Apilak facial ointment for wrinkles. Instructions for use, reviews

Many mothers face the problem of lack of breast milk. The reasons for such a failure can be very different; in such a situation, the child suffers the most. In this situation, doctors often prescribe Apilak, a drug of natural origin. Before use, you should get to know the drug better.

Why it is necessary to eliminate the causes of wrinkles

Along with the use of apilak ointment, it is necessary to remember the causes of wrinkles:
incorrectly selected cosmetics genetic predisposition lack of sleep overwork improper makeup removal improper functioning of the endocrine glands lack of teeth in the cheek area sudden weight loss excessive use of powder weak facial muscles sedentary lifestyle bad mood poor nutrition skin too often washing and degreasing the face alcohol physical and mental overwork overwork lack of sleep nervous overstrain, stress poor nutrition smoking influence of ultraviolet radiation natural aging excessive mobility of the face lack of fresh air dehydration of the skin excessive fatness poor ecology cold and wind features of the facial structure incorrect posture during sleep excessive facial tension

If they are not eliminated, the effect of apilak ointment will wear off very quickly.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles Solcoseryl ointment with dimexide for old wrinkles Solcoseryl ointment for deep wrinkles Ointments for wrinkles Solcoseryl gel for facial wrinkles around the eyes Relief ointment for wrinkles and bruises under the eyes Hydrocortisone ointment for wrinkles with Botex effects Radevit ointment for wrinkles for nourishing and moisturizing the skin Dimexide for wrinkles to replace Botox Heparin ointment for fine wrinkles Curiosin ointment or gel for wrinkles Spermaceti ointment for wrinkles Zinc ointment: when used correctly helps against wrinkles Lanolin ointment for wrinkles for smoothing the skin Panthenol ointment for wrinkles for skin regeneration Methyluracil ointment for wrinkles for restoration skin Ichthyol ointment for a network of wrinkles Tetracycline ointment for wrinkles Salicylic ointment for fine wrinkles Bepanten ointment for wrinkles to normalize metabolism Sulfur ointment for facial wrinkles around the eyes Actovegin ointment for wrinkles Ointment with hyaluronic acid for deep wrinkles Redecyl ointment for wrinkles for skin regeneration Ointment Advance Anti-wrinkle relief with omega acids Apilak anti-wrinkle ointment to nourish the skin

How to use correctly

Apilak is a facial ointment, reviews of which are mostly positive, applied to dry, clean skin in a thin layer. The frequency of applications depends on the type of application.

Traditionally, Apilak is used 1 or 2 times daily during the course of treatment:

  • To eliminate seborrhea . The formations are lubricated in the morning and evening, applying a thin layer of ointment and simultaneously rubbing into the skin. To eliminate dense layering, a fabric bandage is applied to the affected area. Creating a compress is justified if seborrhea looks like hardened dry scales. The maximum period for using ointment for seborrhea is 2 months.
  • For healing . If small wounds have formed on the face after acne or boils, the ointment is applied pointwise, squeezing a small amount of the drug onto the affected area. The product is left until completely absorbed and used twice a day, morning and evening.
  • To eliminate acne . Apilak is applied to problem areas in the morning and evening, the procedure is repeated daily. Each formation is treated with a clean cotton swab or cotton swab. Spot treatment promotes rapid healing and prevents the rash from spreading to nearby areas. Apilak is applied morning and evening until improvements appear.
  • From wrinkles. Apilak ointment can be applied to thin sensitive skin located under the eyes. It's best to do this before bed. Using your fingertips, carefully distribute the ointment under the eyes without stretching the skin. The course of treatment or prevention can last from 14 to 30 days, then the skin is provided with a rest period. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

Composition and properties of the ointment

Apilak ointment is a development of Estonian pharmacists. Available in metal tubes of 30 or 50 ml. The substance is medium thick, milky in color, and has a subtle specific odor.

The product is used to treat various skin diseases: seborrhea, eczema. Helps eliminate skin irritation, diaper rash, acne. Used for hair loss. Being an adaptogen, it helps the skin adapt to negative external influences.

It has virtually no contraindications, so it is permissible to use the ointment even during pregnancy. It is unacceptable to use the medication if you are allergic to any beekeeping product or have an individual intolerance.

