The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children

April 5, 2020

Diathesis is not just an allergy, but a predisposition of the body to the occurrence of diseases and pathological reactions that manifest themselves mainly in childhood. This is a special condition accompanied by the child’s tendency to:

  • to allergic reactions;
  • frequent colds and respiratory infections;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • changes in immunological reactivity.

With diathesis, an inadequate response of the body to normal environmental influences (irritants) is observed. But such reactions occur with an unfavorable combination of several provoking factors: errors in nutrition, poor diet, improper care, frequent infections, etc.

The most common type of diathesis is exudative-catarrhal. It is this that manifests itself in the form of allergic dermatitis. The first signs appear as early as 3-6 months and can remain until 1-2 years, when in most children all symptoms of diathesis disappear.

The main signs that manifest exudative-catarrhal diathesis are:

  • “gneiss” – peeling and seborrheic crusts on the scalp;
  • redness, peeling and thickening of the skin of the cheeks (“milk scab”);
  • itchy nodules (“strophulus”);
  • diaper rash of large folds.

External causes of dry elbows

There are many reasons for coarsening, roughness and darkening of the skin on the elbow. The habit of sitting at a table or desk, leaning on your elbows, is one of the most common. In this situation, strong compression and friction of the skin occurs, which leads to darkening and changes in their structure.

Another reason could be the heating season or hot weather. Exposure to dry air and prolonged exposure to sunlight also affects the condition of the skin.

External factors that adversely affect skin condition:

  • frequent bathing with soap (it is known to dry out the skin) and a washcloth;
  • synthetic clothing with long sleeves;
  • insufficient skin care.

Atopic dermatitis in children

Unfortunately, many children experience the first manifestations of skin allergies at an early age. It's not always possible to understand why. It seems that the parents are doing everything right: they don’t let them eat “chemicals”, they take care of the skin, they bathe the baby, they introduce complementary foods correctly, but the child has itching and rashes.

So what is “atopic dermatitis” or, as it is often called in older children, “neurodermatitis”. How to defeat him?

What is atopic dermatitis? Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease caused by various factors, in which the child is bothered by itching.

Typically, atopic dermatitis begins in early childhood, can continue or recur in adulthood, and significantly affects the quality of life of the patient and his family members.

Most often, if a child has allergies, then someone in the family has allergies. If both parents suffer from allergies, then, unfortunately, in 82% of cases the child will also have atopic dermatitis.

What happens in the skin during atopic dermatitis: With atopic dermatitis, immune inflammation occurs in the child’s skin, which is accompanied by an increase in its sensitivity to external and internal factors affecting the skin.

Also, with this disease, the protective barrier of the skin is disrupted, which leads to the penetration of allergens through the skin. The amount of fats (lipids) in the skin decreases, which leads to dry skin and itching.

How do doctors diagnose Atopic Dermatitis?

First of all, when examining the child and asking the parents in detail, and only then, based on the results of an allergological examination.

Unfortunately, objective diagnostic tests that can confirm the diagnosis 100% do not currently exist.

Signs of atopic dermatitis:

  • Itchy skin
  • Typical rashes and their location:

- children of the first two years of life: red spots, spots, weeping skin, most often on the face and less often on the legs and thighs. - older children (2-12 years): severe dry skin, thickening of skin folds, scratching on symmetrical areas of the skin, more often on the flexor surfaces of the limbs, for example, in the elbows or under the knees.

  • Early age of onset of allergic rash, most often before one year
  • Usually, someone in the family has or has had allergies
  • Once allergic rashes appear, they do not go away for a long time

There is also such a non-obvious symptom as “white dermographism”. If you run your finger over the skin of a child’s abdomen, after a while white stripes will appear in the place where the finger touched the child’s skin, which do not immediately disappear.

And yet, what tests can be taken to understand the causes of allergies in a child?

