Mesoscooter: how to use it correctly and how often

From this article you will learn:

  • how to use a mesoscooter,
  • how to choose a gel or serum,
  • Which is better to buy a mesoscooter for the face, hair and body.

The article was written by a specialist with higher medical education.

A mesoscooter (dermaroller) is a compact device for fractional mesotherapy, which consists of a handle and a moving roller, into the surface of which microneedles made of surgical steel or titanium are inserted. The movement of the roller ensures controlled superficial damage to the skin by microneedles, in response to which the body responds by enhancing the processes of regeneration and collagen synthesis in the skin. This is a fairly cheap, effective and safe device that you can successfully use at home for skin rejuvenation procedures.

The concept of using controlled skin injury with microneedles originated in 1995. Initially, the method was used to improve the appearance of post-traumatic scars, but thanks to the work of the German inventor Liebl and plastic surgeon Fernandes, it began to be used to stimulate collagen production in the dermis. It was Fernandes who, in 2006, independently developed a device consisting of a handle and a moving drum into which thin needles were inserted.

Mesoscooter: photo

Indications for use for the mesoscooter

According to statistics, reviews of mesoscooters are approximately 85% positive, and according to them, this product is an extremely simple, convenient and safe way to achieve rejuvenation of your skin on the face and neck, as well as to tighten slightly sagging skin, increasing its elasticity and tone. Of course, you will not be able to achieve a significant reduction in the depth of wrinkles, but a course of treatment will improve the appearance of your skin, even out its texture, make it more radiant, and reduce the depth of fine lines. The device will also allow achieving moderate skin lifting in patients with gravitational ptosis.

The use of this device is justified in the presence of skin hyperpigmentation (both age-related and as a consequence of exposure to solar radiation). However, this method is quite safe for patients with dark skin tones, who usually have a very high risk of developing post-inflammatory pigmentation in response to damage to the epidermis. The high effectiveness of mesoscooters is observed for improving the appearance of post-traumatic and burn scars, stretch marks in pregnant women, as well as for correcting atrophic scars after acne.

But for acne therapy itself, it is not a mesoscooter that is more suitable, but a hardware technique (fractional RF therapy). Relative effectiveness can be achieved in the treatment of alopecia. Mesoscooters are absolutely not suitable for correcting cellulite and local fat deposits. And if for these pathologies it is worth using a mesoscooter, then only at the final stage of treatment, when it is already necessary to tighten the skin that has sagged after lipolytic therapy.

Mesoscooter: key characteristics

A standard medical facial mesoscooter consists of a 12 cm long handle and a 2 cm wide cylindrical drum, in which 192 thin microneedles are fixed (8 rows of 24 needles each). There are also mesoscooters for the face with an increased number of microneedles to 540, as well as mesoscooters with a narrower drum width, designed to treat the eyelids and skin around the eyes (the drum of such a mesoscooter usually has 180 needles arranged in 3 rows).

It is best to take mesoscooters for the body with an increased drum width, which will contain about 1000-1200 microneedles. Very important parameters of mesoscooters are: 1) the material used to make the needles, 2) the length and diameter of the needles, 3) the method of sharpening the needle cut.

What should be the length of the needles?

To treat the skin of the face and neck (for the purpose of rejuvenation), needles with a length of 0.3 to 1.0 mm are usually used. For treating the skin around the eyes - from 0.25 to 0.3 mm, and the area around the mouth - 0.5 mm. If your skin is thin, then in all other areas except the eyes, the optimal needle length is no more than 0.5 mm, and if you have thick, dense skin, it is from 0.75 to 1.0 mm. But if you have rosacea or very thin skin, the needles in any case should NOT plunge deeper into the skin than 0.5 mm.

To correct atrophic scars after acne, needles with a length of 1.0-1.5 mm are used, and for the correction of scars on the body - 2.0 mm. For alopecia – from 0.5 to 1.0 mm. The choice of needle length for working on the body will depend on the thickness of the skin, for example, on thin skin of the hands and décolleté it is better to use 0.5-1.0 mm needles, in areas with thicker skin - 1.0-2.0 mm. Please note that the procedure will be practically painless only with a needle length of up to 0.5 mm, however, as the depth of needle penetration increases, the pain will certainly increase.