The main component of the ointment is royal jelly. Bees use it to raise new young offspring. Feeding on it, young individuals reach maturity in a few days. The queen also feeds on it.

This substance includes more than 400 different components that are in perfect harmony with each other. Scientists have not yet been able to uncover the entire composition of this substance. Some components that were discovered in its composition are unique and are no longer found in nature. It was also not possible to create this substance artificially.

The amino acids included in the beekeeping product are quickly absorbed by the body, regenerating it.

More than 100 different micro- and macroelements nourish the skin and rejuvenate it. Large amounts of zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other components nourish the skin, giving it a radiant and fresh look.

Carbohydrates and enzymes only enhance the positive qualities of the ointment. Phytoncides are natural antibiotics and hormones that help relieve inflammation and heal the skin.

The vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins included in the composition heal and restore the skin.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies, price

Apilak is an ointment for external use, which is available in tubes with a total volume of 30 or 50 g. Apilak can be bought without a special prescription, although it belongs to the category of medications. Latvia is considered to be the country of the brand; most often the ointment is supplied to the Russian market from the manufacturing country - Estonia.

Apilak ointment for face

The product was patented in 2010, and since then has been produced in metal tubes equipped with an internal protective shell. The ointment is a thick, white substance with a slight yellowish tint.

When pressing on the tube, an ointment of uniform consistency with a recognizable mild odor is revealed. The cost of the drug starts from 300 rubles. Price formation depends on discounts and bonus programs that operate within the framework of the promotional policy of a particular pharmaceutical chain.

Apilak anti-wrinkle

Wrinkles are natural age-related changes. They occur due to insufficient hydration and nutrition of the skin. In the fight against them, women spend a lot of money and effort, but they are not always able to defeat them. The multicomponent composition and properties of the main substance make it possible to use Apilak ointment to combat wrinkles.

Apilak can be used daily as a facial ointment. Daily use of the product instead of a day cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. It must be applied to cleansed skin using massaging movements.

Particular attention should be paid to areas most susceptible to wrinkle formation.

After prolonged daily use, the skin becomes firm and elastic. Shallow wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out and may disappear completely.

The ointment can also be added to face cream, lotions and other skin care products. You can increase the volume of the ointment by 1/3 of the original volume.

To enhance the effectiveness of Apilak, it is recommended to make a face mask based on it once a week. Before doing this, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Apilak ointment is applied in a thick layer to the face, avoiding contact with mucous areas. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. This application helps smooth out deep wrinkles, deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The mask is suitable for all skin types, but it is best used for oily and combination skin.

Particularly useful and effective is the use of the product in the cold season. Cold and wind are bad for the skin, dehydrating it, making it rough and sensitive. If no action is taken, this will lead to the appearance of wrinkles. By applying a thin layer of Apilak ointment to your face before going outside, you will be able to create a protective barrier that will protect your delicate skin from the negative effects of bad weather conditions.

A cheap and effective product, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is an indispensable assistant for eliminating skin defects. Apilak not only perfectly eliminates minor wounds, irritations and diaper rash, but is also an excellent remedy for wrinkles. Virtually no contraindications and side effects make Apilak ointment not only effective, but also safe.

The product has minor disadvantages. Many people do not like the specific mild smell. It is not recommended to use Apilak facial ointment immediately before going outside. It takes a long time to absorb and does not look aesthetically pleasing. Otherwise, this unique product copes well with both wrinkles and other skin defects.


Apilak is included in the list of pharmaceutical products that are called regeneration stimulants. If necessary, the ointment can be replaced with a similar product with a different base substance . This is relevant for those who have been diagnosed with an allergy to bee products.


Pharmacists indicate Actovegin as one of the analogues of a group of products created on the basis of biologically active substances of natural origin. Actovegin belongs to the category of regenerative drugs.

The base substance on which Actovegin is created is an induced hemoderivative of calf blood. Auxiliary elements have been added to this substance, such as white paraffin, cetyl alcohol, and purified water.

The drug acts on cell metabolic processes at the molecular level. Hemoderivat from calf blood helps to activate regeneration processes. This property is in demand in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, bedsores, and weeping ulcers.

