How to remove facial wrinkles and prevent their reappearance

From this material you will learn:

  • Causes of expression wrinkles
  • Types of facial wrinkles
  • Cosmetic procedures for the correction of facial wrinkles and facial rejuvenation
  • Correction of facial wrinkles with botulinum toxin
  • Prevention of expression wrinkles

Correction of facial wrinkles is usually needed after 30 years of age. At this age, the results of active facial expressions become noticeable. Thanks to the contraction of subcutaneous muscles, we communicate and express our emotions. At a young age, elastic skin quickly recovers during the rest period, so expression lines are not visible.

But over time, the level of collagen drops, elasticity decreases, as a result of which these “rays” become more expressive. And if at first you can call on cosmetic serums, creams and masks to help, then expression lines begin to win. In this case, “heavy artillery” is needed in the form of cosmetic correction.

What causes wrinkles on the face?

Skin is the largest human organ.
And one of the most important. Therefore, it requires special care. Especially for facial skin, which we do not protect from the effects of environmental factors. The appearance of wrinkles is a natural process of skin aging. It begins and progresses individually for each person. But there are factors that cause premature skin aging.


Smoking. Nicotine causes spasm of blood vessels that provide nutrition to the skin. This leads to oxygen starvation and reduces the ability to regenerate. Toxic substances contained in smoke cause collagen destruction, which leads to loss of firmness and elasticity. The skin becomes dry and dull. The face takes on a grayish tint. Toxins entering the body accelerate the aging process and cause the formation of wrinkles. If you still smoke, then don’t expect a fresh complexion and smooth skin like your peers.


Genetic predisposition. Sometimes the earlier appearance of wrinkles is inherited. In such cases, you need to contact the Idealist clinic to undergo genetic testing and select individual care products that your skin needs at the present time. Please note that anti-aging products may not be equally beneficial for your skin in your 40s and 50s.


Health status. Problems with posture, kidneys, poor vision - these, and not only, problems lead to the early appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health.


Stress has a negative impact not only on our health, but also on our appearance. The hormone cortisol, produced during stress, slows down the production of collagen and elastin. Negative emotions lead to jaw clenching and forehead tension. Increased blood sugar caused by anxiety leads to dry skin and retention of intercellular fluid, which in turn stretches the skin.


Sleep disturbance. At night, when you sleep, the level of the stress hormone cortisol decreases. By depriving your body of sleep, you force it to produce even more cortisol. Therefore, sleeping until midnight is essential for your beauty.


Photoaging. The harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin have long been proven. Therefore, do not neglect your protective equipment. In spring, summer and early autumn you should use products with SPF 50. In winter you can apply SPF 30. At the same time, in winter at ski resorts it is important to protect your skin with products with SPF 50 and pay attention to the labeling. Sunscreen should protect against UVA and UVB radiation. Sochi and Adler have a subtropical climate, so all our clients know about the need to protect their skin from sun rays all year round, thereby putting photoaging on pause. To correctly select SPF products, contact the Idealista clinic. We will select a protective cream, foundation, and teach you how to use it correctly (how much to apply, how to wash off, how long to use, etc.).


Wrong lifestyle. Alcohol, fast food and sweets will not harm your health and beauty if you consume them occasionally. Abuse leads to deterioration of the skin condition and the appearance of wrinkles. Movement is also important. It ensures normal blood circulation throughout the body, nutrition of organs and tissues.

These are common causes of wrinkles. But each group has its own factors in a certain area of ​​the skin. Next, we will look at them, as well as ways to avoid and remove hated wrinkles.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of facial wrinkles is associated with several external factors and reasons:

  • too active contraction of facial muscles (for example, among cultural workers, teachers);
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body, lack of water;
  • stressful situations, depression;
  • endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalances;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics that provoke allergic reactions and irritation;
  • bad habits that impede the supply of oxygen to skin cells;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • negative effects of alcohol;
  • hereditary causes in which the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis are disrupted, which provokes increased formation of wrinkles;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Visual impairment also leads to wrinkles. If a person does not consult an ophthalmologist and often squints to see the text, then he will very quickly develop wrinkles, which are no longer so easy to remove.

