Spells from thorn: review of the most popular options

A thorn is a specific type of wart, localized on the skin in the area of ​​​​the feet and palms. The formation is painful; when touched, it causes burning, tingling, and itching. Many treatment methods have been developed, based on taking medications and changing diet. Traditional healers believe that the thorn spell has special healing powers. When illness prevents you from sleeping and enjoying life, trust in magical powers.


A thorn is a specific variation of a wart that is localized on the skin in the area of ​​the palms and soles. The formation causes pain; when touched, itching, tingling, and burning appear. A large number of healing technologies have been developed, based on taking medications and changing the diet.

Traditional healers believe that the thorn spell has special healing powers. When an illness prevents you from enjoying life and sleeping, trust in magical powers.


A painful growth with a dark rod inside is not an independent illness. It indicates that an individual is infected with the papilloma virus. Penetration can occur both in adulthood and in childhood; the moment of infection cannot be accurately determined.

The virus can hide in the body for years without showing symptoms. But when suitable conditions for development are formed, it begins to become more active. The growth of spines is provoked by the following:

  • addiction to alcohol, smoking;
  • illnesses that occur in a chronic form;
  • physical overexertion, stress;
  • increased sweating of the feet, which occurs due to wearing tight shoes or those made from low-quality artificial materials.

There is a popular belief that the appearance of a thorn is preceded by contact with toads and frogs, which personify evil spirits. Prayers help remove the growth.

By the way, more than half of the population of our planet are carriers of the papilloma virus. Despite such a number of carriers of the disease, only a few inhabitants of the globe suffer from the virus. When the immune system becomes weak, the disease makes itself felt. You can get warts like this:

  • Household method. The cause of infection may be the use of the same utensils or personal hygiene items.
  • Direct contact. You can catch the disease simply by shaking the patient’s hand that has warts.
  • The virus is also transmitted sexually.


How to remove a spine? You must remember the following rules:

  1. The stronger sex should perform the sacrament only on men's days of the week (Tuesday, Thursday and Monday), and the weaker sex on women's days (Saturday, Wednesday and Friday).
  2. If the lunar phase in which the action must be implemented is not indicated in the description of the spell, read the spell for the waning moon. It was at this time that healing warts and other ailments with witchcraft technologies is most effective.
  3. Remember: a person’s faith is very strong. You must believe in the power of magic words and deliverance from misfortune.
  4. There is no need to abuse requests for help from above. After all, magic doesn’t always help right away. After performing the ritual, you need to wait a little. If after four weeks there is no improvement, read again the plot you have already implemented or choose another one.
  5. The magic of amateur performances does not tolerate. Follow the instructions from the description of the ritual strictly. Any slight deviation from the conventions will negatively affect the effectiveness of the spell.
  6. Witchcraft can be combined with the remedies offered by traditional medicine. Moreover, very often conspiracies against growths stipulate such a mixed influence.

Preparing for the conspiracy

Thorn spells belong to the home category and can be performed in the apartment independently. The main thing is to approach with faith in a higher power and not show doubts. If you do everything correctly, the wart will begin to darken and dry out. This means that the root is dying and it will soon be eliminated.

Rules for reading the plot:

  • remember the magic words, pronounce them clearly and without haste;
  • follow the instructions and do not reverse the steps;
  • cast spells during the Waning Moon phase, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions;
  • you need to cast a spell completely alone or with the person for whom you are reading the spell;
  • perform the ritual in a calm internal state;

Traditional medicine

Homemade products such as apples, potatoes, onions, and garlic effectively combat the external manifestation of thorns; healers advise using a cut slice of which to rub the growths.

There is also a known method of healing with herbs (kalanchoe, dandelion, celandine, oregano, valerian, flax, lemon balm), the best of which is celandine. Its fresh juice is a panacea for most skin ailments.

However, such treatment must be used very carefully and with the consent of an experienced dermatologist. After all, a person may be allergic to some plants, and celandine juice is generally poisonous!