Actovegin is recommended as a facial treatment for the following conditions:

  • development of acne;
  • presence of chemical burns;
  • the presence of skin lesions as a result of radiation.

The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription; the only contraindication may be an allergic reaction to one of the components of the composition. To avoid this, it is necessary to conduct a test sample before use.

In order for the skin condition to improve, it is necessary to apply Actovegin in the morning and evening in a thin layer on the affected or problem areas of the skin for 10-14 days.


An analogue of Apilak in terms of action is Panthenol. The dosage form is based on an active substance called dexpanthenol. This is a biogenic stimulator of tissue regeneration, which is used to treat various skin diseases.

Panthenol is prescribed for diaper rash, dermatitis, bedsores, and various types of skin rashes. Dexpanthenol under the influence of compounds is converted into pantothenic acid, which, being one of the parts of coenzyme A.

Has several simultaneous effects:

  • participates in metabolic processes;
  • improves the process of skin cell renewal;
  • normalizes exchange between cells;
  • accelerates mitosis;
  • increases skin strength.

Panthenol traditionally has the following types of effects on the skin:

  • regenerating;
  • metabolic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Panthenol is applied as needed to the affected areas of the skin. To treat bedsores, a gauze bandage with ointment is fixed for a while, and if necessary, the excess is removed with hydrogen peroxide.

Apilak Grindeks

Apilak - an ointment for wrinkles, reviews of which are left by real consumers, can be replaced with a direct analogue. Apilak Grindeks is produced on the basis of royal jelly and belongs to the category of biostimulating agents of natural origin. Apilak Grindeks is recommended to be used 3 times daily during the course of treatment.

To eliminate diaper rash in children, the ointment is applied under the diaper. To eliminate flaking or itching on the skin of the face, Apilak Grindeks is used morning and evening every day for 10 days.

Apilak Grindeks has the following effects:

  • dermatoprotective;
  • general tonic;
  • antiseptic;
  • stimulating;
  • improving the trophic state of tissues.


The ointment is produced on the basis of deprotonized dialysate isolated from the blood of young calves. The main property of the drug is its regenerative effect.

Under the influence of the elements of the composition, aerobic processes in the intercellular space are activated. Solcoseryl is recommended for minor skin lesions. In addition, the drug is used to treat acne, acne and allergic rashes.

For various types of dermatitis, Solcoseryl is applied to damaged areas up to 4-5 times daily. Use a cotton swab with ointment to treat dry, clean areas, controlling the degree of pressure on the skin. The product does not contain auxiliary elements in the form of additional fats used to thicken the composition, so it is easily absorbed or washed off.


Pharmaceutical product made on the basis of zinc hyaluronate . Curiosin is included in the list of regenerating face creams. It is used to specifically eliminate wrinkles, reduce skin fatigue, and smooth out the relief. As part of an integrated approach, Curiosin is used to treat infected wounds, bedsores, and ulcers.

The cream is applied to dry skin, spreading in a thin layer over the entire treatment area. To prevent the development of rashes, facial skin is treated 2-3 times daily. To eliminate fine wrinkles around the eyes, apply twice, morning and evening, for 14 days. Then take a break for 10 days. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Apilak is an effective inexpensive remedy for the treatment of skin diseases on the body and face. The ointment is sold at the pharmacy . Reviews from experts indicate that the drug is successfully used in the treatment of dermatitis, acne, and is also used by women to eliminate wrinkles.

Methods of application

The doctor may prescribe an ointment and the number of uses depending on the type of disease. In addition, application rules play an important role, for example:

  1. To get rid of acne, you need to apply the ointment evenly, in a thin layer, and rub it in with light massage movements. In addition, it is recommended to carry out the procedure precisely at the sites where acne appears. This procedure prevents their further spread.
  2. In order to increase the effect of the drug on dry skin, you need to apply it to the face and tie it with a bandage for 15-20 minutes.
  3. The ointment not only fights facial skin problems, it is effective in combating dandruff. In order to achieve results, just apply the cream to the scalp and leave until the morning. Afterwards, wash off with shampoo.

"Apilak" is also effective against hair loss and brittleness. The ointment has been in demand for many years, and it is also low in cost.


