Ovante cream for rosacea: description and method of use.

Ovante cream for rosacea is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that eliminates redness and inflammation on the skin of the face. The drug is effective for rosacea, acne and other skin diseases that are accompanied by rash and hyperemia. High-quality natural ingredients of the cream restore the skin and neutralize inflammation.

Acne, acne and pimples are diseases that are characteristic of the problematic type of epidermis. Most often, acne occurs during adolescence, when metabolism and the functioning of the endocrine system are restructured.

Teenagers need to choose a complex of cosmetics for facial care and medicinal anti-inflammatory drugs.

For those with problem skin, we recommend contacting a specialist - a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the rash and prescribe appropriate treatment.

To get results from treatment, it is important to use rosacea creams and ointments correctly. Before you start applying the product, you need to read the instructions and follow the recommendations prescribed by your doctor.

Any product should be used only on clean skin. As a rule, the cream is applied twice a day: before bed and under makeup.

The average course of treatment is a month or one and a half. With rapid improvement, application is reduced to one time, but gradually. Can be used as maintenance therapy for 2 - 3 months.

General information

Before we begin to consider the main features of a product, it is worth identifying the main features that characterize it.

Thus, Ovante cream (pictured below) is a product classified as therapeutic and prophylactic. Its main action is aimed at eliminating rashes, as well as inflammation. As practice shows, oily skin is most often affected by such problems - this is what this product was created for in the first place.

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It contains only natural and highest quality ingredients that are not capable of causing harm to the skin. This means that the product in question can be used even by those who have sensitive skin prone to stress and allergic reactions.


As for the composition of the cream in question, first of all, it should be noted that it is natural. Based on acetylsalicylic acid and pharmaceutical sulfur. In addition, the structure of the product contains zinc oxide, a substance that has a drying effect, which helps reduce the number of pimples and blackheads.

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There are also natural oils: tea tree, walnut, blackcurrant seeds and chamomile extract, which helps soothe the skin. Dermatologists note that all of the listed components are indispensable in the presence of problems of the epidermis, as well as for restoring the skin both from the inside and outside. As for tea tree oil, it is considered the best natural antiseptic - a product that helps relieve irritation caused by harmful microbes. The action of nut oil is aimed at strengthening the skin's protective barrier.

As for the vitamin composition of the product, the main effect of this part is aimed not only at nourishing the upper layer of the skin, but also at providing immune protection to the skin. Experts note that their effect helps slow down the aging process of the skin.

Indications for use

The Ovante product is not just a product for daily facial skin care; its main purpose is to treat many diseases of the epidermis, as well as temporary problems. As practice shows, it perfectly helps fight boils, pimples and even the most complex inflammations that occur in the epidermis. In addition, the product helps eliminate acne and blackheads. Ovante cream also helps perfectly against rosacea - even dermatologists recommend using it to all their patients suffering from this problem.

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Can everyone apply the cream in question to their skin? Despite the naturalness of the composition and its usefulness, this product is not recommended for everyone. In particular, it is contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance to at least one of its components.

In order to test your own skin for tolerance to the components, you need to apply a small amount of the product to your wrist and wait about 20 minutes. If after the specified period there is no redness in the treated area, then you can apply the cream to your face.


Special attention should be paid to the special properties of the product in question. Its main purpose is to treat skin problems - this is what is said in reviews of Ovanta cream. The remedy also helps very well against rosacea - complete skin regeneration occurs literally within the first 15-20 days, which is an excellent result.

Dermatologists include the following properties of the product in question:

  • restoration of the lipid layer;
  • protection of the epidermis;
  • disinfection;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • rejuvenation;
  • increased cell nutrition;
  • normalization of the work of small skin vessels, as well as restoration of the activity of those that have completely or partially died;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • elimination of excessive oily skin;
  • complete removal of blackheads

Reviews written by consumers regarding the properties of the cream in question very often say that this product is perfectly absorbed without leaving any unpleasant sensations. In the comments left by dermatologists, it is much more often mentioned that the components of this product are able to fully meet all the nutritional requirements of the skin. This is undoubtedly its advantage. They also pay special attention to the fact that these components significantly improve the state of the immune system of the epidermis, thanks to which the skin is able to withstand various irritants, which most often cause inflammation, rashes, and acne.

