Restylane injections to enlarge lips and reduce nasolabial folds.

The drug “Restylane” is a biogel created on the basis of hyaluronic acid and allows you to correct both superficial and deep wrinkles. Its action is like a magnet that attracts microparticles of water, resulting in smoothing of the skin at the injection sites. All components are completely compatible with the tissues of the human body, which makes its use absolutely safe. The final products after digestion of the drug are only carbon dioxide and water.

This product is supported by its approval by the FDA of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Having previously conducted a series of studies, experts from this authoritative organization unanimously recognized the safety and high effectiveness of the anti-age drug Restylane. Over the years since its invention (and this was more than 20 years ago), about 12 million successful procedures have been carried out.

Separately, it is necessary to note the complex effect of Restylane, which is equally effective both for correcting wrinkles and for increasing volume. At the same time, both specialists and patients note its immediate effect: after injections, wrinkles are rapidly smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and youthful; lips acquire natural plumpness. The effect is noticeable not only directly in the area of ​​drug administration, but also in neighboring areas.

In order to give volume to tissues, previously only synthetic gels (silicone, acrylic) were used. But since they are foreign to the body, their use caused many problems (compression, inflammation, migration), which were often solved only through surgery. The need for natural drugs led to the fact that in the 90s. (Sweden) developed Restylane, reviews of which today are beyond praise. The first tests showed the obvious advantage of biogel. In addition, the hyaluronic acid in it is not of animal origin.

Please note that due to its balanced composition, critical dosages are never used when carrying out cosmetic procedures with biogel. If the volume of the administered substance is insufficient, additional injections are given. They are carried out immediately, without waiting for the already injected substance to be absorbed.

What is contour plastic surgery?

This is one of the effective methods of rejuvenation, which does not require surgical intervention and is carried out through the introduction of special drugs called fillers under the skin. They are available in gel form. Fillers are based on collagen, hyaluronic acid and various synthetic compounds.

Fillers are used for contouring

How long does it last?

One of the most important positive qualities of Restylane fillers is the durability of the effect.

A good result from a course of injections of this remedy lasts from 6 months to 2 years, this period is influenced by:

  • patient's age;
  • Lifestyle;
  • skin type;
  • state of the body.

This became possible due to the fact that the gel particles are introduced slowly, and subsequently they are replaced by water molecules.

Filler injections

A filler is a special filler that is injected subcutaneously and used in contouring. Such fillers differ in characteristics, methods of administration, principle of action and constituent components. They also have their own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the most suitable filler, it is worth considering some characteristics that it should have:

  • simple storage method;
  • excellent biological compatibility;
  • does not provoke allergies;
  • speed of resorption;
  • absence of carcinogens.

It is important to use quality fillers

Action of fillers

Their main purpose is to add volume to problem areas of the face, filling voids. Fillers are divided into several types.

  1. Permanent - special gels that contain synthetic substances.
  2. Permanent ones, in addition to synthetic ones, contain natural components.
  3. Temporary. They have a distinctive feature: they are considered the most popular and harmless, but their effect lasts for 6 months.

Important ! The main task of fillers is to restore lost volume in the subcutaneous tissues, which often occurs in older age. Being under the skin, the filler fills wrinkles and smoothes them out.

Fillers add volume to problem areas


There are cases of serious complications, which are most often associated with incorrect actions of the doctor. These include:

  • granulomas - inflammatory “sacs” under the skin;
  • noticeable “grooves” or bumps with gel that was incorrectly introduced or poorly kneaded during the procedure;
  • filler migration;
  • tissue infection - in case of violation of sterility during injections or improper care after the session;
  • embolism - if the drug enters a vessel;
  • pigmentation.

Hyaluronic acid fillers

Used to combat the following problems:

  • adding volume to lips;
  • removal of nasolabial folds;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • scar removal;
  • adding volume to the chin;
  • correction of the shape of the nose.

Important ! Sometimes fillers are specially formulated for specific severe skin conditions on the face and body. The required amount of product is determined by a specialist for each patient individually after consultation.

Hyaluronate fillers are often used

What do Restylane fillers help combat?

