What is facial electroporation - an alternative to invasive cosmetology or its weak semblance?

Over time, the skin on every girl’s face is subject to changes - it loses firmness, elasticity, becomes more sluggish, pigmentation and other problems often appear. You can restore its condition with the help of mesotherapy - a procedure that awakens natural processes in the epidermis and saturates it with useful substances. However, there is a more effective technique that does not violate the integrity of tissues - electroporation of the face.

The essence of the method and principle of operation

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves repeated puncture of the skin to introduce beneficial substances into it. However, relatively recently, an improved type of technology has appeared that has the same effectiveness, but less pain. Let's figure it out, facial electroporation - what is it?

Electroporation is a method of subcutaneous administration of useful compounds without additional disruption of tissue integrity. The drug penetrates them thanks to electromagnetic pulses, which have a gentle effect on the sensitive surface.

Pros of manipulation

Electroporation is a good analogue of youth injections, since it has many strengths:

  • the procedure does not cause pain;
  • the skin is not damaged: there is no swelling, redness, burns, blisters;
  • the procedure is easy to carry out and widely available;
  • no need to recover for a long time after exposure;
  • the results are encouraging.

The procedure has many advantages

What problems does it solve?

Electroporation has a double effect on the treated area: it promotes the penetration of beneficial compounds into the skin structure and awakens natural metabolic processes, which fade over time.

Due to such an effective effect on facial skin, the technique is often used for preventive purposes to prevent temporary changes.

However, there are direct indications for its implementation:

  • Flabbiness, dullness of the skin;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Acne and post-acne;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Dark circles under the eyes;
  • Oily or dry skin.

When performed correctly, electroporation will help you correct a large number of skin problems, visually rejuvenating it.


Before starting treatment, each patient must visit a cosmetologist. At the initial consultation, the primary objectives and goals of treatment, the type of medications needed and the total duration of the course are determined.

Three fundamental factors that determine the final cost of the service:

  1. Site and area of ​​processing.
  2. Drugs used.
  3. Level of cosmetic clinic and specialist.

In Ukraine and Russia, the average cost of electroporation of the face is about 40-45 dollars, together with the neck and décolleté – 75-80 dollars.


Despite the absolute safety of electroporation, it has contraindications that are important to observe in order to prevent consequences after its implementation.

The following health restrictions are prescribed:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Lactation.
  3. Tumors.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Low blood clotting rate.
  7. Dermatological damage.
  8. Fungal diseases.
  9. Herpes.


One of the most effective and safe procedures in modern cosmetology is, of course, electroporation

. Reviews from many patients who have tried the procedure on themselves confirm the painlessness and comfort of the procedure, high and long-lasting results, and an overall positive effect. With the development of biotechnology, aesthetic cosmetology has the opportunity to move to a new, high-tech level. The electroporation method is a direct confirmation of this!

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Drugs used

The mesococktail used for electroporation is selected by a cosmetologist individually for each client, based on the condition of the skin and the desired result you want to obtain.

However, the components that are included in such compositions are often the same. Let's look at the main ones.

Hyaluronic acid

Promotes skin rejuvenation, makes it moisturized and elastic. Due to this effect, wrinkles and enlarged pores are eliminated.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the main components that are added to meso-cocktails.

DMAE complex

A complex of substances that prevents premature photoaging of the skin and the occurrence of facial wrinkles. Promotes the production of collagen and elastin, the regulation process of which can become dulled with age.

Organic silicon

Organic acids, including silicon, help activate the production of collagen fibers, which eliminate scars, scars and stretch marks on the skin.

Glutathione peptides

Peptides have whitening and cleansing properties, thereby eliminating skin pigmentation, dark circles, and post-acne.


The procedure always begins with a consultation with a cosmetologist. Here, the specialist identifies problem areas on the face, examines the area being treated, and also selects a meso-cocktail that will be effective in this case.

Then the preparation of the skin for the procedure begins. It is cleaned of cosmetics and contaminants and treated with a disinfectant solution of Chlorhexidine. An anesthetic is not used during electroporation, since the effect of electromagnetic pulses does not cause pain to the girl.

Then the procedure itself begins:

  1. A pre-selected meso cocktail is applied to the skin in a thick layer.
  2. The cosmetologist begins to massage the surface with an electrode, from which electromagnetic pulses emanate. At this time, the beneficial composition penetrates the structure of the skin, saturating it.
  3. At the end of the work, the skin is cleaned of drug residues and re-treated with a disinfectant solution.
  4. A soothing lotion is applied to the surface to be treated.

Typically, one electroporation session takes no more than twenty minutes, since the emitted electromagnetic pulses have a fairly high power and frequency, which facilitates the rapid penetration of useful components.

