Soda for blackheads - 7 TOP recipes for masks and scrubs that will help remove open comedones

Excessive work of the sebaceous glands, stress, poor diet, insufficient facial care and external factors often cause the appearance of blackheads. If you ignore comedones and do not cleanse your skin on time, more serious problems appear: oily shine, inflammation, abscesses, unevenness. Baking soda is a universal remedy for blackheads in pores; with this simple product you can get rid of imperfections on your face at home.

Preparing for the cleansing procedure

Before you start using homemade cosmetics with soda, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the food product.

It is recommended to mix a small amount of baking soda with a few drops of water and apply the resulting mixture to a small area of ​​skin under the ear or on the wrist. If after 5-10 minutes nothing happens (irritation or severe redness), you can use baking soda. If itching, redness, or burning occurs, the substance should be washed off immediately and no further use should be given up.

It is also important to carry out procedures only on a previously cleaned skin surface - cosmetics, dirt, dust, and oily secretions must be carefully removed with a special product or warm water. To enhance the effect, steaming, preferably with the addition of herbs, will not hurt.

How to do:

  1. Pour water into a small container and put on fire. After boiling, add 30-40 g of raw materials from medicinal plants (chamomile, linden, calendula, sage) into the liquid. Boil for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Turn off the heat and cool the product to a comfortable temperature.
  3. Strain, discarding any debris or herbs from the liquid. Add a few drops of essential oil to the decoction to enhance the effect (tea tree, lavender).

The resulting product is used as follows: the face is covered with a cotton cloth soaked in liquid or gauze folded in several layers, exposure time is 10 minutes. Then you should wash your face with warm water, after which you can apply the baking soda product to your skin.

The main thing is to do no harm

Soda against blackheads, like other cleaning products, will be effective only if you listen to the recommendations, which means you do everything right. Failure to follow the preparation rules, or too long procedures can result in burns, allergic reactions and other unpleasant surprises.

  • It is better not to use cotton pads; by applying scrubs or masks with your fingertips, you can control the depth of penetration of the product into the skin.
  • Don't overdo it; there's no point in moving too hard.
  • There is no need to apply the product to the entire face; identify the problem area and apply a scrub or mask to it.
  • You need to keep the prepared product on the skin for no more than 10 minutes, and the drier the skin, the shorter the procedure should be.
  • Repeat the cleansing no more than once per week.
  • It is better not to use coarse salt; if you do not have the opportunity to buy fine salt, grind it yourself. The ideal solution would be not table salt, but sea salt, but it is coarse, which means you cannot do without the help of a coffee grinder.

Like any skin products, scrubs and masks with soda and salt have their contraindications. Who is at risk?

  • If you have an allergic reaction to soda, salt, or other components included in facial cleansers, it is not recommended to use them;
  • They are contraindicated if the skin is too dry or sensitive.
  • You need to cleanse the skin only after all wounds, scratches, inflammatory processes or microcracks on it have healed.
  • If the normal functioning of the circulatory system is disrupted, such cleaning is contraindicated.

Note to newbies!

  • If you don’t know whether you are allergic to salt, soda or another component included in a scrub or mask, take your time. Apply the prepared mixture to the back of your wrist. If within 20 minutes you do not feel a burning sensation, itching or sharp tingling, the skin does not turn red, there is no allergy, and you can safely proceed to the procedures.
  • By the way, if you didn’t know, then remember that such a test must be carried out at the beginning of each cosmetic procedure using a store-bought product, or prepared at home if you are doing this for the first time. The test can protect your health, because what suits your friends can cause you an allergic reaction, itching, skin hyperemia and even a burn.
  • Experiment, love yourself and your appearance, and let skin care bring you pleasure and good results.

Contraindications and possible harm

Baking soda will not bring any benefit, but only harm if there are certain contraindications:

  • the epidermis is sensitive to any cleaning, prone to dryness and peeling;
  • there are open abscesses, boils, wounds, severe inflammation on the skin;
  • The surface of the skin in areas affected by blackheads is covered with vascular mesh.

It is strictly forbidden to resort to any of the presented methods for the prevention of open comedones - soda is considered an aggressive product and careless actions can harm the skin.

Scheme 1. Treatment of enlarged pores after acne

If we have very wide pores as a legacy of youthful acne, we cannot do without a laser.

Platinental uses fractional laser photothermolysis. Gentle, but very effective laser perforation of the skin Asclepion Dermablade allows you to remove the top layer of skin, even out its tone and achieve porcelain smoothness.

A week after laser resurfacing, the result is strengthened with the help of 5-6 mesotherapy procedures with the Japanese drug SAKURA. The cocktail is compiled individually by a cosmetologist - in a special proportion to improve blood flow and narrow pores.

Patient, 35 years old.