As the instructions tell us, Apilak is recommended for use in the following conditions:

  1. In order to improve tissue trophism and stimulate regeneration processes.
  2. To activate metabolic processes in the body.
  3. For malnutrition, that is, nutritional disorder in young children and infants.
  4. In case of lack of appetite in children, provoking anorexic condition.
  5. For hypotension to increase tone and blood pressure.
  6. Patients with poor absorption of food taken by the body. This applies to people who have suffered serious illnesses during a period of remission.
  7. For the treatment of diaper rash in patients of all ages.
  8. Seborrhea, dermatosis, seborrheic or microbial eczema, atopic dermatitis.
  9. Traumatic keratitis.
  10. Damage to the cornea of ​​the eye.
  11. Neurodermatitis, accompanied by constant itching, redness, etc.
  12. During pregnancy, as a remedy that has a positive effect on both the woman and the intrauterine development of the fetus.
  13. During lactation as a lactogenic agent.
  14. In the postpartum period, “Apilak” is used to restore and improve the body’s protective qualities. The drug helps eliminate chronic fatigue and prevents the occurrence of postpartum depression.
  15. As a natural antispasmodic.
  16. As a sedative for patients with various neurotic disorders.

Features of use

What else can you learn from the instructions for Apilak tablets?

Some people claim that the drug promotes weight gain. It should be borne in mind that the composition of the drug does not have a direct effect on weight. However, the instructions indicate that Apilak increases appetite, and it is prescribed as a maintenance drug after a serious illness or surgery. With such indications, the drug will contribute to rapid weight gain and restoration of strength due to the fact that it acts as a biostimulant of natural origin.

Another feature of Apilak, according to the instructions, is its lactogenic properties. Reviews from doctors and patients who took the drug during lactation are positive. Women claim that the amount of breast milk increased when taking Apilak.


There are many hepatoprotectors, they differ in composition and mechanism of action. Doctors have an ambiguous attitude towards them; many of them are used and produced only for the territory of post-Soviet countries. Sometimes you can find reviews that a person, after quitting an alcohol binge, drank a certain drug for 3 months and his tests improved. This could have happened not because of the drug, but because the toxins stopped affecting the liver, and it was able to recover to a certain extent.

When exposure to toxins ceases, the liver itself can recover to a certain extent.

The main thing in treating the liver is not taking medications to compensate for the damage we cause ourselves, but stopping exposure to toxins and other destructive factors. That is, you need to give up alcohol, smoking and extra pounds (the risk of non-alcoholic fatty hepatosis). Because by alternating courses of medications with an unhealthy lifestyle, we create the illusion of well-being. If you suspect that something is wrong with your liver, be sure to consult a doctor. Incorrect self-medication for liver problems can only cause harm.

Composition and release form of the drug

The drug is produced in the form of a white ointment, sometimes with a yellow tint. The substance has a homogeneous consistency and has a specific cinnamon odor. The soft form is enclosed in metal tubes weighing 50 grams. Each unit of product in the package is accompanied by complete information that reflects the instructions for use, indications and features of the use of Apilac.

The main component of the composition is lyophilized royal jelly. One gram of ointment contains 10 mg of the main substance. Other elements are adjuvants, which determine the structure of the external product, ensure the preservation of beneficial qualities and uniform distribution over the surface of the skin. Additional substances are presented:

  • Vaseline;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • cinnamon alcohol;
  • sodium cetyl stearyl sulfate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • purified water.


Apilak (face ointment, reviews of which are mostly positive) is made on the basis of royal jelly. Royal jelly is a secretion of the jaw glands of bees and is a highly concentrated nutritious mixture enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Bee larvae and queen bees that reproduce their offspring feed on bee jelly. Milk promotes the rapid growth of individuals and the preservation of necessary functions in adult bees. According to specialist research, royal jelly contains more than 400 components.

Among them, the following groups of elements are distinguished:

  • A group of proteins represented by albumins. These substances form the basis of the nutritional mixture. In terms of chemical composition, albumins are as close as possible to human blood serum.
  • Vitamins C, PP, D, E. The vitamin complex is involved in the formation of essential pantothenic acid.
  • Group of free fatty acids. Essential acids can fight infections and also promote intensive tissue regeneration.
  • Group of minerals and trace elements. The group contains elements such as magnesium, potassium, silver, and zinc.
  • Hormones. Organic biologically active substances that have a strong effect on processes within the body.
  • Acetylcholine. Neurotransmitter, a naturally occurring organic compound that is a derivative of choline. It plays a vital role in intercellular metabolism.
  • Fructose. A substance that can have various effects: softening, nourishing, soothing.