  • Clinical blood test
  • Skin tests with standardized allergens (they are also called prick tests, skin prick tests). Skin testing is carried out by an allergist when there is no exacerbation of atopic dermatitis in a child, that is, there are no skin rashes and the child is not itching. If a child is taking antihistamines, they must be discontinued at least three days before the test, otherwise the result may be unreliable.
  • It is recommended to determine allergen-specific immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE antibodies) in blood serum. They are also called “allergens”. Using them, you can understand what foods or household factors your child is allergic to, but, unfortunately, they are not always 100% accurate.

What are the manifestations of atopic dermatitis in children like:

There are many skin diseases that allergy rashes in a child may resemble. Here are some of them:

  • scabies
  • seborrheic dermatitis
  • allergic contact dermatitis
  • ichthyosis
  • psoriasis

All diseases are different and are treated differently.

Therefore, in addition to an allergist, children with regular manifestations of skin allergies should be consulted by a dermatologist.

Treatment There is an opinion that following a low-allergen diet will clear the skin and the itching will go away. This is not entirely true. Treatment must be comprehensive.

There are several areas of treatment and they are all important:

1. Elimination diet 2. Hypoallergenic regimen 3. Proper skin care 4. Taking antihistamines and antibacterial drugs 5. Psychotherapy

Elimination (hypoallergenic) diet

Of course, it is important to identify what foods your child is allergic to. And then, by removing these foods from the diet, you can reduce the manifestations of atopic dermatitis. Please note that it is precisely to reduce, and not to stop altogether, the manifestations of allergies, since a low-allergen diet is important not on its own, but always in combination with proper skin care, which we will discuss below.

But identifying what you are allergic to is often very difficult. Both from laboratory tests and from observing what foods a child eats, it can be difficult to understand what the child is allergic to. In such cases, a so-called hypoallergenic diet is recommended. Foods that can cause an exacerbation of allergies in most people with allergies are excluded from the diet.

Not recommended for use:

  1. Citrus
  2. Seafood
  3. Rich broths
  4. Processed meat products
  5. Mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard
  6. Radish, horseradish, radish
  7. Spices
  8. Whole milk
  9. Honey
  10. Strawberry
  11. A pineapple,
  12. Melon,
  13. Sweet carbonated drinks,
  14. Nuts

Hypoallergenic mode

Reducing a child’s contact with an allergen can hardly be overestimated, which is why it is so important to follow household rules. In most cases, it is impossible to completely eliminate contact with the allergen, but as a result of following the recommendations, contact with it is significantly limited, which means that the course of the disease is alleviated and the need for medications is reduced.

Here's what you need to do - the information below is presented by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, that is, it is official and truthful:

1. regularly wash bedding (1-2 times a week) at a temperature above 56°C to kill mites (washing with cold water reduces mite allergens by 90%, and washing with hot water destroys mites) 2. wash pillows and blankets with hot water more than 56°C and mattress covers (covers) made of mite-proof fabric 3. remember that good ventilation of the home reduces humidity, reducing the humidity in the house to 40% is important for controlling the number of mites and fungi


1. use vacuum cleaners to clean your home (preferably with a HEPA filter) 2. use special napkins to remove dust 3. to ensure better conditions for cleaning, it is advisable to replace carpets and rugs with linoleum or parquet 4. it is better to change curtains in the bedroom with washable blinds 5. replace fabric-covered furniture with leather or vinyl 6. remove soft toys from the bedroom; if necessary, they can be washed in hot water (over 56°C) or frozen in the freezer of a home refrigerator to kill ticks 7. considering, that house dust mites are sensitive to direct exposure to sunlight, you can dry mattresses, carpets, rugs in the sun for at least 3 hours (taking into account regional characteristics) 8. In addition, special means can be used to destroy house dust mites - cleaning wipes, aerosols, anti-mite bedding, sprays, washing powders, anti-mite carpet cleaners (based on benzyl benzoate - acaricides), anti-mite cleaners for cleaning vacuum cleaners, etc. 9. To achieve the desired result, an integrated approach is important, since most elimination measures applied individually turn out to be unprofitable and ineffective 10. Important! It must be remembered that allergen-free animals do not exist. It is better to take radical measures - part with pets and not get new ones. After removing the animal from the apartment, it is necessary to carry out repeated thorough cleaning of the room to completely remove traces of saliva, excrement, dander, and animal hair. Cat allergens persist in the living room even after the animal is removed for a long time (about 6 months)


