Pimples on fingers: causes, treatment and prevention methods

The appearance of such discomfort as watery pimples on the hands can signal the presence of complex diseases. Very often, these types of rashes are accompanied by additional symptoms, which leads to the progression of the problem and the formation of eczema.

If watery formations occur, you should visit a medical specialist to identify the cause and prescribe the required treatment.

It is important to know

The presence of infectious diseases in the body can contribute to the appearance of watery formations. Ignoring this type of discomfort can lead to aggravation of the problem, and in the future it is difficult to undergo therapeutic therapy.

And most of these pimples tend to cause discomfort and be dangerous to others.

Many people make common mistakes when trying to solve their watery acne problem on their own.

The use of drugs that do not eliminate the causes of acne formation can provoke the manifestation of other unpleasant symptoms, such as allergies and swelling of the skin.

When watery pimples appear on the hands, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, because in the first stages of the development of the disease, the use of medical therapy brings quick and visible results.

Which doctor should I contact?

If watery pimples form on your hands, you should consult a dermatologist, who, after conducting the required examination, will prescribe the necessary list of examinations. If necessary, the dermatologist will redirect the patient to another specialist to solve the problem.

If acne occurs in several family members, you should seek help from an infectious disease specialist.

Treatment methods for blistering rash on hands

How to treat water blisters on hands? If we are talking about drug treatment, it depends on what caused the rash.

Some pimples do not require any intervention and quickly disappear on their own. For example, if they were caused by irritation. But if the problem does not disappear, but, on the contrary, gets worse, a completely different approach is needed.

Important! Water pimples on your fingers should never be squeezed out! A skin disease (such as herpes or fungus) can easily be confused with an allergy. Squeezing blisters can lead to the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin!

Treatment of scabies

If a bubble with liquid appears on your finger, and other symptoms of scabies appear, then this disease is treated with the help of special ointments. One of the most effective is sulfur ointment. It has a rather pungent, repulsive smell, but copes very well with scabies mites.

To combat scabies, you can also try using the following medications:

  • ointment, emulsion or lotion Benzyl benzoate,
  • aerosol Spregal,
  • cream or solution for emulsion Medifox,
  • zinc ointment.

Despite the natural composition of many scabies medications, they must be used with extreme caution. When using a specific product on your own to combat scabious watery blisters on the skin of your hands, you should definitely study the instructions that come with it.

Allergy treatment

Skin manifestations of an allergic reaction, accompanied by small blisters on the fingers that itch and peel, do not always require treatment. Often, such an unpleasant symptom goes away on its own within a few hours, or at most within a day. But if the itching causes a lot of discomfort, or the course of the allergy is noticeably worsened, you can resort to the use of oral antiallergic drugs:

  • Suprastina,
  • Loratadine,
  • Niksara,
  • Eden,
  • Fencarola,
  • Erideza, etc.

In addition to tablets and syrups, ointments are also used for allergies. However, remember that they can be hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormonal antiallergic ointments are used for deep damage to the underlying layers of the dermis. But since we are talking about the occurrence of water blisters on the fingers, non-hormonal preparations should be used for cutaneous application:

  • Fenistil,
  • Miramistin,
  • Celederm,
  • Afloderm,
  • Loriden A,
  • Belosalik, etc.

Important! Many of the above drugs are prohibited for use by children and pregnant women. If allergic rashes in the form of blisters occur on the palms of a child or expectant mother, the only correct solution is to consult a doctor.

Treatment of herpes

In the treatment of herpetic vesicular rash, an integrated approach is of great importance. This is especially true in cases where blisters on the fingers appeared due to the activity of Varicella-Zoster (herpes virus type 3, which causes the development of shingles and chickenpox). In this case, it is important not only to use ointments for external use, but also to take antiviral tablets.

Reasons for appearance

Watery acne can occur for various reasons, which can arise as a result of external and internal factors.

Most often, discomfort occurs for the following reasons:

  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cold symptoms;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • burns;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • nervous breakdowns.

Acne can occur as a result of disruptions in the immune system and a decrease in the body's defenses against various types of viruses.


The appearance of watery acne on the hands most often occurs as a result of a reaction to irritants.

The allergy manifests itself as flesh-colored pimples, which can be internal or look like small papules with clear liquid inside.

In the area where acne is located, itching and swelling of the skin is felt. The causes of a rash can be absolutely any food and external factors.

To eliminate the disease, the cause of the allergy must be determined and eliminated.

The following types of medications can be used to treat allergies:

  • Suprastin - allows you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of itching and swelling. Eliminates allergens and prevents their reoccurrence. Price 60 rubles .
  • Fenistil is a herbal-based drug that can be used for children over 1 month of age. The therapeutic effect is achieved after a few days. Price 230 rubles .
  • Zyrtec is a substance that eliminates allergens; one application is enough to maintain the result throughout the day. Applicable for all ages. Price 200 rubles .
  • Psilo - balm - the gel form of the substance helps eliminate the inflammatory process and swelling of the skin. Reduces further development of allergens in the body. Price 280 rubles .

Suprastin Fenistil Zirtek Psilo-balm
The occurrence of allergies can very often contribute to the appearance of a crust, which becomes inflamed and can secrete a specific liquid. Most often, to eliminate allergies, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Causes of blistering rashes on hands

The reasons why water pimples appear on the fingers can be pathological and non-pathological. Let's look at the most common options.

