Argan oil. Properties and use in cosmetology for hair, skin, oral administration

Argan oil is a very unique substance containing many beneficial microelements. This cosmetic product has become widespread in many fields of activity, and has become especially popular in cooking, medicine, and especially cosmetology. The main source of raw materials for the extraction of argan oil are the fruits of the argan tree, the seeds of which contain “liquid gold”. The iron tree itself has a very narrow habitat and is found exclusively in the Moroccan and Algerian deserts.

The production of argan oil is a very complex process carried out using manual labor. It takes one worker about 20 hours and 60 kilograms of argan fruit to extract just one liter of oil. Due to such heavy manual labor and high resource consumption of production, argan oil has a fairly high, but absolutely justified cost.

How is argan oil obtained?

Argan oil is one of the most expensive and exclusive. It is obtained from the seeds of a tree called argan or “ironwood”. It is distributed only in certain climatic latitudes and is found in Africa in Morocco and Algeria. It reaches 10-12 m in height and can live 150-200 years (sometimes more).

The limited growing area and the difficult method of production increase the monetary value of argon oil. The oil itself is an oily liquid with a golden tint and has a subtle aroma. Argan tree oil has a number of useful healing properties in cosmetology and medicine, and is also used in cooking.

Argan oil. Properties and application. Adviсe.

Despite the automation of labor and the widespread introduction of technological innovations designed to help people today, obtaining oil from argan seeds remains a very labor-intensive and complex process. In order to obtain 1 liter of oil, 1 quintal of fruits are first collected (this amount grows on about 13-14 trees).

This volume of fruit contains about 30 kg of seeds, which in turn contain kernels used for extracting oil.

After harvesting, the fruits are dried in the sun for some time. They are then split, most often by hand. This takes 1.5-2 days of painstaking work. Then the fibers are removed from the seeds of the fruit and the seeds are extracted, which is also a very difficult process, since the shell of the seeds is strong and hard.

Further processing depends on the purpose of further use of the oil:

  • for use in cosmetology and medicine - the seeds are simply pressed from the seeds using a cold press, which helps neutralize the nutty smell;
  • for food purposes - the seeds are first fried a little, allowed to cool, and then squeezed out mechanically.

Virgin oil has a higher value and costs more. For second-press oil, the resulting cake from pressed seeds is extracted with water or special compounds, which allows the raw material to be fully used. However, such oil is impure after extraction and therefore costs slightly less.

Hazardous properties

The freshly squeezed product does not contain any harmful or toxic substances. They can appear during industrial bottling, when preservatives to which an allergy can develop can be added to increase shelf life.

It has been noted that allergies to argan seed products often occur in people who are allergic to nuts. Studies have shown that argan oil contains a specific 10kDa protein, which is a strong allergen. This protein is also found in nuts, including peanuts, suggesting that it is responsible for this cross-allergic reaction.

To avoid side effects of an argan product, you should carefully read the label on the bottle before purchasing:

  1. It must contain information in a language understandable to the buyer.
  2. The method of processing the seeds (unroasted, fried) must be indicated.
  3. There must be information about the chemical composition, including preservatives, fragrances, water content (they should not be in natural oil!).
  4. Pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date (expiration date cannot exceed 12 months).
  5. The place of manufacture of the product must be indicated - Morocco or Algeria (argan raw materials are prohibited from being exported from these countries; only the product can be exported).
  6. The bottle should be hermetically sealed and made of dark-colored glass and hermetically sealed (this prevents oxidation).

Be very suspicious of label claims that 10kDa protein is extracted from oil. To extract protein from oil, it is necessary to act on it thermally or chemically, after which the oil can no longer be considered natural, because the oil undergoes irreversible changes.

The method of collecting the seeds for the Moroccan product also matters. If the oil is made in artisanal conditions, there is a possibility that the pits for it were collected from goat droppings. Goat droppings can introduce toxic substances and bacteria into the product, making the product potentially hazardous to health. It is better to give preference to the product of large manufacturers.

You should refrain from taking argan oil internally in childhood (up to 6 years) and in certain physiological conditions (pregnancy, breastfeeding), since the digestive system and immunity function in a special way during these periods of life.