In Russian online stores you can purchase mesoscooters with needle lengths starting from 0.2 mm (for example, the TETe Cosmeceutical mesoscooter has this length of needles). This length is only suitable for those patients who want to increase the permeability of anti-aging cosmetic components through the skin. Or for patients with acne and oily skin - such procedures will slightly reduce the production of sebum (secretion of the sebaceous glands).

The length of the needles determines the intervals between procedures.

  • needles 0.2 mm – once a week,
  • needles 0.3-0.5 mm - no more than once every 10-14 days,
  • 1.0 mm needles – no more than once every 3 weeks,
  • 1.5 mm needles – no more than once every 4 weeks.

Important: the specified intervals between procedures cannot be reduced. The fact is that collagen is not produced immediately in the dermal layer of the skin, but slowly and gradually. Frequent procedures will lead to the fact that you will simply injure the not yet fully formed new collagen and elastin fibers, destroying them.

Needle material –

Needles for mesoscooters are made either from surgical steel or titanium. Titanium needles are the best (titanium is at least 5 times harder than steel) and this means they will dull much more slowly. Surgical steel needles are much softer and tend to dull quickly - this will happen especially quickly in people with thick skin. In this case, the needles will become dull after 1 procedure and, accordingly, subsequent procedures will be much more traumatic and painful.

Most women are familiar with injection therapy procedures on the face and body. You may have noticed that when the cosmetologist just begins the procedure (using only an open new needle), the procedure is much less painful. But after 20-30 punctures of the skin, the needle becomes dull and the procedure becomes more painful. Therefore, good cosmetologists do not skimp on needles during the procedure, periodically replacing them with new ones. In general, we recommend purchasing mesoscooters only with titanium needles.

Important: and now a little about DECEPTION. In online stores you can see that a number of mesoscooters are sold with needles made of so-called “titanium steel”. Of course, such steel does not exist, and the needles are still made of ordinary surgical steel, but with a thin coating of titanium nitride. This will not give the needles strength (they will become dull just as quickly as without coating), and this is simply a marketing ploy by the seller/manufacturer. The only advantage of this coating is that there is a lower risk of developing contact dermatitis in patients with allergies to metal alloys.

Those. If you have metal intolerance and you choose needles made of ordinary surgical steel, be prepared for the possible occurrence of local allergic reactions. Moreover, most often allergies manifest themselves precisely after repeated procedures, because surgical steel is susceptible to oxidation (for example, upon contact with disinfectants). And lastly, in stores you can find mesoscooters whose needles are made of steel, but have a gold-plated coating. They will still dull quickly, but the risk of an allergic reaction will be lower and the antiseptic properties will be higher. But we still recommend that you buy devices only with titanium needles.

Method of sharpening the cut of needles -

Needles for mesoscooters can have standard tool sharpening, or in more expensive models - laser sharpening. In the latter case, the needles will be sharper (they will injure the skin less at the time of puncture, and will also dull a little more slowly). It is advisable for everyone to take this criterion into account, but it is especially important for people with thick skin or patients with rosacea.

You can also see that in some models of mesoscooters the needles may have a so-called “acupuncture sharpening” (bullet-shaped needle tip). There is no evidence that this is better or worse, and therefore it should be regarded as a marketing ploy. It is important for any manufacturer that its product is somehow different from the products of competitors. In general, we recommend mesoscooters with titanium needles and laser sharpening.

Needle diameter –

Most often, mesoscooters with needle diameters of 0.23 mm (32G) or 0.25 mm (31G) are sold on the Russian market. However, there are models of mesoscooters with needle diameters starting from 0.13 mm, but, as a rule, they can only be purchased in foreign online stores. Mesoscooters with such thin needles are designed for sensitive skin and especially sensitive areas.

Antiseptic characteristics –

The mesoscooter is a reusable device, during operation of which blood is released, and blood is the best environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. It is impossible to sterilize a mesoscooter at home, but you can wash it and soak it in an antiseptic. A very important point that determines the quality of disinfection is the design of the mesoscooter, i.e. how exactly the needles will be attached to its drum.

