Milia (whiteheads) on the face: should you remove them or wait until they disappear on their own?

Milium (horny cyst, whitehead, “millet”) is an epidermal cystic formation at the mouth of the hair follicle, looking like a small white grain. Typically, milia are localized on the face in areas with relatively thin skin, very rarely on the body, and exist for a long period without any changes. Milia are a fairly common cosmetic problem and can occur at any age. Whiteheads appear especially often during puberty; also often found in newborn babies (neonatal acne). Female representatives are more susceptible to the appearance of milia.

Milia on the face

Milia, which are colloquially called “milia,” appear as a result of the sebaceous glands producing too much secretion .

Such formations can be primary or secondary. Primary ones form for no apparent reason, and secondary ones are a direct consequence of skin damage (traumatic or as a result of inflammation).

The size of such formations can range from two to three millimeters .
Reference! Milia are white, dense blackheads containing sebum.
Considering that their contents do not come into contact with air, which may contain bacteria and microbes, they do not become inflamed. Although sometimes microorganisms enter through the skin, and then inflammatory processes begin .

Localization of white pimples on the eyes

Millet is most often located on the upper and lower eyelids, but can appear anywhere there is hair. It looks like a small cyst filled with epithelial cells and sebum. The source of formation is the excretory ducts of the sweat glands or hair follicles.

It appears as single or multiple nodular rashes on the eyelids of a white-yellow color. The elements of the rash are clearly demarcated from healthy skin, without an inflammatory halo. They feel dense to the touch; in the center there may be a black comedon - an accumulation of horny masses. They resemble a grain of millet in appearance, which influenced the name.

The nodules reach a size of 1-2 mm, often located symmetrically. Millet on the skin of the upper or lower eyelid does not cause pain, only aesthetic discomfort. Pronounced rashes are a cosmetic defect.

In the area of ​​the inner edge along the lash line it can cause discomfort. Convex nodules come into contact with the mucous membrane when blinking or moving the eyeballs, causing the sensation of a foreign object in the eye, lacrimation, and burning.

On the lower eyelid, millet manifests itself as chaotic multiple rashes, tending to be located at the outer corner of the eye, spreading to the cheeks and cheekbones.

Milia do not appear on the mucous surface. If a white nodule or inflammation occurs on the inner surface of the eyelids, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Milia on the face: photo

In the photo below you can see what milia look like on the face. They can appear not only on the face, but also on the eyelids, under the eyes, and on the nose.

Treatment methods

If milia become a real problem, then you should not try to solve it yourself - all cosmetologists and dermatologists are convinced of this. Self-removal can lead to serious complications. Moreover, traditional therapy methods will not get rid of cysts.

Removal of dermatological problems is carried out only in specialized institutions by qualified dermatologists or cosmetologists.

The following methods are used to remove milia:

  • mechanical method;
  • curettage;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser therapy.

Mechanical method

The most common method of getting rid of milia is mechanical cleaning. Its meaning lies in cleansing, disinfecting the skin and subsequent removal of the tumor.

The procedure is performed by a qualified cosmetologist in beauty salons. Almost all beauty salons these days offer the corresponding service, which is painless and does not provoke any complications.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of tumors. Simultaneous removal of more than 10 milia on the face is not allowed. This is necessary in order not to disrupt the functionality of the sebaceous glands.

After the procedure, small wounds remain on the surface of the skin. With proper care, wounds heal quickly and leave no visible defects.

After removal of milia, a cosmetologist gives advice on skin care. The basis of care includes the use of high-quality cosmetics aimed at normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands.

A proper diet is a mandatory basis for subsequent prevention of the appearance of tumors. The menu should contain healthy foods containing large amounts of vitamins (especially A) and minerals.

You should not try to remove tumors on your own. Squeezing, puncturing or cutting cysts is strictly prohibited. Self-therapy often causes negative consequences, including the appearance of scars and infection under the skin.


The method is similar to mechanical cleaning. The difference is that a special tool is used to remove milia - a curette. Its shape resembles a small spoon, which is used to “scrape out” the tumor.

