Vitamin E for the face - why is it needed, how to use

Vitamin E or tocopherol is the most beneficial substance for the face. Even more: it is one of the main vitamins in cosmetology. Surely you also have some kind of facial product with tocopherol, but what do you know about it?

In general, there is not just one tocopherol, it is a whole group of similar substances. They are united by the ability to destroy free radicals, aggressive elements that accelerate cell aging and damage them. Previously, vitamin E was isolated from wheat germ, now it is mainly from soybean and sunflower oils.

In cosmetics, vitamin E can be designated as follows:

  • Tocopherol acetate;
  • Tocopherol succinate;
  • Tocopherol nicotinate;
  • Tocopherol linoleate.

Beneficial properties of vitamin E

Vitamin E is important for the normal functioning of all processes in the body. Its deficiency will make you lethargic and irritable, and your skin dry and prone to wrinkles. Let's find out what tocopherol does specifically for the skin of the face.

  • Firstly
    , vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It relieves both increased dryness and excess greasiness. When vitamin E is in excess, your skin comes into balance;
  • Secondly
    , vitamin E stimulates natural cell renewal. As a result, the skin is restored without any extraneous interventions or procedures, and looks healthy and radiant. And wounds and cracks heal faster;
  • Thirdly
    , tocopherol protects the skin from harmful UV radiation. Which means, from burns and drying out. It also helps cells recover after sun exposure;
  • Fourthly
    , as already mentioned, vitamin E successfully fights free radicals. This alone allows us to call it the main vitamin of youth. Most often, vitamin E for the face is used specifically for wrinkles;
  • Fifthly
    , a sufficient amount of tocopherol in the body improves the functioning of the ovaries in women. As a result, hormonal balance is normalized and estrogen levels are restored. This in turn has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

It is obvious that vitamin E is incredibly beneficial for facial skin, but how to use it correctly? Read about it below.

How to understand that vitamin A is low

Every year, 500 thousand children around the world die from a lack of vitamin A, and 250 thousand go blind due to corneal opacity. Residents of Asia and Africa are mainly affected - this is due to early weaning and lack of vitamin A in the diet. At risk are people who have impaired absorption of zinc and fats, as well as those who abuse alcohol.

Vitamin A deficiency is visible externally. A person’s eyes and mucous membranes “dry,” he has difficulty finding his way in the dark and often gets sick. The skin becomes “toad-like” - strewn with small tubercles due to follicular hyperkeratosis - an accumulation of horny scales at the mouths of the hair follicles. If you do not replenish the vitamin A balance in time, you can go blind: the cornea will “dry out” and become opaque.

“Since vitamin A and carotenoids play a large role in the growth of cells and tissues, insufficient intake of the substances can lead to weakening of the skin,” says GMS Clinic dermatologist Nadezhda Nabatnikova. “Dryness, irritation and acne occur, after which the skin heals worse or slowly, and scars appear.”

Nutritional supplements

First of all, you need to make sure that you get enough tocopherol from food. Better yet, take vitamin E supplements. As for dosages, the daily amount for adults is approximately 200 mg. Tocopherol-rich foods:

  • Sunflower oil;
  • Grape seed oil;
  • Wheat sprouts;
  • Almond;
  • Other vegetable oils: soybean, olive, rapeseed. But sunflower wins over everyone.

Animal products rich in vitamin E include eggs, liver, and fatty fish.

So, enough tocopherol must come from within. But that's only half the battle!

The effect of tocopherol on the epidermis

Tocopherol, or as it is also called the vitamin of youth, is a fierce fighter against skin aging. That is why it is so readily used in both professional and home cosmetology. Vitamin E-based care products have long proven themselves to be the best. And all because this substance has a very extensive beneficial effect.

Interesting! Recipes for face masks with cucumber

  • It improves the production of your own collagen and elastin, due to which facial contours are tightened, double chin disappears, stretch marks are resolved, existing wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones are prevented from appearing.
  • Tocopherol also promotes deep nutrition, hydration and cleansing of acne. After 2-3 uses, the pores will become noticeably cleaner, the number of blackheads will decrease, and comedones will begin to disappear. And, importantly, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.
  • Vitamin E is also a strong antioxidant. It prevents the occurrence of oxidation processes in cells, so that even after 40 years the dermis remains fresh, elastic, and without the slightest signs of fading.
  • Tocopherol also has a positive effect on complexion. Indeed, thanks to improved blood microcirculation, the skin literally glows with health. Also, with regular use of the drug, age spots disappear and freckles lighten.
  • Has vitamin of youth and protective properties. For example, it can be used as a barrier against excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays and other adverse external factors.

