Morning rituals: how to remove signs of fatigue on your face?

Healthy people don't look tired. If fatigue appears on your face, it means your whole body is out of shape. Lack of sleep, computer monitor radiation, tobacco smoke, sedentary lifestyle - all the problems come from here. Has it ever happened to you that in the morning at work your colleagues are greeted with a sympathetic “What, you didn’t get enough sleep?” The mirror also raises a bunch of questions: is the face really gray or is it just the lighting? Do circles under the eyes live their own lives? I just covered it up in the morning... Does everyone or is it just me who thinks I don’t sleep at night and drink bitters?

Every problem has at least three solutions. You will find the first in your refrigerator, the second in the cosmetics department of a pharmacy or store, and finally, the third in a beauty salon.

Gray and dull complexion

Without leaving home The first law of good health and a healthy complexion is a morning glass of green tea on an empty stomach, or, at worst, water with lemon. This will improve metabolism and digestion, and ultimately your complexion.

Let's look into the jar. An earthy tint is a sign that all processes in the skin cells are slowed down. Molecular oxygen, which today is packaged in jars of cream, will help speed them up.

Hands of a professional Aerobatics - an oxygen mask in the cabin or an oxygen cocktail in the fitness center. They will give greater results than a 3-4 hour active walk in the fresh air.

Start with self-love: where to get money for beauty

“Everyone wants to look good, but only the rich can afford it.” Do you think so too, that’s why you don’t buy good cosmetics and try to give every penny to your children and grandchildren? Commendable, but when will the moment come when someone will start helping you? Oh, yes... in old age... they will bring you a glass of water...

Money for beauty

Or maybe reconsider your attitude to the situation? Will your loved ones be against it if you start taking care of your health and appearance? A beautiful, healthy and young grandmother is always a source of pride for her grandchildren. In addition, looking good means getting a boost of energy and good mood in the morning. Everyone will benefit from this!

Of course, when the flow of money becomes somewhat shallower, there will be those who are dissatisfied. But you don’t have to worry about this - they will manage just fine without your injections. Moreover, this will encourage young people to solve the problem in honest ways, for example, by finding a better job or spending their budget wisely. This practice is so useful in life!

In general, we found the money, and now we begin to rejuvenate the skin.

Sallow complexion

The normal oxygen content in the atmosphere is 21%, and in large cities it can drop to 17-18%. As a result, the skin of city residents constantly suffers from oxygen starvation.

Without leaving home. A tanning effect is provided by a mask made from coffee grounds or henna paste. The thick mass should be kept on the face and neck for 10 minutes, and then admire the light brownish tint of the skin.

Let's look into the jar. Antioxidants protect against free radicals that destroy healthy cells. If the cream contains vitamins A, C and E, selenium and carotene, grape seed extract or green tea, it will be easy for your facial skin to return to its natural color.

Professional hands. Salon masks with niacin (nicotinic acid) have a shocking effect. This substance stimulates blood circulation so powerfully that after it any pale illness turns into beauty - blood with milk.

What types of aging exist

People face old age with different attitudes. Some people regret the past, are dissatisfied with the present, or truly enjoy new opportunities. It turns out that this also affects how a person sees himself in the mirror. Also, age-related deformation is influenced by facial sculpture, the general condition of the body and hereditary predisposition. If you know what the future holds, it is much easier to select adequate measures to support beauty and attractiveness.

  1. Tired is characterized by changes throughout the day. A person wakes up rested, the skin is tightened, there are practically no facial wrinkles. By evening a transformation takes place. The corners of the lips droop, forming a dissatisfied appearance, folds and creases in the nasolabial triangle are clearly visible, the eyelids are swollen. Every year the situation gets worse, this is facilitated by pursing of lips, dissatisfaction with the outside world, and internal problems. This is exactly the case in which all the troubles are literally “written on the face.” It will not be possible to completely exclude this type of age-related changes. But it’s enough to understand how to remove a tired look from your face in order to improve your appearance and slow down deformation processes. To do this, you should consult with a cosmetologist, choose high-quality skincare products and, of course, find reasons to smile.
  2. Finely wrinkled immediately evokes memories of a kind grandmother, always ready to warm with inner warmth. A characteristic feature is an abundance of small facial folds on the face, neck, and décolleté. The reason for their formation is the drying out of the subcutaneous tissue. The skin looks dry, thinned, prone to rosacea and irritation. In this case, the contours do not blur, and no signs of gravitational ptosis are observed.
  3. Deformation is immediately visible by the drooping and weighting of the lower third of the face, jowls, and the appearance of a double chin. Swelling often occurs, long deep wrinkles form, which are difficult to correct with conservative methods. Such changes occur in women with large features and a well-developed subcutaneous layer. Plastic surgery is mainly effective for correction.
  4. The muscular type is most often found among Asian peoples. At the same time, the proportions are preserved, facial features become sharper, wrinkles appear on the forehead and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. In them, visual aging occurs later than in others, since the skin is dense, elastic and practically does not move from the main points.

