The drug Hyalual for biorevitalization: pros and cons

“Hialual” is one of the popular means for biorevitalization. An excellent result is achieved thanks to the action of sodium succinate, which restores the skin at various levels: tissue, cellular and intracellular. The event is called redermalization, in the process it affects the basic mechanisms of aging - corrects problems with water balance and metabolism, affects damage to skin cells due to free radicals.


Before carrying out the procedure, the client visits a specialist who selects the optimal concentration of the special agent and the duration of treatment. The injections fill in wrinkles, resulting in their smoothing out. Since the product affects the entire skin, its overall condition also improves.

Who produces the drug?

Several manufacturers supply this drug to Russia, forming such a chain.

The formula is being developed at Institute Hyalual. This Swiss manufacturer became famous in 2009. It distributes cosmetic products in Russia and Europe, suitable for both home use and beauty clinics.

The drug is made in Switzerland

Gels "Hialual" for injection are aimed at the Russian market and CIS countries. It is produced by a large Ukrainian company, which produces many different products for both beauty and medicine. The location of the plant is Cherkassy.

On a note! Europeans know such beauty products under the name “Xela Rederm”. In general, the main active ingredients are similar, but the drugs are produced in Italy.

In Europe they know the medicine under a different name

All sales in Russia are carried out with the help of the importer RedermaSwiss, whose founder is Institute Hyalual. He is in close contact with a representative of the Ukrainian manufacturer in Moscow.

On a note! There is a huge network of distributors, direct contact with highly specialized specialists and beauty clinics is possible.

"Hialual" can be purchased in Russia

Neutralize the effect

The need to neutralize or minimize the result obtained from the intradermal administration of Hyalual products usually does not arise. Redermalization with Hyalual preparations gives a mild, gradually increasing positive effect.

The unsatisfactory result of light volumization with the dense version of Hyalual can be corrected with the help of products with hyaluronidase activity, a course of physiotherapy, and regular visits to the sauna and gym.

A doctor will help eliminate negative achievements in the form of allergies and inflammation. In such cases, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

How to safely restore youth and freshness?

The use of this drug during biorevitalization ensures successful relief from facial skin problems. The body’s production of natural substances and specific “youth proteins” is stimulated. If you need monotherapy, it is better to choose Hyalual. When combined with other beauty products, this product also gives an excellent effect.

“Hialual” will restore a woman’s beauty or preserve it for a long time

On a note! Hyalual injections allow you to deliver hyaluronic acid into the deepest layers of the skin, restoring its former elasticity, firmness and healthy tone.

Emergency skin hydration

Water is truly the source of life, because thanks to it, all metabolic processes in the body proceed as they should. At the same time, special substances are produced that allow you to maintain a fresh and youthful appearance at any age.

Water is the basis of health

Specialists at cosmetology centers are able to quickly, safely and in pleasant conditions launch natural skin rejuvenation - with a high guarantee and a result that will please you.

On a note! The use of products from the Hyalual line will not allow the development of the most dangerous process, which is responsible for all age-related skin changes - drying out of cells and tissues.

"Hyalual" prevents drying of skin components

The injection that is given during the procedure penetrates deep into the skin, preventing free radicals from having a harmful effect on the body and leading to biochemical and physiological processes at the cellular level.

On a note! For example, processes associated with fibroblast production are activated.

How do we age?

As soon as a person stops growing, he begins to age. This is expressed in a slowdown in metabolic processes in cells, including skin cells. The first signs of such a slowdown, which are not yet obvious to everyone, become visible already by the age of 25-30. At this age, fine wrinkles around the eyes, facial folds, and enlarged pores may already appear; complexion becomes a little duller than before; age spots appear; facial features gradually lose clarity.

It is enough to look at old photographs of representatives of previous generations to see that youth now lasts much longer than before. Modern women and men have a huge selection of cosmetics, hardware procedures and injection cosmetology at their disposal.

To live and not grow old is a centuries-old dream of humanity, but for now we can only push back aging, delay it. It is already known that the youth of the skin can be extended if it is provided with the proper level of moisture and protected from free radicals. Let's take a closer look at these two secrets of youth.

