Types and benefits of cosmetic massage.

Issues discussed in the material:

  • 4 types of facial massage
  • Benefits of facial massage
  • 4 good reasons to massage your face
  • Contraindications for facial massage
  • Correct facial massage technique
  • 3 mistakes in self-massage

Why facial massage is needed and what results it helps to achieve worries many representatives of the fair sex. In fact, it is an effective skin care routine. There are several types of massage, they differ in technique, duration, and the achieved effect. It would seem that with the development of modern hardware cosmetology, mediocre massage should become a thing of the past, but this is not so.

The beauty industry experts themselves are convinced that modern devices cannot replace the skill and warmth of human hands. Facial massage is still the most reliable and effective way to slow down aging. And in this article we will tell you in detail why.

Benefits of facial massage

Cosmetic massage helps to get rid of some aesthetic defects, as well as delay age-related changes and make their manifestations less noticeable. During a facial massage, biologically active points that are associated with the functioning of internal organs are affected. Due to the activation of receptors during the procedure, nerve impulses are transmitted to the brain. Massage makes the sebaceous glands work better, accelerates the lymph, stimulates the vascular and nervous systems, and affects the subcutaneous tissue. All this has a good effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. Cosmetic massage usually affects the face, neck and décolleté.

Different massage movements have their own tasks: stroking, for example, helps to relax and bring the nervous system into a calm state, and kneading or rubbing, on the contrary, excites it.

Why do you need a facial massage from a cosmetologist:

  • to improve metabolism and blood circulation;
  • to free body cells from toxins and decay products;
  • to regulate skin respiration;
  • to maintain facial muscle tone.

Taken together, this has a positive effect on well-being, appearance, and mood.

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The benefits of cosmetic massage, subject to regular sessions, are obvious:

  • the tone and elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes more toned;
  • complexion is noticeably transformed;
  • facial contours become clearer and more even;
  • wrinkles are smoothed, facial and neck muscles are strengthened;
  • the intensity of withering processes decreases;
  • there is less fat deposits;
  • the stratum corneum of the epidermis softens;
  • the double chin becomes less pronounced;
  • the face ceases to be swollen and puffy.

Another plus is that facial massage, as a rule, extends to the scalp, stimulating hair growth: it stops falling out and looks much better.

Indications for therapeutic massage

The type and number of therapeutic massage sessions is prescribed only by a doctor. Interestingly, this type of therapy is extremely effective for a wide variety of ailments. Indications for its use are numerous:

  • coronary disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • intestinal motility disorders;
  • bone fractures (at the rehabilitation stage);
  • sprains;
  • muscle tears;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • low/high blood pressure;
  • heart disease;
  • neuralgia at different stages;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • salt deposits;
  • diabetes;
  • scoliosis and other posture disorders;
  • flat feet;
  • obesity, etc.

It’s impossible to list all the diseases for which massage really helps. It is used in ophthalmology, surgery (during the recovery period), gynecology and other fields. Various massage techniques are widely used for the rehabilitation of injured patients and those experiencing functional disorders.

Contraindications for facial massage

In some cases, you will have to refuse facial massage, even when it is really needed. It is not time for the procedure if:

  • there are wounds, burns, scratches and other injuries on the face;
  • allergic rashes appeared, the skin turned red;
  • there are many moles and papillomas on the face and neck (you need to consult a doctor and get his approval);
  • there is a disease such as rosacea (massage is possible after a medical consultation and a doctor’s permission for the procedure, but it is better to have a professional one, in a cosmetology salon).

Recent facial cleansing or exfoliation is another reason to skip a massage. It should not be done if the body is in a painful state, especially if there is a fever.

Indications for use

Any woman should take care of her face with self-massage, and she should start as early as possible. Ideally, from the age of 20. The sooner you start, the longer your youth will last.

Self-massage of the face should become mandatory from the age of 30, when the skin becomes mature and the aging mechanisms begin. This procedure is as integral a part of life as brushing your teeth and washing your hair.

There is no upper age limit. Massage will have an effect at any age.

Correct facial massage technique

Improvisation is allowed in massage: the cosmetologist can determine the sequence, frequency and intensity of actions. But an individual approach to technology does not negate the need to comply with the basic requirements for the procedure. Even with creative execution, the main massage movements remain stroking, rubbing, vibrating and kneading.

As a rule, cosmetic massages are performed in beauty salons. During the procedure, the client sits comfortably on the couch, the massage therapist sits at the head of the chair. To prevent hair from getting in the way during the session, it is hidden under a disposable cap or secured with an elastic bandage. The neck and décolleté area is freed from clothing and jewelry. For a better relaxing effect, turn on pleasant music and light scented candles or an aroma lamp.

First, the skin is cleansed, then, depending on the type of massage, cream, oil or talc is applied. The session lasts 15–30 minutes. The duration and number of procedures also depends on the type of exposure.

The specialist performs all movements strictly along massage lines. First, he prepares the skin with relaxing strokes. Then he proceeds to rubbing, intensively affecting not only the face, but also the neck, shoulders and décolleté. This helps to dilate blood vessels in the skin and improve blood circulation. As a result, tissues receive more oxygen, are enriched with nutrients, and metabolic products are quickly eliminated from the body through the excretory system. Rubbing can relieve pain, so this massage is useful for neuritis and neuralgia.