1. Carpets, mattresses and coverings should be subjected to regular vacuum cleaning; change clothes when leaving home if there was contact with a pet 2. do not visit the circus, zoo and houses where there are animals 3. do not wear clothes made of wool or animal fur

It is also necessary:

1. limit as much as possible contact with environmental factors that cause exacerbation of the disease 2. ensure optimal room humidity (40%) 3. maintain a comfortable air temperature 4. use indoor air conditioning in hot weather 5. do not use synthetic fabrics or wool clothing , preference is for cotton fabrics 6. ensure a calm environment at school and at home 7. cut your nails short 8. during an exacerbation, sleep in cotton socks and gloves 9. do not prohibit bathing! do not use hot water for showers and/or baths; water procedures should be short-term (5-10 minutes) using warm water (32-35°C) 10. use special skin care products for atopic dermatitis (so-called emollients) constantly, even when the skin is “good” 11. for when washing, use liquid rather than powder detergents 12. minimize contact with allergens that cause aggravation of the disease, as well as irritating substances 13. in sunny weather, use sunscreens that do not cause contact irritation of the skin 14. after swimming in the pool, you must take a shower and apply moisturizer 15. completely follow the doctor’s instructions

Not worth it:

1. use alcohol-containing hygiene products 2. use products with antimicrobial components without the recommendation of the attending physician 3. participate in sports, as this causes intense sweating and is accompanied by close contact of the skin with clothing 4. take water procedures too often 5. intensively while washing rub the skin and use tools for washing that are harsher than a terry cloth washcloth

To achieve the desired result, an integrated approach is important, since most elimination measures applied individually turn out to be unprofitable and ineffective.

Proper skin care

The goal of proper skin care is to relieve itching by restoring the water-lipid layer and barrier function of the skin.

1. Local glucocorticosteroids

In case of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, to quickly alleviate the child’s condition, it is recommended to apply so-called local glucocorticosteroids to the areas of allergy.

2. Calcineurin inhibitors These drugs are recommended to be applied to the skin of a child when atopic dermatitis often worsens, the exacerbations do not subside for a long time, and the child is constantly bothered by itching and irritation of the skin. These drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.

3. Moisturizers and emollients

They are called "emollients". They do not contain hormones or parabens. These products nourish and moisturize the skin, reduce dryness and reduce itching.

It is important to apply them to the skin daily, at least twice a day, even when the skin is smooth, without allergies and without itching.

Emollients are selected individually by parents, on the recommendation of a doctor, so that the child finds their texture pleasant; for some children, it is important that the emollient does not have any odor.

To cleanse the skin, it is advisable to use daily short cool baths (10 minutes) with a soft detergent base with pH 5.5, which does not contain alkali. When cleansing the skin, do not rub it. After bathing, it is recommended to only blot the surface of the skin without wiping it dry.

And it is more effective to use bathing products of the same brand as the emollient. Then they reinforce each other.

Taking antihistamines and antibacterial drugs

1. Antihistamines, or as they are also called, antiallergic drugs, reduce itching. They are prescribed by a doctor.

2. Taking antibacterial drugs Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) often grows on the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis, which increases the manifestations of allergies. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs in the form of cream/ointment or in the form of syrup, which the child takes orally.


Working with a psychotherapist and a psychologist is also important. These specialists teach the child techniques for relaxation, stress relief and behavior modification. But these methods are only suitable for older children.

What's next?

Atopic dermatitis has a wavy, relapsing course: unfortunately, 60% return throughout life. Therefore, a hypoallergenic lifestyle, proper skin care (constant use of emollients), and a hypoallergenic diet are important throughout the life of a child with atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease that significantly reduces a child’s quality of life due to constant itching and dry skin, but it can be managed thanks to the achievements of modern medicine. It is important to find a doctor you trust and follow his recommendations.