On the withering growth

Let's consider the plot with potatoes from the thorn. Since ancient times, healers and fortune tellers have effectively removed warts from children using this method. You need to have a potato and a strong thread. Cut the potatoes in half with a knife at dawn. Rub the growth with the resulting halves one by one, saying three times: “As I wiped my hands with this potato, so let the warts come off!” Amen!"

Then put the used slices together and tie them tightly with thread. Next, bury the vegetable so that no one disturbs it. For this purpose, you can take a flower pot without a plant. When burying a vegetable, say: “As this potato rots in the ground, so will the wart disappear!”

When the vegetable completely rots, the spine should disappear. For the ritual, you can take a fresh apple and do everything in the same way. And in the conspiracy, simply replace the word “potato” with “apple.”

Review of effective conspiracies for thorn

In ancient times, people were treated by herbalists and healers. Thanks to knowledge and skills, the diseases receded. Today these methods are considered outdated and ineffective, but practice proves the opposite. When a person is attacked by despair, an arm or a leg hurts, or leads to depression, magic can bring relief and relieve the illness. There are many effective spells, each patient chooses the appropriate one individually.

On a thread

The thread is actively used in magical rituals. It’s like a lock locking negative energy inside. There are many rituals, each of which pays special attention to the type of material used to produce the product - cotton, gray thread, silk thread, yarn. When choosing a plot, carefully select the described attributes.

№1 On red cotton thread. The length depends on the number and diameter of growths.

Go outside and run a thread over the spines that have grown on your body. Count them and twist an equal number of knots in diameter. Then read the following words:

“The month is young, the month is golden! Cleanse me - take the warts with you!

At the end of the ritual, the charmed attribute is buried in the ground in a secluded place. When the thread rots, the disease will pass.

Important condition! Perform magical actions for the advancing month!

№2 A strong, trouble-free ritual charged to potatoes 1 pc. and yellow thread.

Using a thick thread, cut the tuber into halves. Use the resulting parts to rub the growths and the skin around them, reading the following prayer:

“How I wiped my hands with this potato so that my warts came off. Amen!".

Using a thread, tie a potato and bury it deep in a place inaccessible to people and animals. After 3-4 weeks, the vegetable will rot and the spines will disappear.

№3 You can cast a thorn on a thread in a simple way. You will need to find gray yarn. Wrap the sore finger, saying the following:

“I fold it, I twist it, with a gray thread, with a strong thread, so that there is no growth or profit.”

At the end of the session, the attribute is buried to a depth of 25-30 cm in the soil.


Papillomavirus in combination with prayers can be treated with potatoes. In folk medicine, it is explained by the fact that the magic word is reinforced by the action of vitamins and aminocarboxylic acids that can suppress the growth of the causative agent of the disease.

For the ceremony, prepare medium-sized potatoes. Count the number of body lesions and remove the same number of matches from the box.

With the accessories you have, go to the intersection. Take out a match, move the sulfur head along the bulge and stick the head into the pulp of the vegetable, saying the text: “One match - one wart.” Repeat the cycle of actions with each individual element. After completing the procedure, raise your hand and throw the tuber behind your back. At this time the prayer is read:

“Take the potatoes from the road, take them wherever you want, but don’t come back to me. And if you decide to return, get out quickly.”

Walk quickly home without turning your head back, and do not talk to anyone along the way. After 1-4 weeks, the disease will disappear.

No. 2 The root crop during the flowering period is characterized by special strength. Arrange thorns with flowers on a bush. They bring it to the sore spot, without tearing it off, and say in a whisper:

“Just as potatoes grow in the ground, so all the thorns remain deep in the ground. They are not on the Servant of God... I feel good without them, and they feel good without me. Amen!".

A spell with potatoes for painful spines is read for the growing month.

For millet

Millet is a symbol of fertility and helps maintain health and strength for decades.

