Treatment of nail fungus with propolis and reviews of its effectiveness

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  • Pharmacological properties of propolis
  • Indications for use
  • We treat various ailments with propolis
  • Methods of using propolis preparations
  • Treatment Options
  • Treatment of nail fungus with propolis
  • Important information
  • Contraindications

Infections caused by fungi are especially insidious. They are able to show temporary improvement and immediately bloom in magnificent colors again, as soon as the therapy is stopped. Moreover, many pharmacological drugs will each time show an increasingly weaker and short-term effect. It’s not even worth talking about the occurrence of side effects from the use of medications. The obvious conclusion is that treatment of the fungus with propolis should be carried out once and until complete recovery. In this matter, it is worth turning to folk recipes. Somehow our ancestors lived without this pathology, and they lived well because they used exclusively natural gifts.

Pharmacological properties of propolis

People have been using bee products for a very long time. Their use has been observed to have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. There is a significant increase in immune factors and body resistance. Pharmacies happily offer to boost your immunity with various medications, but they cost much more than a kilogram of organic honey or a jar of propolis.

Propolis water for skin with plant extracts “Shine” (50 ml)

199.00 rub.

Propolis water for the nose and nasopharynx with plant extracts “Multi” (50 ml)

198.00 rub.

Propolis water for the nose and nasopharynx with mint and plant extracts “Multi” (50 ml)

199.00 rub.

Propolis water 30% (100 ml)

259.00 rub.

Scientists have been trying for many years to unravel the mechanism of synthesis of this substance. Until now, only bees have successfully produced it. Essentially it's bee glue. Insects use it to close cracks, block the entrance to the hive and carry out disinfection. The product includes more than 50 components: essential oils and resins, balms and wax, as well as vitamins, trace elements, minerals and enzymes.

The pharmacological properties of propolis are quite diverse:

  • has an antiseptic and antioxidant effect;
  • has pronounced wound healing symptoms;
  • has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-radiation effect;
  • relieves itching and local tissue inflammation.

Indications for use

In folk medicine, it is used in different forms: in aqueous and alcoholic solutions and extracts, such as propolis milk, ointments and oils, pastes and suppositories. In what situations can you expect help from treating fungus with propolis? Specific components help relieve vasospasm and lower blood pressure. Its capabilities include stimulating hematopoiesis and natural regeneration, increasing immunity, endurance and performance. For the digestive system, the substance’s properties for preserving microflora and improving digestive function in general are of great importance.

Symptoms of onychomycosis

The first signs begin with itching and redness of the interdigital space. Sometimes blisters appear on the folds, which itch and become inflamed.

The nail changes its shape, color and structure. It becomes brittle, exfoliates, and as the pathology progresses, growths appear on the plate. The affected area looks untidy, with infection, an unpleasant odor may emanate from the finger, the skin of the feet peels and becomes covered with cracks.

The disease has periods of attenuation and exacerbation. Often the patient tries to treat the disease on his own using traditional medicine recipes. Among the common remedies against nail fungus are bee products and propolis.

Methods of using propolis preparations

Internal use - taking tinctures, solutions, emulsions, oils and milk. Propolis milk is prepared only at home; you cannot buy it at the pharmacy. The recipe is very simple. Add the crushed substance to the boiled milk and, stirring constantly, simmer over very low heat for 10 minutes. When cooling, the wax coating must be removed. Proportions for the finished product: for 1 liter of milk you need 50 - 100 g. main ingredient. This is a simple and effective remedy for colds and coughs in children and adults.

Treatment Options

Almost any of them can be prepared independently at home. The simplicity of the recipes will allow you to do without special pharmacological preparation. Bee glue cannot be replaced for a whole list of somatic ailments that have a protracted, chronic nature. In case of injuries and burns, it accelerates regenerative processes. Promotes the removal of toxins from the body, destroys harmful microorganisms. Helps with chronic fatigue, compensates for the lack of vitamins and mineral complexes.

Preparing the finished product will not take much time. Crushed and purified propolis is poured with alcohol heated to 50 degrees, mixed, and heated in a water bath. There is no need to boil, then strain through several layers of gauze and store in a glass, well-closed container in a dark place. The output is a 50% solution. If you take a simpler route, you need to add alcohol and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. The result is a 10% cure. Calculation of ingredients: 10 gr. substances per 100 g. 70% alcohol. This mixture can be stored for several years. It is used internally at a rate of 20 to 60 drops per half glass of water or milk. Can be added to tea. For children under 10 years of age, the dosage is 1 drop for each year of life.

Rinsing is carried out with a 3% water-alcohol mixture several times a day. For inhalation it is prepared from 1 drop of tincture and 5 ml. saline solution. Treatment with the prepared tincture can be carried out for a long time, up to 1 month. For otitis media, turundas or small tampons moistened with ready-made medicine are used and placed into the sore ear. Several procedures per day are allowed.

In gynecology, tampons with tincture give good results. They are indicated for fibroids, fungal diseases, stopping bleeding and ovarian pain. For pregnant women, treatment of fungus with propolis is one of the gentlest types.

Baths are indicated in gynecology as part of general therapy for cervical erosion and fungal diseases. In dentistry, they are used to strengthen gums and stop inflammatory processes, eliminate bleeding and looseness of gum tissue, and act as a disinfectant and analgesic. For toothache, undiluted tincture will help, which should be kept in the mouth for 5 minutes; in other situations, for baths, a dilution of up to 2 - 4% is required.