Allergic reaction

Allergies, accompanied by the appearance of watery blisters on the fingers, can manifest themselves in different forms. But the most common type is contact dermatitis.

This is a pathological process that occurs against the background of contact of the skin of the hands with powerful allergens: household chemicals, low-quality cosmetic products, medications, etc. Blistering rashes with contact dermatitis cause severe itching and can merge into large blisters. As a rule, they affect the fingers, but sometimes they can spread throughout the hand.

Watery pimples on the hands that appear as a result of contact dermatitis may burst. In this case, a thin flaky crust will form on their surface. The itching will become a little less, but will completely disappear only after a few days. In the place where the blisters were previously located, red spots form, which also disappear over time.


One of the first symptoms of the development of a disease such as eczema is the formation of watery pimples on the hands.

Once the disease begins to progress, acne can move to other areas of the body.

The disease can manifest itself as a result of poor nutrition, malfunction of the immune system, or stressful situations. Pimples are most often small, flesh-colored, and intensely itchy.

To treat eczema, the following medications must be used:

  • Enterosgel is a substance prescribed to remove harmful compounds and toxins from the human body. The drug is produced in the form of a gel. Price 45 rubles for one dosed sachet.
  • Advantan - cream is used to relieve inflammation and unpleasant symptoms. The drugs contain a hormone, so it is not recommended to use the product for long-term treatment. Price 150 rubles .
  • Bepanten - used to restore damaged skin cells and eliminate symptoms of the disease. Suitable for all types of eczema. Price 450 rubles .
  • Gentamicin ointment is used to eliminate bacteria that cause blisters on the hands. The price of the drug is 50 rubles .

Enterosgel Advantan Bepanten Gentamicin ointment
Depending on the intensity of acne on the hands, additional types of drugs, such as antihistamines and vitamin complexes, can be used. To achieve quick treatment results, it is recommended to avoid scratching the blisters.

Infectious diseases

Discomfort appears in the hand area, perhaps as a result of an infectious infection of the body.

Chicken pox

Blisters can appear on absolutely any part of the body. The formations are medium in size and most often flesh-colored with clear liquid.

Blisters become damaged when they come into contact with hard objects and form small wounds.

Chickenpox treatment:

  • Zelenka - used for antibacterial effects on education. Zelenka dries and reduces the further spread of acne on the skin. Price 30 rubles .
  • Acyclovir belongs to the group of antiviral drugs. Allows you to quickly fight the virus and speed up the healing process of damage. Price 240 rubles .

Acyclovir Zelenka
Chickenpox is a contagious disease and is transmitted by airborne droplets. Blisters on the body must not be damaged. This can lead to a more complex course of the infectious disease.


An infectious disease that provokes the appearance of watery pimples on the hands.

Pimples are most often small in size and pink in color.

Most often, rubella does not cause unpleasant feelings of itching and burning.

Must be used:

  • Vitamin complexes - allow you to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and increase the protective properties of the immune system to independently fight the virus.
  • Viferon - can be used in the form of suppositories or tablets. Allows you to reduce the progression of the virus and speed up recovery. Price 250 rubles .

Vitamin complexes Viferon
Rubella has the ability to cause high fever, loss of appetite, weakness in the body. The disease can occur in a person once, and then a special protective immunity is developed.


The appearance of a rash throughout the body and mucous membranes.

The disease manifests itself in the form of a rash with purulent contents. The formations are quickly damaged and form wounds.

In the arm area, a rash most often appears on the third day.


  • Loratadine - used to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of itching and swelling. Eliminates lacrimation and cough. Cost 130 rubles ;
  • Ambroxol - used to relieve cough. Can be used in the form of syrup or tablets. Price 90 rubles ;
  • Ibuprofen - used if the illness is accompanied by high fever. Price 90 rubles ;
  • Vitamin complexes - increases the body's resistance to viruses.

Loratadine Ambroxol Ibuprofen
Infectious diseases are most often accompanied by high fever, so treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the person and is prescribed by a specialist.

Causes of growth on the finger joint

The lump mainly forms on the middle, thumb and ring fingers. Treatment for a growth on the phalanx depends on the cause of its appearance. Bumps on the fingers can form due to joint diseases, infections, tumors and other reasons.

Joint diseases


Osteoarthritis of the fingers is a degenerative inflammatory disease of the joints. A lump on the thumb can often be a symptom of arthrosis. The formation of a lump on the bend, at the base of the thumb on the hand, is also called rhizarthrosis. This occurs due to the high mobility of the finger. It begins with minor pain during normal household activities. Gradually, the joint becomes deformed, movement causes discomfort, and bumps grow on the joint of the thumb.

Polyarthrosis is characterized by the appearance of lumps on several joints. The fingers become deformed, the bumps cause discomfort and pain.


Arthritis of the fingers is a chronic disease associated with wear and tear of the articular cartilage. Normally, cartilage is smooth, glides easily and does not cause movement difficulties. As they wear out, pain may occur. Bumps on the joints can be caused by this disease.

