Facial care in the sea and sun: how to care for your skin in the heat

To keep your skin in good condition, you need to choose the right care. During the cold season, the skin suffers from frost, wind, dry indoor air, lack of sunlight and sudden temperature changes. Therefore, in winter, care is aimed at combating the influence of these factors on the skin. In summer it's the other way around. Ultraviolet radiation has a particularly negative effect. If you use the same care from season to season, not paying attention to changes outside the window, then this is fraught with a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin.

Features of facial skin care in summer

Taking care of your facial skin is important at any time of the year. The only thing is that this care will vary depending on the season. In winter and summer it is necessary to use different means.

In summer, the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, high temperatures, and sometimes high humidity. All these negative factors contribute to increased sebum and sweating, enlarged pores, sunburn, skin dehydration, and hyperpigmentation. Therefore, in the summer, you need to choose a care that will protect your skin from these negative factors.

Salon treatments

As for salon procedures, summer is traditionally a low season in cosmetology.

Firstly, because in the summer people often go on vacation - to the sea, to the countryside, to nature. Secondly, because many aggressive procedures, such as chemical peels and laser resurfacing, are not recommended during the summer.

Body care is the most popular in the summer - anti-cellulite massage, body wraps and similar procedures, because everyone wants to prepare the body for the beach season or a trip to the resort.

As for facial cosmetology, the most universal are procedures for moisturizing the skin - such procedures are suitable for everyone, regardless of age and skin type, especially after prolonged exposure to the sun.

And also in the summer, it makes sense to visit a cosmetologist for salon care for a problem - anti-rosacea care for sensitive skin, anti-inflammatory care for acne-prone skin, lymphatic drainage for a tendency to edema, because in the summer heat all these problems can worsen.

Sun protection

Sun rays provoke pigmentation, aggravate acne and its marks. It is the sun that has a significant effect on skin aging. Under the sun's rays, melanin begins to be actively produced, which changes the color of the skin, giving it a tan. Sunburn significantly increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Cells perceive UV rays as harmful. They have a particularly negative effect on thin, fair skin. These rays dry the skin, make it thinner, reduce elasticity, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself from the sun.

First, choose a good sunscreen. To do this, several factors must be taken into account:

  • SPF Translated, it means “sun protection factor”. The higher this indicator, the more effective the protection. SPF 15 protects against 93% of UV rays, and SPF 30 protects against 97%. A higher degree of protection (from SPF 30 to SPF 100) should be chosen by people with fair and thin skin.
  • Does the product protect against both UVB and UVA rays? UVB refers to ultraviolet rays that cause burns, while UVA refers to skin aging. Therefore, make sure that the packaging contains information about the wide range.
  • Product type. Spray or cream? Creams are easier and safer to apply because they cannot be accidentally inhaled, unlike a spray. There are also cosmetics with SPF. Foundation, for example. But they are unlikely to provide adequate sun protection. It is better to apply sunscreen first and then apply foundation.

How else can you protect yourself from the sun in summer:

  • Hide in the shadows. Try not to be in the sun during the day, at least from ten in the morning to four in the evening. Don't forget that UVA rays even penetrate glass. That's why we came up with various sun protection films for windows.
  • Wear clothing that covers the entire body. This includes trousers and sweaters with long sleeves. Be sure to wear hats.
  • To wear glasses. If you do not wear glasses that protect against UV radiation, you increase the risk of developing tumors in the eye area. And as you age, you are more likely to develop cataracts or macular degeneration.

Protection against moisture loss

Excess sun and low humidity levels lead to dry skin. Therefore, in order to keep your skin in good condition in summer, you need to properly moisturize it. What is needed for this:

  • Emulsions and fluids. These products have a light texture. They are suitable for normal, dry and mature skin.
  • Moisturizing creams for the skin around the eyes. The skin in this area is thin and sensitive, so make sure that the cream contains aloe, chamomile, mint or calendula extract. Some products contain vitamin B5, which helps restore and heal the skin.
  • Soothing gels. They can be used at any age. During the day, be sure to use products with hyaluronic acid and BB creams with UV protection.
  • Moisturizing masks. They should be done two to three times a week on a regular basis. There are fabric options to save time.
  • Toning. These products moisturize, improve complexion, and exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin. Choose toners that do not contain alcohol, as it severely dehydrates even oily skin. An alternative to tonics are hydrolates. They are obtained using steam distillation. This method involves forcing steam through flowers or beneficial herbs and then collecting the resulting condensate. Therefore, all useful substances do not disappear anywhere. We recommend trying hydrosol from Beauty365.