Internal causes and diseases causing peeling elbows

Rough elbows (signs of the disease are described later in the article) are a problem that is worth paying attention to. Ignoring your body's signals is dangerous to your health.

Causes of peeling elbows:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system (hypothyroidism).
  • Diabetes.
  • Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Autoimmune diseases, dermatitis, ichthyosis, keratosis, fungus, neurodermatitis, scleroderma and many more dermatological diseases.
  • Iron deficiency anemia (low hemoglobin levels in the blood).
  • Hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins A, D and E).
  • Antibiotics.
  • Skin aging.
  • CRF (chronic renal failure).
  • Dehydration.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, smoking).
  • Stress.

Signs of illness in children, teenagers and adults that cause dry elbows

Children, just like adults, are susceptible to diseases that cause the coverings on the elbows to become rough, rough, peeling and cracking.

The following diseases can provoke the condition:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • anemia.

Improper care or its complete absence also leads to changes in the structure of the skin on the elbows.

Teenagers and pregnant women may experience problems with the skin on the elbow due to hormonal imbalances in the body. When hormonal changes occur, the body's functions change, systems do not work correctly, which can cause dry skin, roughening, and cause the appearance of microcracks.

Diets or poor nutrition cause thinning, cracks, and roughness on the skin of the elbows in adults, children and adolescents.

Why does it become dry?

There are many factors that can affect dry skin on your elbows. All of them can be generally divided into:

  • Natural.
  • Pathological - caused by various health problems. The skin on the elbows can become rough due to dermatological problems, as well as due to internal disorders - diseases of internal organs and systems.

Sometimes dealing with dry and flaky skin on the elbows is not at all difficult: you just need to change your daily habits and start properly caring for the epidermis. But in some situations, only a doctor can identify the exact cause of roughness and correct it.

Natural causes

Perhaps the most common cause of increased dryness of the elbows and flaking of the skin on them is regular stress on such areas of the body. This is most typical for people who spend hours working on a computer. But in addition, elbows can become rough when:

  • Natural aging processes.
  • Having bad habits.
  • Regular stress and emotional overstrain.
  • Wearing tight and, especially, synthetic clothing.
  • Lack of fluid in the body and/or excessive dryness of the environment.

It is worth noting that the listed factors can affect not only the skin on the elbows, but also the epidermis on other parts of the body.

The problem can be aggravated by poor nutrition, regular washing under chlorinated water, and temperature changes. However, the listed causes of dryness can be corrected at home.

Dermatological problems

Sometimes the appearance of roughness and peeling on the elbows is the first sign of dermatological diseases. Such symptoms may manifest themselves:

  • Fungal diseases, in particular lichen. At the same time, the skin may also be somewhat itchy and red.
  • Dermatitis. This is an inflammatory skin disease that can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as allergies. The disease can manifest itself on the elbows, making itself felt by drying out, cracking, itching and redness. The disease usually affects the condition of the epidermis in other parts of the body.
  • Psoriasis. This is a fairly common dermatological disease, which is characterized by a chronic course. With this disease, inflammatory rashes appear on the skin, covered with many silvery scales. If you try to remove them, a bright pink surface will be exposed underneath, with small droplets of blood appearing on them.

The appearance of signs of dermatological diseases is a serious reason for an early consultation with a dermatologist. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment helps avoid progression of the disease.

Diseases of internal organs

The skin on the elbows may become dry when:

  • Hypovitaminosis is a lack of provitamin A, vitamins E and D, etc. In this case, a person may notice the appearance of itching, dryness and cracks on the feet, as well as on other areas of the skin.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. Such diseases usually make themselves felt by a variety of health problems, including changes in body weight, irregular menstrual cycle, emotional swings, etc.
  • Failures of metabolic processes of various etiologies. Similar problems can also be manifested by obesity, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.
  • Iron deficiency anemia. With such a disorder, the patient is also worried about noticeable weakness, loss of strength, pallor, brittle nails and hair, etc.
  • Chronic kidney problems. Such disorders can be suspected by reduced urine production, swelling and shortness of breath. Patients may also complain of disturbances in normal night rest, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure, etc.
  • Various types of allergies. Even a mild allergy, which is not accompanied by severe disturbances in well-being, can make itself felt by various changes in the condition of the skin. Most often, the disease causes peeling, rashes, and redness. These areas of skin may itch and cause discomfort.

