I learned how to make homemade oil for any skin type. Only 2 ingredients needed

Carrier oils are naturally derived from plant extracts and can be a great alternative to the chemicals found in most moisturizers on the market. The name "oil" may be a red flag for some women, especially those with oily skin, who may believe that applying oil will only cause breakouts and clogged pores.

Frankly, there are oils for all skin types, and you can easily create a DIY facial treatment tailored specifically to your needs.

How to make the perfect oil

It is very important to know which oil is right for your skin. While some can benefit all skin types, there are some that can help balance sebum production, reduce inflammation (redness) and fight acne-causing bacteria.

Depending on the season and climate you live in, you will need to change your oils to suit your skin's changing needs. With careful product selection, you can add essential oils to your base to create the perfect blend for your skin type. Once you mix your first facial oil, you will never want to use any other products.

The best DIY hydrophilic oil recipes

Making your own hydrophilic cleansing mixture is very simple. The ratio is given as follows: 1 part emulsifier, 9 parts oil. The components are mixed together.

For 1 part, you can use a teaspoon to measure it conveniently without scales.

First recipe

  • Grapeseed oil - 3 tsp.
  • Hazelnut oil – 2 tsp.
  • Almond oil – 2 1/2 tsp.
  • Jojoba oil – 1 tsp.
  • Wheat germ – ½ tsp.
  • Polysorbate 80 – 1 tsp.

Second recipe

Suitable for dry skin:

  • Almond oil – 3
  • Olive oil – 3
  • Avocado – 3
  • Polysorbate 80 – 1
  • Neroli oil – 2 drops
  • Lemon essential oil – 2 drops

Third recipe

Can be used for combination skin.

  • Almond oil – 3
  • Peach oil – 3
  • Apricot kernel oil – 3
  • Emulsifier – 1

The fourth recipe for oily skin

  • Hazelnut oil – 9
  • Lemon essential oil – 2 drops
  • Twin – 80 – 1

Fifth recipe for normal skin

  • Grapeseed oil – 5
  • Almond oil – 3
  • Wheat germ oil – 1
  • As always: polysorbate – 80 – 1

Based on the proportion of oils and emulsifier, many options can be created. It all depends on your preferences and imagination.

Dry and aging skin

Rosehip seed oil is an ultra-nourishing treatment that is ideal for dry or aging skin, especially those areas that show the first signs of aging, such as around the eyes. Rich in vitamins A, C and E, this oil has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes wound healing. It can be used alone or in combination with another product for optimal results.

Known for its skin rejuvenating properties, sweet almond oil is a soothing remedy rich in proteins, minerals and vitamin E. Almond oil is great for moisturizing dry skin.

Avocado oil is a everyone's favorite, ideal for aging skin and increasing collagen production. Avocado oil is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, D and E and is known to improve skin elasticity.

Polysorbate – 80: description and properties

Polysorbate – 80 is an oily liquid, its color can range from yellow to orange. The consistency of the liquid is slightly viscous. According to its properties, it dissolves well in water and oils.

Polysorbate – 80 (Tween – 80) is a synthetic product created on the basis of natural ones. It is obtained by reacting during the production process from sorbitol and oleic acid.

It is used in cosmetology due to its ability to dissolve fatty oils upon contact with water. Oil mixed with Polysorbate – 80 when mixed with water turns into an emulsion. This emulsion is completely easily washed off with water without losing the beneficial properties of the oil.

It is best to purchase polysorbate in pharmacies or specialized stores.

Oily skin

Grapeseed oil is suitable if your skin has too much sebum, it is lightweight and can regulate oil production, calming any inflammation. It is also rich in antioxidants and vitamins E and C.

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Tamanu oil is suitable for oily and acne-prone skin and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Ideal for acne-prone skin prone to blackheads.

Apricot oil has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Important points about using a mask with oils

  • Before using essential oils, check for allergic reactions.
  • Do not prepare mask compositions with oils for future use.
  • Essential oils should not be applied to the skin undiluted in base oils.
  • It is better to use oils 2-3 times a week and periodically change the composition so as not to cause “addiction”.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to avoid using oils.
  • Use oils with caution in the presence of chronic diseases - consultation with a specialist is necessary.
  • Oil masks are best done in the evening, 1.5 – 2 hours before bedtime.