Day makeup

The more layers your daytime summer makeup has, the more intense the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands will be. Therefore, it will be very good if you limit yourself to a light moisturizer and then apply loose powder, or use only BB cream for your face makeup (for example, Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream Blooming Fit SPF30/PA). A good option is a foundation with SPF.

A foundation for daytime summer makeup should contain protective and moisturizing components, as well as antioxidants to protect against free radicals and vitamins.

Daytime summer eye makeup should be as natural as possible. You should definitely use a base for the shadows - it will help prevent oily shine and correct minor imperfections. It is not recommended to use cream and liquid shadows - they will roll off. The best option would be crumbly mineral ones, which, moreover, act as an adsorbent.

Minimize the use of decorative cosmetics

If you use the same cosmetics in summer as in winter, then you can say goodbye to the feeling of comfort. In addition, such makeup is unlikely to withstand hot weather. In summer, you should replace winter cosmetics with a dense texture with a lighter one that allows the skin to “breathe.” If you can’t live without makeup, then here are some tips on how to make it lighter:

  1. Replace rich foundation with oil serum.
  2. Replace thick foundation with a light BB cream.
  3. Choose waterproof products so that they do not “melt” on the skin.
  4. Try not to use powder so as not to clog your pores. Instead, you can fix your makeup with a fixative spray. In addition, it will also moisturize the skin.

Vitamin diet

In addition to cosmetics for care, it is also necessary to select vitamin preparations and supplements to protect the skin as much as possible from exposure to UV rays.

What can help:

  • Vitamin C.
    This antioxidant stimulates the production of elastin fibers and collagen, and also slows down the aging process of the skin and renews it.
  • Vitamin E.
    In addition to slowing down aging and restoring the skin, it also tightens it, helps fight pigmentation and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Vitamin B1
    also improves skin elasticity and fights wrinkles and irritation.
  • Vitamin B7
    supports the beauty and health of skin, hair and nails. It improves complexion, restores skin elasticity and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Omega-3.
    These acids have an anti-inflammatory effect, protect the skin from flaking, prevent collagen from breaking down and maintain skin elasticity.

All vitamins should be taken with caution. Even in the case of them, there are contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor first.

Care for oily skin in summer

In the summer, oily skin becomes even more capricious. The sun's rays increase sebum production, causing the skin to become shiny. And if you also apply foundation with a dense texture, then you are guaranteed clogged pores.

To cleanse, buy special products for oily skin. They contain components that reduce sebum production and soothe inflamed areas.

Try to wash your face with cool water, as warm and hot water stimulates the work of the sebaceous glands.

In summer, those with oily skin should use gels, sebum-regulating serums or light emulsions with a mattifying effect. Homemade peels can also help.

Use special cleansing masks for oily skin, for example, with clay. They adsorb excess sebum, thus helping to reduce and cleanse pores.

We protect

No matter how beautiful the shade of chocolate is, unfortunately, tanning is the number one cause of skin aging.

Yes, tanning helps mask skin imperfections, but summer is still the time to take care of your beauty.

Home treatments

Buy products with protection of at least 15 SPF for walking around the city and 30 for beach holidays.

Switch to creams and serums with antioxidants. They can be recognized by the presence of a series of vitamins: Q10, C, E and K. They help reduce the influence of free radicals, which begin to activate under the rays of the hot sun. Don't forget to take vitamin complexes. Vegetables and fruits enriched with antioxidants should always be present on the table. Lean on them more. You can recognize them by their bright colors (citrus, cherry, etc.)

Salon procedures.

There is a procedure called “mesotherapy with cocktails of amino acids and peptides.” Treat yourself to it. You will see how the skin structure is strengthened and the protection against cellular oxidation processes is enhanced.

