of melanin pigment in the affected area, as a result of which the renewed and rejuvenated skin will be noticeably paler than in other parts of the body. This will reduce the aesthetic value of the anti-aging procedure.

Deep peeling is contraindicated for persons with inflammatory reactions on the skin of autoimmune, allergic or infectious origin, diseases of the hepatobiliary system and kidneys, oncopathology, diabetes mellitus. Phenolic peeling is not performed during pregnancy and lactation. Individual intolerance to the drug and allergies are also contraindications for the procedure.

Results after peeling

Lactic acid is the most popular chemical peel. It is able to heal the skin, restoring its excellent appearance. That is why the procedure is gaining popularity every day. This is a common request in beauty salons. The results will become visible after the first session. A lasting effect can be achieved by completing a course of five sessions. The break between them is two weeks. You can repeat the course after six months.

Prices in beauty salons vary; for one session, clients will pay from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles in premium clinics. You should not experiment with lactic acid at home. The cosmetologist will choose the concentration of the drug, taking into account the condition of the skin. A professional approach will help get rid of skin imperfections.

After peeling, the skin will turn slightly red and will peel off for some time. There is no need to touch your face with your hands, use cosmetics, go to the sauna or sunbathe. After a few days, the peeling will stop and the epidermis will recover. It is important to properly care for your face. During the recovery period, you cannot do other procedures in beauty salons. When going outside, you need to apply sunscreen to your skin.

After milk peeling, the skin will become smooth and soft. Pigment spots will become paler, stagnant spots left after acne will disappear. Small wrinkles will be smoothed out, sebum production will decrease, and a healthy complexion will return.

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