At the end of the session, the cosmetologist also prescribes recommendations for the girl on how to care for the treated area, which will help increase the efficiency of electroporation and prevent side effects.

Some nuances

Based on the fact that the procedure does not require injections, electroporation is a non-injection method of rejuvenation. It follows from this that the client will not suffer from swelling and bruises, infectious agents will not get under the skin, and it will not become inflamed. The impact does not cause any pain and does not require further rehabilitation.

You can carry out the procedure at home; you don’t need any special skills for this. Just discussing this possibility with a cosmetologist is enough.

Mandatory consultation with a specialist is required

The effect will be visible immediately after electroporation is completed. The optimal course includes about ten procedures, one per week. For lip skin, four procedures are enough to eliminate dryness and flaking. One exposure lasts half an hour.

Important ! Before manipulation, it is recommended to perform peeling using ultrasound. Modern equipment is usually produced with such an attachment.

Peeling before the procedure is required

Result of the procedure

Like conventional mesotherapy, electroporation requires a whole course of sessions to obtain the desired result. This is due to the gentle effect on tissue and the cumulative effect of the procedure.

Typically, a girl has to undergo up to 10-15 sessions in a salon to eliminate pigmentation, wrinkles, sagging skin or other problems.

However, if you decide to perform the procedure for preventive purposes to maintain healthy facial skin, up to 5 sessions will be enough for you.

The result of electroporation usually lasts up to a year, then the mesococktail completely leaves the structure of the epidermis. However, with regular visits to the salon, you can constantly maintain healthy and youthful skin.

Why is electroporation better than beauty injections?

The electroporation procedure has a number of advantages over injection rejuvenation techniques:

  • No pain: current of low frequency and strength does not cause any discomfort.
  • There are no punctures or papules: after the procedure, the skin is smooth, smooth, without injuries from manipulation with the needle.
  • There is no rehabilitation period at all.
  • Mesococktail, serum and other drugs are introduced into the dermis quickly, effectively and without consequences.
  • The effect is comparable to injection rejuvenation.
  • Price: electroporation is several times cheaper than a course of biorevitalization. If you have a home comprehensive care device with an electroporation function, you can do the procedure anytime and anywhere.
  • Electroporation can be done at any time of the year.
  • Minimum list of contraindications.

Advantages, disadvantages and possible complications

Electroporation appeared not so long ago, which is why it is now less common than types of mesotherapy that involve invasive penetration of a needle into the skin structure.

Let's consider the positive aspects of the technique:

  • Safety. Safe, non-toxic compounds are used for it;
  • Preserving skin integrity. Due to this, there are practically no side effects or consequences after the session;
  • Awakening natural processes in the skin;
  • Cumulative effect;
  • Long-term retention of results (up to a year);
  • Painless;
  • Elimination of many problems and rejuvenation of the skin.

Among the disadvantages of the technology, one can note the rather high price and the need to undergo a course of sessions to obtain the desired result. Most often, a girl has to undergo up to 10-15 visits to cosmetology.

As a rule, there are no consequences after electroporation, the only thing is that sensitive skin may react to electromagnetic pulses. It manifests itself in the form of redness and slight swelling, and goes away after 1-3 days, without causing discomfort to the girl.

Negative consequences can only arise if contraindications for health reasons are not observed, as well as an allergic reaction to the meso-cocktail used.

The essence of the technique

Electroporation is a variant of mesotherapy, carried out using special devices, without any injections. In this case, the needle is replaced by an electric current. The inventors of the method are Roderick MacKinnon and Peter Egre, who were awarded the Nobel Prize.

Electroporation is a kind of mesotherapy, but without needles

As you know, over time, the supply of substances necessary for cell life decreases, and they are not able to get to the cell for various reasons - the molecular weight of the substances is quite large, and the ion channels are not large enough.

Thanks to the research of these two scientists, the patterns of interactions between the cell and the environment became clear. The cell membrane selectively allows various substances to pass through, designed to ensure the functioning of the cell and protection from external influences.

Research by two scientists has revealed information about the interaction between cells and the environment around them

Microscopic currents “open” ion channels during the procedure. Special transport proteins located in these channels interact with the injected substances, moving them deeper into the skin.

Important ! At the end of the action, the channels close and the substances begin to “work.”

Current helps transport essential substances

Pros of the procedure.

  1. Reaching the deep layers of the skin without injections - the painless influence of the current allows the penetration of active substances.
  2. There is no need to recover for a long time - the results are noticeable immediately after the event, and the skin itself remains intact, without any changes.
  3. There are no restrictions on the time of year - you can do electroporation even in summer.

This procedure has its advantages

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