Rubbing into skin

The second way to use vitamin E is externally, and we’ll start by rubbing it into the skin of the face. To do this, buy vitamin E: it is found in the form of an oil solution (at the pharmacy) and in its pure form (cosmetic solution). The cosmetic solution is, of course, more concentrated. And more expensive.

It is not prohibited to use vitamin E in its pure form on the face; the main thing is to maintain safe dosages. If you overdo it, you can provoke itching and allergies, rashes and red spots. It follows from this that only a small amount of concentrate will be used.

This means that rubbing pure tocopherol makes sense if there are local problems on the face. For example, rashes, deep wrinkles, peeling. A safe amount of pure vitamin E is simply not enough for the entire face.

Therefore, most often vitamin E is added somewhere. Either in store-bought cosmetics or in homemade mixtures. Moreover, there are no substances incompatible with tocopherol: it is extremely stable.

The golden key to rejuvenation: what to expect from tocopherol

The biologically active substance in question is famous for its action in several directions at once. In combination with other natural ingredients, this fifth element of modern cosmeceuticals will transform you in a few months, evening out the texture of your face, making your skin impeccably moisturized, smooth and toned.

So how does vitamin E help us turn back time?

  • Rejuvenates, has a pronounced lifting effect

In adulthood, epidermal cells become a target for aging processes. Dryness and a feeling of tightness appear, barrier properties weaken, elasticity is lost, and the first expression lines appear. Tocopherol, penetrating into cells with cosmetics, from ampoules or capsules, promotes regeneration, resulting in a lasting anti-aging effect. It is especially noticeable where the skin is most sensitive and least protected from negative influences - in the area around the eyes. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the relief is strengthened, folds are eliminated - the so-called lifting effect occurs.

  • Tones and refreshes

How is vitamin E in cosmetics beneficial for our face and what is it used for? Tocopherol is indispensable for those who want to give their skin a boost of vigor and energy. The tonic effect of this active component becomes especially relevant when the epidermis loses its ability to retain moisture, and with it its tone. The main task of the substance in this case is to strengthen the cell membrane, improve barrier properties, restore resistance to negative environmental influences, relieve signs of fatigue, dehydration, and loss of vitality.

  • Neutralizes free radicals

Antioxidants are responsible for this. They protect the epidermis from destruction and slowing down the production of collagen and elastin fibers. They also save our skin from the dangerous effects of toxins and other substances that enter our body from the environment - with air, food, water.

  • Actively moisturizes

Have you noticed how often our skin lacks water? Its deficiency manifests itself in the form of a feeling of dryness and tightness, excessive sensitivity, and the appearance of flaky areas. Another effect of vitamin E is intense hydration and nutrition, preserving moisture in the cells of the epidermis.

  • Soothes and heals

Tocopherol not only evens out the relief, restores youth and elasticity. It helps prevent the development of cancer, relieves itching and irritation due to allergies, strengthens the membrane of red blood cells, protecting them from premature destruction.

This complex effect on the skin allows it to be used in a variety of moisturizing, nourishing and anti-aging cosmetics - with the right combination of active ingredients, they will help achieve excellent results within a few weeks of use.

Regular use of masks, creams and serums based on tocopherol is the key to youth and beauty. However, we should not forget that in its pure form this pharmaceutical drug requires careful handling and compliance with the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Vitamin E enrichment of face cream

The easiest option is to add pure vitamin E to your face cream. A cosmetic solution is best suited, and you need to enrich it not with the entire jar, but with a single portion of the cream. First, put 2-3 drops of vitamin liquid on your hand, then squeeze out a little cream. Mix and apply to face.

If the skin is flabby and aging, we recommend adding a couple of drops of rose oil along with vitamin E. Together, these substances will have a strong anti-aging effect and activate the production of collagen, the main protein of the skin.

We recommend applying vitamin E cream with delicate massage movements. And of course, following the massage lines. Find a diagram on the Internet and never break the direction of movement, otherwise early wrinkles will appear!

B vitamins for beautiful skin and hair –

Research published in 2003 by the Academy of Dermatology showed that the use of B vitamins in creams and serums for facial skin significantly reduces the effects of aging and fading of facial skin (research - Chung JH, Hanft VN, et al. “Aging and photoaging. " J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Oct;49(4):690-7").
The most important B vitamins for the skin...