To use it for magical purposes, the grain is placed in a heat-resistant container and cooked until half cooked. It is acceptable to carry out the ritual with a hot mass, hiding from strangers in the room. A lump of millet is applied to the papilloma growth with the words:

“I’ll remove the wart with millet porridge, get off my body in the morning. Amen".

Repeat the text without breaks or stops 13 times. Alternately apply and hold the lumps to the sore spots. When finished, wrap it in cloth and bury it underground. Repeat the action after 2 weeks.


Ancient healers also knew many methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven for hundreds of years.

It is recommended to remove the spines in a bath. Prepare a broom for steaming, place it in a container, and fill it with boiling water. After 5-10 minutes, remove from the basin and wait until the water drains into a separate container. Repeat the step-by-step procedures three times.

After the third repetition, take the drained water into your hands and wash the body formations, reciting the spell:

“Just as water flowed easily and quickly from a broom, so the thorns easily run off my skin. Amen".

In the summer, when the apple trees are full of colors, a ritual for healing is performed. Pick up a ripe apple from the ground, divide it into slices with a knife and rub the sore spot. During the process say:

“Like an apple dries, so warts disappear from my body. Let it be so. Amen".

Wrap the fruit in a new scarf, a clean piece of cloth, and throw it away in a secluded place on the street. After completing the thorn spell, never remember or talk about it. The fruit will dry out and the problem will be a thing of the past.

If it doesn’t work, it means the steps were performed incorrectly, repeat the treatment in compliance with the rules and recommendations.

Try the egg in action. Boil, wrap with a cloth. The finished bag is rolled around the sore foot, heel or palm. During the process, the following prayer should be said three times with confidence in healing:

“Don’t hiss, don’t prick. Leave the Servant of God..., she will live without you. Amen".

Unwrap the used egg and hide it in the ground. Over time, the testicle will rot and the skin will clear.

If the thorn does not want to be reduced by the rituals described above, a strong and powerful method will come to the rescue. It is also recommended to use in cases where the virus has attacked a large area and the entire foot, arm, and palm are covered with painful formations. The condition may indicate damage caused that needs to be removed, otherwise there will be trouble.

The home ritual is difficult to perform; you need 13 frogs. You will need a thread with 13 knots tied along its length. Cut into pieces so that there is one knot on one piece. Place the magical attributes at close range and begin the session.

Take one frog and tie a piece of thread to its leg, whispering:

“13 devils, take 13 frogs and go your way with them. Along the way, remove the warts from my hands. Just as these frogs will never meet on the same road, the thorn will never return to me. I close my words with a key. Amen".

Repetition is mandatory with each frog. Release them into an open field. It is advisable to conduct the ritual with a magician or healer with strong energy and the ability to cast spells.

How to remove growths on hands?

What is a conspiracy for thorns on the hands? Before the ceremony begins, you need to let the water sit for 11 days. As soon as you fulfill this condition, go outside at dawn, taking a jug of water. Find a birch tree, squat down and wash your hands, saying: “I wash my hands with clear water, I wash out the warts!” They will leave me alone and leave my body alone! Into the soil with water, where they will be from now on! Amen!"

This text must be said nine times while rinsing your hands. The infused water should all be poured out. There will be improvement within a month.

On a thread

Let's study the plot of a thorn on a thread. To perform the sacrament, buy a skein of red woolen thread. Tie a knot over each growth that you want to get rid of and say three times: “Where you came from, you came, go back there, go away.”

Take the thread to a deserted place and bury it dry under a tree. Warts will begin to disappear when the thread rots, so there is no need to use synthetics when implementing the ritual.

You can also use gray thread. In this case, wrap it around your finger where the growth appeared and say 21 times: “Sushi, plow, asa has dried up!” I fold, twist, twist, twist, with the power of words, with a strong thread, you will not grow, wart. Fall off, dry up, leave, don’t come to me.” Place the thread in the toilet and flush.

