Liquid mesothreads - modern cosmetology to guard your youth

From this article you will learn:

  • Description of liquid mesothreads
  • Composition of drugs
  • Indications for use
  • Contraindications
  • Age restrictions for the procedure
  • Preparation for the procedure
  • Stages of the procedure
  • Possible side effects
  • Skin care after the procedure

Having reached a certain age, many women think about anti-aging procedures. They want to tighten their facial contours, improve the overall condition of their skin and, as a result, look their best. Previously, this was only possible through surgery. Fortunately, advances in cosmetology help you avoid the scalpel and use more gentle methods.

One of the popular facelift procedures is liquid mesothreads. Effective, low-traumatic, they allow you to achieve visible results and delight any woman. Do not forget that, despite numerous positive reviews, this procedure also has a number of limitations. Therefore, first of all, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

Description of liquid mesothreads

Liquid mesothread contains active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, zinc chloride and phosphate buffer. This combination of substances guarantees not only a visible anti-aging effect, but also restoration of water balance in tissues, as well as an antiseptic effect. At the same time, liquid mesothreads work in the deep layers of the skin, triggering the formation of fibroblasts in the cells. Due to the active production of collagen, the skin becomes much denser and more elastic.

A facelift with liquid mesothreads does not imply mechanical tension on the skin; the lifting effect is ensured by the formation of a natural framework of connective tissue. Anti-aging effects are observed in several directions at once. Firstly, the deepest layers of the dermis are moisturized, secondly, the complexion becomes uniform, and thirdly, the surface of the skin is evened out.

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  • How to remove wrinkles on the face: the most effective methods
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Mesothreads: price for 2022

For mesothreads for face lifting, the price will depend on the type of thread, as well as their quantity. As we said above, the cheapest cost is the smooth linear type of PDO thread (about 110 rubles for 1 thread). But in the clinic, the price for installing 1 such thread will already be about 900 rubles, but if the patient plans to install a large number of threads, then, based on their quantity, the price of mesothreads can be reduced to approximately 600 rubles for 1 thread.

Threads made from a copolymer of L-lactide with caprolactone will always be a priori more expensive than threads made from PDO, so the cost of 1 thread of the “Aptos Nano Vitis-4” type will be about 1,500 rubles. When installing Screw and Double Screw threads from PDO, you should focus on the same 1,500 rubles for 1 thread. As for GOG type threads, the highest quality ones will have a higher cost and, accordingly, their price usually starts from 2300 rubles for 1 thread. Below you can read reviews of thread lifting with mesothreads.

Composition of drugs

The composition of liquid mesothreads may vary. For many years, scientists have been trying to create the most effective remedy to combat skin aging. Facelift with liquid mesothreads is performed only in a clinical setting. Before performing the procedure, it is important to visit a cosmetologist and determine whether there really are prerequisites for this type of lifting.

The doctor must take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient and identify contraindications. The effect of introducing liquid mesothreads lasts up to two years, but any woman dreams of stopping aging for a longer period. Currently, experts are working on creating a composition that would last 6 years or more.

The ideal formula for liquid mesothreads for the face, which would ensure the preservation of youth for many years, has not yet been found. The most popular liquid mesothreads are:

  • with zinc (the composition includes hyaluronic acid or polycaprolactone, such a biogel ensures the elimination of deep creases in the skin and smoothes its relief) - the result from the introduction of mesothread lasts no more than one year;
  • with hyaluronic acid, which helps stimulate the production of natural collagen, due to which wrinkles on the face are smoothed out (liquid mesothreads with hyaluronic acid also provide lightening of age spots and increase skin elasticity, so that the effect of the procedure lasts longer, zinc ions are added to the composition) - the result can keep the patient happy for two to six months;
  • with polylactic acid (liquid mesothreads with this composition are injected not only into the face, but also into the neck, the active components stimulate regenerative processes in all layers of the dermis) - has the most long-lasting effect, from 3 to 5 years, this is ensured due to the fact that polylactic acid acid breaks down much more slowly than hyaluronic acid, and as long as the gel is in the skin, collagen is produced more actively;
  • with calcium hydroxyapatite (the substance is obtained from sea corals, our body has its analogue, it is found in bone tissue and tooth enamel) – they maintain an anti-aging effect on the skin for 1–1.5 years;
  • with polycaprolactone (this substance is used as a suture material in surgery, in cosmetology it is used as a basis for creating classic mesothreads, biogel with polycaprolactone fills voids and evens out the skin texture) - the duration of action is maximum compared to other drugs.


New ELLANSE dermal fillers provide a predictable and controllable cosmetic effect, a completely biodegradable composition and a minimum of discomfort for the client.

The patented innovative technology STaT Technology allows you to obtain sustainable results with an adjustable duration from 10 months to three or more years. Fillers ELLANSE-S, ELLANSE-M, ELLANSE-L and ELLANSE-E are absolutely environmentally friendly, safe and differ only in the duration of the cosmetic effect.