Curettage is recognized as a less effective way to treat milia. The disadvantage of the technique is that after the procedure scars remain, which must heal and often subsequently “turn” into pigment spots.


The coagulation method is actively used in cosmetology to remove papillomas, condylomas, acne, and milia. The procedure is a surgical intervention performed according to the following scheme:

  • Treating the affected skin with an antiseptic.
  • Destruction of the milium with a special device (when exposed to direct or alternating current, the structure of the neoplasm is destroyed).

In beauty salons, special devices are used for removal - monopolar or bipolar electrodes, shaped like a needle. To remove large or numerous milia, your doctor may use a loop-shaped electrode.

After electrocoagulation, a scab consisting of particles of dead tissue remains. Over time, the scabby crust falls off and a pink spot forms in its place, which subsequently turns white and takes on the color of the skin.

The advantage of the technique is the absence of damage to the skin tissues adjacent to the tumor. After the procedure, active regeneration of damaged tissue begins.

The recovery period after electrocoagulation includes careful skin care, this will help avoid the process of suppuration at the scar site.

Important points:

  • You cannot remove the crust that has formed after the procedure yourself, since in this case a scar or scar will remain in its place;
  • healing of damaged skin after electrocoagulation lasts approximately 10-12 days;
  • on the 6-8th day the scab comes off on its own;
  • After this, the skin must be provided with proper care, the basics of which are prescribed by a doctor.

Electrocoagulation is a popular procedure. It rarely causes complications or negative consequences. The duration of the procedure depends on the number of milia removed. Patients tolerate the procedure well; it does not cause pain (a slight tingling sensation is possible, which is normal).

Compared to laser therapy, electrocoagulation is several times cheaper.

Laser therapy

A special laser device removes various types of dermatological problems - papillomas, acne, pigment spots, large tumors, milia. The procedure is carried out in specialized cosmetology rooms under the guidance of a professional dermatologist.

In most cases, laser therapy is used when tumors cannot be removed either by independent methods or by mechanical action. The laser is able to eliminate the main dermatological problem and at the same time correct the defects of previously used techniques.

There are 3 types of laser used to treat dermatological problems. The choice of the most optimal one depends on the tumor, the complexity of the procedure and the physiological characteristics of the patient.

  1. Neodymium. The function of the laser is a thermal effect on the cells of the sebaceous glands and restoration of their functionality. The device operates in a non-contact manner. The laser has the ability to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, fungi accumulated on the surface of the skin and in the upper layer of the epidermis. The laser accelerates the regeneration of injured cells. Removing milia with a neodymium laser has no side effects.
  2. Erbium. The use of this device is effective if neoplasms on the face are numerous or advanced. During laser therapy, skin resurfacing occurs. The laser has a therapeutic effect on the upper layers of the epidermis, stimulating the formation of healthy cells. The advantages of an erbium laser are the destruction of infectious and fungal processes, cleansing the epidermis of pathogenic microorganisms, smoothing the surface of the skin, and providing stable prevention of the formation of dermatological problems.
  3. Alexandrite. This type of laser is used to remove milia, acne, warts and some other dermatological formations. The alexandrite laser is also used to remove unnecessary hairs on the face. The laser has a powerful effect on the structure of the tumor, destroying it and ensuring the prevention of subsequent development.

The essence of therapy is the effect of a laser beam on the tumor (in the case of electrocoagulation, electric current is applied). During laser therapy, the core of the milia is destroyed and subsequently removed.

Progress of the procedure

  • Treatment of the skin surface with an antiseptic;
  • impact of a laser device on neoplasms;
  • mechanical removal of purulent contents from large tumors;
  • facial treatment with an anti-inflammatory agent.

The procedure is absolutely painless for the patient. There may be a slight tingling sensation on the skin, but this is normal. The duration of laser therapy is about 40 minutes.

After the procedure, a dark crust forms on the affected area. It peels off on its own after 5-7 days. Complete healing of the skin occurs after 2 weeks.

During the recovery period, it is important to provide the skin with proper care. At this time, you cannot use cosmetics (foundation, etc.). The doctor may prescribe special medications to the patient to help speed up the process of tissue regeneration.


