Eye mesotherapy and how to get the most from the procedure?

In addition to inevitable age-related changes, the condition of our skin noticeably worsens due to living in an unfavorable environmental environment, unbalanced diet, lack of sleep and frequent stress. The periorbital area suffers the most, which in many women ages much faster than the rest of the face. There are several effective ways to solve this problem: from simple and quick peelings to surgical eyelid lifting. But the most interesting and promising option is eye mesotherapy.

Is this eye mesotherapy as effective as they write and talk about it? At what age should I start the course and which drugs should I prefer? What happens during the session, are there any risks of complications or side effects? We will tell you all the most necessary details.

Mesotherapy of the eye area

Mesotherapy of the eye area is a method of combating facial skin imperfections. By injecting special biologically active substances into various layers of the dermis. The procedure is used to deeply nourish the skin, which simple cosmetics cannot cope with. Having an effect only on its superficial layers. In small doses, the drug is injected locally into the dermis. Where it is not absorbed and distributed throughout the body. This is one of the benefits of facial mesotherapy. Nutrients interact with the cellular structures of the middle layer of the skin and have a positive cumulative effect. A course of facial care consists of 7-10 procedures.

Injections are performed intradermally using ultra-thin mesotherapy needles to a depth of 1.5–3.9 mm. The composition of the cocktail, dosage and area of ​​administration are determined individually. Before administering the drug, the skin is anesthetized and disinfected. After the injections, it is re-treated with a disinfectant composition, then a sedative is applied.

Drugs used in the procedure

Our specialists will select the composition of the meso-preparation for you in accordance with the needs of your skin or hair and develop a treatment program to rid you of imperfections in your appearance in a short time. We work only with modern, completely safe drugs from the world's leading manufacturers. All meso-cocktails used in Cleo Line have undergone clinical trials and confirmed their effectiveness. The active ingredients begin to work immediately, and a pronounced cumulative effect is observed.


  1. acne, acne,
  2. rosacea (impaired blood circulation in blood vessels),
  3. the presence of wrinkles on the forehead,
  4. folds in the nose and lips,
  5. desire to improve skin texture and color,
  6. unclear facial contours,
  7. rehabilitation after aesthetic surgery.

Mesotherapy of the eye area

Why do even the first sessions of mesotherapy in the eye area have an amazing effect?

In the first part of the article, I would like to pay special attention to mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes and think about why it is in this area that age shows itself so quickly.
The fact is that this area of ​​the face often suffers more than others from active facial expressions: all our emotions - joy, sadness, surprise, laughter - are invariably reflected in our eyes, both literally and figuratively. But the skin in the eye area is very thin and sensitive. Therefore, already in youth, the first “crow’s feet” form around. In addition to subtle smile lines, we can pay attention to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. This is also the effect of thin skin and the absence of a fat layer under it. Over the years, its freshness fades; habits, lifestyle, lack of sleep, lack of vitamins and much, much more greatly influence it. Unfortunately, harmful factors greatly influence our appearance, and the individual characteristics of the body additionally provoke bruises and swelling under the eyes. All this is of little joy, it worries and provokes us to take some steps to solve the problem. The aging process is caused by loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, which makes itself felt by deterioration of blood circulation and lymph flow. The dermis, according to all the laws of gravity, begins to sag. Not much pleasant. Mesotherapy wonderfully helps to correct such age-related changes and “rejuvenate” the eyes. Masks and lotions don’t really help prevent dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. Only the internal saturation of the skin with vitamins and minerals allows it to strengthen, tighten, and shine. Timely injection sessions are an excellent chance to avoid surgical lifts for as long as possible.

Features of the technique

Most people experience their first problems with the skin around the eyes around the age of 30. Fine wrinkles under the lower eyelids, bruises and bags. Which are noticeable not only after a sleepless night, dull, grayish color. Mesotherapy of the eye area is considered one of the most effective methods. Normalize the condition of this area of ​​the face and prolong its youth.