The problem of acne and post-acne: active inflammation, scars, uneven skin, enlarged pores.

Home care: Ultra Milk Cleanser, Even Skintone Serum, Ultra C Sheer Facial Cream, Ultra A Smoothing Complex (Ultra A Treatment Serum), Ultra Hydrating Gel, Protective Moisturizer Cream SPF 30+. All – Ultraceuticals

Procedures in the clinic: fractional laser peeling + 8 Vitapeel Ultraceuticals

What commercial products are there with baking soda to get rid of blackheads?

If you don’t have time or inspiration for “folk” experiments, you can buy a ready-made soda-based product; here are several of the most effective options:

  • Airy foam for washing Soda Pore Cleansing Foam;
  • PoreTox Fruit Berrisom Oops Soda Bubble Mask;
  • J:ON Baking Soda Gentle Pore Scrub.

Any of the products can be ordered online or searched in specialized cosmetics stores.

Steps to care for skin with large pores

On the one hand, such a defect spoils the appearance of the skin - there is no smoothness, there is bumpiness, a constant oily sheen. In addition, wide pores quickly become clogged with particles of dust and dirt, which leads to inflammatory processes and provokes the formation of acne and comedones. But, on the other hand, oily, thick skin ages more slowly than dry skin.

At the same time, the porous epidermis requires special care. Stages of morning procedures:

  1. Washing with foam or thermal water based on salicylic acid, probiotics, but without alcohol or aggressive chemicals.
  2. Toning with a mattifying effect. The toner will help dry the skin and normalize the pH level.
  3. Application of sebum regulator serum. The product should contain oak bark extract, betulin, grapefruit and so on. Serum for day care and marked “For oily skin”.
  4. Apply a treatment to the area around the eyes.
  5. Day moisturizer with a light texture based on glycolic or hyaluronic acid.

It is also necessary to take care of protection from ultraviolet radiation. In winter, before going outside, treat your skin with SPF 30, in summer - SPF 50.

Evening care steps:

  1. Makeup remover with micellar water or foam for thorough cleansing. A composition based on hydrophilic oil is also suitable.
  2. Toning. The toner can be applied using a cotton pad and should not be rinsed off. A composition based on avocado oil, hyaluronic acid, squalene, and seaweed is suitable.
  3. Treatment of the periorbital area - along the protruding parts, without affecting the skin of the lower and upper eyelids.
  4. Apply nourishing night cream to slightly damp skin. A restorative concentrate with a deep moisturizing effect is suitable.

It is advisable that all skincare products be of the same brand, this way the maximum effect is achieved.


It is impossible to prevent a problem caused by genetics; such a defect requires complex action. In other cases, prevention will help avoid the formation of enlarged pores:

  1. Stick to proper nutrition. The diet should include “slow” carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, and legumes.
  2. Maintain drinking regime. You need to drink as much water as your body needs. A deficiency will cause deterioration of the skin, and an excess of fluid will cause swelling.
  3. Control hormonal levels. An endocrinologist will conduct an examination and advise you on how to achieve hormone balance.
  4. Protect your face from ultraviolet radiation. Go outside after applying protective equipment. Sunbathe before 11 and after 17 hours.
  5. Undergo routine medical examinations to prevent diseases.
  6. Choose cosmetics (both skincare and decorative) according to your skin type.
  7. Avoid stress and maintain a sleep schedule.

If you urgently need to disguise a defect, this can be done using a concealer and foundation with a light structure. But this can only be done in extremely rare cases. Enlarged pores require an integrated approach and maximum attention.

How to quickly lighten or disguise post-acne

It is important to understand that the fight against post-acne is a long-term process; it is necessary to gradually even out the skin, stimulate the regeneration process, normalize blood circulation and metabolic processes in the epidermis and dermis.

Primers, foundations and decorative cosmetics can hide skin defects, but they do not improve, but only worsen the situation, clog pores, prevent the skin from breathing and create a breeding ground for bacteria.

It is impossible to hide acne marks, eliminate scars and even out your complexion by eliminating pigmentation in one day or even a week.

Home peelings will only improve the situation a little, but for deeper effects (chemical peels, laser, mesotherapy) time is needed for rehabilitation (exfoliation, elimination of redness and skin irritation).

To eliminate pigmentation and whiten the skin, a series of procedures and properly selected cosmetic products for subsequent care are required. There are simply no miraculous and safe products that, when applied overnight, will eliminate all unevenness and imperfections.

What are the benefits of toothpaste for facial skin?

The product has a gentle effect on the oral mucosa, so it is absolutely harmless to the face.

To achieve maximum effect, the following toothpaste is suitable:

  • absolutely white without dyes;
  • without abrasive components;
  • no flavorings.

