Acne from Duphaston: causes of rashes and treatment methods

In this article we will look at whether Duphaston helps with acne.

Progesterone deficiency is common among women. It provokes the development of endometriosis, dysmenorrhea and other diseases of the reproductive system. To prevent the occurrence of cysts in the body (due to a lack of progesterone), gynecologists prescribe Duphaston to women. The instructions for use describe in detail when and in what dosages the drug should be taken.

The drug is an analogue of natural progesterone. Dydrogesterone is close in pharmacological and chemical properties, as well as in its molecular structure, to natural progesterone. Due to the fact that dydrogesterone is not a derivative of testosterone, this substance does not have the side effects characteristic of the bulk of progestogens of synthetic origin, which are also called “androgenic” progestogens.

How does duphaston affect the skin?

On many sites that are dedicated to women's health and beauty, information often appears that duphaston is good for acne.
In fact, this is just a funny internet myth that should in no way be considered reality. How does duphaston actually affect the skin? There are 4 important factors that you should always remember.

  1. Causes swelling and provokes fluid retention. This does not help fight acne in any way.
  2. Strengthens the work of the sebaceous glands, which causes increased secretion of sebum. The skin becomes shiny and begins to shine, the pores become clogged and, without proper care, acne quickly develops.
  3. Reduces the body's defenses.
  4. Increases the tendency to the appearance of age spots. Therefore, when taking duphaston, you should not be in the sun or use a solarium.

Yes, this medicine helps maintain pregnancy. But many women have to learn that acne after duphaston appears in almost everyone who took this hormonal drug.

What to do?

If acne occurs while taking Duphaston, you must stop treatment. If the rash does not go away after 7-30 days after stopping the medication, you need to look for the cause elsewhere. Hormone therapy should be stopped strictly under the supervision of a doctor. It is not always possible to stop treatment with Duphaston and therefore you should resort to measures aimed at combating unwanted rashes. Both professional cosmetic products and folk remedies are suitable for this.

Healers' advice

Traditional healers recommend regularly wiping your face with a cucumber, cutting off a new piece each time, or with aloe juice. Natural ingredients will remove excess fat from the skin and tighten it a little. A mask prepared according to the following recipe will help cope with acne:

  1. Grind 1 piece into puree. raw potatoes.
  2. Add the white of 1 egg.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Apply the mixture to your face.
  5. Wait half an hour and wash off.

To eliminate unwanted effects from using the medicine, you can make a mask of kiwi and white clay.

After just a few days of using this mask, the skin will be saturated with nutrients, its appearance will improve, and pimples and blackheads will gradually begin to disappear. To dry oily skin, it is recommended to mix yellow clay and salt 2:1, dilute with water so that the consistency of the mixture resembles sour cream, and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water. A mask will help remove acne faster; to prepare it, you need to peel the kiwi and mash the pulp, add 1 soup spoon of olive oil and whipped egg white. Mix the ingredients and gradually add white clay to form a thick mass. Use the mask 2 times a week for 20 minutes. In the collection of folk cosmetology there are a considerable number of effective recipes for acne. All of them are easy to implement, do not require a lot of time and large financial expenditures.

Cosmetic products

The highly effective cosmetology product “Zinerit” is very popular in the fight against acne. It has an antimicrobial and bacteriostatic effect, and also affects the production of subcutaneous fat. The drug is used twice a day for 12 weeks. However, after 10-14 days a good result is noted.

Prevention and care

In order for the sun's rays to benefit the body, you need to follow important rules.

  1. Prolonged exposure to the sun on the first day is prohibited; it is recommended to sunbathe for no more than 10 minutes.
  2. The safest period is considered to be before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m.
  3. You cannot go to the sea or river without sunscreen.
  4. In the first days of tanning, you will need a cream with a high level of protection, especially for fair-skinned people.
  5. For people with photodermatitis, you will need maximum body protection from direct sunlight; you cannot do without a hat and glasses.
  6. You cannot drink alcoholic beverages.
  7. It is better not to use perfume before visiting the beach.

It is important to know about contraindications for tanning:

  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • moderate and severe stage of hypertension;
  • kidney diseases.

