Review of effective ointments for psoriasis: which is the safest

April 27, 2020

Regular treatment with ointment is one of the mandatory methods of treating psoriasis on the arms, legs, face and other parts of the body. The oily texture of such external products allows the active ingredients to remain on the skin for a long time, which makes them more effective than creams and gels.

The list of ointments for psoriasis includes two main types of products:

  • Hormonal. They can bring good results, but have many side effects.
  • Non-hormonal. Less effective, but safer compared to hormonal ones.

What it is

Boro Plus Cream is a product with a pronounced antiseptic effect, which is produced by a company located in India. It is intended for the care of the dermis; the antiseptic has not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect. The product is based on natural ingredients and has a wide spectrum of action, which allows it to be used in dermatology. Boro Plus is often used when characteristic symptoms of skin diseases appear.

The cream helps get rid of:

  • For internal acne;
  • From pigment spots;
  • From blackheads;
  • From marks after chemical peeling;
  • For pink acne.

The instructions for use indicate the following indications for use:

  • Carbuncles and/or boils;
  • Mosquito bites;
  • Chronic dermal pathologies;
  • The period of skin scarring after surgery;
  • Bedsores, diaper rash;
  • Allergic rashes, irritation;
  • Purulent wounds;
  • Fresh scratches;
  • Thermal, chemical burns;
  • Frostbite.

The original medicine is sold in pharmacies; the pharmacist does not require a prescription when dispensing it. With regular use, the skin quickly recovers. The product is suitable for oily dermis: it will help normalize sebum production and eliminate sebaceous shine.

Acne can be treated with cream in both lilac and green packaging.

The main differences between the 2 types:

Green Boro Plus has an unpleasant, specific odor. Lighter in consistency.

The drug in purple packaging contains flower extracts and has a pleasant aroma. The structure is dense and thick, which makes application difficult: greasy marks may remain on the skin.

Boro Plus is effective for pigmentation regardless of the color of the package.

Nuances of action

When used, the drug creates a protective film that protects the dermis from the adverse effects of external factors. During therapy, there is a suppression of the sensation of itching, burning, and irritation of the skin caused by direct contact with toxins or toxic substances.

Boro Plus accelerates microcracks and small wounds on the skin. The nutrients contained in the cream eliminate the deficiency of useful elements and vitamins necessary for the dermis. Due to the product, the structure of the epidermis is improved and it is restored.

Composition and release form

The cream is a thick paste-like substance with a distinct herbal scent. It is packaged in soft plastic tubes of 25 g. The active ingredients of the drug include the following plant extracts:

Azadirachta indica. The herb has antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Eliminates itching, urticaria and rashes of various etiologies.

Ginger lily. A natural antibiotic that can stop the spread of inflammatory processes. Regulates the functional activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms and eliminates the symptoms of most skin diseases.

Margosa. Present in the composition of the ointment, packaged in a purple tube. The extract eliminates burning sensation, reduces the number of acne and cleanses the skin.

Effect of active components

The instructions describe in detail all the ingredients and their purpose. The components of the cream are presented:

  • sandalwood – suppresses inflammation, relieves obsessive itching, burning, due to the cooling effect, painful sensations are quickly eliminated, unpleasant odors are neutralized;
  • tulsi – counteracts bacterial and microbial pathogens, is effective in the treatment of dermatological pathologies, additionally moisturizes the skin;
  • kapur kachari - an antiseptic, active against fungal infections, used to treat skin mycoses;
  • nim - relieves rashes, suppresses obsessive itching, and is characterized by a tonic effect;
  • turmeric – successfully heals wounds, can be used for cuts, injuries, dermatitis, abrasions;
  • licorice – accelerates the healing of wound surfaces, stops inflammatory processes, is used for dermal fungus;
  • aloe – has an antiseptic spectrum of action, moisturizes the skin, is effective against furunculosis, increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis;
  • vetiver – has a positive effect on all types of skin, is responsible for strengthening the epidermis, cleaning pores, relieving inflammation, treating skin rashes, and normalizing the functioning of the sweat glands.

An additional ingredient in the composition is talc, which is a natural mineral. Due to it, moisture is absorbed, increasing the feeling of freshness and comfort on the skin. The element eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat and acts as a deodorant.

Mechanism of action

When applied evenly, it is quickly absorbed, the main components act locally without penetrating into the systemic bloodstream. Plant extracts act at the cellular level, launching regeneration processes. The combination of natural substances penetrates the source of inflammation, adversely affecting pathogenic microflora: Boro Plus inhibits the proliferation of harmful bacteria. The protective functions of the skin are increased. Active elements leave the body unchanged.