Taking into account the constituent components, the density of the filler and the body’s reaction to its action, the result of the procedure may vary in duration. On average, the result lasts for 6-8 months.

The effect of contouring with the help of such a drug is aimed at:

  • fight against deep wrinkles;
  • smoothing out fine wrinkles;
  • correction of lips, nose and cheekbones;
  • elimination of scars;
  • getting rid of “nasolabials”;
  • raising the corners of the mouth and changing the shape of the eyebrows;
  • giving the face a clear contour.

Contour plastic surgery effectively corrects facial defects

Cost of filler injection in clinics

The price of the procedure depends on the area of ​​correction and the chosen filler. On average, prices in Moscow are as follows:

  • filling with Restylane - 13,500 rubles per 1 ml of the drug;
  • Restylane perlane - 15,500 rubles per 1 ml;
  • Restylane lipp - 17,500 rubles per 1 ml;
  • Restylane vital - 9500 rubles per 1 ml;
  • Restylane vital light - 9500 rubles for 2 ml;
  • Restylane Touch - 10,000 rubles per 0.5 ml;
  • Restylane subq - 32,000 rubles for 2 ml.


If it is necessary to urgently remove the filler from the body, the patient is prescribed injections with hyaluronidase or drugs containing it - lidase, longidase.

Also, to reduce the effect of the injected filler, massages, electrical procedures and other manipulations that increase blood circulation can be used.

General information about the brand

The drug "Restylane" has been used in cosmetology for several years to restore the skin to a healthy and youthful appearance or to correct certain areas of the face and body. Each tool is adapted to eliminate a specific number of problems and increases the efficiency of achieving the assigned tasks.

"Restylane" is a fairly popular product in cosmetology today.

If we talk about the price, it depends on the type of drug and its expected volume. The cheapest filler costs approximately 10-12 thousand rubles. All products have a common feature - they contain hyaluronic acid, which is purified in advance.

Important ! Such precautions enable the component to fully adapt to the environment of the human body without causing possible negative effects.

The price depends on the type of drug

The surprises don't end there

Restylane series preparations also have other advantages characteristic of hyaluronic fillers:

  1. Lack of rehabilitation period . According to many experts, almost immediately after the procedure using these products, you can continue to do your daily activities.
  2. Compatibility. Restylane series fillers do not conflict with other agents and anti-aging procedures. After such injections, with a short break, you can perform chemical peeling, photorejuvenation, Botox or Dysport. In each case, the decision on additional manipulations should be made by a specialist.
  3. Prolongation of the result. This is possible by performing additional corrective injections with the Restylane line of drugs, without even waiting for the previously administered substance to be completely broken down in the body.

Benefits of Restylane fillers

As a result of the fact that facial plastic surgery is rapidly gaining popularity and becoming very well known and in demand, more and more special fillers are appearing on the market. If you do decide to use fillers, they must be proven and of high quality. Professional cosmetologists prefer Restylane.

Professionals often choose Restylane

After reading the reviews about this drug, you can understand why most specialists choose it. Injections with it are very effective, and the result lasts about 9-10 months. In rare cases, adverse reactions and allergies to the constituent components may occur. The fillers in this line contain hyaluronate and differ in the content of the active component and gel density, due to which the drug is available in several types (for different purposes and areas of the body).

Interesting ! Restylane is produced by a Swedish pharmaceutical company. All manufactured products are of high quality, very effective and completely harmless.

The hyaluronic acid that is included in the filler is not of animal origin, which minimizes the risk of side effects, which most often manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions. The hyaluronate formula is considered stable (once in the body, it does not dissolve).

The properties of the drug and its action explain the reason for its popularity among specialists

The action of Restylane filler is aimed at combating fine and medium-depth wrinkles and folds. No less effective for eliminating interbrow and nasolabial folds.

Due to its unique formula, the filler can not only replenish the missing volume, but also activate the production of natural collagen.

Important ! Since some patients cannot tolerate the pain of injections, a special form of the drug with an anesthetic effect can be used.

