Removing unwanted hair: 8 most popular methods

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the ways to remove unwanted hair?
  • How to remove unwanted hair at home
  • Is it possible to remove unwanted hair permanently?
  • How can you remove unwanted body hair?

Removing unwanted hair on any part of the body is a task that every girl has to solve. Today there are many methods of hair removal and depilation that give maximum results. “Beauty requires sacrifice” is a well-known phrase that very correctly reveals the essence of the process, because many of these methods are time-consuming and expensive. Some procedures may cause pain and discomfort during their implementation. Let's take a closer look at ways to remove unwanted hair.

Removing unwanted hair with a razor

A razor is a well-known way to quickly get rid of unwanted hair. It is the cheapest and easiest option. The method is popular for several reasons: the low cost of a razor, accessible to any woman, it can be purchased in every store, and the manipulation itself is not difficult and does not require special skills.

The main significant disadvantage of this method of removing vegetation is that the blade can only remove the upper part of unwanted hair located on the surface.

Is it painful to do this procedure?

Shaving is a fairly comfortable and painless procedure, provided that you do it carefully and correctly, observing safety precautions.

Before starting the session, make sure that you have a special cream, any cosmetic oil and a fairly sharp machine. By knowing the principles of shaving, you will minimize the risk of cutting yourself and exposing your skin to irritation and rashes.

Is this procedure expensive?

Typically, the cost of a razor is $2–20. It depends on the type of tool, brand and number of blades.

How long does the result last?

With this option for removing unwanted body hair, it is removed directly from the surface of the skin, so it begins to grow back quite quickly. Typically, you will notice this within one to three days. Shaving is not a suitable method if you want to achieve longer-lasting results.

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When should you go to a trichologist?

You should contact a trichologist if you had problems with your hair before the coronavirus and if your hair loss lasted for several months. “If we talk about seasonal hair loss, it does not require special treatment. This is a natural process that regresses on its own. As for post-Covid hair loss, we are trying to stabilize the condition and help patients. It is clear that “acute” hair loss, as a rule, goes away on its own, but this is a huge stress for our hair. Therefore, recovery may take 6–8 months. The doctor will select the appropriate treatment, these could be vitamin complexes, and it is also possible to prescribe mild growth stimulants externally,” notes Vavilov.

Hair removal with an electric epilator

A razor and an epilator may seem similar to you, but they are completely different devices in their properties, design and results.

The main difference between an electric device and a razor that removes unwanted hair from the surface of the skin is that it pulls out the specimens by the roots. This is possible due to the special design of the nozzle and specially designed rotating wheels, which contain many small tweezers that capture the hair completely and remove it along with the bulb.

Now let’s note the disadvantage of this method of removing unwanted hair at home: if you belong to the category of girls who have a low pain threshold, then this method will not suit you. True, there are tricks that are guaranteed to reduce discomfort. Most often, special cooling agents are used for this purpose.

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Today, there are epilators on the market that can remove excess hair while taking a bath. This is a really suitable option, because hot water opens the pores on the skin well, making unwanted hair easier to remove and you experience less pain.

The main advantage of an electric epilator is that the longer you use it, the more your hair growth slows down. A distinctive feature of growing specimens: they are thinner and lighter when compared with the result of removal with a razor.

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Removing unwanted hair with depilatory cream

The cream works by dissolving unwanted vegetation. Typically, hair removal products contain components that destroy keratin, the protein that makes up human hair.

There is an opinion that these substances are toxic, dangerous and can negatively affect health. Yes, they can cause redness of the skin, and you may notice an active chemical process taking place, which can be accompanied by some unpleasant moments.

After a while, the redness of the dermis will definitely disappear. Also, these preparations contain useful components, for example, aloe vera or chamomile, panthenol, which produce a disinfecting and calming effect.

Applying the cream is quite easy: you need to spread it in a thick layer on the area to remove unwanted hair. Then hold the product for several minutes, as indicated on the box by the manufacturer. To accurately follow the recommendations, we advise you to time yourself.

After the specified period, the composition must be removed from the skin using a special spatula included in the depilation kit.

Typically, creams of this type are suitable for getting rid of only the top part of unwanted hairs. However, they are often quite effective in helping those with dark, coarse, dense hair. So take this feature into account when choosing this method of removing unwanted hair at home.

Due to the presence of certain chemicals contained in such products, a persistent unpleasant odor may be present during use.

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How it works?

A cream with a slowing effect on hair growth after hair removal necessarily contains inhibitors that interfere with normal physiological processes in the body.

Often such inhibitors are natural substances, they can be:

  • St. John's wort extract;
  • arnica;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • witch hazel.