Skin care products

Sunscreen with an SPF filter should always be on hand during the hot season. The higher the number indicated on the tube, the higher the sun protection and the longer you can stay in direct sunlight. Any cosmetic product is applied shortly before visiting the beach, preferably half an hour before leaving home. The cream must match your skin type. For people with fair skin, protection with SPF 15 or 30 is suitable, and for whiter, darker skin, SPF 4 and 15.

Benefits for the skin

The sun has enormous health benefits if you follow simple rules. Ultraviolet radiation helps strengthen the immune system, and if you follow the rules of sunbathing, you can, on the contrary, get rid of acne and other skin problems.


Acne from Duphaston is not only possible, but also very likely. A woman faces a difficult compromise between beauty and caring for the health of herself and her unborn baby. Ultimately, it pays to be patient. The purpose of taking the medicine is much more important, and negative side effects can be mitigated with skin care.

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Recommendations from experts

During the hot season, the skin especially needs protection and additional care. Daily cleansing and moisturizing is essential for any skin type. Due to the heat, sweating increases, which leads to clogged pores and the spread of infection. Many experts recommend tar soap for skin disinfection in the summer.

It is important to monitor your drinking regime to avoid dry skin.

Wise advice

The main principle of healthy and safe tanning is the time during which you can safely lie in the sun. From 12 o'clock it is better to avoid sunbathing, as it can cause more harm than good. Your first visit to the beach should not start with a sun lounger. A short active rest will help the body adapt more quickly. The first tanning session does not need to be done for more than ten minutes, but the time can be increased every day. If you already have acne on your skin, you need to consult a doctor about whether you can take sunbathing.

During the summer, many people are exposed to direct sunlight. In their quest for an even, beautiful tan, they forget about safety rules and expose their skin to unnecessary sun exposure. Large doses of ultraviolet radiation lead to excessive dryness of the skin and increased activity of the sebaceous glands. You should not be upset if acne appears after sunbathing, but you must definitely find out the reason in order to prevent their reappearance. Available folk recipes will help relieve itching and inflammation before visiting the doctor.

Will acne go away after withdrawal?

After you stop taking the drug, the acne will go away, the question is when.

If Duphaston was prescribed due to pregnancy planning, the doctor will gradually discontinue it by 25-28 weeks. At this time, the placenta will completely take over the function of progesterone production. Thus, the level of the hormone as a whole will not decrease, which means that all the unpleasant consequences for the skin, such as clogged pores and oily shine, will most likely remain. Acne will disappear quite quickly after childbirth, when oxytocin, dopamine and prolactin begin to play the main role in the woman’s body.

In cases where the use of the drug is not associated with pregnancy, discontinuation of the drug will lead to gradual metabolization and elimination of excess from the body, restoration of balance and improvement of skin condition. In just a week, if there are no other causes for acne, you will be able to enjoy a smooth, clean face in the mirror.

What is the best way to wash your face?

You can fight acne that appeared on your face as a result of using duphaston with the right selection of cleansers. These may be such affordable cosmetics as:

  1. STOPPROBLEM ULTRA CONTROL salicylic lotion for acne and blackheads.
  2. Clean it Zero cleansing balm.
  3. Tonic for oily and combination skin with prebiotic Bark.
  4. Salicin. Salicylic lotion with zinc and sulfur for oily skin.
  5. Lotion for oily and combination skin Delex acne.
  6. Anti-acne gel “Clean Skin Active” from Garnier with a facial brush.
  7. Cleanser "Propeller" salicylic.
  8. Compliment NO PROBLEM acne cleansing gel with tea tree oil.

Allergy to Duphaston: causes, symptoms and treatment

Duphaston is an artificial analogue of progesterone (this is a female sex hormone).

If a woman’s production of this hormone is impaired, that is, the body does not produce enough of it, then doctors prescribe Duphaston.

Due to insufficiency of progesterone, the monthly cycle is disrupted, and it can happen that menstruation completely disappears, it is impossible to carry a child to term, premenstrual syndrome is strongly expressed in the form of pain in the lower abdomen.

Duphaston has quite a few side effects, and since this drug does not have any effect on ovulation, pregnancy may occur while taking Duphaston.