For any type of aging, it is necessary to carry out supportive procedures, focusing on those types that bring maximum effect.

Dark circles under the eyes

The thinnest skin is under the eyes. That’s why we see dark circles – venous blood that accumulates in vessels that have lost their tone

Without leaving home. Bruises are difficult to remove and not always possible, but in unadvanced cases, contrast compresses can help. Pieces of ice from a decoction of herbs or ordinary tea should be applied to the eyes, alternating with cotton pads dipped in a warm decoction.

Let's look into the jar. Yeast complexes, plantain extract, hyaluronic acid have the properties of improving blood circulation in capillaries, increasing skin elasticity and removing puffiness.

Professional hands. Hardware procedures with microcurrents and ultrasound can restore tone and disperse venous blood. Thanks to them, the blood rushes, and the vitamins and amino acids from the preliminary mask rush deep into the epidermis.

Plastic surgery

With a deformation morphotype of aging, it makes sense to resort to plastic surgery. Deformities of this type are associated with subcutaneous fat. The surgeon will work with it, due to which in just one operation he will help get rid of age-related defects.

Of course, plastic surgery is a radical method. It should be resorted to only when cosmetic procedures do not give the desired result. You must first consult with a specialist, since plastic surgery has many contraindications.

Faded and flaky lips

Without leaving home. A fail-safe remedy is a massage with a soft toothbrush with honey and carrot juice or butter and salt.

Let's look into the jar. Special lip peels in the form of hygienic lipstick, but with hard particles, act more carefully. Soft fruit acids (malic, citric, glycolic, lactic) exfoliate the skin and stimulate cell renewal.

Professional hands. Lips remain well-groomed for a long time after professional masks with panthenol, rosehip oil and wheat grain extract. This complex protects the skin of the lips from irritation, drying and peeling.

Let's sum it up

If you have a deformational type of facial aging, there are many preventive measures and elimination of signs of aging. You should not immediately resort to radical methods of struggle. First, bring your weight back to normal and adopt a healthy lifestyle. If there are no obvious signs of aging yet, home care with cosmeceuticals will be quite sufficient. It is recommended to resort to cosmetic procedures at an older age, when creams and masks no longer cope with their task. Plastic surgery should be the final stage in the fight for youth. It is turned to when other methods become ineffective.

Dry and lifeless skin

Comment from a specialist (Olga Dolgireva, cosmetologist, Dermato-cosmetology Clinic “Medesthetic”):

Make sure that all cosmetic products you use contain as few aggressive and toxic components as possible: chemical emulsifiers, mineral oils and preservatives. They are contraindicated for tired skin.

Without leaving home. Add chamomile infusion, yarrow, carrot juice, egg yolk, and even mashed potatoes to your usual mask of honey and oatmeal. This will enhance its nourishing and tonic effect.

Let's look into the jar. Seaweed is a panacea for “hungry” skin. They contain not only all the microelements in the world, but also fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic acids, which are essential for dry faces.

Professional hands. A more urgent measure is a salon massage on a creamy basis, which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids - linolenic (Omega 3) and linoleic (Omega 6). They will restore the cellular structure and water balance of the skin.

Source: Be Healthy Magazine

What do age-related changes depend on?

It is believed that the heyday of beauty and attractiveness occurs between the ages of 25 and 30. At this age, the skin has a radiant appearance without much effort, and facial features retain their natural contours. After the third dozen, imperceptible processes of withering begin. This does not mean that in a few days a young woman will turn into a wizened old woman. The point is that now you need to pay much more attention to yourself and activities to maintain youth are carried out more intensively. To do this, you need to know why and how wrinkles and sagging skin form.

Withering processes start at different times depending on a number of factors. But the premises are the same. First of all, it slows down all processes, including regeneration. The second important factor is a decrease in the natural production of collagen and elastin. These 2 substances are responsible for maintaining the frame, face shape and elasticity. As soon as the density decreases, the first cosmetic and age-related problems appear.

The level and stability of hormonal levels also has an impressive impact. The issue is especially relevant for representatives of the fair sex, who, if there is a failure in this area, may experience premature fading. If we look at examples, the tired type of skin aging is one of the most striking demonstrations of this phenomenon.

Affects appearance at a certain age and heredity, as well as the level of immunity. If the protective functions of the skin do not allow an adequate and prompt response to aggressive environmental factors, then changes in the upper layers of the epidermis are activated. At the same time, they will follow the path of strengthening. For example, thin, sensitive skin will become dry and parchment-like, while oily and dense skin will become even rougher. The most serious reason for age-related changes is the inability of the dermis to retain moisture in the same volumes. She absorbs it, but loses it much faster, which is necessarily taken into account when drawing up rejuvenation programs.

At the same time, it is advisable to select skincare products in such a way that they contain anti-aging components and deeply moisturize the skin. These requirements are fully met by the PlaReceta & PiloPla complex, recommended for the care of sensitive, dehydrated, flaky skin with a damaged epidermal barrier.


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