Facial cleansing with nitrogen: what is the effectiveness of the procedure for different skin problems

The basis of healthy skin is the regular removal of dead skin cells. Thanks to cleansing, the processes of nutrition and breathing are improved, and lymphatic drainage is normalized. Facial care will prolong the youth of the skin, relieve acne, inflammation, and hypersensitivity. Atraumatic procedures are the most popular. They do not cause discomfort, and the recovery period proceeds unnoticed. Facial cleansing with nitrogen is indicated for solving various aesthetic problems. Thanks to therapy, it is possible to get rid of complex dermatological diseases and start rejuvenation processes.

The essence of cleaning

Under the influence of liquid nitrogen, the integument instantly cools, which leads to a sharp narrowing of the capillaries. After cooling, the particles of the substance freeze on the skin, helping to remove dead skin cells. The oxygen, vitamins and oxidants included in the mixture enrich and restore tissues. Then the vessels dilate, toxins, sebaceous secretions, and metabolic products are removed. As a result, microcirculation improves and the synthesis of elastin and collagen is activated.

The main difference from other types of cleansing is the ability to solve a whole range of aesthetic problems, including dermatological diseases. Care can be carried out for different skin types and has no age restrictions.

Note! It does not damage the integument, but the effect helps to activate collagen production and lymph outflow.

Indications for use

Exposure to low temperatures is often used by cosmetologists to solve various aesthetic problems. Despite the gentle effect, it is not recommended to use it in the summer. But active sun is not an absolute contraindication, so many experts practice cleansing in the spring and summer to improve the color and structure of the skin.


  • dermatological diseases, including acnitic, seborrheic keratosis;
  • demodicosis;
  • rosacea;
  • acne, blackheads, sebaceous plugs;
  • unhealthy color;
  • inflammation, redness;
  • loss of elasticity, firmness;
  • signs of aging.

The use of cryotherapy for various diseases

Cold treatment is effective for many diseases of the ENT organs:

  • chronic tonsillitis,
  • recurrent nosebleeds from the nasal septum,
  • vasomotor rhinitis,
  • hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils,
  • chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis,
  • benign neoplasms of the nasal cavity, pharynx,
  • skin diseases of the external nose and ears.

The most important thing is that there are practically no contraindications for cold treatment (except for acute inflammatory processes), and in some cases it is even carried out for pregnant women.

Efficiency of the procedure

The procedure has no age restrictions and can be used independently or as part of a program of treatment, restoration, and rejuvenation of the skin. Therapy helps improve the general condition of the integument and launch regeneration processes. As a result, it is possible to:

  • refresh color;
  • whiten pigmentation;
  • prevent aging and the appearance of wrinkles;
  • restore elasticity and firmness;
  • tighten pores;
  • get rid of acne, blackheads, comedones;
  • level out bumpy terrain;
  • cope with redness and inflammation.

The effect lasts for several months. Comprehensive facial care, adherence to the basics of a healthy lifestyle, and proper sleep will help preserve the results.

What devices and products are used for cleaning

The classic option is to treat tissues with swabs soaked in liquid nitrogen. Cosmetology parlors offer multifunctional cryotherapy machines.

There are also portable devices: Frotox is used to rejuvenate, give freshness, and reduce the number of wrinkles. The use of this device requires the use of anesthesia.

Attention! The choice of technique depends on the objectives of the procedure, as well as the qualifications of the doctor. Innovative technologies help to avoid complications when exposed to low temperatures.

Cryodestruction technique

During cryodestruction, only two methods of deep local cooling of pathological tissues are fundamentally possible: direct exposure of the tissue to liquid nitrogen or freezing with an applicator (metal tip), which is actively or passively cooled by liquid nitrogen. However, there are many variations of these methods. The choice of the optimal method of cryotherapy is made by an ENT doctor at an appointment, after a thorough examination of the patient, as well as conducting the necessary clinical examinations.

As a general rule, the time required for cryotherapy is determined by the nature and severity of the pathological process at the site of exposure.