Older people are at risk. The older a person gets, the more worn out tissues and organs are, including joints. There are several types of arthritis, classified according to the cause that causes it:

  • rheumatoid arthritis - characterized by damage to connective and cartilaginous tissues;
  • infectious – occurs when viruses and bacteria enter the body. They can enter the body through an open wound, during surgery or unsterile injections;
  • gouty - characterized by a violation of the body's metabolic processes and the accumulation of uric acid in the blood. The cause of this disease may be poor kidney function, in which they are unable to process and remove uric acid.

Orthopedic surgeon Timur Vyacheslavovich Kholikov comments:
In cases where the cause of the formation is related to joint diseases, people who are aged or who expose their hands to excessive stress are at risk.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases can also cause the formation of bumps on the fingers. Mostly, infections underlie other diseases, such as arthritis, but can also be an independent factor. Infections affect the entire body as a whole and can cause destruction of connective or cartilage tissue. Infectious diseases occur in people of any age and gender.

Infections enter the body through open wounds due to the use of unsterile syringes and during surgery.

Other reasons

Other reasons for the formation of bumps on the fingers include:

1) Work associated with monotonous stress on the joints is a common cause of deformation of the fingers and the formation of growths on them.

2) Benign tumors.

  • Hygroma. Nodes on the fingers can be the result of benign tumors, such as hygroma. Hygroma is a bubble with a gel-like liquid. The disease is not difficult to diagnose and is treatable. The bubble is easily palpable, it is elastic and not painful. Sometimes, hygroma goes away on its own and appears again. It is not recommended to puncture the blisters, since after this the hygroma will return with a 90% probability. It's better to see a doctor. Removing hygroma forever will not be difficult for a specialist.
  • Warts. A tumor on the fingers is often caused by a papilloma virus, is painless, and operable.
  • Fibroma. An extremely rare type of neoplasm. A characteristic symptom is acute pain caused by compression of nerve endings.

3) Malignant tumors.

  • Malignant tumors include cancerous tissue lesions with damage and the formation of metastases. Known types of diseases include skin cancer or sarcoma.

4) Growths on the bones of the middle fingers, often formed in people who have to write a lot. For example, teachers or doctors. The lump appears from the pressure of a pen on the joint of a finger. In this case, no treatment is required. If a lump on a finger grows and causes discomfort, it can, of course, be removed. You can get rid of it by starting to use a pen with a soft nozzle. It is better to write while holding the pen with your fingertips. The callus will go away on its own if you no longer need to write a lot.


The formation of watery pimples in the arm area may be the first symptoms of scabies.

The disease spreads very quickly to healthy areas and tends to infect others after contact.

Most often a rash appears between the fingers; the formations are small in size with a cloudy liquid. Between the pimples you can notice the passages that the parasite leaves behind.

Most often, unpleasant symptoms increase at night and after contact with water.


  • Sulfur ointment - used to eliminate parasites that destroy the integrity of the epidermis. Cost 60 rubles ;
  • Benzyl benzoate - a solution for external application has an antibacterial effect and blocks the development of subcutaneous mites. Cost 90 rubles ;
  • Spregal - eliminates ticks and prevents their re-formation. Cost 340 rubles .

Sulfur ointment Benzyl benzoate Spregal
To eliminate watery acne, it is necessary to apply systematic treatment and personal hygiene. The disease is contagious, so quarantine is recommended during the treatment period.

Fungal infections

The occurrence of fungal infections on the hands most often occurs after contact with an infected person or lack of necessary personal hygiene measures.

Pimples appear in the form of small formations with clear liquid inside, most often localized on the skin between the fingers, wrist and on the inside of the fingers.

Such acne is accompanied by a feeling of itching and provokes peeling of the skin.


  • Nizoral is a drug that quickly eliminates fungus in the hand area and protects the skin from the re-formation of watery pimples. Price 250 rubles .
  • Candide cream is used to eliminate acne caused by fungal infections. Active substances eliminate further development of fungi and restore damaged skin. Price 230 rubles .
  • Exoderil - a substance aimed at blocking the development of cells of pathogenic fungi and eliminating the inflammatory process, which very often manifests itself in this type of disease. Price 300 rubles .

Nizoral Candide Exoderil
Fungal infections lead to acne scratching and the appearance of cracks and wounds on the skin. The disease is transmitted to others and, in the absence of the necessary treatment, quickly progresses, turning into more complex forms.

Hormonal disorders

With hormonal disorders in the body, a person may observe the formation of dense pimples, which are flesh-colored and contain clear liquid.

Only a specialist can correctly determine the type of hormonal imbalance after an examination. Acne can appear on other parts of the body and contain impurities of pus.


  • Airol - used to treat acne caused by hormonal imbalance in the body. Quickly eliminates inflammation and swelling of the skin. Price 400 rubles .
  • Retinoic ointment prevents further development of acne. Apply a thin layer directly to the problem area. Price 300 rubles .

Airol Retinoic ointment
Medicines to treat the problem are most often selected according to the type of hormonal disorder.

Diseases of internal organs

Very often, the causes of watery acne on the hands are malfunctions of the internal organs.

These diseases include:

  • liver diseases;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • disruptions in the metabolic process;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • lack of vitamins in the body.

Very often, watery pimples can form on the hands due to the large amount of toxic compounds and slag deposits in the body.