Composition, properties and calorie content of argan oil

Argan oil contains a whole range of beneficial substances, their combination is unique:

  • linoleic acid – has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole; a person can only obtain linoleic acid from the outside, since it is not synthesized;
  • about 85% are saturated fatty acids (omega-6) - slow down the aging process, reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases;
  • tocopherols, polyphenols – relieve inflammatory processes, have a detox effect on the body;
  • sterols are a rare component present in a limited number of products and possessing powerful anti-allergenic properties;
  • vitamins E, A, F - good for the skin and for health in general.

Ironwood oil has high nutritional value and contains 830 kcal per 100 g.


The value of argan oil is explained by its truly luxurious chemical composition. Thus, the product is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, including:

  • oligo-linoleic acids, which slow down the aging process and prevent the development of a number of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • stearic acid, which is one of the most important “building materials” in the human body;
  • linoleic acid, necessary for the growth and development of a wide variety of body systems and obtained only from the outside, with food.

About 80% of argan oil comes from these acids. The remaining 20% ​​is, first of all:

  • tocopherols and polyphenols – natural antioxidants with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • vitamins A, E and F, so necessary for healthy skin, nails and hair;
  • sterols are rare substances that have anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects;
  • triterpene alcohols are another important component with antiviral and antifungal properties;
  • ferulic acid and squalene are the strongest plant antioxidants and bactericides;
  • fungicides that help destroy fungi and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • magnesium, potassium, zinc and other useful trace elements.

The energy value of argan oil is 899 kcal. 100 g of product contains 99 g of fat, while there are no carbohydrates or proteins at all.

Oil application area

Argan oil, the properties and uses of which are not known to everyone, is used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking:

For food purposesUse dark ironwood oil. The dark color is due to the heat treatment of the grains. It is famous for its nutritional value and on its basis in Morocco they prepare the national product - amla. This is a paste made from argan oil, honey and almonds (ground). Also, a special spicy aroma helps chefs create delicious dishes. Added oil will highlight the taste of fish dishes, sauces, and couscous. The healing effect of using this oil is to lower bad cholesterol.
In cosmetologyA light type of oil is used to care for hair, skin, and nails.
For medicinal (medical) purposesThe oil is mainly used to treat skin diseases: eczema, atopic dermatitis, excessive dryness.

In medicine

Successful use for medical purposes is due to a number of properties of argan oil:

  • moisturizes;
  • promotes rapid regeneration of the epidermis;
  • relieves inflammation;

  • helps to cheer up and maintain tone;
  • is a powerful antioxidant.

Finds application in:

  • high blood sugar (diabetes);
  • progressive Alzheimer's disease;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • infectious diseases;
  • problems with bones, pain in joints and muscles,

Oil occupies a special place in dermatology, as it is indicated for increased dryness of the skin and eczema manifestations. It also promotes rapid healing of wounds, healing of scars, scars, and burns.

In cosmetology

Argan oil, whose properties and uses are not widely known like some other oils, is successfully used for cosmetic purposes. According to many cosmetologists, this is one of the best oils that can radically transform and improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.

When used on the skin, it penetrates not only the outer layer (epidermis), but also the deeper layers of the skin - the dermis, providing the skin with everything it needs.

For example:

  • protects hair from UV radiation, drying, strengthens it;

  • helps restore cracked, chapped skin;
  • slows down the process of tissue decay and prevents a decrease in elasticity and moisture loss;
  • fights acne, helps in the care of greasy, oily skin;
  • Suitable for children for the treatment of diaper rash, rashes;
  • smoothes wrinkles in the eye area;
  • prevents the appearance of scars on the skin;
  • removes whitish stripes on the skin (stretch marks);
  • promotes the revival of the hydrolipid skin layer;
  • restores nails and gives them a shiny, well-groomed appearance.

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Depending on the scope of use, degree of purification and production method, argan oil is divided into 3 types: cold-pressed from roasted seeds, cosmetic from unroasted seeds, cold-pressed from unroasted argan seeds. Roasted seeds are used only in the food industry, and cold-pressed, unroasted seeds are used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes due to the high concentration of beneficial substances for the human body, although they can also be used in cooking.

How to determine product quality

Based on the purpose for which the oil is purchased, you should be able to distinguish between food and cosmetic. Very often, they try to pass off edible oil as cosmetic. They can be distinguished by their smell. The aroma of oil suitable for use in cooking will have a pronounced nutty hue with an almond admixture.