You should not ignore obvious health problems, even if they cause a mild disturbance of well-being. Timely seeking medical help will help avoid extremely undesirable consequences.

Dark spots: a sign of what disease?

Sometimes dry skin on the elbows becomes rough and takes on an extremely unpleasant “dirty” coloration. Such black spots on the body have nothing to do with compliance or non-compliance with hygiene; the reason for their appearance may lie in various endocrine diseases:

  • Hypothyroidism. With this disease, the thyroid gland produces an insufficient amount of hormones, which disrupts the overall well-being of a person. Hypothyroidism can manifest itself as lethargy, slowness, decreased performance, a feeling of constant chilliness, and fatigue. Hormones affect the condition of the skin, cause brittle nails and hair loss. Possible weight gain.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands, in particular chronic adrenal insufficiency. With this disease, the adrenal glands produce insufficient amounts of hormones, which leads to metabolic disorders and an imbalance of water and salts in the body. The disease can make itself felt by increased pigmentation in open areas of the body and areas of friction of the skin and clothing, as well as progressive weakness and increasing fatigue. Possible weight loss, weight loss, hypotension, dizziness, fainting, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, etc.
  • Diabetes mellitus. This disease can also cause the appearance of specific dark spots on the skin of the elbows. The disease is also manifested by increased thirst, frequent urination, constant hunger and weight loss. Itching of the skin, muscle weakness, dry mouth, etc. may occur.

Dark spots on the elbows may well appear due to natural causes, in particular, increased stress on these areas of the body. But sometimes such a symptom warns of quite serious health problems.

Why does the child’s skin turn dark and peel?

In children, peeling and darkening of the skin on the elbows is most often a consequence of allergization of the body. In particular, with atopic dermatitis, the epidermis in some areas of the body may become rough to the touch and darken over time. If the allergen continues to enter the body, rashes and weeping may appear on the skin. Sometimes dry skin on the elbows of children is observed with:

  • Insufficient care of these areas. In particular, parents of infants often forget to lubricate the baby’s elbows with cream. And if the baby learns to roll over, sit up or crawl, it is the elbows and knees that may suffer from this. The skin can even become dry due to friction from bedding and diapers.
  • Low hemoglobin levels. Also, with this problem, the child may experience pallor of the skin and blueness of the nasolabial triangle.
  • Depriving. In children of preschool and primary school age, this dermatological disease is quite common; a doctor will help to identify and treat it.

If organizing proper care for your child’s elbows does not in any way affect their condition within a week, you should definitely seek medical help from a dermatologist.

White spots: what are they?

White spots on the elbows are found quite rarely. The reason for their occurrence may lie in:

  • Development of psoriasis. With this disease, a spot forms on the skin, covered with many whitish scales. The disease causes discomfort and is prone to progression.
  • Vitiligo. This disease is accompanied by a pigmentation disorder - the complete disappearance of the coloring pigment melanin in some areas of the skin. The disease does not pose a threat to health and does not cause any health problems. Stains in this case are only a cosmetic defect.

Psoriasis requires targeted and comprehensive treatment under the supervision of a doctor. As for vitiligo, today there is not a single effective method of treating such a disease.

Why did peeling appear on the hands above?

Peeling of the skin from the elbow to the shoulder can also be explained by the natural and pathological factors already listed above, but sometimes the cause of the rough epidermis in this area is follicular hyperkeratosis. This is a very common dermatological ailment in which the skin becomes quite rough and dry to the touch, and if you look closely, small bright red, slightly rough nodules will be visible on it. The cause of this condition is blockage of the follicle ducts with horny scales, which leads to its inflammation. Such a violation can be provoked by:

  • Vitamin A deficiency.
  • Lack of vitamin C.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Allergy of the body.