Don't forget a wide-brimmed hat and glasses to avoid the appearance of new wrinkles.

Care for combination skin in summer

Combination skin is characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous glands in the T-zone. The skin in this area may be very oily while other areas are dry. For this type of skin it is necessary to choose special care.

To cleanse combination skin in summer, you need to use milk, foam or gel. You should also apply a scrub once or twice a week. Combination skin should not be washed with soap and hot water, as this can cause comedones. To avoid this, look for the following components:

  • Almond oil
  • Peach kernel oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Oleic alcohol
  • Isostearic alcohol
  • Isopropyl isostearate
  • Butyl stearate

A good toner for combination skin should contain anti-inflammatory components such as panthenol, zinc, salicylic acid and herbal extracts.

Choose creams with SPF of at least 30, preferably with chamomile or sage. They shouldn't be greasy. Masks should be made of clay. It is recommended to do moisturizing masks once every two weeks in the summer, but it is better to forget about nutritional masks until the cold weather arrives.

What needs to be changed in home body care

Habitual cosmetics begin to behave differently in the hot season. Therefore, it would be advisable to temporarily abandon something and replace something with a more suitable remedy.

What to add

Home care products should be selected according to your skin type. For oily skin, you definitely need to change the cream to a lighter one, which will not cause inflammation and will not overload the skin. Suitable products for combination skin with a mattifying effect. If the skin is dry, then it is important to add hydration and nutrition, such as night masks.

It’s definitely worth adding eye cream if you haven’t used it before. After all, the skin of the eyelids is very thin, and in the summer we constantly squint in the sun, plus it also dries out under the influence of sunlight. It is better to choose a nourishing eye cream, for example with vitamin E, and apply it morning and evening.

On a note

In summer, do not spray perfume on your skin - this can lead to pigmentation and irritation. Spray the perfume into the air or enter a “cloud” to let the scent linger on your hair and clothes.

Products with vitamin C are also relevant in summer, which gives the skin a more beautiful tone. And with vitamin K, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It will prevent rosacea and the appearance of redness on the face, which can occur due to temperature changes or frequent flights. Of course, these are only general recommendations; it is better to select care from a doctor based on your skin.

Sunscreen sprays in the form of a light, weightless veil are also very convenient in summer. We know that SPF should be applied every 2-3 hours, and not once in the morning. Sprays will help solve this problem; you can take one in your purse to work and periodically spray it on your face.

What to refuse

We definitely remove products that contain acids: AHA and salicylic. Also all creams are based on retinoids. In winter, these are very good means for combating pigmentation, brightening the face, evening out tone, and eliminating fine wrinkles. But in summer they increase the risk of pigmentation. It is better to put them in the refrigerator door so that you can take them out in mid-October and continue using them.

It is also necessary to avoid citrus essential oils. In summer, under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation, they can cause skin pigmentation

In summer, it is advisable to minimize makeup, especially those that cover the skin. If it is not possible to refuse completely, replace the products with similar ones, but with a lighter texture, water-based or fluids.

Any abrasive procedures that injure tissue: (peelings, laser procedures, photo procedures) must be postponed to the autumn-winter period, when there will be no solar activity. Otherwise, there is a danger of getting permanent skin pigmentation. Laser treatments are also undesirable because they further dry out the skin, which is already dry due to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Choose the right deodorant

There is a very large variety of deodorants on store shelves. They have different compositions and different release forms.

Over the course of a long winter, we usually get used to one deodorant that suits us completely. But when summer comes, it may suddenly turn out that the good old deodorant is not doing its job. It sometimes happens that using the same deodorant in hot weather leads to irritation and other unpleasant sensations on the skin. What to do?

First of all, you need to change the rules for using deodorant. In all advertisements for these products, deodorant is used without going outside. But in the summer, when it’s hot, it’s much more effective to use deodorant before bed, after a shower. Moreover, apply to dry skin. At night, people sweat much less than during the day, so anti-perspirant products are absorbed better and work more effectively even the next day.

