Masks for oily hair: top 16 effective home recipes

Oily hair type causes many inconveniences: you have to wash your hair every morning, and by the evening it again takes on an unkempt appearance. If the situation is neglected, increased oil content over time can lead to dandruff and even hair loss. But this can and must be fought. It is necessary to understand the causes of increased sebum secretion from the scalp and begin to eliminate them in time.

Learn about effective masks for oily hair, rules for their use, as well as recommendations on how to reduce oily hair at home from this article.

The best homemade masks for oily hair: what to make?

Every housewife has a whole pantry of simple products in her kitchen, based on which you can make the ideal composition for your hair.

What products can help combat oily hair?

  • Mustard.
  • Egg.
  • Burr oil.
  • Clay (green or blue).
  • Kefir.
  • Henna.
  • Lemon (juice).
  • Even black bread, oatmeal, cognac and vodka.

The listed products and cosmetics can be used either individually or in combination.

Folk remedies

Using folk methods, you can prepare effective masks at home to combat increased oiliness in your hair. The proportions should be strictly observed (if they are indicated), and in the presence of allergic reactions, subsequent procedures should be abandoned.


Honey-based mixtures are especially effective when adding aloe juice and a weak solution of acetic acid. For the roots, 3 tablespoons of uncandied honey is enough, which must first be melted in a water bath.

Next, add 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice and one and a half tablespoons of diluted vinegar to the slightly cooled honey. Apply before washing your hair. Keep for 1 hour.


Most herbal infusions have a drying effect. For very oily hair, the following recipe is effective. Take 4 tablespoons of dry marigolds, wormwood and nettle. Steam in a small amount of boiling water, strain. Stir the clay in the same broth. Keep the mixture for no more than half an hour.


Mixtures based on mustard not only get rid of excess oil, but also affect hair growth. Water is added to the mustard, and then clay is added in a ratio of 2 to 1. Honey increases the pungency of mustard, so it should be added with caution. Keep the mustard mask for no more than 20 minutes.


In addition to getting rid of oiliness, baking soda gives your hair fullness. Mix 3 tablespoons of soda and rye flour, stir in water. If desired, add a drop of your favorite essential oil. Keep the mixture for no more than half an hour.


Clay masks are the most effective in combating oily hair. Therefore, they are widely used separately and in combination with other (usually moisturizing) ingredients. To prepare the clay mixture, you need to take a few tablespoons of clay and stir them in a small amount of water until the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Blue, green and black clay will do. Do not apply the mask to the ends of your hair. Keep the mask on for 15–20 minutes.


For vinegar, apple cider vinegar is suitable, and as a base - any grated fruit or honey in a ratio of 1 to 2. Wash off the mixture after 15 minutes, and then rinse your hair with a specialized shampoo. Make sure in advance that there are no small seeds in the fruit.

Note! Can be used more than once a week, 2 times is optimal, but not longer than a month.


Masks based on potato starch not only fight oiliness, but also make hair more manageable. Dilute a few tablespoons of potato starch with a small amount of water, then add a few drops of essential oils and honey for a thicker consistency. Keep it for no more than half an hour.


A curd mask will help prolong the freshness of your hair after washing. Take a few tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese and half the amount of lemon juice. The mixture is thoroughly whipped until smooth. Before applying, you need to wet your hair a little. Keep the natural mask for 40 minutes.


Egg masks are applied only to the hair roots. You need to take one egg, separate the yolk from the white. You will need protein. There is no need to beat. For a more pronounced effect, add a little alcohol.


Gelatin masks dry well, straighten, and add volume. An indispensable product for those with thin and dull braids. The effect lasts until the next shampoo.

For the mask you will need several tablespoons of gelatin, which should be melted in a water bath. Next, you can add soaked black bread and a few drops of essential oils. The consistency should be thick and more or less homogeneous. Leave the mixture for an hour and a half.

Important! After the gelatin mask, you need to rinse your hair with diluted lemon juice.