Oil for cosmetic purposes will have a very muted nutty aroma.

Often manufacturers want to sell low-quality goods, disguising them in dark plastic packaging. In such containers, the oil loses its beneficial properties. High-quality oil is sold in glass bottles that can be darkened. On a bottle of good quality argan oil you can find complete information about the producers and a wax seal.

In color, a quality product will have an amber tint, while a fake will have a yellowish-golden color. The consistency of the original oil allows it to be quickly absorbed without greasy marks or smudges.

If the oil liquid gives off a rancid odor and has a too thin or, conversely, too thick consistency, you should think about the poor quality of such a product.


The original “ironwood” product is not cheap, but lovers of cosmetic oil extracts know that this purchase is worth the cost. The price of a true argan oil elixir exceeds 1 thousand rubles per 100 ml, since it is delivered from Morocco and other producing countries to Moscow. You can order goods inexpensively in an online store, but keep in mind that the price depends on the volume, additional substances, and product quality.

The product's nameBottle volumeCost in rubles
Argan oil in glass bottle50 ml1000
Premium Class BIO argan oil250 ml2750
Argan oil for hair80 ml1150
Argan oil for massage125 ml1100
Anti-cellulite argan oil with green coffee120 ml1573

Use of argan oil after childbirth and during pregnancy

The oil can be used externally during pregnancy and while breastfeeding (provided there is no allergic reaction). This oil is extremely rich in vitamin E and helps new mothers prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, as well as make them visually less noticeable after childbirth.

It promotes increased blood circulation and activates the processes of epithelization and granulation of the skin, where it is needed.

Indications for use

You can use argan product to prevent aging, skin aging and visible disorders. Indications for use of a cosmetic product are:

  • rapid growth of new wrinkles and deepening of existing ones;
  • rapid rates of aging and withering of integuments;
  • increased skin dryness, feeling of tightness;
  • the presence of acne, various types of wounds, microtraumas on the face;
  • inflamed skin;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • skin hyperpigmentation;
  • unhealthy shade of the epidermis;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • the need for enhanced protection from sunlight.

Natural oil extract recommended for dry, aging skin. It effectively copes with the assigned tasks, enhances tissue regeneration, provides intense hydration and nutrition to weakened cells, and promotes the elimination of toxins. Miracle oil guarantees a pronounced anti-aging effect without parabens, preservatives and other synthetic additives.

Argan oil is a source of important vitamins and fatty acids not only for skin cells. With its help you can improve the quality of your hair, get rid of dandruff and many dermatological problems.

Edible argan oil is added to prepared dishes, thereby increasing its nutritional and vitamin value.

Argan oil in cosmetology: rules and instructions for use

Argan oil, the properties and uses of which are known to some women who take care of themselves, is actively used for cosmetic purposes. Oil added to finished skin care cosmetics makes it unique and surprisingly effective.

The oil can be used either separately (independently) for medicinal purposes or as an additional component:

  • in various creams for hand and face skin care;
  • in its natural form;
  • in the composition of face and hair masks;
  • in lotions, emulsions.

The oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin and does not leave a greasy residue or a sticky feeling. It is perfect for skin care before and after tanning, allowing you to get a uniform dark tone.

Can be used for any skin type and various problems: wrinkles, acne, dryness. The beneficial substances contained in the oil help maintain skin turgor at the proper level and slow down photoaging.

Usually in the package of oil you can find an annotation that gives the following instructions (instructions) for use:

  • used for problematic, oily skin, with inflammation and acne, for dry skin prone to flaking, for aging skin, with wrinkles and not sufficiently hydrated;
  • with caution - if there are wounds and ulcers on the skin of the face (head, hands), if oil is poorly tolerated.

Basic rules when using oil:

  • carefully check the quality of the product so as not to stumble upon a fake and not harm the skin with a low-quality emulsion;
  • It is better to store oil in a cool place, in the refrigerator;
  • For those using it for the first time, it would be useful to do a simple test for an allergic reaction - apply a small amount of oil to the wrist and observe whether unwanted manifestations appear on the skin within 24 hours;
  • before use, the oil can be slightly warmed up to enhance the effect on the skin (or hair);
  • do not use metal utensils for preparing masks and heating oil to avoid oxidation of this valuable product.