It is best if the needles are soldered into the drum - without grooves or undercuts at the base of the needles (see photo below). In inexpensive models, the needles will stick out from the “grooves,” and as a practicing surgeon, I can tell you for sure that you will never be able to clean these grooves from blood and bacteria, even after washing and soaking the mesoscooter in an antiseptic solution. Let me draw your attention once again to the fact that we are talking specifically about grooves that pass precisely through the base of the needles (shallow grooves that do not pass through the base of the needles will not particularly complicate disinfection).

Pay attention to the differences in how the needles are mounted in the drum -

Manufacturers of mesoscooters –

Reviews from cosmetologists about mesoscooters for the face are especially good in regards to. Also in Russian online stores you can find less expensive products from others (DRS), MT Rollers (MT), Dr. Mezo" and others. Their products are frankly cheap, but for a good reason - I would regard them only as disposable devices. Disinfection of these devices is difficult, and steel needles will become significantly dull after the first procedure, which will increase trauma and the degree of roughening of the skin.

Mesoscooters ZGTS (Fig. 4,5) and DRS (Fig. 6) –


The mesoscooter can withstand immersion in bactericidal agents of “cold sterilization”: phenol, ethyl alcohol, glutaraldehyde. At home, sterilization of a mesoscooter can be carried out in 75% medical alcohol or 3-7% hydrogen peroxide. To do this, the mesoscooter roller is completely immersed in the solution for 20-30 minutes. Until completely dry, the roller should be on the surface of the protective case, and until the next use it should be stored in the case under the lid. The roller must be dry before immersion to prevent dilution of the sterilization agent. Before and after the procedure, rinse the Mesoscooter thoroughly and return it to the plastic case after drying.


  • Please keep the tool out of the reach of children;
  • Do not give the mesoscooter to another person.

Mesoscooters are valid for up to six months from the moment of opening, subject to storage conditions.

How does a mesoscooter work?

Rotation of a standard mesoscooter with 192 needles over the surface of the skin 15 times leads to the formation of about 250 holes per cm2. Microneedles cause microtraumas to the skin, the depth of which will depend on the length of the mesoscooter needles. Microtraumas lead to minimal superficial bleeding from the injection sites and trigger the process of skin regeneration, accompanied by the release of a large number of different growth factors. For example, platelet-derived growth factor (PGF), TGF-α and TGF-β factors, and connective tissue and fibroblast growth factor (FGF).

Treatment of the skin with needles leads to focal destruction of connective tissue fibers and the intercellular matrix, which causes the migration of fibroblasts to areas of damage, their proliferation (division), the processes of laying the intercellular matrix, the process of formation of new vessels, as well as neocollagenogenesis - the process of formation of new collagen (1, 3 and 7 types). The fibronectin matrix is ​​formed approximately 5 days after injury, and ensures the attachment of newly formed collagen fibers to the extracellular matrix. Histological examination of skin treated with a mesoscooter 4 times with an interval of 1 month showed a significant increase in collagen deposition even 6 months after the end of the last procedure (source).

When treating scars and scars, the mesoscooter needles first destroy the fibers of dense fibrous connective tissue, triggering revascularization processes in them, i.e. formation of blood vessels. The emerging bundles of collagen fibers already have a normal lattice pattern, and do not represent parallel bundles (as is typical for scar tissue fibers). But there are other interesting effects ( For example, trauma to the dermal matrix leads to the release of enzymes - matrix metalloproteinases, which reduces skin hyperpigmentation.

What is an MTS roller?

MTS roller is a complete therapeutic complex that is used for skin rejuvenation, scar removal and hair restoration. The tool manufacturing process is strictly patented: the needles are located at a distance of 0.02 mm from the base of the drum axis. Each roller has a unique serial number and a hologram, eliminating fakes.

The MTS roller is used in several programs for rejuvenation and elimination of cosmetic defects. It is effective in the treatment of stretch marks and scars, suitable for stabilizing pigmentation, combines well with biorevitalization, prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth.

MTS roller - a high-precision tool made in Germany

How to use a mesoscooter at home -

The duration of the procedure will be from 10 to 15 minutes, which will depend on the area of ​​the skin surface being treated. You will get the best results from the procedure if, a month before you start using the mesoscooter, you apply products with retinol and/or vitamin C to the skin of this area (example of products - see the links below). Retinol affects approximately 500 different genes that control the proliferation and differentiation of all skin cells, including fibroblasts, and vitamin C is essential for the production of normal collagen.