Can water pimples on hands be a sign of acne?

Acne manifests itself in the form of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts, but not water pimples on the hands. Patients cannot always independently determine the type of rash, much less try to diagnose themselves. See a dermatologist. The specialist will conduct an examination and additional tests (if necessary).

There are situations when eczema and acne occur in one person: vesicles, watery pimples on the hands, and blackheads and papules on the face, that is, two different diseases are combined. In this situation, the doctor will prescribe different treatments for different types of rash. To treat acne, a dermatologist may prescribe azelaic acid9.

Azelik® is a 15% azelaic acid gel, it is used for mild to moderate acne5. The drug has the following properties5:

  • shows activity against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis.;
  • helps relieve inflammation by reducing the metabolism of neutrophil granulocytes and their synthesis of free radical forms of oxygen;
  • helps reduce free fatty acid levels;
  • contributes to the normalization of keratinization processes.

Azelik® must be used twice a day – morning and evening5.

Other diseases

Watery acne on the hands can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Miliaria – most often the cause of this defect may be the lack of normal functioning of the sweat glands. Externally, acne resembles small blisters with clear liquid. Most often they are located in large numbers. It can manifest itself in absolutely any area in which there is a large accumulation of sweat glands.
  2. Nutrition – poor nutrition can provoke disruptions in the body, resulting in acne appearing in the arm area. Most often, small blisters appear on the fingers and on the inside of the palm. To eliminate formations, it is recommended to conduct an examination of the digestive tract and review the diet.
  3. Lack of necessary hygiene - especially after visiting the street.
  4. Dysbacteriosis - disruption of the digestive system can reduce the immune system and provoke the appearance of various diseases.
  5. Worms - one of the first symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body, especially in childhood, is the appearance of watery pimples on the extremities. Most often, such formations appear in small quantities and can disappear on their own.
  6. Stress – prolonged stressful situations can cause small rashes in the form of blisters to form on the skin of the hands. Such formations have symptoms of itching and are most often red in color.

Environmental factors can also cause the formation of watery pimples on the hands. For example, from prolonged exposure to the sun or cold, small blisters with transparent contents form on the hands. Such formations disappear on their own after a short period of time.

The nature of blistering rashes on the fingers and palms

Before asking yourself the question of treating a blistering rash on your hands, you need to carefully examine the pimples and accurately determine their nature. The fact is that blisters and vesicles are different things, and the reasons for their appearance on the skin are also different.

So, blisters are shapeless formations containing water. They can have different sizes and localization, but their formation does not always indicate a pathological process.

Pimples on the fingers, which have clear outlines and can merge with each other, forming one large bubble, are called vesicles. They often become the main symptoms of skin diseases.

Inside such bubbles there is a liquid, which often contains the causative agent of the pathological process. Of course, if we are not talking about a specific allergic reaction.

Having found out the nature of the blisters on the skin with liquid on the hands, you can proceed directly to studying the reasons for their appearance.

Chemical burn

Very often, improper use of household chemicals causes burns on the body. Using products containing alkalis and acids without gloves creates red pimples with aqueous content on the skin.

Such burns usually have unpleasant symptoms and require special treatment:

  • Levomikol - has an antibacterial effect, reduces the likelihood of complications. The ointment has the ability to restore damaged areas and promotes rapid healing. Price 60 rubles .
  • Rescuer - gel has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The product effectively protects the skin and soothes the burnt surface. Price 120 rubles .
  • Panthenol - a product used to regenerate damaged areas of the skin. Active components restore damaged cells and relieve irritation and unpleasant symptoms. Price from 60 rubles .
  • Povidone - used for a large number of lesions caused by chemical burns. The product in the form of a solution must be applied directly to acne. The presence of iodine in the composition helps prevent inflammation and infection. Price 180 rubles .

Levomekol Rescuer Panthenol Povidone
If the skin is damaged by chemicals, it is necessary to rinse the affected area with warm water to remove any remaining product, and only then apply the drug.

If a chemical burn was caused by products containing acids, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital.

Possible complications

If you have red pimples, you should not sunbathe. Under the sun's rays they first disappear, but after the tan fades they reappear. If the pimples are watery, the risk of their accidental opening and infection and suppuration increases.

The process can spread throughout the body and cause a serious, life-threatening condition. With severe itching, wounds appear that can become infected.

The appearance of small pimples on the fingers is usually a sign of disease. To cope with rashes, you need to eliminate the cause of their appearance. If this is not done on time, serious consequences may occur. Some of them significantly reduce the quality of life.

Watery pimples on a child's hands

Children's skin and body are much more sensitive than adults, so watery pimples on the hands can occur for various reasons.

The most common are the following:

  • allergy;
  • eczema;
  • Diaper rash most often occurs in children under one year of age when using excessively warm clothing;
  • streptoderma - occurs most often after contact with dust;
  • chickenpox;

  • dyshidrosis – the disease begins to develop on the palms and gradually spreads over the entire area of ​​the hands;
  • vesiculopustulosis - the disease occurs as a result of infection with staphylococcus;
  • rubella;
  • worms;
  • lichen;
  • hives;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • fungal skin infections.