Less popular, but no less effective, is the tomato mask. Before chopping, the tomatoes are scalded with boiling water, then the skin is removed. It is advisable to remove the seeds - washing and combing them out of your hair is extremely problematic. After grinding the vegetable to a puree, you can optionally add a small amount of a weak solution of acetic acid. Apply to dried hair after washing. Keep the mixture for about half an hour. If oils are added to it, then it can last longer. This mask can be used more than once a week - it does not have a pronounced drying effect, but it perfectly fights oiliness.

Tar soap

Another way to eliminate oily hair is tar soap. You can't use it all the time - it can dry out your hair too much. It is best to use soap for a course of 1-2 months at the end of winter.

Mustard mask recipe for oily hair

Why mustard? The answer is quite simple: mustard seeds contain a huge treasure of organic acids, as well as a colossal supply of mineral salts, vitamins and many other useful substances.

Preparing the mask will not take you much time.

To do this you need to take:

  • mustard (five large spoons);
  • almond oil or castor oil (a couple of drops);
  • sugar (one large spoon).
  1. All of the above components in the indicated proportions should be thoroughly mixed.
  2. Distribute the resulting pulp evenly over the entire length
  3. Gather the hair at the back of your head and slowly massage your head for another 5 minutes.
  4. Gently secure your hair with a bobby pin and rest for 40 minutes.
  5. After this time, rinse the mixture from your hair and, if necessary, wash your hair with a shampoo that suits you.

The mustard composition will not only relieve you of oily shine, but will also saturate the follicles with vitamins.

This mask has its drawbacks: mustard burns a little, but at the same time the bulbs (follicles) are activated. If you feel a strong burning sensation, then you should not wait for the recommended 40 minutes - wash off the mask immediately. This reaction of the body indicates that this composition is not suitable for you.

Tip No. 4: a nutritious and balanced diet is the path to beautiful hair

We can talk a lot about the benefits of proper nutrition; it also plays an important role for the beauty of hair. Food rich in vitamins and microelements will serve as a good source of healthy hair and the whole body as a whole.

It is recommended to undergo tests once a year to assess whether your body is deficient in certain vitamins. You can also rely on products that have a good effect on the beauty of your hair. Carrots and cabbage are the best sources of keratins, which determine the thickness and strength of curls.

Kefir mask for oily hair

Kefir is a very valuable fermented milk product. People have learned to use it correctly when making masks for hair and face. Kefir not only improves the structure of split ends, but also neutralizes annoying oily shine, returning a luxurious shine to your curls.

Use this mask several times a month: apply kefir to your hair, this can be done both before and after washing your hair, leave for 25 minutes, then rinse. It is better to rinse your hair with water at room temperature.

It is important to remember that with long-term use of kefir, the pigment of the hair is washed out. Therefore, if you like this mask, we recommend alternating it with other options.

Rinse aids

If you don’t have time for a mask (or in between courses), it’s useful to wet your hair with natural rinses after washing.

In 1 liter of water it is enough to add 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to make your curls shiny and soft.

Strands can receive additional nutrition from an infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, nettle, plantain, birch leaves, mint). To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of the herb into 1 liter of hot water and let it brew until it cools to a comfortable temperature.

Advice! You should rinse your hair with one type of infusion in a row for no more than a month, then you need to change the composition. Then there will be no addiction and the effect will not disappear.

Mask for oily hair with egg

The familiar chicken eggs are far from an ordinary product. Egg masks enhance shine, add thickness, and also remove the sloppy, greasy look of hair. An egg is made up of two incredibly healthy parts: the white and the yolk. The latter is a particularly important component - it contains unique nutrients and vitamins and accelerates hair growth.

An egg mask with the addition of citric acid can remove oily shine. To prepare this mixture, you only need two ingredients: eggs and lemon juice . These ingredients should be mixed in a container (you can beat with a whisk), applied to the hair, wrapped and give time to the bulbs to absorb the vitamins (at least 30 minutes), then wash your hair thoroughly.

Hair decoctions

Herbal decoctions have an excellent drying effect, but keep the hair soft and also give it shine. You can use decoctions as a liquid base for a mask by stirring clay in them, or separately as a rinse.

