Celandine for acne: properties and applications. My review

Celandine for acne has been used for centuries, and due to its widespread use, accessibility and high effectiveness, decoctions, infusions, lotions, and ointments were made from it. Today, it is quite possible to prepare such a healing remedy yourself or purchase it at any pharmacy. The name itself, which comes from the phrase “pure body,” clearly hints at the miraculous properties of the plant. Its other popular name - yellow milkweed - is associated with the thick yellowish juice that is released on a fresh cut.

Does celandine help with acne, or what is the secret of the plant?

Interesting fact: since ancient times, celandine has been used to treat about 250 skin diseases. The beneficial properties of celandine are directly related to its composition. The main active substances of celandine are: alkaloids, succinic, malic and citric acid, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), β-carotene (Vitamin A).

The most striking beneficial properties of celandine:

  1. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects are the main advantage of celandine . Celandine disinfects the skin, removes inflammation in pimples and promotes their rapid maturation.
  2. The regenerating property is the second argument in favor of celandine . Thanks to its regenerating properties, celandine is an excellent remedy for red spots, marks and scars after acne (post-acne).
  3. Resistant. Celandine strengthens the skin's immunity, helping it better cope with harmful environmental influences.
  4. Mild drying effect . Celandine gently dries without the risk of burning or injuring the skin.
  5. The nourishing, tonic and light rejuvenating effect of celandine will help you maintain the beauty of your skin for many years.

You can buy celandine for pennies, or even get it for free - celandine grows in almost every yard.

There is a plant that has been a healthy competitor to celandine for many years. I advise you to read about why string helps against acne on the face no worse than celandine (sometimes even better!).

Properties of celandine

The main purpose of celandine still remains the ability to make the skin clean. That is why this plant has a separate role in the fight against acne. And there are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Thanks to the antiseptic effect of celandine, inflammation on the skin goes away, acne accelerates its maturation.
  2. The regenerating property of celandine contributes to the successful removal of acne spots, which arise (in most cases) as a result of unsuccessful squeezing.
  3. The resistant quality of celandine is aimed at strengthening the immune system.
  4. It has a drying effect, the advantage of which is its gentle, non-traumatic effect.
  5. The plant helps rejuvenate and nourish the skin.

Celandine juice is slightly poisonous, but if certain proportions are observed, it can be used as a medicine. It is best to use a decoction (at the rate of 2 tablespoons of herb per 1 liter of water), or a spot tincture.

In large dosages, Celandine can cause burns and peeling of the skin.

Possibilities of a medicinal plant

The antibacterial and antimicrobial activity of celandine is based on the presence of the alkaloids berberine and chelidonine in the herb. They exhibit an inhibitory effect on groups of microorganisms, including Escherichia coli, dysentery bacillus and staphylococcus. In relation to the latter, they act selectively, so treatment of staphylococcal infections can take place with different productivity indicators.

For oily skin

The use of celandine in cosmetology is associated, first of all, with its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. In folk medicine, it is considered a good remedy for solving oily skin problems.

It is characterized by:

  • large, noticeable pores;
  • increased sebum secretion, which manifests itself as an oily sheen in the forehead, cheeks and chin;
  • clogged pores, visually noticeable as blackheads;
  • the formation of focal inflammations - pimples, the incorrect removal of which leads to the formation of scars and traces of post-acne.

Due to the fact that oily skin is prone to inflammation, and celandine for acne reduces these inflammations, it is logical to include the product in your daily care. But with the use of medicinal herbs, as with caring for problem skin, not everything is so simple.

It is believed that if you have oily skin, acne will definitely bother you. But with proper care, you can minimize the risk of their occurrence.

A pimple or acne is an inflamed area of ​​skin. Inflammation develops in the pores where skin secretions accumulate. It serves as an indicator that local immunity has not coped with the growth of microorganisms, for which the sebaceous environment is an ideal place for reproduction.

There are many reasons for the decrease in the activity of local immunity - from hormonal changes to the habit of squeezing out acne with your hands.

Therefore, the right solution for caring for oily skin is proper and regular cleansing. By washing away oily secretions every day using a special foam or gel, you reduce the risk of its accumulation and the development of inflammation. You can use celandine for acne as an additional remedy to reduce the severity of inflammation.

