How to smear your eyebrows after tattooing to avoid making mistakes

Issues discussed in the material:

  • How proper care after tattooing helps maintain the effect after the procedure
  • What can you apply to your eyebrows after tattooing to relieve swelling and redness?
  • How to smear eyebrows after tattooing when crusts appear
  • What inexpensive products can you use to smear your eyebrows after tattooing?

Eyebrow tattooing not only provides you with a spectacular transformation, but also significantly saves the time you usually spend on makeup. In order to get a long-term and pleasing result, you need to be able to properly care for your skin after the procedure. In this article, we looked at what you need to apply to your eyebrows after tattooing, and also looked at possible mistakes and how to avoid them while the tissue is healing.

Why do eyebrows need to be smeared with special products after tattooing?

The essence of permanent eyebrow makeup (tattooing) is to pierce and introduce an inert pigment under the skin. This technique is traumatic for the skin and can contribute to inflammation and pain.

If you decide on this method of correction, you must follow these steps:

  • seriously approach the choice of a salon , study reviews, choose a licensed specialist , it is strictly not recommended to carry out this procedure on your own or with an unverified specialist;
  • allocate enough free time to stay at home, as redness of the eyebrows is possible during the healing process after tattooing, the appearance of crusts and other “side effects” that you definitely do not want to show;
  • make sure that permanent makeup is performed with sterile disposable instruments;
  • Conduct a test to determine if you have an individual intolerance to pigments and other substances used for tattooing.

Recommendation : Pay attention to the cost of the service: the lower the price, the lower the quality of services you risk receiving.

How long does healing take? According to experts, about a week. The process is individual, for some people it takes 3 to 4 days, for others it takes more than 10 days.

Healing also depends on the lifestyle you lead. This does not mean that you should deny yourself everything, but still try to follow the recommendations provided.

Before carrying out the procedure, the specialist must tell you about the risks that may arise, as well as how the rehabilitation period will proceed. After completion, he must carry out the necessary manipulations for wound healing and talk about proper care.

In order for the tattoo healing process to be faster, you need to apply a soothing composition in the form of an application to the eyebrows. The specialist should do it for you in the salon and leave it for several hours. Then the application must be removed with a damp cloth.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before embarking on a radical correction of eyebrows and lips using tattooing, it is worth studying both the positive and negative aspects of these procedures. The portfolios of all masters contain impeccable work. However, in life, not everything always turns out as beautiful as in the image.

Pros and cons of eyebrow tattooing

Representatives of the fair sex are encouraged to perform eyebrow tattooing by numerous positive aspects of the procedure:

  • After permanent makeup is applied by a master, the eyebrows get a beautiful shape, match the oval of the face, and save time on makeup. Under the influence of external factors, beautiful brow ridges do not lose their attractive appearance.
  • Those with light eyebrows can enhance their look by giving them any shape.
  • 6D and 3D methods give a natural look to the eyebrows.
  • The artificial color looks impressive for up to three years, after which it will require minor corrections. Without touch-ups, the artificial pattern will be completely removed only after 7 years.
  • The presence of a variety of drawing techniques allows you to make a shadow, watercolor drawing, add hairiness or create a new shape to the brow ridges.
  • With the help of permanent, it became possible to disguise scars and facial defects.

The main disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • There is a risk of ending up “in the hands” of an inexperienced makeup artist, whose work may not only fail to bring the desired result, but also spoil natural beauty.
  • Feeling pain during the procedure. Local anesthesia cannot provide complete pain relief.
  • Due to the procedure, the roots of the hairs are damaged, which will ultimately lead to their partial loss.
  • Due to constant staining at injection sites, the skin loses its elasticity and ability to recover.
  • After the work of an inexperienced master, removing the pigment will be difficult, time-consuming and expensive.
  • Hairy tattooing should not be done on women who have naturally oily skin, as the strokes will blur after a few months.