A decoction of bay leaves and lemon juice is effective against oily hair. It is enough to put five bay leaves in one and a half liters of water (depending on the length and thickness of the hair), bring to a boil, reduce the heat and let it brew. After the broth has cooled, add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. You should rinse your hair immediately after washing your hair.

Clay masks for oily hair: the best recipes

The most popular in the fight against oily hair are blue and green clay . It is these types of clays that promote deep cleansing while having a calming effect. They are used not only to get rid of fat, but also to combat dandruff, which often accompanies oily roots.

Preparing the mask

  1. Mix the clay with water until a thick paste forms (approximately 1:1).
  2. Add a dessert spoon of lemon juice to the mixture.
  3. The last component is garlic - a level teaspoon of grated spicy vegetable.

Then rub the mixture into the scalp and, if possible, distribute through the hair approximately 3-5 cm from the roots. Wrap your head in a soft towel. Ideally, you should walk with the mask for at least 30 minutes, but everyone has their own sensitivity threshold, so you need to wash off the composition as soon as you feel the slightest burning or discomfort.

We invite you to watch the video to better understand the causes of excessive sebum production and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Why does hair get oily?

The scalp, like the entire body, is covered with glands that produce a special secretion - lard. On the head, the ducts of the sebaceous glands open into the roots of the hair. The production of sebum is a normal process; hair needs oil.

It performs protective functions, moisturizes the skin, and contains nutrients to give smoothness and shine to the curls. But sometimes they function too actively, which can be caused by various factors. First you need to analyze your diet, as well as your daily routine and health status.

The reasons for oily hair may be the following:

  1. Disorders of hormonal balance and the functioning of the endocrine system.
  2. Abuse of sugar, passion for sweet carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol, fatty, spicy foods and chemicals in the form of snacks, chips and convenience foods.
  3. Lack of vitamins.
  4. Unhealthy daily routine, insufficient time to sleep.
  5. Stress and bad environment.
  6. Lack of physical activity.
  7. Digestive problems, various metabolic disorders.
  8. Improper hair care: choosing inappropriate or too aggressive shampoos, too nourishing balms, insufficient cleansing of the scalp.

Masks for oily hair with henna

First, let's figure out what henna is?

Henna is the leaves of a plant, which during processing are crushed and ground to a powdery state. They have a high colorability, so if you do not want to change your original color, buy colorless henna.

It is better to prepare a henna mask with the addition of clay (blue or white) - this will enhance the effect.

Mix henna with clay (2:1), pour the mixture with a warm decoction of herbs (for example, St. John's wort with chamomile), the mask should look like thick sour cream. Apply to roots and wrap hair with cotton cloth. You should start washing off the mask no earlier than after 25 minutes. It is not recommended to wash your hair with shampoo; it is better to rinse your hair well with water at room temperature.

The result will be visible immediately, as henna will add chic volume to your curls and luxurious shine.

Anti-oily hair mask with clay, honey and mustard

Green clay adsorbs sebum well, and mustard consolidates the result, slightly drying the scalp. After using this mask, you can see a small result the first time.


  • Green clay – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Mustard powder – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Honey – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Water at room temperature – 2-3 tablespoons


  1. Mix clay and powder in a glass bowl
  2. Add liquid honey (if it is candied, melt it in a water bath) and water.
  3. Mix everything until smooth so that there are no lumps
  4. Apply the mixture along the partings to the roots of the hair.
  5. We put on a cap and towel and wait 30 minutes, then wash off with shampoo

For more details about this mask, watch the video:

Oily at the roots, dry at the ends HAIR + SUPER MASK for oily hair!

Clay and egg mask

Clay is one of the most effective components of masks for oily hair. Different types of clay are suitable; green is used in this recipe. The egg is known for its nutritional properties, but few people know that it can also dry out the skin.


  • Green clay - 40 grams.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Nettle infusion - 50 ml.


  1. Prepare a nettle infusion. Part of it will be needed for the mask, and the second part should be diluted with water and used for rinsing.
  2. Beat the egg until light in color and mix with the infusion.
  3. Pour this mixture into the clay and stir.
  4. Apply to the roots and entire length, wrap with film and insulate.
  5. You can wash off after 1 hour with cool water. Rinse.