Royal jelly, which forms the basis of Apilak ointment, acts as a natural biostimulant.

It can have several effects simultaneously:

  • increases the body's defenses;
  • increases cell endurance;
  • helps relieve tension;
  • increases tissue tone;
  • promotes metabolism activation;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • controls the detoxification of skin cells;
  • acts as a barrier to the development of microbial or bacterial infection.

The following components were used as excipients:

  • Vaseline, paraffin, glycerol. These are components that are added to the base substance to create a uniform consistency.
  • Cetyl alcohol, cinnamic alcohol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate. Preservatives that extend the shelf life of the drug, strengthening the strength of the compounds inside the drug.
  • Purified water. A necessary component that is added to most products for external use.


An overdose of the drug can also lead to the development of unwanted reactions. When Apilak is abused, not only allergies can occur, but also the following symptoms:

  • sleep disturbance, including insomnia;
  • swelling;
  • feeling of discomfort in the area where the cream is applied;
  • dry mouth;
  • increased heart rate.

If such signs appear, you must completely stop taking Apilak or reduce the dosage. In any case, before you start taking the drug, you should consult a specialist. After all, only a doctor can assess your health condition and prescribe the correct dosage regimen, taking into account your age and the nature of the problem.

Additional components

In addition, the composition of all forms of the drug is supplemented with the following components:

  • Biologically active amino acids in the amount of 23 pieces, including tryptophan, histidine, valine and methionine.
  • Acetylcholine mediators and cholinesterase enzymes.
  • B vitamins, namely folic and pantothenic acids, thiamine, cyanocobalamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, inositdroretinol, inositol, etc.
  • Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamin H or biotin.
  • Macroelements such as zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, nickel, cobalt, sulfur, silicon, bismuth, etc.

The composition of "Apilak" speaks of its naturalness and unconditional usefulness.

Preparing anti-wrinkle ointments at home

You can also make anti-wrinkle ointments using traditional methods.

Chamomile ointment that helps eliminate deep wrinkles. You need to take chamomile flowers (1 spoon) and mix with water (2 cups), then boil for 10 minutes. Next, soak a towel in the warm infusion and apply this compress to your face. Upon completion of the procedure, wash and treat your face with nourishing cream.

Lemon works well against deep wrinkles. Prepare a tincture of lemon and vodka - 1 lemon and vodka (1 cup). This mixture should be infused for 10 days, and then a cotton pad should be soaked in the tincture and applied to the wrinkles for 10 minutes. This method allows you to narrow pores and smooth out wrinkles.

Another homemade ointment consists of chicken yolk, lemon and olive oil. The yolk contains nutrients such as cholesterol and lecithin - they have the ability to smooth the skin. The yolk is mixed with lemon juice (0.5 lemon) and its grated peel, as well as 1 tsp. olive oil. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face and kept for at least 20 minutes. Next, rinse off using a cotton swab previously soaked in milk (it should be at room temperature). This mask helps remove wrinkles and moisturizes the skin.

Egg white ointment with lemon. This mask gives noticeable results after the first procedure. You need to beat the lemon with the egg white, apply it to the skin, and hold it until a feeling of tightness appears - after which the mask should be washed off.

Raspberry anti-wrinkle remedy - wet a layer of cotton wool with raspberry juice, apply to areas of the skin where wrinkles are observed, and hold for about 15-20 minutes. Drying cotton wool needs to be moistened. After removing the mask from your face, you need to wipe it with a dry cotton swab. If you have dry skin, before the procedure you should wipe your face with sour cream, cream, or rich cream. This mask allows you to whiten and soften the skin, cleanse, nourish and refresh it, and improve turgor.

Grapefruit is considered a very effective remedy for eliminating deep wrinkles. To prepare the ointment, you need to mix the pulp or juice of this fruit with 1 teaspoon. sour cream, and add 1 tbsp to this mixture. rice flour with 1 tsp. carrot juice. Apply the resulting ointment to the skin for half an hour, then remove it, rinse with water and lubricate the skin with grapefruit juice, which should be left to dry. To get the desired effect, it is recommended to carry out this procedure twice a week for 1 month.

