Skin aging: causes and first signs, how to slow down and stop age-related changes

Natural and premature aging

For each person, the withering process starts at different times, depending on genetics and other factors. Knowing this, “youth” can be extended and signs of age-related changes can be significantly reduced. The elimination of negative environmental influences and lifestyle correction also play a role. Having considered the totality of a whole range of reasons, we can come to the conclusion that some people may look their age, others older, and some younger.

On average, a person grows and actively develops until he is 25 years old, then the reverse process begins - withering. It progresses from barely noticeable signs to the appearance of deep facial wrinkles. The functional reserves of the body in the third decade are still quite high, renewal in it proceeds quite quickly, which makes it possible to ensure an acceptable level of cellular regeneration in the superficial layers of the epidermis as well. Then systematic support and special care are required to prevent early and premature aging of the facial skin.

The process is negatively affected not only by hereditary causes, although they are considered leading. In women, hormonal levels are much more important. It depends on it how long it will be possible to maintain the freshness and elasticity of the skin, a sufficient level of humidity, to avoid the formation of a fine mesh around the eyes and in the nasolabial folds, as well as to have tightened contours of the oval and an aesthetic appearance of the décolleté area. It is worth considering that, first of all, your hands give away your age, so caring for them should be almost more thorough than for other parts of the body.

You can regain your beauty at any age

After 40 years, the time comes for an active struggle to preserve youth. The natural complexion is dull, the skin around the eyes is entwined with a wrinkled mesh, and the nasolabial triangle becomes pronounced. Expression wrinkles no longer smooth out even at rest. Home remedies become powerless. But a visit to a beauty clinic, where the cosmetology arsenal is wide (both care products and face lifting are offered), quickly leads to excellent results.

From 50 to 60 , those women who began to actively engage in their rejuvenation earlier look good. The rest have to work hard to look younger. Everything comes into play: diets, physical activity, a healthy lifestyle, multi-component home care. But this is not enough. The skin is too thin, dull, with age spots. The face seems to be floating down: the force of gravity cannot be canceled. The doctor selects methods and means of rejuvenation individually. At this age, you can do a thread lift using thickened threads for lifting; plastic surgery helps a lot.

After sixty years, if no measures have been taken previously, the signs of aging are fully expressed. The skin is dry and thin, dull, pigmented, and deeply wrinkled. The corners of the eyelids and mouth are drooping. The double chin and sharply lowered cheek parts (bulldog cheeks) stand out. The cosmetologist uses the most suitable and gentle method of rejuvenation. Plastic surgery is mainly used.

Features of aging facial skin

The process of withering is almost invisible to the person himself. But those around you involuntarily note that the bright blush and even tone are gradually giving way to pallor and a network of wrinkles. With unfavorable heredity, changes are noticeable earlier. They are expressed in the correction of the thickness of the skin. If they were thin, they will become even more vulnerable, and the epidermis, prone to oily and combination type, will become rougher.

A slowdown in cellular renewal and a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen leads to changes in the contours of the face, the appearance of sagging areas, sagging, and fragmented pigmentation. The question of how to slow down, stop and prevent skin aging is beginning to worry the fair sex more and more, especially since due to the thinning of the hydrolipid layer, the epidermis retains natural moisture less well, which provokes increased dryness. In this case, useful substances are consumed faster, which leads to their deficiency in the body.

The weakening protective functions of the skin do not allow us to adequately and quickly respond to aggressive environmental factors and resist them. Cosmetologists and dermatologists warn that it is necessary to use high-quality skincare cosmetics with a rejuvenating effect, such as Laennec or Curacen, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by experts and numerous positive reviews.

The role of proper nutrition in skin care

Proper nutrition will help fight old age. Some types of foods contain a large amount of useful substances that are well absorbed in the body. They provide the necessary energy. The body does not experience overeating, so it will not:

  • pressure changes;
  • irritation;
  • headaches.

The muscles are relaxed, the face is not tense. Therefore, folds do not appear on it and wrinkles do not form.

Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It will help remove toxins from the body. In addition, vitamins and nutrients promote protein and collagen production and help maintain skin structure. Therefore, proper nutrition will slow down the aging process and help maintain beauty and attractiveness longer.