Kefir mask with honey and essential oils

It will soothe and moisturize the scalp, essential oils will give it a feeling of freshness and slight coolness. After this mask, your hair will stay clean longer than usual. Recommended for hair that is oily at the roots, but has split ends and dry ends.


  • Kefir - 50 ml.
  • Honey - 1 full tablespoon.
  • Em. mint - 2 drops.
  • Em. bergamot - 3 drops.
  • Em. rosemary - 2 drops.


  1. Warm the kefir to room temperature in advance.
  2. Add honey and blend in a blender.
  3. Add essential oils and mix.
  4. Distribute through clean, slightly damp hair. The mask is liquid, so wear a cloth bandage to protect your face.
  5. Wrap your head in cellophane and put on a hat or towel.
  6. After 1 hour, rinse with cool water. You don't have to rinse.

Anti-oily hair mask made from blue clay

Blue clay will add root volume and lightness even to oily hair. If you usually have to wash them every day, after this mask your head will be clean for 2-3 days. Mayonnaise will prevent the clay from drying out the length, nourishing it and moisturizing it. Apple cider vinegar will act as a conditioner.


  • Blue clay - 50 grams.
  • Mineral water - 100 ml.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon.
  • Apple cider vinegar 6% - 1 tablespoon.
  • Em. ylang-ylang - 3 drops.


  1. Pour heated water and vinegar over the clay and stir.
  2. Add mayonnaise and ylang-ylang. The consistency should be pleasant and easy to apply.
  3. Apply to hair. Make sure that the mask is well distributed over the scalp.
  4. Wrap with film and insulate.
  5. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Anti-fat mask with salt, lemon juice and rye flour

Gently but deeply cleanses the skin. The nutrition of the roots and the flow of oxygen to them will improve, and the activity of the sebaceous glands will decrease. Rye flour is rich in valuable microelements; when used regularly, it stimulates the growth of curls and reduces hair loss.


  • Sea salt - 1 tablespoon.
  • Peeled rye flour - 5 heaped tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • Water - 80 ml.


  1. Mix salt with rye flour, add water and lemon juice, stir.
  2. Next, use a whisk. You need to beat the mass - it should lighten slightly and become foamy.
  3. Apply the mask to your hair for 1 hour under the film and cap.
  4. Rinse and rinse your hair with herbs.
  5. After drying completely, comb your hair thoroughly.

You can try rinsing after washing with sea salt alone. For more information about this, watch the video:

How I got rid of OILY HAIR / Lifehack for 3 kopecks

Potato and onion mask for oily hair

The starch contained in potatoes normalizes the fat balance. In combination with onion juice, it will improve the health of the scalp, the curls will begin to grow faster and get less dirty. Lavender essential oil neutralizes onion odor.


  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Medium size potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Em. lavender - 3 drops.


  1. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and squeeze.
  2. Finely chop the onion and squeeze out the juice too.
  3. Mix juices, add lavender.
  4. Rub into scalp in several steps.
  5. Wrap your hair and leave the mask on for 1 hour.
  6. Rinse, rinse with water and any herbal vinegar.

Nourishing masks for oily hair with vitamins

Often we are faced with a situation where you try to eat well and properly, but at the same time the body still lacks vitamins, and this is reflected primarily in the hair. This happens because we constantly change shampoo, use a hair dryer, hairspray, foam, and straighteners, which negatively affects the condition of our curls and scalp. As a result, the roots are greasy, the ends are split, and the hair does not look very attractive.

To prepare a vitamin mask you will need the following ingredients:

  • one egg (yolk only),
  • vitamin A (4-6 drops),
  • vitamin E (4-6 drops),
  • honey - a small spoon;
  • cognac - half a teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 15-20 drops.

The mask is applied for at least 1.5 hours, while the hair must be carefully wrapped in cellophane and a warm towel (scarf). After the time has passed, wash your hair with shampoo (which is exactly right for you) and rinse clean hair with warm, strained chamomile infusion.