But, of course, it is impossible to talk about the complete safety of this drug, and it still has side effects.


The most common side effects when taking Duphaston:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • bloating.

There are also hormonal consequences, as a result of which acne appears, breast sensitivity increases, the level of sexual desire changes (becomes stronger or weaker), bleeding may appear that is not associated with the monthly cycle, and body weight increases.

It happens that taking Duphaston leads to impaired liver function and anemia.

And besides, an allergy to Duphaston is also possible; the allergen is mainly one of the components - dydrogestron. The most common symptom of this allergy is a skin rash.

There are contraindications for taking Duphaston, such as:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • ovarian and breast cancer;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • liver diseases;
  • some types of enzyme deficiency;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

The most common side effects from Duphaston manifest themselves as follows:

  • reproductive system - breast sensitivity increases, breakthrough uterine bleeding occurs;
  • CNS - headaches, migraines;
  • Gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, impaired liver function, malaise and general weakness;
  • skin - itching, redness, rash;
  • in the field of hematopoiesis - homolytic anemia occurs occasionally;
  • peripheral edema - very rare;
  • allergic reaction.

An allergic reaction is one of the negative side effects of taking Duphaston. Most often, an allergy to Duphaston manifests itself in the form of skin rashes such as urticaria, which are characterized by severe itching. Then there are other manifestations of allergies to this drug:

  • skin rash;
  • hives;
  • itching;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • stomach ache;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • allergic rhinitis (nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, excessive nasal discharge);
  • increased lacrimation;
  • itching in the eyes;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

Such symptoms often appear immediately or a short time after taking the drug. Other allergy symptoms may take longer to appear:

  • very severe migraines;
  • the appearance of edema - peripheral (on the hands, legs, lips, etc.) or angioedema;
  • choking (difficulty inhaling and breathing through the nose and mouth);
  • deterioration of sense of smell;
  • the sense of taste of food disappears;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • increase in body temperature.

If such symptoms appear, it is advisable to seek medical help as soon as possible, especially if the allergic reaction is severe.

Side effects

The medicine, regardless of the purpose of its use, can cause some side effects, which include:

  1. Digestive system: diarrhea, nausea, constipation, minor disturbances in liver function, accompanied by malaise, weakness, abdominal pain and jaundice.
  2. Endocrine system: in rare cases, a feeling of discomfort in the mammary glands and the development of uterine bleeding may occur.
  3. CNS: mild cephalalgia, dizziness, depressive disorder.
  4. Skin: itching, rash.
  5. Allergic phenomena: urticaria.
  6. Hematopoietic system: hemolytic anemia (rare).
  7. Other pathological reactions: peripheral edema.

What foods cause acne?

So, we have explained exactly how food affects, and now we will list the foods that cause acne. The following foods are dangerous to the skin:

  • alcohol;
  • sugar and sweets;
  • milk;
  • bread and pastries;
  • fatty and fried foods.

Now it’s time to explain in detail why these particular products are used, what to do so that they do not negatively affect the epidermis, and whether it is worth excluding them from the diet completely.


Well, let's start with the obvious. Everyone knows that alcoholic drinks are very harmful to the body as a whole, and maybe someday it will somehow affect the appearance.. But no one has heard about how it affects the skin here and now . Plus, girls often drink low-alcohol cocktails, and very rarely abuse strong alcoholic drinks. therefore, they do not feel direct harm and do not think about the consequences. This is understandable - no one thinks that their skin will deteriorate because of cocktails. It's time to explain in detail the what, why and how.

The fact is that although alcohol does not have strong toxicity (unlike synthetic drugs, for example), it causes disturbances in the functioning of many organs and systems of the body. Everyone has heard about the same cirrhosis of the liver, the most common cause of which is alcohol abuse. But what if you don’t abuse it, but just drink a little beer or, say, a couple of cocktails once a month? Of course, in this case we are not talking about alcoholism, cirrhosis or cancer, but there is also harm.


Sweets always fall into the top of the most harmful foods. In fact, it doesn’t harm our body that much - scientists have identified a direct negative effect of sweets only on the bodies of older people. And only because it causes an imbalance of cholesterol in the body. Today we will look at its effect on our skin, both direct and indirect.