  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a very important vitamin for maintaining the condition of skin, nails and hair. Its deficiency leads to dry skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth, early skin aging, as well as dry and brittle hair and nails.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin) – improves the ability of the upper layer of the epidermis to retain moisture.
    It helps dry skin look softer, smoother, and reduce fine lines on the face. Also used with other skin whitening products for pigmentation. Using B3 together with vitamin A (retinoids) gives even better results in the fight against wrinkles. But a lack of B3 leads to dry skin, a lack of nutrition to the hair follicles, and as a result leads to increased fragility and split ends of the hair.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – helps fight acne by reducing sebum production. Vitamin B5 also promotes faster regeneration of skin cells, but this effect is especially pronounced when vitamins B5 and C are combined.
  • Biotin (vitamin B7) – is involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers, which form the basis of skin, nails, and hair. Its deficiency can lead to dry and itchy skin, dermatitis, hair loss, and seborrhea of ​​the scalp.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) – helps regulate skin pigment production and prevents hyperpigmentation.

Below we have provided examples of quality and trustworthy creams and serums with B vitamins...

Serum InstaNatural® “Niacinamide Vitamin B3 Serum”

Vitamin B3 serum (Fig. 14) from InstaNatural contains: 5% vitamin B3, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, aloe Vera, avocado oil, rosemary oil and other active ingredients. The soft gel-like texture of the serum is easy to apply and quickly absorbed.

According to reviews, this serum -

  • reduces the appearance of acne,
  • tightens the pores on the face,
  • reduces the depth of fine lines and wrinkles,
  • whitens age spots and age spots,
  • perfectly moisturizes the skin,
  • makes the skin firm, elastic and soft.

Reviews from patients noted that after using this serum, the skin actually became more hydrated, elastic and smooth, many noted a decrease in the appearance of fine wrinkles due to the evenness of skin texture and tone. The cost of InstaNatural Niacinamide Vitamin B3 Serum is about 1,600 rubles (per 60 ml package).

SkinCeuticals® Hydrating B5 gel –

Super moisturizing and regenerating gel “Hydrating B5 gel” from SkinCeuticals (Fig. 15) - contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid enriched with vitamin B5. The manufacturer claims that this serum perfectly moisturizes the skin, activates cell regeneration, eliminates the feeling of tightness, and also makes the skin elastic and dense. The price of SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 gel will be from 4,700 rubles per 30 ml bottle. You can buy it in the company's Russian online store.

Before applying the serum, it is recommended to warm it up on your fingertips so that it is better and faster absorbed into the skin. Reviews noted that after using this serum, the skin became softer, wrinkles decreased with prolonged use, the overall appearance of the skin improved, the skin became radiant and moisturized.

By the way, this product has an exact copy from, which is called “Hydra B5 Gel – advanced formula” (Fig. 16). Despite the fact that this is a “generic”, the company that produces it is quite well-known and of high quality. The cost of this product will be approximately 2,200 rubles ($32), but you can only buy it in online stores such as Amazon or Ebay.

Olay Total Effects 7-In-1 Cream –

Olay “Total Effects 7 in 1” cream (Fig. 17) - contains a large number of emollient ingredients, such as coconut oil, soybean oil, vitamin B5, hydrolyzed wheat protein, ascorbyl palmitate, green tea, vitamin B3. This cream is an excellent facial moisturizer that can be safely used every day. There is a day and night version of the cream.

Reviews noted the good absorption of the cream and excellent skin hydration after use. The skin became soft, elastic, silky. The cost of Olay Total Effects 7 in 1 is about 700 rubles.


The most popular way to use vitamin E is as a face mask. When mixed with other components, tocopherol acts even more effectively. We offer you homemade recipes for face masks with vitamin E.

After any mask, you need to thoroughly wash your face and use a toner to even out the pH of the skin. When the skin is dry, seal the result with moisturizer. Just not with vitamin E, otherwise there will be an overdose! So…

Oatmeal mask

cleanses the face, gives it a healthy color and moisturizes. Grind 2 tbsp. l. rolled oats, add 5 drops of cosmetic vitamin E and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

Curd mask

ideal for dry skin with wrinkles. Moisturizes, nourishes and smoothes. Take 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, 3 tea olive oils and 5 drops of vitamin E. Mix, preferably in a blender, and apply to your face for 20 minutes.

Banana mask

perfectly tightens and awakens tired and aging skin. Also evens out complexion. Mix ripe banana pulp with 2 tbsp. l. cream and 5 drops of tocopherol. Mix thoroughly and leave the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes.

Honey mask

. When combined with natural honey, vitamin E has a powerful exfoliating effect. Therefore, such a mask can serve as a peeling. Mix the yolk, a teaspoon of honey and 10 drops of tocopherol. Apply for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Coconut mask

. There are many recipes for “vitamin E + vegetable oil” face masks, but we chose coconut. Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetology; it has many beneficial properties. Mix 2 tsp. liquid coconut oil with 20 g of yeast and 1 capsule of tocopherol. Leave it on for half an hour and wash it off.

