Darsonval device for cellulite
Darsonval for cellulite – is it really possible to achieve an effect (doctors’ opinion)
Darsonval for cellulite is a physiotherapeutic device that affects the skin of the face or body with weak
Hardware skin cleaning
Ultrasonic facial cleansing: what it is, how it is done, price and reviews
Our skin is constantly exposed to the environment. Ultraviolet radiation, dust and dirt, frequent stress
Why do my nails and the skin around my nails crack?
Why does the skin on the fingers near the nails crack? Home treatment methods and prevention
The nail apparatus is an important part of the fingers. Nails protect the upper phalanges from damage and help to
Mask made of gelatin and activated carbon - recipe for the face
241794 09-10-2020 Author: Team Mysekret 5 The benefits of activated carbon have long been known and people have long
young woman
Expression wrinkles on the face: causes of appearance and methods of correction
Every day our face makes thousands of muscle contractions while we smile, laugh, become indignant and angry, expressing
Coconut oil for hair and skin: 12 miraculous uses
Coconut oil for facial care: composition and methods of use
Today you can buy coconut oil in almost any cosmetics store or even in grocery stores.
Correction of wrinkles around the eyes
Wrinkles around the eyes: why they appear, how to remove them in cosmetology and at home
Skin folds on the lower and upper eyelids appear due to age-related changes
Benefits of facial massage
Types and benefits of cosmetic massage.
Questions discussed in the material: 4 types of facial massage 4 significant benefits of facial massage
Milk peeling: what does the face look like after milk peeling?
Peeling with the addition of lactic acid is recognized as the most gentle and safe, since the product is used even
Guide to facial care products for men photo No. 1
How a man can take care of his skin: tips and necessary cosmetics
Expert opinion Sergey Khachaturyan, senior training manager at Shiseido RUS “Almost everything that can be imagined for
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