Duration of the cosmetic effect of ELLANSE fillers

AQTIS MEDICAL BV (Netherlands) is a medical corporation specializing in the development and production of innovative injection products.

Indications for use

Indications for the procedure for installing liquid mesothreads are sagging skin and decreased tone of facial muscles. The introduction of biogel provides a visible anti-aging effect, eliminating aesthetic and dermatological skin imperfections. The basis of the drug is highly purified hyaluronic acid and zinc chloride.

Problems that the introduction of liquid mesothreads helps to solve:

  • decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin caused by natural aging processes or due to the structural features of the face;
  • the formation of excess fatty tissue in the chin, cheeks and wings of the nose;
  • sagging skin;
  • pronounced numerous wrinkles on the forehead;
  • bags, bruises and wrinkles around the eyes;
  • wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • dry skin;
  • the presence of pigment spots;
  • excessive oily skin;
  • scars, scars, post-acne;
  • loss of clarity of the contours of the oval of the face.

Depending on what specific aesthetic problem needs to be solved, the composition of the biogel is selected. Also, the individual physiological characteristics of the patient and the body’s reaction to one or another component must be taken into account.

Reviews from patients about liquid mesothreads, as well as photos before and after the procedure, prove the high effectiveness of this method in combating the aging process.

The introduction of biogel is often prescribed during the recovery period after plastic surgery, laser facial resurfacing, Botox injections, etc. Due to the fact that the process of fibrillar protein synthesis is activated, the amount of connective tissue increases, so wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes more elastic.

Patient reviews

Women who managed to try the liquid thread lifting procedure shared their impressions of the procedure:

Review #1. Svetlana: “After 40, the oval of the face has noticeably changed. I was afraid to have surgery, so I decided to use non-surgical tightening techniques. At the appointment, the cosmetologist advised me to inject fillers under the skin to smooth out wrinkles and correct the oval of the face. I trusted a professional. I was pleasantly pleased with the result, although during the first days after the reinforcement the chin area hurt very badly. 2 months have passed and the effect is still the same.”

Review #2. Irina: “My mother showed early signs of aging on her face. The same illness affected me too. Already at the age of 28, there were deep wrinkles on the face and “crow’s feet” near the eyes. A cosmetologist friend advised me to try thread lifting. The lift was painless, and surprisingly, I went through the rehabilitation period successfully. Wrinkles smoothed out, the skin became more elastic. I plan to sign up for bioreinforcement again.”

Review #3. Natalya: “I decided to give my mother a gift and took her to a cosmetologist for a facelift. My mother has long been concerned about deep wrinkles and excessive pigmentation. We were very pleased with the result. The complexion has changed, and deep wrinkles have smoothed out. Mom was pleased."

Review #4.

Review No. 5.


The introduction of biogel is absolutely harmless to health. However, even this procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • low blood clotting;
  • bacterial or viral infections;
  • inflammation of the skin at the sites of biogel injection;
  • cancer;
  • dermatological diseases.

There are no strict age restrictions for the liquid mesothread procedure. However, a competent specialist will not recommend it to you if other methods can be used. The introduction of biogel will be ineffective if the wrinkles are senile, severe, and the skin is weakened.

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The result of the procedure depends not only on the drug, but also on the qualifications of the cosmetologist. The doctor must determine whether there is a need to introduce liquid mesothreads and whether they will help eliminate cosmetic flaws. The final effect of the injections can be observed 2 weeks after the manipulations.

Recommended age

Cosmetologists recommend resorting to a thread facelift after 40-45 years. However, in modern life, women as early as 30 years old can notice the first signs of aging on their face. Therefore, most often salons are visited by patients aged 30 to 45 years. Experts do not advise girls aged 18 to 30 to resort to such methods of improving their appearance.

Preparation for the procedure

During a face-to-face consultation, a cosmetologist should examine the patient and ask her about the presence of chronic diseases and contraindications. No special preparation measures are required for the procedure.

Before introducing biogel, standard tests are usually prescribed:

  • blood for biochemistry;
  • coagulogram;
  • allergy tests;
  • general urine analysis.

Before installing liquid mesothreads, it is necessary to donate blood for the presence of HIV, hepatitis B and C, and for the level of tumor markers. For a month before the procedure, you should not take antibacterial drugs, perform hormonal therapy, or use any other drugs that affect blood clotting.

The introduction of biogel does not require the patient to follow a specific diet. It is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking only a week before the procedure.

This is due to the fact that nicotine negatively affects the state of the respiratory system, and alcohol creates an increased load on the heart, blood vessels and causes intoxication of the body.

Before the procedure, you should also not overuse natural and artificial tanning. This may result in less pronounced results from the effects of biogel.