Follicular hyperkeratosis does not pose a potential threat to the human body, however, it becomes a visible cosmetic defect. It is worth noting that the disease can worsen when attempting self-therapy, so it is better to treat it under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment methods

After the examination shows the cause of darkening and keratinization of the skin, you can decide on treatment.

If the cause of the problem is an external influence, then use:

  • softening ointments;
  • nourishing creams;
  • lemon or acetic acid;
  • They make lotions, medicinal baths, and masks from herbal infusions.

Pharmacy medicines: table of effective ointments and tablets

A drugEffectMode of application
"Radevit"It has an anti-inflammatory, healing effect, reduces itching, moisturizes and softens the skin, and has a protective function. Contains vitamins: A, D, E and ergocalfitserol. Before application, treat the skin with an antiseptic, apply a thin layer, 2 times a day. If necessary (severe peeling), use a bandage that does not allow air to pass through.
"Bepanten"Heals wounds, skin ulcers, cracks, relieves inflammation, eliminates itching.Apply until complete healing.
"Boro-plus"Antiseptic, heals wounds, eliminates peeling, softens the skin.Apply to affected areas until the problem is eliminated.
Salicylic ointmentAnti-inflammatory effect, against psoriasis, calluses, acne, skin diseases.Use until the problem disappears. 10 percent ointment
Zinc ointmentRelieves inflammation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, antiseptic, creates a barrier film against germs and infections, heals, softens.Treat the skin with an antiseptic. Apply 2-3 times a day.
Birch tar (ointment)Acts as an antiseptic, relieves inflammation and irritation.For skin diseases, mix with lard in a 1/1 ratio. Apply to the affected areas until recovery.
"Fexofat"Eliminates itching, anti-inflammatory effect.Take orally, dose prescribed by your doctor.
"Complivit"Enriches the body with minerals and vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the skin, and improves general condition.For prevention, 1 tablet once a day. For illnesses, 1 tablet 2 times a day.
"Sorbifer Durules"Eliminates iron deficiency.The dosage depends on the diagnosis. The main dosage is 1-2 times a day, 1 tablet.

Cosmetic products for the treatment of dry elbows

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, there are cosmetics that will also help in the fight against problematic elbows.


Product based on extracts:

  • sequences;
  • violets;
  • licorice;
  • chamomile;
  • walnut.

The cream contains avocado oil, D-panthenol.

It suppresses inflammation and is effective:

  • relieves itching;
  • eliminates peeling and redness of the skin;
  • softens and nourishes the skin;
  • fights germs.

The cream is suitable for one-time use and long-term use. It should be applied to dry, oil-free skin twice a day.


This cream is used for allergic rashes and skin diseases . It eliminates itching, has an anti-inflammatory effect and is antidexuative (draws out pathogenic substances, relieves purulent inflammation).

The course of treatment is from 7 to 28 days, apply the drug to the affected areas once a day.


The use of this balm promotes healing of the skin, it also:

  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • has an antipruritic effect;
  • protects against adverse effects of the external environment.

It is recommended to use the drug once a day. The balm has no restrictions on the duration of therapy.


This balm has a large number of useful properties and indications for use:

  • creates a protective barrier for the skin;
  • has a regenerating effect;
  • relieves redness and inflammation;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • softens the skin.

Apply the cream to dry, cleansed skin 2 times a day.

Traditional recipes for rough skin on the elbows

Rough elbows (signs of disease can be eliminated with folk recipes) are a problem that masks and peelings can help with. After the procedure, it is advisable to soften your elbows with a nourishing cream.

You can combat rough skin on your elbows using home remedies - peelings and masks.

