How to do LPG facial massage: advantages of the technique and results

Each of the rotating rollers has its own micromotor, which allows you to select the intensity of the effect on subcutaneous fat tissue in accordance with the characteristics of the figure, skin condition and individual sensitivity of the patient.

Problem areas of the body can be treated in the following modes:

  • “roll in” - to reduce their volume;
  • “roll up” - to eliminate puffiness and destroy cellulite;
  • “roll out” - to restore skin elasticity and firmness.

Endermolift on an LPG massage machine ensures uniform treatment of the subcutaneous fat layer to a precisely specified depth. If the patient complains of discomfort, the doctor promptly adjusts the treatment parameters.

The vacuum manipulator moves very easily and smoothly over a special suit made of the finest translucent white fabric. This makes the LPG massage procedure as comfortable as possible.

What is LPG massage

LPG massage is a procedure for influencing the skin with a special computerized device, the handpiece of which consists of several massage rollers. Moving in different directions, they form a fold of skin using vacuum and at the same time act on it mechanically, due to which the effectiveness of this procedure increases several times.

The founder of LPG massage is considered to be the famous French engineer Louis Paul Guitet, who more than 40 years ago developed a mechanical unit with rollers rotating in it.

Using preset programs, the device for such a massage independently sets the required intensity of impact on the epidermis, depending on its condition, the amount of subcutaneous fat and the desired goals. To get rid of cellulite, the intensity can be high, and for prevention, the device can have a mild relaxing effect.

Benefits of LPG massage

It’s no wonder that LPG massage is gaining more and more fans among both the fair sex and men. This effective procedure has a number of advantages:

  1. Highly effective in the fight against cosmetic ailments: cellulite, swollen contours of the face and body, sagging skin, fat deposits on the body, wrinkles, stretch marks, etc. All this occurs due to impaired blood microcirculation as a result of compression of blood vessels and capillaries. Thanks to the deep effect of the LPG massager on the epidermis and the fat located under the skin, blood flow in problem areas improves and, as a result, healthy elasticity of the skin is restored.
  2. Improving lymph circulation, which is the main supply of all organs and tissues in the human body. It is through the lymphatic system that all nutrients are transmitted, including those necessary for good skin condition. Thanks to this, not only the appearance, but also the general condition of the body improves.
  3. Drainage effect. And because of the massage, metabolic processes are improved not only in the subcutaneous layer, but throughout the entire body, and tension is eliminated, which causes the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, which manifests itself in the form of edema. After just a few sessions of LPG massage, the outlines of the contour of the face and figure are noticeably visible precisely due to the “running away” of the existing excess fluid in the tissues.
  4. Stimulating the body's production of elastin and collagen fibers, which becomes possible after improving metabolic processes in the body. Thus, the healing process starts from the inside, which makes the LPG massage procedure more effective compared to other cosmetic techniques.
  5. Accelerating tissue regeneration. Lpg massage is not in vain recommended as a restorative remedy after burns or to eliminate scars. Thanks to improved blood circulation, injured tissues are restored more quickly, become more elastic and soft, and itching disappears.

Despite its high efficiency, the patient does not feel pain during the LPG massage procedure.

How is the procedure done?

Cosmetologists perform hardware massage in several modes, the intensity of which is selected for each patient in accordance with the condition of the skin during the procedure:

  • lymphatic drainage – the skin warms up, “pumping” of microvessels occurs, which ensures additional removal of fluid from the soft tissues of the face;
  • stimulating - at this stage of hardware action, collagen and elastin are produced, which help increase skin elasticity, even out the texture and improve the relief of the skin.

LPG massage in cosmetology and medicine

LPG massage is now actively used in several areas. Cosmetologists use this procedure to get rid of orange peel or excess subcutaneous fat, stretch marks on the body, and contour modeling. It also helps fight age-related changes on the face and décolleté - sagging facial contours, jowls, wrinkles, bags under the eyes. Just a few procedures of LPG massage will have a noticeable effect on the eye, because it helps to enhance venous outflow and increase blood flow into the upper layers of the epidermis.

But the most important thing is that this technology has also found its application in medicine, because the LPG massager helps to tighten and strengthen muscles, while at the same time having a relaxing effect on them, restores healthy lymph circulation in the body, which has a positive effect on the appearance, condition of internal organs and the body's immune system. It is also used as a remedy for sciatica, injuries and sprains.

To achieve the maximum cosmetological and therapeutic effect, it is important to trust a true professional who not only knows the technology of using an LPG massager, but also knows how all processes in the body proceed, that is, he has a medical education.

Indications for LPG massage

The effect after an LPG massage session is noticeable immediately; it is not surprising that this procedure is recommended for cosmetic and even medical purposes. This massage is indicated in the following cases:

  • loose and aging skin on the face, neck, décolleté, arms, legs, buttocks and abdomen;
  • excess fat in problem areas;
  • cellulite;
  • swelling on the face and body;
  • swollen contours of the face and figure, including after childbirth;
  • problems with coordination and posture;
  • radiculitis;
  • flabbiness of muscles or excessive tension in them.

Quite often, LPG massage is recommended by doctors as a restorative remedy after injuries or burns. Thanks to the stimulation of blood and lymph, the LPG device allows you to quickly restore muscle tone, restore the natural functioning of internal organs, and normalize the functioning of the immune and nervous systems.

