5 effective treatments for a youthful neck (it shows your age)

Prevention of age-related changes, minimally invasive aesthetic procedures, short rehabilitation period and quick results - these are the current trends in the aesthetic medicine industry. Let's consider the methods that correspond to them.

You should not think that a good aesthetic result can only be achieved after traumatic hardware or plastic surgery. In the field of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, there are new methods that, with suitable indications and proper execution, act as delicately, quickly and, most importantly, can significantly prolong the youth of the skin, as well as effectively combat its imperfections.

Photorejuvenation BBL

This is a procedure using a machine that generates high-impulse broadband light. This effect allows you to quickly and successfully correct various skin problems: vascular pathologies (for example, rosacea and rosacea), pigment spots, and also fight age-related changes. At the same time, the BBL device does not damage tissue, so rehabilitation is not required after the procedures. The skin becomes fresher, its tone is evened out. BBL is a more modern, improved method of skin photorejuvenation, which, even with increased power (when it is necessary to more intensively act on the problem), does not lead to damage or burns.

Course of procedures:

from 5 sessions, interval of at least a week.

What can cause aging in this area?

  • Age. With age, all processes in the body slow down - metabolism, collagen production, elastin synthesis and many others. All this negatively affects the general condition and color of the skin, but the most sensitive and unprotected areas are the first to be hit.
  • Load. The neck is a fairly mobile part of the body. After all, we constantly turn our heads in different directions, nod, tilt it, and make various movements. The neck muscles are rarely at rest, which is why the skin begins to lose elasticity and stretch.
  • Loss of tone. It is impossible to imagine modern life without gadgets. At the same time, it has been repeatedly proven what a destructive effect their uncontrolled use has on the body. In particular, due to constant use of a smartphone and being in one position behind a computer screen, the cervical spine is overstrained. In addition to affecting the joints and causing pain, this affects the appearance of wrinkles, which are subsequently quite difficult to get rid of.
  • Favorite position. We all love to sit or stand in one favorite position. Meanwhile, it, like the constant use of gadgets, can lead to the appearance of wrinkles in those parts of the body where creases constantly appear.

RF lifting

The long-known and very effective radiofrequency procedure is constantly being improved and implemented in new devices. RF lifting is a radio wave heating of deep tissues, due to which the processes of collagen synthesis, which is responsible for elasticity and firmness, are activated in them, and has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Modern devices offer gentle heating, which works not to destroy and subsequently regenerate, but to stimulate skin renewal. For example, Genius from Lutronic

has a patented intelligent rejuvenation technology. Artificial intelligence helps to strictly adhere to exactly the power of influence that the doctor selected in each specific case. And for greater efficiency, radio wave energy is delivered through a variety of attachments with microneedles (for the face, the area around the eyes, working with scars, for the body, delicate areas). Rehabilitation after such exposure is minimal: 3-4 days.

Course of procedures:

2-3 with an interval of at least two weeks.

Find out what modern body modeling technologies exist

Reconsider your lifestyle

Skin care is not just about using cosmetics. Nutrition and lifestyle play a big role. Get rid of bad habits, try not to lower your head too low, for example, while reading. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics (synthetics irritate the skin, which causes dryness, flaking and loss of elasticity). Include in your diet as many plant-based foods as possible that contain vitamins A, C and E. After all, it is these substances that ensure elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

Taking care of the skin of your neck and décolleté is much easier than it seems. The features of this process are practically no different from those that are relevant for facial care. The main thing is the regularity of the procedures and the correct choice of cosmetics.


The thread implantation procedure is one of the most popular among minimally invasive methods for correcting age-related changes. Modern threads and methods of their installation allow you to work on both the face and body and get noticeable results with a minimum rehabilitation period. For example, innovative threads with hyaluronic acid Excellence Visage HA from Aptos

moisturize tissues, have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. Polylactic acid (from which the threads are made) stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which forms a strong frame in the injection area and provides tissue lifting.

Course of procedures:

a single installation gives an effect of up to 2 years.

Features of the neck and décolleté area

You can accurately determine your age based on the condition of your neck, décolleté and hand skin. In these areas, the skin undergoes age-related changes much earlier. Early aging processes occur due to the structural features of delicate areas.

The skin of the neck and décolleté has a thin layer of subcutaneous fat and is therefore less protected from environmental influences. It loses moisture faster, due to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, tone, turgor, and elasticity decrease, sagging, wrinkles, and rings of Venus appear. The latter are often noted from an early age due to the anatomical structure, but there are other causes that can be eliminated.

Rings of Venus appear with age in those who like to sleep on high pillows, as well as in those who spend a lot of time at the computer and other gadgets, and read books while lying down. Looking at a gadget screen or a book, a person lowers his head 45-60 degrees, and the appearance of wrinkles is inevitable. In addition, the load on the neck muscles increases, and with prolonged improper sitting at the computer, also on the spine. Often, the help of not only a cosmetologist, but also a chiropractor is required.