Composition, properties, types

"Hialual" has two active components, although most biorevitalization preparations have only one. The active substances are as follows:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • succinic acid (sodium succinate).

For manipulations, unstabilized high-molecular hyaluronate is used, its origin must be non-animal. The purpose of use is to thoroughly moisturize the skin, stimulate fibroblasts to divide, and the body to create collagen.

On a note! The molecules themselves are quite large, so the substance remains in the treated area for a long time and stimulates connective tissue cells well.

The main component is hyaluronate

Sodium succinate is the basis of the drug used. The process of using the drug is called redermalization by manufacturers and specialists, since as a result we not only get moisturized skin, but also do not allow free radicals to have their “killing” effect.

On a note! In truth, there are no breakthroughs in the mixture of substances, since hyaluronic and succinic acids have long been used in the compositions used in mesotherapy by many companies.

The most striking properties of sodium succinate:

  • microcirculation disorders are corrected, in particular, swelling is eliminated. The vascular wall becomes less permeable. Lymphatic drainage improves;
  • this substance is a good antioxidant, since cells as a result of its action do not suffer from the activity of free radicals. Many experts who study the aging process consider the use of succinic acid to be the best method for delaying the external manifestations of old age.

    Succinic acid is good in preventing skin aging

  • energy metabolism in tissues becomes normal, nutrients and oxygen are better absorbed. Protein is produced.

Although there is another side to the issue - some experts are of the opinion that succinic acid in gels for procedures is contained in small quantities, which is why you should not expect a bright and noticeable result. They think that adding this active ingredient is a simple advertising ploy to encourage people to buy the drug. Alas, there are no experimental studies that would allow us to judge the rightness or wrongness of these opinions. But we can say that the combined use of these two acids really has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, which can be confirmed by various researchers in their scientific works.

On a note! For example, these processes are carefully considered in the works of Snarskaya E.S. and Allenova A.S., Belaya N.G.

Succinic and hyaluronic acids significantly improve skin condition

What results will be obtained through the use of acids?

  1. The skin will receive enough water.
  2. The elasticity of the skin will be as in youth.
  3. Wrinkles will be a thing of the past.

    Wrinkles go away when using the drug

  4. You can forget about acne.
  5. Blood microcirculation will improve.
  6. Toxins will be removed, the skin will be enriched with useful substances.

Sodium succinate allows you to bring the skin condition closer to what it was in youth, that is, the result is noticeable to the naked eye.

On a note! The interaction of this substance is ensured only in the preparations “Hialual”.

Sodium succinate is important in achieving the main goal - skin rejuvenation

Redermalization of facial skin: what is it?

Redermalization is a method that affects all key components of aging: it stimulates cellular metabolism, initiates rehydration, and has an antioxidant effect. By accelerating biochemical reactions, it helps restore tissue metabolism.

Activation of processes leads to normalization of the production of collagen, elastin, and other components necessary for rejuvenation. Cell respiration improves and the dermis is deeply hydrated. The result of skin redermalization with Hyalual is: a smooth, elastic surface without wrinkles, a beautiful healthy color of the epidermis.

What types of drug are there?

There are several varieties of “Hialual” for rejuvenation procedures.

1.1% solution, which is needed to correct a “tired face”. It is usually used for clients between 28 and 35 years old. Using the solution allows you to improve your complexion, facial wrinkles will appear later than they otherwise would, the skin will no longer be flabby, and the oval of your face will become more pronounced. The nasolabial folds will be less deep. The drug allows you to get rid of acne and traces of them, corrects oily skin.

On a note! It is used when a person in the future plans to undergo chemical peeling, plastic surgery and other cosmetic interventions that involve a deeper intervention.

Concentration 1.1% is the minimum, which is enough for basic procedures

A 1.8% solution is used by specialists in procedures for clients over 35 years old, when it is necessary to achieve a comprehensive rejuvenation effect. Thanks to the introduction of the solution, the skin will acquire a healthy tone, the texture will improve, and the skin surface will become more elastic.

On a note! Subsequently, wrinkles will bother the client much less; it is advisable to use it for gravitational ptosis and atrophy of the skin.