So if it itself is harmless (with moderate use, of course), then why is it on our list? Because many people notice the appearance of acne just after eating sweets. There are two reasons here, and both are not about sugar. Firstly, this is observed exclusively after eating low-quality desserts. For example, if you eat cheap chocolates and sweets, then the appearance of acne is a normal situation, since these products contain a high percentage of palm oil, which negatively affects both the skin and the body as a whole. But when eating high-quality chocolate or sugar by itself, this is not observed. Secondly, sugar interferes with normal fat metabolism. This means that people with intense sebum production (oily skin type) will suffer from a lot of acne after eating too much sweets, even if they are of high quality. We repeat: excessive. Moderate consumption does not cause any negative consequences.

Milk and dairy products

Milk is rightly considered extremely beneficial for our body as a whole, but many cosmetologists believe that by giving it up, you will only make your skin better. In fact, this is not so - milk in general has a positive effect on the condition of bones, hair, nails and skin, thanks to calcium. However, as always, not everything can be so good. There are several nuances that need to be taken into account.

The problem lies with full-fat milk, sour cream and cottage cheese, and only if the percentage of fat consumed per day exceeds the norm. The fact is that in this case, fat is not only stored by our body, but also some products of its processing are released through the pores. This explains the high activity of the sebaceous glands - they simply secrete more sebum than is necessary for the normal appearance of the skin. There is no need to give up milk and dairy products, as this is an essential source of calcium and simply a very tasty, nutritious food. But if you notice that acne appears precisely after consuming it, then you should start drinking low-fat dairy products. In addition, this is also observed in people with acquired or congenital lactose intolerance.


The fact is that in any bakery product there is something besides flour, which everyone is guilty of. Cakes and pastries contain cream or icing, buns contain yeast and filling, and cookies contain huge amounts of sugar. And when we eat it, we don’t think at all about the dangers of other components, which contain a huge percentage of fat and harmful substances, which are then removed by our pores and clog the skin. In fact, the point is not that the product is flour, but its other components, which pose a danger to us. However, with moderate consumption, nothing bad will happen to the skin, and you definitely shouldn’t give up such yummy food completely.

Duphaston: what kind of drug?

The main active ingredient of the drug is a synthetic progestogen (dydrogesterone), which selectively affects the condition of the uterine mucosa. It ensures the onset of the endometrial growth phase in the last third of the menstrual cycle, which makes it more ready for implantation of a fertilized egg.

The beneficial effect of Duphaston on the uterine mucosa is also used to prevent pathological changes in it. In addition, the drug is continued upon the onset of pregnancy in the case of diagnosed progesterone deficiency, or with an unfavorable history that suggests this. Thus, doctors reduce the risk of spontaneous abortions in the early stages and solve the problem of miscarriage.

Indications for the use of Duphaston are:

  • Endometriosis;
  • Infertility due to lack of lutein;
  • Threatened miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage;
  • Severe forms of premenstrual syndrome;
  • Dysmenorrhea and irregular cycles;
  • Uterine bleeding caused by hormonal imbalance.

Important! You can take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor after confirming the need. It is also dangerous to interrupt treatment on your own, as this increases the risk of deterioration and can lead to termination of pregnancy.

What hormonal imbalances can lead to acne?

Hormonal acne is a consequence of increased sebum production. In normal quantities, sebum (i.e. sebum) is necessary for the health and protection of the skin, but excess of this substance provokes clogging of pores, including dead cells and impurities. In such an environment, bacteria begin to grow rapidly, to which the skin reacts with inflammation, which is accompanied by redness and pain.

Often the cause of increased sebum production is male sex hormones (androgens) - testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. The problem of acne worsens if the level of female sex hormones, especially estrogen, decreases.

Causes of elevated testosterone levels in women:

  • the most common cause of elevated testosterone in women is polycystic ovary syndrome, one of the characteristic symptoms of which is the appearance of acne;
  • diabetes or insulin resistance (because insulin stimulates testosterone production);
  • ovulation (this phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by an increase in testosterone levels).

