Shaving foam and baking soda for the face: for acne and blackheads

Shaving foam mixed with baking soda has a powerful cleansing effect when applied to problem areas of the face. The alkaline mixture dissolves sebum plugs, removes dirt, and promotes cellular renewal of epithelial tissue. Masks made from these components reduce the risk of re-development of purulent-inflammatory diseases, suppress the growth of bacteria, and eliminate acne.

Photo: Author: poznyakov.

Effect of the technique

Masks based on baking soda and shaving foam have the following effects on facial skin:

  • suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that cause purulent-inflammatory processes in the pores;
  • have a calming effect on epithelial irritation;
  • narrow pores, normalize the functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • deeply cleanse, dissolving fat plugs, relieving problematic skin of blackheads;
  • eliminate age-related changes: sagging, gray complexion, the appearance of wrinkles;
  • activate collagen synthesis, restore elasticity;
  • improve tone.

Recipes for soda peeling of facial skin.

Effect on facial skin

Scrubs and masks are created based on men's shaving foam. The effect of these procedures is enhanced by the soda introduced into their composition. What effect does the use of such scrubs and masks have on the skin:

  • Bacteria and microorganisms that cause suppuration die.
  • The skin of the face dries out, and enlarged pores narrow. An excellent cleansing effect is created, while the plugs located in the space between the cells are removed.
  • The skin calms down and acquires a matte tint, and the secretion of the glands decreases.
  • Prevents skin irritation.

Shaving foams and gels used by men include components that have a beneficial effect on delicate women’s skin:

  • Chamomile extract, aloe vera. These components have an antimicrobial and soothing effect. The main thing is the presence of a natural component and not a synthetic substitute.
  • Sodium benzonate. A preservative that dries out the skin greatly, but in our case this is a positive thing.
  • Mineral oils. These components have a softening effect, prevent blockage of ducts, destroy fats, i.e. They don’t give blackheads a chance to spoil the mood of their fair half.

How does baking soda affect the skin?

  • Upon contact with the skin, baking soda immediately penetrates through its top layer, enters the pores and “cleans out” impurities. The effect is immediate, which is quite rare when using homemade cosmetics.
  • Sodium carbonate is not only an excellent antiseptic, but it can also be considered relatively regenerative, due to the fact that the skin quickly forms new cells for protection.

The complex combination of shaving foam and soda has a strong effect. But you should know that such a mixture turns out to be “explosive”, which is why special attention must be paid to the recipe and adhere to the rules of use.

Composition of shaving foam and cream

Shaving products contain the following active ingredients:

  1. Propylene glycol. This chemical compound promotes hydration and normalizes water and electrolyte balance in tissues.
  2. Sodium benzoate. Synthetic dries the skin, reducing the risk of swelling.
  3. Plant extracts of aloe, chamomile, peppermint. Soothe irritation, produce an antibacterial effect, inhibiting the growth of staphylococci.
  4. Mineral oils. Necessary for softening the stratum corneum of cells, dissolving hardened sebum, and narrowing pores.
  5. Vitamins necessary for regeneration are often added to the cream: A, C, E.

Unlike shaving foam, cream has a stronger drying effect due to the presence of dry glycerin and a number of inorganic acids. Therefore, it is used for oily facial skin to restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Foam has a moisturizing effect, saturates tissues with oxygen and mineral components.

Baking soda enhances the effect of shaving foam and cream. Alkali destroys dead cells, eliminates pollution, restores water and electrolyte balance, and has an antimicrobial effect.

Features of the composition

The main advantage of shaving foam is that it contains exclusively non-aggressive ingredients that will not harm either normal or sensitive skin. These include:

  • Sodium benzoate is one of the additives used for food products. It has a drying effect, which is why it is added to shaving foams.
  • Propylene glycol is the opposite of the previous component. With the correct dosage, it moisturizes the skin well, improves the tone and texture of the face.
  • Essences of medicinal plants (aloe vera, eucalyptus, chamomile, etc.), depending on the composition, fight inflammatory processes and cover the skin with an antiseptic coating.
  • Various types of mineral oils are among the most important and beneficial ingredients. Responsible for destroying the oily film, softening and cleaning the sebaceous ducts. It is thanks to natural oils that effective removal of hated blackheads is possible.

Despite such a large number of useful properties, you should know that cleansing your face with shaving foam should not be done too often due to its effective composition.