1.8% solution is used in complex activities

A 2.2% solution involves the use of the most concentrated composition, it contains more active substance. As a result, bio-reinforcement and temporary lifting of the skin is achieved, wrinkles become less noticeable.

On a note! An injection with this solution allows you to smooth out changes in the area around the lips caused by age.

The 2.2% solution has the highest concentration of the active substance

The first effect can be noticed within a few hours after administration of the drug. The skin begins to glow, becomes more elastic, acquires tone, and improves complexion. The dosage of the solution is 1 or 2 ml. When treating facial skin, use 1 ml; use 2 ml on the neck and hands.

Use 1 or 2 ml of the substance

What effect should you expect?

Immediately after visiting the clinic, the face turns red, there may be bumps and even bruises at the puncture sites. These phenomena disappear within two days, and often within a few hours. At this stage, you can already evaluate the first results: the complexion improves, the number of superficial wrinkles decreases.

Over the course of a week, the effect increases: dryness is eliminated, wrinkles are smoothed out, and swelling is reduced. A total of three to six sessions are required at intervals of 1-2 weeks. By the end of the course, the skin is completely restored, brightens, moisturized, tightened, rosacea and hyperpigmentation disappear, wrinkles and folds are smoothed out, swelling disappears. The skin acquires a delicate glow, filled with youth and freshness.

The effect lasts for an average of 5-8 months. Beauty injections stimulate the natural processes of rejuvenation and skin renewal, so the result is maintained for several months after the end of the course using the body’s own resources. Then gradually the effect becomes less noticeable. In some cases, the doctor may recommend maintenance procedures to maintain the results for a longer period.

Redermalization also goes well with other cosmetic procedures - both injection and hardware. A cosmetologist will recommend the most successful combinations in your specific case.

When is the event held?

Before doing redermalization, you need to consult a doctor who will assess the general condition of a person’s skin and determine what type of skin it is aging – fine-wrinkle, combination, muscular or large-wrinkle. If there are problems, the extent of the damage is determined, and an area is identified that will undergo further manipulation.

On a note! Thanks to the dermatologist's opinion, you can choose the best concentration of the product and determine the number of injections throughout the course.

The dermatologist will assess the extent to which the procedures are necessary

"Hyalual" is used to correct problems with the following areas:

  • face - forehead, wrinkles of the periorbital and perioral region, nasolabial folds, red border of the lips, neck and décolleté;

    The face is the main place of work of a dermatologist

  • body - elbows, knees, forearms, stomach, buttocks and inner thighs.

The stages of the event are as follows.

  1. Makeup removal.
  2. Skin disinfection using special products.

    It is necessary to carry out preparatory measures before using Hyalual

  3. Using Emla cream to reduce the risk of pain - injections are somewhat painful.
  4. Administration of the drug, and the technique is related to the concentration of the drug and the problem area. The 1.1% solution is administered exclusively papularly, and the rest - papularly if the face is being treated, linearly if the body is being treated.
  5. Treatment with moisturizer.

The entire session usually lasts about one and a half hours.

On a note! Injections are given once every three weeks; in total, about five of them need to be given, although the exact number must be prescribed by a specialist.

Indications for use

  • Wrinkles (facial/static);
  • Age-related sagging of the skin;
  • Loss of turgor in the dermis, flabbiness;
  • Too narrow lips;
  • The need to reinforce the oval of the face;
  • Double chin;
  • Unhealthy and tired skin tone;
  • Insufficient volume of soft tissue in certain areas of the face;
  • Excessive dryness of the dermis;
  • Ptosis;
  • Skin creases and folds;
  • High pigmentation.

Filler injections help balance the anti-aging qualities of the skin, have a deep moisturizing effect, heal and cleanse the dermis at the cellular level.

What should you expect?

When a combination of succinic and hyaluronic acids is introduced, fibroblast activity is activated. New cells are formed, metabolism in old ones improves. As a result, a lifting effect is noticeable and turgor improves. The color changes to healthy, scars and wrinkles disappear.