The first signs of facial skin aging

At the age of 25-30, visible changes begin. With age, the cycle of epidermal change almost doubles, which becomes noticeable first at the level of tactile sensations, and then in the mirror. At the same time, moisture evaporation accelerates, which provokes tightness and increases peeling. Then the process gains momentum, dark circles and bags appear. If earlier they signaled overwork or lack of sleep, now they indicate obvious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and the not very rosy state of the epidermis.

By the age of 50, the process accelerates, following a cumulative principle. Previously manifested signs of facial skin aging in women worsen, and a number of new ones appear. These include:

  • loss of clarity of contours;
  • the appearance of so-called jowls and folds around the neck;
  • slowing down the production of hyaluronic acid;
  • increased sensitivity to sunlight and temperature changes;
  • reduction in the amount of moisture, difficulty retaining it;
  • less sebum production by the sebaceous glands;
  • slowing down the regeneration rate.

Many scientists and cosmetologists are looking for ways to get rid of aging facial skin. So far, no one has succeeded in this, but clear patterns have been identified to slow down the process.

To do this, you need to eliminate unfavorable factors. These include smoking, poor environmental conditions and unbalanced nutrition. A person can do this on his own; for the rest, the help of specialists with appropriate qualifications is required. Competent selection of products for comprehensive care is especially important. In this case, a mistake will be very expensive; if you have the slightest doubt, it is better not only to refuse the cream or tonic, but to first consult a cosmetologist.

Anti-age drugs

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Premium set “Ideal facial skin. Healthy tone"

Types and types of facial skin aging in women and their characteristics are conventionally divided into several main groups. Each is characterized by specific external manifestations, which are taken into account to develop directions, select measures to maintain beauty and prevent early fading.

  1. “Tired” aging is characterized by drooping features, downward-pointing corners of the eyes and lips, which provokes constant overwork, smoking, stress, and lack of sleep. Manifestations of this type are especially noticeable in the evening. A review of your daily routine, nutritional principles, and regular deep facial massage will help correct the situation.
  2. “Wrinkled” aging is indicated by a clearly defined mesh pattern on the face and neck. In most cases, the prerequisites are genetic; insufficient hydration aggravates the process. It is necessary to reliably protect the skin from the harmful effects of wind, UV radiation and temperature contrasts; among skin care products to prevent skin aging, preference is given to moisturizing creams, fluids and serums with a high degree of penetration into the epidermis.
  3. Age-related deformity is most noticeable in those who have excess subcutaneous fat. Under its weight, the contours begin to blur, a double chin forms, and puffiness under the eyes. For correction, it is advisable to use cosmetics that have a lifting effect and stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers.
  4. The combined type is the most common. It combines most of the characteristics of previous species, but not so clearly. Skin aging is characterized by a decrease in the elasticity of soft tissues and the formation of wrinkles. Cosmetologists recommend peeling, mesotherapy, and hyaluronic acid injections.
  5. Late manifestation of age-related changes is typical for older people, when the temples and cheeks recede, the cheekbones and brow ridges move forward and acquire prominence, the eyes and mouth seem deep-set, and facial features become sharper. When these signs appear, large-scale correction is only possible with the help of plastic surgery, and not in all cases; each is considered separately, based on the general condition of the body and its individual characteristics.

Injection techniques against wrinkles around the eyes

Is it worth pricking the area around the eyes right away? There are only 2 most common injection techniques for removing wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. The introduction of botulinum toxin blocks muscle contractions and eliminates excessive facial activity, one of the mechanisms for the formation of wrinkles.
  2. Injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid - filling of wrinkles. Mechanical filling of voids formed as a result of lack of collagen.

Injection techniques do not solve the problem of wrinkles around the eyes; after 5-6 months, wrinkles will reappear.

Theories of skin aging

The mechanisms of age-related changes are quite complex and have not yet been sufficiently studied. In scientific circles, it is customary to divide molecular genetic theories into two large groups. The first included hypotheses about hereditary factors, the second - about the accumulation of mutations at the cellular level. It will take decades to develop and prove one of the points of view, but you can learn about it in general terms and take into account for practical application some postulates in the fight against premature decline.