Causes of increased levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S)

This hormone is produced mainly in the adrenal cortex (95%), its production increases under stress, therefore constant stressful situations can provoke the appearance of hormonal acne.

Read: Acne in bodybuilders: causes and treatment methods

Effect on carbohydrate metabolism

It also does not affect carbohydrate metabolism or liver function. When administered orally, dydrogesterone selectively acts on the endometrium, which helps prevent the increased likelihood of developing its hyperplasia or carcinogenesis in conditions of excess estrogen. This medication is indicated for all cases of endogenous progesterone deficiency.



Properties of dydrogesterone

Dydrogesterone does not have anabolic, estrogenic, glucocorticoid, androgenic and thermogenic activity. Representing the progestogen component of HRT during menopause, this active element of the drug Duphaston helps to enhance the beneficial effects of estrogens on the lipid composition of the blood. However, unlike estrogens, which tend to have a negative effect on blood clotting, dydrogesterone has no effect on coagulation parameters.

Duphaston for acne

The opinion that the pharmaceutical drug Duphaston helps against acne no worse than any cosmetic product is wrong.

Moreover, when taking it, on the contrary, inflamed bumps on the face may appear and the condition of the skin may significantly worsen.

"Duphaston" is based on a hormonal component, so when treating it you need to take special care and strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor to avoid unwanted effects

General information and operating principle

A medication that is usually prescribed during pregnancy, Duphaston, contains a hormone called gestagen. The medicine is prescribed in cases where the body's hormonal levels are disrupted and there is not enough progesterone.

Duphaston does not affect the blood coagulation system, carbohydrate metabolism and the functional abilities of the liver, and also does not disrupt the menstrual cycle, promotes the preservation of pregnancy and increases the chances of conception.

"Duphaston", acting as a synthetic analogue of natural progesterone, acts on the skin as follows:

  • It provokes swelling and fluid retention in the body, making it more difficult to get rid of pimples.
  • Reduces the body's protective functions. This is a side effect of gestagen.
  • It enhances the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thereby the secretion of fats, after which the skin becomes shiny, skin cavities become clogged and pimples appear.
  • Increases the number of dark pigmentation spots by influencing cells that regulate UV radiation.

"Duphaston" is a highly effective drug and copes with its functions perfectly. But the assumption that it has a positive effect on the skin is false and is not supported by any facts. The only time when it is advisable to use Duphaston for rashes is if acne on the chin, forehead and overall body appears due to progesterone deficiency.

Why does it cause pimples?

"Duphaston" and acne are interconnected, but only hormonal medicine does not treat them, but, on the contrary, contributes to their occurrence.

During the period of use of the drug, rashes may appear, since the tablets disrupt the water balance in the body.

This is due to the fact that gestagen can disrupt the balance of fluid in the body or increase the production of sweat fluid through the exocrine glands. The result of increased sweating is the accumulation of fat on the skin and clogging of the pores. As a result, all the necessary conditions for the formation of acne are created.

Healers' advice

Traditional healers recommend regularly wiping your face with a cucumber, cutting off a new piece each time, or with aloe juice. Natural ingredients will remove excess fat from the skin and tighten it a little. A mask prepared according to the following recipe will help cope with acne:

  1. Grind 1 piece into puree. raw potatoes.
  2. Add the white of 1 egg.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Apply the mixture to your face.
  5. Wait half an hour and wash off.

To eliminate unwanted effects from using the medicine, you can make a mask of kiwi and white clay.

After just a few days of using this mask, the skin will be saturated with nutrients, its appearance will improve, and pimples and blackheads will gradually begin to disappear.

To dry oily skin, it is recommended to mix yellow clay and salt 2:1, dilute with water so that the consistency of the mixture resembles sour cream, and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

Use the mask 2 times a week for 20 minutes. In the collection of folk cosmetology there are a considerable number of effective recipes for acne. All of them are easy to implement, do not require a lot of time and large financial expenditures.

You should apply cosmetics to your face only after cleansing the skin of cosmetics and various impurities.

Cosmetic products

The highly effective cosmetology product “Zinerit” is very popular in the fight against acne. It has an antimicrobial and bacteriostatic effect, and also affects the production of subcutaneous fat. The drug is used twice a day for 12 weeks. However, after 10-14 days a good result is noted.

