Expression wrinkles on the face: causes of appearance and methods of correction

Every day our face makes thousands of muscle contractions while we smile, laugh, become indignant and angry, expressing our emotions through facial expressions.

At a very young age, due to its elasticity, the skin quickly returns to its original state as soon as the facial muscles involved in facial expressions relax. But over time, the structure of the skin changes, its elasticity is lost and small creases form at the site of muscle contractions, which are called expression wrinkles.

Expression wrinkles are the first signs of age-related skin changes. And in order to preserve youthful skin for as long as possible, you need to consult a specialist: a cosmetologist will help you choose the right skin care and select a technique for the prevention and correction of facial wrinkles.

Reasons for appearance

Active facial expressions are not the only cause of early facial wrinkles. There are several factors that affect the condition of the skin, reducing its firmness and elasticity:

  • insufficient skin care;
  • influence of the external environment (water quality, air pollution, climate (sharp fluctuations in humidity and air temperature));
  • photoaging (frequent exposure to the sun, lack of skin protection from ultraviolet radiation);
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • thin and dry skin (usually expression lines appear and become noticeable at the age of 30, but with this type of skin they can appear up to 25 years);
  • congenital hyperactivity of muscle fibers in a certain area (the area around the eyes, on the forehead);
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

What are expression wrinkles

Expression wrinkles are peculiar marks that remain on our faces when experiencing various emotions, both negative and positive: sadness, joy, anger, surprise, etc.

In youth, such wrinkles are visible only during facial expressions, but in a calm state, the skin returns to its original appearance. With age, irreversible processes occur that worsen the elasticity of the skin, leading to dehydration and dryness. As a result, wrinkles stop smoothing out and become noticeable even in those moments when the face is completely relaxed.

In overly emotional people, facial wrinkles may appear at an early age. This is due to bad habits of wrinkling your forehead, frowning your eyebrows or pursing your lips.

The depth and severity of folds is influenced by several factors:

  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation, wind, low temperatures;
  • incorrect choice of decorative cosmetics and its excessive use;
  • smoking and addiction to alcoholic beverages;
  • stress;
  • heredity.

The active appearance of facial wrinkles is observed by women during menopause, when significant restructuring of the body occurs. This is due to dehydration and thinning of the skin

Related factors

In addition to the main reasons that provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles, there are also associated factors that make them more pronounced:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • passion for solarium and sunbathing contribute to a decrease in skin firmness and elasticity;
  • hormonal changes, due to which facial wrinkles can become more noticeable;
  • diets and lack of nutrients contribute to the deterioration of skin quality and the early appearance of wrinkles;
  • stress and nervous shock (any stress has a negative effect on the skin);
  • any active facial expressions (the habit of pursing your lips, the habit of frowning during a conversation, squinting, etc.) provokes the appearance of early wrinkles.

If age-related wrinkles form at a more mature age, then the first facial wrinkles appear quite early and it is more difficult to resist them, because our facial expressions work constantly.

It is worth mentioning that the fight against expression wrinkles is immediately doomed to failure if you neglect skin care and do not monitor your health, since any changes in the skin largely depend on these factors.

Reviews on how to remove expression wrinkles

“At 31 years old, I have already begun to think about how to remove wrinkles. I read on the Internet that botulinum toxin injections are necessary to smooth out wrinkles. Ilona Sergeevna Kochneva was recommended to me by a colleague (she herself had already gone to this doctor 2 times for a botulinum toxin procedure). After the consultation, we decided where and how many units I need to enter. After about 5 days, the wrinkles smoothed out and, surprisingly, my face did not become mask-like, the facial expressions of my forehead did not completely disappear, but I simply stopped wrinkling my forehead in problem areas.” Irina, 31 years old. Read other reviews on how to remove expression wrinkles here.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

It is impossible to completely avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles, but it is quite possible to slow down the aging process.

Prevention of the early appearance of facial wrinkles must include:

  • skincare treatments: facial massage and deep cleansing improve skin condition and help delay the appearance of wrinkles;
  • proper skin care must include creams, sun protection, nourishing and moisturizing masks suitable for the condition and type of skin;
  • timely injection and hardware procedures serve as excellent prevention of skin aging;
  • A healthy lifestyle is also very important: good sleep, sports, physical exercise, facial fitness exercises, a balanced diet, and the absence of bad habits are necessary for beautiful and youthful skin.