The best anti-wrinkle procedures in cosmetology

All non-surgical facelift procedures can be divided into several groups.

  • Massage. In cosmetology, massage is used to combat the first signs of aging. During the massage, muscles relax, blood and oxygen flow to tissues increases. The skin takes on a healthy and toned appearance, swelling subsides and facial and nasolabial wrinkles disappear.
  • Peeling. Removes the upper keratinized layer of skin, which interferes with cellular respiration. There are superficial, medium and deep types of peeling. To combat wrinkles, both medium and deep are used. Deep peeling eliminates even severe wrinkles.
  • Botulinum toxin injections are effective specifically for facial wrinkles that appear due to increased tension in the facial muscles. After the injections, the muscles relax. The effect after the procedure is not noticeable immediately, but after 1-2 weeks. During this time, the skin has time to smooth out. Injections are effective for eliminating wrinkles on the forehead and upper lip, around the eyes and on the neck, as well as wrinkles between the eyebrows.
  • Mesotherapy is injections of nutritional cocktails. The biggest advantage of mesotherapy is that you can create an individual cocktail for each patient. Depending on the problems and needs of the skin. The most popular components are hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen, and plant extracts. All of them are aimed at moisturizing the skin, increasing elasticity and eliminating wrinkles. Effectively eliminate superficial and deep wrinkles on the face and neck.
  • A thread lift is a procedure for strengthening the face by introducing special threads under the skin. Threads can be made of various materials: gold, silicone, acids, polypropylene. The threads have special grooves for more reliable fixation in the skin, and the diameter does not exceed the thickness of a human hair. Threads are implanted into various layers of skin, which form a kind of frame. The threads are not felt by the patient and are invisible under the skin.
  • Hardware lifting is an effective method of non-surgical skin rejuvenation. Ideal for those for whom therapeutic lifts do not help, and it is difficult to decide on plastic surgery. Hardware techniques are painless and practically do not injure the skin. The skin surface is not disturbed, so the risk of side effects and complications is negligible. Hardware techniques do not require anesthesia and they have no rehabilitation period.
  • Contour plastic surgery also refers to injection methods for eliminating wrinkles. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the deeper layers of the skin. Fillers are designed to moisturize a specific area and straighten wrinkles. They are used not only to eliminate wrinkles, but also to correct asymmetry and tighten the facial contour. Unlike mesotherapy, which has a complex effect on the condition of the skin, contour plastic solves problems in a specific area. Very effective for eliminating deep nasolabial folds, purse-string wrinkles around the mouth and double chin. The effect of modern contouring is longer and the effect is achieved better than after surgical methods.

Education of specialists


Table 1. Examples of training seminars on methods for correcting facial wrinkles

Seminar titleDuration (academic hours)Category of listenersCertificate of completionCost of educationBrand of drugContact Information
Medical information (Relatox®)
Correction of facial wrinkles. Advanced course 4,5Cosmetologists with higher medical educationCertificateFree with purchase of the drugRelatox®Moscow, st. Samarinskaya, 1 Tel., 954-00-96 E-mail
Clinical experience with the use of the first Russian botulinum toxin type A – the drug Relatox®4,5Cosmetologists with higher medical educationCertificateFree with purchase of the drugRelatox®Moscow, st. Samarinskaya, 1 Tel., 954-00-96 E-mail
A course of anti-aging therapy based on the Forever Young line (peptide-based cosmetics)5,5Cosmetologists with higher and secondary medical educationGeneral diploma after completing 9 seminars on the use of Christina cosmeticsFor freeForever YoungMoscow, st. B. Filevskaya, 16 Tel. E-mail
Piroche Cosmetiques
A course of anti-aging therapy based on the Piroche Cosmetiques Expressions line (peptide-based cosmetics)4Cosmetologists with higher and secondary medical educationCertificateFor freePiroche Cosmetiques ExpressionsMoscow, 1st Goncharny lane, 3, entrance 4 Tel.: (495) 150-01-54 E-mail: [email protected] piroche. ru