The drug activates the work of fibroblasts

The client can observe vivid results after the second injection; over time, the effect accumulates and intensifies. In general, the effect lasts for a year, additional procedures are carried out every three months.

On a note! The course is repeated after a year or a little more.

Advantages of rejuvenation techniques using Hyalual

The substance has a powerful antioxidant, moisturizing effect and restores tissue regeneration. The advantages of the procedure include:

  • the ability to choose the drug, dosage and course duration depending on the indications;
  • visible effect after the first procedure of the entire course;
  • high efficiency rates even with pronounced dermatological changes;
  • one procedure has a multidirectional effect and replaces an entire cosmetic complex.

Diagnosis, choice of drug and course features, as well as the procedure itself, are carried out by certified cosmetologists who are experts in injection cosmetology.

What is the difference between redermalization and biorevitalization?

The most striking difference lies in the medications used. Biorevitalization involves the use of hyaluronic acid, while during redermalization a cocktail of hyaluronic and succinic acids is introduced. The first procedure allows you to achieve rejuvenation, and the second activates skin cells, which improves the visible effect, allowing you to please others and yourself with your appearance.

The procedures differ slightly from each other

Precautionary measures

Before performing the procedure, the doctor is required to conduct a consultation to make a decision about the possibility of intervention. The cosmetologist collects anamnesis, which helps to identify contraindications:

  • skin damage, active inflammation in affected areas;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • predisposition to seizures;
  • exacerbation of chronic disorders, active course of any disease;
  • period of pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • oncology, severe endocrine, somatic, cardiovascular abnormalities;
  • individual negative reactions to the components of the gel.

Attention! It is not recommended to perform the intervention if the patient is not feeling well, during menstruation, or if there is a tendency to keloid scars.

Side effects are minimal when performing redermalization. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the areas of tissue filling are possible. The symptoms are minor and go away on their own within 2–5 days. The severity of punctures, papules, redness, and discomfort are noticeable for 2–5 hours. If side effects persist for a long time, are pronounced, or are extensive, it is recommended to additionally consult with a cosmetologist. You should be concerned if:

  • inflammation;
  • tissue numbness;
  • severe pain;
  • allergic reactions.

Consulting a doctor with such symptoms is mandatory. The cosmetologist will prescribe treatment, minimizing possible negative consequences.

Is redermalization safe? Is it possible to minimize side effects?

This procedure can be called safe with confidence if you seek help from an experienced cosmetologist, a master of his craft. He will analyze the general condition of the skin, find out if there are any contraindications, and select the right drug.

On a note! He will also do the injections themselves correctly, observing all the nuances of administering the product and preliminary disinfection.

If the procedure is performed by a master, you don’t have to worry about your health.

How is the procedure done?

It is recommended to first consult with a cosmetologist. During such a consultation, the doctor will identify possible contraindications, assess the condition of the skin and select the optimal treatment regimen. If you don’t have the opportunity to come to the clinic again, it doesn’t matter - such a consultation is possible immediately before the first redermalization session.

If you are constantly taking medications that affect blood clotting, you will have to stop taking them two weeks before the start of the course.

This is a general requirement for any injection procedure, so it is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of taking a break from taking medication.

A visit to the clinic begins with an examination. After this, the cosmetologist cleanses the face and neck, applies an anesthetic cream to them, which numbs the skin to a depth of several millimeters. Is it possible to do without it? Yes, you can, but it is better not to neglect anesthesia. To carry out the procedure, thin and short needles or cannulas are used. And yet, only the use of an anesthetic guarantees the complete absence of discomfort even when treating sensitive areas.

When the cream takes effect, the skin is cleansed and the doctor begins injections. They are performed at an equal distance from each other. The drug and administration technique depend on the type of aging, the condition of the skin, and existing problems. For example, if the face looks tired, “dull” and “bruised,” then the papular technique is used (after the drug is administered, a bump remains on the skin), and for the correction of small wrinkles, the papular and linear technique is used. In some cases, only a needle is used, in others, a cannula (a special needle with a blunt end) is used.

Trust the doctor: a qualified specialist will choose the optimal treatment tactics! Let us remind you that only certified dermatovenerologists who have undergone additional training and received a cosmetologist certificate have the right to perform injection procedures. Of course, redermalization is carried out in a clinical setting, where the sterility of the equipment and the high quality of the preparations are guaranteed.