During cryodestruction, freezing can be performed using the one- or two-cycle method. Usually a single cycle (one-time) exposure is sufficient. However, with a common pathological process, a two-cycle effect is sometimes used. In this case, tissues are re-frozen 10-15 minutes after the first one. This technique enhances the destruction of underlying (underlying) tissues and subsequently leads to a good clinical effect.

Is preparation necessary and how to do it?

Cryotherapy does not require long preparation. It is important not to carry out procedures that injure the skin the day before. You should also not sunbathe to avoid causing hyperpigmentation. It is not recommended to use exfoliants, including superficial ones, before 12 hours.

On the appointed day you should not use decorative cosmetics. You should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, salty, spicy, and sweet foods that increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

When taking medications, you should consult your doctor. Compliance with these conditions is enough to prevent undesirable consequences.


Rosacea is an angioneurosis localized primarily in the area of ​​innervation of the trigeminal nerve.

Today, the causes of rosacea are not fully understood, but there are factors that may play a role in the development of rosacea:

  1. Hereditary factor.
  2. Exposure to Demodex mites.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (relationship between rosacea and Helicobacter pylori) and dysfunction of the digestive tract.
  4. Exposure to external factors: consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee and spices.
  5. Psycho-emotional factor (emotional stress, psychoneurotic disorders).
  6. Hormonal imbalance.
  7. Exposure to various chemical agents (creams, ointments, lotions).

Is it possible to clean at home?

Liquid nitrogen is used exclusively in aesthetic medicine salons and clinics. But the effects of ice for skin care can also be used at home. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Remove makeup using micellar water, rinse off the product, and blot with a cosmetic napkin.
  2. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can steam the skin using a herbal compress.
  3. Apply an alginate, moisturizing, cleansing or nourishing mask. It is important that its composition does not contain fruit acids or clay; it is better to stick to products with hyaluronic acid and aloe. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  4. Put a fabric mask on your face, this will help avoid contact with ice and prevent unwanted consequences. Prepare 2 ice cubes in advance, preferably based on herbs, oils, essential oils and other active ingredients. Passing along the face parallel along the massage lines, without stopping at 1 point for more than 3 seconds, there is a high risk of tissue frostbite. The whole process takes no more than 3 minutes.
  5. Afterwards, apply a nourishing cream selected according to your skin type. You can first dip the tube in warm water, this will speed up the skin restoration process.

To prepare ice cubes for oily, problematic dermis, decoctions of chamomile, nettle, and sage are used, which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. To improve color and get rid of wrinkles, recipes include aloe juice, lemon, milk, almond oil, jojoba oil, apricot kernels, jasmine and sandalwood ether.

Benefits of cold treatment

Unlike other instrumental methods, cryotherapy:

  • does not violate the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, is non-invasive, and as a result there is no danger of contracting AIDS or hepatitis;
  • It is much easier to tolerate than traditional surgery, almost painless, and does not require expensive pain relief;
  • is bloodless, frozen pathological tissue is bloodlessly rejected in the process of natural restoration of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • provides a minimal risk of postoperative complications such as bleeding, formation of rough scars and adhesions in the delayed period;
  • does not require hospital stay, does not reduce the patient’s ability to work (with the exception of professions associated with hypothermia or heavy physical exertion);
  • gives a high cosmetic effect after wound healing;
  • helps stimulate lymphoid tissue to restore and improve the immune status of ENT tissues;
  • and most importantly, after cryodestruction, the mechanism of nonspecific and specific antitumor, antiviral, antimicrobial immunity is launched. Autoimmunization (autovaccination) occurs due to the absorption of decay products of pathological tissue and bacterial particles into the bloodstream.

Today, doctors at the Lor Plus clinic, using the latest cold techniques, can help you and your baby get rid of frequent colds, acute respiratory viral infections, chronic runny noses, as well as recurrent sore throats and pharyngitis.

How does the procedure work?

The result of the cleaning depends on the experience of the cosmetologist. You can only trust a qualified specialist with a medical education.