Pros and cons of lip tattooing

Representatives of the fairer sex often resort to lip tattooing due to its many advantages. Let's consider the main ones:

  • The procedure allows you to always look beautiful.
  • With the help of tattooing you can disguise distorted lips, hide defects and scars.
  • Tattooing allows you to change the shape of your lips and give them a suitable color.
  • A one-time procedure allows you to forget about daily makeup application for a long period of time.
  • External factors cannot have any influence on the artificial color and shape of the lips.

When starting the procedure of salon lip tattooing, women should always remember the negative aspects of such permanent makeup, due to which:

  • Lip color changes.
  • After the injections, there will be some swelling and a long healing process.
  • There is a risk of dangerous infections and allergies. Therefore, you will need to take antibacterial medications for 5 days.
  • The procedure is most often accompanied by pain.
  • After the wounds heal, some correction will be required.

Proper eyebrow care immediately after tattooing

Well, you visited the salon and now you have an amazing eyebrow tattoo.

Now you need to decide what you will apply to the treated areas of the skin after the procedure. But first, you need to know how long healing will take and how it proceeds. Be prepared for the fact that it can be quite lengthy:

  • in the areas where punctures were made, almost immediately after tattooing, a transparent liquid will appear, which is a defense mechanism for your body;
  • After 24 hours, a crust will appear on the skin; do not touch it.

During tattooing, the permanent is injected into the upper layers of the epidermis, and the skin is pierced shallowly. Depending on the type - to a depth of 0.5-1 mm. There is no need to apply healing cream to your eyebrows immediately after the procedure. Such products soften the skin, the ichor does not become hard, and a crust does not form. Its appearance is necessary for protection against infection and optimal absorption of pigment. Eyebrows can only be treated with special antiseptics, and in order for the crusts to come off faster, it is necessary to smear them with Vaseline to exfoliate and moisturize.

After applying permanent makeup, the skin turns red and swells, and sanguineous fluid appears. This is how the body reacts to skin trauma. But, if the inflammation process becomes too long, it can reduce the concentration of the permanent and lead to uneven coloring or lightening.

To avoid such situations, it is recommended to smear your eyebrows with antiseptics for better healing:

  1. "Miramistin" - prevents the occurrence of viral, bacterial and fungal infections. There are no side effects or contraindications for tattooing.
  2. "Chlorhexidine" - this product is used to treat wounds and has an antifungal and bactericidal effect. Promotes faster healing. It is not recommended to use it for a long time after the procedure, in this case it causes discomfort and dryness. Also cannot be used if you have allergies. If the solution gets into your eyes, rinse them with water and then consult a doctor.

Products with bactericidal properties protect the skin from wound infection. Before applying the solution, it is necessary to remove the ichor with a cotton pad or napkin. You need to smear your eyebrows with a cotton swab or disk every 2-3 hours.

Indications and contraindications

Often, representatives of the fairer sex, wanting to tattoo their lips and eyebrows, are afraid that this type of makeup can harm their health. Therefore, we will consider in what cases permanent makeup is recommended, and in what cases it is strictly contraindicated.

Indications for lip tattoos

The list of indications for lip tattoos includes the following items:

  • no time for lip makeup;
  • Frequent use of water procedures, visits to the pool and beach holidays do not allow you to maintain makeup;
  • naturally ugly lips that even lipstick cannot give beauty;
  • there is a desire to have plump lips;
  • the presence of an asymmetrical shape of the lips and drooping corners;
  • presence of pale lips.

Indications for eyebrow tattoos

The list of indications for performing this procedure consists of the following factors:

  • desire to change shape;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • eyebrow loss occurred;
  • the face is damaged by injuries;
  • the shape of the face has become worse due to plastic surgery;
  • the presence of defects on the face.

Contraindications for lip and eyebrow tattooing

Regardless of the wide range of indications, lip and eyebrow tattooing has general categorical contraindications that you should definitely be aware of. Let's look at the list of diseases for which tattooing of eyebrows and lips is strictly prohibited. This:

  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • presence of neoplasms;
  • the presence of chronic diseases that occur in acute form;
  • mental illness;
  • febrile manifestations;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammatory processes of any nature;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

If you have at least one of these diseases, tattooing is strictly prohibited. But in some cases, doctors allow it under their own control. For example, it is necessary to create the shape of eyebrows that have fallen out after chemotherapy.

