Red moles on the body: a signal of dangerous diseases or a harmless formation?

If you want to remove unnecessary hair from your body - and, above all, from your legs, the easiest thing is to pick up a razor.

Although this procedure must be repeated more often than other types of hair removal, shaving has undeniable advantages: it is simple and pleasant. Especially if you know a few simple rules that will help you avoid unpleasant sensations. Yes, skin irritation and pimples too. We’ll tell you, first of all, about women’s legs, but: gentlemen who need this, don’t be shy, the advice is quite universal.

Why does the skin become red and irritated?

Shaving the body, like the face, is often accompanied by microtraumas. Any razor, from straight to electric, passes its cutting edges along the surface of the skin. Unscheduled peeling, one might say. If the skin is not perfectly smooth - and not a single person has perfectly smooth skin! - then the razor can cut off the top layer of small skin irregularities. We don't notice them, but the razor blade passing over them causes redness and irritation.

This is a theory, but in practice these microtraumas can either be reduced to almost zero, or, conversely, provoked. For example, if the blade of your razor is dull, it will take a long time to “scrape” the skin until it is clean, which means there will be more microtraumas. Further, you can shave incorrectly (read below for how to shave correctly), and a lot depends on your movements.

And redness, irritation and other troubles may be an allergy to the gel or foam with which you cover your feet before this important procedure. So take a closer look at the composition of your shaving products, try to simply apply them to your skin - what if they are the problem!

Treatment of spider veins

Spider veins tend to progress: an increasing number of neighboring capillaries are involved in the process, and entire “networks” are formed. The easier it is to get rid of “stars”, the smaller the area they occupy.

Removal of spider veins is carried out using various conservative and surgical methods: sclerotherapy, ozone therapy, radio wave and laser methods.


Sclerotherapy in MedicCity

2 Sclerotherapy in MedicCity

3 Sclerotherapy in MedicCity

The radio wave method (Surgitron) is the removal of an enlarged capillary using a thin electrode without damaging surrounding tissues and healthy vessels. An ideal method for removing single spider veins on the face, which does not leave scars.

1 Laser removal of spider veins in MedicCity

2 Laser removal of spider veins in MedicCity

3 Laser removal of spider veins in MedicCity

Removal of spider veins with a laser (laser coagulation) is used in the presence of widespread vascular network. The laser beam is selectively absorbed by the pathological vessel forming the spider vein and heats it. At high temperatures, the walls of the vessel stick together, and the vessel is irreversibly damaged.

Sclerotherapy (introduction of a sclerosant into the lumen of the vessel, which causes adhesion of the vessel walls) is effective against fairly large telangiectasias, located mainly on the legs.

You can learn how sclerotherapy is performed from the video. The procedure takes place on an outpatient basis, before our eyes: thanks to a simple injection, the patient gets rid of spider veins on her leg.

Spider veins may appear again. To prevent relapse, it is necessary to take medications to strengthen blood vessels and use compression stockings.

1 Before and after removal of spider veins using sclerotherapy in MedicCity

2 Before and after removal of spider veins using sclerotherapy in MedicCity

3 Before and after removal of spider veins using sclerotherapy in MedicCity

4 Before and after removal of spider veins using sclerotherapy in MedicCity

5 Before and after removal of spider veins using sclerotherapy in MedicCity


There's nothing worse than shaving dry, coarse hair on dry skin. Here you need to act wisely - before shaving, the skin and hair must be moisturized and made soft. This means that the shaving machine is best used after a bath or shower. Moreover: the day before it would be a good idea to thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub - it will remove dead skin cells and solve the problem of ingrown hairs.

So, our feet are ready - let's take up the tools. First of all, we need the machine itself - and the more modern, the better. For example, the most advanced body razor of the Dorco Shai 3+3 brand has six blades in a dual 3-blade cassette. The cartridge is movably attached to an ergonomic handle and is equipped with a rubber micro-comb that lifts hairs before shaving and a moisturizing strip. This design is the result of a long, more than century-long evolution of “women’s” razors; with its help, everything can be done quite painlessly. In addition to the machine, you need shaving cream, gel or foam - this product, as we said above, must be chosen so that it itself does not cause allergies, and the machine glides over it flawlessly.

Eve 6 Simple

Razor with 6 blade movable cassettes follows every curve of your body

Bruises on legs

The familiar bruises on our legs appear not only because we unsuccessfully “rounded” some corner or fell, but also for no apparent reason. You can think about the reasons for the appearance of bruises on your legs for a long time, but if, in addition to bruises, you also have spider veins on your legs, then these are already signs of incipient varicose veins. Your blood vessels in your legs need the help of a specialist.

