How to treat rosacea and protect yourself from the appearance of a capillary network on the face?

Consultation Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: November 16, 2022

Review date: November 02, 2022

Cuperosis is a condition characterized by impaired blood circulation in the upper layer of the skin. Blood stagnation leads to thinning of the capillary walls due to the heavy load on them. They become fragile and brittle. Capillaries may periodically burst, and the blood coming out of them will be noticeable under the skin. Most often, rosacea occurs on the forehead, wings of the nose, chin, and cheeks. It is usually accompanied by burning or itching of the skin.

In a more advanced stage, rosacea is characterized by the appearance of a vascular network (telangiectasia) that occurs in the area of ​​capillary damage. Couperosis is the initial stage of circulatory disorders, and rosacea is already a chronic skin disease. 10 percent of our planet's population is affected by this disease. At the same time, the disease is much more common in women, although men are more likely to have complicated forms and rapid development of symptoms.

At the first signs of circulatory problems, you should immediately seek help from specialists. After all, treating the initial stages is always easier than the advanced ones.

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Signs of development of vascular disorders

Facial redness

This is the initial stage of vascular disorders, which is called erythrosis. Occurs under certain circumstances and provoking factors. Sometimes it appears for no reason. The wings of the nose, cheeks and chin are most prone to the onset of the disease. The sensitivity of the skin in these areas increases and it becomes red. A sick person complains of fever, itching, and tingling. This state can last from a couple of minutes to two hours. This skin pathology on the face can spread to the neck.

Constant redness

In problem areas there is already a constant state of redness of the skin. Spider veins and stars begin to appear, as well as pigmentation.

This condition is similar to a flush or sunburn that does not go away.

Skin changes

The skin becomes thinner, dries out, and has a grayish color. Inflammation begins in problem areas, sometimes they become covered with a rash. The disease progresses gradually and its third stage without treatment occurs 20-30 years from the onset of the pathology.

What products to choose for complete care?

We have selected products that will fit perfectly into the daily routine of skin with rosacea.


Sioris washing gel based on plant extracts gently cleanses the skin of impurities and moisturizes.

The composition includes extracts of pomelo, orange, black willow bark, geranium and chamomile oil.

The product does not cause irritation and is ideal for sensitive skin!


Soothing toner with centella from the organic brand Purito perfectly moisturizes, tones and relieves redness. The composition of the toner helps restore the lipid barrier of the skin and reduce skin sensitivity to irritating factors.

The product, in addition to the main component - centella asiatica, contains witch hazel extract, panthenol, allantoin and hyaluronic acid.

Stage aimed at solving specific problems

Serum with a stable form of vitamin C from Cu Skin is an ideal solution for skin with rosacea . This product helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stimulate collagen synthesis, intensely moisturize and relieve inflammation.

Vitamin C is the best antioxidant for the skin, which gives it radiance and evens out its tone!

The product contains camellia extract, forest orchid, hyaluronic acid and betaine.

Causes of the occurrence and development of rosacea

Before starting therapy aimed at curing rosacea, it is advisable to find out what could have been the impetus for its occurrence, that is, dilation of blood vessels and loss of elasticity. As a rule, there are two main reasons: hereditary predisposition and motivating external factors.

The mechanisms of inheritance of the disease have not been established, but studies conducted by American scientists have proven that in 40% of cases the disease occurs in close relatives of patients.

But if heredity is difficult to change, then you need to pay special attention to external factors and, if possible, try to avoid them. Or minimize it. Such negative external factors include:

Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. Red wine has a vasodilating effect on the skin. This negatively affects the skin of the face.

Eating very hot or spicy foods, which leads to capillary fragility.

Sudden temperature changes. People should avoid prolonged stay in an area with an aggressive climate and avoid temperature changes. This is when, for example, a well-warmed person (after a bath or intense workout) plunges into cold water.

Ultraviolet rays also have a negative effect on the skin. Direct sunlight or prolonged stay in a solarium destroys the capillaries on the surface of the face.

Aggressive products. These include hot chocolate and coffee. They increase blood flow to the surface of the face.

Stress, emotional swings, nervous breakdowns. They increase blood pressure and negatively affect blood vessels.