For problem skin

Consult with a cosmetologist about the choice of cosmetics for everyday care or opt for medicinal cosmetics, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Your basic routine should include morning and evening cleansing, toning and moisturizing. With this approach, the condition of the skin will improve significantly, and the rash will bother you much less often.

For existing rashes, use anti-inflammatory, sebum-regulating agents. At home, you can use celandine by following the following recommendations.

  • Do not apply pure juice to your skin. “If celandine gets on healthy skin, a burn may occur,” notes dermatovenerologist Tigran Galstyan. “This violates the integrity of the skin.” In such areas, infection actively develops, since local immunity is reduced, microorganisms easily penetrate the epidermis and the underlying layer of skin. Its areas become inflamed, and if there are injured and thinned areas of the epidermis in the immediate vicinity, the infection spreads further. Injured areas are also susceptible to hyperpigmentation. Signs of photoaging and the formation of age spots are especially pronounced under the influence of the sun.
  • Use alcohol solutions spot on. It is believed that celandine tincture is most effective against rashes and acne. But you can only use it locally, carefully applying it directly to the pimple with a cotton swab. Alcohol has a drying effect, and the medicinal plant extract inhibits pathogenic microflora - the source of inflammation and redness. It is absolutely unacceptable to wipe your entire face with this product. Alcohol disrupts the normal functioning of the skin, literally erases the outer protective covering from it. This provokes increased oiliness, as the epidermis tries to restore the protective barrier. At the same time, the skin becomes dehydrated, looks dry, and fine wrinkles quickly appear on it. But acne remains, there are more of them, as the epidermis loses local immunity and the ability to cope with infection.
  • Do not steam your face or apply exfoliants. You can often find recommendations for steam baths with celandine against acne and blackheads, after which you need to rub the skin with sea or table salt. Such procedures are a direct path to a total inflammatory process that will affect all areas of the face without exception. In the form of a steam bath, celandine is useless, since its active substances do not come into contact with the skin. At the same time, the steaming process itself stimulates the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin, which completes and aggravates scrubbing with a harsh abrasive. Sea salt, sugar and other substances with sharp scrubbing particles cause microscopic damage to the epidermis. They serve as new gates for infection and the next foci of inflammation.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the use of brewer's yeast for acne: comprehensive treatment from the inside and outside

Celandine in cosmetology can be used to treat pimples and blackheads in the form of an aqueous infusion for wiping inflamed skin and reducing the severity of infection. Alcohol tincture is used only for local acne treatments, pointwise.

Cosmetics based on celandine are on sale. Home care for active rashes can include Bee Celandine, which contains essential oils, salicylic acid, and silver ions. In combination, the substances have an anti-inflammatory effect and suppress the development of acne and pimples.

“There is a universal recipe for prolonging the youth of the skin and refreshing the complexion,” says cosmetologist Elena Tselkovskaya. — Take a sprig of the plant, pour one and a half glasses of water, heat and boil for about five minutes. Then leave the infusion for an hour, cool.”

According to Elena Tselkovskaya, this recipe can be used to treat skin diseases, including acne and dermatitis. And as a tonic, rejuvenating agent.

However, it is not entirely correct to position celandine for the face against wrinkles. An aqueous infusion of a medicinal plant really improves skin health, as it normalizes microflora, eliminates inflammation and prevents the formation of new ones. But it has nothing to do with the formation or, conversely, reduction of wrinkles.

To eliminate wrinkles, regular moisturizing of the skin and procedures that involve the deep layers of the dermis are required. Celandine in any form works only on the surface of the epidermis, and will not help cope with either facial wrinkles or signs of skin aging as a result of dehydration.

In folk medicine, celandine is recommended for the face against age spots. But doctors warn about the dangers of popular recipes.

“After using celandine, traumatic skin pigmentation occurs at the site of its impact,” says Inna Voloshchenko, chief physician of the Kyiv Institute of Beauty. “If a person comes to me for an appointment who has tried to get rid of spots on the skin in this way, we send him for a consultation with an oncologist, since the skin in this area has received extremely severe trauma.”

It is unacceptable to use pure celandine juice to combat age spots. They do not eliminate the problem, but on the contrary, they make it worse. Only acid-based cosmetics can solve the problem of pigmentation, while the mechanism of action of this medicinal plant is completely different.

In the form of solutions or celandine oil, the plant does not have a significant effect on the epidermis and does not stimulate the exfoliation of the stratum corneum, in which natural pigment is retained. It is futile to expect any skin whitening in this case.

