How to choose cosmetics for facial care. Assembling the basic set

Facial toner - what is it?

Facial tonic is a leave-in water-based product (up to 95% distilled and/or thermal water in the composition) with active substances dissolved in it for skin care: moisturizing, softening, refreshing. Most often, toning completes the stage of skin cleansing - the product promotes better penetration of the active components of creams and serums. The key task of a facial tonic is to restore the acid-base balance (pH) of the skin after cleansing and prepare it for the application of care.

The importance of using cosmetics from the same company

Systemic cosmetic facial treatments involve the use of products from the same brand. After all, modern compounds are complex chemical compounds that can react with other substances. When developing a line of products, the characteristics of each component are taken into account, minimizing the risk of allergies or inflammation after use. In addition, all formulations complement each other, ensuring the greatest effectiveness.

When using creams, tonics and scrubs from different companies, be prepared to deal with the unpleasant manifestations of conflicting cosmetics. It is almost impossible to determine which substance caused an allergic reaction or skin irritation. At best, the condition of the epidermis will remain unchanged. But is it worth the money spent? Therefore, it is recommended to initially select a line of skin care products from one brand. Moreover, the modern cosmetology market offers a huge selection for all ages and skin types.

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Why do you need a facial toner?

The main condition for proper care is daily cleansing of the face twice a day: morning and evening. By cleansing the skin, we rid it of corneocytes (keratinized cells), while disrupting the natural protective barrier of the skin, consisting of sebum (sebum), microflora, lactic acid and sweat. This protective mantle forms the basis of the moisturizing factor (NMF).

The skin's hydrolipid barrier can be damaged due to non-compliance with washing recommendations: the use of overly aggressive cleansing products, incorrectly selected skin care, too frequent cleansing (more than 2 times a day), washing with too hot or cold water. As a result of the weakening of the protective barrier, the pH level is disrupted and the skin becomes sensitive, dry and irritated, itching, redness and inflammation appear.

Using a facial tonic will help normalize the pH level of the skin, which is disturbed during the cleansing process.

In addition, the product performs other important functions:

  • Delicately completes the cleansing process;
  • Serves as a conductor for the active components of care products (cream, mask, fluid, facial serum);
  • Prevents skin from feeling tight after washing with cleanser and hard tap water;
  • Moisturizes, softens, tones, refreshes, mattifies the skin, fights free radicals and the first signs of aging, depending on its type and needs;
  • With regular use of facial skin tonic, it evens out the tone and texture of the face, giving it a natural glow.

What is the difference between lotion and facial toner?

Tonic and lotion are products for toning the skin, participating in the final stage of care - cleansing. Both products are designed to restore skin pH and improve skin tone. But not many people know the difference between these two remedies.

  • Lotion
    comes from the Latin root “lotio”, meaning “wash”, and is an aqueous solution with active substances intended for the care of primarily oily skin. Lotion often contains alcohol-containing ingredients and is used as an additional cleansing step.
  • Tonic
    is a special solution that completes the cleansing procedure and prepares the skin for subsequent care. Cares for facial skin according to its type and needs.

What is the difference between toner and facial toner?

  • A water-based tonic
  • The toner
    has a denser texture and can be distributed over the face with your fingertips, without using a cotton pad. The main function of the toner is to intensively moisturize and soften the skin after cleansing.

Benefits of systemic facial care

Wrinkles are the first sign of aging. The reason for their appearance may be active facial expressions (facial muscles perform more than 15 thousand contractions daily), loss of moisture and collagen. At first, wrinkles appear in the form of so-called crow's feet in the eye area. If you do not perform systematic cosmetic facial care, deeper and more noticeable folds and furrows will form.

Another sign of skin aging is sagging, or ptosis. This phenomenon is a consequence of decreased keratin production in epidermal cells. Plus, the process of sebum formation, a special skin secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands, is disrupted. All this together makes the face dull, flabby and reveals the woman’s true age.

It's not just your face that needs to be taken care of. The skin of the hands also needs protection, because it is this part of the body that most often comes into contact with aggressive cleaning agents, is in the cold and under the scorching sun. Therefore, care should be more thorough. You need to choose not only those cosmetics that provide protection, but also nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating hand creams.

The following factors also affect the condition of the skin:

  • Photoaging. This process is caused by damage to the skin from sunlight. It appears in the form of pigment spots on the face, shoulders, and arms.
  • Hormonal changes. During menopause, the female body undergoes a global restructuring. First of all, the level of estrogen decreases, which is responsible for the condition of the skin.