If you want to avoid such problems, keep your head straight, straighten your shoulders and don’t read while lying down. It may sound strange, but it is important - it will affect both the condition of the skin and health in general. Every girl and woman can take care of her skin in order to prevent age-related changes and delay the appearance of wrinkles. Timely care should begin at about 23-25 ​​years old, because after 35-40 the aging process begins.

How to maintain youthful skin on the face, neck, and décolleté

An important stage in preserving youth is home care. Delicate skin in the neck and décolleté area needs:

  1. Cleansing. Give preference to soft, non-alkaline products, avoid foaming formulations with surfactants and acids. It is better to choose creamy, oily textures. You need to wash your face for about a minute; it is better not to wipe your skin with a towel, but to blot it with a napkin;
  2. Toning. To restore the pH of the skin, prepare for further care, so that serums and creams are better absorbed;
  3. Moisturizing with cosmetics. It is better to use creams that contain panthenol, tocopherol (vitamin E), palmitoyl glycine, niaciamide (vitamin B3).
  4. Protection from ultraviolet exposure, especially in summer.

The use of serums and other products with antioxidant activity and ultraviolet protection will save you from collagen destruction and photoaging.


Attention to your appearance (when it does not take on obsessive forms) is an important detail in maintaining youth. You can correct wrinkles in a timely manner by resorting to botulinum therapy, carry out skin-renewing peelings, moisturize the skin with courses of mesotherapy or biorevitalization, and undergo beauty programs with professional cosmetics. Cosmetologists have long been saying that preventing age-related changes, like timely prevention of diseases, works.

Anti-aging procedures are selected individually in each case. On average, mesotherapy and biorevitalization are carried out twice a year. Superficial acid peels 1-2 times every six months. Botulinum therapy - once every six months.

Indications and contraindications for laser décolleté rejuvenation

A procedure such as laser rejuvenation of the décolleté area is very popular among women over 30 years old. But this does not mean that only at this age can you do laser resurfacing on the neck and upper chest. It all depends on the condition of the skin, which is what you need to focus on.

Laser resurfacing is recommended for:

  • the presence of wrinkles and deep creases;
  • pronounced sagging skin;
  • noticeable age spots;
  • enlarged pores;
  • existing scars after operations, acne and smallpox;
  • the presence of stretch marks on the skin;
  • consequences of acne;
  • unhealthy skin color.

However, even if the problems listed above are present, laser treatment will have to be abandoned in the following cases:

  • diagnosed with cancer;
  • there is an inflammatory process or there are infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases have worsened;
  • there is a herpes infection;
  • there are problems associated with blood clotting;
  • the patient suffers from epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus was detected;
  • there is a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding.

In order not to worry about the unpleasant consequences of laser rejuvenation in the décolleté area, you should discuss the possibility of carrying out the procedure with your doctor or consult a dermatologist.

Optimal age for a neck lift procedure

Many ladies diligently take care of themselves, trying to prolong their outward youth. However, the aging process can be slowed down, but cannot be completely stopped. Visual changes are inevitable, and, as a rule, it is the neck that reveals a woman’s true age. Therefore, in cosmetology there are many procedures aimed at rejuvenating this area of ​​the body. Thus, mesotherapy is recommended for women starting from 35–40 years of age . For those over forty, a cosmetology clinic may recommend a lower face lift.

At the age of 50 years and older, patients often choose plastic surgery, but masks and exercises, for example, lifting with an elastic bandage, have a good effect.

If a woman is over 65 years old , then without surgical intervention a lasting visual effect of rejuvenation will not be achieved. However, even for this age, you can choose special creams and masks that will help maintain skin elasticity after the surgical procedure.

Thus, each age has its own methods of rejuvenating the skin on the neck. Let's take a closer look at them.

The difference between fractional laser décolleté rejuvenation and resurfacing

How does laser resurfacing ? This is nothing more than burning with a standard laser the surface of the skin on which there are cosmetic defects. As a result, a large burn is formed, and the damaged tissue is gradually renewed. The procedure is very traumatic, the regeneration process is quite long, it can take several months . And it is not a fact that after healing there will be no scars or age spots will not appear. More serious consequences cannot be excluded - the development of infection and inflammation in a vulnerable area of ​​the skin.

Fractional laser rejuvenation is a lighter treatment. There are no side effects in this case. In another way, this method is called dermal radio wave optical thermolysis (DROT). This is a systemic procedure based on a combination of fractional skin rejuvenation (carried out using the energy of a CO2 laser beam) with thermolysis and neocollagenesis (exposure to RF radiation).