Celandine for the beauty of face and body

The unpretentious plant celandine has long settled next to people and serves them faithfully. Many consider it a weed and mercilessly destroy it, but in vain! Celandine is endowed with the ability to heal even the most serious ailments, but what this close relative of the poppy can do best is take care of the purity and beauty of our skin, fully justifying its “talking” name. Even the ancient Greeks successfully used celandine to treat many skin diseases.

The celandine plant is probably very familiar to you.

Other names of celandine are no less eloquent. Its scientific name is Chelidonium, which is translated from Latin as “heavenly gift.” And among the people, the plant received many bright nicknames, here are just a few of them: golden grass, herb of life, herb of victory, pure grass, miracle herb, warthog, clean grass, Russian ginseng...

Celandine is so tenacious and unpretentious that it is considered a weed

Unlike its eastern namesake, Russian ginseng is famous not for its roots, but for its tops. The entire above-ground part of the plant has healing properties, but the most popular for medicinal purposes are the succulent stems of celandine. The thick yellow-orange juice is most effective when eaten fresh. It can be used from early spring until the first frost. In winter, the healing miracle herb is dried to be used for various preparations and procedures.

Celandine blooms until late autumn, and during this time it can be collected for treatment.

Properly collected and prepared celandine retains most of its medicinal properties and beneficial substances. The chemical composition of this truly golden herb is represented by a unique complex of components. From this long list, we should highlight those that are most important for healthy skin:

  • organic acids (succinic, malic, chelidonic, citric and others);
  • alkaloids (chelidonine, chelirubine, chelerythrine, protopine, berberine, sparteine ​​and others);
  • vitamins A and C;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids.

When applied locally to skin affected by pimples and acne, celandine actively exhibits the following properties:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • relieves pain;
  • destroys infection;
  • regenerates;
  • dries;
  • heals;
  • increases resistance.

Use of celandine: acne - go away!

First of all, celandine is worth trying for those who do not trust modern medicine and pharmacology, but want to be treated with old, proven, and most importantly safe methods.

There are many options for treating acne with celandine and the choice of method depends primarily on your problem..

Here are the best ways to use celandine herb for acne, acne, spots on the face, wen and hives that you can find on the Internet.

Celandine juice - there is no simpler remedy for acne!

The most practical method of using celandine for the face. Naturally, to obtain juice we need a fresh plant.

Carefully cut off the stems, wipe with a napkin (if you wash, we will lose some of the beneficial substances) and pass through a meat grinder . Apply celandine juice onto pimples 3 times a day.

It is best to collect celandine during its flowering - this way you can extract the maximum amount of useful substances.

Infusion of celandine for acne

One of the most popular ways to use celandine . The method is incredibly simple. Have to take:

  • Dry celandine herb.
  • Water.

In order to prepare an infusion of celandine, you will need 2-3 tbsp. l herbs, plants and boiling water (no more than 300-400 ml).

Find a vessel, pour boiling water over the celandine, close the vessel and let it brew for 6-8 hours in a dark place. The resulting infusion of celandine must be filtered with gauze.

The best way to use celandine infusion for acne is to wash your face in the morning . From such washes, the skin will become much better within a week.

Decoction of celandine

It differs from preparing a tincture in that the vessel will need to be kept in boiling water for 5-8 minutes. Decoctions are a cruder way of obtaining nutrients from a plant.

Although decoctions act slower and weaker than infusions, their effect lasts much longer . It is very simple to prepare a decoction of celandine for acne. Let's take:

  • 3 tbsp. l. fresh celandine herbs.
  • 500 ml water.

Pour fresh celandine with water and put on fire. When the broth boils, it must be kept on the fire for another 5 minutes. After this, the infusion is allowed to cool and filtered.

Application : moisten a sponge with infusion and wipe your face 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes (best before bed). In addition, you can make lotions with this infusion for the whole night without fear of burns.

The infusion of celandine has a very gentle effect on the skin, helping to cleanse it. An excellent replacement for expensive tonics and lotions!

Both the infusion and the decoction for acne from celandine can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2-3 days. Decoctions and infusions quickly lose their beneficial properties, so they need to be used as soon as possible.

Alcohol tincture of celandine and cucumbers is the best solution for oily and problem skin!

The best solution for oily and combination skin types . To prepare an alcohol tincture of celandine with vodka for acne you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. dry celandine.
  • 250 ml vodka.
  • 2 medium sized cucumbers.