The drug helps the natural production of collagen

Procedure technology

The injection procedure takes 30-40 minutes. Biogel is injected into the dermis strictly under a fold or wrinkle using successive injections with a thin needle. Using Restylane , lip augmentation is performed by a series of injections into their contours. Anesthesia is usually not needed for injection into fine wrinkles. But when nasolabial folds are smoothed out with the help of the drug or facial features are changed, then either local anesthesia using lidocaine cream or conduction anesthesia is performed. After Restylane injections, reviews of which can be seen on our website, a hospital stay is not required.

Lip correction with Restylane:

After the procedure, the result is noticeable almost immediately, but it becomes most pronounced after a week. Wrinkles become smaller or disappear completely, and lips acquire a seductive appearance after Restylane injections, you can see photos on our website.

The duration of action of the Restylane injection varies from person to person, but usually from 6 to 12 months. The more dehydrated the tissues and the faster the metabolic processes, the faster the effect will pass. At the same time, massages, saunas, electrical procedures and other effects that improve blood circulation in tissues contribute to a greater rate of absorption of the drug.

If you are interested in the drug "Restylane", then you can read patient reviews on the forum of our portal and ask experienced cosmetologists at Moscow clinics. More detailed information and the cost of injections can be found by calling Moscow cosmetology clinics, which can be easily found on our portal.

About precautions, adverse reactions and ways to eliminate them:

  • excessive increase in volume of lips and cheekbones is easily eliminated with injections of hyaluronidase;
  • redness, itching, swelling are short-term side effects that go away on their own within 6-7 days;
  • hematomas and bleeding in the injection area may occur if the patient takes certain medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, thrombolytics, etc.). It is always necessary to warn the cosmetologist about taking medications;
  • infection of the soft tissues of the face can occur due to poorly disinfected skin before the procedure;
  • hyperpigmentation in the injection area sometimes occurs in patients with dark skin; goes away in about a month.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that studies of the safety of Restylane drugs in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in minor patients, have not been conducted. Therefore, it is better for patients in these categories to refrain from performing manipulations.

You also need to know about the US Department of Health restrictions on the volume of gel used:

  • 1.5 ml when injected into the lips;
  • 6 ml for wrinkle correction.

Contraindications to the use of Restylane

Since hyaluronate is considered a natural element produced by the human body, there are not many contraindications to the use of filler, but you cannot do without them:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • serious skin diseases at the sites of exposure;
  • herpetic and infectious infection;
  • high body temperature;
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • epileptic seizures.

Contraindications should be taken into account when deciding to use Restylane.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Reviews from cosmetologists regarding the use of Restylane are as follows.

So, when discussing the drug Restylane Vital, the doctor explains which technique is best to inject it with. He says that it is best to use a linear-retrograde or tuberculate technique. But the papular one cannot be used. She also gives advice on using Restylane injector.

In this review, Restylane is recommended by a cosmetologist in order to create a clear lip contour. Although he admits that he doesn’t really like this line.

The cosmetologist in this review considers Restylane Vital Light and Vital to be ideal preparations for biorevitalization. And he notes that they are expensive, so for lovers of cheaper gels he recommends other fillers.

Features of use

Restylane is considered a harmless product, so it can be used without special preparation. But still, before use, it is worth studying contraindications and possible adverse reactions.

Important ! Injecting filler subcutaneously sometimes causes mild pain, which is usually relieved with an anesthetic gel applied before injections.

There is usually no harm from Restylane

The drug is injected under the skin using thin needles. At the end of the procedure, there are no traces of injections left. If after one session the result does not fully satisfy the patient, it is worth repeating the procedure without waiting for the drug to dissolve.

There is practically no time required for rehabilitation after injections. Immediately after a short procedure, which usually takes from 10 to 30 minutes, you can return to daily chores around the house and work - discomfort will not bother you.

After the procedure, you can return to your usual activities.

However, there are some restrictions: for 3-4 days after the injections, you should not be in the sun, do physical exercise, and you should also avoid any mechanical impact and the use of cosmetics on the treated areas of the body.

Important ! Restylane injections can be combined with various cosmetic procedures and products (but on different days).