Peeling recipes:

  1. Coffee and honey peeling . It's easy and quick to prepare, and the results exceed expectations. Coffee in combination with honey makes the skin smooth, elastic, nourishes and rejuvenates it. To prepare this scrub, you need to combine honey and coffee grounds in equal proportions and stir thoroughly. Apply the mixture to dry elbows and massage for 2 minutes. Rinse off. It is convenient to do this procedure during water procedures. Lubricate already dry elbows generously with nourishing cream.
  2. Citrus peeling. Fruit acid brightens the skin very well. Nourishes with vitamin C and creates a protective barrier against infections. Medium-sized fruit (grapefruit, lemon) must be divided in half. These will be improvised elbow baths. Crush the pulp of the fruit directly into it with a fork or spoon. Dip your elbows into these “baths” with juice and pulp for min. by 5-10. You should not use this procedure if there are wounds or cracks.
  3. Lemon peeling. This method will help remove unwanted dark pigment with a minimum amount of time and money. Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and wipe your elbows with it. When the juice is absorbed, the skin will tighten a little, then you can wash it off with warm water. To achieve the desired effect, do it once a week for 2 months.

  4. Potato mask. Using potatoes as a mask is a great way to rejuvenate the skin and remove pigmentation. Very well nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Take 2 small size potatoes. Peel, wash, grate. Add 2 tsp to this paste. honey, mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to your elbows, secure with a gauze bandage, and leave for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the bandages and rinse with warm running water. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.
  5. Honey and oatmeal mask . If you need to remove the stratum corneum of the skin, get rid of itching and redness, then this mask is irreplaceable. In one container, mix honey (3 tbsp), oatmeal (3 tbsp), and the yolk of one chicken egg. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area and leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards wash with water. Apply once a week.
  6. Chamomile mask. Dry chamomile inflorescences 1 tbsp, dry calendula 1 tbsp, honey 1 tbsp, 50 g butter, 250 ml water. Grind the herb, pour boiling water over it, leave for 8 hours. Melt the butter and honey in a water bath or in the microwave. Add the infused mixture of herbs in the amount of 2 tbsp to the honey and oil. Use this mixture as a cream in the evening. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, once a day.

Therapeutic baths and lotions

Therapeutic baths and lotions (for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases) are a fairly pleasant and effective way to eliminate dry elbows

How to prepare and use:

  1. Olive bath. First, you need to carefully treat the keratinized skin with a brush or pumice stone. Heat olive oil (250 ml) in the microwave until warm. Immerse your elbows in a container with oil and hold them for 15-20 minutes. Such baths can be done 2 times a week. The recommended duration of the procedure is 1 month. Heals, softens rough skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Rainwater bath. Baking soda creates the effect of rainwater. It can be added to the bath when bathing, and can also be used as a bath against dry elbows. Gently softens the skin, removing the stratum corneum. Half a tbsp. baking soda, pour 2 liters of warm water, stir. Immerse your elbows in a container with the solution and hold for 10 minutes. Rinse with water. Apply cream. Repeat the procedure once a week.
  3. Herbal bath. Take dry herbs in the amount of 1 tbsp. Grind chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Leave the poured broth for 40 minutes. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. Add 1 tsp onion juice, 2 tsp lemon juice, 50 ml olive oil. The mixture must be whipped. Keep your elbows in this bath for 15 minutes. Afterwards, treat your elbows with pumice, pat dry with a paper towel and apply cream for dry elbows. Heals wounds and cracks, eliminates itching, softens the skin.
  4. Oil lotion. The following oils are suitable for such a compress: vegetable, olive, linseed. The procedure is done at night. Rub your elbows with oil and wrap with gauze or a bandage. In the morning, rinse with lukewarm water. Such lotions can be done every other day. Nourishes and softens the skin.

  5. Sauerkraut juice lotion. Rub sauerkraut juice onto your elbows several times a day. Suitable for everyday use. Whitens and relieves redness.
  6. Vinegar lotions . Alcohol 70% (2 tsp), glycerin (1 tsp), table vinegar 9% (1 tsp), rich cream. Mix all ingredients in one jar. Store this mixture under a closed lid. Lubricate your elbows at night. Do this for 3 nights, then clean your elbows with pumice. Removes rough layers of skin.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Cracks on the fingers - causes and treatment of the skin with folk remedies, ointments, masks and preparations. Photo.