Table 2. Examples of training seminars on techniques that help reduce the severity (depth) of facial wrinkles

Seminar titleDuration (academic hours)Category of listenersCertificate of completionCost of educationBrand of drugContact Information
Plasmatherapy courses
ENDORET in cosmetology4Cosmetologists with higher and secondary medical educationCertificateFree with purchase of drugsEndoret® (prgf)Moscow, Novolesnoy lane, 11/13 Tel. E-mail
Threadlifting courses
Threadlifting with mesothreads – BASIC level5Cosmetologists with higher medical educationCertificateFree with purchase of drugsBeauty Lift V LINEMoscow, Novolesnoy lane, 11/13 Tel. E-mail
Threadlifting with mesothreads - PRO level5Cosmetologists with higher medical educationCertificateFree with purchase of drugsBeauty Lift V LINEMoscow, Novolesnoy lane, 11/13 Tel. E-mail
Threadlifting with mesothreads - PROFI+ level8Cosmetologists with higher medical educationCertificateFree with purchase of the drugBeauty Lift V LINEMoscow, Novolesnoy lane, 11/13 Tel. E-mail
Mesotherapy courses
Mesotherapy and biorevitalization for skin with signs of aging24Students with medical educationCertificate17,200 rub.Professional Medical Group (PMG)Moscow, st. 7th Parkovaya, 27, Training Center KRC Tel.: (499) 367-09-50, 367-00-06
Hardware Methods Courses
RF lifting for the correction of facial wrinkles8Students with medical educationCertificate11,000 rub.Professional Medical Group (PMG)Moscow, st. 7th Parkovaya, 27, Training Center KRC Tel.: (499) 367-09-50, 367-00-06
Cosmeceutical courses
Thematic seminar on facial rejuvenation “Age syndrome”3CosmetologistsCertificate750–1000 rub.DMKTel., 788-02-00

The editors would like to thank for their assistance in preparing the material: Deborah Pirone, Doctor of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Technical Director of Piroche Cosmetiques; Evgenia Radionova, cosmetologist, head of educational and methodological; Irina Bragina, physiotherapist, dermatocosmetologist, educational consultant; Alla Somova, dermatologist, cosmetologist, trainer; Elena Fedyakova, international trainer; Nina Levushkina, scientific director of PLEYANA in Russia; Natalya Mikhailova, dermatologist, scientific director of Martinex Group of Companies.

How to remove nasolabial folds?

Nasolabial folds are vertical creases in the skin on both sides from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. There are several reasons for their appearance.


Malocclusion. As a result of anatomical imbalance, there is an uneven distribution of load on the muscles of the skull. The chewing muscles are overstrained. Then treatment should begin with a consultation with an orthodontist. As a result of treatment, the load is removed from the muscles, they relax, and the nasolabial fold decreases. The therapeutic effect is secured by cosmetic procedures.


Sharp weight loss , as a result of which the skin on the entire body does not have time to tighten and hangs. The nasolabial fold and sagging chin are especially noticeable on the face. In this case, cosmetologists recommend a course of massage. The skin becomes toned, tightened and folds disappear.


Poor posture causes increased muscle tone. When we slouch, the backline muscles are overstressed. They contract the muscles of the anterior group. By contracting, the muscles pull the skin on the face and neck down. Hence the folds on the forehead, nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the neck. It is necessary to start working with posture, and at the same time take a massage course from a cosmetologist. Cosmetic procedures are prescribed depending on the severity of the creases. Depending on the situation, hardware techniques or filler injections may be recommended.


Age-related decrease in skin elasticity. With age, the amount of collagen and elastin is formed less and less, and the skin loses moisture. It becomes drier and begins to sag. It is necessary to strengthen your home skin care by choosing the right cosmetics. Cosmetologists recommend mesotherapy, botulinum toxin injections, fillers and contouring.