Who is it suitable for?

The use of the mixture is indicated in the following cases:

  • a large number of black dots;
  • loose and oily skin;
  • disruption of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • enlarged pores;
  • gray color of the skin;
  • frequent occurrence of acne;
  • rapid skin contamination;
  • wrinkles and other age-related changes.

Attention! The product is not recommended for use in the presence of open wounds, pustules or ulcers on the face. Once in the damaged area, alkali can cause an attack of acute pain and burning. You must wait until the wounds heal on their own. If there is an urgent need for such conditions, it is recommended to replace the foam with shaving cream and discard additional ingredients.

Who is suitable for an unusual facial cleansing?

This method of getting rid of blackheads on the face is suitable only for those representatives of the fair half who are not prone to skin irritation. Girls and women with oily skin are recommended to treat only the T-zone and those areas where there are many rashes. Since this procedure is quite harsh, you need to listen very carefully to the sensations during cleaning. If a burning sensation begins, you should wash your face well and then apply a soothing cream to your face.

Preliminary stage: steaming

Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the skin for application of the product. To do this, you will need to steam it using a steam bath or a warm compress (gauze soaked in hot chamomile infusion or ordinary boiled water).

The duration of the procedure should not exceed 5–10 minutes. During this time, the skin pores expand, so a mixture of foam and baking soda easily removes fatty plugs and dirt.

Carefully! It is forbidden to use boiling water or freshly prepared decoction for steaming. Excess steam can cause burns. You need to wait until the liquid cools down a little.

How to make a cosmetic product at home?

Before you start cooking, there are a few things to remember:

  1. Before use, test for adverse reactions.
  2. Before the procedure, steam the skin to expand the pores. This can be done using a steam generator or over boiling water, covered with a towel. In the latter case, you need to be careful of burns from the steam.
  3. Do not exceed the usage time specified in the recipe, as this may cause irritation.
  4. The mask should be prepared for one-time use.
  5. For the best effect, take a course: do the procedure every week for a month, then take a 2-month break.
  6. Do not use the product in areas where there are fresh open wounds.


Cleansing massage

To carry out a cleansing massage from blackheads, you need half a glass of foam and 1 tsp. baking soda. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, then apply to the skin with light massage movements. Rub the mixture in for 5 minutes to get maximum results.

Repeat the procedure every week. Once the desired result is achieved, reduce the frequency to 1 time per month.


Homemade masks made from baking soda with the addition of shaving foam gently cleanse sensitive skin with thin capillaries. Active components do not cause irritation.

By supplementing the classic recipe with other cosmetic ingredients, you can get a powerful anti-aging or cleansing product.

Mask propertiesIngredientsCooking method
  • 1 tbsp. l. shaving foam;
  • 1 tsp. white clay powder;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • 1 drop of grapefruit oil.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Add the essential oil last. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, avoiding the area around the mouth and eyes, and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off the product with warm chamomile infusion.
  • 2 tsp. foam;
  • 20 g ground carrot seeds;
  • 0.5 tsp. baking soda;
  • 1 tsp. corn starch.
The mask is intended for dry skin that often flakes. After the procedure, the epithelium becomes smooth and clean. To prepare the product, mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply to face. Leave for 25 minutes. Rinse off the mixture with warm water. Use moisturizer.
For combination skin
  • 1 tbsp. l. foam;
  • 5 g sea salt;
  • pantothenic acid solution;
  • crushed Ascorutin dragee.
Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply to face for 25 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times within a month.
  • 2 tbsp. l. shaving foam;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt;
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • 10 g mountain honey.
This composition restores natural elasticity and water-electrolyte balance in epithelial cells, normalizes microcirculation. If the mass turns out to be liquid, add 1 tsp to it. corn starch. Leave on skin for 20 minutes. Rinse with freshly prepared herbal infusion.
With a lifting effect
  • 1 tbsp. l. foam;
  • seaweed;
  • 1 tsp. wheat oil;
  • a pinch of baking soda;
  • a drop of sandalwood essential oil.
30 minutes before application, soak the kelp in a warm chamomile decoction. Mix the remaining mask ingredients. Apply a thick layer, cover with seaweed leaves on top. When the product dries a little, remove it with a damp cloth. To obtain a lasting effect, perform 1 procedure every 7 days for 8 weeks.


To treat acne, 2 types of scrubs are used.