Watery pimples can occur in varying intensity depending on the individual characteristics of the child. Very often, such small blisters can appear as a result of lack of necessary hygiene.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

Lack of necessary care and hygiene rules contributes to the appearance of various skin defects. The skin loses its protective properties, which causes the appearance of both skin and internal diseases.

The following good hygiene practices must be observed:

  • wash your hands with antibacterial soap to prevent skin diseases and infections;

  • food processing;
  • if a wound or damage to the skin occurs, antibacterial agents should be used;
  • wear things according to weather conditions;
  • do not use other people's personal hygiene products;
  • After bathing, dry the skin with a soft towel;
  • keep your clothes clean.

Watery pimples, which occur due to poor personal hygiene, are especially common in childhood. Therefore, parents should regularly check compliance with simple rules to prevent infection with complex types of disease.

What could be the reasons?

Acne can manifest itself in a variety of ways. They can be single or located in groups, expressing primary or additional characteristics. In some cases, the area of ​​spread may cover the entire hand. Any type of inflammation has certain causes. Next, the most common cases will be discussed in more detail.

If a sudden cold snap occurs, the body does not have time to adapt to it. The skin gets burned. As a result, acne may appear on the hands. A sharp increase in temperature has exactly the same effect on the skin. In this case, a burn also occurs, which subsequently goes away. When pimples remain on your hands for a long time.

When metabolic disorders occur, waste products begin to accumulate in the body. They can provoke the occurrence of serious illnesses. The body in this state has difficulty removing them and tries to do this through the skin. This can cause inflammation throughout almost the entire body.

A common occurrence with slagging is a large number of small purulent pimples on the hands and in other places. In this case, in order to determine the course of treatment, you need to contact a dermatologist, who will make a diagnosis and find the true cause of the disease.

Allergic reaction

In this case, inflammation causes itching and redness of the skin. Sometimes you can observe its peeling and the appearance of white bubbles. The intensity of the reactions depends on the strength of the allergen. Inflammation may additionally be accompanied by severe swelling, tears, coughing or sneezing. The immediate reasons may be the following:

  1. Sometimes this is a reaction to the presence of certain products on the menu. For example, this could apply to milk, nuts or fish. In other situations, the problem arises from eating too much of a certain type of food. Sometimes the cause is eating chocolate.
  2. A common allergen is pet hair or dust entering the respiratory tract.
  3. Clear pimples on the hands can occur due to the use of certain medications, household chemicals, cosmetics or jewelry. For example, if a woman wears a bracelet, in some cases it can cause an allergic reaction to the hands in the form of inflammation.

In the event that an allergy has led to the formation of acne, there is a possibility of recovery. If the allergen that caused it is removed, then after a short period of time the skin condition will become normal.

The influence of hormones and hereditary causes

In the human body, hormones regulate various processes. If their balance is disturbed, this can lead to serious health problems. There are periods in human life when the balance of hormones is disrupted due to natural reasons: pregnancy in women or adolescence. At this time, there is an increased likelihood of acne formation on the hands.

Usually their occurrence is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands begin to produce sebum more intensively. It mixes with keratinized pieces of skin or dirt and causes the formation of purulent inflammations.

To prevent and treat such disorders, you need to keep your skin clean and use a healthy diet. Special medications can help - hormonal ointments for acne on the wrists. However, it will be more effective to take preventive measures to prevent hormonal disorders.

Some pathologies can be transmitted along with genes to subsequent generations. Among them are the following:

  • Darier's disease;
  • psoriasis, leading to the formation of spots on the skin;
  • excessive rate of sebum secretion.

Such health problems are a constant cause for the formation of acne on the hands. A lot of them form on the arms, chest, back and shoulders. The hereditary nature of such diseases makes the fight ineffective.

Impact of pathogens

Sometimes acne on the hands occurs due to infectious diseases. This can happen, for example, due to measles, rubella or chickenpox. The consequences are not limited to red skin inflammation. It is necessary to treat the diseases that caused them.

Weakness, chills, fever, or other symptoms may occur. Treatment of purulent blisters occurs by fighting the disease that caused them. At the same time, measures must be taken to reduce the manifestation of painful symptoms.

Sometimes fungal diseases become the source of the problems under consideration.

In this case, dry fungal spores spread and some of them can get into the wound. In this case, many suppurations appear not only on the hands, but also on other parts of the body. A distinctive feature of acne of this kind is the local location of ulcers and spots. Their location depends on how exactly the infection occurred.

Acute viral diseases

There are dangerous diseases that affect the palms, hands and fingers. Here are the most common and dangerous of them. Treatment of viral diseases occurs with significant difficulties.

The causative agent of streptoderma is the streptococcus virus. It usually enters the body through a break in the skin. With this disease, the pimples are transparent - the internal cavity contains a cloudy liquid. They are very itchy on the inside and outside. When sick, the patient feels weak.

Streptoderma is a highly contagious disease. It affects women and men. The degree of impact depends on the state of immunity. When it weakens, the effect of the disease can spread to the joints and cardiovascular system. Inflammations can be on the palms or between the fingers.

Neurodermatitis is a chronic disease.

This disease cannot be completely cured.

It can have different types, which differ in the location where the skin is affected. Inflammations can occur on the left or right hand and in other places.