It is important to study patient reviews and the effectiveness of the procedure to solve individual aesthetic problems. Many people note unusual, but not painful sensations; thanks to modern technologies, frostbite of tissues can be avoided.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside for an hour, the protective barrier is reduced, and the tissues are susceptible to aggressive environmental factors. The procedure lasts about an hour, the main stage takes from 5 to 20 minutes. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to complete a course of 4–10 sessions, repeated every 2–3 days.

Stages of implementation:

  1. The patient lies down on the couch, the hair is hidden under a cap, and the body is covered to prevent nitrogen from entering.
  2. A dermatologist performs makeup removal using professional products.
  3. The specialist immerses a cotton swab in liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is -196º. Treats the skin along massage lines in target areas. If the distribution is carried out too quickly, the substance evaporates and does not have the desired effect. With delayed processing there is a risk of tissue frostbite.
  4. At the last stage, the cosmetologist applies a restorative mask or moisturizer according to your skin type.


There are practically no complications during cryoprocedures. Possible complications are mainly associated with an individual reaction to cold exposure (severe swelling of surrounding tissues) and the addition of infectious diseases in case of contact with a patient with an acute respiratory infection.

On a note! Specialists at the Lor Plus clinic have been providing cold treatment for decades. The accumulated experience in combination with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment allows us to assert that cryotherapy treatment is very effective for a number of ENT diseases, is practically painless and takes a few minutes. Cryotherapy today is perhaps the only method that allows one to avoid surgical treatment and at the same time preserve the functions of the ENT organs.

Make an appointment

Care instructions after cleaning

Cryotherapy is a safe, atraumatic type of cleansing. Recovery is quick; during the first 24 hours, slight swelling and redness are possible. To consolidate the aesthetic effect, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist:

  • for cleansing, use soft foams and gels without aggressive components;
  • treatment of problematic oily skin continues at home, the cosmetologist selects the optimal care program, including cleansing, toning, moisturizing;
  • after the procedure, scrubs, gommages, nourishing and moisturizing masks will help speed up skin restoration; it is advisable to choose products from a professional or therapeutic line;
  • To prevent pigmentation and protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to use a cream with a high SPF factor.

Important! During the recovery period after the procedure, you should not visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool, or gym; there is a high risk of tissue infection.

Precautionary measures

Despite the effectiveness and safety of cryotherapy, there are a number of contraindications for the procedure:

  • pregnancy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • epilepsy;
  • individual sensitivity to the effects of cold;
  • viral infections;
  • increased body temperature;
  • rosacea;
  • dark skin;
  • violation of the integrity of the integument, wounds, burns.

It is important to pay special attention to choosing a specialist. The occurrence of side effects is due to insufficient qualifications of the cosmetologist. By following the procedure protocol and testing for cold intolerance, the risks of developing undesirable consequences are eliminated.

With insufficient experience, tissue frostbite may occur, accompanied by subsequent peeling and changes in pigmentation of the integument. For mild redness and swelling, treatment with topical steroids is performed to restore the skin. If carried out carelessly, drops of nitrogen may fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes, periorbital, and perioral areas. There is a high risk of tissue frostbite; the condition requires long-term rehabilitation.


Treatment should be carried out by a dermatovenerologist (dermatologist). Incorrectly selected and performed manipulations can worsen the picture of the disease and lead to complications.

The clinical manifestation of rosacea usually occurs on the face; less commonly, symptoms may appear on other places of the skin (neck, ears, chest).

In the initial stages, symptoms of rosacea may appear periodically, but later become permanent.

The incidence of the disease in women is much more common than the incidence in men, but for males it has more serious consequences, causing complications.

Rosacea occurs in approximately 12% of the world's population; people with very fair skin and red hair aged 39 to 55 years are most susceptible to it (rosacea rarely affects older people and children).

All symptoms of rosacea can be divided depending on the subtype of the disease:

  1. Subtype (erythematotelangiectatic)

    There is periodic redness of the skin in the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin.