Prevention of expression wrinkles

The formation of deep and clearly visible expression wrinkles can be prevented. Try to follow simple rules:

  • take good care of your facial skin long before the first signs of aging appear;
  • when leaving home on a sunny day (even in winter), use sunscreen, and in cold weather, be sure to apply a nourishing, rich cream to your face;
  • learn to relax your facial muscles and control your emotions;
  • do not wash your face with untreated tap water - the chlorine it contains has a negative effect on the condition of the skin;
  • Include a mandatory visit to a cosmetologist in your schedule.

How to get rid of facial wrinkles?

There are many effective techniques:

  • hardware correction of facial wrinkles (phototherapy, laser resurfacing, microcurrent therapy);
  • botulinum therapy (Botox and other drugs based on botulinum toxin allow you to temporarily block the active work of facial muscles and thereby, by relaxing the muscles, remove facial wrinkles on the forehead);
  • contouring using hyaluronic acid fillers to fill existing deep wrinkles;
  • comprehensive skin care procedures to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles;
  • PRP therapy (plasmolifting);
  • SPRS therapy to treat the skin and increase its cellular potential, that is, its ability to heal itself;
  • mesotherapy with a personally selected cocktail of vitamins and nutrients;
  • biorevitalization.

Before making injections in a clinic or testing other beauty procedures, it is important to first hear the expert opinion of a cosmetologist.

Each method has its own indications and nuances; its effectiveness in your case can only be assessed by a doctor during a face-to-face consultation.

Home care against wrinkles

Retinoids are recognized as the most effective - substances that work on all stages of the pathogenesis of the formation of wrinkles on the cheeks.

The effect of retinol on aging skin

  • Accelerate cellular renewal. Retinoids diffuse easily through membranes, bind to a specific protein, which leads to activation of the synthesis of new cells, and dead cells are exfoliated.

Important: retinoids thin the stratum corneum due to the effect of a mild surface peeling, and the overall thickness of the epidermis increases by accelerating the rate of skin cell division.

  • Activate the work of fibroblasts: collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced in larger quantities. As a result, the number of wrinkles decreases and the skin becomes more elastic.
  • Blocks the work of metalloproteinases, in particular collagenase .
  • Stimulate the formation of new vessels in the papillary layer of the dermis - improving skin nutrition, normalizing microcirculation.
  • Antioxidant effect and slowdown of cell aging by inclusion in their membrane and protection from the damaging effects of toxins and free radicals.

The use of retinol is guaranteed to tighten the skin of the face, make it more even and smooth, and smooth out wrinkles.

Serum with retinol and peptides against age-related changes DermaQuest

Powerful anti-aging serum with Retinol 2%, peptide complexes and plant stem cells. Actively fights all signs of skin aging: increases skin elasticity and turgor, removes wrinkles, eliminates sagging, tightens and renews the skin.

An active agent, applied once a day at night according to a special scheme.

Purse-string and age wrinkles (before and after)

Barcode, this is what facial wrinkles on the lips are usually called. A softer name is purse string, but the essence does not change. They stretch from the red border of the lips to the nose, often leaving quite visible creases on the skin at a young age. In addition to the main disadvantage - adding age to the owner, they also cause a lot of inconvenience with makeup, foundation and powder collect in the folds, lipstick and gloss mercilessly spread along wrinkles from the lips.

It is a false belief that purse-string wrinkles occur only during menopause and in older women. In my practice, I regularly observe this picture on the lips, starting at the age of 30. Of course, not everyone has it, there are predisposing factors - smoking, lack of sun protection with frequent sun exposure, active facial expressions, skin characteristics (on dry skin), heredity.

Giving up on these wrinkles is not the best option, because it is these facial marks that create the appearance of an aged face.

What causes wrinkles

The origin of wrinkles lies deeper than the skin level and different areas of the face have different causes - excessive facial activity, anatomical features, sleeping on the face, drooping of facial tissues with age, decreased skin tone, photoaging (from sunlight).

What is a wrinkle?

A wrinkle is a crease in the skin where it is constantly subjected to mechanical compression and squeezing. Most often, wrinkles arise from the work of facial muscles. This mainly occurs on the forehead, in the area between the eyebrows, around the eyes and lips. Often, such creases form on the cheeks when the fibers of the laughter muscle are woven into the skin. Creases form on the face during sleep - such wrinkles differ from others in the direction of the rays and unusual location (vertical), more often they are one-sided, and can aggravate existing facial wrinkles, for example, nasolabial ones.

Wrinkles can be dynamic or static. Dynamic ones appear only when facial expressions are active, and with a calm face they quickly and completely disappear. This is typical for people with good skin tone, often up to 22-25 years old, or for older people, but with weak facial activity.