One of the methods of treating diathesis is local therapy.

The complex treatment of diathesis includes local therapy in the form of ointments and gels. They should only be prescribed by a specialist, and he takes this issue very seriously, since the main role in the appearance of signs of diathesis is given to allergens that affect the child’s skin.

What drugs are often included in the list prescribed by a doctor:

  • To soften and quickly heal the skin: Bepanten, zinc ointment, Desitin (zinc-based ointment).
  • For disinfection, softening and prevention of the formation of new crusts: Diaderm, Glutamol.
  • To suppress an allergic reaction: Fenistil, Vibrocil, Cetrin.

It is worth considering that ointments are not the main way to treat diathesis, since they do not affect the cause in any way. Local therapy is used as an auxiliary method. The basis of treatment should be diet, proper care, and avoidance of contact with allergens.

Diet for dry and rough skin on the elbows

Rough elbows are signs of diseases of internal organs, metabolic disorders, and thyroid pathologies. Proper nutrition is an essential part of treating these problems. Dry skin signals a lack of vitamins A, B, E, D. You can get them with food or by drinking a vitamin complex.

It is recommended to include in the diet:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • fish;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • oils

Food should be steamed, baked or boiled.

It is strictly forbidden to use:

  • fatty foods;
  • fast food;
  • sweets in large quantities.

Drinking regimen for dry elbows

To prevent peeling or treat dry skin on the elbows, it is important to maintain water balance.

Without getting the right amount of water per day, your skin:

  • ages faster;
  • becomes inelastic;
  • dries;
  • loses its healthy color.

The optimal amount of water per day is 2 liters. In the summer season - up to 4 liters.

Treatment of darkening and dryness

If visual changes in the skin on your elbows appear, you should:

  • Saturate your diet with vitamins and minerals or purchase and take suitable multivitamins. The menu should include eggs and cheese, dairy products, all kinds of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, liver and fish.
  • Establish a drinking diet - you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of ordinary clean water per day.
  • Buy a hygrometer and humidifier. Maintaining normal environmental humidity has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body.
  • Avoid hot showers and baths. It is worth washing under warm water.
  • Avoid using soap, shower gel and other cosmetic detergents. You should not try to remove peeling with scrubs, this measure will only worsen the problem.
  • Systematically moisturize the skin of your elbows with nourishing creams and ointments.
  • Avoid wearing tight and synthetic clothing.
  • Set up a computer workplace so that it is physiologically correct and comfortable. This will help take the pressure off your elbows.

If the cause of darkening and drying of the skin is natural factors, then the recommendations already listed will be enough to normalize the condition of the skin on the elbows. Otherwise, it is better to undergo therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

When you can't do without medical help

Rough elbows are a problem that is not immediately noticed. Many signs of disease are manifested by dryness and roughening of the skin on or around the elbows. The tissues do not heal, dry and thin skin itches, microcracks and inflammation appear.

If you have such symptoms, you should sound the alarm and consult a specialist. The doctor will order an examination and take appropriate treatment measures.

Doctors' recommendations for skin care on elbows

For inflammation of the skin on the elbows, doctors recommend using special ointments and creams, as during exacerbation of hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus and others. If necessary, medications are prescribed orally.

It is important to maintain a correct, healthy lifestyle. Avoid junk food. Take vitamin supplements. If the reasons are not internal, then it is worth reviewing the rules of care and hygiene.

Even when the skin on the elbow is healthy, it is recommended:

  • use glycerin soap;
  • give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • in summer, use sunscreen;
  • humidify the room during the heating season;
  • use nourishing and moisturizing creams;
  • make masks, baths, peelings, lotions;
  • drink 2 liters of water per day.

Timely identification of the causes of rough and itchy skin on the elbows and their elimination can save you from unnecessary problems. With proper care, rough elbows will stop bothering you only if it is not a sign of chronic diseases.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

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