→ Skin products with retinol → Skin products with vitamin C

Procedure - if you use 0.5 mm needles, the procedure is usually painless or slightly painful. The longer the needles, the stronger the discomfort will be. Therefore, you may need local anesthesia of the skin, which is carried out using various creams or gels containing lidocaine. Such products are applied to the skin for 20-25 minutes under a film, after which they need to be washed off and the skin treated with an antiseptic solution. It is best to use a three-time treatment of the area: first with a cotton pad moistened with a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution, then with a cotton pad slightly moistened with medical alcohol, then again with a chlorhexidine solution. Or use professional medical antiseptics to disinfect the skin.

Next, you can apply the mesopreparation in the form of a gel or serum to the skin of the treated area. Serums and gels for fractional mesotherapy consist of low molecular weight components, for example, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HA). Of course, micropunctures increase the permeability of low-molecular active components, but still do not allow increasing the permeability of high-molecular ones. For example, molecules of low molecular weight HA, after entering tissue, are destroyed by macrophages in just 24 hours (i.e., the effect is very short-lived), and secondly, they do not retain moisture well and practically do not moisturize the dermis. Therefore, there is no point in spending money on expensive serums and gels. We will tell you more about mesopreparations below.

If necessary, the skin of the treated area can be tightened using one hand. With the other hand, squeezing the mesoscooter, you roll it out 7 times, first horizontally, then vertically and then diagonally (without much pressure). There will be a small amount of pinpoint bleeding from each point where the needle is inserted. If you used gel or serum during the procedure, you must wait until they dry. After this, if necessary, you can wipe the skin with cotton pads soaked in chlorhexidine solution to wash off the ichor. If necessary, ice packs wrapped in a towel can be used to cool the area and reduce discomfort. Before going to bed, treat your skin with chlorhexidine solution again.

An example of professional use of a mesoscooter in a clinic:

In the video below you can see how the mesoscooter drum should be rolled over the skin. We specifically posted a video where the procedure for using a mesoscooter is carried out by a professional specialist in a clinic (and not amateur videos shot by bloggers) so that you can immediately see how it is done correctly.

Important: do not expect quick results, do not reduce the intervals between sessions. You will see the first results only after 1.5-2 months, because the increase in collagen volume does not occur immediately. The process of collagen volume growth occurs even within 3-6 months after cessation of treatment, i.e. last procedure. The intervals between treatments depend on the length of the microneedles - usually 2 to 6 weeks (see article above for more information on intervals), and you will need 4-6 treatments to achieve the desired effect.

What to do after the procedure -

Patients tolerate the procedure well, and there are usually no complications afterward, except for mild redness and swelling that last 2-4 days. Don’t believe it if the seller’s website says that you won’t see any marks in the morning (this is only possible for mesoscooters with needles 0.5 mm long, but skin redness will happen in any case). In addition, the skin may be very dry in the first days. You cannot apply any cosmetics or mineral makeup on the day of the procedure, but you can use Traumeel gel or ointment to prevent hemorrhages and speed up healing.

Traumeel Cosmo Gel: photo

And starting from the next day, you must definitely start using sunscreen (at least SPF 50), and also use other sun protection products in bright sunshine, for example, glasses, a Panama hat or a cap. And under no circumstances should you sunbathe in the sun for the next 2-3 weeks.

Is it possible to cure acne at home?

Depending on the severity of acne, a dermatologist may prescribe topical or systemic medications18. They must be used at home; acne does not require hospital treatment. All cosmetic procedures (laser therapy, plasma therapy, ultrasound, etc.) must be carried out in a clinic. But hardware and injection methods serve only as an auxiliary measure in the treatment of acne.

For mild to moderate acne, the doctor may recommend topical antibiotics, for example, Clindovit® gel6,18. It contains clindamycin phosphate, which has antibacterial activity against propionibacteria and helps reduce the level of free fatty acids on the skin6.

To reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance, it is recommended to use Clindovit® gel with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide28.


About the choice of serums for mesoscooters -

Any mesopreparations designed specifically for fractional mesotherapy are made only from low molecular weight components so that they can penetrate the skin. Those. in fact, these products differ little in the composition of active ingredients from conventional cosmetics for rejuvenation. Low-molecular components are significantly inferior to high-molecular components (for example, high-molecular hyaluronic acid, DNA-RNA complexes) in terms of the strength of their rejuvenating effect on the skin.