The process of introducing Hyalual takes about 20 minutes. After this, the doctor applies an antiseptic and sedatives to the face to speed up the healing of punctures, as well as sunscreen to prevent hyperpigmentation. You can then leave the clinic and return to your daily activities.

Redness and mild swelling may persist for 48 hours after the procedure, so to be on the safe side, you should not plan important events during this period.

To care for the skin during the rehabilitation period after injections, exposure to cosmetology devices, as well as after applying acids in high concentrations to the skin (peelings), you can use HYALUAL Profi Delux Spray for post-procedure care. It contains sodium succinate and hyaluronic acid. According to experts, the recovery period is halved. In addition, this facial spray quickly relieves discomfort, refreshes, and reduces the feeling of burning and tightness.

What are the contraindications?

Sometimes "Hialual" is prohibited for use. A cosmetologist should always educate the client about the factors that prohibit injections.

Who is prohibited from carrying out such a procedure:

  • people suffering from high blood pressure;
  • people with endocrine problems;
  • patients with cancer or autoimmune diseases;

    In case of cancer, it is generally contraindicated to use anti-aging drugs

  • people taking medications that affect blood clotting;
  • people with skin diseases, skin rashes;
  • people with central nervous system diseases;
  • people who are allergic to the components used in the procedure.

Who is redermalization indicated for?

"Hialual" acts comprehensively and can solve a number of problems.

Among the main indications for the procedure:

  • Dehydrated, dry skin;
  • Problem skin with enlarged pores;
  • Acne, post-acne, scars;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Circles under the eyes;
  • Swelling of the face;
  • Decreased turgor, “swimming” oval of the face;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Preparation for traumatic interventions;
  • Rehabilitation after deep or medium peeling and other aggressive influences.


  • Oncological diseases;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Any acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes in the treatment area, rashes;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Recovery after the procedure, side effects

Recovery usually takes about a week; after injections, the skin may become red, swollen, and itchy. Sometimes there are papules.

On a note! The main side effects go away without a trace within a few days, although the face may seem somewhat swollen for a week.

Papules are a major side effect that is not harmful.

Bruises and small hematomas sometimes form at the injection sites. Until they disappear, it is better to avoid sudden temperature changes, physical activity, and you will have to give up the sauna and solarium for a while.

On a note! It is not recommended to do chemical peeling or laser irradiation until the skin returns to normal.

Algorithm for the procedure.

Hyalual redermalization does not require special preparation. If the patient is taking blood thinning medications, then the medications must be discontinued a few days before the session (only in consultation with the doctor who prescribed them).

Before the procedure, a consultation with a cosmetologist-dermatologist is carried out. The doctor collects anamnesis, identifies the presence of contraindications, and examines the skin. During the inspection, pay attention to the following points:

• nature of changes in the dermis (age-related, photoaging, hormonal aging);

• degree of sensitivity and dehydration of the integument;

• the presence of inflammation in the area of ​​intended treatment with Hyalual;

• skin type (oily, dry, mixed), etc.

The duration of the session depends on the amount of work (20 – 45 minutes). The drug is injected into the middle layer of the dermis, where there is the highest level of proliferation and sufficient activity of fibroblast cells. The injection technique is determined by the type of drug, the age of the patient, and the area of ​​the redermalization zone.

The number of sessions required to obtain maximum effect is determined by the cosmetologist. For minor defects, 1–2 procedures may be sufficient. For deeper disorders, you will need to visit the clinic at least 3-4 times. The interval between visits is from 14 to 28 days.

Sequence of manipulations

Hyalual rejuvenation consists of several successive stages:

1. Cleansing the cover. Using products selected according to the client’s skin type, the doctor cleanses the skin of cosmetics and dust.

2. Antiseptic treatment (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, other antiseptics).

3. Pain relief with local anesthetics. Use creams, gels, sprays containing lidocaine.

4. Carrying out injections with Hyalual. The tip of the needle is inserted to a depth of 0.2 cm. After several injections, the cosmetologist gives a light massage to the treated area. This tactic allows you to evenly distribute the product inside the skin.