Green cream boro plus

Purple Boro Plus Cream

Storage and sales standards

The drug is stored in dark, cool rooms at temperatures up to 25 degrees. Boro Plus is good for 5 years, after the expiration date stamped on the packaging, it is disposed of along with household waste.

You can buy the cream at any of the available pharmacies without presenting a prescription from a doctor. The average price starts from 186 rubles, the final cost depends on the specific outlet, the availability of discounts or promotions. You can order the cream from online pharmacies or purchase it with delivery.

Regular use of pink antiseptic cream allows you to tone the skin, moisturize it and nourish it. During therapy, unpleasant odors are eliminated and a feeling of cleanliness and freshness appears.

Side effect

The cosmetic product is well tolerated by patients, side effects are rare. Ailments appear in hypersensitive people and are expressed as:

  • Swelling;
  • Tearing;
  • Hyperemia;
  • Urticaria;
  • Itching;
  • Burning sensation.

There are no toxic components in the drug, so if allergic reactions occur, it is not necessary to discontinue treatment. In most cases, side effects go away on their own within 3-4 days. If signs of allergy persist for 5-7 days, you should consult a specialist.

Indications for use and contraindications

The medication is recommended for use in patients:

  • with a chronic type of dermatological pathologies;
  • frostbite of individual areas of the dermis;
  • rashes, boils;
  • thermal burns;
  • cracks, traumatic lesions of the skin;
  • irritation caused by insect bites.

The product is not used in case of individual intolerance to its components.


The product has no analogues with identical composition. There are drugs on the market with similar therapeutic effects. These include:

Rescuer . Ointment with pronounced wound-healing properties. It disinfects the surface of wounds, preventing the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it. The product stops the spread of inflammatory processes and stimulates the protective functions of the skin. The composition contains naftalan (oil with medicinal properties), beeswax, essential oil of lavender and sea buckthorn. Antiseptic and immunostimulating ointment belongs to the group of regenerants and reparants.

Solcoseryl. A medicine that can have a healing, membrane-stabilizing, cytoprotective effect. Available in the form of a homogeneous ointment with a dense structure. The main component is dialysate obtained from the blood of calves. For medicinal purposes, Solcoseryl is used for frostbite, burns of varying severity, scratches, abrasions and cuts. The product ensures the transport of glucose and oxygen to cells, accelerates regeneration processes and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Dexpanthenol . Available in the form of spray and cream. The active substance is a component of the same name, the concentration of which varies depending on the form of release. Additional components: water, lanolin, liquid paraffin, beeswax and almond oil. They quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Under the influence of the ointment, cellular metabolism improves, the density of collagen fibers increases. The drug is able to penetrate the systemic bloodstream.

Admission standards

The abstract advises using Boro Plus according to the following rules:

  • chronic skin pathologies - applied three times a day;
  • skin irritation and dry eczema - regular use allows you to get rid of the inflammatory process and soften the epidermis;
  • boils, frostbite - the affected area is treated with an even thin layer;
  • herpes – included in complex therapy of the disease;
  • cuts, scratches - after preliminary washing of the wound, a small amount of cream is applied to the affected area, the wound is bandaged;
  • burns - the drug is used as first aid; immediately after injury, it should be applied to damaged skin and nearby healthy areas; after completing the procedure, consult a doctor;
  • cracks in the nipples - the cream is used in problem areas; before feeding the baby, the nipples are thoroughly washed;
  • purulent wounds on the legs - the composition is used 2 or more times a day until complete recovery.

The cream can be used to care for the skin of the lips, restoring softness and elasticity in case of dryness and cracks. The drug is also used to prevent these conditions and allows the skin to maintain its natural healthy appearance.

With the help of Boro Plus, the problem of the negative impact of extreme weather conditions: ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind is solved. After prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, the drug prevents active loss of moisture, creates an additional protective layer, and increases its elasticity.

Similar means

If for some reason Boro Plus is not suitable as a treatment for acne and its marks, you can select analogues with similar properties:

  1. Klivrin – a cream, the main components of which are herbs such as lodhra, turmeric, kafal, kharad, aloe vera.

  • eliminates skin problems by penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis;
  • fights acne and its consequences;
  • tightens the oval of the face, rejuvenates, tones;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • regenerates mechanical damage and open wounds;
  • removes stretch marks and large scars;
  • The consistency resembles an ointment and is applied pointwise. Requires daily use for a month.
  1. Biotic – cream based on plants of barberry, hulteria, milkweed, neem. Designed to care for oily skin prone to rashes.