You can use tooth powder, which is diluted with warm water until creamy. Using the product helps achieve the following results:

  • removing impurities and sebum from pores;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • whitening acne spots;
  • toning the skin.

Toothpaste has antibacterial and antiseptic effects. It can deeply cleanse and gently dry the skin.

Chemical peeling

As mentioned above, light peelings can be carried out at home, however, more intense and, of course, effective chemical peels can only be carried out within the walls of a cosmetology clinic under the strict supervision of a cosmetologist to avoid skin burns. Chemical peeling exfoliates dead skin cells, tightens pores, and has an antiseptic and brightening effect.

Let's look at the most popular types of chemical peels.

Milk peeling is suitable for very sensitive skin. It can be done at any time of the year. Lactic acid is found in pickles and lactic acid fermentation products. In addition to it, the composition includes urea and a complex of amino acids. This peeling gently exfoliates and at the same time moisturizes the skin, and also stimulates the growth of new cells,

Almond can be on a gel or water-alcohol basis, and can also contain not only the main component (mandelic acid), but also other types of acids. Used to improve skin quality, regulate sebum production, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

Azelaine peeling normalizes keratinization in the follicle ducts and sebum production, has an exfoliating, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It contains nonandioic, 1.7-heptanedicarboxylic acid, which is found in wheat, barley, lilac and other plants.

Glycolic and salicylic peels (AHA and BHA) are often performed simultaneously. In tandem, they have the maximum therapeutic effect: they not only cause the death of old cells, cause their desquamation, but also stimulate the production of natural collagen, as well as skin regeneration. They also discolor pigment spots and post-acne, improve metabolic processes.

Useful properties of soda

To prepare the scrub, use regular baking soda. Carbon, sodium and oxygen with hydrogen included in its composition have the following positive effects:

  • even out skin tone;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stop inflammatory processes;
  • remove keratinized particles;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • stabilize the acid balance of the epidermis;
  • improve the functioning of blood vessels.

Baking soda against blackheads is used quite often. It's like a sponge that pulls out all the dirt from the surface and gets rid of grease.


There are a number of recipes for masks for cleansing the face using soda, which you can easily prepare yourself at home.

Shaving foam mask

Peeling with soda and shaving foam helps get rid of sebaceous secretions. Rules for its preparation:

  • Mix thoroughly 3 tbsp. l. foam and 3 tsp. soda
  • Spread evenly over face in a thin layer.
  • Leave the composition for 10 minutes, after which a gentle massage is performed for the same amount of time.
  • The mask should be washed off first with warm and then with cool water - this will help tighten the pores.

Mask with shaving cream

Take 1 tsp. shaving cream, beat until foamy, add 1 tsp. soda Apply the resulting mask to the face, massage for 10 minutes, rinse, and treat with moisturizer.

Peroxide mask

By adding hydrogen peroxide to the peeling with soda, you can protect the skin from infectious lesions. This mask is an effective remedy in the fight against inflamed acne and is recommended for caring for problem skin in teenagers.

For preparation in 1 tsp. You need to add enough 3% soda solution so that the consistency resembles thick sour cream. The composition is immediately applied to problem areas and left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Mask with aspirin

Combine 1 tbsp. l. soda with 5 crushed aspirin tablets and 2 tbsp. l. warm water. Apply the mask to your face, rinse off after 15 minutes with a decoction of calendula or chamomile. Cleansing using this recipe is not recommended more than 2 times a month.

Cause of blackheads

The main cause of blackheads is increased sebum production. The following factors can cause this process:

  • poor skin care;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • poor nutrition;
  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • bad habits;
  • individual characteristics;
  • regular stress;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Blackheads have a negative impact on your appearance. It is not recommended to ignore their presence, especially since there are many home recipes for eliminating skin imperfections.


Marina is 38 years old. I just love the mask with olive oil and baking soda. Two years ago I didn’t know how to deal with blackheads. They were permanent residents of my face. Now I’ve completely forgotten about them, and my skin doesn’t even think about aging – firm, elastic and radiant.

Ekaterina Olegovna 45 years old. I tried my first soda masks about 5 years ago with a friend. The experiment was not a success: I dried it out and abandoned this product. Recently I came across masks with the addition of cream, sour cream and other fatty ingredients. I decided to try it and did not regret it. The pigment spots are almost invisible, the blackheads have completely disappeared, especially after a good soda and salt scrub.

What is post-acne

Acne can appear on the face and neck, in the interscapular area, on the back and in the upper chest. Acne or acne is the formation of inflammatory elements on the skin - compacted reddened tubercles (papules) and blackheads, purulent white heads with redness around them. If elements are injured, squeezed out or heal poorly, post-inflammatory, scarring, and pigmentary changes form on the skin - this is post-acne.

This is what post-acne looks like

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