5. Redermalization ends with repeated disinfection.

After the Hyalual procedure, slight hyperemia and swelling of the skin is observed. Small hematomas are possible. Within about a day, the dots left by the needle puncture are visible. Such consequences are not complications, do not require treatment, and go away on their own.

Prices for procedures using “Hialual”

A drugPrice
Solution with a concentration of 1.1%1 ml costs 6,500 rubles, 2 ml – 9 thousand rubles.
Solution with a concentration of 1.8%1 ml costs 8,500 rubles, 2 ml – 10,800 rubles.
Solution with a concentration of 2.2%1 ml costs 10 thousand rubles, 2 ml – 12 thousand rubles.

Of course, the prices mentioned are only approximate, since each cosmetology clinic sets its own price.

The price of the procedure depends on the concentration of the drug and other factors

Hyalual biorevitalization price

The price of Hyalual biorevitalization depends on the selected concentration of the drug. Our clinic offers procedures using the following drugs:

  • hyalual 1.1% - cost for 1 procedure from 8,000 rubles;
  • hyalual 1.8% - from 9100 rubles per procedure;
  • hyalual 2.2% - price for 1 session starts from 12,000 rubles.

The final price of Hyalual biorevitalization depends on the number of procedures required, as well as the area of ​​administration of the drug. It is worth considering that for some areas you will need 1 ampoule, while for larger areas a larger dose may be required. The need for peelings, skin cleansing procedures and masks is correlated with the indications and can be included in the overall program. Our clinic has special promotional programs and discounts, so if you immediately sign up for a set of procedures, the final cost for one procedure will be less.

To buy a course or Hyalual biorevitalization procedure in Moscow, call us by phone or leave a request on the website. Our managers will contact you as soon as possible, answer all your questions and make an appointment with a doctor at a convenient time.

It is usually recommended to take a course of 3-4 sessions, with intervals of several weeks between them. To maintain beauty and health of the skin, you need to take 2 courses per year. However, the exact frequency and duration of courses and procedures should be selected by the doctor, focusing on the indications of the individual patient and assessment of the condition of his skin.

Clinic "Latum" is located in the Northern Administrative District. It is convenient to get there by your own transport along Dmitrovskoye or Korovinskoye highways. Within walking distance of the Seligerskaya metro station or st. 800th anniversary of Moscow.


Reviews will prove to you that the likelihood of suffering from side effects is really low. Typically, needle marks appear as small dots or bruises. They will be gone in five days. Clients also note a slight itching at the injection site, and some experience swelling.

Alena, 40 years old

“I decided to do a procedure using the drug “Hialual” for my birthday. I noticed that my face became fresher, the wrinkles around the eyes disappeared, and the folds on my forehead also disappeared. My skin used to be very dry, but now I have forgotten about this problem. Pleases with elasticity and firmness. I can recommend injections to anyone who wants to achieve good and quick results. Personally, I saw pleasant changes almost immediately. In a few months I’ll go for another course of injections.”

People generally respond positively to the drug

Elena, 45 years old

“I decided to undergo this procedure on the advice of friends who were satisfied with the result. To be honest, I can’t say that I’ve gotten much younger. I will note that my complexion has become healthier, my skin texture has become more pleasant, and small wrinkles have disappeared. After the injections I noticed small bruises, they disappeared after a couple of days. My friends were all delighted, but I couldn’t really appreciate it. I think it’s a matter of age, since I’m 7-10 years younger than them.”

Photos before and after biorevitalization using “Hialual”

Ekaterina, 34 years old

“I have been visiting a cosmetologist for quite some time. One day a master advised me to give injections with the drug “Hialual” and decided to compare it with biorevitalization. I can say that after just two injections, I noticed positive changes: my skin was moisturized, small wrinkles disappeared, my complexion became healthy. Of course, the marks from the injections lasted for a couple of days, but they did not cause any discomfort. In general, the results of redermalization last longer. In six months or a year I will do another course of procedures.”

Photos before and after biorevitalization using “Hialual”

Undesirable consequences.