The drug can be combined with other procedures

Correction of nasolabial folds using Restylane

Restylane is considered a fairly dense filler. It is used to eliminate nasolabial folds, add volume to the lips and other procedures that require additional volume. The folds on his face make him tired and sad, which ultimately adds a couple of extra years.

Important ! Nasolabial folds should be corrected as soon as they begin to appear, since deeper folds will be almost impossible to get rid of, which is very frustrating for patients.

Restylane is used to correct nasolabial folds

Preparations for adding volume to lips from Restylane (Restylane)

Every woman dreams of having sexy plump lips. Restylane or special products from its line will help make this dream come true. Lip correction may also be necessary when rejuvenating the nasolabial triangle. You just need to add some volume and change the shape.

Important ! This will smooth out wrinkles and make your face look younger.

This drug helps to enlarge lips

Correction of cheeks and cheekbones using Restylane

If we are talking about more serious and extensive plastic surgery, then it is worth using preparations with high density. For example, Restylane SubQ can remain under the skin for 2 years. The drugs help add the missing volume in the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones. As a rule, in youth the face looks more voluminous. With age, tissue restructuring processes begin. The subcutaneous fat tissue becomes thinner, the movement of fat cells begins, and as a result, a nasolacrimal groove, a noticeable nasolabial fold, is formed. Additional volume will help cope with such troubles. During the procedure, flexible cannulas are used, which helps reduce the risk of injury to the skin and the occurrence of adverse reactions. And the professionalism of a cosmetologist will help restore youth to your face. The Restylane line of drugs can be used not only for facial rejuvenation.

Important ! They are also used for skin problems on the neck, décolleté, wrists, hips, knees and other areas of the body that are not pleasing in appearance.

Restylane improves the shape of the cheeks and cheekbones

How does the procedure work?

The session is based on the following steps.

  1. Skin cleansing.
  2. Anesthesia. You should consult your doctor about the advisability of using an anesthetic. After all, the use of such drugs increases the risk of side effects. As a rule, an anesthetic is not required if the cosmetologist knows the facial anatomy well and understands how to properly administer the drug so as not to cause severe pain to the patient. In addition, most Restylane drugs contain lidocaine for pain relief. The use of an anesthetic is only necessary when the patient has a high pain threshold or injections will be administered into the lips.
  3. Asepsis.
  4. Administration of the drug. The amount of filler depends on which area needs to be corrected. Restylane is injected using a thin needle or blunt microcannula. During this time, the patient may experience mild discomfort, minor pain and/or a feeling of fullness. During the procedure, the doctor can massage the area with the injected gel so that it is better distributed in the subcutaneous layer.
  5. Disinfection with an antiseptic.
  6. A soothing mask can be applied.

The Restylane package is opened in the presence of the patient. In this case, the doctor pays attention to the expiration date of the drug.

How long does the session last?

Depends on the area being treated. On average, the procedure lasts from 15 to 45 minutes.

Similar options

An analogue of the drug are fillers based on hyaluronate. In addition to Juvederm, Replery is very similar. The latter is a drug that helps add volume to the lips and correct their contour, smooth out small wrinkles. Juvederm comes in gel form and contains a sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid. The brand combines several types of the drug. Such a large assortment will allow you to choose the required concentration and achieve the desired result.

Restylane has equally popular analogues

In particular, the procedure with the introduction of Juvederm requires a little more than half an hour and does not cause any pain or discomfort, and no anesthetic is needed.

Important ! The resulting effect lasts about 8 months.

Repler has several varieties. One is aimed at the upper layers of the skin. Helps get rid of crow's feet. The other acts in the middle layers of tissue and gets rid of deeper wrinkles. The third reaches the deepest layers. The fourth gives plumpness to the lips. The fifth helps correct the oval of the face, cheeks and chin.

The drug "Replery"

Restylane or Juvederm

Many girls wonder what is more effective and safe - Restylane or Juvederm? This is due to the fact that both of these drugs are used by cosmetologists very often. Patients can usually decide which remedy will help them more. It is worth knowing a few facts about Juvederm products.