Static wrinkles can be seen without facial expressions; they remain in place for a long time or even forever, even if the face is motionless. They appear at any age with very high facial activity or when skin tone decreases for various reasons.

Cosmetologist about acne on the face

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Expression wrinkles (correction) – 1 Before and after

Botulinum therapy (botulinum toxin injections) is still precisely the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles. The drug does not affect the quality of the skin, it does not fill it out, it simply turns off facial expressions. This means that if there are pronounced creases on the skin, they will most likely remain even after the procedure; there will be only a slight smoothing due to the lack of facial expressions in this area.

That is why, in order not to have to use additional methods in the future to eliminate existing wrinkles, patients prefer not to let them form. As soon as you begin to notice that the lines on the forehead, near the eyes, in the area between the eyebrows remain for more than 2-3 hours or do not go away at all, then it’s time to go to a cosmetologist for a procedure.

In this case, the patient is on prevention. She has wonderful elastic skin, but it is very thin, which leads to early wrinkles in mobile areas. We treat these areas with Botox every 6 months and you can evaluate the results. Smooth skin without wrinkles. At the same time, it is noticeable that there is no complete absence of facial expressions, slight mobility of the eyebrows is preserved so that the face is “alive.”

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Smooth skin without wrinkles
  • Eyebrow mobility
  • There is facial expressions
  • "Live" face
  • Botulinum toxin injections
  • Prevention

Expression wrinkles (correction) - 2. Strains on the neck. Before and after

The cords on the neck, as well as the arms, very much show age. In women aged 35-40, they may not be so noticeable, thanks to the still good skin tone, but they still attract attention when moving, turning their heads to the sides, while laughing or just talking. Such bands appear due to increased tone of the neck muscle, which is called platysma. It is very thin and wide, covering the front and side surfaces of the neck, so the strands can be observed on the side of the collarbones and under the chin.

It is impossible to control the process of its tension, so if you don’t like the cords and it seems to you that they are “aging”, then you need to relax this muscle. The most effective method is microinjections of botulinum toxin preparations. The procedure is very well tolerated and takes just a few minutes. The effect begins on the 3rd day and increases until the 10th. The interval between procedures is usually 6 to 8 months.

In this case, we assessed the result after 2 weeks, the patient was satisfied with the effect obtained. The neck began to look much younger, although we just relaxed the platysma and have not yet worked on the quality of the skin.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Neck is younger
  • Relaxed platism
  • result in 2 weeks
  • Microinjections of Botox
  • Interval up to 8 months

Expression wrinkles - 3. Purse-string wrinkles. Before and after

In this case, the task was precisely to smooth out purse-string wrinkles in order to smooth out the skin on the upper lip and visually rejuvenate the face. In order to quickly achieve results, it was decided to use a filler based on hyaluronic acid. A light lip beautification was carried out and purse-string wrinkles were stitched. We assessed the result after 2 weeks.

As a result, the lips did not increase in size, but simply became smoother and fuller, the contour became denser, due to this, new creases will not form during facial expressions. The same creases that were there were filled very delicately. Nothing betrays the intervention of a cosmetologist.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about an hour with consultation and pain relief. It is tolerated comfortably, rehabilitation is 3-7 days, swelling and bruising are possible. The effect lasts up to a year on average.

  • Smooth lips
  • Tight contour
  • The cosmetologist’s intervention is not visible
  • Smoothed skin from wrinkles

Expression wrinkles - 4. Wrinkles on the forehead. Before and after

Wrinkles are traces of emotions

I guess, yes. But for some reason, when you see them in the mirror, they don’t make you happy at all. Especially when you are 30 years old. The option to control facial expressions is not suitable for everyone, since this facial expression is not called involuntary for nothing. A person often doesn’t even notice how his forehead shakes.

In this case, Botox or Dysport work well, a light block and the skin is much smoother both on the forehead and around the eyes. The eyes still “laugh” when smiling, there is no facial expression, and at the same time the look is fresh and rested. The procedure takes only one minute, is easily tolerated, the effect occurs from the 3rd to the 10th day, repeat the procedure every 4-8 months.

Factors contributing to the formation of facial wrinkles

In addition to the natural passage of time, other factors can affect the skin. Some people may develop wrinkles earlier than others.

What contributes to the formation of expression lines?