No one is immune from age-related changes. However, you can maintain healthy and glowing skin for a long time if you use systemic cosmetic facial care. This includes a balanced diet, exercise, timely cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Types of toners: how to choose a product for your skin type

When answering the question: “what types of tonics are there?”, keep in mind that a good tonic should be selected according to the type and needs of the skin, on which the direction of the formula’s action depends:

  • For dry skin types
    , choose moisturizing facial tonics with powerful hydrofixing agents in the formula (glycerin, amino acids, aloe, hyaluronic acid).
  • For sensitive types,
    products with a soft, slightly oily structure that have a soothing and softening effect are suitable. The formulas of such tonics should not contain alcohol, fragrances, parabens and dyes.
  • For a normal type,
    choose a universal product based on hyaluronic acid, which helps moisturize and strengthen the protective properties of the skin.
  • For a combination type
    , use multi-toning (using two tonics for different skin types): moisturizing in the cheek area and mattifying in the T-zone. Or use a 2-in-1 product labeled “for combination type.”
  • For aging skin,
    choose products with an anti-age effect: lifting, increasing elasticity and density, deep hydration and smoothing wrinkles. Anti-aging toner formulas often include hyaluronic and glycolic acids and antioxidants (vitamins C and E, resveratrol).

Causes of skin aging

Over the years, our hormonal background , metabolic processes slow down. Natural proteins collagen and elastin (the building material of our skin) are produced more slowly and in smaller quantities , cell renewal occurs less intensively. The skin becomes less elastic, drier and thinner, and its protective properties are reduced. Also, due to the slowdown in cell renewal, keratinized cells do not exfoliate on their own and form a dense surface layer (keratosis process), in which the number of melanocytes responsible for pigmentation is increased. Pigment spots become more pronounced, and lentigo appears.

Signs of aging skin are:

  • age wrinkles;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • slow regeneration;
  • dryness;
  • tendency to peeling.

The causes of premature aging can be negative heredity, bad habits, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases, insufficient care and even poor ecology.

Anti-aging care is a set of measures (cosmetics, procedures, drugs, etc.) aimed at eliminating or softening the signs of aging on the skin of the face and body.

Composition of facial toners

The composition of the tonic directly depends on the needs and type of skin and the problems that need to be solved.

Below are the main components that are most often found in tonic bases:

  • Allantoin
    heals, relieves inflammation, irritation, tightens pores, softens the skin and promotes cell regeneration.
  • Hyaluronic acid
    deeply moisturizes, prevents moisture evaporation, smoothes wrinkles.
  • Glycerin
    softens, moisturizes, and retains moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Glycolic acid
    cleanses, exfoliates, softens, brightens the skin, smoothes out deep creases and folds.
  • Salicylic acid
    exfoliates, mattifies, tightens pores, and has a drying effect.
  • Simple alcohols
    provide an antibacterial effect, enhance the penetration of active ingredients into the dermis and serve to stabilize the formula.
  • Thermal water
    from French volcanic springs enriches the dermis with vitamins and minerals, nourishes, strengthens, protects, moisturizes, neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, and soothes.
  • Zinc
    is an indispensable component in tonics for oily, problem skin. Relieves inflammation, dries, controls oily shine.
  • Plant extracts
    are universal and have a wide range of effects: strengthen blood vessels, relieve irritation, rejuvenate, tighten pores, fight harmful bacteria, and have an antioxidant effect.


The final stage of care is the application of moisturizer.

Thanks to moisture and water balance, our skin looks fresh and healthy. It is very important to choose a moisturizer according to your age and skin type (pay attention to the manufacturers' recommendations).

Cream-care La Roche-Posay Hyalu B5 anti-wrinkle moisturizing

– the hyaluronic acid complex provides intense skin hydration, increased tone and elasticity. Vitamin B5 soothes and accelerates the restoration of the skin barrier. Suitable for all skin types.

Balm Vichy (Vichy) Neovadiol Majistral for the face nourishing for very dry and weakened skin during menopause

– restores skin density, increases elasticity, reconstructs the oval of the face. Has a unique balm texture. Gently envelops the skin, leaving a feeling of comfort. Created on the basis of natural oils, it is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving a feeling of greasy or shiny.

Expert cream Librederm Anti-age Grape stem cells for face, neck and décolleté

– the composition includes an innovative active ingredient – ​​grape stem cells, which act within 6 hours after applying the cream, protecting the skin from free radicals and providing a strong anti-aging effect.

Innature face cream with lifting effect

– a natural face cream with a lifting effect that maximally nourishes, protects and maintains skin elasticity, and stimulates the process of cell regeneration. The complex of extracts of heather, silk tree, black elderberry, tamarisk and orchid contains a unique set of vitamins that normalize metabolic processes in cells and preserve the beauty and youth of the skin.

Cream Avene Anti-redness Jour anti-redness moisturizing cream for very dry and sensitive skin SPF20 daytime

– returns the skin to a healthy appearance, removes discomfort caused by excessive dryness.

