How to Make and Apply Parsley Facial Lotion

Chemical composition of parsley lotion

All facial skin care lotions can be alcohol- or water-based, alkaline or acidic, and the choice of one or another ingredient is directly related to skin type. For example, for oily types it is preferable to use an alkaline or alcohol lotion with an alcohol percentage of at least 40. At the same time, those with dry skin should use water-based or weak alcohol lotions with an alcohol content of no more than 20%. As for parsley-based formulations, they are unique in nature because they contain a whole range of useful chemical compounds to solve skin problems.

Did you know? Parsley is a natural breath freshener. If you chew a few leaves of the plant, they will effectively eliminate the unpleasant odor after consuming onions or alcohol.

The main components in this case will be the following substances:

  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • pectin;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • mineral compounds (iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium).


In another way I call flower water - a valuable facial care product. It is obtained from plants through distillation. Hydrolate extracts even more useful substances from raw materials than essential oil. This miracle remedy can be bought in specialized stores, or you can prepare it yourself.

Parsley hydrolate is suitable for all skin types.

Preparation process (you can read about the process of preparing hydrolate in more detail):

  • pour half a liter of distilled water into a large saucepan;
  • a sieve is placed in it so that it does not touch the bottom;
  • place a glass bowl on the sieve,
  • pre-washed and dried parsley is laid out around it;

Attention! It is recommended to make hydrolate from fresh raw materials.

  • then the structure is covered with a lid, the handle should be directed downward, condensate will be drawn dropwise into the bowl;
  • the joint between the lid and the pan is tightly wrapped with foil to prevent steam from escaping;
  • After boiling, turn the heat to minimum and boil for about 2 hours.

By this time, a full bowl of hydrolate is collected. It is cooled and poured into sterile containers. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Flower water can be obtained from any plant material: flowers, herbs, nuts.

This water is ideal as a tonic. It does not need to be diluted.

In the summer, the hydrosol is poured into a spray bottle and used as thermal water. It protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, tones, mattifies, makes it soft and silky.

Parsley for the face is a very useful remedy, as it is natural, affordable, effective and versatile. With regular use, it will help preserve beauty and youth for a long time.

Beneficial properties of facial lotion

Lotions solve a variety of problems, but most often it is cleansing and nourishing the skin of the face while simultaneously removing redness and age spots. Like many other products, a parsley-based composition helps achieve your goals.

  • But besides this, it also performs other functions:
  • whitens skin;
  • removes impurities from pores;
  • evens out minor facial irregularities;
  • eliminates dry skin and prevents flaking;
  • slows down the aging process and makes existing wrinkles less noticeable;
  • tones the skin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • eliminates stains left behind by acne or individual pimples.

Almost all parsley-based lotions have similar properties, but in order to achieve maximum results from them, it is important to strictly follow the rules for their use and select formulations suitable for a specific skin type.

Effective in the fight against age spots

When you add this plant to your regular care, pigment spots on the face or other parts of the body will gradually lighten and in their place there will be only smooth, beautiful skin with perfect color and smoothness. In some cases, the whitening effect is achieved literally in 1-2 applications , since everything is completely individual, and each person’s skin type is different, but you should not completely abandon products with parsley after achieving the desired effect.

Thanks to its rich composition, greens will help your skin actively resist the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, which is why new age spots will no longer bother you, and your face will delight you with its even and uniform color every time you look in the mirror.

Features of application

There is nothing complicated in using lotions or cleansing tonics: just spray the product or apply it on a cotton pad and wipe the skin, after removing makeup. However, before performing the procedure, it is worth studying all possible indications and contraindications for the use of this product.

Important! Before using parsley lotion on your face, you should make sure it is safe by treating a small area on your wrist. If after 10 minutes no itching or signs of irritation appear, you can safely use the product for its intended purpose.


Due to the large number of useful components in parsley juice, a lotion based on it can be used in the following cases:

  • with fading and aging skin;
  • if you have oily and shiny skin (this product effectively gets rid of the so-called “greasy shine”);
  • for dry and tired facial skin;
  • in the presence of age spots.

In addition, this product can be used for preventive purposes - to refresh the skin and maintain its tone.


In most cases, parsley-based cosmetics are well accepted by the skin and do not cause any side effects. The only exception to this rule is a tendency to allergic reactions and individual intolerance to substances in the plant. After making sure that you do not suffer from such phenomena, you can proceed to the direct use of the composition.