  • dries out small pimples, fights ulcers;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes, kills microbes;
  • improves skin metabolism, increases tone;
  • can be used as a prophylactic agent;
  • Apply only to the affected areas in the morning and before bed. The course is completed when the problem is completely eliminated.
  1. Clean line – cream for problem skin, consists of zinc, tea tree and grape seed oils, aloe vera.

  • suitable for chronic rashes;
  • eliminates acne and blackheads;
  • reduces sebum production;
  • removes acne spots;
  • can be used as a base before applying makeup;
  • Suitable for daily use, including as a prophylactic agent. Not addictive.

For wrinkles

Another factor that BoroPlus cream helps with is wrinkles. The product contains many preparations of natural plant origin. They stimulate the intracellular production of collagen and elastin, which are necessary to increase turgor and elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis.

It is a mistake to think that wrinkles appear due to age. In most cases, the cause of their appearance is dry and sagging skin, which can occur even in early youth. This is due to a lack of vitamins, minerals and, most importantly, hydration. Boro replenishes the lack of nutrients in skin cells, thereby restoring its condition and helping to tighten the facial contour.

Mostly the drug is applied by hand along massage lines from the middle of the forehead to the cheekbone, from the middle of the editorial to the cheeks and from the neck up to the chin. By creating a vibrating massage with finger movements, the cream needs to be “hammered” into the skin, and not just smeared.

Due to lanolin and vegetable fats, the drug penetrates through the pores of the skin into the deeper layers and will have the necessary effect there. By increasing blood circulation and strengthening blood vessels, collagen is produced, which gives the skin elasticity and plasticity. Thanks to this, the oval of the face is tightened, the first signs of aging and facial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and lips disappear.

When applying BoroPlus to your face, avoid the eye area. Specialized components designed for thin eyelid skin should be applied to this area.

BoroPlus can be used not only as a cream, but also as a mask. It will nourish the skin, create an antibacterial effect, and disinfect pores. To do this, apply a thin layer of cream on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Remove the remaining cream with a cotton pad or napkin.


The base component of the cream is talc, which gives the necessary consistency.

If you apply the drug to your feet, it will help get rid of the unpleasant odor due to excessive sweating.

In addition, the composition includes the following herbal ingredients.

Photo: the drug contains natural ingredients

  1. Aloe
    is a succulent succulent plant whose leaves contain salicylic acid, allantoin, and vitamins. The extract reduces swelling, heals wounds, cools, disinfects, and stimulates the metabolic processes of epithelial tissues.
  2. Ginger lily
    is a tropical perennial herb with a rich aroma. Its essential oil dries, strengthens local immunity, soothes inflamed skin, smoothes wrinkles and improves skin tone.
  3. Sandalwood
    is an Asian tree whose wood is used to extract oil that is effective against inflammation and itching and relieves allergy symptoms. Its aroma lifts your spirits, relieves fatigue, tension, and helps overcome insomnia.
  4. Tulsi (holy basil)
    is a shrub with fragrant leaves, according to Indians, capable of prolonging life. Due to the content of the phenolic substance eugenol, it has an anesthetic effect, moisturizes and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Vetiver
    is a cereal plant, from the roots of which an essential oil with a deep, bitter, forest aroma is obtained. It cools the skin, reduces burning, retains moisture in the tissues, restores elasticity, makes stretch marks and scars less noticeable and eliminates.
  6. Turmeric
    is a herb whose rhizomes and leaves are considered a spice. The plant is a natural antibiotic and is endowed with immunomodulatory properties.
  7. Neem
    is a tree with healing roots, trunk and bark. The extract has an astringent, antifungal and tonic effect. It tightens pores, eliminates oily skin, cleanses, and is used to treat dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and furunculosis.
  8. Estimahdu
    is a substance extracted from several plants at once, designed to quickly heal wounds.

Hormonal ointments for psoriasis

The active components of hormonal ointments are glucocorticosteroids - hormones that can suppress the activity of the immune system and reduce inflammation. Most often, such ointments contain the following components:

  • Hydrocortisone: Laticort, Oxycort, Hydrocortisone.
  • Triamcinolone: ​​Triacort, Fluorocort.
  • Betamethasone: Beloderm, Akriderm, Celestoderm.
  • Clobetasol: Powercourt, Cloveit.
  • Methylprednisolone: ​​Campoderm, Advantan.

