How long will it take for lip color to appear after tattooing?

Permanent makeup helps you look stylish and save time on applying decorative cosmetics. The photo helps you see in more detail how healing occurs day by day after lip tattooing. To speed up this process, you need to properly care for sensitive skin after the procedure. The choice of technique for applying permanent makeup also plays an important role.

Permanent makeup is the creation of a permanent pattern on the face.

Description of the lip tattoo procedure

This is the name for a type of permanent makeup. During the procedure, a dye is injected under the skin.

After tattooing, lips acquire a well-groomed, fresh look. Contours become more pronounced and clear.

The pigments used for the procedure are made from mineral and plant components. The entry of harmful substances into the blood is excluded. The tattoo technique resembles a tattoo. However, when drawings are applied to the skin, the dye penetrates into deeper layers.

Lip tattoo corrects the shape, makes the color deeper and more saturated.


Many girls have already undergone this procedure and are now ready to share their opinions about it; some reviews are given below:

Anna: “After much thought, I finally decided to apply permanent makeup to myself, and at the same time I tattooed not only my lips, but also my eyebrows and eyelids. Despite the concerns, my face looks quite natural; this procedure did not change my image, but it allowed me to emphasize the existing advantages of my appearance and hide my shortcomings from prying eyes.”

Anastasia: “I was able to appreciate all the benefits of permanent lip makeup immediately after the first procedure. Let me note right away that the process was painful, but tolerable. The only thing that raised doubts in my mind was the promised shelf life of the results; I didn’t believe that makeup could last that long. However, almost 6 years have passed, during which time I visited the specialist for only two corrections: after a month and after 3.5 years. I plan to visit my specialist again in the near future to consolidate the effect.”

Taisiya: “I decided to do permanent makeup for myself because I wanted to change the shade of my lips, making it brighter. The impressions remained mixed: the procedure was quite unpleasant and painful, I had a hard time with it, and for the first time after it my lips were swollen. On the other hand, I got the desired color, neat contour, beautiful makeup and always a fresh look on my face, so I was completely satisfied with the end result.”

Varieties of application techniques

The following methods of tattooing are considered the most common:

  1. Contour, in which makeup is applied in thin lines. After this procedure, the use of a pencil becomes optional, but you cannot refuse to use lipstick. Contour makeup helps to increase or decrease the volume of the lips and make the lines of the mouth more expressive.
  2. Filling, in which the entire skin of the lips is painted. The procedure helps you stop using lipstick. It is recommended to choose natural tones. When applying dark permanent makeup, the use of standard cosmetics becomes impossible. Natural tattooing is considered a popular variety. The dye tone is chosen taking into account the natural color of the skin.
  3. Contour with shading, in which the pigment is distributed from the borders of the lips, not completely affecting their surfaces. The makeup looks more natural than traditional contouring. Ombre and watercolor techniques are in demand, giving a glitter effect.

Effect of technique on healing time

The more complex the method of introducing the dye, the longer the healing process. The condition of the lips in the first days and weeks after injection is influenced by the individual characteristics of the skin and the experience of the specialist.

The condition of the lips is influenced by the characteristics of the skin.

The least and most traumatic methods of applying permanent

The contour technique is gentle. To inject the dye, a thin needle is used, leaving small punctures. Treated areas heal faster. In addition, when applying contour makeup, small areas are affected, and swelling after the procedure is insignificant. The contour technique with shading is considered more traumatic. In this case, healing takes longer. The pigment is also introduced to a minimum depth, but larger areas of the skin are subject to treatment.

Contour technique is the least traumatic way of applying permanent.

Filling tattoo is considered the most traumatic. A tool with a thick needle is used, which is used to process all surfaces of the lips. Deep wounds are formed that heal in 2-3 weeks.

Consultation, sketch drawing

Before the procedure, a consultation is held with the specialist to determine the “front of work”: photographs are taken without makeup in natural light, and wishes are discussed in advance.

On the day of the session, the sketch is first drawn with a special hypoallergenic pencil. At this moment, you and the master discuss color and temperature, hue, saturation. Depending on the appearance, contrast and individual preferences, the master selects the best option , which is ultimately approved by the client and can be adjusted.

The sketch is drawn as close as possible to the healed makeup: not with serifs and lines, but the final result is fully reproduced. Drawing is done not with permanent pens or felt-tip pens, but with cosmetic pencils from the Spanish brand El Corazon.