Other Possible Causes

Factors influencing the formation of acne, which arose due to serious health problems, were previously mentioned. There are also other types of such reasons. Sometimes when a cut occurs, an infection gets into the wound and suppuration occurs. In this case, effective treatment is possible. If the pus does not come out, then you can proceed as follows.

This situation often occurs in young children who are very active and often get their hands dirty. Even with minor damage to the skin, pimples can form. This can be avoided if you keep your baby’s hands clean and teach him to use water procedures.

Among adolescents, the situation is complicated by a hormonal predisposition to the formation of inflammation that itches. At this time, active sebum secretion occurs.

In order to take preventive measures against suppurations that hurt at this age, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of your hands and provide a healthy diet for the boy or girl.

In adulthood, in a large number of cases, stress comes first. They can not only be of an emotional nature, but also in situations where a person experiences hunger, physical stress, overexertion or other similar conditions. Another common cause is demodicosis.

What does itching mean?

Watery formations on the hands in small quantities, which do not cause unpleasant symptoms, most often tend to disappear on their own.

However, if acne is accompanied by itchy feelings, it may be due to the following reasons:

  • acne is a symptom of infectious diseases;
  • the affected area is infected;
  • harmful microorganisms multiply inside the formations;
  • formations are caused by an allergic reaction;
  • the skin at the site of acne formation becomes damaged and peels, which leads to itching.

The presence of itching may indicate progression of the disease. Very often, such symptoms provoke the appearance of wounds and infection of healthy areas of the body through hand contact with the damaged area while scratching.

Immediate consultation with a doctor

In some cases, watery pimples appear in small numbers and go away on their own, without causing any symptoms of discomfort to the person.

However, some cases require urgent medical attention:

  • formations increase at a high rate;
  • the person experiences severe symptoms of itching;
  • Several family members have developed acne;
  • pimples contain admixtures of pus and blood;
  • acne appeared as a result of blockage of the glands;
  • the cause of acne is contact molluscum;
  • Swelling and inflammation are observed at the site of acne;
  • formations are quickly damaged and contribute to the appearance of wounds.

Experts recommend visiting a medical facility if any symptoms that are not specific to the normal functioning of the body appear. Especially if such symptoms are accompanied by high fever and itching.

Which doctor should I contact with my child?

If acne develops in childhood, you should first see a pediatrician. After conducting an external examination and prescribing the necessary type of diagnosis, the pediatrician will write a referral to a dermatologist or other specialist, depending on the problem.


The primary diagnosis is carried out by a therapist. Then he refers the patient to a dermatologist. It determines the type of acne and the complexity of the disease. Sometimes a consultation with a gastroenterologist may be required if the cause of the rash lies in a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Acne often appears due to hormonal imbalance. Then you will need to consult an endocrinologist; in case of malfunctions in the female reproductive system, a gynecologist.

Without laboratory tests, it is impossible to determine the cause of the appearance of small pimples on the fingers.

Therefore, tests are mandatory:

  • the patient is tested for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • general blood analysis;
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is determined;
  • analysis for CSR;
  • blood is donated for biochemistry;
  • An analysis is done to determine the level of zinc and vitamin D;
  • blood is tested for antibodies to the pathogen Helicobacter pylori;
  • a bacteriological scraping is taken to identify the type of pathogen;
  • to exclude anemia, a ferritin test is done;
  • The patient is tested for food intolerances.

Since acne can cause endocrine disruption, the thyroid gland is checked. An ultrasound and tests for the level of certain hormones may be prescribed (the concentration of testosterone, cortisol, estradiol must be checked).

The cost of the examination can vary greatly, depending on the specified diagnostic points. The most expensive thing will be checking your hormone levels. Some tests cost 2,000 rubles.

Treatment with traditional methods

Traditional treatment methods can reduce unpleasant symptoms and speed up the treatment process for watery acne.

The following methods are used to eliminate discomfort:

  1. Oak bark lotions – this type of product contains tannins, which helps reduce the further development of the problem and eliminate harmful microorganisms in the layers of the skin. To prepare, pour a spoonful of the dry ingredient into a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 20 minutes. Using a cotton pad, wipe the damaged area several times a day.

  2. Aloe juice - allows you to reduce the development of harmful microorganisms and improve the regeneration of the damaged area. To use, chop the aloe leaf and add a glass of warm water. Leave for two hours, then strain. Use the resulting liquid to wipe acne. Store the product in the refrigerator.
  3. A decoction of string - the action of the herb has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Prepare a strong herbal decoction and wipe the acne area. If necessary, can be used as hand baths or added to water while bathing.
  4. Tincture of calendula – It is necessary to wipe acne with calendula tincture twice a day. Duration of treatment until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. The product eliminates bacteria and accelerates the healing process of damage.

  5. Oat decoction - helps reduce the feeling of itching and swelling. Pour two cups of boiling water over a tablespoon of oats and cook for 15 minutes. Strain and cool the liquid. Carry out baths for 10 minutes daily until the problem disappears completely.
  6. Chamomile infusion has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties for the skin. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of the plant’s flowers into a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Wipe your hands with the resulting decoction three times a day. The decoction can also be added to the water while bathing.
  7. Soda lotions - it is recommended to use soda to eliminate itching and inflammation. Baking soda also has the property of reducing inflammation and eliminating the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water. Wipe with the solution twice a day.