With its help you can:

  • prevent the early appearance of wrinkles and slightly smooth out existing ones;
  • increase tone and improve skin quality by stimulating the production of your own collagen. Saturating it with vitamins, minerals, microelements and other nutrients;
  • cope with swelling and normalize blood flow, which leads to the disappearance of bags and dark circles;
  • ensure a normal level of moisture. It is worth remembering that if the main problem is dry skin, then biorevitalization would be the best choice. Find out more about the similarities and differences between it and mesotherapy).


Recommendations for use

Before using the procedure, you should consult a specialist.

Mesotherapy is contraindicated for certain diseases:

  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Allergic reactions to substances contained in the drug;
  • Vascular pathology;
  • Acute febrile condition.

In addition, eye mesotherapy is contraindicated during menstruation and in the third trimester of pregnancy.

It is important for the procedure to be successful.

  1. Do not use decorative cosmetics the day before the procedure;
  2. 3 days before the visit to the cosmetologist, stop taking aspirin, as well as painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, indomethacin);
  3. Perform superficial skin peeling a few days before the procedure.

It should be borne in mind that mesatherapy does not imply 1-2 procedures, but a whole course, which should be repeated every six months to maintain the effect.


The stages of a mesotherapy session for the eye area, which lasts from 20 minutes to half an hour, are slightly different, depending on the chosen technique—injection or electroporation. In the first case, the process goes as follows:

  1. The injection area is numbed.
  2. After the onset of anesthesia, the area is wiped with an antiseptic.
  3. The selected mixture is injected into the problem area with several injections.
  4. The injection site is wiped with a napkin soaked in an antiseptic.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure has many advantages:

  • Safe composition of the drug;
  • Wide range of indications;
  • Efficiency;
  • Increased skin turgor;
  • Improved complexion;
  • Help in treating acne;
  • Elimination of rosacea;
  • Normalization of sebum production;
  • Lifting effect;
  • Lightening pigment spots;
  • Relief leveling;
  • Stimulation of hair growth on the head;
  • Lasting results;
  • Possibility to combine with other treatment methods.

There are significantly fewer disadvantages, and even those are very conditional. These include:

  • Preservation of papules (small lumps) immediately after the procedure - injection marks will disappear within a couple of days;
  • A small number of contraindications.

Mesotherapy and types of skin aging: important

From the outside it may seem that mesotherapy is a very simple technique - you just need to take a more expensive drug with a large number of active ingredients and inject it over the entire area of ​​the face and neck. And so several times, and continue to wait for the onset of rejuvenation. And it seemed like everything was done, but for some reason rejuvenation never came.

Of course, perhaps you initially had too high expectations from the course of mesotherapy, and you refused biorevitalization due to price considerations. However, it is also possible that the treatment was carried out without taking into account individual characteristics, for example, the type of skin aging. Russian women are characterized by 2 main types of aging - these are primarily deformational (edematous) and finely wrinkled types of aging. But, of course, no one has canceled the mixed and tired types of aging either.

Review of preparations for facial mesotherapy

The entire variety of mesotherapy cocktails can be divided into two large groups according to the type of effect:


Cocktails for moisturizing, regenerating, evening out the relief and tone of facial skin.


Cocktails for tightening, shaping a clear oval and facial contours.

This division is conditional, since many meso-cocktails combine components that provide a complex effect in all respects.


: moisturizing, regeneration, even out relief and tone

Bioakt (Bioakt, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

Mesococktail Bioact based on hyaluronic acid contains vitamins, mineral salts, coenzymes, nucleotides and nucleosides. The drug allows you to restore damaged RNA and DNA of skin cells, resulting in a noticeable and lasting rejuvenating effect.

NCTF 135 and NCTF 135-HA (NCTF, manufactured by Filorga, France)

In addition to hyaluronic acid, this popular meso-cocktail contains more than 50 bioactive components: minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, nucleosides, coenzymes and vitamins. This combination makes it possible to provide skin fibroblasts with everything necessary for intensive neocollagenesis. Among other things, by effectively neutralizing free radicals, the drug prevents oxidation processes and fights signs of photoaging, replenishes the lack of microelements and vitamins in skin cells.