Preparing the tincture is very simple. Pour celandine into a vessel, chop 2 cucumbers into it and fill everything with vodka. The tincture must be infused for at least 14 days.

Application: wet the sponge and wipe your face very carefully. The main advantage of alcohol tincture is drying the skin and reducing the secretion of sebum.

Be very careful not to cause burns. After using this tincture, it is recommended to apply a cream according to your skin type.

If you have dry skin, this tincture can only be used spot on!

Celandine face mask is the best option for dry and normal skin + from spots, marks and scars

If alcohol tincture of celandine is an excellent remedy for oily skin, then this mask is suitable for dry and normal skin. So, we will need:

  • 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • 1 yolk.
  • 8-12 drops of celandine juice.

The dosage of celandine juice depends on the degree of sensitivity of your skin. Beat the yolk, add oil and celandine juice. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

Apply the mask to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water. A face mask made from celandine helps get rid of acne, makes the skin soft and smooth .

In addition, the mask brightens the skin, which is very necessary when fighting scars and acne scars.

Now let’s see what the pharmacological market offers us, because they couldn’t ignore this miracle plant.

Is bee celandine a panacea? Do not make me laugh!

Recently, acne gel “Bee Celandine” appeared on the Russian market. According to their creators, after using their product, acne and pimples of any severity disappear in 2-3 days.

It is this statement that is alarming and suggests that Bee Celandine is just another campaign to lure money out of the pockets of gullible people. The price for a tube of Bee Celandine is approximately 100-150 rubles.

Having tried it on myself and read the reviews of other people, we can say that although the product has some positive effect (it can deal with a couple of small pimples), but more often than not, people are very disappointed in the product.

Bee celandine is not a panacea, so you should not expect strong and radical results. If you decide to use bee celandine, read the instructions very carefully to avoid serious consequences.

Mountain celandine

Another pharmaceutical product, but without promises of an immediate effect. It is worth noting that the Mountain Celandine balm was originally created to combat warts, which it deals with quite effectively.

But, in addition, mountain celandine can also help with acne. Try it, mountain celandine costs a penny (about 30-40 rubles).

Celandine oil

Celandine oil has antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects . In addition, celandine oil promotes wound healing and skin regeneration.

The spectrum of action is wide: celandine oil is used for acne on the back, blackheads, acne and boils, as well as for eczema, seborrhea and many other skin diseases. Celandine oil can be bought at a pharmacy, or made at home.

The price is simply ridiculous - you can buy celandine oil for 45-60 rubles.

Harm of celandine and contraindications for use

The harm of celandine is that the milky sap of the plant is poisonous, and in a significant dose can lead to undesirable consequences. There are groups of people for whom the use of celandine is contraindicated. These include:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons with dermatological diseases, especially in the acute stage (eczema, allergic reactions, dermatitis).

Also, treatment of acne with celandine in any form is contraindicated:

  • in the presence of open wounds on the skin, scratches, abrasions;
  • for local vascular pathologies;
  • for infectious diseases that affect the skin (rubella, herpes, chickenpox, etc.).

Before using celandine to treat acne, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Is it possible to use celandine for teenage acne?

Before treating acne at any age, you must first determine the cause of the rash in order to treat the problem comprehensively. In the case of teenagers, this is especially important, since incorrect actions can lead to further development of acne, scars, and skin imperfections.

Teenage acne can be caused by:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • stress;
  • improper skin care;
  • diseases of internal organs or teeth;
  • reproduction of the subcutaneous mite - demodex.

A visit to the doctor will allow you to determine the cause of acne and treat it comprehensively. As one of the auxiliary agents, celandine can be used in one of the dosage forms described above.

Attention! You cannot solve the problem of teenage acne with celandine alone. It is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the root cause and eliminate it.

Pharmacy products

If you don’t have time to prepare home remedies, you can purchase ready-made preparations containing celandine, which are sold at the pharmacy. When purchasing, be sure to study the list of contraindications and application features.

Bee celandine

Cream gel is a cheap but effective remedy against acne. Thanks to the combination of oils (celandine, sanal, manuka, kukui, tea tree), it will be possible to clear the skin of rashes in a short time, relieve inflammatory processes, and accelerate the healing of cracks.

Apply the product once a day only to problem areas. Layer thickness – no more than 1 mm. The drug is quickly absorbed, so there is no need to remove any residue.

