Recommendations for hands and arms after removal of axillary lymph nodes

Pathogenesis of renal edema

The mechanism of formation of renal edema is associated with the following phenomena in nephrological patients:

  • massive loss of protein in urine;
  • decrease in plasma albumin concentration;
  • hyperlimidemia;
  • increased movement of fluid from the intravascular space.

Patients have a high ratio of sodium and potassium in the urine, which indicates an imbalance of water and electrolyte balance.

The mechanism for the appearance of such a symptom is still not fully understood, but the characteristic picture indicates to the doctor pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Filtration and excretion of urine are also impaired with kidney cysts, benign or malignant neoplasms.

About lymphedema

Sometimes, as a result of the removal of lymph nodes, it becomes difficult for the lymphatic system to cope with the removal of fluid. In this case, lymph fluid may accumulate where the lymph nodes were removed. This excess fluid causes swelling called lymphedema.

Lymphedema may develop in the arm, hand, breast, or torso on the treated side (the side where the lymph nodes were removed).

Signs of Lymphedema

Lymphedema can develop suddenly or gradually. This may happen months or years after surgery.

Watch for the following symptoms of lymphedema in the arm, hand, breast, and torso on the treated side:

  • Feeling of heaviness, pain, or aches
  • Feeling of skin tightness
  • Decreased flexibility
  • swelling;
  • Changes in the skin, such as tightness or indentations (where pressure marks are left on the skin)

If you experience swelling, you may notice the following:

  • the veins on the hand affected by treatment are less noticeable than on the other hand;
  • rings on the finger(s) of the affected hand are tighter or do not fit;
  • the shirt sleeve on the treated side fits tighter than usual.

If you have any signs of lymphedema or are unsure, call your healthcare provider.

to come back to the beginning

Characteristics of edema of renal origin

Diseases of the urinary system are accompanied by edema with the following features:

  • rapid swelling - in less than a day;
  • the greatest intensity is on the face, under the eyes, on the arms and legs, and on the abdominal wall;
  • when changing posture and active movement, the fluid shifts;
  • the surface of the edematous skin is soft and pale.

Swelling of renal origin first appears on the face in the morning, but in acute pathologies and advanced chronic stages the patient may suffer from swelling around the clock.

Massage for joint diseases

Massage is indicated for rheumatoid arthritis, other inflammatory processes of the joints, arthrosis, and after injuries. It helps with joint pain as it reduces tissue swelling and improves microcirculation. Massage promotes the release of inflammatory products that irritate nerve endings and cause pain.

Most often, massage procedures are not used without the use of other therapeutic measures. This is just one element of conservative therapy. Along with massage, the following are used:

How to distinguish cardiac edema from renal edema

Swelling in diseases of the heart and blood vessels develops slowly - from several weeks to 2-3 months. Especially noticeable in the evening. First it appears on the legs and lower abdomen, the next stage is swelling of the abdominal cavity and enlargement of the liver, noticeable upon palpation of the abdomen.

Renal edema is typically localized on the face; as the disease progresses, it spreads to the extremities. The contour of the face sags and shifts, the skin becomes loose, and under the eyes it becomes bluish. The liver is not enlarged. Reliable differential diagnosis can only be carried out by a qualified doctor during an examination.

When should you contact your healthcare provider?

Call your healthcare provider if you have the following symptoms:

  • any part of the arm, hand, breast or torso on the treated side becomes: hot to the touch;
  • red;
  • more painful;
  • more swollen
  • you have a temperature of 101°F (38.3°C) or higher;
  • you perform exercises as directed by your healthcare professional, but normal range of motion is not restored after 4–6 weeks;
  • the swelling does not go away after 1 week.
  • to come back to the beginning

    Associated symptoms

    Diagnosis of renal edema begins with an assessment of the clinical picture. For the urological profile of the disease, it includes the following complaints:

    • difficulty urinating;
    • lower back pain – shooting and pulling;
    • decreased daily urine volume;
    • weakness, lethargy.

    Laboratory diagnostic results indicate proteinuria, changes in sodium and potassium levels. Daily samples show a reduced volume of diuresis.

    Lymphatic System Information

    Figure 1. Normal lymph drainage

    The lymphatic system performs 2 functions:

    • helps fight infections;
    • promotes the outflow of fluid from different parts of the body.

    Your lymphatic system is made up of lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, and lymphatic fluid (see Figure 1).

    • Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped glands located along the lymphatic vessels. Your lymph nodes filter lymph fluid, trapping bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and waste products.
    • Lymphatic vessels are tiny tubes, like blood vessels, that carry fluid to and from the lymph nodes.
    • Lymphatic fluid is a clear fluid that moves through the lymphatic system. It transports cells that help fight infections and other diseases.

