Milia (whiteheads) on the face: should you remove them or wait until they disappear on their own?

Very often, people are afraid to contact a surgeon to remove lipomas, not wanting to “go under the knife,” and try to “dissolve” the lipomas on their own with “effective ointments for lipomas” without the intervention of a surgeon. Due to the fact that the exact cause of the appearance of lipomas at the present stage of medical development is not known, there are many different, sometimes fantastic, theories and means of getting rid of fatty deposits, which patients share with each other on the Internet (fasting, weight loss, compresses, mud and radon baths, various physiotherapy procedures, massage, cleansing the body of parasites, Vishnevsky ointment, Lipomix cream, etc.).

All these methods of treating wen at home are completely meaningless and useless, and often only aggravate the problem. Attempts to get rid of wen on the body using traditional medicine (ointments, lotions, compresses, etc.) are at best a waste of time, since lipoma resorption cannot occur on its own. At worst, a formation that was mistakenly mistaken for a harmless wen may actually turn out to be a completely serious neoplasm, such as liposarcoma , dermatosarcoma, osteosarcoma, delay in treatment of which can be fraught with dire consequences.

In this case, precious time will be lost with a very serious threat not only to health, but also to life. Since lipomas are a tumor process, self-medication in any form is unacceptable, since complications can turn out to be much more serious than the disease itself, and a small problem risks developing into a big one.

Let's take a closer look at the most frequently asked questions.

Formations from fat cells are radically different from pimples, blackheads and other cosmetic skin defects.

Today, there are no ointments that can “dissolve” or “draw out” or “dissolve” any of the benign tumors, including the so-called wen.

External agents penetrate only the superficial layers of the skin, without having any effect on subcutaneous fat.

If a lipoma appears, then you can get rid of it only by removing it in one way or another .

Are there ointments that dissolve wen?

Since the lipoma is located in the subcutaneous tissue, surrounded by a dense capsule and has neither main nor peripheral blood flow, the external use of any drugs is pointless, since they cannot penetrate the lipomatous node. And since lipomatous adipose tissue is practically no different from ordinary adipose tissue, the external use of such drugs should also affect healthy adipose tissue and easily remove any fat deposits, leading to their complete resorption at the site of their application. But this doesn't happen. Otherwise, such products would be actively used by people with excess fat deposits and no liposuction, physical activity or exhausting diets would be required.

Milia on the face: how to get rid of them

There are several ways to remove milia. They differ both in the complexity of the process and in cost.


Mechanical removal of milia is the simplest and most popular method, which is performed by a cosmetologist .

Before the procedure, the specialist cleanses the skin to avoid the possibility of infection, then makes a puncture and removes the contents of the acne .

This procedure should not be performed independently, since in some cases milia are very small in size, and when removed, a person can affect not only the milia itself, but also healthy tissue.

Is it true that Vishnevsky ointment is an effective remedy in the fight against lipomas?

Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky (Vishnevsky ointment) consists of Birch tar, Xeroform (bismuth salt) and Castor oil.

Castor oil, when applied to the skin, has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Tar is a natural antiseptic. When applied to the skin, it has a moderate anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Therefore, apart from disinfectant and wound healing, you should not expect any other effect from its use.

Xeroform, when applied to the skin, also has an anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and astringent (drying) effect.

Neither castor oil, nor tar, nor Xeroform, when applied to the skin, penetrate the subcutaneous tissue. They act only on the surface of the skin and cannot penetrate the skin even theoretically, since the skin is separated from the subcutaneous tissue by a fibrous membrane. Therefore, none of these drugs can have any effect on adipose tissue, especially on the lipomatous node located in the capsule, and lead to its resorption.


Contrary to popular belief, milia are not acne , which are typical for people at puberty.

Attention! These formations are equally common in both young and older people. Formations arise for the following reasons:

  • too much sun exposure ;
  • disorders in the hormonal system;
  • poor or unhealthy diet ;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • disturbance in the metabolic ;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • clogging of pores when using cosmetics;
  • liver diseases.

Also, the appearance of such formations can be caused by improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the pancreas.

Cream Lipomix

A cosmetic cream advertised on the Internet as an effective remedy for the treatment of wen.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that this product is not sold in pharmacies, since it is not a medicine, and even the manufacturer itself is positioned as a cosmetic product, and therefore cannot have anything to do with the treatment of anything.