There are also a number of diseases that provoke changes in blood vessels. These include: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the stomach and duodenum (they are observed in 90% of patients with rosacea); endocrine diseases; disruptions in the immune system; disorders in the blood coagulation system; vegetative-vascular dystonia; skin infections.

Care for rosacea-prone skin

There is a cause for the disease, which means there is a solution! To achieve good results, you need an integrated approach.

What does it include?

  1. Diet. No, you don’t need to eat buckwheat alone! The main thing is to reduce the consumption of spicy and hot foods, chocolate, coffee, and alcohol.
  2. Complete skin care , which will consist of gentle cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Don't forget about sunscreen in your day care!
  3. Vitamin therapy is not only for external use, but also for oral administration. Vitamin C is especially important in this situation.

Treatment methods for rosacea and rosacea

Vascular manifestations on the skin are successfully treated. There are cosmetic procedures that effectively affect dilated and fragile blood vessels. Even with hereditary pathologies.

Laser treatment of rosacea

Doctors at A Clinic recommend a photorejuvenation procedure to effectively eliminate rosacea.

The technique is based on the technology of high-intensity pulsed light (Intensive Pulse Light), where the source is a flash lamp that produces light radiation in the wavelength range from 500 to 1200 nm. The wavelength of the light beam depends on the result that is planned to be achieved. There are three types of effects: on the superficial, middle, and deep layers of the skin.

During photorejuvenation, light beams are directed at vascular formations, as a result of which the hemoglobin that stagnates in them is destroyed (collapses), and the vascular pattern disappears.

According to research from the Cornell University Medical School (USA), satisfaction with the results of photorejuvenation was 92%, while patients underwent a course of five procedures with an interval of 3 weeks between each. The same studies have shown that with photorejuvenation, not only skin defects go away, but also overall skin rejuvenation occurs. Thus, skin elasticity increases by 60%, wrinkle depth is reduced by 70%, pores are narrowed by 65%.

Photorejuvenation also eliminates post-acne, age spots, and acne. This additional cosmetic effect is one of the advantages of this procedure.

The photorejuvenation procedure is completely safe, painless, and does not leave any marks on the skin. Phototherapy does not require a rehabilitation period - it is enough to avoid direct sunlight and tanning for some time.

To get rid of rosacea, 3-5 photorejuvenation procedures with an interval of three weeks are enough.

Spider veins: treatment, drugs

Today, there are several effective methods for relieving the symptoms of the capillary network or completely removing the venous pattern. The most common type of therapy is considered a conservative treatment method, which involves taking pills and systemic medications. The goal of this therapy is to prevent progression of the disease and relieve pain. It is usually prescribed when minimally invasive procedures - sclerotherapy and EVLO - are impossible.

What is recommended as part of systemic therapy:

  • Taking venotonic drugs – drugs based on bioflavonoids, which help normalize microcirculation, eliminate blood stagnation and increase vascular tone. The most effective drugs in this group are Phlebodia 600, Detralex, and Venarus.
  • Compression underwear are special tights, stockings or socks with a certain degree of compression, which relieve stress from the lower extremities and take on the responsibility of evenly distributing blood throughout the vessels.
  • Ointments and gels for external use are local agents that act directly on the site of skin lesions. The medicine quickly and effectively relieves symptoms and pain. As a specialist’s recommendations, you can use the ointment “Troxevasin”, “Hepatrombin”, “Heparin”.
  • Tablets for strengthening the vascular wall - this group of products is based on multivitamins with vitamins C and P. This complex allows you to improve the structure of the venous bed, thin the blood and restore the density and elasticity of blood vessels. To obtain a long-term effect, the tablets are taken in courses with a break of six months.

The most effective way to minimize the risks of the appearance of “stars” on the legs and prevent their appearance is to prevent the disease. It should include moderate physical activity, a healthy diet, the absence of bad habits and the choice of comfortable clothes and shoes.