Telomere theory

It appeared thanks to the research of the American scientist L. Hayflick. According to his findings, fibroblasts are capable of dividing up to 50 times, partially shortening at the same time. At a certain point, the cells lose this property and die. Confirmation was the discovery of the enzyme telomerase, which ensures the constant completion of shortened telomeres in tumor, stem and germ cells, which thereby become practically immortal. This has become an interesting contribution to the explanation of the aging process of the skin of the face and body.

Elevation (ontogenetic) theory

In the middle of the last century, the scientific community was shocked by V. M. Dilman’s bold assumption about the existence of a special regulatory mechanism responsible for age-related changes. It is understood that this is a continuous and inevitable series of transformations that are a side process of the development of the organism. This model has opened new horizons in the prevention of a number of hereditary and acquired diseases.


It proves the genetic programming of age-related changes. Scientists stated that along with the processes of destruction, there is creation, but of completely different proteins and other elements, which leads to the development of pathologies.

Free radical theory

According to the ideas of scientists D. Harman and N.M. Emanuel, put forward almost simultaneously in the middle of the last century, it is reactive oxygen species synthesized in mitochondria that become the causes of the development of most serious diseases, including impaired brain function, weakened immunity, cataracts, and oncology. According to them, nature has developed effective protective mechanisms, such as the action of antioxidants. A person receives them with food. The required daily amount has also been determined, which is quite achievable with a balanced, balanced diet.

Error catastrophe theory

American researcher and scientist M. Szilard has a hypothesis that radiation significantly reduces life expectancy. This, in turn, is a factor that affects skin aging and contributes to its fading. Over time, the DNA repair system wears out, and in combination with the accumulation of undirected mutations, it leads to a natural decrease in vitality and reserves. At the same time, there are no descriptions of individuals who were not exposed to radiation, which leaves the hypothesis at the level of a probable explanation without an extensive evidence base.

Apoptosis theory

Proposed by V.P. Skulachev. Based on the process of cell death, which was pre-programmed. Destruction can be caused by infection with a virus or mutation. Through death, an element unsuitable for functioning is eliminated. The activity is significantly different from necrosis, in which there is violent damage due to external factors. In this case, the cellular material is reused to build new structures.

What is an edematous morphotype

This is the most common type of skin aging in our latitudes.
It is also called gravity or floating. This is due to the fact that with age the tissues sag and droop. The facial contour is greatly deformed (hence the name) due to a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. Over the years, the muscle frame becomes weaker and can no longer hold the fat deposits underneath it. The tissues begin to sag. As a result, jowls, ptosis, bags under the eyes, sagging in the upper eyelids, folds on the neck and décolleté appear. The deformation type is characteristic of withering and aging of the skin in women with Slavic appearance. They are predisposed to be overweight, have large features and a “full” face. Their skin is highly dense, with a thicker fat layer underneath. Therefore, when it begins to sag as a result of weakening of the muscle corset, this is more noticeable in comparison with other morphotypes. With the Slavic type of withering, there are often round cheeks and wide pores. At the same time, the skin is not dry, but combination or oily. Another distinctive feature of this type is the absence of age spots and wrinkles.

The main causes of early and premature aging of facial skin

It is believed that negative changes occur under the influence of external and internal factors. These include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • sudden hormonal imbalance;
  • end of the reproductive system;
  • excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation;
  • lack of systematic comprehensive care;
  • poor nutrition with abuse of mono-diets;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • hard work with gadgets.

All this damages cells, provokes their oxidation, and weakens the immune system.

Contour plastic surgery of jowls

Facial reinforcement with Radiesse gel or RegenLAb plasma filler. The drugs are injected deeply into the periosteum area under the cheekbones. Thanks to this technique, the face restores youthful volume, acquires clear, graceful contours and a heart shape.

Michelle PfeifferElizabeth Hurley

In the injection area, gels as a bonus start the process of skin restoration and help to significantly refresh it, eliminate wrinkles and smooth out folds.

Remember! There is no point in injecting gel or lipofilling directly into the lower jaw. This will solve the problem (and only briefly) for those whose sagging is caused by excess skin and is not accompanied by excess fat.