    The following factors can trigger an attack of skin redness:

    • contact with cold or hot water
    • stressful situations

  2. physical overexertion
  3. alcohol consumption
  4. drinking very hot drinks
  5. sudden change in temperature
  6. Symptoms of the disease go away after some time, so many patients do not seek medical help.

    If these symptoms appear, it is important to consult a dermatovenerologist! The sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get the effect of treatment!

  7. Subtype (papulopustular)
    Rice. Patient diagnosed with Rosacea, papulopustular. Photo from the collection of academician Sergeev Yu.V.

    Against the background of facial hyperemia, the following begin to appear:

    • papules and pustules, which may appear in groups and disappear after a few months
    • swelling of the skin in the forehead area, in areas above the eyebrows

  8. sensitivity to sunlight
  9. papulopustular rashes affect the entire skin of the face, can affect the scalp, chest area, and very rarely the skin of the back
  10. Subtype (phymatous)

    • formation of brown-red nodules and papules, which tend to merge and form extensive conglomerates
    • There is a thickening of certain areas of the skin due to which it looks lumpy (the skin resembles an orange peel)

  11. Thickening of the skin of certain parts of the face occurs (nose, forehead, ears), these symptoms of rosacea practically do not occur in women (develop mainly in men)
  12. Ocular subtype (ophthalmic rosacea)

    • redness and peeling of the eyelids, formation of crusts around the eyes
    • the most common combination is blepharitis and conjunctivitis (redness of the mucous membrane of the eye appears, accompanied by itching, burning, pain and dryness in the eyes, tightening of the skin around the eyes, the appearance of goosebumps, as well as profuse lacrimation, photophobia)

  13. Ocular rosacea can cause keratitis, which can lead to vision loss.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cryotherapy is a popular procedure for facial and body care. But among the many advantages, there are also disadvantages that patients should know about in advance.


  • the procedure relieves inflammation and accelerates tissue regeneration processes;
  • prescribed for the treatment of acne, blackheads, comedones;
  • helps solve a whole range of cosmetological and dermatological problems;
  • effective as an independent therapy, can also be supplemented with mechanical cleaning;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • affordable price;
  • a cosmetic session can be carried out throughout the year;
  • the risks of developing side effects are reduced.


  • for a pronounced effect you need to undergo a course of procedures;
  • carrying out is accompanied by uncomfortable sensations;
  • there is a rehabilitation period, so it is better to perform the procedure on a day off;
  • It is not carried out at home; it is recommended to contact a cosmetologist only.

Cryomassage frequency

To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to attend about 10-15 cryomassage sessions, which are carried out every two to three days. The fewer problems you have with your skin, wrinkles, acne and other imperfections, the fewer procedures you will have to apply. The best time of year for cryomassage is warm spring and early autumn - when there is no severe frost and precipitation outside the window, but there is also no scorching sun, heat, or strong exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Contraindications to the procedure

In what cases should you refrain from cryotherapy (temporarily or permanently)?

  • presence of wounds, scratches, ulcers on the skin
  • exacerbation of chronic, viral and autoimmune diseases
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period

However, it is worth knowing that these moments are quite individual. A competent cosmetologist will first examine you, determine the condition of your skin and draw conclusions about whether you should resort to cryomassage at this stage of your life.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, experts discuss the specifics of using nitrogen in skincare procedures.

The cosmetologist does not recommend using the Jet Peel nitrogen procedure if you are allergic to peelings.

The specialist advises methods for removing grasses in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove, including recommending the use of nitrogen. But before you sign up for the procedure, you need to consult a doctor.

A cosmetologist writes about ways to treat a viral skin infection. After removal of the molluscum contagiosum, the skin is treated with nitrogen.

Patient reviews

On the Internet you can find mostly positive reviews from patients who have experienced the effects of cryo-cleaning.

The user writes about the good results of therapy in the fight against demodicosis.

A participant writes about the better effect of cryotherapy compared to expensive chemical peels.

The user indicates that the result of the procedure depends on the experience of the cosmetologist.

But there are patients who are disappointed with the effect of the procedure. The participant writes about the lack of results; the procedure did not solve the problem of inflammation.

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