  • herpes virus infection;
  • diabetes;
  • pathological disorders of the functionality of the endocrine system;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period;
  • cancer;
  • traumatic damage to the milia;
  • inflammatory diseases (increased body temperature).


Contrary to popular belief, milia are not acne , which are typical for people at puberty.

Attention! These formations are equally common in both young and older people. Formations arise for the following reasons:

  • too much sun exposure ;
  • disorders in the hormonal system;
  • poor or unhealthy diet ;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • disturbance in the metabolic ;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • clogging of pores when using cosmetics;
  • liver diseases.

Also, the appearance of such formations can be caused by improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the pancreas.

The danger of eye tumors

It all depends on what caused the formation on the eyelid. Therefore, it is important to determine the cause correctly. Depending on it, the risk of swelling should be treated and predicted:

  • if the formation contains pus inside, this means that it is caused by an infection. And this process could potentially affect the inner areas of the eye and penetrate the brain. However, such situations are extremely rare, but they cannot be completely excluded;
  • This or that neoplasm can develop into a cancerous tumor. This forecast also cannot be excluded. After all, any formation has the potential to become malignant;
  • often the tubercle above the eyebrow becomes a manifestation of deep processes occurring in the body. For example, damage to the liver, kidneys, and disorders of the vascular system can manifest themselves in the form of seals on the outer side of the eyelid.

At the same time, you need to understand that not every eye seal is dangerous. It could be an ordinary wen or mole, which are absolutely harmless.

Milia on the face: how to get rid of them

There are several ways to remove milia. They differ both in the complexity of the process and in cost.


Mechanical removal of milia is the simplest and most popular method, which is performed by a cosmetologist .

Before the procedure, the specialist cleanses the skin to avoid the possibility of infection, then makes a puncture and removes the contents of the acne .

This procedure should not be performed independently, since in some cases milia are very small in size, and when removed, a person can affect not only the milia itself, but also healthy tissue.


To prevent the formation of dermatological defects on the face, it is necessary to follow important skin care basics. You should not use cosmetics when inflammatory or purulent pimples form on your face.

The skin needs to be cleaned regularly. The procedure for cleansing the epidermis is best carried out in beauty salons by experienced cosmetologists. If cleaning is carried out independently, it is recommended to use only high-quality scrubs, peelings, and masks.

Following a healthy menu is the key to clear and beautiful skin. The diet should contain fruits and vegetables, dairy and fermented milk products, lean meat, fish, nuts, and grains every day.

Sources used:

  • Changes in the fundus of the eye in internal diseases / M.G. Margolis, B.V. Pluzhnichenko. - Moscow: Science 1998.
  • Hereditary pathology of the organ of vision / O.V. Khlebnikova, E.L. Yes they did. - M.: Author's Academy, 2014.
  • The latest ophthalmologist's reference book. - M.: House of Slavic Books, 2012.
  • FSBI "National Medical Research Center named after. V. A. Almazova" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

What not to do if a lump appears on the eyelid

To establish a diagnosis, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination. It will consist of tests and examination, including the use of ophthalmological equipment.

However, there are some things you shouldn't do when you have lumps on your eyelid. This will protect the person from dangerous consequences and prevent the infection from penetrating further.

So, it is unacceptable to try to squeeze the pus out of the sac on your own. This will only lead to a wider spread of infection. Under no circumstances should the formation be treated with vinegar or other potent agents. They will cause necrosis of the affected tissues. But the infection will not go away and will appear again even more intensely.


Laser removal of milia is a simple and quick procedure. Before performing it, the patient is recommended to have a preliminary consultation with a specialist, during which an examination is carried out, possible contraindications to the use of the method are clarified, and the optimal laser wavelength is selected.

Directly to remove the grass, the patient is placed on the couch. Aseptic treatment of the skin is carried out. The doctor and client then put on special safety glasses. A specialist uses a laser device to irradiate the pathological focus and remove the skin defect. At the end of the procedure, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic.

The duration of the manipulation is 7-10 minutes. It may increase slightly if it is necessary to get rid of a large number of grasses at the same time. One session is enough to eliminate white pimples.

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