When choosing a traditional treatment method, it is necessary to first conduct a test for individual sensitivity to the constituent components. To achieve visible results, it is necessary to observe regular use and combine it with the use of medications.

In cases where the causes of discomfort are diseases of the internal organs, first of all, the causes should be eliminated by undergoing special treatment; the use of products to eliminate acne will not contribute to the desired result.

Treatment methods

The treatment method depends on the cause of the rash. In case of allergies, it is enough to exclude the provoking factor. If it is household chemicals, wear gloves on your hands to avoid touching your skin. When cosmetic products become the cause, they stop using them or exchange them for other products. If the allergy is caused by foods, it is enough to remove them from the menu.

In other cases, drug treatment is required. Sometimes hard lumps have to be surgically removed (if they start to grow). Folk remedies are used as additional treatment.


Oral and external medications may be prescribed. For example, Suprastin (140-230 rubles), Loratadine (30-70 rubles) help well with allergies.

Advantages of external preparations:

  • act quickly and efficiently;
  • the risk of new rashes is significantly reduced;
  • many ointments can be used to treat children;
  • low cost;
  • do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce the risk of peeling;
  • simultaneously restores the skin.

There are several types of rashes and each has its own therapy.

Type of acne Therapeutic regimen
SubcutaneousVitamin preparations with groups “E” and “A” are prescribed. Antibiotics are taken for a course of no more than 14 days. If treatment needs to be continued, the drug is changed to another. Additionally, external products are applied to the hands - creams, gels, sprays. Iodine is applied to pimples without affecting healthy skin. For treatment, “Ichthyol ointment” is used (30-100 rubles). With regular application, pimples disappear within a few days.
RedsThey are accompanied by swelling, pain, and inflammation. Drying agents are used for treatment. For example, “salicylic acid” (30-70 rubles).
DryThey may remain after other pimples have been removed. Dry ones are dead cells. They can be removed with cosmetics based on honey and linseed oil.
Purulent, wateryYou cannot open such pimples on your own. Especially if they contain pus. To alleviate the condition, Ichthyol ointment is applied to the affected areas several times a day.

Ointments “Clotrimazole” (40-280 rubles), “Mikospor” (500-1000 rubles), “Terbinafine” (80-110 rubles), “Exoderil” (450-600 rubles) help suppress pathogenic microorganisms and prevent their spread. .).

The following groups of drugs can be used for treatment:

  1. Sedatives (infusion of valerian (20-80 rub.), “Afobazol” (350-420 rub.), “Novopassit” (100-200 rub.)). Calm the nervous system, relieve stress, and prevent it.

  2. Antihistamines (“Claritin” (150-550 rubles), “Zyrtec” (100-120 rubles), “Erius” (320-620 rubles)).
  3. Anti-inflammatory and eliminating itching (“Ichthyol” and “Salicylic” ointments, boric acid (10-20 rubles)). Or the skin is treated with “Resorcinol” (50-80 rubles), “Dimexide” (60-180 rubles), “Celestoderm” (220-530 rubles).
  4. Systemic retinoids (“Roaccutane” (1600-3000 rubles), “Isotretinoin” (960 rubles), “Acnecutane” (1600-2600 rubles)). These are vitamin A derivatives that reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, which prevents pores from clogging. However, these drugs are prescribed in extreme cases and cannot be used for self-medication without consulting a doctor.
  5. Probiotics (“Linex” (340-770 rub.), “Maxilak” (460-650 rub.), “Bifiform” (450-710 rub.)). Restore intestinal microflora. Prevents the formation of acne.
  6. Adsorbent (activated carbon (5-40 rub.), “Polysorb” (60-490 rub.), “Enterosgel” (430-530 rub.)). Helps remove toxic substances.
  7. Diuretics. They help remove toxins that cause pimples to appear on the body. The most inexpensive and accessible diuretics include Veroshpiron, Furosemide, Indapamide (their cost varies from 70 to 250 rubles).

External hormonal ointments are also used. Lubricate your hands with Vaseline several times a day. Antiseptic bandages are applied to the affected surfaces.

Treatment depending on the cause of the rash:

  1. For minor rashes caused by scabies mites, use Permethrin (130-180 rubles), Ivermectin (190-260 rubles), Benzyl benzoate (20-150 rubles) or sulfur or zinc ointment.
  2. Weeping rashes are dried with brilliant green (50-80 rubles), a weak solution of manganese, “Fukartsin” (16-40 rubles).
  3. Scabies is treated with Benzyl benzoate lotion or ointment, Spregal aerosol (from 800 rubles), Medifox solution or cream (from 140 rubles). Additionally, zinc ointment is used.
  4. For herpes, use “Acyclovir” (20-410 rubles), “Zovirax” (160-540 rubles). The tablets are taken after meals 2-3 times a day, the ointment is applied to the affected areas 5 times. Duration of treatment is a week.

For infectious diseases, antibiotics are necessarily prescribed. The drug is selected depending on the pathogen. For fungal infections, ointments are prescribed: “Candide” (70-480 rubles), “Exoderil” (460-1500 rubles), “Nizoral” (630-960 rubles).

If antibiotics are indicated, they are not used for more than two weeks. If it is necessary to prolong treatment, the drug is changed to another. Otherwise, pathogenic pathogens get used to the primary remedy and stop responding to it.