Mesobotox against rosacea

Botulinum toxin, getting under the skin, begins to affect the hormone serotonin, as well as ion channels responsible for the appearance of many signs of rosacea (the effect of dilated blood vessels) and its chronic form - rosacea.
This allows you to normalize neurovascular disorders and, thereby, reduce the severity of redness and uneven skin texture. Botulinum toxin also has the ability to reduce the hyperactivity of subcutaneous vessels and normalize blood microcirculation in them. This leads to a decrease in persistent erythema and a significant decrease in the intensity of redness as a result of sudden flushes of blood to the face, which often occur in patients with rosacea during physical activity, stress, exposure to hot water, wind, frost and other negative factors.

Table of contents

  1. Etiology and pathogenesis
  2. Clinical manifestations
  3. Principles of treatment, hardware methods for treating rosacea

Cuperosis (dilated capillaries, couperose-prone skin, couperosa) is a persistent local expansion of small capillaries with thickening and a pronounced decrease in the elastic properties of their walls, as well as blood stagnation. Unlike rosacea, it almost never goes away on its own.

In our company you can purchase the following equipment for the treatment of rosacea:

  • M22 (Lumenis)
  • AcuPulse (Lumenis)
  • Fraxel (Solta Medical)
  • UltraPulse (Lumenis)

There are no statistical data on rosacea as an independent nosology, however, it is believed that, together with rosacea, rosacea affects from 1% to 22% of the population, depending on the region of residence.

On the severity of the disease in men and women

Such a diagnosis as rhinophyma is typical mainly for men. As for the papulopustular and abscess forms of rosacea, more severe forms are also more common in men (by the way, as with acne), but this is more likely due to a woman’s desire for beauty and an earlier visit to the doctor.

Often patients, mostly women, with the so-called steroid-induced form of rosacea come to see a dermatocosmetologist. This form develops against the background of long-term treatment with corticosteroid ointments prescribed by dermatologists. Patients, encouraged by the quick effect after using steroid ointments (blanching, relieving itching, resorption of papules, etc.), continue self-treatment for months and even years, without contacting doctors. It is quite difficult to treat such patients, since after stopping the use of steroid ointments, a “withdrawal symptom” occurs: a sharp exacerbation of the disease (the appearance of severe redness and itching).

When treating steroid-provoked rosacea, the abolition of external steroid medications is carried out gradually with partial replacement or alternation with medicinal cosmetics. For example, a good effect is achieved by external use of medicinal cosmetics containing Zn, in particular Cu-Zn cream, spray (Uriage) after Sensibio lotion (Bioderma) instead of washing.

Sensitive skin. Root causes.

There are various factors that cause your skin to be too sensitive. Among them:

  1. Hereditary traits
  2. Chronic inflammation, such as acne
  3. Consequence of procedures with a cosmetologist, reaction to chemical peeling
  4. Incompetent or too active care
  5. Menopause, hormonal changes.

And yet, there are pros and cons everywhere. Among the negative factors of sensitive skin is high irritability, and there is also an unpredictable reaction to completely harmless skin care products. The good news is that sensitive skin responds quickly to care treatments and the active ingredients penetrate well into it. If sensitive skin is treated correctly, it will not be difficult to get the desired result.


Firstly, many believe that even persistent erythema is not a reason to see a doctor, and the first visit to a specialist for treatment is sometimes associated only with an increase in the severity of the disease, with the appearance of papular and nodular elements.
Secondly, for the vast majority, prerosacea is not a problem at all that threatens to turn into something more severe. In special cosmetology literature and among cosmetologists, such skin, which actively reacts with redness to various irritants, including creams and procedures, is designated as sensitive skin, and if along with this there are already isolated telangiectasia, the term rosacea .

Cuperosis is a generally accepted term in cosmetology, as well as sensitive skin and seborrhea. In descriptions of the prescription of medicinal cosmetics, creams, lotions and in indications for cosmetological methods, these terms are most often used for problem skin and help cosmetologists more accurately select medicinal cosmetics and procedures.

The concept of rosacea includes both a condition of relatively normal skin with superficially located vessels - telangiectasia (sometimes this can be regarded as pre-rosacea), and the vascular stage of rosacea with the so-called problematic facial skin.

We often see a superficial network of vessels with very thin, dry, atrophic facial skin. As a rule, such skin is reactive, very sensitive to external influences, and the response is not always predictable. And although the term rosacea is not used in dermatological practice, in cosmetology, where, as a rule, they do not deal with diseases, the use of the concept of rosacea skin is justified.

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