Biolift (Biolift, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

The drug Biolift, as the name implies, provides an intense lifting effect. In addition, it activates mitochondrial enzymes, normalizing cellular energy potential, protects the skin from chrono- and photoaging, gives it a healthy color and even tone, provides a detox effect and antioxidant protection. All this is possible thanks to a unique formula containing amino acids, inorganic acids, magnesium, vitamins, as well as DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), known in medicine for its biostimulating effect.

Bio Age DNA (Bioage DNA, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

Mesococktail Bioage DNA (DNA) contains a high-polymer nucleotide DNA of skin cells in combination with vitamin E. Thanks to this combination, this drug restores damaged DNA of skin cells, evens out the relief and tone, protects against free radicals and photoaging, powerfully moisturizes, and accelerates regeneration.

Foto-age Elasthase (Elastase, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

One of the best drugs to protect skin from photoaging. Due to the combination of DMAE, organic silicon, elastin and organic plant components (mimosa and Asian centella) in this meso-cocktail, it intensively moisturizes, smoothes, stimulates blood supply and microcirculation of the skin, and ensures normal cellular respiration. The drug is effective not only against wrinkles, but also against scars, including stretch marks, burns, and post-acne scars.

Embrioblast Filorga (Filorga Embryoblast, produced by Filorga, France)

For a pronounced effect of smoothing wrinkles and preventing aging after 35 years, the mesotherapy cocktail Embryoblast from one of the most famous manufacturers - the French company Filorga - is successfully used. The uniqueness of this drug lies in the fact that in addition to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, coenzymes and nucleic acids, the cocktail contains specially processed embryonic cells (sheep embryos are used), which stimulate the active work of fibroblasts. Thanks to this formula, the drug allows you to smooth out not only fine wrinkles, but also wrinkles of medium depth.

HydroLine, HydroLine Extra (Hydroline and Hydroline Extra, produced by Mesopharm professional, Italy)

Hydroline series products can moisturize even the driest and most dehydrated skin and reliably protect it from photoaging. These meso-cocktails are recommended to be used to eliminate signs of aging and prevent their appearance after 35 years. The preparations contain hyaluronic acid, thioctic acid, microelements (iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, manganese, nickel, potassium, cobalt), vitamins (groups B, H, PP), amino acids. After a course of HydroLine mesotherapy, the skin becomes significantly smoother, denser, “luminous”, and acquires an even healthy tone.

Lightening Xtra (Lightning Extra, manufactured by SIMILDIET, Spain)

This brightening meso-cocktail contains ascorbic acid, a peptide complex, licorice root extract, arbutin and a patented CHROMABRIGHT complex, which regulates the activity of pigment-producing cells - melanocytes.

Facial mesotherapy using this drug allows you to get rid of problems associated with skin pigmentation disorders, such as hormonal and age-related pigment spots, freckles, dyschromia, and also prevent their reappearance.

Meso-Xanthin (Mesoxanthin, produced by ABG Lab USA)

This drug for mesotherapeutic skin bioreparation contains unstabilized high-molecular hyaluronic acid and fucoxanthin. Fucoxanthin is a special substance obtained from seaweed, it has the most powerful ability to stimulate the activity of fibroblasts.

The drug Mesoxanthin is used to prevent aging at the age of 30-35 years, evens out skin tone and texture, and fights pigmentation disorders.

MesoWharton (Mezowarton, produced by ABG Lab, USA)

A drug for mesotherapeutic bioreparation of mature skin after 40-50 years. Contains high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and a synthesized analogue of embryonic peptide, which acts on skin stem cells, providing a powerful and pronounced effect of rejuvenation, lifting, and tone alignment.