Note: Professionals never draw a sketch using a template and rulers, since no face is ever completely symmetrical. The sketch must take into account natural characteristics, facial features, cosmetic aspects, and individual characteristics. Only an experienced master can make the right sketch!

After drawing the sketch, you can make adjustments if you think it is necessary to change the shape or shade or temperature. Together with the master, you come to the ideal option.

After drawing the sketch. We selected a color that is not different from natural and a temperature-neutral shade (after the procedure there will be no “pencil” effect). We chose the option of a more defined contour

Average time for complete healing

It takes 14 to 20 days for the damage remaining after tattooing to disappear. Sometimes the recovery period drags on for a month.

What can slow down the process

Healing takes longer due to:

  • allergic reactions to dyes;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • improper lip care after tattooing.

Healing takes longer due to increased skin sensitivity.

If the skin takes too long to heal, you should consult a dermatologist.

Contraindications to the procedure

Tattooing should not be done during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Contraindications are inflammatory skin lesions, chronic diseases in the acute phase.

You can't get a tattoo during pregnancy.

Contraindications. When not to do permanent makeup

Micropigmentation has a number of contraindications. Be sure to read the list before visiting the specialist. Do not hide your true state of health - you will not only protect yourself, but also protect the cosmetologist from problems.

Any doubts?
Contact your doctor first - he will give a professional and informed recommendation whether to visit the salon or not. All contraindications are divided into two groups - absolute and relative. For the first time, lip tattooing is strictly prohibited. In the second case, a session is possible, but with the permission of the doctor and the approval of the master (the cosmetologist must be informed about the presence of certain problems).

Absolute contraindications

  1. Blood diseases, low blood clotting.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Diabetes mellitus in insulin-dependent form.
  4. Keloid scars and the tendency to their appearance.
  5. Somatic diseases and disorders.
  6. Mental problems, disorders.
  7. Any inflammation in the acute stage.
  8. Oncology and neoplasms.
  9. Hepatitis.
  10. HIV AIDS.
  11. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  12. Alcohol or drug intoxication.

Relative contraindications

  1. Inflammation on the lips, rash.
  2. Hypertension – before the session you should take a control blood pressure measurement and only then make a final decision.
  3. Tendency to allergies - you must first undergo tests to determine the body’s sensitivity to coloring compounds.
  4. Period of menstruation.

Healing process by week with photos

Photographs and a detailed description of the condition of the skin after permanent makeup help to understand whether the recovery period is proceeding normally.

First 7 days

Immediately after the procedure, slight swelling appears in the treated areas. On the 2nd day, the pain begins to subside. On the 3rd day, the swelling decreases, the wounds become covered with crusts. This is how the body reacts to mechanical damage. On the 4-5th day itching appears. The crusts crack and fall off. They should not be torn off on their own, as this increases the risk of infection and suppuration.

During the first 7 days, slight swelling appears on the lips.

By the end of the week the crust is completely gone. After this, the shade of the dye becomes more saturated.

Second week

There is no crust at this stage, but the itching does not completely disappear. You should not scratch your lips, as this can infect wounds that have not completely healed. The swelling disappears completely within 8-10 days. The shade of the pigment fades somewhat, because the crust partially absorbs the dye. There is a feeling of tightness and dryness. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, the skin is treated with hygienic lipstick or Vaseline.

In the second week, the itching does not disappear completely.

Third week

Slight dryness still persists, but the pain completely disappears. The color of the makeup is closer to natural. If the tone turns out to be too light, correction is made 2-3 weeks after application. During the procedure, a small amount of pigment is added.

In the third week, the pain disappears.

A month later

Healing is complete. After a month, you can evaluate the final result of the procedure. The intensity of the shade by this time is reduced by 50-60%. If a woman is unhappy with the color she received, she needs to visit a specialist. With high-quality application, permanent makeup lasts 2-3 years.

After a month, healing is complete.

Who is it suitable for?

Below are indications in which permanent lip makeup can help solve existing problems:

  1. Lack of volume, too thin lips.
  2. Dissatisfaction with the shape and the presence of downward corners.
  3. Not bright enough shade.
  4. Lack of time for regular care and application of cosmetics.
  5. Leading an active lifestyle, playing any kind of sport and other circumstances in which it is impossible to use the usual cosmetics.
  6. A rare change in style or cosmetics used, allowing you to consolidate the result, so as not to go through the application procedure yourself every day.
  7. Remaining traces of herpes.