High molecular weight active substances can only be injected into the dermis. High molecular weight HA is able to saturate the dermis with moisture as much as possible and improve the condition of the skin. In addition, it remains in tissues longer (up to 3-4 weeks, if it is partially stabilized, i.e. “cross-linked”), and low molecular weight is destroyed in just about 24 hours. At the same time, low molecular weight HA is not particularly capable of retaining moisture in the dermis - due to too short chains of molecules, and basically it stimulates only angiogenesis and the healing of skin damage.

As for the most effective anti-aging components, they are all predominantly high-molecular (with the exception of some peptides). High molecular weight HA and DNA-RNA complexes are most often used in rejuvenation procedures. It is these products that are used in skin biorevitalization procedures, i.e. in injection mesotherapy. A good but short-term lifting effect can be provided by a component such as DMAE (dimethylethanolamine). Effective concentrations of this component are 2.5-3.0%, but again, at such concentrations, DMAE is present only in preparations for injection.

Considering all this, you should not count on a special anti-aging effect from serums for mesorollers based on low-molecular components, and therefore you should not buy too expensive drugs. But if you make a choice between drugs, then it is better to choose mesopreparations produced by professional companies specializing in this, and not random Russian temporary companies in this market who take on something only when they sense a demand. We will probably surprise you, but there are products much stronger than serums and meso-cocktails for use with mesoscooters, but to know about them, you need to study independent clinical studies.

What drugs work best in combination with mesoscooters?

There are many clinical studies that confirm that the maximum effect from mesoscooters is achieved when using either products with a stabilized L-form of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or with retinoids. Retinoids refer to various forms of vitamin A, of which there are a very large number. But we immediately warn you that it is pointless to use such forms of vitamin A as retinol acetate or retinol palmitate. The latter are practically not converted in the skin into the active form of vitamin A.

Active forms of vitamin A (in descending order of effectiveness) –

  • retinoic acid (Tretinoin),
  • 13 cis-retinoic acid (Isotretinoin),
  • retinaldehyde,
  • pure retinol.

The best option would be to use the indicated forms of vitamins A or C - at least 1 month before the first procedure of using the mesoscooter. Moreover, if you do procedures in the spring or summer, it is better to use products containing 10-15% pure stabilized L-ascorbic acid (this can be a cream or serum), and if in the fall or winter - creams with retinoids. These products should be used as a course, and not applied before the procedure. In the article above, we have already provided links to reviews of similar products on the Russian market.

Below I will give you an example of highly effective preparations with vitamin C and vitamin A (pure retinol), which I, as the author of the article, usually recommend to my patients. This is the American brand “SkinCeuticals”, which, unfortunately, does not have an affordable price. For example, the most budget serum “Serum 10”, containing 10% L-ascorbic acid, will cost about 6,500 rubles (for 30 ml). But these products really work on aging skin.

At the same time, if you use cosmetics with retinol and vitamin C at the stage of preparation for fractional mesotherapy (duration of at least a month), then directly during the procedure you can use a solution of the L-form of vitamin C, which is used for injection mesotherapy. For example, this could be the drug VitaLine® from Mesopharm, which contains 20% L-ascorbic acid (a 5 ml bottle costs only 200 rubles) or similar drugs from other companies.

Just keep in mind that the serum cannot be mixed with anything else, plus every 1-2 procedures it is better to use a new bottle, because the entry of air into it leads to the gradual inactivation of vitamin C. In addition, pharmacy versions of L-ascorbic acid will not suit you; here you need drugs that are produced specifically for mesotherapy.


The use of a mesoscooter is prohibited in the following cases:

  • psoriatic lesions on the face, eczema, burns;
  • herpes in the active phase;
  • irritation, inflammation, skin damage;
  • rosacea (vascular network on the skin);
  • nevi, moles, warts;
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • allergy to serum components;
  • low pain threshold;
  • acute infections with fever;
  • fear of needles;
  • epilepsy;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Mesoscooter: reviews, before and after photos

Below you can see photos before and after using a mesoscooter to rejuvenate facial skin. As we can see, after a course of procedures, fine lines actually smooth out, the number of age spots decreases, and skin texture and color improve (Fig. 8-10). Remember that it is very important not to unnecessarily injure the skin when using mesoscooters with needles longer than 1.0 mm on the face, as well as applying excessive pressure to them during procedures. Mesoscooters with needles 1.5 mm long can only be used on the face (for example, in areas with atrophic scars after acne), and only if your skin is not too thin.