It is enough to use this mask 1-2 times a week, but it is better to do it regularly until you see progress yourself.

How to reduce oily hair at home

To completely eliminate the problem, you need to act comprehensively. Try to eat healthier - eat fresh fruits, vegetables, natural juices, protein foods. Eliminate your sugar intake. Play sports more often, especially outdoors. Get examined by an endocrinologist, get tested for hormones, start taking vitamins. Changes in hair care will also help improve the situation.

How to get rid of oily hair? ✅5 Ways to Treat OILY HAIR at Home

Here are the basic recommendations for reducing fat:

  1. Try to restrain yourself from washing your hair every day.
  2. Touch your hair less with your hands throughout the day.
  3. Change your shampoo to a softer one without SLS. Too strong detergents not only remove dirt from the hair, but also wash away the protective layer from the scalp. The sebaceous glands begin to urgently produce oil in order to return the washed-off coating to the skin. As a result, after just a few hours your head looks unwashed again. Organic shampoos are gentler without irritating the skin or causing excessive oil production.
  4. Use dry shampoo every other time. Wash your hair in the usual way one day, and dry the second. The head will look clean and tidy, and the sebaceous glands will remain unirritated. Dry shampoo from the store will do, as will regular rice flour or cornstarch. Just lightly powder your roots, wipe off excess with a dry towel and comb out with a comb.
  5. Dry your hair without a hairdryer. Hot air also provokes increased fat production. If your hair is very thick and takes too long to dry completely, blow dry it with cool air. The hair dryer must have an ionization function.
  6. Use warm water to wash your hair and cool water to rinse. Hot water is contraindicated for oily hair.
  7. Apply the balm only to the ends of your curls. Modern balms may contain silicones that are deposited on the skin. Because of this, the head begins to look untidy ahead of time.
  8. Periodically do home peelings that deeply cleanse the scalp. Salt, ground coffee, sugar, soda or coarse rye flour will do.
  9. It is advisable to replace the balm with a natural herbal rinse. Experiment with infusions of nettle, coltsfoot, birch buds and leaves, calendula, oak bark, and string. They contain phytoestrogens and tannins that soothe the sebaceous glands and reduce oiliness.
  10. Make masks against oily hair 1-2 times a week. Here are recipes that help normalize fat balance. After them, the curls will remain clean and fresh longer, and over time they will become normal, not oily hair.


Burdock mask for oily hair

Burdock oil is often used as an additional component to complex masks. This is explained by its unique properties - remove oiliness, accelerate growth and make hair manageable.


  1. the above oil;
  2. ethereal analogue (any one you like best);
  3. calendula (alcohol tincture);
  4. citrus juice (preferably lemon).

Pour 20 ml of each component into a plastic or wooden container, mix, let stand for 3-4 minutes and apply to oily roots. If desired, the mask can be distributed over all hair, but in this case you need to double the amount of components (for medium length).

Walk with a mask for at least 60 minutes, then take a shower.

Reviews on the use of traditional recipes

Anita, 25 years old

Since adolescence, my hair was constantly oily, I had to wash it every day. A mask with essential oils helped me; now the volume lasts for four days, without using any additional products.

Valeria, 33 years old

I was tired of caring for my oily scalp, so I decided to dye my hair to dry out my roots. But there was also hair loss, so I had to turn to folk recipes. After using the mask with henna, the roots became stronger, the curls became thicker and shiny.

Bread mask for very oily hair

If your hair has a high oil content, then we recommend that you pay attention to a simple mask made from rye bread.

Preparing the effective mass is as easy as shelling pears - soak the bread crumbs (preferably let the fresh bread dry) in plain water. Don't add too much liquid; you should end up with a paste.

Apply the mask to your hair and leave for 45 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly.

Masks for oily hair with vodka and cognac

Alcohol-based masks can ideally regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which will ultimately reduce the oiliness of the hair roots. We offer you two recipes for making an alcohol mask.