  1. In addition to hyaluronate, which is responsible for skin hydration and smoothing wrinkles, the composition contains mannitol, which reduces the possibility of side effects (most often in the form of swelling).
  2. The filler, unlike most Juvederm preparations, does not contain lidocaine, so local anesthesia may be required.
  3. In the first 2-3 days after the injections, the effect will be practically unnoticeable; the full result can be observed after a week.
  4. To achieve maximum effect, one procedure will not be enough; it is advisable to undergo a full course of rejuvenation, which is 4-5 procedures.
  5. The gel is able to cope with disturbing wrinkles, eliminate skin defects, and provide the necessary moisture.

If we talk about a direct competitor, then for biorevitalization they released a product that contains hyaluronic acid - Restylane. The product is a classic product for subcutaneous administration and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin for 6-9 months. At the same time, it also has many advantages.

Important ! That is why it is better if a specialist selects the product, since he knows more about the features of each product and has experience in using them.

Skin rejuvenation can be done not only with Restylane, but also with Juvederm

Efficiency of application

With the correct selection of the drug, you can get a long-term effect in the form of:

  • fully or partially smoothed wrinkles - depending on their depth and skin condition;
  • leveling and smoothing the skin in places of scars;
  • eliminating asymmetry;
  • lifting;
  • increasing elasticity and improving the general condition of the epidermis.

Permitted for use at any age starting from 18 years. After 40 years, it is recommended to carry out complex treatment: Botox and Restylane. In this case, you should maintain a break between procedures of 2–3 weeks.

Popular questions

Which is better - Restylane or Botox ?

“Botox” is a kind of poison in minimal doses that paralyzes muscle tissue, preventing their movement, and therefore the formation of wrinkles. Restylane, in turn, retains the necessary moisture in the right places, which ultimately helps smooth out wrinkles. Each patient decides for himself what will be best, but most doctors are of the opinion that such injections help achieve maximum results in combination with each other.

Do injections cause pain?

If pain occurs, it is tolerable. But, as a rule, an anesthetic is used.

How many procedures will be needed?

To achieve the desired result, it is worth completing a full course of 3-4 procedures with a break between them of 1 month.

You need to undergo a small number of procedures

Can this drug be used during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are the main contraindications to the procedure.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after injections?

It is best to give up alcohol for 5-7 days after injections.

What if there is a possibility of allergic reactions to the drug?

The drug has a unique composition and a special manufacturing process. It does not contain any impurities of animal origin, which eliminates the possibility of allergies.

Allergies from Restylane usually do not occur.

Where to buy

There have been cases when counterfeits were used instead of Restylane in cosmetology. To avoid buying a fake, you should pay attention to the fact that the price of the filler cannot be lower than its cost in Europe, because in this case there is a risk that the syringe does not contain Restylane. You should buy the gel from an official distributor. In Russia, it is LLC Vallex M, from which, by the way, only a cosmetologist with a higher education can buy the drug, who has presented the dealer with a document confirming graduation from an educational institution.

Skin care after injections

Immediately after the procedure, redness and slight swelling appear on the skin. This reaction is completely natural and disappears after 2-3 days. These days you need to apply antiseptic and anti-inflammatory gels to the skin. As a rule, they are prescribed by a specialist after biorevitalization.

Important ! It is worth protecting your skin from direct sunlight in the first two weeks. Sunscreens are suitable for these purposes.

You cannot use cosmetics for about 3-4 days.

To consolidate the results of the procedure, it is worth abandoning certain actions in the first 10-12 days, namely: excluding peeling, sudden temperature changes, physical activity and various types of mechanical effects on the skin.

Some hobbies will have to be put aside for a while


  • 1.
    GMTClinic is a business class medical center. We operate under a license and guarantee the safety of procedures at the level of world quality standards.
  • 2.

    We employ the best specialists with medical education and relevant certificates. All staff are regularly trained in new techniques.

  • 3.

    For manipulations, only certified high-quality materials and modern equipment .

