Microcurrents for the face - a modern phenomenon of cosmetology

We are always ready to do everything possible to keep our skin beautiful, firm and elastic for longer. But poor facial skin condition does not always arise just like that. Most often, this tells us about our body, problems that have arisen that need to be urgently treated.

What can ruin your mood first thing in the morning? Puffiness on the face is not an independent disease. Swelling can indicate various problems with the body. Fluid is retained in the facial tissues, resulting in swelling on the face. Almost every person experiences this condition, but it can go away after 10 minutes. And there are people whose swelling remains for a longer time. Then you should think about it and immediately contact a specialist.

What is lymphatic drainage facial massage

Modeling, skin tightening effect - this is why everyone loves lymphatic drainage facial massage.
During the procedure, local activation of lymph flows occurs, metabolism accelerates, and toxins are removed from skin cells. This is important, because it is the disruption of the lymph flow that provokes the appearance on the face of those very problems that in the morning have to be masked with foundation. Lymphatic drainage massage returns facial skin freshness, even tone and elasticity. Excess fluid, thanks to a combination of pressing and vibrating massage movements, quickly leaves the intercellular space, so swelling in the treated areas goes away very quickly.

Indications for the procedure

Lymphatic drainage massage is worth trying if you do not like the condition of your facial skin (flabbiness, pastiness), expression lines have become more noticeable, and nasolabial folds and bruises under the eyes have become more pronounced. Ptosis (sagging facial contour, double chin, drooping eyelids) is also a good reason to master the technique of performing lymphatic drainage massage at home.

Contraindications to the procedure

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is strictly not recommended for serious diseases such as oncology, thrombophlevititis, and diabetes. The list of temporary contraindications includes dermatological problems, skin damage, pregnancy, and infections of the ENT organs.

How often to do

As a rule, two or three times a week is enough to keep the facial contour under control, maintain youthful and fresh skin, and stabilize the situation with morning swelling. Be sure to try lymphatic drainage massage the evening before an important event - you will be the most beautiful at the event.

Lip massage

How to do it at home, benefits and harm to the human body


The average time for a lymphatic drainage facial massage is 20–30 minutes. Do it in the morning and remove swelling that appears overnight. The evening procedure additionally removes the tension accumulated during the day: the muscles relax and the body rests.

Pros of massage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is a non-invasive, painless technique that provides a visible rejuvenating effect and does not require a rehabilitation period after the procedure.

  • Normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic system, removes toxins.
  • Improves the quality of the skin, increases its tone.
  • Eliminates expression wrinkles.
  • Removes puffiness and bags under the eyes.
  • Normalizes complexion.
  • You can do it yourself at home.

Cons of massage

There are no obvious negative factors for lymphatic drainage facial massage - the procedure is safe and really improves the condition of the skin.

The disadvantages of this technique include two points:

  • Lymphatic drainage massage does not help with swelling caused by illness.
  • To consolidate lasting results, you must perform the procedure regularly.

Manual lymphatic drainage with application of a compression bandage

Using manual lymphatic drainage, the rehabilitologist acts on the subcutaneous fat layer in order to enhance the drainage function of the lymphatic system. The procedure enhances the removal of lymph from the depot and transport through the lymphatic vessels, and activates the motility of the lymphatic vessels. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital in the presence of lymphedema (lymphatic edema) perform manual lymphatic drainage with the application of compression stockings. The benefit of compression hosiery is to increase tissue pressure and enhance the work of the muscle pump. This helps improve the production and transport of lymph and venous return. The procedure increases the speed of blood flow, which is an effective prevention of thrombosis.

Thanks to manual lymphatic drainage with the application of a compression bandage, the permeability of the capillary wall for plasma proteins is significantly reduced, and the protein load is minimized. A compression bandage improves lymph transport processes. Contraindications to banding are acute thrombosis, erysipelas, severe arterial stenosis, as well as a number of other diseases and conditions that are determined by the doctor during consultation.

Manual lymphatic drainage with the application of a compression bandage at the Yusupov Hospital is a multi-layer bandage with an individual approach to each patient. The compression bandaging procedure, performed by specialists at the rehabilitation clinic, improves lymph outflow. The skin is preserved as much as possible when wearing a bandage. Rehabilitators protect the skin from abrasions, prevent squeezing, carefully monitor and treat existing or newly formed ulcers, cracks and other defects on the skin. For this purpose, individual pads are manufactured and used for bandaging.