  • Decrease in skin elasticity and its natural moisture due to wear and degeneration of elastic and collagen fibers (occurs with age).
  • Active facial expressions.
  • Spasmed blood vessels as a result of stress.
  • Increased release of adrenaline into the blood as a result of stress.
  • Excess ultraviolet radiation, which leads to photoaging due to the destruction of intercellular structures and damage to DNA cells.
  • Poor ecology, which directly affects the condition of human skin.
  • Malfunctions of the hormonal system.
  • Sudden weight loss due to illness or strict diets.
  • Violation of rest and work schedule, lack of sleep, overwork. Adequate sleep stimulates the production of a hormone that helps restore collagen, and its absence will lead to premature aging of the dermis.

Unbalanced diet. Especially if you eat sweets often. Foods high in sugar not only affect your weight, but also add wrinkles. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which can replace sugar and help eliminate free radicals. These products are also enriched with antioxidants, which reduce the risk of premature wrinkles.

Smoking is a very bad habit. Each inhalation of cigarette smoke creates many fine wrinkles around the mouth, and especially around the upper lip.

Wrinkles on the face


Ask women which signs of aging worry them most. Most likely they will answer - wrinkles on the face. It is this problem that worries our patients more often than others. How to remove wrinkles on the face? What cosmetological techniques and modern technologies can help us with this?


The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. This is where the first wrinkles most often appear. How can we prevent their appearance and how to remove wrinkles around the eyes if they have already formed?

  • Botulinum therapy is the simplest, most inexpensive and reliable means of combating facial wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead.

Use of drugs Botox, Dysport, etc. will help temporarily limit the activity of those facial muscles that cause you to wrinkle your forehead, frown or squint. As a result, wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead will gradually smooth out. (learn more about the procedure here).

Need a consultation?


  • Laser procedure is perhaps the most effective remedy.

Just one fractional thermolysis procedure can completely eliminate fine wrinkles on the face. A rejuvenating procedure using the latest CO2 laser will make your skin more elastic, fresh, moisturized, and restore its internal structure. The laser procedure is so effective that its results are often compared to those of surgery.

  • Biorevitalization is a great way to restore the skin to a fresh, healthy appearance and elasticity.

A course of microinjections of natural hyaluronic acid preparations will allow you to get rid of sagging skin and help quickly restore water balance and proper nutrition of the skin. (learn more about the procedure here).


With age, the skin gradually stretches and begins to sag. This occurs due to the action of gravity and age-related decrease in the elasticity of the epidermis. These problems can be dealt with not only surgically (see facial plastic surgery), but also with non-surgical methods. On our website you can learn more about such methods of non-surgical face lifting as:

  • Softlifting;
  • Thread lift (mesothread);
  • Contour plastic;
  • ELOS rejuvenation;
  • Laser skin lifting;
  • Bioreinforcement.

What is the best method to combat wrinkles? What can we recommend in your case?

Each face is individual, so you can choose the optimal method of combating wrinkles only after examination by a cosmetologist. Call us or schedule an in-person consultation with our specialist here, and we will select the optimal skin rejuvenation technology for you and help you create a preventative facial care program!

To shave or not to shave?

Well, girls, let's start shaving to get rid of wrinkles on our cheeks? After all, in war all means are good!

Have any of you ever wondered why many men have better facial skin than women? The whole secret lies in frequent shaving! After all, in essence, by shaving, men exfoliate themselves several times a week - they remove the stratum corneum of the skin and renew it.

In addition, grimacing while shaving (has the way our halves grimace when shaving ever made you smile?), our men do nothing more than facial gymnastics: they stretch the skin, train all 57 muscles that are located in this zone.

What did women come up with?

On one of the forums, a girl says that she came up with this method of facial massage purely by chance. And he helped her get rid of wrinkles and solve other problems with her face. Now this method is so popular that many people praise its effectiveness. So let's get started.

  • The razor is taken, but the protective cap is not removed from the blade! And we begin to imitate shaving, as men do. We move along the oval of the face, stretch the cheeks, etc. For better glide, you need to lubricate the skin on your face with cream or vegetable oil.
  • You need to “shave” from 2 to 7 minutes. Reviews say that this really helps - bulldog cheeks disappear, wrinkles decrease, and the smile on your face does not disappear from the result.
  • Instead of a razor, you can use a soft toothbrush. This cheek massage has a good effect on the skin and tones the muscles. Don't forget to shave thoroughly! That is, you need to grimace and grimace very well: pull your cheekbone forward, tighten your cheeks - work with your whole face.
  • If you don’t have a machine or a brush at hand, work with your bent index finger. It turns out pretty good too.
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