If skin irritation occurs, you need to take a closer look at “long-lasting” deodorants. Thus, the impact of the substances included in the deodorant will be reduced to once or twice a week. This will help get rid of irritation caused by daily use of the anti-sweat product.

If there is persistent irritation from using deodorant, products based on natural ingredients will be the best choice. They effectively remove the smell of sweat, disinfect the skin and absorb moisture.

Care products

Day face cream. In summer, try to use creams with light textures and reduce the number of layers of makeup to a minimum. In winter, applying different products to the skin in several layers is normal, as this is additional protection for the skin. But in the summer it is better to refrain from this and, at most, apply only moisturizer and loose powder. The more layers of makeup you wear, the more your sebaceous and sweat glands begin to work.

The summer care cream must contain the following components:

  • Moisturizing agents (urea, hyaluronic acid, collagen, etc.)
  • Antioxidants (vitamins C, E, which protect the skin from damage by free radicals formed under the influence of sunlight)

If you have sensitive skin, then you should include anti-rosacea products in your care, which contain not only moisturizing and skin-protecting substances, but also components that strengthen the vascular wall, reduce redness and have an anti-edematous effect (arnica extract, horse chestnut, panthenol, rutin ).

For problem skin, you should add an anti-inflammatory mask to your care, which relieves the inflammatory reaction during acne exacerbation.

The main thing is cleanliness

Keeping your body clean is the main summer concern. Everyone knows that in the summer we sweat a lot. Our skin cleanses itself, releasing sweat in large quantities, mixing with dirt and dust, pores become clogged and, as a result, irritation appears.

Therefore, the first and most important rule of summer body care is to wash as often as possible. Take a cool, or best of all, contrast shower several times a day. It is not at all necessary to use detergents, gels and scrubs. With frequent use, soaps and gels dry out the skin. A short contrast shower will be enough to wash away all the dust, give you a boost of energy and improve your mood.

If you are used to using scrubs on your skin, use gentle scrubs during the summer months. When choosing industrially produced skin care products, you need to focus on the following points:

  • constituent components (the first six components are the main positions);
  • smell (a strong aroma symbolizes an overabundance of chemicals);
  • cost-quality ratio (high price does not prove quality and effectiveness).

And it’s better to temporarily, for the summer, completely abandon scrubs, simply adding ground skin to your shower gel. Skin particles that fall with the gel on a washcloth will quite successfully and very delicately cleanse your skin of the remnants of dead epidermis. By the way, the skin in the form of a light scrub will not only cleanse the skin, but also increase its tone, make it soft and wifely.

Home Remedies Recipes

There are many recipes with mint. It is believed that it copes well with problem skin. For example, to get rid of acne, it is recommended to mix crushed mint leaves with rose water. Mint juice also helps with swelling and dark circles.

Strawberries contain vitamins A, C, D, B6, K, citric and salicylic acids, phytoncides and pectyl substances. A strawberry mask helps even out skin tone, moisturize, soften and cleanse it. To do this, you need to mix two tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of olive oil and about nine berries. Apply the resulting mixture for 15 minutes.

Everyone knows masks made from cucumber slices for the eyes, as they help to quickly cope with swelling. But that's not all the cucumber struggles with. It is also good for treating oily skin. To do this, take half a cucumber, aloe vera and a tablespoon of honey. Make cucumber puree in a blender and mix everything with honey and aloe. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes.

First, give them something to drink, feed, and heat the bathhouse!

We managed to moisturize and cleanse the skin, but it’s time to nourish it.

  1. Use natural fruits as cosmetics.
  2. Use creams with shea butter, allantoin and nourishing masks.
  3. Enjoy fruits, vegetables, herbs, juices. The skin will be grateful. It is interesting to carry out a detox diet: exclude proteins and fats from the diet for a couple of days, taking advantage of the fact that you don’t want to eat in the heat.
  4. Among salon procedures, cosmetologists recommend mesotherapy, which saturates the skin with vitamins.

Experts do not prohibit Botox injections and filler correction in the summer. As well as such effective procedures as focused ultrasound and non-surgical facelift. Different types of massage will benefit you all year round. These can be vacuum, sculptural, relaxation massage and lymphatic drainage techniques for the face.