Technique for performing lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

The lymphatic drainage technique of facial massage involves working from top to bottom: from the forehead to the chin and neck. Each procedure should begin the same way - with warming up the tissues with light stroking movements, and end with light pats.

Do not put too much pressure on the skin. The movements are confident, intense (pinching, pressing and vibration with fingers), but not traumatic to the skin.

There are quite a lot of schemes for performing lymphatic drainage facial massage. All algorithms involve step-by-step development of zones, taking into account massage lines.

  1. Cleaning . Thorough make-up remover, ideally light peeling with fruit acids.
  2. Improving glide . Apply cream so that your fingers glide better and the skin does not stretch.
  3. We carry out lymphatic drainage . Frontal zone: place the fingers of both hands on the middle of the forehead, make light movements towards the temples. Area around the eyes: from the inner corners of the eyes we move to the temples (upper eyelid), slide from the inner corners of the eyes, going down (lower eyelid). Cheek and cheek area: circular movements from the center of the chin to the sides. Nasolabial zone: draw straight lines with your index fingers from the base of the nasolabial zone towards the nose.
  4. Let's finish.

After the procedure, refresh your face with tonic and apply cream.

Advice from professionals

If manual lymphatic drainage massage is performed independently, you need to pay attention to the nuances:

  • devote at least 10-15 minutes to each part of the body;
  • massage time can be distributed over a week, alternately paying attention to certain areas;
  • Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin;
  • The massage is performed using moisturizers.

It is advisable to choose a time when no one can disturb you. This will allow you to completely relax.

On a note!

The basis of manual lymphatic drainage massage is smooth movements along the lymph nodes and gentle pressure on specific areas of the body.

Photos before and after lymphatic drainage facial massage

Photos were taken after the first massage session. Courtesy: @kosmo_svetik

Photos were taken after the first massage session. Courtesy: @kosmo_svetik

Photos were taken after the first massage session. Courtesy: @kosmo_svetik

Photos were taken after the first massage session. Courtesy: @kosmo_svetik

How is the procedure performed?

The session does not require any preparation. But it is still recommended to adhere to some rules. Alcohol should be excluded and drinking regime should be monitored, especially before bedtime. Massage is most effective in the afternoon and not earlier than 2-3 hours after eating. If you follow these recommendations, massage sessions will certainly be effective, as confirmed by the reviews of many women.

Drinking plenty of fluids before the session helps increase effectiveness. The patient's skin is cleansed with gel and a massage cream or oil is applied. It is very useful to take a shower with a scrub before the procedure. Before the start of the hardware treatment, the master accelerates blood circulation in the massage areas with rubbing movements.

After completing the session, you do not need to get up immediately, remaining for another 10 minutes in a horizontal position.

Reviews from cosmetologists about lymphatic drainage facial massage

Ekaterina Taratynova, founder of the Honey and Oil massage studio:

Lymphatic drainage massage allows you to remove swelling and remove toxins from the intercellular space into the lymph nodes. Thus, we will improve the complexion and remove puffiness. If there are any small periodic inflammations, they will also pass, because the lymph will become clean and no toxins will be absorbed into the blood.

I recommend that girls over the age of 25 do this massage on a regular basis, because it is at this age that metabolism begins to slow down and the first signs of aging appear. This is the optimal age to start taking care of your face and skin.

If we are talking about home procedures, then I would advise doing a light five-minute drainage every day. For those who cannot devote time to massage every day, then ؅—2-3 times a week, for 20 minutes. This will be enough to support your existing skin condition. You can do it more often, for longer - there will be no harm from it. In principle, any facial massage can be considered partly drainage: any impact provokes the movement of lymph, therefore, no matter what kind of massage you do, a slight drainage effect will be present.