Before introducing mesothreads, you should not do other cosmetic manipulations that lead to disruption of the integrity of the skin. The cosmetologist may suggest that you undergo additional diagnostic tests if necessary.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists on forums share their experience of performing bioreinforcement using liquid threads. They say that when purchasing a drug on your own, you should definitely pay attention to the quality certificate.

Also, in reviews, many experts claim that liquid mesothreads should not be used by women under 30 years of age.

Stages of the procedure

The procedure for installing liquid mesothreads is carried out using local anesthesia. Since the manipulations are low-traumatic and fairly painless, this is enough to ensure the patient’s comfort.

It is very important to choose the right anesthetic. Since fibrotic changes in tissues are usually accompanied by an inflammatory process, the development of pathogenic microflora in the dermis is possible.

The occurrence of edema and hematomas is also possible. Therefore, an incorrectly selected drug for local anesthesia and an incorrect dosage can increase the negative consequences of the procedure and adverse reactions.

It is important to objectively assess the condition of the patient’s skin and select the exact amount of biogel intended for administration. It is possible to adjust the dose of anesthetic during the rejuvenation procedure itself.

Installation of liquid mesothreads is permitted only in a cosmetology salon or clinic. The patient is placed on a chair reclining. The procedure takes no more than 1.5–2 hours. The composition of the biogel is selected individually.

For example, thick biogel with a high zinc content is not suitable for thin skin. The drug is injected to a certain depth in order to involve all layers of the dermis.

Stages of the lifting procedure with liquid mesothreads:

  1. Cleansing the skin of makeup and impurities with special products.
  2. Disinfection and degreasing of skin.
  3. Determining puncture points and marking with a special marker.
  4. Introduction of anesthetic.
  5. Introducing liquid mesothreads into targeted points using a medical cannula.

The procedure is quite painless, injection marks disappear within two days.

Typically, biogel is injected into the following areas:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • area around the eyes;
  • cheekbones;
  • forehead;
  • chin;
  • cheeks.

No more than 3 ml of biogel is administered per procedure. Typically, 0.1–0.2 ml of mesococktail is distributed into each puncture. At least two weeks should pass between rejuvenation sessions.


Injection skin rejuvenation can lead to unexpected results. To prevent side effects, it is important to pay attention to the experience and qualifications of the doctor, as well as the certification of the drugs used. The patient, in turn, must strictly follow the recommendations of the recovery period.

The consequences are observed in the first days after the rejuvenation procedure and go away on their own without additional manipulations. If healing is prolonged, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Side effects:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • painful sensations when pressing;
  • itching, burning.

Important! During this period, it is better not to use new cosmetic, decorative and care products, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction, prolonging the recovery stage.

Possible side effects

The composition of liquid mesothreads includes components such as hyaluronic acid, lactic acid and zinc. All of them have been used in cosmetology for a long time and are absolutely safe. The likelihood of adverse reactions occurring is minimal. However, some patients may experience:

  • skin redness;
  • swelling;
  • discomfort in the area of ​​gel injection;
  • pain at the puncture sites.

These symptoms are normal in the first few days after the procedure. If they do not go away a week after the biogel was introduced, you should consult a doctor for medical help.


Reinforcement with liquid biofilaments has the following advantages:

  • absence of pain when the drug is administered subcutaneously;
  • fast rehabilitation period;
  • no age restrictions;
  • effective and long-lasting results;
  • minimal likelihood of developing adverse reactions and complications.

Biolifting is good because it can be combined with other cosmetic procedures that rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

Skin care after the procedure

After the procedure for introducing liquid mesothreads, you must carefully care for your face. It is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • use the most natural cosmetics for skin care at home (does not contain fragrances or dyes);
  • use creams with a high degree of protection UV filter;
  • treat the puncture area with Chlorhexidine on the first day after the procedure;
  • stop drinking alcohol, black coffee and sugar for at least two weeks after the introduction of mesothreads;
  • do not touch your face with your hands unless necessary, apply cosmetics carefully, without stretching the skin;
  • Do not apply decorative cosmetics to your face for two days from the day of the session.

For about a week after the procedure for introducing liquid mesothreads, it is forbidden to sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun, or visit a sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool. It is recommended to take a warm shower and apply cold compresses to the puncture area.

If you follow all these recommendations, you can achieve maximum anti-aging effect that will delight you for a long time.

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Safety Standards

ELLANSE filler is a sterile, completely self-absorbable dermal filler, the main component of which is a suspension of polycaprolactone microspheres, widely known as a biodergable soft medical suture material. The use of polycaprolactone in medical practice for more than 20 years has demonstrated excellent safety records.

ELLANSE fillers comply with European Union quality and safety standards (CE-marked) and are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Clinical researches

ELLANSE fillers have undergone certified clinical and laboratory tests at the Dr. Moers-Carpi (Munich). The results of the study confirmed the high level of safety of all ELLANCE fillers.

ELLANSE fillers are manufactured in accordance with the highest international quality assurance requirements and are CE Medical marked.

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