With a light cleansing effect:

  • 1 tbsp. l. foam;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • chicken egg white.

Rub the mixture of ingredients with light massage movements into problem areas for 3 minutes. Leave on face for 15 minutes.

This soda scrub washes away sebum, sweat and dirt, and normalizes the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

During deep cleansing, the surface layer of impurities is removed, as well as keratinized epithelium. Dead cells prevent the skin from renewing itself and often accumulate in the pores, creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of staphylococci.

For deep cleansing:

  • 3 tsp. shaving foam;
  • 3 tsp. baking soda;
  • 3 tsp. “Extra” salt.

Mix all ingredients in equal proportions. Leave the mask on your face for 10–15 minutes. During this time, the stratum corneum of cells, hardened sebum and dirt in the pores will soften. Remove them using a toothbrush in a circular motion. After finishing cleaning, rinse off the product with warm water. Rub an ice cube over your skin. This will tighten the pores and reduce the risk of irritation.

On a note. Do not rub too hard - you can damage the thin epithelium. Friction should be felt, not the painful scratching of salt and hard bristles.

Benefits of Foam Home Remedies

You can find many beauty recipes based on shaving products on the Internet. It can be used even for thin, delicate and highly sensitive skin. So, what is the usefulness of the component for a woman’s epidermis:

  • has a softening effect;
  • has a gentle effect on the cover during deep cleaning of dirt;
  • eliminates the problem of enlarged pores by narrowing them;
  • gives an even complexion to the face, removing excessive pigmentation and highly visible freckles;
  • disinfects, killing all microorganisms on the surface of the cover;
  • dries and relieves various types of inflammation. Eliminating acne, blackheads;
  • regulates and replenishes the lack of moisture in skin cells;
  • removes harmful and toxic substances from the skin;
  • has a tightening effect, eliminates fine wrinkles.

Also, before you start using shaving foam, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • in the presence of active acne or ulcers;
  • allergic reaction.

Many girls, before using a cosmetic product, ask themselves the following question: “Which foam is best to buy?” The answer is quite simple - any. But there are several important rules that you should definitely read:

  1. For normal, dry and sensitive types, you need to replace simple foam with shaving gel. It contains fewer aggressive components.
  2. To avoid skin burns, it is not recommended to use the product in its pure form. It is better when combined with other ingredients: oatmeal, oils, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.
  3. Before applying the finished home remedy, you need to steam the cover over hot water or a decoction of medicinal herbs for a quarter of an hour.
  4. It is impossible to withstand more than the specified time in order to prevent side effects and burns on the skin.
  5. Remove the face mask with shaving foam, first with warm water and then with cool water. This is required in order to close the pores.
  6. Shaving gel and foam can be used as a simple cleansing product.

Post-procedure care

To consolidate the results obtained, after using the mask, carefully rinse the composition with warm water. Remember: soda is an alkali that can corrode delicate epithelium.

After cleansing the face, the skin pores remain open. In this state they become dirty much faster. To prevent this, rinse your face with cold water or use an ice cube.

On a note. Vitamins are needed to activate cellular renewal. They will be provided by a clay mask mixed with disinfectants for external use - Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. Hold for 15 minutes. Rinse with chamomile decoction.

Safety regulations

To reduce the risk of skin damage when shaving foam and baking soda, follow these guidelines:

  • For combination and dry skin, do not use shaving gel instead of foam.
  • When treating acne, apply the product carefully, trying not to damage the inflamed pustules.
  • Do a cleansing massage carefully: do not rub the composition too hard so as not to injure the epithelium. If you feel a burning sensation, remove the mask immediately.
  • Do not keep the composition on your face for longer than the prescribed time. Otherwise, you risk getting a chemical burn.
  • Don't use too much shaving foam/cream.

Attention! For dermatological diseases, wounds or extensive rashes, do not use the product until complete recovery. Alkali can get under the skin and damage nerve endings.

Additional Ingredients for the Shaving Foam Cleansing Mask

  • Lemon juice. This product saturates the skin with vitamins and has a brightening effect. In addition, soda, reacting with the acid contained in lemon, nourishes the skin with oxygen.
  • Natural ground coffee. This coffee does not dissolve in a liquid medium, so a mask containing it also becomes a scrub. The caffeine contained in the beans has a tonic effect on the skin.
  • Salt. Like coffee, salt has a scrubbing effect. In addition, it has an antiseptic effect.
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