To the point

Massage: KP guide to types and techniques

Yulia Evgenievna Zakharova, cosmetologist:

I have a positive attitude towards lymphatic drainage massage. It improves microcirculation and tissue trophism, thanks to which we have a rested appearance and a fresh complexion. The name of the procedure itself suggests that you will get a decongestant result, and that’s already a lot! After all, more than 70% of patients come to the appointment complaining of swelling and bags under the eyes. Most Russian women have a tired (also called edematous) type of aging, many have an edema-deformation type. Accordingly, drainage procedures are indicated for almost everyone. And, thanks to lymphatic drainage massage, at the stage of problem formation there is indeed (hypothetically) a possibility of postponing a trip to a cosmetologist-injector for some time.

Why do you need to fight lymph stagnation?

Stagnation of lymph (also called lymphostasis) is mistaken by many for an annoying cosmetic defect. Like, your legs or even your whole body swell a lot - this, of course, is ugly, but not fatal, and what can you do about it?

And it is necessary to fight lymphostasis! After all, normal lymph circulation, which is responsible for metabolic processes in the body, is a guarantee of bodily health.

When lymph outflow is impaired, metabolic processes also slow down. In addition, cells cannot receive enough oxygen, and without it, blood vessels and tissues quickly become flabby (like in old people). And such defects, unsightly in appearance and dangerous to health, with constant stagnation of lymph, can be observed even in young people.

Popular questions and answers

How to increase the effectiveness of lymphatic drainage massage at home?

Ekaterina Taratynova, founder of the Honey and Oil massage studio: Firstly, proper makeup removal.
Remnants of makeup, if not removed, will get into the pores during the massage, clog them, and inflammation will begin. You also need to choose the right cleansers, toner, and face cream. If skincare products are not suitable for you, it will harm your facial skin. Secondly, under no circumstances should you use oils: neither hydrophilic nor even special oils are suitable for facial massage. They form a film on the surface of the skin that disrupts the hydrolipid balance, that is, your skin, on the contrary, will dry out. She will not receive any nutrition or hydration. For massage, take your face cream that you use in everyday life.

Thirdly, massage must be done along massage lines. They can be viewed on the Internet.

What should you avoid when performing lymphatic drainage facial massage on your own?

I would not recommend using jars without first attending a seminar or watching a video tutorial. If you use cups on your face incorrectly, you can leave bruises on your face and also burst capillaries. You should not give a facial massage to those who have problems with skin rashes - serious acne, herpes. Already inflamed skin will be irritated under intense massage influences, and this will only worsen the situation.

Beauty injections and lymphatic drainage facial massage: how to combine correctly?

Yulia Evgenievna Zakharova, cosmetologist at clinic 18/81: There are a great many injection techniques, the quality of the skin should always be a priority, and then modeling. Lymphatic drainage massage can be combined well with mesotherapy and plasma therapy; they can be alternated - the result is potentiated. But I would strongly recommend botulinum therapy, filler injections and thread implantation after a course of massage. At a minimum, so as not to reduce the results of the injections, and at a maximum, so as not to provoke complications. Therefore, after injection procedures, I recommend avoiding massage for a while.

What should you avoid?

Should be avoided:

  1. Negligence towards colds.
    If left untreated, a “critical mass” of complications constantly attacks the immune system, and it collapses. The lymph thickens, many metabolites circulate in it, and the person faces multiple inflammatory processes;
  2. Improper oral hygiene.
    Unbrushed teeth are not only aesthetically unpleasant, but also a breeding ground for bacteria. Caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis are provocateurs of inflammation and health problems;
  3. Abuse of coffee, sandwiches, and processed foods.
    Such products “acidify” the internal environment of the body and disrupt the outflow of lymph;
  4. Neglecting medical examinations.
    Elevated blood cholesterol levels are a common cause of problems with the lymphatic system too;
  5. Uncontrolled stress.
    Yes, some mental stress at work and physical strength in the gym are only beneficial. But constant stress can lead to heart problems, vasoconstriction, and problems with cleansing the lymphatic system. ;
  6. Uncontrolled passion for folk methods.
    This applies to self-cleanses of the body, fasting without medical indications, drinking green juices instead of food and other similar activities. Detox procedures should be discussed with a gastroenterologist, internist and cardiologist for any person over 25 years of age. Those who have chronic diseases should also consult doctors according to their “profile”;
  7. Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs.
    This includes strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic drugs such as diprospan, oral contraceptives, and anabolic steroids. A person consuming them without medical supervision may harm the lymphatic system.

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