Ritual using a notepad

In practice, there are many different methods and rituals that help remove this or that pathology. Most often, residents of rural areas resort to their help, although they are increasingly becoming common practice among urban residents.

For this ritual, take the simplest notebook or a small sheet of paper and write the following words of the conspiracy on it:

“May my sore disappear soon, like a drop of dew that will evaporate in a second under the rays of the rising Sun.”

After this, from the very early morning, go out into the courtyard - it is best if it is the courtyard of a private house and walk back and forth three times. During such runs along the fence, it is important to run your hands along the boards or slabs of the fence, collecting dew, which you throw over your left shoulder.

When all the manipulations have been carried out, you press as tightly as possible to your body, preferably at the site of the growth, a sheet of notebook on which the words of the ritual spell are written. At this moment you should say it out loud and when you have done this, hide the notebook in a secret place. Keep it in it until the sore disappears from the body, then burn it on an open fire and scatter the ashes to the wind.

How to eliminate plantar warts?

Few people know the plot for a thorn on the foot. If you want to get rid of plantar warts, take a straw and sit by the window during the waning moon. Next, you need to poke the growths with a straw. This must be done very carefully so that the spines do not puncture.

During this process, you need to read the following conspiracy: “There will not be a young one from a dry fish, there will not be a bull from a fish, you will not take milk from a rooster. So you can’t sit on my body, and you can’t die in the flawed month. Amen". Afterwards, set the straw on fire and scatter the ashes.

Potato conspiracy

Regular potatoes will help get rid of a painful scourge. Take a medium-sized vegetable, peel it and rinse well under water. Then grind thoroughly and squeeze out all the juice. This liquid should be taken three times a day. Don’t throw away what’s left of the potato either – the cake has healing properties. Apply it to the spine with the words:

“All the juices have been drained from me, but I will make up for it. All my flesh was cut to pieces, but I will recover. I won’t fall into the clutches of evil spirits. Amen"

Repeat the ritual for fourteen days.

Another conspiracy on the thread

Conspiracies for the waning moon are considered the most effective. Let's consider such a ritual performed with the help of a red woolen thread. Tie as many knots on it as there are warts on your body (count them in advance). If you were unable to count all the growths, then tie 13 knots.

When you make knots, recite the following spell: “Harness 13 brothers, 13 devils, 13 swamp toads, ride along 13 roads, remove warts from God’s servant (name). Just as these 13 toads will not converge in one place, so the warts will not return to the servant of God (name). Steel tooth. An old oak. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Then go to the crossroads and throw a red charmed thread with knots into its center. Then go home without looking back.

How long will it take for the method to work?

The result comes after 2–3 weeks. The patient feels relief, the spines hurt less, and they should not be expected to disappear quickly. Advanced cases require a long course of treatment and reading of conspiracies.

All methods must be used in conjunction with traditional methods of therapy. You should not take risks and neglect official medicine, the consequences can be disastrous. Eggs, potatoes and thread spells on their own will only help in the early stages of spine formation.

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Hex on milk

How to remove a thorn with milk? Follow these steps:

  1. Pour fresh milk into the bowl (store-bought milk is not suitable, take only homemade and fresh milk).
  2. Say a prayer over the container: “I will pray to the Holy Savior, crossing myself three times, arming myself with God’s blessing. Hey, you, evil hanging ailments, get away from the servant of God (worldly name), get out of the sick body as quickly as possible, from the eye to the back, from the back to the legs, from the legs to the tubercle, from the tubercle to the twig, from the twig to the leaf. Mighty wind, take off that leaf, take it to an open field, to the river and across the bridge into the dense thicket. An angry bear lives in that thicket. He will only stamp his foot, and you, annoying ailments, are away from the servant of God (worldly name) forever. To be my way. Amen".
  3. After speaking, immerse your right hand (left hand if you are left-handed) in milk for a couple of seconds. Then touch the growth with each moistened finger in turn, starting with the little finger and ending with the thumb.
  4. Wash your hand, but do not touch the spine; it should dry naturally.