Adverse reactions when treating endometriosis with Duphaston

Duphaston is a hormonal drug, so you should undergo a full examination before prescribing it. In particular, it is necessary to identify the presence of a progesterone-dependent tumor, because Duphaston can provoke its growth and spread.

All medications can cause side effects, so negative reactions of Duphaston in the treatment of endometriosis cannot be ruled out. Most often, patients complain of headaches, uterine bleeding, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, weakness, general malaise, changes in liver functionality, yellowness of the skin, rash, peripheral edema, anemia.

When treating endometriosis with Duphaston, its interaction with other drugs should be taken into account. In general, it is compatible with medications, but some drugs, in particular liver enzyme inducers, can increase the metabolism of Duphaston and reduce its effectiveness.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of facial skin

Chamomile and aloe vera are considered common and effective remedies. To obtain an infusion, pour half a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of dry herbs, leave for 30 minutes and filter. They treat the face twice a day and make lotions. You can prepare an alcohol infusion from calendula: pour two tablespoons of dried flowers with a quarter glass of vodka and half a glass of water. Leave the mixture in a dark place for two weeks to a month. Then an alcohol solution of boric acid (5 g) and glycerin (3 ml) are added.

An infusion of aloe vera is prepared from young leaves. They must be cut and kept in the refrigerator for 10 days. After grinding the leaves, add boiled water (proportions 1:5). After an hour, bring the mixture to a boil, then strain. This infusion helps in the fight against oily skin and exacerbated inflammation.

In the treatment of severe forms of acne and pustules, celandine is used. You can get a medicinal infusion by pouring a handful of dried herbs with two glasses of boiled water. Celandine has a strong drying effect. Therefore, it is appropriate to use it only if your skin is oily.

A potato mask will help with inflamed acne. Add a spoonful of honey to raw grated potatoes, grind into a paste and apply for twenty minutes. Also, a similar mask of cucumbers and honey will be effective.

A good tonic is green tea with lemon juice. This product is used to wipe the face as a toner. Chamomile oil and vitamin E are effective in treating acne, rubbing the inflammation with fresh cranberry juice or tincture of sage and rose petals.

Various herbal teas help in treatment

Please note that tinctures and teas can be used for no more than a month. Also, you need to join a healthy diet, eliminate all junk food and alcohol from your diet.

It is recommended to eat strictly at the same time. This way the metabolism in the body is normalized.

After acne disappears, scars often remain. To remove them, essential oils are used: lavender, rosemary, tea tree. If the oil does not give results, you can mix white clay diluted with water, a few drops of essential oil, two tablespoons of lemon juice, and leave on the skin for 25 minutes. Or apply a mixture of honey and cinnamon (1:1 proportions) for twenty minutes.

Treatment for hormonal acne

How to deal with an unpleasant phenomenon? Elimination of rashes should be carried out in a complex manner. How to treat acne due to hormonal imbalance should be decided by an endocrinologist or gynecologist. To get rid of unpleasant formations, you need to adhere to the following direction of therapy:

  • take prescribed medications;
  • restore the outer layer of skin;
  • use traditional medicine;
  • use ointments and masks;
  • follow a diet.

How to get rid of hormonal acne? Correcting hormonal imbalance in the body will not be possible quickly, since the treatment is long-term - more than a month. Medications must be taken in courses. Doctors often prescribe birth control pills; they regulate hormone production and restore the menstrual cycle. Dermatologists may recommend scrubs and ointments based on salicylic acid and zinc to cleanse the deeper layers of the skin.

Folk remedies also work very well in this case. It is not recommended to get rid of acne on your own; it is better to clean your skin in beauty salons to prevent complications. Now cosmetologists have products in their arsenal that can carry out very deep peeling, after which not a trace of acne will remain. As for nutrition, spicy, salty and sweet foods should be excluded. An excess of these products causes a disturbance in fat metabolism, which is the cause of clogged pores.