Here's what you absolutely can't do in the summer:

  • chemical peels (with the exception of acne treatment)
  • laser rejuvenation, photorejuvenation
  • phototherapy and fractional thermolysis
  • laser hair removal
  • cryomassage
  • removal of tattoos, warts, papillomas, moles, spider veins, age spots

Summer is a time of relaxation and entertainment, impressions and youth of soul. Don't forget to give rejuvenation to your face too!

Cleansing facial skin in summer

Typically, the skin needs to be cleansed at least twice a day. But in the hot season, sweating is increased, so most likely you will have to do this more often. Washing with water alone is also not enough. If it is not possible to wash, then wet wipes, tonic or mineral water will come to the rescue.

Be sure to remove any remaining makeup using micellar water or another makeup remover. Then wash with soft gel or foam. Pay attention to their composition so as not to dry out your skin. In general, try not to use products that contain SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulfate).

Here are some tips on how to keep your skin clear in the heat:

  1. Carry mattifying wipes with you if you have oily skin. They are easy and convenient to wipe your face from sweat and oily shine.
  2. Do not wash your face with tap water. It is better to use bottled liquid or hydrolates for this.
  3. In summer, change your face towels more often, as bacteria multiply more actively on them during this period. The same applies to bed linen.


During hot periods, your skin also needs hydration, just like you.

Home treatments.

The presence of hyaluronic acid in thermal sprays, moisturizing masks and creams helps maintain optimal hydration of skin cells. So try to use them.

To increase the cosmetic effect of sprays with water from thermal springs, it is better to use it before applying the cream. It is recommended to use masks with moisturizing ingredients, which are recommended to be left overnight for a more enhanced effect.

Salon procedures.

On days of greatest solar activity, it is not recommended to carry out a greater number of procedures. However, there are some that will only bring benefits just before the heat starts. One of these procedures is biorevitalization. It involves injections of hyaluronic acid. Biorevitalization carried out in advance helps create a balance of skin cell hydration throughout the hot period. There are exceptions here - some are not suitable for injections due to the fact that they are painful to tolerate, and also due to some contraindications, which are discussed in advance in the salon.

An alternative procedure is ultrasound or pressure injection of drugs. The penetration will be less deep, but the result will please you.

What is undesirable to use in the summer

In summer, you should avoid using high concentration AHA acids. To determine the degree of concentration, simply look at the composition of the product. If acids are in second or third place, then the concentration is high. They create an acid peeling effect. Thanks to these acids, the skin actively gets rid of dead cells. It becomes “naked” and defenseless to the sun, which leads to pigmentation and premature photoaging.

Also, in summer you should not clean your skin. Performing these procedures during the hot season will lead to pigmentation.

Before sunbathing, do not apply products with retinol and retinoids to your skin. Retinol greatly dries the skin, making it more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

Want to learn more skin care hacks and more? Then come to the “Flourish” marathon, where you will learn about the best self-massage techniques against wrinkles, the relationship between the spine and organ problems, as well as the best ways to cleanse the body. And that is not all. Read more about the marathon below.

Types of cosmetics for summer

In fact, there is no clear definition of “summer” cosmetics. All cosmetics aimed at solving facial skin problems that arise due to elevated air temperatures can be considered summer.

One of the most important features of facial skin care in summer is constant protection from ultraviolet radiation. UV filters are included in day creams and foundations, but they alone will not be enough. Especially if you spend warm days outside the city or near the sea. Therefore, your cosmetic bag must have sun protection products for your face. Special creams should be carried with you and periodically applied to the skin throughout the day.

Protective products should be applied even if you plan to leave the house for just a few minutes. SPF protection should be at least 10, and if you plan to be in the sun for a long time, choose sun protection products with an SPF factor of 30-50, for example, Holy Land Sunbrella SPF30 or Yadah Oh My Sun Slush SPF50+.

Daily moisturizers should have a light texture and also contain sunscreen ingredients. It is not recommended to use cosmetics with salicylic and glycolic acid, as well as retinols in the summer - these products only increase the effects of the sun on the skin.

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