In addition to strict contraindications, there are relative prohibitions. They occur when:

  • have hypertension (it is necessary to reduce blood pressure before the procedure);
  • pregnancy (lactation) has been confirmed;
  • Herpes manifests itself in an acute state;
  • menstruation is coming.

What can you apply to your eyebrows after tattooing, when the swelling has gone away?

After tattooing, the most important thing is hydration. Apply panthenol cream to injured areas to avoid painful microcracks. For ease of application, you can purchase an eyebrow brush.

Advice : Choose medicinal ointments after a tattoo procedure with a natural composition containing oils. The alcohol in the cream dries the skin very much, so the use of such products is not recommended.

You should not apply makeup to your eyebrows during the healing process, smear them with tonics, lotions and scrubs, or use any products containing alcohol.

Recommended reading:

  • Male eyebrow correction: features of the procedure
  • “Velvet” eyebrows: what is it and why is it better than lamination?
  • How to remove eyebrow tattoo: eliminating mistakes

You can start using various creams only after the crusts have peeled off. Cosmetic and baby creams contain oils that overly moisturize the skin and reduce the effectiveness of the pigment. In order for healing to take place as quickly as possible and to get a good effect, you need to smear your eyebrows immediately after the permanent makeup procedure and until the crust is completely restored and peels off.

When choosing skin care products, it is necessary to especially highlight and use anti-inflammatory and healing agents:

  1. Levomekolev ointment - used if you have severe swelling and inflammation, it prevents suppuration of the skin after the tattoo procedure. They have a bactericidal effect due to the content of antibiotics in the composition. You need to smear your eyebrows for 2-3 days, 3 to 4 times a day, until the swelling and redness decrease.
  2. "Panthenol" - removes inflammation and has regenerating properties. With its help, a crust, which performs a protective function, forms faster. “Panthenol” is applied in a layer of medium thickness to damaged skin with a cotton swab. Do not apply too much, as this can lead to softening of the crusts and neutralization of the pigment. You can also buy ointment analogues that contain the substance despanthenol and vitamin B5: “Rescuer”, “Pantocrem”, “Bepanten”, “Pantoderm”, “D-panthenol”.
  3. "Boro Plus" is an antiseptic cream that has an anti-inflammatory effect. It has a natural herbal composition that heals damaged areas, reduces redness and itching. Before use, be sure to make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the components in the product.
  4. Tetracycline ointment is an antibacterial agent. Relieves inflammation and treats bacterial skin infections. You need to use it twice a day, apply a thin layer. There are contraindications: allergic reactions, pregnancy, lactation.
  5. Vit. E is a regenerating and restorative agent. It is necessary to use undiluted vitamin and apply a thin layer to the eyebrows after tattooing. After using the drug for some time, you should avoid walking and direct sunlight on the lubricated areas. The vitamin has increased sensitivity to sunlight.
  6. Fougera ointment - helps relieve inflammation and swelling, has a wound healing effect. The presence of vitamins A and D in the composition helps speed up the peeling of crusts. You need to smear your eyebrows for at least 3 days, 2 to 3 times a day.

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The time of year also affects the process of eyebrow care after the tattoo procedure. In the summer, you should definitely use sun protection creams with at least SPF-30 level. The sun's rays negatively affect the permanent, it can burn out or become lighter.

You can also use folk remedies for care. Such as decoctions of calendula and chamomile. The prepared broth is frozen in an ice tray, then ice cubes can be applied to the eyebrows to heal and regenerate damaged areas and reduce swelling.

Technique of the procedure

To do eyebrow tattooing using the hair method, it is important to carry out the necessary preparation to avoid unwanted consequences.