Tomato has effective lifting properties, so it is often used to get rid of wrinkles. To make an ointment, you need to remove the pulp from it, mix it with sour cream, and apply the resulting homogeneous mass to the wrinkle area and hold for 15 minutes. After this, wash off the mask with warm water.

Corn flour removes wrinkles well. To make a mask, you need to combine it with honey in equal proportions and apply it to the skin. You may feel some tightness while it dries. A completely dry mask should be washed off with warm water.

Ointment with a solution of strong tea. To prepare it you need 1 tsp. rich fresh sour cream, mayonnaise, and sunflower oil. Mix these ingredients, gradually adding 1 tsp. tea. It should be remembered that before carrying out the application procedure, you should wash your face using warm milk diluted half with boiled water. The first layer of the resulting mixture is applied in a circular motion using a cotton swab. After 2-3 minutes, the 2nd layer is applied (only to the wrinkle area). After 15 minutes, the ointment is removed using milk diluted with water.

Honey works well against wrinkles, 1 tbsp. which needs to be mixed with 1 tbsp. flour and egg white. The mixture is applied to the skin and kept for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. This procedure will help smooth out wrinkles and also give the skin freshness and youth.

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How to increase the effectiveness of Apilak ointment for wrinkles?

With age, facial skin becomes sluggish and flabby. It loses firmness and elasticity, facial features sag, a double chin appears, and wrinkles form around the eyes and lips. Apilak ointment helps improve the condition of the skin and rejuvenate it, but to achieve a lasting effect it is necessary to eliminate the factors that contribute to skin aging and the formation of wrinkles. To do this, follow the advice of cosmetologists:

  • choose facial care products according to your skin type;
  • do not use too cheap decorative cosmetics and cosmetics of unknown brands;
  • never go to bed without removing your makeup and cleansing your skin;
  • stop smoking and drinking excessive alcohol;
  • reduce your consumption or completely remove fatty, fried, salty, smoked, sweet and starchy foods from your diet;
  • provide yourself with normal, complete sleep;
  • do not sleep on a high pillow (this provokes the appearance of wrinkles on the neck);
  • do not overuse tanning on the beach or in the solarium, and when sunbathing, be sure to use special creams with sun filters;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • watch your weight (excess body weight leads to sagging facial skin and the appearance of a double chin);
  • fight stress and nervous tension, relax more often and lift your spirits;
  • Try to frown as little as possible (develop the habit of observing your facial expression and relaxing it).

Following these recommendations will help you slow down the aging process of your skin and delay the appearance of wrinkles.

The pharmaceutical drug "Apilak" is a time-tested remedy that can be used not only to treat various skin diseases, scratches, wounds, but also to eliminate and prevent wrinkles.

Indications for use

The first scientific studies of natural apilak were carried out in the mid-50s of the twentieth century. It turned out that royal jelly of bees has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands, stimulates digestion, hematopoiesis and metabolism. It is equally useful for underweight, loss of appetite, recovery after physical and mental stress, which is why it has earned popularity in sports medicine. It is actively used in folk medicine for colds and viral diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome and as a tonic for the elderly.

It is recommended as part of rehabilitation treatment after illnesses, for eating disorders and lack of appetite, as an adjuvant in the treatment of neurotic disorders, and for low blood pressure.


"Apilak" is a relatively new drug. It has a natural composition, and to a greater extent it can be attributed to drugs from the homeopathic group. In this regard, no clinical trials of the drug were carried out. So there is a certain possibility that side effects may develop while taking Apilak. In particular, restrictions on taking the drug are:

  • allergic reaction to the components included in the drug;
  • intolerance to bee products, including royal jelly, including genetically determined ones;
  • a history of Addison's disease, accompanied by a pathological process in the adrenal cortex - such a condition can lead to a complete or partial stop in the synthesis of the corresponding hormonal substances.