Mountain celandine

The use of the balm is recommended only if the dermis of the face is affected by papillomas or warts. In addition to fresh celandine juice, the composition contains a Baikal collection - gentian herb, spear-shaped poop, and rhododendron.

To get rid of defects, use the balm as a lotion. Apply cotton swabs soaked in the preparation to the affected areas of the dermis for a quarter of an hour.

Celandine oil

To combat uneven shade of the dermis, flaking, and increased dryness, it is recommended to purchase celandine oil for the face to prepare home remedies. If the product is used in its pure form, without additional components, use at least three times a day. Apply the oily liquid, massaging the skin with your fingertips.

Before the procedure, be sure to heat the oil (immerse the bottle in hot water for a few minutes). Warm oily liquid is better absorbed and begins to work immediately after application.

Will celandine cope with hives?

Celandine for urticaria has been used for a very long time, it’s a pity that old recipes are forgotten over time.

For urticaria, as an additional treatment, baths with celandine and other herbs help.

To do this, you must first prepare a decoction of celandine, sage, chamomile and string according to the same principle as a decoction of celandine (the preparation method was described above). Take a bath with this decoction for no more than 15 minutes every two days for 2 weeks.

Precautionary measures

When using folk remedies from celandine to cleanse the skin of the face and body, you should always remember: this plant is poisonous! Even when used externally, an overdose or too long use of drugs based on the miracle herb can lead to disastrous results - causing nausea and vomiting, digestive disorders, convulsions and even paralysis.

Celandine is poisonous, and this must be remembered

Before you start treatment with this plant, do a test to determine your individual tolerance - draw a small mark on your wrist or the inside of your elbow with the juice of the plant. If after two hours no rashes, itching, redness and other unpleasant symptoms appear in this place, then the folk remedy can be used. And consult your doctor first if you have been diagnosed with the following ailments:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart and neurological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • varicose veins;
  • dermatitis of various origins.

You need to be especially careful when taking a bath with a decoction of celandine. Indeed, with a large contact surface of the plant extract and elevated water temperature, biologically active substances from liquid and steam have a stronger effect on the body. As you know, the skin is the largest human organ, and you should be careful about its extensive contacts with toxic substances - even in a solution of low concentration.

Pregnant and lactating women

During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, it is better to refuse any use of the plant or reduce it to a minimum - occasionally use it to cauterize one or two pimples. Baths with this folk remedy are strictly contraindicated.

A pregnant woman should use medicinal plants with caution

Children and teenagers

Celandine works great on problematic teenage skin. Teenagers can easily use it, provided they follow the usual safety precautions. As for celandine baths for babies, healers do not have a clear opinion on this matter. On the one hand, since ancient times it has been customary to bathe newborns and small children in solutions of this herb, along with other medicinal herbs. On the other hand, there are no studies or any statistics on this topic. It is unknown how such a procedure may affect the child’s health over time - especially since he may have diseases that have not yet been diagnosed, for which bathing is contraindicated... So, it’s probably better not to experiment - there are many other, no less useful, options for bathing babies and safer plants.

Consult your pediatrician: is it possible to bathe your baby in a decoction of celandine?

How to take celandine internally

The use of celandine in various forms for oral administration is justified for some diseases. As a rule, we are talking about teas and infusions mixed with other medicinal plants. At the same time, drinking decoctions and other drinks from celandine for more than 2 weeks in a row is prohibited.

At the moment, there are no studies confirming the effectiveness of taking celandine orally in the fight against acne.

A large number of contraindications make it impossible to use decoctions and tinctures of the plant internally without first consulting a doctor.


But it should be remembered that celandine also has contraindications. Among them:

  • Chronic dermatitis.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • Open wounds.
  • Intolerance to celandine (allergic reaction).
  • Infectious skin diseases.

Some people experience skin adaptation over time . The consequence is that the celandine loses its potency and a break is required.

Celandine has almost zero chance of side effects.

Finished products

A huge number of cosmetic products contain celandine.

These include entire lines of cosmetics for facial care, and individual products from such manufacturers as “Hlavin”, “Chistaya Liniya”, “Nalan”, “Aspera”, “Elixir Cosmetics”, “Zhivin” and many others.

Simple celandine, not for nothing called “the cure for a hundred diseases ,” when used correctly and carefully will prove to be an indispensable assistant and will serve your beauty for many years.

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