An experienced phlebologist at the MedicCity clinic will help you deal with bruises on your legs and other manifestations of phlebological diseases.

Causes of bruises on legs

Bruises on the legs occur due to weakness and fragility of the blood vessels in the legs. Moreover, in older people, bruises on the legs appear much faster than in children, and take longer to disappear.

Let's look at the main reasons leading to bruises on the legs:

  • beginning varicose veins;
  • lack of vitamins, which affects the weakness of blood vessels in the legs (for example, vitamin K leads to increased blood clotting, vitamin P prevents the formation of plaques in the vessels);
  • lack of microelements that are responsible for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, such as cobalt, selenium, calcium;
  • congenital disease hemophilia, leading to decreased blood clotting;
  • the use of drugs such as aspirin, cardiomagnyl, which are responsible for diluting blood viscosity;
  • the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritis, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, which increase bleeding;
  • liver diseases responsible for hematopoietic functions.

Treatment of bruises on the legs

You can talk a lot about bruises on your legs, but if this problem often bothers you, then it cannot be ignored.

In our clinic, removal of spider veins and other diseases of the blood vessels of the legs is carried out by experienced phlebologists who are fluent in all modern methods of diagnosing and treating diseases of blood vessels and veins. At the multifunctional clinic "MedicCity" they will help you quickly and expertly remove bruises and spider veins on your legs!

Reviews about the effectiveness of our treatment will help you make the right choice. The cost of services will pleasantly surprise you!

You can see prices for treatment here.

And if still...

Let's be honest: it happens that all this did not help, and irritation still arises. Well, you never know - for example, the cream still didn’t work. Then the pimples and irritation that appear need to be removed: of course, there is no life with them. So, it's time to smear yourself. There are ready-made remedies for skin irritation, or you can make them yourself. The principle of operation for all of them is practically the same: bactericidal, that is, disinfecting the surface. And it prevents the formation of microabscesses, which provoke irritation.

How to get rid of red dots?

Most often, irritation caused by shaving goes away on its own after half an hour. If the skin is too delicate, then unpleasant redness may occur for 1-2 days. How to get rid of red dots after hair removal in a short time? You can do this in the following ways.

Cosmetical tools

What to do if red dots appear after hair removal? You can cope with this problem using the following cosmetics and pharmaceutical products:

  • Hydrocortisone ointment 1%. The cream should be applied in a thin layer immediately when irritation appears. Inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms will disappear instantly. You should not use the ointment often, as it is addictive.

  • Soothing lotions, creams without alcohol base.
  • Baby cream or powder.
  • Coconut oil. It should be applied in a thin layer twice a day.
  • Lotion with aloe extract. This product relieves inflammation, destroys microbes and promotes skin regeneration.
  • Antiseptics: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. You need to moisten a cotton pad and wipe the inflamed areas.
  • Ointments with panthenol: Bepanten, Panthenol.
  • Zinc ointment. Dries, disinfects and brightens the skin, prevents the appearance of age spots.
  • Tonic or lotion with salicylic acid.
  • Anti-burn ointments.
  • Thermal, micellar water.

When choosing a remedy for red spots, it is necessary to take into account the cause and degree of irritation, as well as the individual characteristics of the body.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy helps eliminate the unpleasant skin phenomenon, solves the problem of ingrown hairs, making the legs smooth and soft. This technique normalizes sebum production, reduces sweating and improves the condition of the treated areas of the body.

Solving the problem using folk remedies

How to remove spots on legs after shaving? To eliminate the problem, in addition to cosmetics and pharmaceutical drugs, you can use the following folk remedies.


Aloe juice is a wonderful antiseptic that has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antimicrobial and wound-healing properties. A miraculous ointment can be prepared from this healing plant.

To do this, you need to make a paste from several leaves, which is mixed with base oil in a 2:1 ratio. The prepared mixture should be applied to the affected areas of the body. The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. You can also cut an aloe leaf in half and apply the pulp to the redness.

Aspirin and glycerin mask

A couple of acetyl tablets need to be crushed and mixed with 10 grams of glycerin. The prepared antibacterial mixture must be applied to the inflamed areas, left for 20 minutes, and then rinsed with water.

Blue clay

This natural remedy effectively relieves inflammation, gets rid of acne, accelerates wound healing, cleanses well and smoothes the skin. A small amount of clay powder should be diluted with warm water to form a paste and applied to problem areas of the body until it dries, then rinse with water. To achieve a better effect, you can add almond or peach oil.

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