Acne due to hormones requires treatment with the following pharmaceuticals:

  • antibiotics - Minocycline, Doxycycline, Clindamycin;
  • contraceptives - Yarina, Zhanine;
  • for skin regeneration - Metronizadol;
  • antibacterial - Trichopolum;
  • hormonal cream - Curiosin.

All these drugs must be prescribed by a doctor, who also prescribes the dosage and duration of the course. Serious complications may occur if you take these medications on your own.

Methods of using Duphaston

There are certain drug treatment regimens depending on the diagnosis and predicted effect, but in any case, the dosage and course of therapy are selected on an individual basis. When treating endometriosis with Duphaston, the doctor takes into account the degree of spread of the process, the neglect of the pathology, and the patient’s health condition.

As a rule, Duphaston during the treatment of endometriosis is taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, regardless of meals. It is recommended to start therapy on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle up to 25, but sometimes doctors recommend starting treatment the day after ovulation so as not to interfere with successful conception. With a regular 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs approximately on days 12-14; the ovulatory period can be calculated by the level of basal temperature, hormone concentrations, ultrasound, or using special tests. The course of treatment is long, in most cases lasting 9 months or more. After pregnancy occurs, you should not immediately stop taking the drug; the period of its use is adjusted by your doctor.


AllergistAnesthesiologist-resuscitatorVenereologistGastroenterologistHematologistGeneticGynecologistHomeopathDermatologistPediatric gynecologistPediatric neurologistPediatric urologistPediatric surgeonPediatric endocrinologistNutrologistImmunologistInfectious disease specialistCardiologistCosmetologistSpeech therapistElorologistMammologistMedical lawyerNarcologistNeurologistNeurosurgeon NephrologistNutriciologistOncologistOncourologistOrthopedist-traumatologistOphthalmologistPediatricianPlastic surgeonProctologistPsychiatristPsychologistPulmonologistRheumatologistRadiologistSexologist-AndrologistDentistTherapistTrichologistUrologistPharmacistPhytotherapistPhlebologistSurgeonEndocrinologist

Questions and answers

Below we will look at the most popular questions asked by women on the forums regarding the relative drug Duphaston.

Can acne appear while taking Duphaston?

Yes, they can, and this is noted by many women who use the drug.

Most often, the rash occurs on the face (especially the chin) or back.

During pregnancy, when taking the drug begins almost from the first weeks, women notice the appearance of rashes at 7-8 weeks, in other cases - at 5-7 days after starting treatment.

Why do they appear?

Progestogen affects all women differently.

  • But often taking the drug causes fluid imbalance and increased secretion of fat through the sebaceous glands.
  • Accumulating on the skin, the discharge clogs the pores and pimples begin to form.

What to do to get through

There are two options - stop taking the drug, which is not always possible, or use other means to combat acne.

How to treat rashes? Folk remedies and grandma’s recipes are excellent for acne; their effectiveness is confirmed by many users of women’s forums.

For example, you can wipe your face with aloe juice or a slice of cucumber every day. This will cleanse the skin of excess oil and plaque.

Photo: rubbing your face with aloe juice will relieve inflammation

  • Another recipe is a potato-egg mask. Raw potatoes are crushed into porridge using a blender or grater, the white of one chicken egg is added to it, and the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The mask is applied for half an hour and then washed off. The effect is achieved by saturating the skin with nutrients, which accelerates the maturation and resolution of acne.
  • If ulcers appear, the medicine Zinerit helps to cope perfectly. According to reviews from one of the forum visitors, the problem completely went away after 60 days.
  • Additionally, you should cleanse your face of oily deposits; makeup removers and micellar water are suitable for this. They are used 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed.

Photo: a clay mask will cleanse the skin and dry out rashes

Many people benefit from cleansing clay masks, moisturizing tonics, and scrubs.

Will it go away after cancellation?

If the cause of the problem was the use of the drug, then after 7-30 days the rash should completely disappear.

Photo: Do ​​not stop taking the drug without consulting your doctor

Important! Do not stop taking Duphaston without first consulting your doctor, especially if you are pregnant. Stopping the entry of progestogen into the body can lead to miscarriage if the woman’s body produces insufficient progesterone

Stopping the entry of progestogen into the body can lead to miscarriage if the woman’s body produces insufficient progesterone.

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