Reviews of mesoscooter for scars, stretch marks, acne –

In the photo below you can see photos of patients with atrophic scars after acne, taken before after 4 sessions of using the mesoscooter (Fig. 12). The photos are taken from the clinical study above and are therefore absolutely trustworthy. You can also achieve good results when correcting burn and post-traumatic scars, and chickenpox scars. In Fig. 13 you can see the condition of the burn scar after three procedures with a mesoscooter and 1 procedure with a Fraxel fractional laser.

Scars after chickenpox respond a little worse to treatment with a mesoscooter (than atrophic scars after acne), but nevertheless the result will also be noticeable. A mesoscooter with 2.0-2.5 mm needles also gives a visible result for stretch marks (Fig. 14). Thus, mesoscooters are especially effective when there is “minus tissue”, i.e. atrophic scars and stretch marks (striae). But the maximum effect for these pathologies can be obtained only by combining a mesoscooter with injection mesotherapy. In this case, at the first stage, injections of mesopreparations with nucleotides are made, at the second - drugs with matrikin peptides, and only at the third stage - 6-8 procedures are performed with a mesoscooter.

Mesoscooter for acne - on many websites selling mesorollers it is written that they also help reduce sebum production in patients with acne. Of course, there will be an effect from such therapy, but it will be much weaker than, for example, when using some other fractional techniques. The most effective way to reduce sebum production and reduce the thickness of the dead skin layer is a hardware technique in which fractional exposure to microneedles is combined with radiofrequency exposure - fractional RF therapy (RF means “radio frequency”).

This technique can also be used for skin lifting. Studies have shown that after such therapy, the amount of sebaceous gland secretion decreases in different patients from 40 to 80%. Another interesting effect is that the use of mesoscooters on the scalp leads to an increase in transfollicular absorption of melanin, i.e. transport of melanin into the hair follicle. For example, this may be useful for increasing the effectiveness of laser hair removal treatments in patients with blond hair.

Mesoscooter for hair: reviews

Patient reviews of the hair roller will be especially good if you simultaneously use the drug Minoxidil. This is due to the fact that in 90% of cases in men and in 50% of cases in women, hair loss is associated with male sex hormones (androgens) and is called “androgenetic alopecia.” Therefore, monotherapy with mesoscooters without parallel use of minoxidil will be significantly less effective in most patients. For many other causes of alopecia, a combination of a mesoscooter and the drug Perfectil will be effective.

Mono use of a mesoscooter can only improve blood circulation in the scalp, increase the penetration of mesotherapy products, strengthen hair follicles, prolong the anagen phase, and all this prevents telogen hair loss. But all this does not affect the very cause of the development of androgenetic alopecia. Therefore, almost 100% of the photographs (confirming the effectiveness of mesoscooters for alopecia) were taken from patients simultaneously using minoxidil, which is probably not entirely fair. Using the link above you can read an article on the use of mesotherapy in patients with alopecia.

If you have noticed, with androgenetic alopecia, hair in areas of the scalp that are especially sensitive to androgens gradually becomes thinner and lose color. If you use a dermaroller without minoxidil, you can still expect the following effects: reduction of hair loss, increase in hair thickness, prolongation of the anagen phase, restoration of hair color. This process will be more pronounced when special hair meso-cocktails with peptides, vitamins, and amino acids are used during procedures.

Mesoscooter for the body against cellulite: reviews

Patients are very fond of inexpensive home remedies, but below we will explain to you why a body roller for cellulite will not help you. Cellulite treatment takes place in 3 stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to restore venous outflow, lymphatic drainage, reduce intercellular edema, and this can only be done by injection (using drugs for lymphatic drainage vascular injection). Using these drugs with a mesoroller, rather than by injection, will not bring any effect.

At the second stage, you need to use drugs that activate lipolysis and inhibit lipogenesis (lipolytics). These drugs are injected only into the subcutaneous fat, for example, deoxycholate, L-carnitine, phosphatidylcholine, etc., and they absolutely cannot be used with mesoscooters.