    The axillary lymph nodes are a group of lymph nodes in the axilla (armpit) that drain lymph fluid away from the breast and arm. The number of axillary lymph nodes is different for everyone. Axillary lymph node removal is an operation to remove a group of such nodes.

    to come back to the beginning

    What is the purpose of the Covid-19 recovery programme?

    The main goal of rehabilitation after suffering from Covid is to return the patient to normal life. Several visits to the clinic to monitor the functions of the most important organs and systems, medical and cosmetic procedures, as well as home recovery, according to the doctor’s recommendations, will allow you to achieve the following goals in 1-6 months:

    • normalize breathing, allow the lungs to work as before;
    • prevent pneumofibrosis from developing, when the functional tissue of an organ is replaced by connective tissue;
    • eliminate residual effects in the form of cough, shortness of breath, low-grade fever;
    • prevent the development of adhesive disease;
    • improve the functioning of the immune system;
    • overcome chronic fatigue;
    • normalize sleep and wakefulness;
    • stabilize blood pressure and heart rate;
    • improve digestive function;
    • prevent further deterioration of vision;
    • support a person morally;
    • increase physical endurance and restore performance.

    Competent rehabilitation allows not only to prevent disability, but also to return the patient to the pre-Covid state.

    Leg joint massage

    Leg joint massage

    • start the massage with stroking;
    • then make kneading movements;
    • the muscles located near the lesion are affected;
    • the source of pain itself is not massaged;
    • any movements should be painless, and if they provoke pain, the massage therapist reduces the intensity of the impact or works on areas that are more distant from the source of pain.

    It is better not to touch the joint itself if it is severely swollen, deformed, or there are signs of hematoma or significant instability. But you can massage the muscles near the problem joint to improve blood circulation, reduce swelling and provide good conditions for regenerative processes.

    Post-plaster period: how to quickly recover from injury

    Any injury is a very unpleasant thing. It happens in a matter of seconds, but unsettles you for weeks, or even months. And even if the treatment went well and the bones fused correctly, those who “broke” know that after removing the plaster, the suffering does not end - the recovery period begins. Sometimes complete recovery takes even longer than the treatment took. And I really want to speed up this process! To return the atrophied muscles in the cast to their previous shape and restore the functions of the limb in an optimal time, there is a special professional rehabilitation massage.

    It is very rare that a person, having removed the cast from his leg, jumped up and immediately ran, or with a newly fused hand began to draw and write as before. Or rather, it doesn’t happen at all. After a limb has been immobilized for a long time, its muscles atrophy, joint mobility becomes limited, trophism is disrupted, and blood circulation deteriorates at the fracture site. Swelling, pain, difficulties with flexion and extension of the limb are constant companions of the post-plaster period.

    Therefore, in most cases, those who have suffered an injury need restorative treatment (physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage).

    In the hands of a professional

    Rehabilitation massage (not to be confused with a regular tonic massage) allows you to increase lymph and blood flow, which is especially important for injuries of the lower extremities, when it is necessary to reduce their swelling.

    Unlike other types of massage, with the help of a rehabilitation massage with development, you can restore muscle tone, eliminate their spasm, reduce pain, and even prevent its occurrence.

    And the main thing is to develop the joints after the cast and restore their motor function in the shortest possible time. Of course, provided that such a massage is performed by a qualified and experienced specialist.

    Massage and self-massage

    Many people can develop joints and restore elasticity to ligaments on their own. There would be, as they say, a desire. But even with a strong desire, it is unlikely that it will be possible to recover quickly. Only a specialist in rehabilitation massage knows exactly who, when and what kind of load needs to be given so as not to harm the joint, and what specific techniques will most effectively cope with the problem in each specific case.

    A specialist can begin massage sessions when the limb is still in a cast.

    “Independent recovery from injury is possible, but, as a rule, it takes much longer,” says rehabilitation massage specialist Maria Istifeeva. “Sometimes it takes the patient six months or even a year.

    Patients who began to develop the joint on their own, after seeking help and undergoing one session of professional rehabilitation massage with development, immediately noted a positive result: the limb began to move much better, the pain subsided, and swelling decreased.

    This is because the patient's recovery takes place in close cooperation with the doctor. A massage specialist has all the necessary information about the characteristics of the injury, the volume of possible load at different stages of rehabilitation, has the ability to create an individual massage regimen and, together with the doctor, track the dynamics of recovery.”

    After a massage course, the specialist will definitely recommend a set of exercises to do independently at home, which will help you recover faster.