Operating principle

Ovante cream is an effective remedy for rosacea, rashes and inflammatory processes. It normalizes the functionality of the epidermis, restores its health and attractive appearance.

The principle of action of Ovante cream:

  • Provides anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and disinfectant effects;
  • Dries the skin, cleanses and tightens pores, eliminates blackheads;
  • Improves the protective properties of the epidermis and restores the lipid layer of the skin;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes and the functioning of small vessels;
  • Soothes irritation and reduces the severity of acne;
  • Rejuvenates the skin and triggers the renewal of damaged epidermal cells;
  • Activates the immune defense of the skin to resist various irritants;
  • Improves cell nutrition;
  • Contains natural effective ingredients that meet the needs of problematic skin;
  • It is well absorbed, does not leave a greasy residue, and does not clog pores.

Ovante cream is indicated for skin diseases:

  1. Rosacea;
  2. Acne and acne;
  3. Boils;
  4. Acne;
  5. Inflammatory processes.

Ovante cream has a contraindication - individual intolerance to the components. Before applying the drug, do a skin test. This will help prevent an allergic reaction.

How to use the product correctly

In order to get the most positive result from using the product in question, you must strictly follow the instructions for using Ovante cream. It states that it is important to apply the product only to clean facial skin, from which you must first remove makeup. This stage is especially recommended and necessary for problem skin - it is its observance that allows us to accelerate the final recovery of the epidermis and prevent relapse.

Apply the cream to cleansed skin, spreading it in a thin layer. It must be rubbed in with light massaging movements. Reviews from dermatologists about this product say that when acne is localized, it is best to apply the product to these areas - this way you can avoid excessive drying of the epidermis.

In order to achieve the expected result as quickly as possible, the manufacturer recommends using this product daily, 2-3 times a day. As for those with dry skin types, a single application is sufficient for them.

Ovante cream instructions

The effectiveness and direct result of treatment depends on the correct use of the product according to the manufacturer’s instructions and the recommendation of the attending dermatologist.

  • Before you start applying the cream, you must first wash your face thoroughly, removing the layer of dirt and dust accumulated on the face, and also dry it.
  • Afterwards, the cream should be applied to rosacea or pimples in a small layer and absorbed with stroking movements.
  • The product should be used only 2 times a day, morning and evening.
  • If you have a dry skin type, the product should be applied no more than once a day.
  • The use of the cream should be regular, with simultaneous treatment of rosacea or acne with other remedies prescribed by the attending physician, while simultaneously monitoring general skin hygiene.

About side effects

Like any other cosmetic product, Ovante cream for rosacea and acne can cause some side effects. The main one is the appearance of excessive dryness of the skin - this phenomenon can only occur as a result of prolonged use of the cream. This is due to the drying properties of the product being studied.

As for the manifestation of allergic reactions, this is another side effect of using the product. Such a problem can arise only in the case of individual intolerance to the entire composition or at least one component.


All reviews from people who have used Ovante cream for rosacea can be combined into the following conclusions:

  • The smell of the cream is not very pleasant, and its fairly thick consistency requires effort to spread it over the skin in a thin layer.
  • The cream copes well with small rashes and single pimples.
  • Advanced cases of skin diseases require long-term use of the cream. If you stop using it, the problem may soon return again.
  • An open jar of cream cannot be stored for a long time, since the presence of exclusively natural ingredients and the absence of preservatives reduces the shelf life to only two months.
  • Before starting use, the cream must be tested on the wrist or elbow to exclude an allergic reaction to this cosmetic product.