Papaya and pineapple, from which proteases are obtained, are used as depressants.
Some samples help neutralize sulfur, which is necessary for the body for the regenerative function of hair. There is also a cream to slow down hair growth after hair removal, which, with the help of special enzymes - proteases, promotes the breakdown of proteins in the body, due to which it has anti-androgenic and anti-keratin effects, thereby destroying the hair roots .
Did you know? Human skin has up to 5 million follicles.
Their number can change throughout life. Also, such creams, in addition to the main active elements, contain additional substances that help soften and soothe irritated skin. Often these are natural ingredients:

  • beeswax;
  • soy milk;
  • grape seed oil;
  • jojoba oil.

Manufacturers achieve an antibacterial and healing effect with the help of allantoin and aloe extract.

Hair removal with wax

Waxing is the most painful way to get rid of excess hair, because during this procedure it is completely removed from the roots. This disadvantage of the procedure is also an advantage, because you will be provided with a feeling of smooth skin for a long time, unlike other types of depilation.

This method is carried out as follows: hot wax adheres firmly to the skin, capturing all the hairs. Then it comes off with a strong sharp movement (sometimes a strip of fabric is used for this, but you can do without it). Wax is able to remove hairs completely along with the follicles. Therefore, the sensations during such manipulation will be painful.

The main advantage of waxing is that you can do it yourself at home. However, it is worth considering that as a means of removing unwanted hair, the substance has several individual points that you need to be aware of if you get rid of excess hair in this way.

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Removing unwanted hair using sugaring

Sugaring has many similarities with waxing. From the name of the procedure it is clear that this method is carried out using sugar mass or gel to get rid of excess hair. The process itself is similar to waxing: the hair is completely removed, including the hair follicle.

Let's consider the sugaring procedure step by step, and also find out the reason for the high popularity of this method among most girls.

Removing unwanted vegetation using sugar originated long ago in the Middle East. It is based on the use of natural sugar mass, which also contains water and lemon juice. It is possible to add honey, aromatic oils and even salt to the composition.

Thanks to this product, unwanted hairs are removed along with the bulb. The effect will be long-lasting, for some girls it reaches six weeks.

On the Internet you can find various options for sugar paste from a variety of ingredients. But the original recipe contained only natural ingredients. Sugaring is often called sugar wax, because the mass is very similar to it.

Depending on the type of her skin, a woman can use both paste and gel. The advantage of sugaring is its simplicity; it can be done at home.

What features do the paste and gel have? What are the differences between the funds?

There are two types of sugaring: using paste or gel. Professionals call removing excess vegetation using sugar mass traditional. The heated composition is applied in a thick layer, always against the growth of unwanted hairs, using a spatula designed for this purpose. Next, the frozen mass is sharply torn off in the direction of growth.

The use of the gel is similar to wax depilation. It is applied in the direction of growth of unwanted hairs and removed in the opposite direction using a piece of fabric, a muslin strip.

You can master the art of sugaring yourself, or you can visit a salon where a master will conduct a depilation session for you.

As a means of removing unwanted hair, this method can slow down its growth and reduce the activity of new ones, and the shaft of growing specimens will be noticeably thinner and lighter.

Previously, finding a specialist who performed the sugaring procedure at a high level using paste was quite problematic. Today in various beauty salons you can attend such sessions without fear.

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Ways to slow down body hair growth

Slowing or stopping hair growth is possible with the help of special drugs - inhibitors. They are available in the form of creams, lotions, oils, sprays and have virtually no contraindications other than individual intolerance and possible allergic reactions. The action of the active components is aimed at slowing down metabolic processes and destroying the connections between cells in the follicles. Adjacent tissues remain untouched.

Folk remedies used after depilation also effectively slow down hair growth.

  1. Turmeric (65-70 g) is dissolved in water until a paste is obtained. Leave for 15-25 minutes. Apply to the skin and cover with polyethylene. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.
  2. Castor oil (5 ml), medical alcohol (40 ml), iodine (1.5 ml) are mixed. The resulting solution is wiped over the skin twice a day.
  3. Quicklime (10 g) mixed with calcium sulfite (10 g) is applied to the skin. It washes off after half an hour.
  4. Folk remedies can cause allergic reactions provoked by one or more components. Before using them, it is recommended to conduct a test: apply the selected product to a small area for 10-20 minutes. Accessibility and ease of use are the main advantages of traditional methods. But they also have a serious drawback - low efficiency.

Removing unwanted hair with laser

Laser hair removal is a modern and safe way to remove excess hair. The principle of its operation is based on the destruction of the hair follicle by light flux.

The laser works by selectively affecting a selected area of ​​the body: it destroys melanin. Each beam has its own wavelength. It is capable of providing efficient and high-quality laser action.

The device heats the hair to the required temperature at which the bulb begins to disintegrate. An important advantage of the method is that it heats only the vegetation itself, and not the skin around it. This feature helps prevent burns.

A laser session lasts a certain time, because you need to influence the beam on all unwanted hairs separately, while the skin surrounding them hardly suffers.

A powerful and high-quality device is capable of treating a large area from which vegetation needs to be removed in a short period of time. Additionally, cosmetologists use professional gels. They help cool the skin and prevent it from heating up.