Mask A+E

. In home cosmetology, vitamin E is often used together with retinol and vitamin A. This is also a powerful antioxidant. Buy the drug "Aevit": 1 capsule is enough for 1 mask. You can mix “Aevit” with honey, yolk and olive oil.

Eye mask

. Vitamin E will also be beneficial for the skin around the eyes. It is thinner and more sensitive, and wrinkles earlier than the rest of the face. The mask is very simple: mix 10 ml of vitamin E with olive oil and apply to the skin of the eyelids. After 20 minutes, gently wipe off with a cotton pad.

You can make such face masks with vitamin E once every 2-3 days. After a month, take a break, otherwise hypervitaminosis will occur. Refrain from tocopherol therapy for a couple of months.

To enhance the effect of a mask with vitamin E, apply it to pre-steamed skin. To do this, you can put a hot towel on your face or take a steam bath. Opened pores will make the skin more receptive to active substances.

Cooking instructions

The recipe is simple. All of the above should simply be mixed in a glass jar and placed in a low water bath. It's simple - boil water in a separate pan and immerse the jar inside. Of course, it is necessary that it stands firmly and water must not be poured inside under any circumstances. Control its level - do not boil too much liquid.

Stir the ingredients occasionally to help them melt and combine faster. When this happens, you will need to pour them into a separate jar in which the cream will be stored. It is important to wait until it hardens before you can start using it.

This product should be stored in a dark and cool place (chilled product will also allow you to achieve an anti-edematous effect). Use it every day before bed, and very soon you will see the result.

You can use this cream at any age. Some people make a huge mistake, believing that young skin does not need care - supposedly youth forgives everything. But this is a fatal misconception. The sooner a girl begins to take care of her skin, the fewer problems she will have with it and the later the signs of aging will appear. And ladies who ignore self-care usually grab their heads at 30 years old and think why they were so “unlucky” to encounter wrinkles at an early age.

Ready-made products with vitamin E

And finally, you can get your tocopherol by simply buying cosmetics containing it. There are creams, serums, and masks based on vitamin E. The only caveat is that the concentration of the substance will be quite small. But you can safely use it without fear of irritation!

We suggest paying attention to these popular creams with tocopherol:

  • For dry skin - Vitamin E Cream from Cococare;
  • For sensitive skin - Tea Tree & Vitamin E Relief Cream from Derma E;
  • For normal or oily skin - Marula Oil, Organ Oil, Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Beauty Cream from Mason Natural;
  • For mature skin - Wrinkle Rescue Moisturizer from Now Foods Solutions.

Other acne treatments

  1. Salicylic Acid: This beta hydroxy acid (BHA) breaks down cellular compounds to stimulate natural exfoliation and prevent acne formation. It is best for mild acne (whiteheads and blackheads).
  2. Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Ahasexfoliates the skin to reduce formation. They minimize visible flaking, improve cell turnover and reduce the appearance of acne scars.
  3. Tea Tree Oil: Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that minimize acne-causing bacteria and reduce the severity of acne lesions.
  4. Benzoyl Peroxide: Has antibacterial properties that reduce blackheads and acne lesions. However, it can irritate the skin if not used in proper concentrations. Check with your doctor before using benzoyl peroxide.
  5. Sulfur: Acts as a keratolytic (exfoliating) agent and is often used to soothe acne and seborrheic dermatitis.
  6. Retinoic acid: This metabolite of vitamin A is also known as tretinoin and is often used to treat acne. Using retinoic acid with glycolic acid (AHA) has been found to improve acne scarring.

However, all skin types may react poorly to these medications. Consult with your doctor to determine which ingredient may be appropriate for your skin at what concentration.

Before introducing a new ingredient into your skin, take proper care of it. This is the best way to avoid any complications.

Vitamin E: pitfalls

And finally, a moment of doubt. Is everything really so unequivocally good with tocopherol? Having searched for information, we found only warnings regarding oily and problem skin. In these cases, it is not recommended to engage in amateur activities using tocopherol. You need to consult a cosmetologist. And of course, individual intolerance.

And so, no one canceled the usual precautions. Before using vitamin E in its pure form, do an allergy test. Apply a little solution to the crook of your elbow and wait 10-15 minutes. If nothing happens, everything is fine, you can use it.

Oil hair mask at home

Combine burdock, castor and almond oils in equal parts (one of the oils can be replaced with olive oil). For 50 ml. Add 1 teaspoon of Vitamin A, Vitamin E and cognac to the resulting oil mixture.

Shake the resulting composition well, rub into the scalp and then carefully distribute over the entire length of the hair. Keep the mask on for at least an hour, then rinse with warm water. The remaining part of the mask can be stored in a dark place in a glass container.

You can also try making a very good one:

How to prepare natural anti-wrinkle cream and lotion at home

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