Hyalual redermalization, like any injection technique, is associated with a primary violation of the epidermis. Most complications that appear after cosmetic surgery occur due to a nonspecific reaction to damage to the integrity of the skin and the development of inflammation.

After redermalization the following complications are possible:

• hyperemia, hematomas, edema;

• papules, noticeable puncture sites;

• short-term loss of sensitivity in certain areas of the skin;

• itchy skin rashes;

• hypersensitivity reaction;

• addition of a bacterial infection;

• ptosis of the upper eyelid;

• appearance of scars.

The likelihood of serious consequences after redermalization of Gilaul is very small (about 0.5%). The reasons may be incorrect technique for administering the drug, incorrectly selected injection points, etc. Correct preparation of the skin, compliance with rehabilitation rules, and choosing a clinic with a good reputation will help to avoid adverse effects.

Reviews from specialists about biorevitalization using the drug “Hialual”

What do experienced cosmetologists who constantly use it in their work think about this drug?

Natalya Alexandrovna, work experience – 7 years

“Hyalual is an excellent drug at an affordable price, and the quality is always at the same level. Basically, my clients only respond positively to procedures using it. In practice, I realized that the effect is somewhat better than that of IAL, which is loved by many women. I take different medications, including those mentioned above. “I recommend Hyalual to any woman who wants to achieve effective rejuvenation.”

Doctors speak positively about this remedy

Anna Vladimirovna, work experience – 9 years

“Many people say that using the drug “Hialual” does not give any results, and people often suffer from intolerance to the compounds. However, during my entire work, I encountered allergic reactions only three times in general, and not once with Hyalual. I would like to note that if you did not notice any results, perhaps the cosmetologist made a mistake with the concentration of the drug. Often the reason is that after forty years a woman is offered a one percent solution, but in this case it will not give any significant effect. It will, of course, be there, but it will be almost invisible. So choose an experienced specialist and don’t chase a low price

The main advantage of this product is that there are simply no fakes, the effect is stable and pronounced. In addition, the price is quite low. Of course, if a woman can afford it, I would recommend taking more expensive drugs, but my main clients try to choose a high-quality product, but at an affordable price. I would put “Hialual” in the top 3 of all rejuvenation products.”

Experts agree with people's opinions

Olga Yurievna, work experience – 15 years

“In my clinic, Hyalual is very popular along with IAL and Hyaluroform. Of course, we tried different remedies, but either the price did not suit us, or the side effects were too pronounced. Most clients are satisfied with these drugs. I note that if the cosmetologist does everything correctly, the papules will disappear in a couple of days. If more than five days are allotted for recovery, this is a reason to contact the cosmetologist who performed the injections.”

Experts note the stability of the drug’s effect

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, work experience – 5 years

“I have mixed opinions about this drug. The effect is excellent, hyaluronic acid has almost no side effects, but in combination with succinic acid they occur more often. Although it depends more on the specifics of the body, allergies can still occur. But if you tolerate this remedy well and have not encountered any unpleasant consequences, confidently use Hyalual at any age. The main thing is to contact an experienced cosmetologist who will choose the best concentration.”

"Hyalual" is used by experienced cosmetologists

Opinion of cosmetologists

Many experts speak of hyalual as an effective drug for biorevitalization, noting its ease of use and affordable price.

Moreover, a significant role when choosing an anti-aging agent is played by the relatively short recovery period of the dermis and a minimal list of side effects.

The cosmetologist expresses his admiration for the product, but expresses dissatisfaction with the cost:

Recommendations for the use of biorevitalizants:

A specialist gives an adequate assessment of the drug in his commentary:


"Gialual" is registered in our country in accordance with all laws, the manufacturer is large and has an excellent reputation. The price category is average.

If you want beauty and a long-lasting effect, you should use “Hyalual”

On a note! Reviews from cosmetologists and clients are mostly positive.

In our opinion, the drug can compete with other rejuvenation products on the basis of price/quality ratio. If you want to pay a little for “injections of youth” without putting yourself at risk, use Hyalual. You can also pay attention to Russian analogues (for example, “Gialuform”).

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