  1. Take 150 ml of cognac, a couple of spoons of honey and ground red pepper (literally on the tip of a knife). The composition needs to be warmed up a little and distributed over the scalp. Keep the mask on for at least 15 minutes.
  2. For the next mask, you need to first pour 160 ml of boiling water into 2-3 nettle leaves . 130 ml of vodka to the cooled broth (don't forget to strain) . Since the mask turns out to be liquid, it is not very convenient to apply it to your hair yourself. It will be much easier to do this if you have help. You can walk with a mask for up to 25-30 minutes, but if you feel a burning sensation, immediately go to the shower.

Proper Use

Masks for oily hair should be used in accordance with the rules to achieve maximum results:

  1. The composition is applied to the hair roots with massaging movements. Rub the ingredients into the skin for at least 5 minutes. To increase blood flow, you need to tilt your head down .
  2. The hair with a mask is wrapped under a compress: you need to put on a cellophane cap and wrap your head with a terry towel.
  3. The period of exposure of the ingredients is at least half an hour, if possible, withstand 3-4 hours.
  4. Rinse off with non-hot water, and finally rinse your hair under a cool shower to slow down the secretion of sebum.
  5. Rinse your curls with herbal infusion instead of conditioning balm .

Treatment with masks is carried out over a long course : once every 3-4 days for at least 1 month.

It is important that masks are not used if the following contraindications exist:

  • inflammatory diseases of the scalp with symptoms such as itching, redness, open lesions, pustules;
  • allergic reactions to the ingredients of the mask. To check the tolerability of the composition, you need to apply a drop of it to the inner surface of the forearm and hold for half an hour. If there are no unpleasant sensations, then the composition can be applied to the head.

Masks with honey for oily hair

Honey is present in most recipes, as it has a wide spectrum of action and does not react with many components of hair masks. Preparing a honey-based mask will not take you more than two minutes, and the benefits from it will be no less than from infusions, decoctions and expensive ingredients.

Take your favorite balm and add honey to it (1:1), then sprinkle the simple mixture with a spoon of cinnamon - the mask is ready. You can walk with this composition for one to two hours, and so that the mask does not interfere with you, tie a towel around your head.

Features of hair loss in men

Male pattern baldness is called androgenetic or androgenetic. It also occurs in women, but is quite rare.

Androgenetic type of baldness is caused by hormonal imbalances in the body. Moreover, in men, loss is associated not so much with a drop in testosterone levels, but with its active metabolite - dihydrotestosterone. It is released (under the action of an enzyme) in the follicle, causing premature hair loss.

The cause of baldness may also be a genetic predisposition.

This type of baldness is localized in the frontoparietal and vertex regions. The temporal and occipital areas are practically not affected.

Androgenic type of baldness appears gradually. The process, as a rule, begins with the hair thinning, becoming brittle, and growing more slowly. Then bald patches begin to appear. In representatives of the stronger sex, they are located on the crown or frontal areas.

In addition, the process of hair loss on the head is often accompanied by increased growth of facial hair, the appearance of acne and oily seborrhea.

If you do not start timely treatment for hair loss, it will be extremely difficult to stop baldness: hair will begin to quickly fall out both in the frontoparietal and vertex areas.

Gelatin mask for oily hair

Gelatin mask is perhaps the easiest healing mixture to use and prepare. Gelatin is rich in dietary fiber, collagen, phosphorus, iron and amino acids. It will make your hair healthy and elastic, and the annoying oiliness will begin to disappear after the second use.

To prepare this mask you need two components - gelatin and mustard . Pre-mix these two ingredients in a 1:1 ratio, add warm water to cover the mixture, and leave for 20 minutes. Then bring the mass until smooth (you can warm it up a little in the microwave so that the gelatin absorbs moisture faster). Distribute the finished composition over the entire length of the hair and leave for 25 minutes.

Gelatin is one of the most important tools for home hair lamination.

Features of hair loss in women

Female pattern baldness is called diffuse or uniform. Hair loss in women occurs all over the head. And it starts from the vertex and frontoparietal zones.

At the same time, hair loss in women does not create bald patches - the front hairline is preserved. If you don’t start treatment after your hair starts to fall out rapidly, then in a couple of years it will thin out very much all over your head. And after 10-15 years, without proper therapy, complete hair loss can occur.