In general, all reviews are positive.

Opinions from buyers and dermatologists

As for reviews of Ovante cream, they often talk not only about the effectiveness of the product. Comments left about the product in question often note the unique aroma of the composition, which many consumers call natural. It should be noted that not all fans of the product find the smell pleasant. Also, consumers of the product often mention the softness and delicacy of the structure of the rather dense cream, as well as the fact that it is quite easily absorbed, without leaving behind any greasy marks or a feeling of stickiness or tightness.

Experts in the field of dermatology do not recommend storing the product open for a long period, as it may deteriorate - this phenomenon is due to the naturalness of the components. The instructions for the Ovante cream say that after a couple of months from the moment of opening, the unused remains of the product should be thrown away so as not to harm the skin.

Consumer reviews also say that the product is quite effective. The results appear within short periods of use. If the problem is advanced or presents in a complicated form, a long course of treatment may be required.

Ovante cream for rosacea Reviews

Review from a dermatologist

The drug, thanks to the active components included in its composition, removes scars and pimples well, and also treats rosacea. The approximate course of treatment for Ovante is 2 months; often patients with a non-advanced stage of the disease only need a month of treatment. The product does not belong to the budget category, but the effect is also its use does not extend over many months, as with cheaper options. Dermatologist Katerina Meshchinskaya: 11 years of experience.

Patient reviews

I have been using Ovante cream for more than a month. Rosacea and acne stopped appearing already in the 3rd week of use. Now I began to notice how, in addition to acne, acne scars and spots gradually began to disappear. My skin began to take on a healthier appearance and, in principle, I remained with the drug happy Angelina: 19 years old.

Among the significant advantages of Ovante cream, I identified for myself: the natural composition of the product, the absence of serious side effects that harm the body, and also the fact that, in addition to acne and rosacea, the cream removes traces and scars of their former presence from the face. Among the disadvantages, I identified: price drug, as well as the possible addictive effect of the drug Victoria: 17 years.

Product price

The cost of the product in question, according to most of its fans, is quite justified, since the result from use exceeds all existing expectations. The average price of Ovante cream is about 700 rubles. per bottle of 14 g. In case of regular use, the product lasts literally for a month and a half, but this, according to consumers, is quite enough to completely eliminate all existing problems with the skin. If you wish, you can purchase a 30 g bottle, which will cost twice as much.

It is often noted that by purchasing this branded product from an official supplier, you can completely protect yourself from receiving a counterfeit product. A significant advantage of purchasing cream through the official online store is that this is the only way to buy the product at the lowest price. It is known that in unofficial online stores the price of the product in question can vary up to 3,500 rubles for a 30 g bottle, although its cost declared by the manufacturer is half that.

Features of the drug

Therapeutic and prophylactic cream for rosacea is produced by the North American company Ovante.

The cream is sold without prescriptions, since it is more of a cosmetic product than a medicinal product.

Release form

  • The cream is available in white plastic jars. Each jar labeled “Ovante Rosacea Cream” contains 14 g or 30 g of cosmetic product. The consistency of the cream is quite thick. It has a yellow color.
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Composition of Ovante cream

Ovante cream for rosacea does not contain antibiotics or harsh chemicals. The manufacturer declares it as a natural remedy. Its components, complementing each other's action, have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Therapeutic and prophylactic cream contains:

  • pharmaceutical sulfur;
  • zinc oxide;
  • salicylic acid;
  • azelaic acid;
  • chamomile extract;
  • oils: walnut, tea tree, currant seeds;
  • vitamin complex.

High-quality natural ingredients not only neutralize inflammation on the skin, but also contribute to the restoration of the epidermis.


In different online stores, the cost of Ovante cream for rosacea varies greatly:

  • volume 14 g – from 700 to 1650 rubles
  • volume 30 g – from 1500 to 3200 rubles
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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