Duration of pain

After the anesthetic wears off, severe pain appears, making it difficult to eat and talk. You have to eat liquid foods. Food should not be hot or too cold. Compliance with this rule eliminates increased pain. Discomfort becomes less pronounced on the 3rd day. After 5 days, the pain gives way to itching, which is sometimes unbearable.

After the procedure, severe pain appears.

During the normal course of the healing process, the discomfort disappears after 7-10 days.

Is it normal to have no crusts?

Wounds do not crust over when:

  1. Incorrect application of pigment. When the needle is inserted to the desired depth, lymph is released. When the liquid dries, crusts form. If there are few of them, the paint has not penetrated deeply. This type of makeup will not last longer than a year.
  2. Careful care. Some salons offer special tattoo technologies. In this case, during the application process, the lymph is removed and healing ointments are used. If you follow the master’s recommendations, your lips will look healthy after tattooing within 3 days.

Wounds do not crust over with careful care.
Healing after the procedure occurs individually. With a fast metabolism, crusts do not appear or quickly subside.


Today, experts practice various types of permanent lip makeup; the main modern types of this procedure are discussed below:

  1. Lip liner is designed to eliminate blurry lip lines, making them much more pronounced and noticeable. At its core, it performs the functions of a contour pencil, but allows you to achieve a longer lasting result. Application is performed with separate pigments that are closest to the natural shade, which allows the tattoo to not stand out against the background of unpainted lips.
  2. Creating a shaded contour that differs from the main lip color, but gradually blends into it. It is possible to carry out complete shading or only partial shading, which applies only to a selected part of the lips. This procedure allows you not only to adjust the color and increase its saturation, but also makes it possible to change the overall shape. However, this type of makeup is actually not suitable for too thin lips, since it will visually reduce their volume even more. In such a situation, instead of shading, 3D pigment is usually applied.
  3. Permanent makeup using 3D technologies . The corresponding effect is achieved by lightening individual areas, using several color options at once, creating complex shades, darkening corners and other actions. This type of procedure is usually used when the volume is insufficient and there is a need to increase it, while not only the lips themselves, but also the skin around them are often subject to cosmetic effects. Such a complex effect allows you to simultaneously correct the shape of your lips, refresh your face and make it visually much more youthful and attractive. Specialists can offer their clients a wide range of colors; these can be natural shades or options that imitate bright cosmetics, as well as the application of special pigments with glitter.

Features of lip care after tattooing

The master gives the client recommendations on how to manage the recovery period. They help you understand how to care for your lips in the first and subsequent days after applying makeup.

List of restrictions

In the first days after the procedure, it is prohibited:

  1. Wash your face for the first 2-3 days. Contact with water promotes infection of wounds and increased swelling. They begin to wash their face 5 days after tattooing. To do this, use warm boiled water. Using a towel is not recommended. Toothpaste is used carefully for a week.
  2. Visit a solarium, undergo facials or other cosmetic procedures.
  3. Eat sour, salty and spicy foods. When drinking drinks, use a straw.
  4. Take hormonal and antibacterial drugs.
  5. Apply decorative cosmetics. The use of medicinal balm with vitamins and healing substances is allowed.
  6. Smoking, drinking alcohol. Such actions contribute to increased itching and swelling.
  7. Kiss for 10 days after the procedure.

In the first days you should not wash your face.

How to treat lips

During the first 3 days, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution. It is also recommended to apply antifungal and antiviral ointments, such as Acyclovir.

What to do to speed up healing

The faster disappearance of wounds and crusts is facilitated by the use of special products and adherence to skin care rules. The following medications are intended to speed up recovery:

  • tablets that remove excess fluid from the body (Furosemide);
  • antihistamines that eliminate swelling (Tavegil, Suprastin, Dexamethasone);
  • antiseptic gels and ointments (Bora Plus, D-Panthenol).

Furosemide promotes faster disappearance of wounds.
It is recommended to smear the lips carefully, trying not to tear off the crusts.

How long will a lip tattoo last?

With proper care, makeup remains attractive for 3 years. After this, correction is required. How long the tattoo will last depends on:

  1. Individual skin characteristics. With a mixed or oily type, makeup lasts less. Those with dry skin wear tattoos longer.
  2. The nature of metabolism. If the injected dye is rejected, correction begins to be required earlier. Most of the pigment is absorbed by the crusts during the healing stage.
  3. Compliance with the rules of care. When the crusts are torn off, light areas are formed. The same is observed with the abuse of fatty ointments.
  4. Master's work experience. With high-quality spot application, makeup lasts longer.
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