Hair loss in women can occur either actively or gradually.

Hair loss in a woman can be: telogen effluvium (the most common type, the cause of which is that 80% of follicles (hair follicles) go into “dormant form” ahead of schedule due to chronic diseases or damage to the endocrine system); anagen form (this type of hair loss occurs due to exposure to aggressive environmental factors, and the follicles may completely die).

Other common causes of hair loss in women include: hormonal imbalance; postpartum period; toxic effects; iron deficiency; exposure to fungi or microbes; problems with immunity; frequent dyeing, perm.

Effective masks against oily hair loss

Does your hair not only suffer from excess oily scalp, but also fall out? An egg-based alcohol mask can help you.

The recipe is very simple - you will need two yolks and two large spoons of alcohol or vodka . Beat the yolks and add alcohol, let stand for 10-15 minutes, then rub into the scalp. After half an hour you can go to the shower. Improvement in hair condition and quantity is noticeable after two months of use - hair becomes 25% thicker.

Tip #5: Less worry and stress

Hair loss and stress are closely related. You might think that hair is an antenna that perfectly senses your inner mood. In fact, stress affects hormonal levels. During periods of anxiety, cortisol is actively produced, and, unfortunately, it inhibits metabolic processes. Hair falls out rapidly, but new ones do not grow. Therefore, worry less and enjoy life more.

And if the condition of your hair worries you, trust its health to specialists, not dubious advice. It is better to approach the treatment of hair diseases immediately responsibly, so you can slow down the development of the disease before it takes active forms. At the AZALIA clinic you will always find professional help from experienced trichologists.

Mask for oily colored hair

Despite the fact that dyes with the mildest effects are now produced, they still harm the hair structure and often cause excessive work of the sebaceous glands. A fruit mask will help turn the process towards recovery.


  • banana,
  • avocado,
  • honey,
  • olive oil).

Grind the fruits in equal proportions. Heat the honey (at the rate of 1 large spoon per 100 g of fruit) and pour into the pulp. Pour the oil (a small spoon) into the lukewarm mixture, stir and immediately apply to your hair.

You can wear the mask for up to 60 minutes, then rinse and pat dry effortlessly with a soft towel.

Causes of excessive oily hair

The appearance of oily shine on the hair indicates health problems. Before starting therapeutic procedures with masks, it is worth understanding the reasons for the increased work of the sebaceous glands.

Common causes of excessive oily hair:

See also...

✅ Recipes for masks for oily hair at home

✅ Homemade masks for thin hair

✅ Masks for hair thickness and growth: simple homemade recipes

✅ Moisturizing masks for dry hair: the best recipes

  • Hormonal disbalance. This especially applies to women during menopause, pregnancy or after childbirth;
  • Frequent exposure to stressful situations. The body can respond to stress with increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • Poor nutrition. Fatty, overly spicy or salty foods can increase hair oiliness. Also, sweets and carbonated drinks are a catalyst for the secretion of sebum;
  • Diseases of the digestive, endocrine or nervous system. In this case, masks may be powerless until the underlying disease is cured;
  • Inadequate hair care. Incorrectly selected shampoo, excessive use of hair dryers, curling irons and straighteners lead to an oily scalp;
  • Use of certain medications. Antibiotics, psychotropic drugs or contraceptives affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. After you stop taking the medication, your body will return to normal.

Masks for oily hair will only help under certain circumstances. Otherwise, you will need to eliminate the root cause.

Mask for oily split ends

Hair that is oily at the roots and dry at the ends is far from uncommon. And how to choose a product - for oily hair or dry hair? It is very difficult to choose a universal product in the store, since the effect on the roots and ends should be the opposite. We suggest you cope with the problem with natural products that will not force you to spend much.

  • Egg . Separate the white from the yolk. Apply whipped egg white to the scalp and 3 cm from the beginning of hair growth. Distribute the yolk over the ends and along the entire length. Repeat the procedure twice a week and you will forget about your problem.

You need to wash off this mask with cool water so that the protein does not curl on your hair.