Price of Restylane drugs

The drugs are not cheap. On average they cost about 15 thousand rubles. But the end result is certainly worth the effort. The drug is very popular and in demand among patients and cosmetologists around the world.

Taking into account the intended area of ​​influence, the price of the drug fluctuates.

Type of procedurePrice
Removal of fine wrinkles17 thousand rubles.
Elimination of eyebrow folds16 thousand rubles.
Correction of areas around the mouth26 – 28 thousand rubles.
Elimination of nasolabial folds30 thousand rubles.

The cost depends on the scope of work and what type of Restylane was chosen

Price of injections using Restylane.

  1. To get rid of nasolabial folds you will need no more than 2 ml of gel. The procedure will cost between 15-30 thousand rubles.
  2. To cope with eyebrow folds and wrinkles, you will need approximately 1 ml, which will cost about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Other procedures.

  1. Restylane for lip volume 1-2 ml – 15-20 thousand rubles.
  2. Restylane for lip contour correction up to 1 ml – 10-15 thousand rubles.
  3. Restylane for getting rid of small and medium wrinkles 1-2 ml – 15-25 thousand rubles.

The price justifies the result

Restylane injections: alternative means

Today, to correct small expression wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”), around the mouth, on the forehead and between the eyebrows, Botox injections are often used rather than Restylane gel or other fillers.

For patients with pronounced facial wrinkles, cosmetologists often recommend treatment in two stages: first with Botox, and after three weeks, complete the process of anti-aging therapy with Restylane injections. This practice allows you to get more tangible and long-term results. It has long proven its effectiveness and is rightfully considered the “gold standard” in clinics in Europe and America.

The best treatment option for patients with age-related static wrinkles is the use of subcutaneous fillers. The leading American drug control organization, the FDA, has approved several types of such drugs:

  • Restylane
  • Hylaform Plus;
  • Prevelle Silk;
  • Juvederm (Yuvederm).

The most famous and in demand of them today are Juvederm and Restylane - both in Europe and the USA, and in Russia.

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after injections of the drug "Restylane" No. 1

Photos before and after injections of the drug "Restylane" No. 2

Photos before and after injections of the reparative "Restylane" No. 3


Reviews about the procedure will help you make the right decision.

Forum member “Coroka”

The cosmetologist injected Restylane filler into my lips. It turned out amazing, I still can’t get enough of it, I absolutely love it! The sponges are very tasty. The effect is still there after the procedures. I was worried that the swelling or bruising, God forbid, would linger for a long time after the first procedure, but everything went great. Two friends have already followed my example

Forum member "gertruda"

A couple of days ago I pumped Restylane into my nasolabial folds - I’m very pleased))) the folds have smoothed out and the wrinkles have decreased)) I also want to chip my lips along the contour. The effect was said to last for 7-8 months)))

Forum member “Tanechka_Tanya”

I inject Restylane or Perlane 2 times a year, because... During this time, the drug almost completely “dissolves”, BUT, I can say that my lips are still plumper than the SOURCE! That is, a cumulative effect, apparently! Your lips have become much more attractive than they were!

Forum member “YuliaAks”

I enlarged my lips for the first time with Restylane lipstick at the doctor, I remember they gave me dental anesthesia and used 1 syringe. The effect was either due to swelling or the batch of the drug itself was good, but it came home like a proud duck! And this plumpness lasted for about 1 month. And those around them noticed the lip enlargement and gave compliments).

Forum member “Gerbera Ani”

I enlarged my lips with Restylane 1 ml in May. This was my first time. I really liked the result!

Forum member "annah"

I have 1.5 cubes of Restylane, the main part in the circumlabial area - because wrinkles began to form there early, the rest is in the lips. Everyone who saw me before and after would never have guessed that I have “silicone” in my lips, and only when I say “touch” then they feel some kind of compaction in the skin. And I am very pleased with the result. the shape of the lips in combination with tattooing has become much better. It’s a pity that after six months the gel dissolves

Forum member "riimma"

I went to make my own sponges. The doctor selected the drug Restylane for me during a consultation; there are several types, but this one was said to be the most suitable for me.