Mask for dry skin

For lifeless, overdried skin that needs hydration, you can prepare the following mask: crush half of the avocado pulp (small) and combine with a small amount of sour cream, add 1 tbsp. softened honey and 1 tsp. argan oil Apply the resulting composition to previously cleansed facial skin.

Leave for 15-20 minutes and then carefully remove from face using cotton pads and water. To enhance the effect, apply moisturizer to the skin with the addition of a few drops of argan oil.

For oily skin

Argan oil will also help those with rough, thick, oily skin with enlarged pores:

  • Lightly beat 1 egg white with a whisk or fork and add 1 tbsp. l. warm (heat in a water bath) argan oil. Apply to prepared facial skin (pre-cleaned) and leave for 10-15 minutes. After the specified time, a feeling of tightness may appear. Rinse off the composition and wipe your face with lotion that tightens the pores;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Mix warm argan oil with a few drops of tea tree oil (5-6 drops) and spread evenly. The mask perfectly dries, tightens pores and helps with inflammation and acne typical of oily skin types.


The purpose of such a mask is to sculpt the oval of the face and increase the production of collagen and elastin. To achieve a visually noticeable effect, 10-12 sessions are required.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 20-25 drops of argan oil;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. dried kelp;
  • 10 drops of rose oil.

The kelp is crushed using a blender and oil is added. Before applying the mask, prepare the skin by not only cleaning it, but also lightly steaming it. The composition is applied to the face and left for about a quarter of an hour. After removing the mask, apply nourishing cream or argan oil at night.

For acne

The anti-inflammatory properties of argan oil make it possible to successfully include it in various combinations for masks to combat acne and acne.

One of the mask options:

  • 1 tbsp. l. argan oils;
  • 1 tbsp. l. almond oil;
  • 1 tsp. clay (blue or black);
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. l. water.

Clay is diluted in water and oils are added, slightly heated in a water bath. Leave the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes. Apply 2-3 times a week, depending on the intensity of the rash.

For eyelashes

The oil is famous for its healing effect on hair and many girls and women also successfully use it to grow and strengthen eyelashes.

If you simply comb your eyelashes with oil in its pure form at least once a day, every day, then within a few weeks they will become stronger, thicker, longer and their natural color will become expressive.

For even more effective results, argan oil is often mixed with other oils that are beneficial for eyelashes and hair: coconut, avocado, almond.

The combination of argan oil with burdock or castor oil is very effective. When applying oils, you should be careful and do not apply oil to the eyes themselves or their mucous membranes.

Contraindications and possible harm

Argan oil is one of the few products that almost never cause allergic reactions. Perhaps the only exception is those cases when a person has an individual intolerance to certain ingredients of this product, say, saponites. You can identify it as follows: apply a small amount of oil to the inner surface of the elbow and wait 15 minutes. If your skin remains clean, it means that you do not have allergic reactions to argan oil. If irritation or rash occurs, it is better to avoid using this product.

In addition, experts recommend using Moroccan Gold with caution for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under three years of age. However, this warning applies primarily to the internal use of the product, while the external use of argan has practically no restrictions.

How to use argan oil for hair

Argan oil, the use and properties of which are best known for hair, really has a wonderful effect on its structure and healthy appearance. Using this oil, you can get rid of scalp problems (seborrhea, dandruff), restore dry and damaged hair, and stop hair loss.

Before use, please note that this tropical oil is highly concentrated and a minimum amount is enough to prepare masks, but a large volume can cause unwanted reactions.

Basic rules for using oil:

  • first check whether there is an allergic response to this product;
  • to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, slightly warm up the oil emulsion;
  • You can apply masks with oil both to freshly washed hair and to dirty hair;

  • It is better to accompany the application of the composition with massaging movements of the root zone;
  • to enhance the effect and maximize all the properties of the oil, you can wrap your head with film and a towel for the duration of the mask;
  • since the oil is very active, you should not leave it on your hair and scalp for more than 30 minutes;
  • Shampoo should be used to wash off without leaving a greasy residue.

An excellent end to your treatment would be to rinse your hair with natural herbal infusions (nettle, chamomile). For therapeutic purposes, in case of severe hair dryness, hair loss and lifelessness, procedures can be performed 2 times a week. To maintain the natural beauty of hair and nourish it, it is enough to use oil once every 10-12 days.