Cream Bioderma (Bioderma) Sensibio Rish for dry and very dry sensitive skin

– quickly quenches redness and a feeling of heat, returning the skin to a state of comfort. Moisturizes, intensively nourishes the skin, restores its barrier functions, allowing you to avoid the negative effects of environmental factors. The delicate texture of Sensibio Riche makes the skin soft and elastic.

Cream Vichy (Vichy) Liftactive Specialist Collagen for the face day

– a natural cream at the cellular level stimulates the skin’s own resources to resist aging, activating collagen production.

To achieve a more powerful effect, you can add a couple of drops of concentrated serum to the cream.

Peeling serum Vichy Liftactive Specialist Glyco-S anti-aging night

– returns natural radiance to the skin, improves its tone and fights pigmentation. The peeling serum works while you sleep. The gentle formula delicately exfoliates and moisturizes the skin.

Serum La Roche-Posay Vitamin C10 for face and neck

– visually reduces superficial and deep wrinkles. Improves complexion. The salicylic acid included in the composition smoothes the surface of the skin due to its exfoliating effect.

Gel-serum Vichy Mineral 89 for all skin types

– helps restore normal pH of the skin, regenerates and protects the epidermis, which increases the barrier properties of the skin and helps retain moisture in it.

How to use toner correctly

It is recommended to use tonic after each facial cleansing procedure: twice a day. Avoid the eye area when applying cosmetics unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. There are two ways to apply toner to the skin.

1. Using a cotton pad along the massage lines:

  • Moisten a cotton pad with toner and lightly move from the center of the forehead to the temples, one smoothing motion on each side;
  • Then walk with a cotton pad from the wings of the nose to the ears;
  • Distribute the toner from the center of the chin to the ears;
  • The final stage: from the space between the eyebrows to the tip of the nose.

2. Cloth napkin (suitable for sensitive skin types):

  • Soak a cloth napkin or pharmaceutical gauze folded in 2-3 layers well with the tonic composition and apply tightly to your face, like a fabric mask, for a few seconds.

Contraindications for facial biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is considered a cosmetic rejuvenation procedure that is safe for health. However, in some cases, doctors recommend abstaining from it to avoid side effects. So, relative contraindications are:

  • any diseases accompanied by fever;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes on the face, for example, demodicosis, which are important to first cure before the procedure;
  • neoplasms, including moles and birthmarks.

Professional cosmetologists know that performing biorevitalization, including non-invasive, through tumors can be fraught with harm to the patient’s health, but next to them, if the formation is not malignant, it is allowed.
Absolute contraindications:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncology;
  • intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • keloid scars;
  • epilepsy.

The best facial toners: La Roche-Posay rating

Below are the best La Roche-Posay toning products. The dermatological laboratory of the French brand occupies a leading position in world ratings and reviews of pharmacy cosmetics.

Effaclar Pore Tightening Lotion for oily, blemish-prone skin types


Pore ​​tightening lotion

Effectively fights oily shine, mattifies the skin for a long time, providing a light exfoliating effect due to the LHA acid in the composition. Reduces pores and helps smooth out skin texture.

RUB 1,468 more details


This is an almost transparent care solution enriched with active ingredients. At first glance, it looks like ordinary water, but it contains a variety of acids, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and nutritional elements. Liquid moisturizer deeply cleanses pores, moisturizes, refreshes and tones. Even a small amount will remove dead cells and saturate every cell with useful elements.

The main ingredients may vary depending on the type and shade chosen:

  • pale pink - has a calming effect;
  • sky blue is refreshing;
  • light green will help deal with problem areas.

Types of facial skin cleansing by depth of impact

Even if you follow all the steps of cleansing (makeup removal, washing, toning), your skin may still look dull, problematic and uneven. Sound familiar? Then maybe it's time for you to try deep cleaning. It will help get rid of impurities at a deep level and cleanse pores of sebaceous plugs - the main “sponsors” of acne and skin imperfections.


Superficial facial cleansing includes makeup removal, washing with gel or foam, toning, and exfoliation.


Deep cleansing most often begins with a steaming procedure, which opens up the pores. In the salon, special devices are used for this, and at home, you can hold your face over a bowl of hot water, take a shower, or use a special mask with a steaming effect. Garnier has this one in its arsenal!

It is the masks that are responsible for deep cleansing the skin at home. And in the salon you can be offered several cosmetic procedures at once:

  • Manual cleaning - carried out manually by a cosmetologist. Of course, you can try to squeeze out a pimple at home, but a cosmetologist will remove imperfections under maximum sterility.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning is carried out using ultrasonic waves that break down blackheads, pimples and comedones.
  • Vacuum cleaning - impurities are pushed to the surface of the skin using a vacuum.
  • Galvanic cleansing - affects the skin, previously treated with a chemical solution, with electric current.
  • Chemical cleansing - fruit acids applied to the surface of the skin remove the stratum corneum, cleanse pores and even out the texture.