The third stage is restoration of skin tone, skin lifting, strengthening of the dermal framework. At this stage, injections of mesopreparations with DMAE and organic silicon are usually used. And only at this stage can the mesoscooter have an additional effect in the form of lifting. But again, in this case it is better to use it in combination therapy, and not as a mono-procedure.

→ Mesotherapy for correction of fat deposits

Submit your application

Cosmetic procedures for skin rejuvenation are very different. If injections aren't your thing, try a few microneedling sessions. It's hard to believe that a simple-looking mesoscooter can work such miracles! After 2-3 procedures, wrinkles will smooth out, the relief will level out, pigmentation will become much less noticeable - you will look younger before your eyes, and most importantly, it is absolutely safe and painless.

Moisturizing, nourishing, tightening the skin - these are the results of microneedling

Advantages and disadvantages of mesoscooters –

We have already written about the benefits above, and as you can understand, mesoscooters really allow you to increase the amount of collagen in the skin and increase its elasticity. They are much cheaper than professional anti-aging procedures that use the principle of fractional effects on the skin, for example, fractional lasers (Fraxel) or fractional RF lifting.

On the Russian market, mesoscooters are positioned as an inexpensive alternative to professional mesotherapy or other salon rejuvenation procedures, intended for home use. Abroad, such mesoscooters are also used in salon procedures, and for each new procedure only a new mesoscooter is used. Firstly, no matter what kind of mesoscooters you buy, the needles still become dull and with each subsequent procedure they injure the tissue more and more, especially for mesoscooters with needles made of ordinary surgical steel.

Secondly, you cannot carry out 100% disinfection of a used mesoroller, even with the products that sellers of these products offer in the kit, so the risk of bacterial inflammation of the skin during repeated use remains. In addition, after treatment with disinfectants, steel tends to oxidize, which can lead to the development of contact dermatitis. At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that it is best to buy only those mesoscooters that are supplied sterile (usually they come in sterile tubes).

The third disadvantage is that it is difficult to control the depth of immersion of the needles into the skin, because a lot depends on the force of pressure on the mesoscooter. The fourth disadvantage is that it is impossible to treat, for example, all areas of the face with one mesoscooter. For example, around the eyes, mouth, nose - it is necessary to use narrower drums (with fewer rows of needles) than for other surfaces. In addition, in the above areas, a needle length of 0.3-0.5 mm is needed, while for the remaining areas of the face and neck - usually 1.0 mm. Those. you need to buy several mesoscooters, or find a set with different attachments.

Well, and most importantly, this concerns the trauma of performing a procedure on the face, and which, of course, with regular procedures will lead to a gradual coarsening of the facial skin! The fact is that the mesoscooter drum rotates around an axis - therefore, the needles enter and exit the skin not strictly vertically, but at a slight angle. It turns out that when the drum moves, the needles seem to rip apart the tissue deep in the skin (in the shape of a triangle). In this case, the top of the triangle corresponds to a puncture of the skin on its surface, but the wider base is located in the deeper layers of the skin.

You can see this point in the video below - where the work of mesoscooters is compared with the work of the DermaPen fractional mesotherapy device. Devices like Dermapen are, of course, a much more advanced option for fractional mesotherapy compared to mesoscooters. The main difference is the strictly vertical supply of needles to a given depth (the depth is set directly on the body of the device and can be from 0.25 to 3.0 mm).

Dermapen device –

The DermaPen device is an evolution of manual mesoscooters, and it, at its fairly low price, solves the same problems as mesoscooters, but faster and more efficiently. The cost of the device starts from 6,500 rubles, and it can operate either from the mains or from batteries. The device is equipped with disposable sterile attachments (1 attachment for 1 procedure) with microneedles. When the device is operating, the nozzle makes reciprocating movements, and you choose the depth of immersion of the microneedles yourself.

Thus, only sterile attachments are used for the Dermapen device, the needles are new and sharp each time, the penetration of microneedles into the skin occurs strictly vertically, i.e. with minimal trauma. In addition, the same attachment can be used on all areas of the face - you will select the depth of immersion of the needles using the regulator. Well, the cost of 1 new nozzle is about 100 rubles, and you don’t have to spend money on disinfection solutions.

Comparison of the mesoscooter and the Dermapen device –

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