How to slow down skin aging

The first piece of advice is to get as much rest as possible. To do this, the daily routine is reviewed, sufficient time is allocated for sleep, which should be complete. It is advisable not to have a heavy dinner, turn off the TV and other devices an hour before going to bed, spend evening self-care and tune in to the positive.

In your diet, you need to give priority to foods with a high content of vitamins A, B, C, E, and take mineral complexes 2-3 times a year. Hardware procedures will help increase tone, work out deep layers, which stimulates blood circulation and improves cellular metabolism.

Replenish volume

The deep fat that gives our face texture gradually begins to move. The face appears more tired, and the first signs of gravitational ptosis may be noticeable. It's time to think about volumetric correction with fillers. Often girls are afraid to look artificial after the procedure, but this will not happen: a competent cosmetologist will simply restore the natural lost volume without adding anything extra to the face.

Prevention of facial skin aging

There are many inexpensive remedies and simple recipes for preserving youth. You can use traditional methods and prepare nourishing and moisturizing masks at home. But it is more effective to use lines of professional skincare cosmetics with active ingredients. When choosing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition. Signs of quality include a short shelf life and packaging that prevents air from getting inside. It is desirable to have a dispenser and detailed instructions for use.

Facial skin is very sensitive to various factors and is subject to age-related changes. And of course, the intensity of external influence matters. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is especially dangerous - the sun literally dries out the skin. The degree of air humidity, temperature changes, air pollution and even hormonal levels also matter. Over the years, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, which contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. This is an inevitable process. But it can be controlled if you take proper care of your skin according to its needs.

Why do wrinkles appear? Some will say that the answer is obvious - from age. But it’s not the years that gather the skin into folds or pull it down. Let's look a little deeper for the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles.

They do become more pronounced with age. On young skin, even if a person has lively facial expressions, wrinkles form and are immediately smoothed out. But over the years, this ability to return to its original smoothness is lost. Why is this happening?

  • The skin loses moisture. Dry ones are easier to fold, and they turn out to be more durable.
  • Loss of elasticity, that is, there is less collagen and elastin proteins in it.
  • Loses the ability to recover quickly: in youth, a night's rest is enough for wrinkles to smooth out. The older we get, the slower the skin returns to its original smoothness. Or it doesn't come back at all.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Two-phase serum concentrate

Two-phase placental serum concentrate

To effectively combat aging, the products used must have the following properties:

  1. Create good skin hydration, because it needs a stable water balance, but with age it becomes more and more difficult to maintain it.
  2. Provide the dermis with nutrients. Age-related changes are accompanied by metabolic disorders.
  3. Protect from negative environmental influences. With age, it loses its natural protective properties.
  4. Restore. As age increases, the regenerative function of the skin decreases. To normalize, you need to activate cellular processes and blood circulation.

The dermal biocorrector CURACEN is fully capable of coping with all these tasks. The advantage of the biological product is its multi-component composition, which preserves the beauty and health of the skin in the most natural way.

How to get rid of fine wrinkles with gymnastics

American cosmetologist Carol Maggio has developed special gymnastics with which you can tighten 57 muscles of the face and neck. It may well replace plastic surgery, since the exercises really help get rid of fine wrinkles that appear near the mouth.

In order to get a positive result from gymnastics, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Exercises should only be done while sitting. In order to see how the muscles work, you should put a mirror in front of you. In the future, you can do without it when the techniques become a habit.
  2. Each exercise should end with blowing air through relaxed lips. The muscles should be relaxed.
  3. In order to start doing exercises, you need to sit down and strain the muscles of your thighs and buttocks to the limit. This is the starting position in Carol Maggio's gymnastics. During breaks, the muscles should be relaxed, and tensed again during exercise.

Exercise No. 1: to lift the corners of the lips.

Take the starting position, purse your lips and give your face a skeptical expression. There is no need to clench your teeth and jaws. Lifting the corners of your mouth up with your fingers, you must exert resistance with your lips. When the moment of maximum tension comes, hold for 10 seconds. The exercise should be repeated 10 times.

Exercise No. 2: for a clear lip contour.

Having taken the starting position, you need to make your lips “ducky” and freeze for 10 seconds. After this, you should smile widely (to the point of grinning) and also pause for 10 seconds. The number of repetitions in this case is 10 times.