The spell will begin to work when the wart begins to dry out, turn black, shrink, and change shape. These signs prove that the spiny roots located under the skin have begun to die. A dried wart should not be removed; it must disappear on its own, otherwise the disease will grow even more.

Basic reading rules

  • In order for your prayers and requests to reach God, you must believe in the existence of higher powers. To do this, you don’t have to go to church regularly, it’s enough just to know that He exists and can help;
  • You can read the plot yourself or entrust this matter to a loved one with positive energy. If you decide that another person will read the prayer for you, he must replace some words in the text (for example, “me” with “her”, “him”, etc.);
  • the effect of the ritual will be better if the prayer is learned by heart. This way you will show respect for higher powers. It is important to believe in every word you say;
  • Do not tell anyone that you are going to carry out a conspiracy, as you may be jinxed and you will not achieve the expected result. After reading the plot, do not try to constantly remove the spine: it will disappear on its own.

For conspiracies to work, you must believe in God and go to church regularly

Conspiracy for meat

How to speak thorn with meat? To implement the magical ritual, wait until the waning moon. On the same day, buy fresh meat with blood. Cut pieces from it at home, equal in parameters to the growths being reduced. Rub the formations with these pieces, saying: “As soon as the meat rots in the ground, so quickly the wart will disappear from my body.”

After this, go to a deserted place, dig a deep hole and bury the pieces of meat. It is important that they remain in the ground until they rot - it is this nuance that is the key to the successful impact of the conspiracy. If the animals dig a hole and eat the meat, then you will have to perform the ritual again.

Conspiracy with herring

The following ritual may seem a little strange. And it is truly unusual, because to carry it out you will need a herring. But you should not treat this technique with irony - its effectiveness has long been proven in practice.

Prepare a small piece of fish and secure it in the place where the formation is located. Use red thread for this. Your actions should be slow and deliberate. At the same time, say the text of the spell:

“Let nothing hurt me, don’t let it bother me, don’t let it itch. All my ailments will transfer to herring. The thorn will recede, a healthy spirit will enter the body"

Do not remove the herring from the sore spot - this can only be done after a couple of hours.

One ritual will not be enough to obtain a positive result - at least repeat the procedure three times.

On the egg

When the moon wanes, buy a chicken village egg. Boil it, cool and peel. Roll out a spike with a clean egg, saying: “The moon is old, you see everything, you go everywhere. I’ll give you a gift, and you take my warts and return them to the swamp inhabitants. As you, moon, become young, so will my skin be clear. You will come to heaven again, but you will never return my warts. Amen".

Then bury the egg in the ground or feed it to your dog. The formations will disappear quickly and will never appear again.

Ritual with a horseshoe

This ritual helps to quickly and successfully remove the spine from the body and is best performed with a found horseshoe. It is this attribute that is assigned considerable magical properties and this is not surprising. Regarding the treatment of skin diseases, he is the very first doctor.

The first ritual on the horseshoe

In this ritual, a horseshoe is simply applied to the place where the spine “came out” and the following words are spoken:

“Go away, my illness, and on the hoof; go away, my illness, and on the horseshoe - leave my clean body.”

After such words of the conspiracy, it should be thrown into a field or ravine where people do not walk.

Ritual two

In this ritual, it is also worth taking a horseshoe, but they take it from the blacksmith and, applying it to the sore spot, pronounce the following words:

“What was on my clean and white body, take my sore and throw it on a horse’s hoof. And not at the horse, but at the hoof - I look at myself, but I see my health. All the evil has passed on to the damn hoof - all that remains is my health. Just as he left and ran away, let him not return again.”

Then wrap the horseshoe in a simple cloth and take it out into the field, where, standing facing the sun, you throw it over your left shoulder. Then you go home and the main thing in this case is not to look back. Many knowledgeable magicians advise not to talk to anyone at all until the very morning of the next day.

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