    Individual approach

    “Much depends on the state of the human ligamentous-muscular system,” notes Maria Istifeeva. “For example, children’s ligaments are more elastic, so with proper treatment of the injury, the rehabilitation period is faster than in most adults. The same can be said about people who play sports and have good physical fitness. Basically, 15 sessions are enough, in some cases 20 sessions are required, maximum 25.”

    The number of massage sessions and their duration are selected individually, depending on the patient’s age, the duration of limb immobilization and, of course, the nature of the injury.

    The main stages of rehabilitation massage:

    • Stage 1: drainage massage to reduce swelling is performed for 2-3 days.
    • Stage 2: massage aimed at eliminating muscle spasms and improving blood circulation.
    • Stage 3: impact on the ligaments to improve their elasticity, both through massage and exercise.

    At CNMT you can undergo rehabilitation after fractures of the bones of the shoulder, forearm, fingers, fractures in the wrist and elbow joint, tearing of the rotator cuff, rupture of ligaments and muscles, after fractures of the hip, shin bones and foot.

    What foods will promote recovery?

    During the period of illness, the patient loses a lot of fluid and does not receive enough nutrients. Therefore, during the rehabilitation period, it is important to pay attention to what you eat and drink and in what quantities.

    Recovery is facilitated by:

    • oranges;
    • almond;
    • beans;
    • eggs;
    • clean drinking water, fruit juices, green or herbal tea.

    It is recommended to drink at least 3 liters of liquid per day (30 ml every 15 minutes). The number of meals should also increase (up to 6 times a day).

    Make an appointment with a specialist

    How does physical therapy help during rehabilitation?

    Physiotherapeutic methods are safe, versatile, and most importantly, proven effective. Through the influence of various physical forces and phenomena on the body of a person who has recovered from Covid, natural regenerative processes are stimulated, various parts of the immune system are activated, the drainage function is enhanced, metabolic processes are accelerated, and inflammation subsides.

    Helps to restore health after coronavirus:

    • magnetic therapy;
    • phonophoresis;
    • pressotherapy;
    • electrotherapy;
    • laser therapy;
    • ILBI;
    • INDIBA therapy;
    • microcurrent therapy;
    • Hivamat therapy, etc.

    Since most often the virus is in the lungs, breathing exercises play a big role in recovery. It allows you to increase the volume of the organ, eliminate shortness of breath and hypoxia. Sometimes a course of 5-15 minute sessions 3-4 times a day is enough to train the diaphragm, improve the functioning of the respiratory muscles, and mobilize lung secretions.

    Do people who have recovered from Covid-19 need diagnostic testing?

    You should definitely visit a therapist. He will be able to adequately assess the scale of “losses”, identify weaknesses, select therapy and see the results over time. In order to understand which organs have been damaged and to what extent, a patient who has recovered from Covid is asked to undergo several laboratory and instrumental tests:

    • general clinical and biochemical blood test;
    • coagulogram;
    • spirography;
    • X-ray of the lungs in two projections;
    • pulse oximetry;
    • electrocardiography (ECG);
    • Holter ECG monitoring;
    • 24-hour blood pressure monitoring;
    • Ultrasound of the heart, blood vessels of the lower extremities;
    • MRI of the brain.

    Of course, not everyone who has been ill for a long time needs to undergo the above studies in full. The scope of diagnostic tests is determined by the patient’s complaints, medical history, and objective information obtained by the doctor during the examination.

    The therapist can also prescribe a consultation with a cardiologist, neurologist, pulmonologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist and other specialized doctors if the patient requires specialized care. In addition, many people who have recovered from Covid-19 need the help of beauty experts (cosmetologists and trichologists) and a psychologist/psychiatrist.

    It is rational to carry out diagnostics before the start of rehabilitation and at the end of a set of therapeutic measures. Our clinic has both specialists and technical capabilities for this.

    Get tested

    Hand massage for joint pain

    You can massage any part of the body, including your hands. The joints of the upper extremities hurt much less frequently than the lower ones. Degenerative processes do not develop here so often. But pain is still possible, especially with rheumatic pathologies, as well as against the background of constant heavy physical exertion. Shoulder diseases are not uncommon. They are especially common among representatives of professions who are forced to make the same movements in the shoulder for a long time. These are painters, builders, artists, surgeons, etc.

    If your hands hurt due to physical activity, the only effective method of non-surgical treatment is functional rest. It is imperative to eliminate the main pathogenetic factor that leads to pain. You should either reconsider occupational hygiene or change your job altogether. In addition, during the treatment period, the suspension of professional activities that led to pain is required.

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