Exercise No. 3: from nasolabial folds.

In the starting position, open your mouth as if you were pronouncing the letter “O”. Place your index fingers on both sides of the tip of the nose, and then make sliding movements towards the temples. The mouth should remain open and as tense as possible. This exercise is repeated 10 times.

Facial skin care complex for every day:

  • After pre-cleaning the dermis, apply oil or massage cream to it.
  • Distribute the product applied to the skin with stroking movements along the massage lines.
  • Place the index, ring and middle fingers with pads in the center of the forehead and move in spiral movements towards the temples. With this exercise you can easily get rid of small expression wrinkles in the forehead area.
  • Place the pads of your index and middle fingers at the inner corners of your eyes. After this, move in a circular motion towards the temples along the lower edge of the orbit and back to the bridge of the nose along the brow ridge. This will get rid of bags under the eyes and crow's feet.
  • Place the pads of your index fingers on the folds of the nasolabial triangle, press firmly in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and, while maintaining pressure, move towards the temples. This exercise is good for dealing with wrinkles on the cheeks and around the nose.
  • Place the middle and index fingers at the wings of the nose. Applying slight pressure, draw a line to the middle of the chin along the nasolabial folds. Then, along the same path, return to the starting position, but without pressure. This exercise allows you to get rid of wrinkles located around the lips.
  • Using the pads of the index, ring and middle fingers, draw a line from the middle of the chin to the temples, moving along the jawbone with light pressure. With this exercise you can improve the shape of your face.
  • Using alternating stroking movements, move your palms from the chin down the neck. Using this method you can get rid of small wrinkles on the neck.
  • Use your middle finger to massage the area between the eyebrows. This should be done in spiral movements with the pad, starting from the bridge of the nose and ending at the hairline.

Before finishing the set of exercises, you need to walk along the massage lines of your face with your palms. The movements should be stroking.

If you do the above techniques regularly at home, then within two weeks you will be able to see the result: the condition of the skin will improve, deep wrinkles will decrease and fine wrinkles will disappear.


To determine the most effective methods of maintaining beauty and health, you need to learn how to determine the type of aging of facial skin. This will determine what to pay attention to when preventing and restoring the skin. One of the most negative factors is considered to be an excessive amount of UV radiation. Therefore, it is so important to systematically protect the dermis in the summer.

Without proper care, wrinkles, spider veins, and exacerbation of dermatosis may appear. To avoid this, try not to go outside in the middle of the day during the greatest solar activity, move your walks to the morning or evening. You can learn more about how to combat aging facial skin caused by ultraviolet radiation and consolidate the resulting effect from a cosmetologist or dermatologist. To prevent harmful consequences, exogenous photoprotectors are used that screen light. Another group includes organic compounds that can absorb ultraviolet rays.

Which cosmetics to choose

To avoid mistakes, disappointments and waste, follow these principles:

  • listen to the advice of your cosmetologist;
  • purchase products that match your data;
  • It is better to take products in combination (tonic, cleansing gel and moisturizer from the same series perfectly complement each other and provide the best effect).

If you still have questions about which products from the store’s assortment are best suited for facial skin after 30, ask a consultant.

Use the best products, love yourself and remain beautiful for many years to come.


Loss of moisture in many cases has extremely negative consequences if it occurs regularly and provokes chronic dehydration. It is necessary to achieve retention of a certain volume of moisture in the deep and superficial layers of the epidermis. The stages of aging of different types of skin of the face and body, where cosmetology can still stop negative changes, do not differ much.

Some people argue that you can get by with external measures without following the drinking regime. Actually you can't. If the amount of fluid is insufficient, the body will begin to quickly slagging, disturbances will occur in the gastrointestinal tract, which will immediately affect the condition of the skin.

Plastic surgery

With a deformation morphotype of aging, it makes sense to resort to plastic surgery. Deformities of this type are associated with subcutaneous fat. The surgeon will work with it, due to which in just one operation he will help get rid of age-related defects.

Of course, plastic surgery is a radical method. It should be resorted to only when cosmetic procedures do not give the desired result. You must first consult with a specialist, since plastic surgery has many contraindications.

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