Normal or combination skin

Jojoba oil is also popular. Almost all skin types can benefit from it and it leaves the skin feeling hydrated without being too shiny. Can be used for inflammatory diseases and helps with aging. It can also be used all over the body and is very similar to the oil that is naturally produced by our skin.

Coconut oil is easy to find. It remains a favorite choice for many. High in antioxidants and vitamin E, coconut oil can also be used on the face and body as a cleanser or moisturizer. Has natural antibacterial properties. However, coconut oil may cause skin rashes in some people.

Sunflower oil is an excellent choice for normal skin, providing hydration and balancing oil production. Improves restoration of the natural skin barrier.

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Benefits of blending oils for skin

In cosmetology, a mixture of skin oils solves a whole range of problems:

  1. Nutrition and hydration;
  2. Strengthening blood vessels;
  3. Improved complexion;
  4. Acceleration of cellular metabolic processes;
  5. Treatment of acne, acne and comedones;
  6. Regulation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  7. Acceleration of blood circulation;
  8. Smoothing wrinkles;
  9. Whitening age-related and photo pigmentation.

To avoid causing harm, do not use before visiting the beach or solarium; burns may occur or the pymentum may not be distributed correctly in the tissues. Before applying, be sure to test for possible allergies. To avoid problems and keep you looking well-groomed and young, you need proper skin care. I recommend creating cosmetics with your own hands; if you don’t want to, then carefully study the composition of the products you buy.

Using a mixture of oils for facial skin

It will not be difficult to make a mixture of facial oils as the basis for a preventive or rejuvenating massage. Effective products in the daily care of problematic, flabby or acne-prone dermis, replacing moisturizing creams. You can prepare a mixture of oils to enrich ready-made emulsions, tonics, balms and gels. It is also easy to enhance the effect of homemade masks with oils by adding an essential composition to the main components.

How to use facial oil correctly

Here are some tips for further guidance.

Use twice daily. Apply facial oil morning and evening. Some experts warn that facial oil can interfere with sunscreen, causing it to melt and become less effective.

But if you don't spend a lot of time outside, this shouldn't be a problem. Just use the oil on days when you need powerful sun protection, and it shouldn't reduce your SPF too much.

Face oil is applied last, but before sunscreen. Cleanse skin and apply serums as usual. Then - face oil, then - sunscreen.

Pat the skin, do not stretch it. Apply a few drops to your fingertips (more is not always better) and pat gently over your face, neck and chest.

Avoid the eye area. If you have sensitive eyes, always use serums and creams formulated specifically for the eye area rather than oils.

Anti-wrinkle oil masks – base oils

Base oils are cold pressed and do not have a strong odor. The benefits of base oils are that:

  • They are affordable
  • Universal for use
  • Virtually no allergic reactions
  • Goes well with other ingredients
  • Have a natural composition

Warning: Before using oils, you must test for an allergic reaction - apply a small amount of the product to the skin of your elbow. Wait 15 minutes. and see if there are skin reactions in the form of redness, itching, and so on. If there is a reaction, do not use the oil!

Do you need facial oil?

If you have naturally hydrated, evenly dewy skin, you may want to skip the facial oil. But if you suffer from acne, dryness, or excess oil production, using a facial oil can help balance your skin, unclog pores, and maybe even relieve irritation.

If you're concerned about clogged pores, start with jojoba oil, which should be very similar to the sebum your body naturally produces.

Olivderm, olivderm - composition and properties

Olivederm is a water-soluble form of olive oil, amber in color with a characteristic odor. Due to its composition, it is easily soluble in water and oil. When mixed with oil, it creates a water-soluble, stable emulsion. It has a powerful cleansing ability, enhancing the beneficial properties of other ingredients.

Perfect for sensitive skin as it has a softening and soothing effect.

As part of cosmetics, it is used in a proportion of 5-15% to other components.