Due to the correct vacuum and mechanical effects of LPG massage, pain symptoms and swelling are effectively relieved. For this reason, it is also used in sports therapy.

Reviews, before and after photos

To understand the effect of the technique, look at several photographs of women who tried lpg for the face. We will also provide some useful reviews from the popular resource



LPG massage technique

Before LPG massage, the patient must undergo examination and diagnosis by the specialist who will perform the procedure. This is necessary to identify possible existing health problems, since for some this type of massage will be prohibited, to determine the characteristics of the figure, to establish its problem areas, the localization of fat deposits and, finally, to determine the required intensity and duration of the procedure.

After diagnosis, the patient puts on a special suit, lies on a massage table, and the specialist begins a massage, the duration of which is set individually. During the procedure, the massage therapist moves the manipulator over problem areas, crushing fat cells and modeling the contours of the face and figure.

Typically, the duration of one LPG massage session is from 25 to 45 minutes.

During the LPG massage, the specialist not only applies various movements of the rollers in the handpiece, but also selects the type of folds that the device will form during the procedure. The latter vary depending on the desired effect: reducing volume in certain areas of the body, restoring skin firmness and elasticity, or fighting cellulite and modeling the contours of the figure. Thanks to the correctly set operating program of the LPG massager, the maximum effect from such a procedure is achieved.

To achieve maximum effect, a course of LPG massage is recommended, consisting of at least 10 procedures. Although the duration of sessions is individual and depends on the general condition of the skin and body, metabolism, lifestyle and nutrition.

To prolong the effect of the procedure, it is recommended to repeat the massage course twice a year, monitor your diet, and do not forget about an active lifestyle.

RF lifting

RF lifting is the effect of radio frequency on the superficial and middle layers of the skin. At the beginning of the last century, scientists discovered that diseases can be treated with high-frequency currents. In the 2000s, this technology began to be used in cosmetology, where it still produces amazing results.

Cosmetologists use two types of RF lifting devices:

  1. Lifting based on the principle of diathermy. The current passes through the metal electrodes and heats the skin.
  2. Lifting using the UHF method. The skin is heated using an electromagnetic field. The electrodes are covered with a dielectric - a coating that weakly conducts electric current.

During an RF lifting session, currents reach the deep layers of the dermis, warming it up to 50 °C, which leads to the destruction of the protein layer of the skin and strengthening of collagen fibers. Blood circulation increases, the fat layer decreases. Expression wrinkles gradually disappear.


RF lifting gives excellent results with visible changes in the skin, will get rid of scars and wrinkles on the face, and will make the skin more elastic and smooth.

After 50 years, the duration of the course increases. At this age, the body produces much less collagen than before, so experts recommend increasing the number of sessions to 8-10 and combining RF lifting with other anti-aging techniques, for example, biorevitalization or mesotherapy.

Contraindications for LPG massage

Despite the proven effectiveness of LPG massage, this procedure has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which this type of massage can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases or cause irreversible consequences. Thus, LPG massage is prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of any neoplasms;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • inflammation in the lymph nodes;
  • the presence of wounds in the treated areas;
  • predisposition to thrombophlebitis.

To exclude possible health complications, doctors do not recommend LPG massage sessions in the presence of any disease, even a common cold, especially if it is accompanied by fever, as well as during menstrual periods in women. The procedure involves an intense effect on the skin and body, which, due to inflammatory processes or hormonal changes, can lead to changes in the state of the body.


If the skin has undergone age-related changes, applying lift massage will be a very useful type of hardware cosmetology. It can correct skin imperfections already caused by aging and become a means of preventing them.

It is used if:

  1. Deep wrinkled folds have formed on the skin - it doesn’t matter whether they are facial or age-related;
  2. The oval of the face has undergone undesirable changes;
  3. The skin has become loose;
  4. There is a threat of obesity or a double chin;
  5. The skin of the face became swollen, bags formed in the eye area, the skin acquired an unhealthy shade;
  6. There are bruises, scars and cicatrices on the skin.

Laser lifting

Laser lifting is one of the types of lifting with thermal loading - a laser beam selectively burns dead cells. Against the background of exposure to the beam, blood circulation increases, and dead cells are quickly separated from the dermis. Recovery processes proceed quickly, the rejuvenating effect is noticeable after each session.

After the procedure, wrinkles become less noticeable. Active collagen production begins and elasticity returns. The laser does not cause discomfort, and recovery is relatively quick.

This type of lift can be done at any time of the year, because active sun does not affect the result. The procedure is suitable for any skin type, even the most sensitive. Laser can rejuvenate both large areas of the dermis and act selectively, for example, to remove a scar or scar.

Laser lifting is carried out using the following types of lasers:

  • Neodymium. Eliminates vascular patterns.
  • Diode. Used for skin tightening.
  • Fractional. Deep peeling.
  • Erbium. Elimination of fine wrinkles and smoothing of deep wrinkles.


As a rule, laser rejuvenation is recommended at the age of 30-35 years - the production of one’s own collagen is still sufficient, wrinkles are shallow and the laser can effectively affect them. Each of us has an individual skin condition, so at the first meeting the cosmetologist will draw up an individual course program and choose a laser.

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