How to make parsley face lotion at home

Many women consider homemade cosmetics to be much healthier than store-bought ones, which has a logical explanation: when you make it yourself, you know exactly what and how much was used, and you can also choose the right ingredients according to your skin type.

Did you know? In Ancient Greece, parsley was used for ritual purposes, including it in funeral wreaths. There was even a belief that in order to destroy an enemy it was only necessary to pronounce his name and pluck a plant shoot.

This also applies to parsley lotion, to create which you will need:

  • 1/3 cup crushed leaves of the plant (preferably regular, not curly varieties);
  • 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar (here you should choose only a high-quality product);
  • 3-4 drops of jojoba oil;
  • 4 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 100 ml thermal or regular boiled water.

The process of preparing homemade facial lotion in this case involves performing the following sequential actions:

  1. Take a small saucepan, fill it with water and bring the liquid to a boil.
  2. Pour peeled and chopped parsley leaves into boiling water and boil them over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Cool the broth and strain it.
  4. Take a clean bottle with a spray nozzle (preferably glass) and pour boiled water into it.
  5. Add oil and vinegar to the liquid, then pour in the prepared broth and shake everything well.

Video: how to make parsley face lotion

Skin preparation

In order for parsley to have the maximum beneficial effect, your face must be properly prepared before applying a homemade mask. Namely:

  1. Completely remove any cosmetics from the skin.
  2. Treat the epidermis with a scrub for high-quality cleansing.
  3. Pour a hot herbal decoction into a deep container and hold your face over the rising steam for 5-7 minutes to open the pores as much as possible.

After all of the above procedures, the skin is carefully blotted with a towel and proceed directly to cosmetic procedures.

How to use correctly

For maximum effectiveness of the lotion, it is better to use it twice a day: morning and evening, immediately after removing makeup. After the product is completely absorbed, a day or night cream applied with light tapping movements will help supplement its effect. You can store the remaining composition in the refrigerator, but for a homemade product the maximum use period is 5 days. The course of such therapy is at least 1 month, followed by 1 month of rest.

Important! Any cosmetic product should be applied to the skin no later than half an hour before going outside, especially when it comes to the cold season.

Best Brands of Premade Parsley Lotions

If you don’t have time to make your own cosmetics, then there are always ready-made analogues of such products on the open market. Let's look at the most famous parsley-based lotions today.

"Body D"

This product is produced in Bulgaria; in addition to parsley, it contains extracts of chamomile, dandelion and licorice root. All together, these ingredients guarantee the high effectiveness of the lotion, filling it with vitamins C, E, group B, glycolic acid and alpha-arbutin. The main property of Body D is the successful fight against freckles and age spots on the face, as a result of which the skin becomes smooth and acquires an even tone.

In addition, the Bulgarian product perfectly disinfects, tones and soothes the skin, and also regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and removes pigmented horn cells, thereby reducing dry skin and refreshing the face. As for the disadvantages of using such a remedy, the main one will be the short-term effect. Therefore, you will have to regularly use the lotion at least 2 times a day.


“Ecocode” is a Ukrainian-made product based on parsley. The lotion also contains cucumber extract, castor oil, alcohol base and panthenol. This product perfectly cleanses the skin, relieves redness and evens out the tone.

And its main advantage, compared to other similar lotions, is its greater accessibility.

With regular use of the composition in the morning and evening, the skin of the face will become soft and smooth, maintaining these qualities for a long time.

"Life source"

The product is also made in Ukraine, which is produced and declared by the manufacturer as an effective means for rejuvenating the skin and preventing its rapid aging. This lotion contains:

  • placental hydrolyzate (contains highly active peptides, mucopolysaccharides, amino acids);
  • cucumber, oat and parsley extracts;
  • flavorings.

You will be interested to know about the medicinal properties of parsley for a woman’s body.

Together, these components improve capillary blood circulation in the skin, enhance its natural respiration, optimize metabolic processes, cleanse and accelerate regenerative processes. Thanks to these properties, the “Source of Life” lotion relieves inflammation, reduces sebum secretion, and has an exfoliating effect, thereby helping to restore skin elasticity and eliminate pigmentation. Unlike previous options, you need to apply this composition once a day, and choose the time depending on your skin type.

For dry or normal skin, the best solution would be evening application, but for oily skin, you should choose morning application. Whatever lotion you choose, you should always follow the instructions for its use and never use the composition after the expiration date. A competent approach to cleansing and nourishing the skin will guarantee a radiant and healthy appearance for a long time.

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