For hair care at home you can:

  • prepare masks;
  • wraps;
  • do aroma combing;
  • add oil to shampoos and conditioners.

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King among oils - Argan for hair

Many people consider argan oil to be the king among other oils. Despite its high cost, its effectiveness has been proven and is quite high: even a small jar of one hundred milliliters will last you a long time - about two months of home weekly beauty treatments are provided for you.

Various hair masks that strengthen and revitalize their appearance usually do not require huge amounts of oil. You can add just a few drops of this wonderful elixir -─ even in such a small amount the oil will transform your hair. A special advantage of this oil is that it does not color the hair; after exposure to it, the hair does not change color, even hair dyed in light tones and highlighted remains the same shade.

Hair mask recipes

There are a great many recipes for mask compositions and you can always experiment by mixing the components at your discretion:

  • a simple mask - a small amount of warm argan oil is applied to the hair along the entire length, from roots to ends. Cover the head warmly and keep it there for no more than 30-35 minutes;
  • nourishing mask - beat one egg and add 1 tbsp. l. argan oil and 1 tbsp. softened honey. Apply to hair and leave for 40 minutes, covering head with a warm towel.

Hair strengthening

  • for hair restoration - combine the yolk of two eggs with 2 tbsp. l. argan oil;
  • for dry, lifeless hair – mix 2 tsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. argan oil, 6 drops of sage oil and 3 drops of lavender oil;

  • for sparse, hair loss - combine burdock and argan oil in a ratio of 3 to 1. Warm the mixture a little and apply to hair from roots to ends. Exposure time is 30-40 minutes.

If you don’t have time for masks, combing your hair with adding a few drops of oil to a comb will also be useful.

Shampoo with argan oil

You can also use argan oils to cleanse your hair:

  • adding a few drops to your usual shampoo;
  • for oily hair – 3 tbsp. dissolve soda in 120 ml of warm water, add the juice of a lemon wedge and 1 tbsp. argan oils;
  • to increase hair thickness – beat 1 egg, add 1 tbsp. soda and a little lemon juice, 1 tsp. argan oil.

How to store it correctly

Store natural argan oil in a dry, cool and dark place. Once opened, it is recommended to use it as soon as possible (oil rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids tends to oxidize and become rancid).

It is worth remembering that the oil you buy must be in a dark and preferably glass bottle.

This capacity protects essential unsaturated fatty acids from degradation by solar radiation.

Oil for strengthening nails

Argan oil will help with brittle and brittle nails, slow growth and yellowness, and problems with the cuticle. It is recommended for use by anyone who does a lot of housework or whose hands are constantly exposed to adverse factors.

Thanks to the content of vitamin E and unique antioxidants, it perfectly softens and nourishes the skin, quickly soothing it after a trimmed manicure, promoting the healing of microcracks and providing an antiseptic effect on the nails and the ridges around them.

It prevents dark spots from appearing on the nails and fungus from developing, and gives the nail plate a well-groomed, shiny and smooth appearance. To care for your nails, it is enough to rub the oil into the nail itself and the area around it 2-3 times a week. When performing a manicure, a few drops of oil can be added to a warm nail bath.


Jojoba oil, due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, is very useful for acne and pimples. Reduces dry skin, flaking and itching, therefore especially indicated for psoriasis and eczema. Argan oil is also effective for treating skin diseases, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, and the effects of sunburn.


Both of these oils are ideal for caring for cuticles and nail plates. Massaging the nail with argan or jojoba oil helps prevent cuticle buildup and smoothes the nail plate.


Jojoba oil and argan oil stimulate skin regeneration. Helps fight scars and stretch marks on the body. Both of these oils can be excellent for preventing the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy or during weight loss.

Using oil for health: instructions, recommendations

Argan oil, whose properties are unique and multifaceted, is also used in recipes for the health of internal organs. After all, argan oil can be used not only externally, but internally. To do this, you should choose a product made from unroasted seeds. This oil will retain more nutrients.

Argan oil is indicated for oral use for:

  • diabetes;

  • obesity;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, gastritis, constipation);
  • frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis);
  • diseases and pathological conditions of the heart and blood vessels (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, ischemia);
  • for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • reproductive disorders in men and women (broken cycles, low sperm quality, impotence);
  • eye diseases (conjunctivitis, cataracts, decreased visual acuity);
  • to prevent the development of cancer.