MesoRelax (MesoRelax, produced by ABG Lab, USA)

The MesoRelax cocktail is used to lift the skin when the first signs of aging appear. Effective against expression wrinkles due to a special action similar to the action of drugs based on botulinum toxin. The drug contains acetyl hexapeptide, which is a mild and safe analogue of botulinum toxin, has a relaxing effect on facial muscles, smoothing wrinkles and preventing their appearance and deepening.

Vita Line C (Vitaline C, produced by Mesolab, Italy)

This meso-cocktail based on vitamin C in high concentration is effective against pigment spots of various origins and for their prevention (for example, before going on vacation), it is also effective against rosacea and for increasing the protective and regenerative functions of the skin.

VitaLine B+ (Vitaline B+, produced by Mesolab, Italy)

A real vitamin cocktail for the skin. Contains a complex of 21 amino acids, microelements (iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, nickel, cobalt), vitamins (H, PP, B1, B2, B4, B5, B8, B9) and a special buffer system. Mesotherapy with this drug normalizes cellular metabolism, accelerates regeneration and collagenogenesis. The cocktail also has a sebum-regulating and immunomodulating effect and is used in the complex therapy of seborrhea and acne.


: tightening, formation of a clear oval and contours

Biolisi (Biolisi, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

The composition of the Biolayzy meso cocktail includes phosphatidylcholine, deoxycholic acid and L-carnitine. This lipolytic formula allows you to eliminate a double chin and correct the shape of your face. The drug breaks down adipose tissue and promotes the removal of breakdown products by increasing the permeability of cell membranes. As a result, facial contours become clearer, skin tightens, and its quality improves. This drug is also used for figure modeling, treatment and prevention of cellulite

Bio Stretch (Biostretch, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

Mesococktail Biostretch is used against the formation of atrophic scars, for the treatment of scars and stretch marks, as well as to prevent the formation of scars and to accelerate rehabilitation during skin resurfacing procedures and peelings. In preparation for traumatic procedures, skin mesotherapy with Biostretch increases the rate of skin regeneration and serves as a prevention of complications. This mesotherapeutic preparation contains organic silicon, collagen, glycosaminoglycans and sea water, promotes the formation of a clear oval face and ideal skin texture.

Celluphase (Cellyuface, produced by Mesotech, Italy)

Lipolytic drug. Includes horse chestnut, fumifera, pulsatilla, ascorbic acid, barium, caffeine, rutin, copper, organic silicon, flavonoside.

Promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue, is used to form a clear oval face, eliminate a double chin, increase skin elasticity, as well as in figure correction and cellulite treatment programs.

Only an experienced doctor can choose the right meso-cocktail, because even if you have previously tried one of these drugs and liked its effect, time passes, the needs of the skin change, science does not stand still, new, more effective drugs appear. GMTCLINIC cosmetologists have extensive experience working with various mesotherapy cocktails and know the advantages and capabilities of each of them. During an individual consultation, the doctor will help you make a choice so that the result exceeds your expectations.

Sign up for a consultation at the Aesthetics and Quality of Life Clinic to give your skin every opportunity to become even younger, more well-groomed and more luxurious.

Mesotherapy of body skin and scalp

Some meso-cocktails are used in body modeling and scalp treatment programs. At GMTCLINIC, these services are also presented and successfully applied as part of comprehensive programs by our trichologists and body specialists.


Injections of peptides under the skin of the face are an intervention in the functioning of the body, which leads to the restructuring of regenerative processes. Naturally, the procedure has contraindications:

  • there is a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • autoimmune diseases, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, scleroderma;
  • dermatological pathologies with visible manifestations at the sites of intended administration of the drug.

Peptide injections should not be given to women during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. But previously diagnosed neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature may not be a contraindication to peptide beauty injections, but the final decision is made by a cosmetologist.

The result of facial mesotherapy with peptides

It is important to consider the presence or absence of an allergic reaction in the patient's history. Even if the body reacts inadequately to food, an allergy test should be performed

Otherwise, even one course of peptide injections can result in serious complications.

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