Author: Sagitova Patimat Plastic surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, cosmetologist Chief physician of the cosmetology department of the Lux Clinic. Specialist in laser and hardware rejuvenation methods. Participant of international medical congresses and conferences.

Patient reviews of Restylane

Svetlana, Yaroslavl

“Before agreeing to the procedure, I read the positive and negative (of which there were practically no) reviews, as well as existing contraindications and possible adverse reactions. The specialist recommended 3 sessions, with an interval of 1 month between them. The first results appeared after the first procedure, but they were barely noticeable. After completing all the procedures, I was incredibly pleased with the result: my skin became smooth, wrinkles smoothed out. Also, pigment spots in the forehead area have practically disappeared. Among the shortcomings, I can highlight only one: after the procedure, there were small swellings at the injection sites for 24 hours, which then disappeared.”

Women like the procedure using this drug

Ekaterina, Tver

“The wrinkles around my eyes make my face look a couple of years older. My skin lacks hydration which has led to the early appearance of crow's feet. I decided to make an appointment with a specialist, who recommended the procedure with Restylane. I was incredibly pleased with the end result. The procedure itself brings virtually no painful or uncomfortable sensations.”

Most women like Restylane

Margarita, Tambov

“I was pleasantly impressed with the effect of Restylane, but I had to endure pain during the procedure. Before injections, the cosmetologist distributes gel with lidocaine over areas of the skin. This helps suppress pain, but does not completely remove it. It also all depends on personal sensitivity to pain. The end result of the procedure helps to turn a blind eye to this unpleasant fact. Despite the pain I feel, I still plan to have repeat injections in six months.”

Review of drugs

The Restylane line can be divided into three series.

Recovery Series

Designed for intensive rejuvenation and improvement of the overall condition of the skin. Most drugs give the desired results quickly and the effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

Restylane Fynesse

Fills shallow wrinkles in the area around the mouth and eyes. Evens out the skin. Available in 1 ml bottles costing approximately 3,400 rubles.

Restylane Refyne

Fills medium wrinkles and folds in the nasolabial area and periorbital area, eliminates marionette lines, and is used to correct earlobes and lip augmentation. Improves the general condition of the dermis. Contains lidoaquin. The price of a 1-ml bottle is about 4,900 rubles.

Restylane Volyme

Designed for aging skin. The action is aimed at toning and lifting the skin. Fills deep creases. Used for filling the chin, cheekbones, cheeks, and facial contours. Contains lidocaine. Release form: 1 bottle x 1 ml. Price - within 6500 rubles.

Restylane Touch

Restylane Touch is used to smooth out fine wrinkles. The cost of the drug is up to 9,000 rubles per 1 ml.


Smoothes wrinkles, heals the subcutaneous layers, gives the dermis a more well-groomed appearance. Used to correct nasolabial folds, shape the oval of the face and fill in the lips. Injected into the middle subcutaneous layers. The effect lasts about 6 months. It is also available with lidocaine (Restylane lidocaine). Release form: 0.5 and 1 ml. The cost of a 1 ml bottle is about 6,000 rubles.

Restylane Perlane

Restylane perlane filler has a viscous structure. Its purpose is to fill medium and deep wrinkles in the areas of the nasolabial folds and between the eyebrows, and eliminate marionette wrinkles. Gels with and without lidocaine are available in 0.5 and 1 ml sizes. 1 bottle of 1 ml costs about 7,000 rubles.

Restylane Fine Lines

Restylane Fine Lines is used to correct superficial wrinkles, so it is injected:

  • under and around the eyes;
  • in the forehead area;
  • around the lips;
  • in the smile zone.

Available in 0.4 and 0.7 ml.

Restylane SubQ

The purpose of the Restylane SubQ filler is to correct the lines of the chin, cheeks, and cheekbones. This is a dense drug that is injected deep under the skin or periosteum. Available in 2 ml bottles costing about 9,500 rubles.

Restylane Lipp

Restylane Lipp is designed to give lips volume, expressive swelling, create clear contours and lift the corners of the lips.