The oil is also used for medicinal purposes for:

  • joint and muscle pain;
  • dermatological problems (boils, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis).

To treat these diseases, it is used both in its natural form and as part of ointments, creams, and balms.

The main recommendations for use are:

  • to achieve the effect, it should be taken before meals, preferably in the morning;
  • you should start with 0.5 tsp. and gradually increase the dosage to 2-3 tsp;
  • Can be used in combination with other drugs and supplements.
  • It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

Taking oil does not replace the main prescribed treatment.

For digestion

The oil helps with:

  • colitis;
  • heartburn;

  • enterocolitis;
  • gallstones;
  • constipation

To normalize digestion, take 0.5 tsp of oil. 15-20 minutes before meals for 14 days. Then they take a break. If necessary, the course is repeated a month later.

For the liver

Being one of the most complex organs of the human body, the liver takes upon itself the elimination of all toxins, poisons and unnecessary substances. Without proper care and support, the organ quickly wears out and ceases to be a reliable filter for the body. To support it, you can use argan oil for prevention.

The protective properties of this oil will perfectly support the liver and improve its cells.

For the purpose of prevention, it is enough to add 1 tsp. oils in any dish daily.

For heart

The use of oil as an additive in salads, side dishes and soups will help protect blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, and thereby prevent the development of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks.

To treat heart disease, you can consume 1 tsp daily. oils 2-3 times a day as adjunctive therapy.

For the prevention of cancer

The presence of antioxidants in the oil allows you to remove from the body free radicals that are regularly formed in the human body and cause cancer. Argan oil is especially effective for the prevention of bladder and prostate cancer. It is enough to take 1-2 tsp. shortly before meals for a month.

Against dermatological diseases

Argan oil is also good for treating skin problems caused by dermatological diseases. For psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis, apply oil to the affected areas several times a day until the condition improves.

general description

Argan oil is very often used in the production of cosmetics for the face, body, hair, and nails. This is an exclusively Moroccan product, because the Argan tree, from which the most valuable extract is obtained, does not grow elsewhere in the world, and it is strictly prohibited to export it from the country in an unprocessed form.

A valuable extract is obtained from the kernels of the Argan tree. Residents of Morocco harvest the tree twice a year. To obtain 1 kg of oily liquid, on average it is necessary to process fruits from 6 trees. That's why you shouldn't rely on the low cost of a cosmetic product.

Externally, the plant extract is amber-brown in color and has a pleasant nutty smell. There are edible and cosmetic Argan oils. The food has a reddish tint, and the almond aroma is strongly felt. The cosmetic oil has a slight nutty smell in the first seconds after opening the bottle, then the aroma quickly dissipates.

Attention! To preserve the beneficial properties of the cosmetic product as much as possible, it is packaged in glass packaging. This is another criterion by which you can distinguish an original from a fake.

What you should pay attention to when purchasing the product:

  1. The price will not be small.
  2. Country of origin: Morocco.
  3. Color - rich, brown.
  4. The aroma is light nutty and can be felt for literally 2-3 seconds.
  5. Packaging: dark glass only.
  6. The shelf life of the extract does not exceed 2 years.

Argan oil is also called “Moroccan gold”, “oil of life”, “liquid gold”. It is used for cosmetic purposes in the form of masks, compresses for the skin of the face and body, and added to creams and other cosmetic products to enrich them with nutritional components. The use of the product during massage is very effective. The extract has a high moisturizing and strengthening effect, so it is often used for nails and hair.

Rules for storing argan oil

For longer storage, it is better to keep the oil in a dark container. Usually the oil is immediately sold in darkened containers. Oil can be stored unopened for no more than 24 months, and opened for up to 3-4 months, provided it is kept in the cold.

It is undesirable to expose even a darkened bottle to direct sunlight, so the best place to store the bottle is the refrigerator. After two years, the oil will be unsuitable for use, as it will lose all its beneficial properties and may begin to taste bitter and change color.

How it is used in cooking

In the kitchen, edible argan oil is used in a darker color with a reddish tint (the lighter color is used in cosmetics). Its aroma is subtle, although heavier than cosmetic argan oil, with a noticeable nutty undertone.