When treating fungus with propolis, foot baths eliminate sweating and disinfect the skin, helping to maintain personal hygiene. Helps prevent fungal diseases of the feet and nails.

For those who cannot use an alcohol solution, an aqueous composition will come to the rescue. The difference in preparation lies in replacing alcohol with water, in proportions of 2 to 1, where 2 is water, and holding time in a water bath for up to 1 hour. After the solution has cooled and stood for 6 hours, it is necessary to strain and pour into a glass bottle with a ground-in stopper. The disadvantage is the very short period of use - only 7 days. When using, there is no need to dilute; it can be used by pregnant women and small children.

Fungal diseases can be easily cured with beekeeping products. Since a long course is required, there is no need to worry about the accumulation of third-party substances in the body and the occurrence of negative manifestations. The peculiarity is that you cannot stop sessions after the first signs of the disease disappear. For complete recovery you need to complete the full course.

How to check its authenticity and where to buy it?

There are two factors on which the quality of propolis depends:

  • the type of plant from which the bee collected glue;
  • a breed of bee that produced propolis.

Based on these factors, the quality of propolis can only be determined by a professional beekeeper. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to naturalness and purity, which are easy to determine with the naked eye.

It’s no secret that you can’t collect a lot of product in a season - it’s specific, and that’s why it’s expensive. Some unscrupulous sellers may mix beeswax with propolis to increase profits.

If propolis is bought on the market, then pay attention to the smell, taste and color . So:

  • the color of the product should be brown, uniform with different shades of dark green;
  • there should be a minimum number of color inclusions in the final product;
  • the smell should be fresh and pleasant.


If the color of propolis is too dark, it indicates the age of the product, which has been lying in a warm place for a long time. Typically, such a bee lei is ineffective.

Taste and smell

The smell of this product is very pleasant, rich, and unusual. If there is an extraneous, unnatural aroma, then it is better not to buy such a product.

If we talk about taste, then not everyone may like it. To determine quality propolis, take 1 gram of the product into your mouth and chew it a little.

A good bee product will turn into a viscous substance similar to chewing gum and will begin to stick strongly to your teeth. In addition, the taste will be pleasant, although slightly bitter. High-quality propolis may tingle your tongue a little.

As for where to purchase propolis, opinions are divided. Some people advise buying from beekeepers at the market, believing that only from a real beekeeper can you purchase a fresh product. Others prefer to trust only pharmaceutical drugs.

Both are right. If you have certain knowledge and experience, then you can go to the market and buy propolis from a beekeeper. If you are buying propolis for the first time, go to a pharmacy or a specialty store .

Treatment of nail fungus with propolis

Propolis tincture will be an excellent remedy for treating fungus. Treatments last for about 2 months. During this time, the affected nail completely disappears and a clean and healthy nail plate grows. You can use one type of procedure or combine them, depending on your needs. The simplest is to apply tampons soaked in alcohol tincture. Such a tampon should be bandaged to the sore nail overnight. Apply every day.

If a large part is affected, then baths will help. The composition is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water. The water temperature should be on the verge of patience, almost hot. Bath time is 20 minutes. Then you should apply ointment or propolis oil and put on socks. The procedure is carried out at night. Combination treatment may include the additional use of essential oils with antibacterial effects. To prepare the working composition, mix the alcohol tincture with this oil. Tea tree, eucalyptus, fir, myrrh, and cedar are suitable.

Rules of application

The rules for using products with bee glue are simple and few in number, but you need to know them:

  • any products are applied to clean feet;
  • You must first steam the nail plate. Warm water with soda and laundry soap (72%) is best suited for this;
  • clean, steamed nails are trimmed, the affected areas are treated with a file, pumice stone, or special devices;
  • procedures must be performed regularly without interrupting the course, which usually lasts up to two months;
  • in severe forms of the fungus, bandage therapy is used as an additional therapy. The main remedy will be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Important information

When starting therapeutic sessions, you should remember that a “one-time” miracle pill does not exist in nature. And all instantly effective drugs will either provoke a relapse or do more harm than good. Fungal infections are very insidious and are fraught with recurrence. Therefore, systematic treatment of the fungus with propolis until complete recovery is preferable to express methods with the removal of the first symptoms. For optimal action, a comprehensive use of products is carried out: baths, compresses and ointments.


Bee glue is a natural product, so the list of contraindications is minimal. But before using the product, you still need to familiarize yourself with them:

  • late pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under three years of age;
  • individual intolerance to bee products.

It is important! Before you begin self-treatment with beekeeping products, contact a specialist in traditional medicine with your problem.

Propolis is a natural fungicide that helps bees fight parasites. The unique qualities of the product and the person were not ignored. The use of ties does not cause resistance in the fungus, and the product itself has almost no contraindications.

Video: Propolis against parasites and fungi

Before starting the sessions, you need to check the body’s reaction to bee products. The main condition for treating fungus with propolis is compliance with all personal hygiene requirements. The skin and nails must be clean, and for therapeutic measures - slightly steamed, treated entirely with the medicinal composition, only natural fabrics are used - cotton socks and gloves. In most cases, fungal infections occur in swimming pools, saunas, sports locker rooms and showers. It is worth taking care of personal safety and preventing re-infection by using rubber slippers and a personal towel.


Bee products have been known to man since ancient times. But we will look at propolis, which is famous for its healing properties.

People who have introduced propolis into their mandatory daily diet forget about colds and viruses. In addition, the product helps with the healing of wounds and abrasions, skin inflammation, including acne. Not long ago it became known that propolis is excellent at fighting toenail fungus – let’s talk about that.

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