What to do if a red spot appears on your neck and itches?

Urticaria is a group of diseases (mainly of an allergic nature), the characteristic symptom of which is a rash on the skin in the form of red blisters.

In Russia, urticaria is very common - from 10 to 20% of the population have experienced its manifestations at least once in their lives. Moreover, in the majority it occurs in an acute form (70-75%), in the rest it takes a chronic course. WHO (World Health Organization) predicts that the 21st century will be the century of allergies. Every year the number of patients with one form of allergy or another increases by 5%.

Symptoms and mechanisms of development of urticaria

The appearance of the main symptoms of urticaria - blisters and redness - is associated with the mechanism of development of the disease. This is an increase in vascular permeability and acute swelling in the tissues that surround the vessels.

The mast cell plays a leading role in the development of urticaria. These are special immune cells, the granules of which contain special biologically active substances (mediators). The most studied of them is histamine. It is because of its action that the symptoms of urticaria arise - rashes, redness, swelling, itching.

A blistering rash appears suddenly on any part of the body, disappears quickly and without a trace within 24 hours, and then appears elsewhere. When you press on the center of the redness, a white spot is visible.

The itching begins at the same time as the rash. This is how histamine acts on nerve endings.

Depending on the factor that activated the release of histamine from mast cell granules, different types of urticaria are distinguished.

In children with urticaria, there may be a deterioration in their general condition: increased body temperature, disruption of the digestive system (diarrhea).

Rash on neck

A rash on the neck is primarily a signal of a malfunction of internal organs or pathologies, and not just an aesthetic problem. There is a wide range of reasons, and only a doctor can name the exact one after examination and tests.

According to statistics, people encounter the problem of a rash on the neck no less often than on the back or any other place, but do not pay enough attention to it. Before buying expensive drugs, we strongly recommend visiting a doctor who can establish an accurate diagnosis, otherwise you are more likely to harm your body. Below, you can familiarize yourself with the main reasons that cause a rash on the neck in adults:

  • Problems with human hormonal levels. For example, in adolescents, red rashes on the face signal the process of restructuring taking place in the body from childhood to adulthood. In this case, such a rash is normal, but drugs that eliminate it are still used for aesthetic purposes. It is also considered normal to have red spots on the face during the menstrual period and in pregnant women. As for rashes in other people associated with changes in hormones, this is a definite failure. It is imperative to deal with it, since such problems can negatively affect all processes of human life. Hormone tests are used for diagnosis, which will confirm or refute problems associated with hormonal levels. It should be noted that rashes of the first type, associated with changes in the body, and those that occur due to hormonal imbalance, differ from each other. Age-related red rashes resemble blisters or acne in other words, they are bright in color, rich, inflamed and watery. As for spots in pregnant women and with women's problems, they are more like the allergic nature of the rash. In addition, there are many other types of redness due to hormonal changes in the body.
  • Vitamin deficiency is another reason why there may be protrusion of red spots on the face and body. In this case, a lack of vitamins weakens the immune system, and redness of various types appears as a protective reaction. In order to determine which vitamin is missing in the body, you should undergo a certain examination.
  • Allergy. Here we can note the most common irritant that causes a rash on the neck - vitamin D. That is, a reaction to the sun. It is not uncommon for food to be an irritant, especially citrus fruits and various fruits. But other factors should not be excluded: animals, alcohol, clothing materials and much more.
  • Bad habits, in particular smoking. In addition to the fact that they weaken the immune system, a rash on the neck may be the body’s reaction to tobacco, or more precisely to the nicotine it contains.
  • Severe stress. Due to a malfunction of the nervous system, a person develops red spots on the body, in particular on the neck. Typically, this occurs after a strong shock or due to a stable state of stress.
  • Side effects of medications. When taking new medications, redness of the neck is a very common reaction.
  • Strong changes in body temperature. Due to hypothermia or, conversely, overheating, red spots form on the skin, and after a short time they disappear.
  • Poor quality cosmetics. Often, hazardous substances may be added to products; be especially careful with counterfeits of expensive brands.
  • Pathologies and diseases of internal organs. The most common case is problems with the thyroid gland. But identifying the exact epicenter of the disease and its nature will only be possible through examination and testing.
  • Problems with the reproductive organs. This problem can occur in both men and women.
  • Prickly heat. This disease is associated with poor hygiene and, as a result, infection in the body. In the absence of timely treatment, red spots may not be a problem. It is necessary to immediately contact a specialist to avoid complications and spread of the disease.
  • Syphilis. Redness in the neck area usually appears six months after infection. They can have different sizes and color intensity. Over time, they will cover the patient's entire neck. Before obvious redness appears, areas of the skin begin to darken. In the first stages of syphilis, small pimples appear throughout the body. Which disappear and appear again at different intervals. At the stage of redness of the neck, hair begins to fall out and most internal organs malfunction. This disease can only be treated with the help of an experienced specialist.

