Treatment of warts on the palms: is it possible to solve the problem once and for all?

Many diseases that affect both men and women can be caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). To date, about a hundred types of this virus have been identified, and some of them have not yet been properly studied.

HPV can be noticed visually, that is, papillomas appear on the skin (on the body, arms, under the armpit, on mucous membranes), on the face, on the neck, etc., as well as flat (juvenile), wide and vulgar warts (on the fingers, on the legs, feet, cheeks, eyelids and lips) and other neoplasms in the form of wen, condylomas lata and molluscum contagiosum.

As you can see, the affected areas can be very diverse, and the spread is very extensive, but if you consult a doctor in time and do not self-medicate, then a significant improvement in the quality of life is possible, up to the complete disappearance of all symptoms.

HPV is a human papillomavirus that can infect anyone, regardless of gender or age. It is this virus that causes the appearance of warts and other tumors, and also poses a great threat if the type of virus has a high ability to provoke cancer.

The incubation period of the virus ranges from several weeks to several years, depending on the patient’s health condition and external factors. In some cases, the body eliminates the virus on its own within a year or six months, but external factors during this time can provoke further development of the disease and its clinical manifestations.

Diagnosis of papillomas on the hands

Visually determining whether we have a papilloma is quite difficult.
So, in children, similar symptoms can occur when infected with molluscum contagiosum.

In adults – when affected by certain types of helminths.

At any age, a similar picture can be caused by skin tuberculosis and some other dermatological diseases.

Therefore, in some cases a thorough examination is required.

The very first stage is dermatoscopy.

If this method was not enough to formulate an accurate conclusion, a biopsy and histological examination of tissue from the suspicious area is performed.

If HPV infection is beyond doubt, then PCR testing of affected skin cells may be indicated.

It will allow you to tell exactly what type of papilloma virus is causing the problem.

Accordingly, develop optimal tactics to combat the infection.

Types and symptoms of warts, papillomas, condylomas and molluscum contagiosum

The disease does not have any clear clinical symptoms; sometimes the patient does not even suspect that he is infected with the HPV virus. Women may experience spotting after sexual intercourse, and during examination, the doctor may notice signs of cervical erosion and ask about the most typical symptoms for this type of disease.

But at the same time, there are many signs by which one can judge the presence of HPV:

Genital warts (or genital warts)

Flesh, pinkish or reddish papillary-shaped growths that appear on the skin or mucous membranes of the genital organs (external genitalia, vaginal and cervical mucosa, around the anus or external urethra). They can be formed either individually or in groups.

Genital warts can be a symptom of cancer development, that is, they are characterized by moderate oncogenic potential. And, of course, you need to get rid of them, and the sooner the better, but treatment should only be carried out by a high-level specialist.

Flat condylomas

This type of tumor protrudes above the surface of the skin to a lesser extent (unlike the pointed form), but is characterized by a higher level of development of cancer. For high-quality and effective treatment, more complex diagnostics are required.


One of the common types of clinical manifestations of HPV. Warts appear in children and adults on the fingers and toes, on the feet, on the face (on the lips) and neck and other parts of the body. They come in different types, which differ in color, size and location.

Molluscum contagiosum virus

Another type of clinical manifestation of HPV is in the form of small whitish pimples. Sizes can range from a millet grain to the average size of a pea. The virus can infect a large surface of the skin, but does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis.

In children, the molluscum contagiosum virus is diagnosed more often than in adults, and it brings a lot of inconvenience, not only physical, but also moral, since it is very unaesthetic in appearance. Sometimes pimples can be accompanied by itching and bother the baby.

A child can become infected in any public place (in a sandbox, in a kindergarten, in a swimming pool) and at the same time become a spreader of the disease.

Wen, or lipoma

This is a neoplasm that appears in the form of a small compaction, soft to the touch, with well-defined defined boundaries. The tumor can move if you put a little pressure on it. Over time (without treatment) it may increase in size.

Typically, lumps do not cause pain or symptoms such as fever or chills. The localization of neoplasms varies - from the crown to the fingertips.

Indications for treatment of papillomas on the hands

Medical indications for the treatment of papillomas on the hands can be interpreted quite freely.

Doctors will recommend getting rid of them in the following cases:

  • Identification of pathogens with a high oncogenic risk - types 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 45, 56, 59, 66 and 68
  • Localization in which a person’s functionality decreases and has a negative impact on the quality of life (example - palm)
  • Many small papillomas on both arms of the child, as they can become a source of infection for other children
  • Localization in which manifestations of HPV are constantly injured

In addition to such purely medical indications, there are also cosmetic ones.

After all, few people will like an unsightly and unsightly growth on the hands or open parts of the forearms and shoulders.

Of course, more women come forward with requests to remove papillomas on their hands for cosmetic purposes.

However, men also take care of their appearance.