The product should be consumed cold; it is not recommended to fry it.

Can be safely used as a salad dressing, meat marinade, addition to meat or fish dishes (including seafood) and sauces. Pairs well with soups and cottage cheese.

It is best to add it to dishes at the end of cooking, and optimally just before serving, so that it does not lose its beneficial properties and taste. If desired, the product is mixed with other valuable vegetable oil.

Argan oil can be used to make amlou bread paste, a traditional Moroccan delicacy called argan spread. The taste is similar to peanut butter, although some say it tastes better. Pairs well with a dark baguette or crusty bread. Also suitable for crackers. In Morocco, pasta is served with raw vegetables, which enhances their flavor.

  • Moroccan Amlou Paste Recipe

Roast 300 g of almonds in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 20 minutes. Then grind the roasted and cooled almonds into powder. Add 200 ml of argan oil and 3-4 tablespoons of liquid honey to them, stirring constantly.

Finally, everything can be seasoned with a pinch of salt. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, place the paste in a jar or container that can be tightly sealed. Moroccan paste should be stored for several days in a cool place.

Interesting! The area of ​​argan trees is only 800 hectares around the world! They cover the Sousse plain in Morocco. The area is designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Precautionary measures

There are no special contraindications to the use of the plant extract. The exception is for customers who are allergic to the ingredient presented. Those with oily skin types should be wary of oil therapy.

Do not apply oil directly to the wound; it is enough to treat the skin around it.

The main precaution is to use only high-quality products. Before first use, perform a quick allergy test: apply a small amount of the composition to the inner bend of your elbow or behind your ear. Redness, burning or irritation of the skin after some time is not allowed and this product should not be used.

User reviews about the effectiveness of the product

Regular use of the natural extract delights ordinary users. Some note incredible lightness and softness after the first use, while for others noticeable changes are visible after a course of procedures. In any case, the effectiveness of argan oil is beyond doubt.

Argan oil is used by representatives of various skin types. Proper use of the extract will reduce the oiliness of the skin and improve complexion.

Argan oil is also effective for combination, problem skin. The following user shares his impressions of the extract brought from Tunisia.

The following user claims that the oil can solve the problem of wrinkles and sagging skin.

It is difficult to find negative reviews about argan oil on the Internet. Proper use and high quality of the product are the key to success and pleasure from the procedure for you and your skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is difficult to note the disadvantages of argan oil; the extract is so unique and valuable for the skin and the body as a whole. The only caveat is the high price.

Now let's talk about why you should purchase and use the product:

  • the composition is absolutely natural, has many nutritional components;
  • has a multifaceted effect: nourishes, moisturizes, protects, strengthens epidermal cells, relieves inflammation;
  • practically free of contraindications;
  • provides a lasting and pronounced effect with regular use;
  • is not difficult to use;
  • overdose is impossible;
  • Suitable for all skin types and ages, even for babies.

Where can I buy

You should buy organic argan oil from trusted suppliers, because counterfeits of the drug are very common. A wide range of products are offered by pharmacies, online stores, and cosmetic stores. Experts recommend avoiding purchasing the product in the supermarket.

The following representatives of natural extract in Russia have proven themselves well in the modern market: Divoil, MeiTan (Meitan).

The original product does not require special storage requirements; it perfectly retains its original nutritional properties in dark glass packaging. The shelf life of the oil is 2 years.

Attention! High-quality argan extract is not characterized by stickiness, stickiness, pungent odor or lack thereof. The presence of such factors should alert you. The oil has a delicate, uniform texture and a subtle and unobtrusive nutty aroma.

It is not recommended to use a product that has expired.

Beauty recipes for lips and eyelashes

Argan oil can be used to moisturize and nourish lips. Apply the valuable extract to the surface of your lips 1-2 times a day. This is especially true in windy weather, on frosty or hot days.

Eyelashes and eyebrows also need to be nourished with minerals and vitamins. Take care of their care too. Apply a little argan extract to the ends of your eyelashes and eyebrows, comb them with a clean brush from an old brush.

Do not overdo the dosage of the miracle extract so that the oil does not get into your eyes. It is recommended to perform the procedure 20–30 minutes before applying makeup or before going to bed.

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