Liver problems can develop for more than 10 years and not bother you at all. The average life expectancy with a diagnosis of cirrhosis is 9 years. Therefore, even if you have liver problems, you can fight them. There are about 1000 types of drugs used in hepatology. Therapy not only treats the disease itself, but also supports the liver in order to create the most favorable conditions for recovery. One of these groups of drugs are hepatoprotectors. Hepatoprotectors help restore metabolic processes in the liver, increase the organ’s resistance to destructive factors, normalize functional activity and stimulate regenerative processes in the liver.

Requirements for hepatoprotectors

Since the liver is the organ through which many substances are exchanged, drugs must not only be powerful, but also meet certain safety requirements, as well as:

  • well absorbed;
  • have a “first pass” effect through the liver;
  • have the property of neutralizing or preventing the formation of substances that damage the liver;
  • reduce the activity of inflammatory processes;
  • slow down scar formation;
  • help liver regeneration;
  • do not cause rejection in case of liver pathology;
  • extensive enterohepatic circulation;
  • have no toxic effect.

Despite the fact that the requirements are known, the ideal drug has not yet been created. More than half of the presented products are of plant origin, the rest is divided between phospholipids, synthetic derivatives, organic preparations and amino acids.

Despite the fact that the requirements for liver drugs are known, the ideal one has not yet been created.

Release forms

The product has been produced since 2007. The drug is available in several forms, namely:

  1. Pills. Produced in dosages of 10 mg.
  2. Suppositories for rectal administration. Used mainly for children. Available in dosages of 5 and 10 mg.
  3. Ointment "Apilak". The instructions for use indicate that it is intended for external use. It contains 3% apilac.
  4. Cream in a dosage of 0.6% apilac.

From a pharmacological point of view, “Apilak” is classified as a medicine that has a general strengthening, tonic, antiseptic, dermatoprotorotic and adaptogenic effect.

“Apilak lyophilized” and “Apilak Grindeks” are derivatives of the drug, where the active substance is presented in its pure form. There are also similar drugs - Abisib, Allitera and Alisat Super.

According to the instructions, Apilak must be stored under standard conditions for most medicines. For its storage you need to choose a dark, dry place at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees in the case of tablets and ointments. Suppositories are best stored in the refrigerator.

The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription. No interactions with other drugs were identified.

What about the liver?

You might think that the liver is just waiting for us to help it. This is wrong. The compensatory and regenerative capabilities of the liver are enormous. If 25% of the healthy organ is preserved, it can recover on its own. We will never feel how a healthy liver works. There are no nerve endings in it, so it never hurts. Liver cells are hepatocytes. If a cell dies, its load is redistributed among the remaining ones. So, if a significant part of the liver is destroyed, there may be no symptoms or even changes in tests.

On the one hand, this is good, the liver does not bother us over trifles like the stomach, which can twist after bad food, and after 3 days we have already forgotten about it. But if symptoms appear, this may indicate serious problems that cannot be easily gotten rid of. If you have liver problems, the following functions may be affected:

  • filtration and processing of toxic products coming from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the production of protein molecules, their accumulation, the transformation of amino acids, the formation of urea and the synthesis of creatine;
  • formation and storage of glycogen;
  • storage and transformation of many vitamins (A, PP, B, D, K), metal ions of iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, etc.;
  • production of enzymes involved in metabolic processes;
  • maintaining a balance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood, the formation of heparin;
  • deposition of blood plasma and formed elements, regulation of the blood system.

Problems with the gallbladder, pancreas, spine and many others are mistakenly mistaken for liver problems. Pain in the liver can appear when it is enlarged and stretches its own capsule, but usually these are already advanced problems.

Problems with the gallbladder, pancreas or spine are often mistaken for liver problems.

Interactions with other drugs

Panthenol helps to activate the process of acetylcholine connection, as a result of which the effect of antidepolarizing muscle relaxants is reduced, and the effect of depolarizing ones, on the contrary, increases. Therefore, if you use this drug, you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of combining it with other drugs.

Relief should not be used by patients who use MAOIs, antidepressants, or antihypertensive medications without constant medical supervision.

Radevit cannot be used in combination with other drugs that contain vitamins A, E and D or retinoids (to avoid the development of hypervitaminosis), and in addition with tetracyclines. The effectiveness of the ointment decreases when combined with glucocorticosteroids.

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