As for children, decisions are most often made by parents.

Methods for destruction of papillomas

Effective and relapse-free removal of single or multiple papillomas on the hands can only be guaranteed by contacting a qualified dermatologist.

The doctor takes into account diagnostic data, age, gender of the patient and selects the optimal method.

The choice is quite wide:

  • local cytotoxic drugs
  • cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen
  • radio wave excision
  • laser ablation
  • plasma coagulation
  • traditional surgery using a scalpel

Each of the listed methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Ointments and creams for local treatment of papillomas on the hands are based on preparations of celandine juice or acids.

They are available and easy to use, but sometimes their use causes burns and scars.

Cryodestruction, although it requires certain tools (Dewar flasks for storing liquid nitrogen), is still inexpensive.

Suitable for combating numerous small papillomas and warts on the hands.

It copes poorly with large formations.

The reason is that the cold is removed from the deeper layers of the skin by a network of capillaries, and the tissues do not freeze.

Radio wave excision requires a special scalpel.

The advantage is that it is bloodless and allows complete removal of a large papilloma with a deep and wide root.

However, the procedure is painful.

Laser ablation is a fairly good method.

Its essence is that coherent light radiation of a certain wave is most absorbed by cells affected by papillomaviruses.

As a result, they coagulate, and minimal harm is caused to healthy skin.

Plasma coagulation is a relatively new but effective method of treating papillomas on the hands.

Its essence is that the formation is first cooled well, and then quickly heated to high temperatures and simply evaporated.

The procedure is almost completely painless.

But pathogens are released with the steam, which can cause the development of a process in the respiratory tract.

So additional protection is required - a mask, a HEPA filter.

The traditional scalpel is used in doubtful cases and when there is no access to other techniques.

Disadvantages are pain and bleeding (albeit minor).

Advantages: reliability and the ability to send removed tissue for histological examination.

All methods of destruction have one serious drawback: with an unskilled approach, scars may remain after the procedures.

Overgrowth of connective tissue on the palms and hands is a very unpleasant and difficult process to treat.

Features of warts on the palm

Warts can affect absolutely any part of the epidermis of the hands, but most often form on the back of the hand or in the area of ​​the fingers. Moreover, most of these formations are classified as vulgar growths, which do not differ in color from healthy skin and are relatively small in size - 0.1-1 cm.

As for the number of such neoplasms, there are both single skin defects and multiple warts that tend to merge.

The distinctive signs of warts on the palms are the following:

  • No pain or itching;
  • The site of the skin defect does not have an epidermal pattern, which is usually restored after removal of the wart;
  • Black dots, which represent coagulated vessels, may appear on the surface of the formation.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that warts on the palms are more of an aesthetic defect, which, however, in the absence of timely treatment can lead to a significant growth of tumors and a high risk of mechanical damage.

Adjuvant therapy in the treatment of papillomas

It is now becoming obvious that the effectiveness of destructive techniques should be supported by adequate drug support.

Therefore, injections or tablets for papillomas and warts on the hands are becoming commonplace.

The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • Immunostimulants – Amiksin (tilorone)
  • Antiviral – Cycloferon
  • Interferons – Viferon
  • Immunomodulators – Lykopid

Medicines begin to be taken several days before the removal procedure and continue for at least 5 days after destruction.

Specific names and doses are selected individually.

So, Viferon can be taken in tablet form or this drug can be injected directly into the papilloma.

Despite a lot of nuances, when used correctly, the therapeutic approach significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse and reappearance of the removed papilloma on the hand, palm or other areas of the skin.

Treatment of papillomas in children

When deciding what to do with a papilloma on a child’s arm, many different factors should be taken into account.

It wouldn’t hurt at all if the opinion of the smallest patient was also taken into account.

Children have very delicate and thin skin.

In their case, preference should be given to those methods that have the least side effects and trauma.

This may be laser therapy, plasma coagulation or cryodestruction.

Among chemical methods, preference should be given to an ointment such as Solcoderm.

Whether to use immunotherapy together with destructive methods is a rather difficult decision.

Since children have an immature immune system, unqualified intervention can greatly harm their health in the future.

Causes of warts on the palms

All warts, without exception, are a consequence of human infection with the papilloma virus, which has about 120 varieties. The direct cause of the appearance of warts on the palms is HPV types 2 and 4.

In this case, infection can occur both through contact with a carrier of the viral agent, for example, during a handshake, and through shared objects.

Being in the body in a latent (inactive state), the papilloma virus may not manifest itself in any way until a sharp weakening of the body, which is usually associated with a decrease in immunity. At the same time, the prevalence of localization of warts in the palm area is quite understandable. Hands are most often exposed to microtrauma, damage and disruption of the integrity of the epidermal covers, which also contributes to the penetration of the virus into the body. In addition, it is the hands that usually come into contact with the contaminated surface.

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