Restylane Lip Volume

The newer drug Restylane Lip Volume is characterized by increased resistance to active facial expression of the perioral area. Like the previous option, it is used for lip correction and augmentation. The effect lasts up to 6 months. Available in 1 syringe with a volume of 1 ml with lidocaine. The average price is about 13,000 rubles.

Restylane Lip Refresh

Refreshes and rejuvenates the skin of the lips.

Series for improvement

Designed to create:

  • harmony and balance of nutrients in the subcutaneous layers;
  • clear contours and shapes.

For this purpose, the following drugs Restylane are used.

Restylane Defyne

Used to shape the face, creating a powerful lifting effect. The price of the package is about 4000 rubles.

Restylane Lyft

With this Restylane, bio-reinforcement is performed - a strong tightening with a pronounced effect. Restylane lift helps to even out facial tone and skin texture. The cost of the gel is about 5,000 rubles. Available with and without lidocaine.

Restylane Kysse

Designed to improve the shape of the lips, giving them volume and clear contours with the effect of maximum naturalness. Available in 1 ml syringes costing about 5,500 rubles.

Series to update

Restylane fillers from this line are designed to improve the overall condition of the skin, increase its elasticity, smooth out superficial wrinkles and eliminate minor imperfections. For this purpose, two products are used: Restylane skinboosters and the Restylane Skincare line (care cosmetics).

Restylane skinboosters

If contour plastic surgery is performed with the above drugs, then with the help of this line biorevitalization and mesotherapy are done to give the skin:

  • shine;
  • smoothness;
  • elasticity;
  • remove scars, scars.

Restylane vital skin booster and Restylane vital light are used for biorevitalization.

With biorevitalizant Restylane vital (Restylane vital), cosmetologists improve the condition of mature or young skin with the first signs of aging. Prescribed for rejuvenating the skin of the hands, face, décolleté and neck. Unlike other biorevitalizants, it is injected into the middle subcutaneous layers. Superficial administration is fraught with the appearance of papules after the procedure, which do not resolve for a long time. To achieve the desired result, you should complete a course of 2-3 sessions with an interval of 2 to 4 weeks. After this, it is recommended to inject skinbooster approximately once every 6 months to maintain the effect. The price of a package of Restylane Vital with a 1-ml bottle is approximately 5,200 rubles.

As for Restylane vital light (Restylane vital light), it is recommended to use it for young ladies with sensitive skin of different age categories. Contains hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 12 mg/ml. The drug increases skin elasticity and tone. Improves its color, saturates it with moisture and restores it after aggressive influences: cosmetic procedures, tanning, etc. The drug is administered in different ways:

  • papules are created;
  • depot;
  • microlinear technology is used.

It is recommended to administer Restylane Vital Light in a course - three times every 3 weeks, the 4th session is carried out after 2 months. Repeated treatment is prescribed after 3–4 months.

Attention! A special feature of Restylane vital light is that it can be produced together with an injector - a special device that accurately measures the required dose for each puncture - up to 10 microliters.

Restylane vital light injector (Restylane vital light injector) is a unique syringe and a unique Smart click injection system, in which the risk of overcorrection is minimized and it is easy to predict the result of the procedure. Available in the form of 2 ml ampoules with or without lidoaquin. The price of the package is about 5,000 rubles. With an injector - about 6800 rubles.

Restylane Skincare

Cosmetics intended for daily care at home. The line contains: Restylane night cream, Restylane day cream, Restylane Recover Cream, serums for the face, eyes, hand cosmetics. Prices range from 1000–6000 rubles.


Contour plastic surgery is a relatively new, but quite effective and safe rejuvenation technique that does not require surgical intervention. Proven fillers are very popular. The cost of injections is significantly lower compared to anti-aging surgeries. Therefore, you should not deny yourself pleasure and lose the chance to look even better and younger.

Using this product can eliminate many different skin defects. It can not only rejuvenate, but also have a positive effect on the general condition of the skin of the face and body. The procedure is safe and does not involve any difficulties during the procedure. You should definitely follow the advice of specialists in order to prevent possible side effects and prolong the effect as long as possible.

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