Cleansing rules

To ensure that all stages of daily cleansing of your facial skin benefit you exclusively, remember a few key rules for cleansing your skin.

  1. Under no circumstances should you actively rub your skin when washing.
  2. If a product with a gel texture is used for cleansing, it should be applied with soft massage circular movements.
  3. When washing, be sure to also treat the skin of your neck.
  4. Under no circumstances should you go to bed without washing off your makeup. If you are literally falling off your feet from fatigue, keep wet wipes on your bedside table and at least wipe your face with them.
  5. After cleansing, do not rub your skin with a towel. It is enough to lightly blot it, or even better, walk over it with a cotton pad.


If you can’t imagine yourself without weekly scrubs, try using folk remedies as peeling. Coffee, sugar, salt, oatmeal or corn flour perfectly exfoliate dead cells - all these products can be easily bought even in the poorest village store. It is better to apply the scrub only to problem areas of the skin - the T-zone and chin.

We hope our recommendations for properly cleansing your facial skin will be useful to you. Take care of yourself and your skin will always be flawless!


  1. Baumann Leslie, Cosmetic Dermatology. Principles and practice, publishing house: MEDpress-inform, 2016
  2. Habiff Thomas P., Clinical Dermatology. Acne-like and papulosquamous dermatoses, publishing house: MEDpress-inform, 2014
  3. V.V. Chebotarev, N.V. Chebotareva, M.S. Askhakov, E.V. Bronnikova, Sensitive skin: causes, methods of therapy, journal Medical Bulletin of the North Caucasus, 2015

What products can be used to tone dry skin?

Mineral water can be used as a tonic and moisturizing composition. It has a mild effect and normalizes pH levels. If you are prone to dryness, slightly mineralized waters with a low salt content are suitable. The disadvantage of mineral water is its short shelf life: after opening, the contents of the bottle must be used within three days, which means you will have to buy tonic often.

Hydrolates—solutions containing essential oil compositions—are also suitable for caring for dry skin. Contrary to popular belief, hydrolates have neither a healing nor a healing effect. They provide a light tonic and moisturizing effect and smell very pleasant.

Fact. You can use hydrolate if there are no skin problems. If you are concerned about excessive dryness, irritation, or flaking, you should choose a moisturizing or soothing tonic for dry skin.

You can also make a homemade toner for dry skin. Melt water, decoctions of chamomile and mint, and infusion of rose leaves are used for this purpose. These products can be used continuously if the epidermis does not respond with redness or peeling, or a course to treat areas of redness and irritation. Chamomile infusion has a good antiseptic effect, which is suitable for irritated dry skin.

But using home remedies all the time is not very convenient. Their shelf life is short - only a few days. Therefore, purchased products are usually the best alternative.


The choice of care product should be made based on the identified problems. The market for cosmetic products is so wide that it can be difficult to choose something suitable, however, you can still highlight some favorites and a description of why facial tonic is useful.

1. Soothing Tonic from La Roche-Posay is a well-known French company that includes thermal water from natural sources, and their effect is enhanced by elderberry and French rose extract. Soap, parabens, dyes and alcohol are completely excluded. It effectively removes makeup residue, cleanses, moisturizes, adds radiance, and is suitable for washing the eyelids. But if you are looking for an equally high-quality budget analogue, then we can recommend the pink one from the manufacturer Garnier. Both products are ideal for dry skin.

2. To eliminate oily shine and treat problems, NORMADERM from VISHY is suitable. After cleaning with this tonic, the pores are significantly narrowed, acne and other rashes are treated. Of the cheaper options, the cleansing and mattifying cleanser “Clean Skin” from Garnier or the exfoliating lotion Perfect skin toner from Biotherm, which has a micro-peeling effect, have proven themselves to be good.

3. For fading and aging acne-prone skin, it is recommended to buy Blemish+Age Solution from Skinceuticals. It exfoliates, nourishes, removes impurities, and maintains elasticity.

4. For normal, L'Oreal has developed “Endless Freshness” and “Luxury Nutrition. Extraordinary oil." They will give a healthy glow, refresh and cleanse. No less effective are preparations with “Basic Care” grape extract from the famous company Garnier. Softening and toning are the two main tasks that it successfully copes with.

Be sure to get into the habit of properly caring for the delicate skin of your face and neck. Strict adherence to all stages and correctly selected liquids allow you to preserve beauty and health for a long time. The positive effect will not take long to appear, and daily morning and evening procedures will bring only pleasure.

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