Traditional methods

Small pimples on the fingers are sometimes treated with lemon juice. It is squeezed out of one fruit and mixed with 400 ml of boiling water. Then the liquid is applied to the affected areas. Aloe juice is used to dry out red pimples. Cut the sheet in half and apply it to the damaged areas.

Other recipes:

  1. Calendula tincture reduces skin irritation, swelling, and disinfects.

  2. The affected areas are lubricated with fresh cabbage juice.
  3. Make a lotion on the sore spot from oatmeal crushed into a paste.
  4. Inflammation is well relieved with a mixture of chamomile, calendula, celandine, and string. Take 2 tbsp. l. mixture and add 500 ml of hot water. Boil for 2-3 minutes, then cool, filter and wipe the product on the affected areas several times a day.
  5. Treat the skin with birch decoction or viburnum juice three times a day.
  6. Fresh potato juice helps relieve itching. You can apply the root vegetable, grated into a paste, to the affected areas.
  7. You can treat pimples with chopped fresh parsley. Its juice is used to wipe problem areas twice a day.
  8. A cold compress with tea tree or camphor or menthol oils helps to cope with itching.

To remove dry acne, you can use calendula or chamomile baths, or lubricate the affected areas with olive oil. It additionally nourishes the skin, preventing the appearance of new rashes. Before applying the oil, it must be heated in a water bath. After the procedure, put on gloves for half an hour.

Baths for hands and feet can be made not only with sea salt, but also with herbal decoctions, potassium permanganate, essential oils of pine and eucalyptus. They are added to warm water. Then immerse your hands or feet there for 15 minutes. The procedure is performed 2 times daily. This helps cope with inflammation and disinfects the skin.

Other methods

When treating subcutaneous acne, take baths with sea salt. This reduces the number of rashes and prevents new ones from appearing. During treatment, it is important to avoid stress and lack of sleep. Proper nutrition is required.


  • allergenic products;
  • chocolate;
  • honey;
  • nuts;
  • strawberries;
  • eggs;
  • citrus;
  • seafood;
  • exotic fruits.

The listed products most often cause allergic reactions.

The diet includes:

  • food with vegetable oils;
  • lean fish and meat;
  • dairy products;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • cereal porridge;
  • poultry meat.

If purulent, watery pimples appear on your arms, legs, or throughout your body, you should not open them yourself. Treatment is carried out surgically under the supervision of doctors, with frequent dressings.


Food products can negatively affect the condition of the skin in the hand area, so it is recommended to give preference to a healthy diet during the treatment period.

Recommended Products:Prohibited foods:
  • lean beef;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken;
  • fish;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • greenery;
  • peas;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • beet.
  • sweets;
  • citruses;
  • apricots;
  • spices;
  • conservation;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • tomatoes;
  • corn;
  • coffee;
  • sauces.

Among drinks, it is recommended to give preference to green tea, which effectively removes toxins from the body, as well as pure still water.

Proper nutrition must be maintained throughout treatment. Frequent consumption of prohibited foods can provoke the re-formation of acne.


To avoid cases of unpleasant discomfort caused by the appearance of watery pimples, it is recommended to take the following precautions:

  • Observe the required rest period. A tired body is most often susceptible to various diseases, including on the skin of the hands.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Regulate your daily diet. Avoid large amounts of junk food, saturate your body with healthy vitamins.
  • When contacting chemicals, use protective gloves.
  • In summer, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Wear things according to the weather.
  • Do not contact people with infectious diseases.
  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • Get all necessary vaccinations in a timely manner.

Following simple hygiene rules can reduce the risk of watery acne. However, in cases of infection, it is necessary not to use independent treatment, but to seek advice from specialists.

Causes of rashes

So, the most common causes of rashes on the hands are:

  • allergy,
  • parasitic dermatological diseases,
  • infectious diseases,
  • fungal pathologies,
  • metabolic disorder,
  • genetically determined disorders
  • change in hormonal profile,
  • nervous disorders,
  • external factors.

Let's take a closer look at all of the above reasons why your fingers itch and pimples appear.

Allergic reaction

Each of us has encountered allergies. Neither age nor gender have any effect on the likelihood of developing such a reaction of the body to various stimuli. Small pimples on the fingers may just indicate the manifestation of such a response to food, taking medications, contact with the juice of certain plants or animal hair (including domestic ones).

Most often, such rashes indicate urticaria. In parallel with them, pockets of redness and itching appear, which begin to peel off after a few days.

Parasitic dermatological pathologies

Pimples on the palms and fingers may well indicate the development of one or another infectious or parasitic disease of a dermatological nature. In particular:

  1. Demodectic mange. The disease is caused by the demodex mite. It is characterized by the appearance of pimples on the fingers, as well as between them. Despite the fact that most often the pathology affects the face, lesions can also occur on the upper and lower extremities.
  2. Scabies. Another parasitic cause of the formation of small pimples on the fingers. The pathology is caused by the scabies mite, which makes “moves” in the thickness of the skin, making its way deep into them. Due to the release of waste products of the parasite, skin irritation occurs, itching and burning occurs. A person notices the formation of pimples on the fingers, which itch and appear to be filled with clear liquid.
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