The official website of the cream does not indicate its composition, place or address of production. Information about clinical trials and certificates is not provided. Marienkäfer ( is a German company offering software development services (not cosmetics) as the manufacturer. It's worth thinking about.

At the same time, simply fantastic properties are attributed to Lipomix cosmetic cream. It is positioned as an effective means of getting rid of lipomas, atheromas, fibroids and even hygromas. This in itself is alarming. After all, atheroma, lipoma, fibroma and hygroma are completely different in structure, structure and origin of the tumor. And treating them with the same product (cosmetic cream) is comparable in effectiveness to using the same product to get rid of sore throat, hemorrhoids and heel spurs.

Moreover, all of the listed tumors are located under the skin in the subcutaneous tissue, some lipomas are located in the intermuscular space, and hygromas are a defect in the joint capsule, which is attached directly to the bone. Lipomix only acts on the skin, since no cosmetic cream has the ability to penetrate the skin. Accordingly, it is pointless to expect the effect of resorption of tumors located under the skin from the use of any cream of any composition.

Let's look at the main types of comedones

Open comedones are the so-called blackheads. They are pores clogged with oxidized sebum and keratinized cells with melanin particles. Because of this, they have a dark shade and dense structure.

Closed comedones are small white subcutaneous nodules. They are formed when the sebaceous ducts are blocked by dead skin cells and sebum. Unlike blackheads, in closed comedones the plug is formed subcutaneously, and the duct does not have an exit to the outside. Papules quite often become inflamed, also cause pain, and a reddish tint appears around them.

Both types of comedones spoil the appearance, form irregularities, pigment spots, and depressions (as a consequence), and improper treatment and removal can cause the appearance of new lesions.

Many comedones form acne - a disease of skin rashes.

It is important not to confuse closed comedones with milia (epidermal cystic formations), sebaceous adenomas (benign skin formations characteristic of adulthood) and allergic rashes. Getting rid of these types of skin diseases is possible only in a beauty salon, under the supervision of a doctor.

Will Carbon Dioxide Laser Therapy Using Laser Beams Help Get Rid of Wen?

None of the therapeutic lasers can affect a lipoma (fat) in such a way that the lipomatous tissue can resolve completely or partially. Moreover, the use of a therapeutic laser leads to active growth of lipomatous tissue. After all, the main effect of such a laser is the activation of RNA and DNA synthesis. Due to this, the regeneration of damaged cells is accelerated. With intravenous use of a therapeutic laser, the permeability of the red blood cell membrane improves. Due to this, the ability of red blood cells to bind to oxygen improves. Due to this effect, more oxygen enters the tissues and their functional properties improve. But neither intravenous nor percutaneous exposure to a therapeutic laser can lead to the resorption of lipomatous nodes.

How to properly care for skin with open and closed comedones

If the skin is prone to oiliness and the formation of closed and open comedones, it requires special care. Necessary:

  • wash your face and use alcohol-free tonics and lotions containing acids;
  • minimize the use of foundation and other cosmetic products that clog pores;
  • do self-massage and tone the skin with contrasting washes and showers;
  • use sunscreen cosmetics;
  • monitor cell renewal, use home peelings and special brushes for washing, do not bring the skin to a critical condition;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin from the outside to avoid drying and peeling. Restoring the water balance of the epidermis is extremely important for successful treatment;
  • squeeze out pimples yourself
  • regularly , undergo all prescribed procedures and follow recommendations.

Diagnosis and treatment of lipomas

To find out the cause of the formation of wen, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The therapist collects the necessary information, after which, together with the dermatologist and surgeon, a visual examination of the patient is carried out.

Next, the formations are palpated, and if necessary (suspicion of a malignant nature), a histological examination is prescribed, which involves taking tissue for a biopsy.

Additionally, specialists may recommend ultrasound, MRI, CT, etc. It is important to distinguish lipomas from conditions such as lymphadenitis, hygroma, atheroma, etc. Only after this the doctor determines the tactics for further action.