As you can understand, there are a huge number of reasons that cause a rash in an adult, and only a specialist can determine the exact cause, who will prescribe the most effective treatment.

Types of urticaria

There are several classifications of urticaria.

1. By time:

  • acute – lasts up to 6 weeks;
  • chronic – more than 6 weeks.

2. By nature:

  • allergic (immune) - realized through the development of an immune reaction, often combined with other allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, etc.);
  • non-allergic - through the direct release of histamine.

3. Due to:

allergic urticaria

may cause:

  • Food;
  • taking medications;
  • insect allergens (insect allergy);
  • pollen allergens.


form of the disease occurs due to a direct effect on the mast cell:

  • physical factors - such as cold, heat, ultraviolet radiation, radiation, vibration, compression;
  • chemical (provoking factors are solvents, acids, alkalis and other chemicals);
  • certain medicines, such as aspirin;
  • infectious agents - viruses (adenoviruses, Epstein-Bar virus, enteroviruses), streptococci, helminths, Helicobacter pylori;
  • for systemic and other chronic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus);
  • with a sharp increase in the level of histamine and other active substances in the blood due to the large consumption of foods high in them: eggplants, canned food, nuts, bananas, chocolate and others.

Hereditary, psychogenic, and idiopathic urticaria (this is the name for a disease whose cause has not been established) is also possible.

The wide variety of factors and similar developmental mechanisms of individual species make it difficult to find the cause. Most often, this requires the help of a specialist.

Will the spot on the back of my head go away on its own?

A simple nevus is the most harmless deviation in the formation of skin capillaries. During the first year of the baby's life, the spot begins to lighten until it matches the color of the normal skin tone. It may still appear for some time after intense screaming or severe stress, and by the age of two it usually goes away. But if we talk specifically about the stork spot - a simple nevus located on the back of the head or back of the neck - then it may not completely disappear, but only turn pale. Fortunately, since it is not located in the most visible area, the damage to the exterior is minimal.

When and which doctor to contact

Usually a doctor is consulted:

  • if the rash spreads over a large area;
  • when symptoms increase;
  • when signs of general intoxication occur;
  • if the urticaria does not go away on its own after eliminating the factor that caused it;
  • if the disease becomes chronic or often recurs,

It is advisable not to delay your visit to the doctor and come when the first manifestations of the disease occur. Then it will be easier to establish the cause, and treatment will take less time. In addition, the doctor will recommend what to do to prevent hives.

A therapist or pediatrician, a dermatologist can provide assistance with urticaria, and an allergist is involved in targeted diagnosis and treatment.

Are red moles dangerous?

In themselves, these formations are harmless and are not precancers.

If you have a lot of red moles on your body, the cause may be a serious liver or pancreas disease. Pay attention to this - this is a reason for examination.

Problems may arise in case of traumatization of hemangiomas. Even fairly small formations threaten heavy bleeding, which is not easy to stop.

Clinical case

Patient L, 26 years old, presented with a traumatized mass in the axillary region. According to her, she tore off a convex hemnagioma with the edge of a rigid corset of a wedding dress almost a few minutes before the start of the wedding ceremony. The hemangioma bled very heavily and a large blood stain appeared on her white dress. She had to wear the witness's jacket over her wedding dress. It was in such a strange outfit that the wedding took place.