Preparation of phytoraw materials: features of plant collection

In theory, aromatic oil can be made from almost any plant, as long as you like its smell. In practice, everything is much more complicated. If you try to make lily of the valley oil, for example, you will end up with a weak-smelling product because the concentration of aromatic substances in the flowers is only 0.04%. But the fruits of the clove tree will give a rich smell, since the percentage of odorous components in them reaches 22%. Therefore, it is advisable to find out such nuances in advance before harvesting phytoraw materials.

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Each plant has its own characteristics of development, flowering and ripening, and it is better to know them. But there are general rules that are suitable for any type of herbal raw material:

  • If you plan to make oil from the flowers, wait until they have fully opened. Choose healthy parts of the plant that are not damaged by insects and microorganisms.
  • Harvesting rhizomes should begin in the fall. When the leaves of the plant begin to dry, the roots will have the highest concentration of active substances.
  • If stems or leaves are needed, it is best to cut them off before buds begin to form on the plant.
  • In the case of using stems or leaves, the raw materials are collected before the formation of buds. And if you need the entire above-ground part of the plant, then cut it off at the very beginning of the flowering season.
  • If you collect seeds and fruits, they must be fully ripe.
  • Collect any plants that you plan to harvest in the morning, when the dew has dried, preferably in dry weather.

Aroma oils are prepared from fresh and dry herbal raw materials, so you can easily stock up for future use. The main thing is that the plants grow in an environmentally friendly place and are properly stored until used.

Anti-wrinkle oil masks

Honey with lavender oil

Take 1 tbsp of yogurt. l., mix with 1 tsp. honey and whipped egg white, mix and add 1 drop of lavender oil. It must be applied in layers, allowing time for the previous layer to dry a little.

It tightens and strengthens the skin well. Lavender aroma has a calming effect.

Macadamia with flax for wrinkles

Take equally half a teaspoon of flax and macadamia oils, mix and add 1 drop of geranium oil. Apply to face and décolleté and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the remains with a napkin.

Suitable for dry, wrinkle-prone skin as a smoothing and nourishing product. Do it 2 times a week.

Peach with lemon and ylang-ylang

Smoothes out fine wrinkles on the face and around the eyes.

The composition is made in this way: 1 tsp. peach oil is mixed with 1 drop each of ylang-ylang and lemon oils. Apply to the face with light patting movements. Residues are removed with a napkin after 15 – 20 minutes.

Cocoa butter for wrinkles

Mix a teaspoon of melted cocoa butter with ½ tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil and oil vitamin E. Apply, not avoiding the skin around the eyes, after 20 minutes. Remove any remaining residue with a dry cloth.

Smoothes wrinkles, nourishes the skin, tightens, tones. Recommended for dry skin.

Lifting – mask for dry and oily skin

Take equally, 1 tbsp. l. Heat grape seed and jojoba oils in a water bath to a pleasant, comfortable temperature.

Important: Do not use metal or plastic containers to prepare the composition!

Add 1 drop each of essential oils of sage and geranium to the mixture, mix everything and moisten the prepared fabric mask well in the resulting composition. You can buy it ready-made - the base, or make it from gauze. Place the mask on your face and lie quietly for 20 - 30 minutes.

Anti-aging lifting mask

1 tbsp. l. Take equal quantities of dried chamomile and lemon balm flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Beat the white of a chicken or quail egg until foamy, add 1 tbsp. l. infusion, 1 tsp. sour cream and add 1 drop each of lavender and geranium oils. Apply to the skin of the face, leave for 20 minutes and wash off the residue with a cotton pad soaked in the same herbal infusion.

Make this mask 3 – 4 times every 7 days for a month. An excellent product that will tighten your skin and smooth out wrinkles.

Honey-sour cream firming

Grind 1 tsp each until smooth. warm honey, thick sour cream and apricot oil. Then add mint oil there, no more than 2 drops. Leave the composition on the skin for 20 minutes, then remove the residue with water.

It tightens the oval of the face well and smoothes the skin.

To prevent early wrinkles

Orange essential oil – 1 drop and macadamia oil 1 tsp, mix with a drop of neroli oil.

Well suited as a means of preventing early wrinkles.

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