When a massage therapist acts on the client’s body with oscillatory movements of various amplitudes and ranges, the therapeutic pulsation is transmitted to the muscles, nerves and internal organs, correcting their functioning.

Almost half of the procedure is performed with kneading and stroking movements; they are considered basic in massages of any type, as they lead to increased tone of the facial muscles, improved lymph outflow, and increased blood supply.

Effect of the procedure

As a result, you get a radiant, beautiful, youthful face.

  • The color became healthy and even, hyperpigmentation was reduced.
  • The turgor and tone of the skin have increased, sagging has been eliminated, and the relief has been leveled.
  • Wrinkles, folds and creases were smoothed out.
  • The cheeks were tightened, the jowls and nasolabial folds were gone.
  • The oval became clear, the double chin “resolved”.
  • The swelling, bags under the eyes, and puffiness are gone.
  • Cheekbones are outlined.
  • Eyebrows, eyelids, and corners of lips rose.
  • Ptosis (drooping) of tissues has decreased.
  • Lips have become fuller.
  • The nose has acquired a neat appearance, there is no pecking tip and a rough shape.
  • The skin is moderately moisturized, there is no peeling or oily sheen.
  • The rashes have decreased.
  • Acne marks, scars, scars have been erased.

How to prepare for a session

To get the maximum healing effect from a massage, you must:

  • eat no later than an hour before the session;
  • take a shower (skin should be clean);
  • remove jewelry from the hands and neck that may interfere with the procedure;
  • relax as much as possible during the manipulation so that the doctor’s hands do not encounter muscle resistance;
  • Lie quietly after the massage for 15 minutes.

If manipulations are performed on the abdominal area, the last meal should occur no later than 3 hours before the session. You should also check for open wounds or burns on the skin. They can make an initially pleasant massage extremely painful. Unpleasant sensations will not allow you to relax.

Experts do not recommend epilation of legs and other areas immediately before the procedure. Rubbing epilated skin is a dubious pleasure. In addition, inflammation may occur due to massage oil getting into micro-wounds and cuts.

How to do a sculpture massage?

Thanks to deep treatment of muscles and fascia, it makes the oval of the face clearer. In order to avoid slipping of fingers, use special wax or talc. First, the skin of the neck and chin is tightened, and then the remaining areas are massaged. When performing a sculptural massage, three techniques are used sequentially:

  • Tingling;
  • Vibration;
  • Intense pressure.

The entire face is treated for half an hour.

The deep layers of the skin are affected using a pinch massage. It cleanses pores, fights acne, normalizes the production of sebaceous glands, and improves lymph flow. The duration of one procedure should not exceed thirty minutes.

Students of the School of Masters study facial massage techniques for two main reasons: they want to start performing the procedure for their clients or they want to become younger and more beautiful themselves: without cosmetologists, injections and plastic surgeries. Do you also have such desires? We are waiting for you at online or offline training courses!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years

Self-massage at home: which one to choose

Do you want to help your face transform with a massage, but don’t know where to start?

First, choose self-massage, that is, knead your face yourself at home.

On your own, you take care of your face systematically and systematically, day after day. You understand him, you know what he needs, and you see the results in the mirror. In addition, self-massage is convenient (it is always at hand) and free.

Which techniques should you choose?

Classic self-massage of the face is a good option, but you need to remember that its capabilities are limited. As we have already said, it is designed to improve the condition of the skin, and not for rejuvenation, so it is more suitable for young girls.

We recommend that women of any age opt for deep self-massage. Its functionality is much wider. It solves the same problems as classic massage, only it also fights age-related changes: wrinkles, creases, nasolabial folds, jowls, extra chins, swollen ovals, ptosis of the upper eyelids, drooping corners of the lips, swelling, bags under the eyes.

Effective rejuvenating self-massage gets to the causes of aging, works not only at the skin level, but also:

  • at the level of muscles and fascia (myofascial techniques): eliminates muscle spasticity, restores their healthy tone, returns them to their natural length and elasticity,
  • relieves long-term stagnation of lymph, improves lymph drainage (lymphatic drainage techniques).

At the same time, you can start doing anti-aging self-massage as early as you like, even at 18-20 years old (the main thing is that the body is already formed by this moment). After all, deep tissue treatment not only eliminates age-related changes, but also prevents them. The sooner you start, the longer you will remain young and beautiful.

MelAnnett is considered the guru of anti-aging facial massage (and natural rejuvenation in general) in our country. Her online beauty marathons have already attracted millions of participants, and everyone has results.

If you’re not yet in the know, then it’s better to start working on yourself with the basic “SmeloNET” marathon. Here you will master the best self-massage techniques, including myofascial and lymphatic drainage. By completing a marathon, you will acquire a lot of useful habits that will prolong your youth for many years.

How to do self-massage at home

Would you like to try some rejuvenating self-massage techniques right now? We have prepared a selection of exercises from MelAnnett that are designed to solve various problems. Start by working on the areas that concern you the most.

TOP 10 anti-aging massage techniques from MelAnnett:

  1. Express facial skin lifting
  2. Elimination of eyebrow creases
  3. Elimination of wrinkles on the forehead
  4. Fighting bags under the eyes and crow's feet
  5. Smoothing nasolabial folds with tongue massage
  6. Raising the upper eyelids and opening the gaze
  7. Raising the corners of the mouth
  8. Fights wrinkles around the mouth and adds volume to lips
  9. Elimination of excess chins
  10. Giving the nose a neat and well-defined shape
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