  • Sour milk + cream . The system is the same as with the egg. Apply milk to the roots, and cream (preferably thicker) to the ends and along the entire length.

If you have an aloe flower growing on your window at home, then we recommend watching the following video.

Instructions for use

When using masks for oily hair, you must adhere to the following principles:

  1. A complex approach. Owners of long and medium-length hair, suffering from rapid contamination of the roots, often note dry and brittle ends. This is due to insufficient hair softening with balms and other products, as well as overdrying with shampoos for oily hair and unsuccessful experiments with alcohol-containing cosmetic products.

In such cases, professional care products are required - mass-market cosmetics are not enough. An alternative is to use different types of masks on the roots and lengths with tips, but more on that below.

  1. Proper preparation. First you should use a scrub, then wash your hair with a specialized shampoo, and only then apply a mask. To prepare the scrub you will need fine sea salt. You can add essential oils, balm and other emollients to it as desired. You should massage your head very gently, without rubbing salt or injuring the scalp. The described procedure in the table shows the best offers is performed no more than once a week.
  2. Avoid heating. Most masks for oily hair should be slightly warm or cool. If the mask is prepared in a water bath, then it must be cooled before use. After applying the product, there is no need to insulate your head with film or warm clothes. The mixture should be washed off with cool water.
  3. Don't overdo it. Aggressive degreasing not only does not get rid of increased oiliness in the hair, but also increases it, and can also provoke a deterioration in the quality of the hair - the appearance of split ends, brittleness, and loss of shine. It is advisable to carry out procedures no more than 1–2 times a week.

After the mask is washed off, rinse with a weak solution of acetic acid, citric acid or herbal decoctions - chamomile, coltsfoot, nettle. Henna also dries well, but if you don’t want to dye your hair, colorless henna will do just fine. It has the same properties as coloring - it strengthens the braid, gets rid of dandruff, and adds volume to the hairstyle.

Mask for fine oily hair

It’s quite difficult for girls who have thin hair and an increased oily scalp. Literally all the time I am haunted by the feeling of unwashed hair. The problem can be solved if you use a salt mask before each shampoo, followed by rinsing with a decoction of St. John's wort.

Salt mask

Some will say that this is not a mask at all, because you don’t need to prepare anything, but this is the beauty of this method to get rid of fat and stimulate the follicles.

You will need salt and St. John's wort decoction . Wet your hands and coat them with salt, then give yourself a scalp massage. Movements should not be too fast and careful, there is no need to press hard so as not to damage the surface of the skin with grains. Continue massaging for 10-15 minutes, then shower and wash your hair. After bathing, rinse your hair with a decoction of St. John's wort.

Causes of increased oily scalp

There are 2 groups of causes of increased oily scalp.


  • a genetic predisposition in which the secretion of large amounts of sebum is established even before birth. You can suspect this reason if your closest blood relatives have the same condition of their curls;
  • hormonal imbalance, as evidenced by the onset of the problem during puberty. You may need to consult an endocrinologist .

External or lifestyle related:

  • unhealthy diet with excess amounts of carbohydrates (flour, sweets), animal fats;
  • improper hair care (inappropriate shampoo, which dries out the skin; washing your hair under hot water; frequent blow-drying);
  • chronic stress, causing the release of the hormone cortisol, which disrupts the correct rhythm of the functioning of organs and systems .

How to make a hair mask with oily roots and dry ends?

Hair masks with dry ends should be used with caution so as not to aggravate the problem further. The main rule is to apply oily medicinal mixtures directly to the ends of the hair, without affecting the roots.

To solve this problem, any of the above recipes will help you, but with a few nuances:

  • Before using any mask for hair with oily roots, you need to lubricate the ends with sea buckthorn oil for half an hour.
  • Fish oil can provide immediate protection. A couple of minutes before applying the drying mask, you should lubricate your dry ends.
  • Olive, coconut and burdock oils have a slower effect. They must be applied at least an hour before the start of the procedure to eliminate oily roots.

With the help of homemade hair masks, you can achieve amazing results, forgetting about discomfort and annoying oiliness. The main thing is to maintain proportions and remember to give your curls a little attention twice a week.

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