It is recommended to carry out several hair removal sessions until the hair growth is noticeably reduced or unwanted hair is removed permanently.

With each subsequent procedure they will become lighter and thinner.

The most modern and effective device is a diode laser. It is optimally absorbed by melanin, at the same time protecting the skin without damaging it, and also protecting blood vessels and nerve endings. When choosing a laser, we recommend choosing this option. Its wavelength is 820 nanometers.

This procedure is often performed by girls to remove unwanted facial hair.

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Hair growth inhibitors

The most effective pharmaceutical agent that slows down hair growth is 1% Rivanol (RIVANOL). It belongs to medicinal cosmetics and is intended for skin care on any area, including the face and bikini area.

Rivanol restores damaged tissue, eliminates redness, and fights inflammation. It does not penetrate deep into the skin and has an exclusively local effect on the hair follicle, without damaging nearby tissues, but, on the contrary, improving their condition.

Using a cotton pad, apply a small amount of solution to areas of unwanted hair growth. After a few minutes, the procedure is repeated. After 10 minutes. the product is washed off completely. The manipulation should be carried out twice a day, in the morning and evening, but with caution - the yellow solution leaves stains on clothes.

RIVANOL is a time-tested product. Its main ingredient is yellow crystalline powder of ethacridine lactate (Ethacridine lactatis, Aethacridinilactas), which was used in pharmacies to prepare antiseptic solutions and ointments even before the revolution. Regular use of its solution thins the hair, making it thinner and lighter.

IMPORTANT: “Consultation with a physician is required before use”

Electric hair removal

Electrical hair removal has three methods: electrolysis, thermolysis and blend method. Any of them is based on the use of a small thin needle, with which the doctor pierces the follicle of the unwanted hair.

Electrolysis (or galvanic hair removal) is the most famous of the existing electrolysis technologies. It is also the only option for permanently removing unwanted hair.

This technique mentions terms that we will now decipher. Electrolysis is a complex chemical process using the basic principles of galvanic current.

The latter is passed through the skin using two electrodes. This chemical reaction, which is monitored on a negative electrode (needle), is capable of releasing hydroxyl ions from water. They have destructive qualities. They destroy the hair follicle to its very base.

That is why this type of hair removal, due to the complete destruction of the follicle of each hair using electric current, is the most effective. Compared to laser removal of unwanted hair, which is not suitable for all types of hair and skin, electrolysis can help absolutely everyone without exception.

Please note that this option treats each hair individually, so the procedure itself will take longer than all other manipulations (on average, 15–30 sessions are required).

The effect of removing unwanted hair on the face, bikini, i.e. on small areas, will be visible faster than on the arms or legs.

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How much hair does a person lose every day?

The entire human body is covered with hair with the exception of the palms and feet. Each of them has about 5 million, of which 100-150 thousand are on the head. From 50 to 150 pieces are lost every day, and the same number begins to grow. This highly individual parameter is influenced by:

  • heredity;
  • number of follicles.

To determine the intensity of precipitation, a simple experiment is carried out. The hair is divided into strands and each of them is pulled forcefully, but gently. If you have up to 15 pieces left in your hands. - this is the norm, if their number exceeds 25-30 - pathology is obvious. But excessive hair loss is not the only problem. Active hair growth, especially in unwanted places, causes no less worry.

Hair photoepilation

Photoepilation is a proven modern method of getting rid of body hair. Its principle is based on the use of high-intensity light pulses with high frequency.

The effect of photoepilation is reminiscent of laser hair removal, with the difference that the light wave contains many rays, each of which has its own length.

Also, this removal method uses krypton lamps with a certain filtration that can remove short wavelengths (ultraviolet). This type is considered the most dangerous for humans.

At the same time, hair is destroyed less during photoepilation compared to a procedure using a laser.

If we consider these two manipulations, then the first is much more dangerous and traumatic. After all, the chance of burning the skin is significantly higher than when using a laser. And this method is not particularly effective.

The principle of operation of a photoepilator is similar to the effect of a laser, the only difference is in the operation of these devices. Removal of unwanted hair is accomplished by heating and eliminating the melanin at the root.

The choice of the appropriate method should be made taking into account the individual skin type and hair growth of a particular person.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can undergo a course of removing unwanted hair at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13, and you will see for yourself!

Salon and medical procedures

There are cases when home treatments and remedies against hair loss no longer help. Then there is a reason to turn to professionals. Among salon procedures, the most famous are mesotherapy, plasma therapy and micrografting.

With mesotherapy, minerals, amino acids and vitamins necessary for the health of the hair roots are introduced into the scalp using injections. This procedure not only prevents hair loss, but also stimulates new hair growth and strengthens it. During plasma therapy, platelet mass or plasma is isolated from the patient’s own venous blood and injected into the affected area, which helps to launch the body’s reserves and regeneration. Micrografting is a procedure in which healthy hair is transplanted into problem areas.

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