How does the process work? Before the laser begins to process the surface of the skin, a special scanner divides the energy flow into many small beams, they are equidistant from each other. Each such ray acts on a specific area of ​​the skin and eliminates pillar cells on it, creating microthermal zones of damage through them. This can be compared to a kind of matrix made up of damaged and untouched skin fragments. Where destruction has occurred, cell restoration begins, and the skin begins to renew itself.

RF radiation activates tissue regeneration processes, promotes increased production of fibroblasts (cells that play an important role in recovery), normalization of intercellular metabolism - in a word, this energy effect causes skin cells to rejuvenate.

Laser resurfacing using a CO2 machine eliminates scars, scars, acne, warts, moles, and helps get rid of stretch marks and age spots. In addition, it helps solve the problem of enlarged pores.

Result of laser décolleté rejuvenation

The effect of laser rejuvenation of the décolleté, neck and face is manifested by the following changes:

  • wrinkles disappear or become less pronounced;
  • the structure of the skin is transformed;
  • skin color is evened out, the face looks refreshed;
  • pores narrow;
  • pigment spots and vascular networks disappear;
  • scars are smoothed out, stretch marks become invisible.
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In each specific case, the cosmetologist selects an acceptable method of applying laser to the skin, depending on its condition and the problems that the client wants to solve.

The effect is noticeable at the end of the recovery period after the first procedure. The optimal course is prescribed on an individual basis.

Care after laser décolleté rejuvenation

Those who decide to undergo laser rejuvenation of the décolleté must be prepared for the fact that at the end of the session, pain may be felt in the areas affected by the beam. As a rule, it is not possible to get rid of it with the help of anesthetic gels and other compounds.

After 3-4 hours, redness and swelling are possible, especially in the nose and eyelids. In the next day they do not go away, but intensify. But this should not cause undue concern: such a reaction is the body’s natural response to the traumatic effects of external factors. A special diet helps to alleviate the condition: drink plenty of fluids (water or herbal tea), avoid salty foods and canned food.

The second day after a laser rejuvenation session is characterized by the release of liquid on the affected areas and the formation of crusts from it. Under no circumstances should these crusts be removed; they protect the tissues from infection. In addition, if they are torn off, they may leave scars later. As the crusts heal, they disappear on their own.

It takes at least a week for the skin to recover. During this time, the swelling goes away and the crust softens. But the pinkish tint, characteristic of a post-burn condition, persists for another month.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to avoid side effects. The only thing you can do to help your skin is to use protective and healing creams correctly. For a month, it is necessary to protect the skin from the sun (apply products with a protection factor of at least SPF 30), provide them with vitamins and minerals. It is very important to stick to your diet - eat plenty of vegetables and fluids.

It is better to wash your face with boiled water and be sure to moisturize your skin as much as possible with products prescribed by the cosmetologist. Scrubs and peelings are strictly prohibited during the rehabilitation period.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

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How to get rid of loose skin on the neck using cosmetic methods

With the initial signs of sagging, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, mesobotox, lipolytic injections, placement of mesothreads and thread lifting help. Myostimulating procedures have a good effect.

method essence of the procedure Effect
mesotherapy introduction of active substances (a mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hyaluronic acid) under the skin using injections. The effect is associated with the action of the substances themselves, as well as with the stimulation of biologically active points the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, the deposition of substances under the skin ensures a long-term effect
biorevitalization injection of 3% hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin the hydration and elasticity of the neck increases, the skin thickens
mesobotox injection of small doses of Botox in low concentrations under the skin eliminates the network of superficial wrinkles, smoothes and tightens the skin
mesothreads and thread lifting using special threads (mesothreads, NAS lift procedure) a frame is created that supports the tissue it is possible to restore the relief and shape of the neck, face, chin
myostimulation electrical stimulation of neck muscles the muscle frame is strengthened, the fat layer is thinned, wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval shape of the face and neck is formed
lipolytics lipolytics of the latest generation - Aqualix, Michelangelo, INNO-TDS Draining ppc. effectively eliminate excess fat under the skin and have a tightening effect

If these methods do not bring noticeable results or the early stage is missed, only surgical methods are effective against the problem.

How to remove neck laxity surgically

Isolated liposuction for neck laxity is not indicated and does not produce results. Excess fat, if any, will, of course, go away. But this method does not promote sufficient skin contraction to achieve a satisfactory result.

Long-term results can only be achieved through plastic surgery – platysmoplasty. There are several modifications to this procedure. We use a technique that involves a number of techniques included in the concept of the Hollywood neck lift. This is the author’s method of modeling a beautiful neck-chin angle and removing excess skin.

The technology of dynamic Hollywood platysmoplasty is unique. It eliminates chin sagging even when the head is tilted, and while maintaining a stable weight, the achieved effect lasts for 10-15 years.

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