Diagnostic procedures for urticaria

Diagnosis of acute urticaria is usually quite simple. An examination and questioning of the patient about his medical history is sufficient. Finding out the reason is not so easy, and for this purpose additional research is carried out:

1. Laboratory tests:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood biochemistry (liver tests - ALT, AST, bilirubin, rheumatic tests, blood glucose);
  • stool examination (coprogram);
  • bacterial cultures from the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa.

2. Instrumental research:

  • chest x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • endoscopic examinations of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract (gastroscopy, colonoscopy).

3. Allergy tests:

  • intradermal tests with allergens;
  • cold and heat tests;
  • physical stress tests, line drawing, tourniquet application.

4. Immunological methods.

5. Consultations of related specialists:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • gynecologist and others as necessary.

First of all, it is important for a specialist to establish what nature the urticaria is – allergic or non-allergic. In the allergic form, one can clearly trace the connection between the symptoms and the introduction of the allergen. It is confirmed by skin, allergy and immunological tests.

Diagnosis of urticaria in children

A preliminary diagnosis is made by the doctor after an initial examination of the skin.
The doctor knows exactly what urticaria looks like in a child, so he will not confuse it with manifestations of other diseases. For allergies, the following tests are prescribed:

  • general blood test to exclude immune and inflammatory processes;
  • allergy tests to identify the allergen.

In some situations, a biochemical blood test and examination for helminthic and parasitic diseases are performed. If necessary, a thyroid examination is prescribed to identify hyper- and hypothyroidism.

Course of poikiloderma

The course is slow, but progressive and irreversible.

The beginning is the appearance of age spots, a peculiarity: the spots have a mesh pattern due to telangiectasia. The spots gradually merge, forming conglomerates. Gradually, nodular rashes form on the spots.

A little later, as the process progresses, areas of skin atrophy appear.

Possible general malaise: weakness, headache and loss of appetite.

In an adult

Redness in adults can be localized both over the entire surface of the body and in certain places.

Based on external signs, spots on the neck can be divided into several categories:

  1. Dry and weeping redness.
  2. Convex and not.
  3. With tactile contact there may be swollen and inflamed spots.
  4. Have clearly defined or blurred boundaries.
  5. Become covered with scaly growths or remain unchanged.

Most often, the appearance of redness in an adult is associated with disturbances in the functionality of body systems. Such signs indicate the presence of a serious disease that requires long-term therapy.


To visualize spots on the neck of an adult, use the provided photographic material.

Experts' opinion

The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily skin care of children and adults with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.

Based on the results of joint research, the following information is placed on product packaging: “Recommended by the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.”


  1. Yukhtina N.V., Modern ideas about atopic dermatitis in children
  2. Kamasheva G.R., Khakimova R.F. Valiullina S.A., Methods for assessing the severity of atopic dermatitis in young children, Dermatology journal, 2010
  3. G.V. Molokova, E.V. Bukina, Diaper dermatitis in children with sensitive skin, Journal of Dermatology and Allergology, 2019
  4. N.L. Rybkina, Modern approaches to newborn skin care: pediatrician tactics, journal Bulletin of Modern Clinical Medicine, 2014

Allergy treatment

The basic principle of treating any allergic reaction is to eliminate the causes that caused it. In addition, patients are often prescribed a special elimination diet to protect themselves from food allergens. In the treatment of allergies, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drugs of local and systemic action are also used.

Of great importance in the treatment of allergic reactions is the elimination of the most unpleasant symptoms: redness, burning, itching. La-Cri products, compatible with modern anti-allergy drugs, can help with this:

  • La-Cri cream reduces burning and itching, helps reduce erythema (redness);
  • Emulsion "La-Cri"
    allows you to make the skin less sensitive, get rid of flaking and dryness;
  • Cleansing gel "La-Cri"
    allows you to cleanse the skin of irritants and allergens.
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