The only advantage of hormonal ointments is the rapid appearance of results. There are many more disadvantages, and these include:

  • getting used to it over time;
  • presence of withdrawal syndrome;
  • serious side effects;
  • impossibility of using long-term courses;
  • influence on hormonal levels;
  • risk of relapse after discontinuation of the drug.

Dermatologists do not recommend the use of hormonal ointments if more than 20% of the skin is affected. Also, do not apply them to areas of sensitive skin: in the neck, skin folds, face, areas of diaper rash. Such drugs cannot be used without a doctor's prescription, even if they are sold without a prescription. Due to uncontrolled use, the functioning of the adrenal glands may be disrupted, which will lead to serious problems and diseases.

Types of the drug

Boro Plus is available in two tubes, the difference between which lies not only in the color of the packaging, but also in some characteristic features. Let us present the comparisons of these drugs in the form of a table.

PropertiesGreen creamPurple cream
Consistencytender, liquidfatty, thick
Compoundherbal extracts predominatepredominantly flower extracts
Smellsharp, richwith floral aroma
Absorbencygood, completely penetrates the dermisbad, a greasy film remains
For what skin typeproblematic, oily, combinationnormal, dry, sensitive

Despite all the differences presented, both products help equally with acne and other dermatological pathologies.

Directions for use and dosage

Before applying the ointment, you should carry out preliminary preparation:

  • To do this, it is recommended to first clean the damaged skin, after which it is only necessary to apply the ointment.
  • The amount of ointment should not be large; the exact volume depends on the size of the area of ​​application. Boro Plus should be enough to leave a thin and even layer on the surface of the skin.
  • Subsequently, there is no need to wash off Boro Plus ointment from the skin, as it is easily absorbed and does not leave a mark on clothing.
  • For adults, the optimal number of applications would be two times. In cases where the lesion is massive or inflammation is pronounced, the ointment can be applied three times.
  • Duration of use should average about 1.5-2 months. The exact regimen of use is selected by the attending physician individually.
  • In childhood, single or double use is sufficient.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the absence of toxic effects on the body of the woman and the fetus, as well as a threat to the further course of pregnancy, Boro Plus is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

During breastfeeding, Boro Plus ointment may even be indicated to a woman, as it has a high healing ability during the appearance of cracks and growths in the nipple area.

The only peculiarity during this use is the need to wash off Boro Plus before breastfeeding.

Use for children

Boro plus ointment can be widely used in childhood due to the possible high level of trauma in children.

  1. The main indications for use are the presence of bruises, abrasions, cuts, contusions and other manifestations of traumatic effects.
  2. In this case, the ointment is applied to the damaged area in a small amount, so that a thin layer is formed. It does not require rinsing with water, as it is absorbed quite quickly.
  3. On average, the duration of use will not exceed seven days. The period of use can be increased if residual effects persist.

Boro plus for acne

Since the ointment has a pronounced effect on inflammatory processes caused by a bacterial infection or fungi, one of the indications for use is problems with the skin.

The effect is achieved due to:

  • Aloe vera. This drug promotes a refreshing, tonic, and antiseptic effect. In addition, to a small extent it helps relieve pain and leads to rapid regeneration without residual effects.
  • Turmeric suppresses allergic reactions and signs of contact dermatitis, which can act as a cause of acne. Sandalwood oil normalizes the secretion of sebum from the glands, cleanses pores and relieves swelling and inflammation.
  • Thanks to Vetiver, there is better renewal of cellular composition, enhanced regenerative processes and the fight against increased sweat production.

That is why the ointment helps eliminate skin diseases due to its effect on all layers of the epidermis. The best effect is observed for eczema, herpes, boils, comedones and acne.

Which ointment to choose

Only a professional dermatologist should decide which ointment to treat psoriasis. His task is to choose the safest and at the same time effective drug. For more than 25 years, the PsorMak clinic has been practicing treatment with ointment against psoriasis, made according to the original recipe. There are no hormonal components in the composition, which provides the product with the following advantages:

  • Possibility of use by children and pregnant women;
  • absence of withdrawal and addiction syndrome;
  • mild impact without provoking relapses;
  • no contraindications.

But our specialists understand that even the most effective ointment for the treatment of psoriasis must be suitable for the patient. Therefore, before prescribing, we make sure to conduct a complete diagnosis.

In addition, an integrated approach is important in the treatment of psoriasis.
In this regard, our dermatologists develop an individual diet for the patient, and, if necessary, provide a referral for acupuncture and psychotherapy. If you want to achieve a long-term relapse and stop struggling with unpleasant symptoms every day, sign up for a consultation at PsorMac and we will select an individual treatment regimen for you. April 27, 2020
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

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