The preliminary period includes the following:

  • do not pluck excess hairs so that the master can analyze their natural appearance: direction of growth, thickness and quality;
  • approximately 7 days before the procedure, it is recommended to take a preventive course of vascular-strengthening medications, for example, Ascorutin, and also smear the eyebrows with Troxevasin - all this will reduce the risk of bleeding;
  • take mild sedatives with herbal ingredients in case of strong feelings;
  • within two days before tattooing, stop taking antibacterial and blood thinning agents, as well as caffeinated and alcoholic drinks;
  • the day before visiting a cosmetologist, give up cigarettes, foods high in fat and salt;
  • Do not set a date for the procedure during menstruation.

Hair tattoo technique:

  1. The cosmetologist analyzes the eyebrows, namely their shape, features and direction of hair growth. Taking into account the client's requirements, he makes a preliminary sketch on the eyebrows using a cosmetic pencil.
  2. A shade of pigment is selected that suits the individual characteristics of appearance.
  3. The master cleans and disinfects the tattoo area and outlines the final shape of the eyebrows with a pencil.
  4. Local anesthesia is performed using an injection or ointment.
  5. When the anesthetic effect occurs, the process of applying eyebrow hair tattooing begins (shown in the photo above). Using a special needle, hairs are drawn by introducing pigment into the skin of the eyebrows.
  6. After completing the main stage of the procedure, the master again disinfects the working surface of the eyebrows and applies a healing ointment.

Hair tattooing usually lasts 1.5–2 hours.

How to smear eyebrows after tattooing: Vaseline and its analogues for quickly removing crusts

Vaseline is often used in cosmetology - it has a good effect on the healing process and softens the skin. Using the product after tattooing allows you to create a protective barrier on damaged areas, which prevents infection and the appearance of cracks. Apply 4 to 6 times a day in a thin layer. Vaseline can be used until a crust forms and the skin is completely restored.

There are also other tools that you can use:

  • Solcoseryl gel or ointment . It has an advantage over Vaseline: it does not clog pores, oxygen penetrates the tissues better, ensuring faster healing. You need to lubricate your eyebrows with it after the crusts appear, 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Deoxynate solution - applied externally, reduces inflammation, accelerates healing. The crusts peel off faster. You need to smear the skin for 4 days, 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Ointment "Methyluracil" - has a healing effect by stimulating the body's defenses. Relieves itching and discomfort. You need to lubricate your eyebrows 4 to 5 times a day until they are completely restored.

There are a large number of different analogues of Vaseline. The product itself is well suited for caring for eyebrows after tattooing. It has no smell, no side effects, no fragrances, and is easy to apply.

What not to put on your eyebrows after permanent tattooing

To get an effective result from a tattoo procedure, it is important to carefully choose care products. Some products with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects are not suitable for use in eyebrow care:

  1. Hydrocortisone ointment is a hormonal drug. Increases blood pressure, reduces blood clotting, and the skin restoration process takes longer.
  2. Lanolin is similar in its properties to Vaseline, but when used after eyebrow tattooing, the pigment loses its coloring properties. When applied, lanolin penetrates the skin and removes the permanent, changing its color.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide – used to protect against bacteria. However, the hydrogen contained in the composition leads to discoloration of the pigment, oxidizing it.
  4. Consult a professional before using any care product. Using oils, such as castor, coconut, and sea buckthorn, can also lighten your eyebrows due to the acids they contain.

Common mistakes in eyebrow care after tattooing

So, you know what products are best to use to care for your tattoo. Now you need to find out which procedures cannot be performed so as not to spoil the result:

  • Do not touch your eyebrows too often, do not pick off the scab that forms.
  • Do not rub your eyebrows with a towel or your hands.
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  • Do not wash off the resulting crust with cosmetics or hands. There is a risk that you may remove some of the pigment from an area of ​​skin and it will remain unpainted.
  • You should not get your eyebrows wet after tattooing in the first few days. You should also avoid steam treatments for your facial skin.
  • Do not apply eyebrow makeup (there is no need for it after tattooing).
  • Avoid visiting a sauna or bathhouse.
  • Do not shave or pluck the hairs until your eyebrows are completely healed. This will happen no earlier than in 14 days.
  • Make sure that pigmented areas are not exposed to sunlight.
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