Treatment methods for lipomas are varied:

  1. Medication. It involves the use of creams and ointments that help soften the tissues of the epidermis, as well as improve blood circulation. The advantage of this option is that when using local drugs, the likelihood of side effects is minimal. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the result will only be for small-sized wen (no more than 3 cm).
  2. Surgical intervention. Microsurgery can be performed using either local or general anesthesia. It depends on the location of lipomas. This technique is used in the case of tumors whose size exceeds 3 cm. It is important that after the operation, relapse in this area is excluded.
  3. Laser. Before the laser procedure, a tissue biopsy must be performed. The removal process is quick. After it there are almost no scars left. In addition, re-growth of wen is excluded.
  4. Electrocoagulation. Performed under local anesthesia. No regrowth is observed after this procedure.
  5. Puncture-aspiration method. This option is suitable for combating incompletely formed lipomas, when it is possible to suck out the fat with a needle without damaging the skin. It is painless, but has a significant drawback: there is a high probability of new lipomas forming in place of the removed ones. In addition, the devastated area of ​​skin sags, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  6. Chemical peeling. The ducts are deeply cleansed of sebaceous plugs. Relapses are excluded.

Questions and answers on the disease

Can a sick person infect others?

Yes, you can become infected with demodicosis through contact and household contact. Kissing, hugging, contact with contaminated things of a patient (towel, bed linen, clothes and much more) can be dangerous for a healthy person. But this does not guarantee the manifestation of symptoms of the disease. Ticks of the genus Demodex are representatives of the opportunistic microflora of the skin. They are found in almost all people, but most of them are simply carriers. For the development of a pathological process, the presence of certain factors is necessary (for example, reduced immune defense against the background of an active or past disease).

Can you get infected from animals?

Animals, like humans, suffer from the activity of Demodex mites. But pathogens come in different types - and each of them survives exclusively in the body of its host. When exposed to other conditions, the parasite immediately dies. Therefore, it is impossible to become infected with demodicosis from a pet or wild animal.

Demodectic mange of the eyelids

Treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids requires a comprehensive approach and qualified medical intervention. Demodectic blepharitis is a chronic disease that occurs with periodic exacerbation and remission. It has the following clinical picture:

  • Severe eye fatigue associated with the need to strain to better focus on an object or letters;
  • Intense itching in the eyelashes and eyebrows. Often this symptom intensifies with external exposure to heat, in the evening and at night;
  • Foreign body sensation, burning and tingling that does not go away after washing or scratching;
  • Sticky discharge from the eyes after waking up;
  • Accumulation of foamy contents in the eye corners;
  • Hyperemia, swelling and thickening of the eyelids (especially at the edges).
  • The chronic form of demodectic blepharitis can be complicated by keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis and dry eye syndrome. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to consult with an ophthalmologist at our clinic, who will be able to prescribe preventative and therapeutic therapy aimed at maintaining eye health.

Our specialists

  • Kiani Ali

    Candidate of Medical Sciences, laser medicine specialist, dermatocosmetologist.

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  • Stepanova Inna Igorevna

    Candidate of Medical Sciences, maxillofacial surgeon, specialist in laser medicine.

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  • Fedotova Marina Andreevna

    Surgeon, dermatocosmetologist, laser medicine specialist

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  • Popovkin Pavel Sergeevich

    Surgeon, oncologist, laser medicine specialist.

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Demodectic mange symptoms

Due to the fact that this disease can affect different areas of the skin, the clinical picture differs. In the cutaneous form, the following signs of demodicosis appear:

  • Acne of varying severity: from small nodules and ulcers to rosacea;
  • A strong tooth that causes discomfort. In most cases, it intensifies in the evening and night;
  • Excessive sebum production. It is the greasy environment that is most nutritious for ticks of this genus;
  • Red spots that are a symptom of high blood pressure in the blood vessels. This indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • Nose enlargement. If you contact a dermatologist late or in the absence of adequate treatment, it is possible to replace the functioning tissue with connective tissue.

Demodicosis of the eyelids and eyes, in turn, manifests itself as follows:

  • Clumping of eyelashes. Along their growth line, a thin layer of film is formed that has adhesive properties;
  • Redness of the eyelids as a result of the inflammatory process;
  • Tired eyes. This symptom occurs due to inflammation and due to the fact that the patient is forced to strain his vision;
  • Eyelash loss caused by damage to hair follicles.
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