Anti-wrinkle cosmetics: creams, masks and serums

In addition to all of the above, one cannot fail to mention home care and salon treatments using highly active ingredients on the skin. Treatments include sequential application of creams, serums and masks combined with facial massage. The effect is stronger after superficial peeling or scrubbing. Ingredients with a lifting effect on the surface layers are used, as well as peptides (for example, argillerine) that have a relaxing effect on facial muscles, similar to Botox. The main thing in choosing a cream for facial wrinkles or a mask is to use professional products prescribed by a cosmetologist and their systemic use.

However, there are some nuances here too:

  • the product must be purchased not in mass market stores (they are not active, they are suitable for everyone, but they solve individual problems and tasks)
  • prescribed in a strictly defined dosage and at a certain time of year
  • After using professional cosmetics, you always need sunscreen with a high protection factor
  • A cream, serum or mask for facial wrinkles must be modern, i.e. include peptides, hyaluronic acid, growth factors, microelements, vitamins and have good penetrating ability.

In general, the best serum for expression wrinkles is the one that your doctor recommends, taking into account your personal characteristics.

Massage to keep facial skin toned

You can do facial massage and warm-up yourself, without the help of a specialist. Although the hands of a master, of course, will cope with the task better. A facial massage performed professionally can also work wonders; it gives: lifting, drainage, tones the tissues, and when performed using a special product with active ingredients, it adds the effects of nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

The main thing is to use a non-comedogenic product, then the procedure is not contraindicated for oily skin.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead?

Forehead wrinkles are parallel grooves in the skin. They often appear first. For many girls after 25 years.

The main causes of wrinkles on the forehead and ways to combat them.


Active facial expressions. Forehead wrinkles are caused by emotions such as frowning and surprise. Mimic activity is increased in people whose activities are related to performances and communication. Correction of facial wrinkles can be carried out starting from the age of 18. These are not age-related changes, but the consequences of facial activity. Botulinum toxin injections are the most effective.


Stress. Sleep disturbances and tension cause contraction of the muscles of the head, neck and chest. Overstressed muscles of the skull pull the skin down, and characteristic creases appear on the forehead. In the initial stage and for prevention, it is necessary to strictly monitor sleep and rest patterns, and be sure to go for a walk. Drink herbal soothing teas at night. Cosmetologists primarily recommend a course of massage to relax the facial muscles and muscles of the skull. If wrinkles are deep and preventive measures do not help, then cosmetologists have a whole arsenal of means to combat wrinkles on the forehead. The most effective are botulinum toxin injections, which relax the muscles. Deep wrinkles can be filled by injection using soft fillers.


Unfavorable environment. High temperatures, ultraviolet radiation and insufficient air humidity have a very bad effect on our skin. In such cases, it is necessary to use protective equipment and regularly irrigate the skin with thermal water. The clinic recommends giving preference to moisturizing and nourishing masks.


Diseases of the cardiovascular system immediately affect the skin of the face. It is on the forehead that characteristic horizontal and vertical grooves appear. You need to start with a visit to a cardiologist. A specialist will select cosmetic procedures to eliminate wrinkles. The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead due to health problems occurs gradually, so there is always the opportunity to engage in preventive measures for a healthy lifestyle.


To determine the most effective methods of maintaining beauty and health, you need to learn how to determine the type of aging of facial skin. This will determine what to pay attention to when preventing and restoring the skin. One of the most negative factors is considered to be an excessive amount of UV radiation. Therefore, it is so important to systematically protect the dermis in the summer.

Without proper care, wrinkles, spider veins, and exacerbation of dermatosis may appear. To avoid this, try not to go outside in the middle of the day during the greatest solar activity, move your walks to the morning or evening. You can learn more about how to combat aging facial skin caused by ultraviolet radiation and consolidate the resulting effect from a cosmetologist or dermatologist. To prevent harmful consequences, exogenous photoprotectors are used that screen light. Another group includes organic compounds that can absorb ultraviolet rays.

Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes


Myopia or farsightedness causes wrinkles to appear around the eyes, as a person squints all the time. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the ophthalmologist. And to get rid of wrinkles in this case, cosmetologists prescribe injections of botulinum toxin, which relaxes the muscles.


Kidney disease causes severe swelling. They stretch the skin, which, after the outflow of excess intercellular fluid, gathers into folds. In this case, it is necessary to comprehensively treat the disease, reduce swelling and strengthen the skin around the eyes. A consultation with a surgeon is necessary to rule out or confirm hernias.


Poor nutrition with a lack of minerals greatly affects those areas where the skin is thinnest and most delicate. And the area around the eyes is just like that.

In all of the above cases, cosmetologists will give individual recommendations.

Principles of nutrition

Massage, gymnastics and anti-aging creams will not be able to get rid of wrinkles if you do not follow some rules for creating a diet. It is especially necessary for women over 40 to adhere to them.

It is recommended to exclude smoked meats, salted cheese, fatty meats, carbonated and caffeinated drinks, semi-finished products, canned food, and confectionery from the menu. All these products worsen the condition of the skin and contribute to the early appearance of wrinkles.

Vegetables and fruits, fresh and stewed, will help provide the skin with the necessary substances for quick renewal and maintaining tone. It is especially useful to include apples, carrots, apricots, and grapes in moderation in your diet. You need to eat several nuts of any kind every day and drink green tea.

You should follow a drinking regime and consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day. In this case, the skin will not experience dehydration, which will be an effective prevention of the early appearance of wrinkles.

Neck Wrinkle Removal

The neck is the most unprotected area of ​​our skin. It has practically no fat layer, so it is more exposed to the external environment. Wrinkles on the neck appear earlier than on the face and require more thorough cosmetic care.


Problems with posture and sudden weight loss greatly affect the condition of our neck. The skin sag noticeably.


Insufficient body care. Many women carefully look after their face, while neglecting their neck. And in vain, since it is she who immediately reveals the true age of her owner. The skin on the neck needs additional care. Skin care requires cosmetic procedures - peelings, moisturizing and nourishing masks, mesotherapy.


Ultraviolet radiation greatly ages our skin. And the previous point is immediately connected. Women apply protective cream to their face, while forgetting about their neck. Cosmetic care required is the same as in the previous paragraph. In a beauty salon, pigmentation due to ultraviolet radiation is treated using a photorejuvenation procedure.


Incorrect head position. At night, your pillow plays a crucial role when you sleep. During the day, we often put our heads down on the phone or sit in front of the computer. The most effective preventative remedy is professional massage. The fastest possible effect on sagging skin is achieved with botulinum toxin injections into the platysma.

If wrinkles and creases are already deep, then cosmetology moves from additional aspects to the basics. And the list of procedures is also changing. You can get rid of wrinkles with the help of special medications, massage, or plastic surgery. In this article, we looked at the best non-surgical procedures that modern cosmetology can offer us.

Customer Reviews

She underwent a course of mesotherapy at the Idealist clinic. During the consultation, the doctor asked everything about my skin, looked at it, and found out what products I use. And since my skin is dry, with crow’s feet in the corners of my eyes, she recommended mesotherapy moisturizing injections. I completed a course of four procedures. The effect became noticeable after the second. Wrinkles around the eyes are almost invisible. And the face glows, the skin is fresh, rosy. I am very pleased. Alla, 35 years old
I was always very afraid of injections, but the wrinkles on my forehead and near my nose add 10 years to my age. When getting ready for the procedure, I prepared myself for pain and a long stay at home after it. But everything went completely differently. I was given Dysport injections. And after 4 days I looked younger. Liana, 28 years old

I have pronounced folds in the nasolabial triangle. Previously, I didn’t really want to resort to such strong methods, but age. At the Idealist clinic I was offered contour plastic surgery. It sounds scary, of course. But in reality there is nothing like that. During the consultation, the doctor told and explained everything in detail. A preparation with hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin, which fills the space and wrinkles are smoothed out. Now I only regret one thing, that I didn’t do this earlier. Maria, 45 years old

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